A Deer in Headlights - NeonCandies - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)

Chapter 1: Hunted

Chapter Text

When Shang Qinghua died he never expected his life to turn out this way. He actually never expected anything after death, really. He hadn’t been a very religious man. But these days he found himself begging– No praying! To any God that would listen. Why did he have to transmigrate? And into his own work no less! He wasn’t an idiot; he knew it’d been trash! But hey it wasn’t his fault! Endless papapa with an overpowered stallion protagonist sold well! So what if he had to toss his vision out the window? So what if he felt miserable every time he had to butcher a plot just for the sake of more tit bouncing? He needed to eat! He had rent to pay! Sacrifices had to be made!

But the suffering he went through for his craft honestly couldn’t compare to what he was going through in this new life. Where did he even begin?

So he transmigrated into Proud Immortal Demon Way. Cool! What wasn’t cool was the fact he transmigrated into the role of Cang Qiong Mountain’s An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua. Or well– He was supposed to be An Ding Peak Lord. In his story, Shang Qinghua had been a scummy human destined to die from his boss’ hands. But not only did he have a faulty system to work with, he wasn’t even human! And that was just the start of his problems!

Shang Qinghua was born as a deer. And not just any deer. He’d been born as a Flowering Bone Stag. A creature he’d written in his drafts but ultimately removed for the sake of endless chapters of papapa. How did one deer factor into all that? Well that was easy to explain!

The Flowering Bone Stag was a deer that was as white as the driven snow. It never seemed to get dirty and always had a glow to it. In his drafts he’d said it used to live up in the Heavens and that even though it no longer resided there, it still kept its heavenly aura. It was said to have been touched by the moon and because of this every part of the deer was soaked in Yin energy. This led to legends spreading that consuming any part of the deer would make someone an immortal. Consuming the deer in its entirety would make one a God.

This was of course a lie! Shang Qinghua’s meat couldn’t make you a God! That wasn’t why he wrote the deer! He had specifically intended for the deers to be a counterbalance to the influx of Yang energy Luo Binghe produced from using Xin Mo! Having a steady source of Yin energy was meant to stabilize Binghe far better than his harem could! Not by eating the deer itself but by using the flowers it produced!

The flowers that grew on their antlers were the most valuable part of the deer. They only bloomed in specific circ*mstances but were said to be blessed by the moon itself! While the deer contained Yin energy, the amount its blood, limbs, and bones held were paltry compared to the flowers. They were so abundant in Yin energy they were basically a spotlight to anything with sub-par senses! That’s how special they were!

When he’d been ‘Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky’, he’d fully intended to write in the deer after Luo Binghe acquired his 200th or so wife. Pretty late in the game, he knows. But he wanted to develop the story to the point where Binghe eventually came to realize it was a problem and that Xin Mo’s growing hunger was never going to be satiated at the rate he was going. It would’ve been character development! His protagonist would be growing as a person and would spearhead the notion that sometimes when you have everything, enough is never enough. That you need to recognize the problem in order to find a solution to put a stop to it! Otherwise you’d be like a star: burning bright but dying fast. And then… Well life happened.

His rent went up and he had bills to pay. So he scrapped the draft outline and instead changed it to a normal busty deer spirit that was subsequently papapa’d into the harem, never to be seen again. And the story continued on. Over 6,000 chapters, hundreds of wives, and at no point did his protagonist ever look at his growing collection of flowers and think ‘Hm maybe I have a problem’. Nope! No character growth here! Get that sh*t away!

Ah. He seriously regrets the choices he made in his past life.

But that was that life and this was now. His system, as sh*tty as it is, very helpfully dumped all his past life memories on him when he’d reached deer maturity. Small blessings that it only took about 4 years for deers. Even though the Flowering Bone Stag was basically immortal (unless killed by an outside force but Shang Qinghua tried not to think about that), they still had to grow up from baby stage. Which hadn’t been too hard! He learned what he was, how to find food, how to disguise himself, and that was it! He spent less time with his parents in this life than his previous life, but at least they didn’t consider him a disappointment! Small blessings indeed.

When he’d reached maturity and regained his memories, the system had stupidly told him:

[Character Role: Shang Qinghua, future lord of An Ding Peak.

Mission Objective: Journey to Cang Qiong and become an An Ding Peak disciple.]

Which had been impossible! Shang Qinghua needed to cultivate a human body before he could even think of completing that mission! And even then if he slipped up once he’d be turned into deer soup! Why had he transmigrated as Shang Qinghua but as a deer from his drafts? That wasn’t canon. Shang Qinghua in canon had been a human cultivator. That was the whole point!

When he’d pointed this out to his system it had gone quiet. Then without another word the mission changed. And at no point after that was joining Cang Qiong made into a mission. This clear deviation from plot is why Shang Qinghua considered his system to be sh*tty and broken. He had no clue what the absence of the Shang Qinghua, spy to Cang Qiong, personal lapdog for Mobei-Jun would do to the plot but he didn’t care enough to find out! f*ck that! He wasn’t going anywhere near that sh*t-show!

So Shang Qinghua spent his days cultivating so he could have a human body. He missed hands more than he realized after regaining his memories. Sure deer legs were fast, but sometimes you just had to climb a tree to escape a predator!


The gruff voice snapped Shang Qinghua from his musings of the past. He sniffed, snuggling further into the fur collar of his hooded cloak before passing over the money to the street vendor. He took the bag of buns and instantly fished one out to bite into as he walked away. The warmth of the food hit his stomach and seemed to spread out to his aching limbs. Ah he really wasn’t meant for the cold.

When the realms had merged Shang Qinghua had been chased from his forest by a pack of demons. The world was in chaos as it tried to find an equilibrium and in that time Shang Qinghua traveled across the land as both deer and human. During these travels Shang Qinghua wasn’t worried about being attacked for his unique appearance. The Flowering Bone Stag was able to use its spiritual energy to change its fur color to that of a normal deer. This disguise transferred over to his human form which made getting around a whole lot easier.

Currently Shang Qinghua was living at the edge of a remote village somewhere in the Northern Desert. The house he was staying at couldn’t even be called a house. It had four walls littered with cracks, a roof that leaked, and a pungent smell that warded off anything with a nose. Which for him was perfect. Sure he hated the smell and it made him queasy but it also helped mask his deer scent. And that was perfectly fine with him.

This village was one of the few that had merged seamlessly with the demon realm. It was still made up of only humans but sometimes demons would pass through. Mostly this little speck of humans were ignored. Which is why Shang Qinghua chose to live here. It helped that there was a forest nearby he could run around in whenever he felt like it. Can’t find a white deer in a white landscape! His planning was foolproof!

Shang Qinghua stuffed the rest of his bun in his mouth before reaching for another one. As he passed by a row of houses he picked up the sound of chatter coming from around the corner. The deer spirit wandered in that direction, his curiosity winning out. There was quite the crowd gathered by the edge of the village whispering furiously amongst themselves.

With his enhanced hearing Shang Qinghua only had to strain slightly to pick up some of what they were talking about. Something about someone looking for something? A guide? Huh. Well that wasn’t his problem.

Shang Qinghua survived this long by keeping his nose down and sticking to himself. He didn’t bother the villagers much and they didn’t bother him. The only time they interacted was when Shang Qinghua brought things from the forest to trade or sell. Perks of being the author in this damn world? He knew which plants and animals were safe and which weren’t. This was extremely beneficial for him when it came to getting funds for necessities.

Whistling a tune, Shang Qinghua skipped a bit when his little shack came into sight. It was slumped at an angle and was clearly separated from the rest of the village. But that was fine with Shang Qinghua. He didn’t really like people to begin with. Too hard to trust, especially in this world! You never know what someone would do just for a little bit of power. And besides, he was used to being alone. Both in this world and in the previous one. So it was fine.

The door to his shack was barely holding on and had seen better days. It didn’t have a lock but the smell kept most people away. Why steal anything when it was probably saturated in the stink? Shang Qinghua couldn’t even tell where the smell came from! He just found the shack like that and figured something died in it. Or many something’s. Again he tried not to think about it.

The inside was relatively dry and cramped. There was a pile of hay and Frosting Dew Moss stuffed into a corner that he used as bedding, piles of animal pelts resting on top. In the center was a pitiful fire pit with a single pot. Placed in various areas of the hovel were wooden buckets that caught any snow or water that leaked from the roof. It was an extremely sad place to live in but Shang Qinghua made do. Sometimes survival meant poor accommodations.

He chewed on another bun as he pranced between the buckets scattered about. While he should really save his food and make it last, he was just so starving! He’d been out all day in the woods trying to find something to hunt for his own food but for some reason all the animals had scattered! Shang Qinghua could sense something funny in the air that had made his prey instincts go haywire so he took after his fellow animals and got the Hell out of there. Even now that feeling lingered and set his teeth on edge. He tried to hum louder to drown it out.

Shang Qinghua dropped in a squat by his firepit, picking up his flint and smacking it a couple of times to get the logs in the center to light. It took a couple tries but finally he had a small fire going. Shang Qinghua sighed, soaking up the warmth as he reached for another bun. But before he could even touch it there was knocking at his door. Even with how light the action was it was enough to make his entire house rattle and large clumps of snow flopped through the ceiling cracks.

Ahh my house! Who is out there bothering this old man, ah?’ Shang Qinghua cursed in his head, pushing himself up when there was another knock. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” He’d better hurry, otherwise his house just might collapse!

As Shang Qinghua got closer to the door he froze in his tracks and stared with wide-eyes at the aged wood. He could sense what felt like a demon on the other side. Shang Qinghua fought the urge to turn tail and hide under his covers. He’d already spoken! He can’t pretend he wasn’t home, right? Or could he? Maybe they hadn’t heard him.

Another round of knocks, these ones more impatient, silenced that train of thought with a vengeance. Shang Qinghua pushed down his whine of distress. With trembling hands he made sure his spiritual energy was tucked as close to his body as possible before reaching out and cracking his door open. He peeked out and sharply bit his tongue to cut off the wail that threatened to spring free. Hooooly sh*t! The person on the other side of his door– There was no way Shang Qinghua could ever mistake him. Shang Qinghua was the freaking author!

The man on the other side of the door was tall. Far taller than Shang Qinghua. He was well built and had the looks to match. He had a jawline that could cut glass and bouncy black hair tied up into a ponytail with a strip of leather. The man’s eyes were a hypnotic brown that Shang Qinghua could swear turned red in the right lighting. While the man’s clothes looked plain and unnoteworthy, on him they could’ve been clothes fit for royalty. And they may as well have been!

This was Luo f*cking Binghe! Right there! In front of his door! The ominous chime of his system had Shang Qinghua pailing further.


[Character Profile Updated

Luo Binghe: Ruler of the Combined Realms]

Shang Qinghua felt like he could faint. Why was Luo Binghe outside his door? And why was he in disguise?? He even had his demon mark covered and everything!

“Excuse me, sir.” Luo Binghe smiled charmingly from where he stood, tilting his head and flashing a pair of boyish dimples that nearly made Shang Qinghua’s poor heart give out. “I’m searching for a guide that can help me? The village said you were an expert when it came to the local woods.”

Shang Qinghua wanted to cry. He was going to cry!

“Ah ha… This lowly one wouldn’t call himself a-an expert.”

“Any help you’re willing to give would be much appreciated.”

What’s with that?! Huh??? Acting like Shang Qinghua had an option here! If he didn’t help he’d probably be struck down in the following days! How dare he insult the Emperor even when he was meant to not know it was him! Offenses were still offenses!

Forcing on a smile that he hoped wasn’t trembling as much as he was, Shang Qinghua pulled open his door further and cleared his throat. “P-please, come in! We can talk it over while out of the cold. No need to stand there freezing! O-of course there’s nothing wrong with the cold. I love the cold! I mean I love how it looks. Very beautiful. I love snowflakes. And snow! Ahaha!”

God please shut the f*ck up!’ Shang Qinghua wailed internally, quickly scurrying back to the fire so he could do something other than shove his whole ass foot in his mouth.

“Please make yourself at home!”

Shang Qinghua watched as Luo Binghe hunched just so he could enter through his doorway. God why was he so huge?! Once the front door was closed the demon lord took a good look at Shang Qinghua’s home. There was no hiding the slight wrinkle to Luo Binghe’s nose. No doubt the stench was practically assaulting his senses. But because he was trying to keep up the disguise of a polite human looking for help, he easily shifted back into a friendly smile.

If Shang Qinghua wasn’t so tense he could sh*t bricks, he would’ve laughed at the sight of the world’s most powerful person hunching in his poor excuse of a house. But he valued his life so he swallowed his tongue and tried to keep his trembling to a minimum.

Luo Binghe made no move to go further into the home–Not like there was much space to begin with. Slowly his eyes trailed over every little thing in Shang Qinghua’s house. The deer spirit resisted the urge to throw himself up to try and block his line of sight. Please stop looking at his shameful home!

“U-um so what can I help you with?” He stuttered, fidgeting with his hands. He stared at the space just above Luo Binghe’s shoulder to avoid directly looking at the man. Could demons smell fear? He hoped not.

Luo Binghe gave his most pleasant smile, “This one is a humble servant looking to find a cure for his lord. He’s been struck by a curse and the only cure is said to be in this forest. The village head told me you were the best guide in finding it.”

Shang Qinghua paled as beside him a system’s window popped up, the device unhelpfully chiming.

[New Mission: Escort Luo Binghe through the woods. +15 b-points upon completion.]

Only 15?! System you cheapskate! His life was on the line and it only amounted to 15?? What cruelty was this??!

“Ah… I see.” There truly was no getting out of this, was there? Shang Qinghua would have to play escort and try to keep the charade of being human up. But it would be fine! His disguise was still in place and the house’s smell covered up Shang Qinghua’s own. Even his protagonist wouldn’t be able to sniff him out. “Well!” Shang Qinghua cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. “No time like the present! Let me just grab some things and we can head out!”

Shang Qinghua worked quickly to pack a small satchel. He shoved in the essentials before slinging it over his shoulder and following Luo Binghe out into the cold. Shang Qinghua repressed a shiver at the sudden change in temperature. He would’ve wept if he wasn’t afraid of the air freezing his tears.

Shang Qinghua cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest and tucking his gloved hands beneath his pits. “Um, just follow me?” Awkwardly the deer spirit shuffled ahead of Luo Binghe and down the path that would lead to the woods. He ignored the way his instincts were screaming at him, red sirens blaring in his head about a predator’s eyes on him. Yes, thank you instincts! He knows!

Shang Qinghua’s palms were sweating despite how cold it was. The snow underfoot crunched and was the only sound between them. Even when they reached the treeline the forest was eerily quiet. How lucky were the animals that they could hide. Shang Qinghua wanted to be one of them too!

“So what kind of cure are you looking for? There’s quite a lot in this forest! Of course I only know basic plants, nothing fancy!” It was a lie but Luo Binghe didn’t need to know that! Shang Qinghua just had to pass off that he was an ignorant human. A quick glance back at Luo Binghe showed the protagonist wasn’t even looking at him and was instead staring out at the woods around them.

“A flower.”

Shang Qinghua resisted the urge to point out there were practically thousands of flowers in this world. Instead he just nodded his head and gave a bland ‘I see’. With that their walk fell into silence once more. Shang Qinghua snuck glances at the man beside him, unable to resist the squeal in his heart. While he was still high-key anxious and feeling like he would die at any sudden movements, Shang Qinghua was still left in awe by his protagonist.

God he was so cool!

The light coating of snow clinging to his hair was done in such an artful way it was like the Heavens directly painted the white flakes on. He looked unbothered by the cold, expression as cool as ice as he stared off into the distance. Even if he was meant to be in disguise, there was no hiding the way this man carried himself. Luo Binghe held himself with confidence and power radiated from him with every step.

Shang Qinghua bit his lip and risked a glance to the man’s waist. There at his hip was a black scabbard, the handle of the sword a silvery color that practically fit the bill for ‘evil sword’. Though Shang Qinghua couldn’t sense any of the sword’s malice in the air, he knew without a doubt that it was Luo Binghe’s golden finger Xin Mo. Ahh if Shang Qinghua wasn’t so scared of the sword leaving its scabbard, he would’ve loved to see it!

When he saw Luo Binghe turning to look at him, Shang Qinghua instantly snapped his head forward and pretended to trip over a tree root. He stumbled, waving his hands before righting himself. “Ah! Careful. There’s just so many darn things hidden under the snow.” Shang Qinghua called over his shoulder before taking a few hurrying steps to get ahead.

If Shang Qinghua pretended Luo Binghe wasn’t there and that this was just another one of his walks, it would’ve been peaceful! But the second pair of boots walking behind him kept Shang Qinghua feeling all kinds of jittery. He was so tense that when a rabbit had burst out from a nearby bush, Shang Qinghua had jumped and yelped. The small snort behind Shang Qinghua had him freezing up. He sent a timid glance over his shoulder at Luo Binghe just in time to see a smirk flashed his way. He had just been laughed at, hadn’t he?

Smiling sheepishly Shang Qinghua hunched his shoulders and pushed onwards. He led Luo Binghe all through the woods, pointing out places where plants grew despite the cold. At some point they’d reached an area where the treeline gave way to a relatively open field. Digging through the snow to get at the soft plants beneath were a herd of deer. Their brown pelts stood out in speckled smudges against the snow. A few raised their heads, staring in their direction but making no move to run.

“It’d be best to avoid those deer. You’d think they’d be as scared as any other but not these guys! They’ll attack if you get too close.” Shang Qinghua was speaking from experience. When he first got here he tried to blend in with the herd. But they didn’t like outsiders one bit and chased him off with extreme prejudice. They were very rude.

“I’ll keep that in mind…”

Had Shang Qinghua been looking he would’ve noticed the intense way Luo Binghe was staring at the deer. His calculated gaze darted from one to the other before slowly sliding across the snow to land on the man next to him. Luo Binghe’s eyes narrowed and his mouth pulled down into a slight frown. However when large brown eyes turned up to look at him, Luo Binghe’s smile was back in place. He inclined his head to Shang Qinghua, offering the man to continue leading on.

“Over there is a lake that’s almost always frozen. I tried chipping away at a small part just to try and fish in it, but then something really big swam under and well… Yeah!” Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure when he started rambling as he pointed out places. This was starting to really feel like a tour! And he’d nearly forgotten who his company was! But then he’d look over at Luo Binghe, see him watching Shang Qinghua instead of their surroundings and then he’d startle and clam up. Excuse me, young protagonist? Could you not stare at this old man like that?? He wasn’t anything worth paying attention to, thank you!

When the two had set out it’d been mid-day. As evening approached, Shang Qinghua had tried to steer them back in the direction of the village so they wouldn’t be in the woods when night hit. There was very little Shang Qinghua was willing to do when next to Luo Binghe and being caught under the moon was one of them. While Shang Qinghua’s disguise didn’t take much spiritual energy to use, it was fragile. And by that he meant it would dissolve itself the moment moonlight hit him. It could even be the smallest part of his body! Just a toe and boom! Brown hair turns to white, he’s got antlers, and a tail! The tail he can hide but those other things? Not possible!

“Well that’s as much of the forest as I’ve explored.” Shang Qinghua said once the two had reached the edge of the treeline. Already he could see his little hovel on the horizon. Shang Qinghua shifted from foot to foot, eager to leave but not wanting to be rude about it. He was almost done! Home stretch, baby!

Luo Binghe stared at Shang Qinghua in silence for a moment before he smiled. While it didn’t seem any different from the other smiles he’d received before, something about this particular one had Shang Qinghua locking up. He felt his heart stop at the look in Luo Binghe’s eyes, the glint to them that had his prey instincts going wild again.

“Thank you very much for your help.” Luo Binghe bowed his head, Shang Qinghua quick to reciprocate.

The two stood there, the silence stretching on like the abyss. Shang Qinghua easily began fidgetting and his gaze started darting around, unable to keep contact with the man in front of him. “Ah well… I should… Go? I did have food to eat.” Which was probably cold but that didn’t matter right now!

“Of course, forgive me for taking up your time.”

Shang Qinghua nodded before booking it from the half-demon. However he didn’t go far before Luo Binghe called out to him. Against his better judgment, Shang Qinghua stopped, turning back to look at Luo Binghe. The man was smiling as calmly as ever and had his head tilted in what could only be considered amusem*nt.

“I nearly forgot. Our entire time together and I didn’t even think to ask your name.”

Continue forgetting! You don’t need his name!

“It’s Shang Qinghua.” Curse his stupid mouth!

Without waiting for Luo Binghe to do something like give his own name in return, Shang Qinghua turned right around and ran the rest of the way back to his home. He slammed the door closed behind him hard enough his whole house rattled. Shang Qinghua pressed his back to the creaking wood and tried to calm his rapid breathing. His heart felt like it was going to burst from his chest at the slightest provocation!

When his system dinged to life in front of Shang Qinghua he shrieked. It floated there patiently waiting for him to calm his sh*t long enough to read its message.

[Mission complete +15 B-Points. Good job host!]

“Yeah. Sure.” Shang Qinghua pressed a hand to his chest and breathed out slowly. Then once he no longer felt on the verge of a heart attack, Shang Qinghua tore through his little house with a single-minded focus. When he’d been walking around with Luo Binghe he came to the conclusion that this place was now compromised and he needed to leave.

Maybe it would’ve been smarter to stay and keep up the charade he was human instead of running. But Shang Qinghua wasn’t a risk taker and he wasn’t going to start now! If he knew Binghe as well as he did then it wouldn’t take long for that man to figure out Shang Qinghua was more suspicious than he let on. He just had to flash that dimpled smile and the village aunties would be scrambling to tell him anything he wanted to know!

He stuffed his cold steamed buns into his satchel alongside his small piece of flint and a knife. Shang Qinghua didn’t have much in the way of possessions. Hard to keep stuff when he had to be ready to pack up and go at any possible time. God he missed writing. It’s been years since he last wrote anything. But paper was hard to come by in remote villages such as this one. And Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to risk wandering into one of the bigger cities.

The deer stopped by his bedside, tempted to grab one of the furs and take them with him. But they would only slow him down. He could use his own energy to try and stay warm. The main goal was to just get as far away as he could. He’ll go partially on foot and then break out into all fours. If Shang Qinghua ran to the deer herd he could bait some of them into chasing him. That’ll hide his tracks enough for him to put some distance between himself and this village.

[Is host sure Luo Binghe is here for him? Luo Binghe has stated he is here for a flower. He did not specify which.]

“Oh come on! You know what flower he’s talking about! There are no flowers in that forest that cure curses! And what would Luo Binghe need with a miracle flower, ah? That dick of his cures everything! And if not that, then his blood!” Shang Qinghua angrily wrapped a strip of cloth around the bottom half of his face. He pulled his cloak’s hood up as far as it could go before giving himself one last pat-down and making sure every piece of himself was covered. No stray moonbeams were getting him just yet!

Shang Qinghua wrenched open his front door and sprinted out towards the woods. He was quick on his feet, leaping over rocks and pivoting around trees. Up above the sky was already turning dark as the sun set and the moon took its place. Shang Qinghua ducked his head down further and picked up the pace as he tore through the woods.

When he’d gotten far enough Shang Qinghua slowed to a stop to catch his breath. He stood there and listened to the sounds of the forest. Or the lack thereof. Even now the forest was as deathly quiet as it had been earlier that morning. But why? Luo Binghe hadn’t been in the woods that morning, had he? And even then would the silence still have persisted after? Shang Qinghua hadn’t heard any bird song even as they approached the woods. What else could it mean? That Luo Binghe wasn’t the only predator stalking the woods? That someone else had been there the whole time as well.

Behind Shang Qinghua he heard a twig snap. He whipped around, catching sight of blue before he was already sprinting in another direction.

Of course!

How could he be so stupid?!

There was only one person Luo Binghe trusted above his wives. Only one person he knew would never stab him in the back! The one person whose loyalty was unquestionable! For a mission as serious as this, of course Luo Binghe would’ve brought Mobei-Jun!

Shang Qinghua felt tears stinging in his eyes as his panic increased. He risked a glance back to see if he was being followed and missed the person stepping out in front of him. Shang Qinghua collided with a very firm chest and was bounced back. But before he could hit the ground, something grabbed him by the wrist and pulled forward. Shang Qinghua felt his hood slip from his head just as moonlight cracked through the trees, spilling on the two and bathing them in light.

Crimson eyes glowed as they stared down at Shang Qinghua, a devilish smirk curling one corner of Luo Binghe’s mouth, a hint of fang peaking out. His demon mark was no longer hidden and stood out proudly against his forehead. He’d swapped out his bland peasant clothes for his full black and red regalia, the robes flowing around him like moving water.

When Shang Qinghua felt the moon touch the skin of his face, he could feel the way his energy sang. The hold he had on his disguise slipped between his fingers like wisps of wind. The transformation overtook Shang Qinghua, the brown bleeding out of his hair till it was a pale silver. A pair of bone-white antlers materialized on his head and his ears grew more pointed.

He watched as Luo Binghe’s smirk grew into something feral, a wild look entering his gaze. “So Shang Qinghua really was the deer spirit.” He whispered to himself, almost like he still couldn’t believe it.

Shang Qinghua tried to yank his wrist out of Luo Binghe’s grip and yelped when he was pulled up even further. He dangled from Luo Binghe’s hold, his feet scrambling to still touch the snowy ground.

“This Lord had his doubts at first. But then you mentioned trying to mingle with the deer herd. All this one had to do was wait and you proved my suspicions correct. Truly this had been a bountiful excursion.”

“W-what?! When did I ever talk about mingling with the deers?!” Shang Qinghua yelled, reaching up to try and pry Luo Binghe’s hand off his wrist. Damn this man’s strength! It was like trying to pry off a steel clamp!

“You spoke your thoughts out loud, Shang Qinghua.”

The deer froze, eyes growing wide. sh*t. His habit of filling the silence loneliness brought just came and bit him in the ass.

Shang Qinghua uselessly flapped his lips, stunned. The cat was out of the bag. His secret and name were both known to the protagonist. At this point there would be nowhere he could hide that Luo Binghe wouldn’t try and track him down. He was well and truly f*cked.

If he’d been anyone else! But he was Shang Qinghua! Author to this f*cking book! He knew the nooks and crannies to a lot of the important details! Sure he didn’t remember everything but-! What he did remember was what caves the protagonist was unable to go into. All because of his demonic heritage. A place only those blessed by the Heavens could go to. Shang Qinghua only intended to use that place as a last resort since it was such a long journey but… Well desperate times call for desperate measures!

This whole time he was sure Luo Binghe had been talking. But Shang Qinghua had not heard one bit of it. Which was fine since he had no plans on sticking around. Gathering his energy into the palm of his free hand, Shang Qinghua struck the moment Luo Binghe stopped midsentence.

The half-demon hadn’t been anticipating the sudden slap to his chest. Nor had he been expecting the sudden overflow of Yin pouring through his meridians. The shock had him releasing Shang Qinghua and dropping to his knees. His eyes were wide and his expression morphed into a confused almost lost one. Shang Qinghua didn’t stay around long enough to see what it would change into.

With a flash of light Shang Qinghua transformed into his deer form. He then turned and booked it. Shang Qinghua raced over the land, jumping across rocks and over roots, diving through bushes and pulling himself around brambles. He desperately tried to put as much distance between himself and Luo Binghe as he could. His plan of using the deers to hide his tracks was a bust now since Luo Binghe would be hot on his trail. It’d be wasting precious time if he tried going in that direction now.

In his panicked state, Shang Qinghua didn’t realize he’d made a mistake till it was too late. He skidded to a halt, a clifface towering above him. His body trembled from both the adrenaline and fear as Shang Qinghua stared up to where the edge was. Right. He could do this.

Shang Qinghua quickly ran alongside the cliff before he doubled back, doing this a few times. While it may have wasted precious moments Shang Qinghua had to at least try and cover up where he went. Plus the cliff wasn’t that tall! He could surely climb it!

With a running leap Shang Qinghua launched himself at the wall. He transformed just before he landed, scrambling to grab a hold before he fell. He panted, nails digging hard into the stone. A glance down showed his feet weren’t touching the ground which meant no human footprints! Awesome! Step one of his master escape plan is complete!

Shang Qinghua slowly dragged himself up the cliff’s edge. It was steep and not at all easy to climb. The dirt dragged at his nails and he hissed from the sting of his hands being cut along the rocks. At some point his hold had gotten slippery from the blood. He scrambled for a better grip, grabbing anything firm to hold onto. He was so close to the top! A bit further and he could continue his escape from Luo Binghe!

Shang Qinghua felt tears come to his eyes. He’d survived too long to become some pet for the protagonist! He wasn’t going to be locked up and made into a personal blood bag of Yin energy! That was not how Shang Qinghua was going to spend the rest of his life! He refused.

As he reached the edge of the cliff, Shang Qinghua tried to feel for something over the edge he could use to pull himself up. His hand bumped into something firm and solid that he desperately grabbed onto. Shang Qinghua struggled to climb up, breaths coming out in pants from exertion. And when he looked to see what he was holding onto, he felt his insides drop.

His hand was wrapped around a boot. And following that shoe’s owner up revealed a very toned body. The robes in the front were scandalously open and showing a whole lot of tit. Just right there out in the open! And not only that but the visible skin was tinged a chilling blue.

Shang Qinghua felt his entire body trembling as he looked up into the face of the man standing before him. Ink black hair spilled down his shoulders and framed his beautifully sculpted face. He stared down at Shang Qinghua, eyes and demon mark glowing blue in the cold night.

[Character Profile Updated

Mobei-Jun: King of the Northern Desert]

Shang Qinghua promptly let go of Mobei-Jun’s boot and let himself fall. He’d rather take his chances with the ground.

Chapter 2: Sorry Protagonist, it's Impossible!


“Look I'd really like to help… But I can’t give you my flowers.”
Luo Binghe tilted his head and his smile grew just the slightest bit, “Oh?”


A/N: Thank you so much for the feedback on the previous chapter! I enjoyed reading everyone's comments! It really made me wanna write up the next chapter and post! Good news is, is that I now know the basic outline for how I want this story to go! I've got some fun things planned~ But first gotta set things up ;D Hopefully this chapter gets you excited for things to come!

Chapter Text

With a sharp intake of breath Shang Qinghua shot up from where he lay. He was disoriented as he blinked the sleep crust from his eyes. Man he felt like he’d been hit by a truck! Guess that’s what falling from a cliff will do to you. His back twinged painfully from his movements and he swore his bones creaked. Shang Qinghua’s ankle felt like it was on fire and that ants were crawling beneath the skin. It was uncomfortable and itchy.

“Ughh,” Shang Qinghua rested his head in his hands to try and keep the room from spinning.



His eyes flew open and he finally took in the sight around him. He was in a massive room that, while sparsely decorated, the furniture it did contain was high end and extremely luxurious. The bed he was on felt like a cloud and was piled with so many different fur pelts it was impossible to tell what colour the sheets may have been. Surrounding the bed was a sheer gauzy curtain that had been mostly tied up to allow sunlight to hit its only occupant.

Shang Qinghua squinted as he stared at the walls of the room. They were a deep blue and radiated a chill that spoke of the ice they were carved from. Beautiful swirling lines and images were etched into the surface and dangling from the roof was a chandelier with delicate snowflake crystals. Inlaid into the snowflakes were numerous tiny night pearls that gave off a faint sheen as they twinkled in the air.

“Oh my God– System don’t tell me–!”

[Host is in the Northern palace]

“I said don’t tell me!” He had to get out of there. Shang Qinghua threw off the blankets covering him and stared down at himself in horror. He was wearing a new inner robe that was a crisp, unstained white. Oh f*ck someone changed him! And bathed him!! How violating.

One of his ankles had been bandaged tight enough it made shifting uncomfortable. That explained the pain then. Had he sprained it when he lost consciousness? Ah it didn’t matter. Shang Qinghua would deal with it later! For now he had to escape.

The deer climbed out of bed and hissed as his feet touched the floor. It was a combination of the biting cold and the ache of putting weight on his ankle. Shang Qinghua stood, arms sticking out as he wobbled for a moment. The feeling of vertigo was slow to pass and Shang Qinghua’s stomach lurched. He gave a shaky exhale before turning and searching for the closest window. Thankfully he’d actually been put in a room with one! Ha! Their mistake!

It took a bit of struggling to get the window pried open but once he did the breeze that blew in was sharp like blades. Instantly his teeth began chattering, Shang Qinghua hunching in on himself and trying to rub feeling into his arms. He should seriously try and find warmer clothes but he didn’t want to waste any time. He had to find a way to escape! And quick! Who knows when Luo Binghe or Mobei-Jun would be back to check on him.

Shang Qinghua stuck his head out and blanched when he noticed how high his window was. It was quite a drop but hopefully he wouldn’t break anything. He just had to try and not land on his injured foot. He threw his leg over the windowsill, trying not to look down as he shimmied himself out of his room. Shang Qinghua’s knuckles turned white from the force of his grip as he slowly lowered himself from the window. He then dangled there, legs kicking uselessly as he tried to build up the courage to let go. Ahhh why was this suddenly so intimidating? He gave a futile kick, a whine lodged in his throat. Finally Shang Qinghua took a deep breath before closing his eyes and letting go. Wind rushed past him for but a moment before Shang Qinghua was landing on his only good foot. He’d used his spiritual energy to try and soften his fall but it still didn’t fully remove the tremor that ran up his leg from the impact.

“Nice!” Shang Qinghua gave a little cheer, patting himself down and making sure he was still in one piece. “Now to find an exit!” He turned around, a thrilled smile in place. Only for it to freeze on his face and promptly shatter.

Shang Qinghua’s room window had dropped him into what looked like a little garden beside an open walkway. And standing just under the awning of the walkway watching him was Mobei-Jun. The ice demon’s eyes narrowed at Shang Qinghua as the two stood there in a stareoff. When Shang Qinghua turned to make a break for it, Mobei-Jun was darting forward and snatching him by the back of his robes. Shang Qinghua squeaked, flailing and kicking in an attempt to break free. Mobei-Jun clearly didn’t care for this and gave him a shake harsh enough to rattle his brain.

There was a ripple in the air before a portal made of shadows ripped open in front of them. It radiated a bone-deep chill that renewed Shang Qinghua’s trembling. He could do nothing but yelp as he was tossed through and landed on the bed he’d woken up in. He scrambled up just in time to see Mobei-Jun step from the portal and glare down at him.

The ice demon’s face was all sharp lines and smooth skin. His fine brows were set above cold eyes, his expression twisted into a harsh scowl. Much like the night prior, Mobei-Jun’s clothes were in the North’s blue. His black hair was pulled down over one shoulder, silver ornaments and chains looping through the silken locks. Resting on his shoulders was a heavy coat with black fur that opened at the middle to show off Mobei-Jun’s more… Gifted assets. In his attempt to try and avoid staring, something in Mobei-Jun’s ear caught Shang Qinghua’s gaze. He frowned slightly when he noticed what looked to be a red pearl in the ice demon’s ear. Huh that was odd… Mobei-Jun never wore red. That was meant to be Binghe’s colour.

“Stay here.”

The sudden voice had Shang Qinghua jolting from his thoughts. His eyes snapped up to Mobei-Jun and he bit his tongue to resist saying something stupid. It didn’t matter though since Mobei-Jun didn’t even wait for a response. He turned and left the same way he’d come, portal and all.

Shang Qinghua sat there staring at where Mobei-Jun had been before he flopped over and began rolling around the bed. Aaah that was so cool! Too cool! Mobei-Jun was so intimidating! There he was, Shang Qinghua’s favourite character in the flesh! When Shang Qinghua had regained his memories and realized he’d transmigrated into Proud Immortal Demon Way, he so badly wanted to try and sneak a peek of Mobei-Jun. But he’d been too much of a coward to try and get anywhere near the man who’d play a part in the novel’s plot. But maybe on a subconscious level he still tried to get closer to the ice demon? It’d explain his poor choice of picking a village in the North to stay at!

After he allowed himself a full minute to freak out over Mobei-Jun and how amazing he was, Shang Qinghua sprung off the bed and hobbled straight for the door. ‘Sorry my King! But there’s no way I’m staying put!’ Shang Qinghua thought as he pushed the door open. He stuck his head out, cautiously trying to listen for anyone approaching. The room he was in was the only one at the end of a long hall. Huh. Well at least it made it easier to tell which way to go!

Shang Qinghua sniffed the air and found he was unable to smell anything other than demon. There was the fresh scent of winter frost and mint, the smell lingering both in his room and outside of it. Was this Mobei-Jun’s scent or just the smell of the palace itself? Regardless of the answer, it didn’t tell him if any other demon was approaching. Which was fine. He’d just have to rely on his other senses while making his escape. With a firm nod to himself Shang Qinghua promptly booked it from the room. However he didn’t even take five steps before he was being wrenched back by the collar of his robe.

“Urk!” He gagged, coughing as he was lifted from the ground. Shang Qinghua winced and glanced up at the glowering face of Mobei-Jun. The ice demon had been lying in wait in the door’s blindspot to see if Shang Qinghua would try another escape attempt. The answer to that? A resounding yes. Without another word he turned and chucked Shang Qinghua back into the room.

“Ah!” Shang Qinghua yelled, groaning as he hit the floor with a heavy smack. The door was then slammed closed and frost began quickly crawling its way up the door and freezing it closed. “Oh come on!!” Behind him a blistering wind blew in and a thick layer of ice froze over the window, cutting off his only other means of escape.

“f*ck!” Shang Qinghua cursed, picking himself up off the ground. Guess that answered his question on if it was Mobei-Jun’s scent or not. Now what was he meant to do? Was he supposed to stay here till Luo Binghe came to… What? Harvest his blood? His organs?! Sorry protagonist, Shang Qinghua needed those in him!

There had to be some other way for Shang Qinghua to escape, right? He looked around, desperately trying to find something he could use as an icepick. He was frantic enough to try and chip out an escape door! His search for a tool proved fruitless but Shang Qinghua did end up noticing a table in the room. It had a simple meal set out that had long since turned cold but that wasn’t what Shang Qinghua cared about. It was the fact they were feeding him.

“System, what’s the current time?” Shang Qinghua asked, mind working rapidly.

[The internal clock of this system places the current time at 9 in the morning]

Only 9? Then that left him plenty of time before lunch. If they really were feeding him then that would probably be Shang Qinghua’s only chance of trying to escape. With a shaky exhale Shang Qinghua forced himself to find some semblance of calm so he could plan properly. Shang Qinghua has never stepped foot in the Northern Palace so he doesn’t have any personal knowledge on its layout. And if Shang Qinghua only had his book to go off of then he would especially be f*cked. But as the author Shang Qinghua had more knowledge than the average reader. Mobei-Jun had been his favourite creation. Something he made for himself while Binghe had been for the masses. Every aspect of Mobei-Jun and his character had been planned out! Even if none of it ever entered the story it was all still there in Shang Qinghua’s notes. And if creatures and concepts from his drafts were able to enter this story then why not his notes on Mobei-Jun’s palace?

With his eyes narrowing in determination Shang Qinghua grabbed one of the fur pelts and wrapped it around his body. He then sat on the floor with his cold breakfast and glared at the door, waiting patiently for his moment to escape.


It was a few hours past noon when the frost on his door began thawing. Shang Qinghua’s entire body was tense as he waited with baited breath for the right moment. Shang Qinghua figured the servant on the other side had been ordered by the King to bring his “guest” a meal. Chances are they were told to only open the door wide enough to slip the meal tray in. This little sliver was all Shang Qinghua needed. When the door creaked the slightest bit opened Shang Qinghua charged on all fours and slammed the bulk of his stag body into the door.

The demon on the other side shrieked as the heavy ornate wood smacked it in the face, knocking it back. Shang Qinghua lept over its prone body and barreled down the hall. His hooves skidded on the polished floor and made taking sharp turns extremely difficult. But Shang Qinghua didn’t care as he slammed into walls and barely missed stumbling over servants.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes darted around trying to find something noteworthy as he made his way through the castle. He needed a landmark! Something that would remind him of a pathway that led to an exit! The deer heard shouting coming from behind and chanced a look over his shoulder. There were several guards clambering after him, one even running on all fours himself! Like Shang Qinghua would let them catch him! The deer had just passed a tapestry and from the brief glance he’d gotten it looked like it was depicting the history of the Mobei clan. Which meant if he took a right up here–!

Ahead of Shang Qinghua was a set of doors for servants to slip around this area of the castle unhindered. Currently a few maids were bustling through it. However at the sight of a charging deer the women shrieked and threw themselves out of harm's way. Shang Qinghua kept going, running straight through the door and out into the open air. Little flakes of snow floated down from the sky while Shang Qinghua stood there, chest heaving as he took in deep lungfuls of air. He took a scant moment to appreciate the beauty of the palace around him before he was once more booking it for the back alley paths leading from the palace.

“Stop him!”

“Get in his way!”

The yelling felt like it was coming in from all sides. His heart was pounding near painfully, blood rushing in his ears. The discomfort in Shang Qinghua’s ankle was excruciating at this point but he still kept pushing. He could worry about the damage to it later! He was so close to escaping!

He pivoted and dodged a guard throwing themselves in his path. However the sudden change in trajectory had Shang Qinghua’s hooves skidding across the snow-covered ground. The deer careened to the side and hit the floor just as another guard tackled him. Shang Qinghua threw his body up, struggling to dislodge the bulky demon while forcing himself to stand. He knocked his head back, antlers catching the demon in the face and smacking him. The guard growled before grabbing Shang Qinghua by the back of his head and slamming him to the ground.

“Stay still” The demon roared, teeth bared.

It was futile for Shang Qinghua to continue struggling when he was so clearly defeated. Even if he somehow managed to fight off the demons, he just couldn’t run away. His ankle was throbbing and any attempt to move it had pain shooting up his spine. Shang Qinghua had no other choice but to lay there as the guards ordered for rope to be brought. But before anyone could move to fulfill the request, the temperature seemed to plummet. It had already been cold outside but now it was freezing. Shang Qinghua’s heated breaths came out in cloud puffs and he watched as a new layer of frost spread out across the path.

“Y-your highness!”

The guard on top of Shang Qinghua suddenly leapt off of him in order to bow at the approaching King. Mobei-Jun ignored the other demon, only stopping once he was beside Shang Qinghua. When Shang Qinghua looked up pitifully at Mobei-Jun, he was met with a heavy glare. He didn’t even need to say anything, Shang Qinghua already knew the jig was up.

Slowly he pulled himself up to stand, keeping his weight off his injured leg. With a sweep of his cloak Mobei-Jun turned around and walked back into the palace. Shang Qinghua, of course, followed after his King. His pace was slow and his head hung in defeat as he re-traced his path back to his room. The time it took was both excruciatingly short and not long enough. Mobei-Jun held the door open for Shang Qinghua, glaring all the while as the deer limped his way back into the room.

The moment Shang Qinghua passed by Mobei-Jun, a hand snatched out to snag him by an antler. Shang Qinghua cried out as his head was wrenched back so he could look Mobei-Jun in the eye. His face was murderous as he growled down to Shang Qinghua, “Stay. Here. Otherwise I will chain you to the bed.”

Shang Qinghua whimpered and tried to nod in understanding. He was then let go and allowed back into his room. It sealed closed behind him, the ice freezing over it the final nail in the coffin. As Shang Qinghua transformed back into his human form, he curled in on himself and tried to muffle the frustrated sobs that lodged in his throat.


Luo Binghe stepped through the dimensional rift and shook out his clothes, sheathing Xin Mo and pointedly ignoring the whispers of the sword. He had no time to entertain its thirst for more conquests. Luo Binghe had finally found the Flowering Bone Stag. Soon he would no longer need to fight to keep control over Xin Mo. The sword would finally bend to his whims completely once he obtains the Stag’s flower.


Luo Binghe hummed, looking up to the throne on which his most loyal general sat. If this had been years ago the sight of having to look up to Mobei-Jun on his throne would have set Luo Binghe’s teeth on edge. He would’ve taken it as a challenge of his authority. But things had changed over the years. Now Luo Binghe merely grinned at the sight of Mobei-Jun’s expression. He wondered what had made the man so upset. Surely their little guest hadn’t been that much trouble?

“Busy day, Mobei?” The darkening frown was answer enough. Luo Binghe laughed, the most genuine one he’d had all day if he was being honest. After leaving Shang Qinghua in Mobei-Jun’s care the other night, Luo Binghe had to return to his own palace and handle another conflict within his harem. By this point Luo Binghe was thinking of doing some weeding in his garden. The Luo Binghe of the past would’ve never dared think of such a thing. And that Luo Binghe had been a fool. Like he said, things had changed over the years. And this mindset was one of them.

Without any prompting Mobei-Jun cut a portal open for them to his private wing of the palace. They’d stashed Shang Qinghua in what used to be Mobei-Jun’s childhood room. It was the only place on short notice that had a bed and was still close enough to Mobei-Jun’s current chambers that they could keep an eye on it.

When he saw the iced-over door, Luo Binghe quirked a brow in question. Mobei-Jun merely huffed as he waved the barricade away and pulled the doors open. Inside the room was deathly quiet. It almost appeared empty. Mobei-Jun was tense as he walked in, almost like he was half-expecting an attack. What truly happened while he’d been away?

Luo Binghe smiled in amusem*nt at Mobei-Jun’s disgruntlement before he strolled into the room. A giddy feeling had been steadily coursing through Luo Binghe all day. The anticipation of seeing Shang Qinghua again and getting him to agree to hand over his flowers. How would the deer react to such a request? The other night he’d obviously been too terrified to register anything Luo Binghe had said. That was his fault. He’d been too eager to get what he wanted that he forgot he was dealing with something divine. Surely Shang Qinghua had every right to be as cautious as he was. He must’ve gone through life with many hunting him down for the power he could grant. It would make sense why he chose to reside in that pitiful shack instead of the opulence one of his status deserved.

As he looked around the room Luo Binghe made a note to remind Mobei-Jun to bring in more things to furnish it with. These old chambers hadn’t been lived in since Mobei’s mother was still alive. Things had been cleaned and dusted, sure. But there still wasn’t much substance inside of it. This was no way for a divine stag to live. Speaking of the stag…

Luo Binghe wasn’t sure what he expected when he walked into the room. Maybe for Shang Qinghua to be sleeping on the bed; it was far nicer than his old one, after all. Maybe even sitting at the table and eating a meal produced by skilled cooks. Whatever it was he expected, it wasn’t to see a pile of furs huddled in a corner of the room.

His smile wavered for a moment as confusion took over. He looked to Mobei-Jun for an explanation and only received a shrug in response. Ah typical Mobei. He would’ve strangled the demon to death by now if he didn’t favor his company so much.

“Get a servant to fetch tea and snacks for us. I’ll handle Shang Qinghua.” Luo Binghe patted Mobei-Jun’s shoulder before walking across the room and to the corner Shang Qinghua was huddled in. He made sure to stop a good distance away and crouched down to be less intimidating. Luo Binghe pitched his voice to be one of the soft cadences he used for his more skittish wives. “Shang Qinghua, this Lord would like to speak to you.” Luo Binghe noticed the way the pile of furs flinched and tried to shrink even further away. When no answer was forthcoming Luo Binghe felt a momentary flash of anger pierce through his prior excitement. It took more strength than he’d like to admit to squash down the impulse reaction to grab the furs and rip Shang Qinghua from them. The desire came from Xin Mo. It was not Luo Binghe’s. He would not let a sword control him.

“Qinghua, this Lord wants to treat you respectfully. But if you don’t come out from the blankets I will have to make you.” Luo Binghe said sweetly despite the threat coating his words like barbed thorns.


Shang Qinghua flinched at the saccharine way Luo Binghe twisted his words. They clung to him like sticky tar, weighing down his mind with a similar fakeness he’s heard countless times in his past life. He shuddered and tried not to burst into tears at the prospect of having to make eye contact with the demon Emperor. But he’d much rather leave his little bundle on his own terms over being dragged out. So with a deep breath Shang Qinghua slowly sat up and looked out from beneath the fur pelt he was hiding under.

For his comfort and out of habit, Shang Qinghua had returned to his disguised look after his last escape attempt. It made hiding beneath the furs less of a hassle since his antlers weren’t getting caught in anything. But when he made eye-contact with Luo Binghe and saw the flash of disappointment in his eyes, Shang Qinghua tried not to think too hard about why that was. The look didn’t last long enough to comment on anyways.

“Wonderful!” Luo Binghe hummed, holding his hand out for Shang Qinghua to take. “We have snacks and tea being prepared so why don’t we move to the table so we can talk? This Lord imagines it would be more comfortable than chatting in the corner.”

There was no way Shang Qinghua was taking that hand. He didn’t want to. But he also didn’t want to reject it and risk offending Luo Binghe. Who knew what he’d do to Shang Qinghua. Oh wait, right, he does know! Because he f*cking wrote the man! He knows how his mind works. And because of that he knows what this whole shtick of his is! It’s the wine and dine, the woo and screw, the act-like-a-sweet-kind-gentleman-just-to-get-what-he-wants! Shang Qinghua knew what you were doing, protagonist and it wasn’t going to work!

Carrying that in mind, Shang Qinghua accepted the offered hand and allowed Luo Binghe to pull him up from the ground. He then quickly snatched his hand away and wrapped his chosen pelt more securely around his body. As Shang Qinghua limped his way towards the low table, he could feel two sets of eyes trailing after him. Mobei-Jun was already sitting at the table so Shang Qinghua chose to sit on the cushion farthest from him. This meant sitting directly opposite but Shang Qinghua chose to stare at the table instead of trying to make eye contact. It was safer that way. Of course his poor planning meant the only other free space for the protagonist to sit was next to Shang Qinghua. But he supposed being next to one powerhouse was more than enough! Better than being boxxed in between the two of them.

There was a knock at the door and Luo Binghe called for the servant to enter. They quickly shuffled in and kept their head lowered in deference as they set the tray on the table. It had a plate of simple sweet cakes and other finger foods on it alongside a beautiful glazed tea set. The servant poured all three a cup before they were promptly dismissed.

“So,” Luo Binghe said once the door had closed and the three were alone again. “Shang Qinghua, allow this Lord to extend his sincerest apologies. It was not my intention to drag you away from your home in such a way. However, given the circ*mstances, this one feared you might disappear before hearing this Lord’s request.”

Oh how sincere he sounded! What an actor! That expression of his would’ve made the Heavens weep for how apologetic he looked! Bah, what a hoax! Shang Qinghua could’ve spit blood from how much of a farce he knew Luo Binghe’s acting to be. You aren’t fooling this old man, protagonist! He was aware of all your tricks.

Shang Qinghua tried to hide his sneer behind his tea cup. “Yes well I hope my Lord can forgive this lowly peasant for trying to run.” He had been fearing for his life, after all.

“You are forgiven.”

This asshole!

Smiling pleasantly, Luo Binghe slid the tray of snacks over towards Shang Qinghua’s side of the table. “Now to the matter at hand. As I have stated before I was indeed seeking a flower. I did not lie to you about that. Had I known you were the Flowering Bone Stag, I would have asked you outright for your aid. But because this Lord was unaware of your identity, I did not want to risk revealing the existence of such a rare creature to anyone else.”

Shang Qinghua glanced at Mobei-Jun as if to ask ‘What about him?’ but Luo Binghe didn’t deign to answer. Typical. Sighing heavily, Shang Qinghua set his cup down on the table. “How do you even know about me, Lord Luo? As far as I was concerned any information on the Flowering Bone Stag was considered a myth.”

“Ah, so you do know who I am.”

Shang Qinghua flinched as if he’d been slapped. His gaze snapped up and he almost cursed at the smug look Luo Binghe had. The protagonist didn’t even try to hide it! He kept his crimson gaze trained on Shang Qinghua even as he idly sipped at his tea. “I thought it was strange how skittish you’d been. I couldn’t tell if it was an act or just your natural disposition. Now I see it was because you were already aware of who this Lord was.”

Biting back a curse, Shang Qinghua desperately tried to not blue-screen and work on spitting something out! Something believable! Luo Binghe was like a shark. The moment there was blood in the water he’d charge straight for it. And Shang Qinghua was sure as Hell bleeding alright!

“I–You–!” He fumbled, hands flapping uselessly as he tried to find his words. “Y-your blood! You have Heavenly Demon blood. And I w-was from the Heavens. Of course I’d be able to tell who you were.”

“So beings that came from the Heavens could sense one another? Odd since I cannot sense you.”

“Well that’s because you aren’t technically from the Heavens! Your ancestors were! You just carry their blood!” Shang Qinghua declared loudly. He rushed to grab a cake to eat just to avoid having to speak. When the taste exploded on his tongue he felt himself melt at just how good it was. Wow is this what royalty ate? Maybe being captive wasn’t such a bad idea

Luo Binghe’s hum cut off his momentary delusions on becoming the protagonist’s pet. Right. He’d almost forgotten just who his protagonist actually was. Shang Qinghua sniffed, trying to resist the urge to reach out for more snacks. This lasted for only a few scant seconds before he was grabbing for more to quickly cram into his cheeks. He was starving, ok! His lunch had been messed up during his escape and it’d been hours since then!

The demon beside him reached into his sleeve and pulled out a roll of old looking paper. Shang Qinghua paused mid-bite just to stare in awe at the man’s enchanted sleeves. He’s been in this world for years and hadn’t had the opportunity to see things like cultivators or sects, let alone things like qiankun sleeves! So forgive him for being a little mezmerised! Thankfully no one called him out on his slack-jawed look.

Luo Binghe slowly unfurled the scroll in order to rest it on the table for Shang Qinghua to see. On it were lines of text alongside a drawing of a stag. The lines were beautiful and clean, simple really. The only splash of colour were the dark blue flowers dotting the antlers of the deer. Next to the drawing of the deer was an even more detailed painting of the flower itself. Though the ink was faded like the text next to it, Shang Qinghua could still tell the colours it was meant to have. The flowers were a deep blue that rivaled the night. Little white flecks scattered about the petals like a dusting of stars. And at the very center the flower and its pollen were a pure white. The moon in a sea of stars.

Shang Qinghua couldn’t resist the urge to reach out and ghost his fingertips over the flower. Was this what they were meant to look like? Shang Qinghua had never described them, just said they’d been blessed by the moon. It made sense if they resembled them if that was the case.

Glancing over at the text, he briefly skimmed what it said. Basically it was some cultivator or whatever recounting how he’d met a Flowering Bone Stag and had witnessed the flowers blooming on its antlers. The deer itself was so drenched in Yin that the cultivator had assumed he’d met the moon itself. The deer had then granted the cultivator a flower before running off. It said the flower had been powerful enough for a single petal to stop a qi deviation of his sect leader. When the sect leader learned how such a miracle flower was obtained he’d ordered the entire forest to be excavated and for the stag to be found. The text concluded with the cultivator lamenting the damage he had done but finding relief in knowing he never saw the stag again after that day.

“So you want my flowers?”

“Just the flowers, nothing else.”

Whatever look Shang Qinghua was giving him no doubt projected “doubt” in big bold letters. Luo Binghe seemed nonplused, merely continuing to smile at Shang Qinghua. “When you struck me last night, you intentionally pushed your qi through my meridians, didn’t you? It cleared the over abundance of yang in my system within seconds. The shock of no longer hearing Xin Mo–the absence of its influence–was enough to get me to drop you.” Luo Binghe placed a hand to the sword sheathed at his waist, “But the relief only lasted a minute before it returned. Gradually, of course, but still there. Even now its voice is still somewhat muddled, not as strong as it can be.”

Luo Binghe traced nameless patterns along Xin Mo’s sheath, for once his expression losing its wide smile and instead looking thoughtful. He blinked, returning to himself and plastering on that fake smile once again. Shang Qinghua couldn’t believe he found himself disappointed to see it back. For a moment he’d caught a glimpse of the real Luo Binghe under the façade.

“That is why this Lord needs your flower. If a single transfer of qi was able to do that much then this one can only imagine what your flowers would do.”

Shang Qinghua didn’t really think it counted as an energy transfer since he was attacking Luo Binghe with it, but whatever helped the protagonist sleep at night. Still there was one part of this whole thing that was seriously bothering Shang Qinghua. And he just knew mentioning it was going to land him in hot water. But it was better than the alternative of not informing Luo Binghe and then having him find out on his own.

“Look… I'd really like to help… But I can’t give you my flowers.”

Luo Binghe tilted his head and his smile grew just the slightest bit, “Oh?

He felt a spike of fear settle in his gut, Shang Qinghua’s heart rate shooting through the roof. All of this a natural response to the sudden predatory tension he felt weighing down the air. The deer spirit began to slightly tremble as he puffed a small exhale. It felt like the breath was being squeezed from his lungs. That at any moment Luo Binghe would be reaching over to rip his tongue out for daring to deny him what he wanted. Shang Qinghua wasn’t a wife. He wasn’t allowed to refuse.

Shang Qinghua ducked his head and fisted his hands in his lap. “I-I know you need them but I seriously c-can’t–!”

“Shang Qinghua, I don’t think you understand the position you’re in.” The smile Luo Binghe had didn’t reach his eyes. It was empty and full of pity, a cruel twist to the corner of his mouth. His face scrunched in mocking amusem*nt as if Shang Qinghua’s protest were funny to him. “This isn’t a request you’re at liberty to refuse.”

Of course he was going to be talked over! Here Shang Qinghua was trying to explain himself to Luo Binghe and the man wasn’t listening! He was like a child plugging his ears just to avoid hearing something he didn’t want to. Well bad news, protagonist! There was no escaping the truth! And this old man had plenty to dish out!

“I can’t give you my flowers because I can’t grow them!” Shang Qinghua bit out. He even slammed his hands on the table for dramatic emphasis! However the way Luo Binghe’s expression shuttered had Shang Qinghua flinching away from the table and out of potential striking range.

Luo Binghe’s hands clenched into fists and the muscle in his jaw bulged from how hard he was clenching his teeth. His earlier countenance of being friendly melted away into the hardened steel of a ruthless ruler. His shoulders squared and he stared down his nose at Shang Qinghua like he was a measly speck. The prior feeling of danger was now reaching overwhelming levels that had Shang Qinghua trembling with renewed vigor.

Explain.” A single word but it was growled with so much barely repressed anger that Shang Qinghua could feel it deep in his bones.

In the next moment Shang Qinghua found himself bowing low with his head pressed into the floor. Tears of panic pricked the corner of his eyes and words spilled past his lips unfiltered. “I’m truly sorry, Junshang! It’s not like I wanted to be unable to grow them but Flowering Bone Stag’s don’t exactly have control of when the flowers grow! It has to be in very specific conditions and if those aren’t met then the flowers can’t grow properly. A-and right now it’s seriously just impossible for me to grow anything! Even a bud would be impossible!”


Shang Qinghua flinched at Mobei-Jun’s question. The other demon had been so quiet up till now that Shang Qinghua almost forgot he was in the room. Hard to believe since he was right across from Shang Qinghua but that’s just what Luo Binghe’s protagonist halo did! It drew everyone’s eyes to him like an inescapable magnet.

“Um well you see it’s like this–! The flowers require a specific thing! Um!! It’s–! Well–!” Suddenly a hand was being placed on the back of Shang Qinghua’s neck. His mouth swiftly closed with a clack and he froze in place, waiting for the snap that would end his life. But it never came. Instead the hold remained there, a heavy weight that was grounding as much as it was terrifying.

“Get to the point.” Luo Binghe’s tone was impatient but his hold was surprisingly gentle.

Shang Qinghua bit his lip, inhaling deeply before he shot his head up and shouted, “Safety! The flowers only grow when a Flowering Bone Stag feels safe!”

This had been the crux of the creature’s creation. The Flowering Bone Stag was meant to teach Luo Binghe that he couldn’t get what he wanted just because he was the protagonist and he demanded it. In his original drafts Luo Binghe had to earn the deer’s trust long before he could get the flowers. Sure he’d get them in the end but the peace caring for the deer brought him was meant to help him continue developing as a character! He’d let go of all his rage and anger because just the close proximity to the deer helped quell some of Xin Mo’s more vile influences! And then when the flowers finally bloomed he would be complete as a character! But the point was–! How could Shang Qinghua even fathom that happening now?! It’d been fine when it was in the drafts because it was happening to a cute deer that was just a more intelligent animal! But Shang Qinghua was the deer now!! And he knew himself well enough to know that this was absolutely impossible! There was no way in the three realms Shang Qinghua would ever feel safe around Luo Binghe or Mobei-Jun!

“It’s not your fault, my Kings!” Shang Qinghua said, like a liar. He dipped his head in another bow, “This one hasn’t been able to produce flowers since he reached maturity.” Hard to feel safe when he was constantly looking over his shoulder waiting to die!

If Shang Qinghua didn’t have his head pressed to the ground he would’ve seen the look Luo Binghe shot Mobei-Jun. The other demon, like usual, could only shrug in response. Their silent conversation didn’t last long. Eventually Luo Binghe bit out a terse sigh. “Fine. We will deal with that later. In the meantime.” He reached over, hovering his hand over Shang Qinghua’s empty glass. The spirit watched with dawning horror as Luo Binghe made a fist, squeezing till red liquid began beading at the bottom. The drops steadily began filling the small cup, Luo Binghe not pulling his hand away till it was halfway filled.

With a face as white as a sheet, Shang Qinghua slowly looked back up into Luo Binghe’s smiling face. That smile was scary!! Please put it away!

“Drink.” It was only a single word but it held the weight of thousands. Luo Binghe was watching Shang Qinghua with a calculated glint in his eye. Was he waiting to see what Shang Qinghua would do? But what else could he do?! If the emperor of the three realms told you to drink his blood you didn’t have any other choice! Even if Shang Qinghua knew painfully well what that blood could do to him. He could kiss all escape plans goodbye if he let that sh*t pass his lips.

[New Mission: Drink Protagonist’s blood. +30 B-Points upon completion]

f*ck your mother, system!! Whose side were you on, ah?!

Shang Qinghua wanted to cry! He was seriously going to cry! With trembling hands he reached out and took the porcelain cup. He was shaking so badly the blood inside sloshed around, nearly spilling from the rim. Ahhh he just had to toss it back like a shot! Don’t think about it, just go! Shang Qinghua screwed his eyes closed and placed his mouth to the edge of the cup. Before he could second guess himself and try to find an alternative, Shang Qinghua tossed his head back and downed the entirety in one large gulp.

[+30 B-Points!]

He could feel the way the blood traveled down his throat. It settled heavy in his stomach like a weight. He placed a hand there, his face pinching as a burning sensation lit up inside him where the blood had hit. The discomfort lasted for only a few seconds before the weight disappeared and he felt as he did before consuming the blood. Shang Qinghua blinked in surprise. And clearly he wasn’t the only one taken aback.

Shang Qinghua’s yell was cut off as a hand shot out and clamped around the lower half of his face. Luo Binghe’s eyes were wild as he stared down at Shang Qinghua, confusion and anger warring in the half-demon’s gaze.

“What did you do?!” He hissed, dragging Shang Qinghua’s face closer to his. His grip was hard enough to bruise and the sharp tip of claws dug into the meat of Shang Qinghua’s cheeks. “My blood, it disappeared. How is that possible?”

“A-ah! Um I didn’t–!”

Luo Binghe searched Shang Qinghua’s eyes and ignored the desperate attempts he made to try and explain what happened. But it wasn’t like Shang Qinghua had a satisfying answer to give anyways! He would also like to know what happened to the blood, thank you!

[If host would like to know, he only needs to ask to see his stats]

He had those?! Why was he only hearing about it now??

Whatever Luo Binghe saw had the anger fading from he’s eyes. He clicked his tongue before shoving Shang Qinghua’s face away. “No matter. If my blood has no effect on you then I’m sure there’s other means of keeping you collared. Mobei, I leave that to you.”

Mobei-Jun inclined his head to Luo Binghe, acknowledging the order for what it was. Shang Qinghua then watched as Luo Binghe stood, the ice demon following suit. The protagonist was back to giving Shang Qinghua that totally false smile again. Shang Qinghua really wished he’d just drop the “nice guy” act already. It was a lot scarier than if he’d been outright glaring!

“I’m afraid we’ll have to cut our discussion short, Shang Qinghua. But don’t worry, this Lord won’t stay gone for long.” Luo Binghe laughed, an ominous sound that sent chills down Shang Qinghua’s spine. The demon lord exited without a single glance back. Mobei-Jun, on the other hand, paused at the door. He stared at Shang Qinghua before pointing at him and then the room. Did… Did he seriously just gesture for Shang Qinghua to stay put?? What was he, a dog?!

Bewildered, the deer watched as the door was closed behind the two powerful men. He wasn’t even surprised when ice had quickly encased the door to lock him inside. Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes before he grabbed one of the pastries and angrily bit into it. “‘This Lord won’t stay gone for long’,” Shang Qinghua mocked under his breath, pitching his voice high and whiny. He mentally spat on Luo Binghe’s words. “Just stay gone forever! That’ll really make this old man feel safe.”

Shang Qinghua poured himself more of the tea that remained, chugging that down to wash away the snacks sticking in his throat. He huffed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Ok System! Out with it. What the Hell are these stats I apparently have??”

Chapter 3: Prisoner with a Job


“Stay still.” A heavy hand settled on his lower back and pressed down in warning. The prick of claws through the thick layer of his robes had Shang Qinghua instantly going limp like a dead fish.


A/N: Thank you for reading, here's the next chapter! So things are getting a little hectic in my life right now and because of that chapter updates may end up being slow. But I sincerely do want to write this till the very end! There's so many good wife plots to shove Shang Qinghua into~ Anywho this chapter is laying groundwork for things to come ;D so keep an eye out

Chapter Text

[Character Profile: Shang Qinghua

Species: Flowering Bone Stag

Occupation: Prisoner, Former Heavenly Official(?)

Abilities: Purification, Disguise Appearance, Attuned to Heavenly Artifacts

Bonus Attributes: Despite no longer being a Heavenly Official(?), Host still maintains his Heavenly aura. This acts as protection for Host when coming into contact with Heavenly afflictions]

That’s it? How did he not know he had these abilities! And what the heck was with that “Former Heavenly Official”? System he was never a God!

[Correct. However due to a misunderstanding on the Protagonist’s part, Host’s current backstory has been altered to fit the narrative. Host’s inclusion of ‘Y-your blood! You have Heavenly Demon blood. And I w-was from the Heavens. Of course I’d be able to tell who you were’, dictated the System rework Host’s abilities and status. This now includes Host’s backstory of being a former God]

It was a little uncomfortable to hear the System play back his stuttering voice for him to hear. The thought that the system could record what he said and replay it at any time didn’t sit well with him. But like all things that bothered Shang Qinghua, he chose to ignore it and instead focus on the more important things.

“So Luo Binghe thinks I’m some former God and because I bluffed my way through an explanation, that’s enough to warrant a backstory rewrite for the ‘Shang Qinghua’ character? Ah hold on–! Why would I even need a backstory rewrite? I had one! Born from a deer, grew up with deer's, survived through life as a deer-turned-person. That’s a backstory!”

[Yes. However it does not fit the Protagonist’s vision. And seeing as how Host felt the need to add to your species’ lore, this System took the liberty of adding more to back up Host’s claims. All changes are now permanent. Any further alterations from this point on will be placed in pending for managerial review]

Shang Qinghua deflated slightly, his brows pinching together. “Ok… Fine. So Luo Binghe thinks I came from the Heavens, whatever. We’ll just let him keep thinking that.” He sat back and waved his hand dismissively, “Now what about his blood? How come it disappeared inside my body?”

Nothing should have been able to negate the effects of the blood parasites. Luo Binghe’s Heavenly Demon blood was literally designed to be impossible to stop. Unless for very interesting and sexy wife plots. But even then there was at least a reason! Not good ones, but reasons none-the-less!

[This is attributed to Host’s Purification ability. This already came with Host as a Flowering Bone Stag. Host’s body will naturally negate the effects of poisons and curses. However with the new backstory of Host’s status as a former Heavenly Official, Purification’s scope has increased per the parameters of the Bonus Attributes. The Protagonist’s blood now falls within the ‘Heavenly Afflictions’ category]

“So he can’t use his blood on me? Ever?”

[Correct. Unless Host consciously allows the blood into his system then his body will purge it instinctively]

Yeah like Shang Qinghua would ever let that happen! But holy sh*t!! Things were finally looking up for him! Luo Binghe couldn’t use his blood parasites! While this didn’t entirely save Shang Qinghua from being tortured, at least he was exempt from having his insides destroyed in the most slow and brutal of ways. But if what Luo Binghe said was to be trusted (it really wasn’t) then the man wanted him for his flowers. He was more valuable to Luo Binghe alive than dead.

Shang Qinghua sniffed, finishing off the last of the snacks before drinking another cup of tea. The knowledge that he wouldn’t be outright killed was the only highlight in his otherwise bleak day. That and the fact he could decide if he wanted the blood parasites to affect him or not. Which, ha! Not happening. Shang Qinghua picked himself up and hopped his way from the table back to his corner of pelts. His ankle had swollen up something fierce after his failed escape and now looked a gross red and blotchy purple. Since then, he’d been trying to circulate his spiritual energy into it to reduce the damage he’d done. So while it still hurt to put any kind of pressure on it, at least he wasn’t crippled in agony.

He buried himself beneath the pelts and curled up into a small ball. The furs were chilled but soon they’d warm up from his body heat. And then he could just lay there and hope Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe would eventually forget about him. It wasn’t likely but Shang Qinghua could dream. And dream he did.

Shang Qinghua dreamt he was sitting by a fire bundled up in blankets and munching on melon seeds as he wrote. It was weird but pleasant. He felt comfortable and at ease in the little dream. Although the faint feeling of eyes on him had his prey instincts twitching a bit. But other than that it was easily ignorable as he basked in the warm feelings the dream sparked within him. When Shang Qinghua awoke the next morning he was almost sad to see it go.

Groaning, the deer rolled over onto his side and hissed when his leg was jostled. He lay there, renewing the circulation of his qi just to ease the sting. When it felt like it was no longer throbbing he let out a soft exhale and pulled the blankets down from his face. Instantly his nose was hit by a tantalizing smell. He sat up and saw what looked to be a new tray of food on the room’s table. A servant must’ve come and swapped it out with the old one when he’d been asleep.

His stomach growled at the prospect of food but the struggle of pulling himself from the warm pile of furs was near impossible. He groaned, reaching his hand out and trying to force his will to get the bowl to move closer. Why couldn’t he be transmigrated into something like Star Wars? It’d be cool to be a Jedi! He’d use the force to never have to lift anything again!

But this was not Star Wars and he wasn’t a Jedi. So he had to force himself up and shuffle over to the table. He took the largest fur with him, of course. But his feet still touched the bare floor and he nearly screeched with how cold it was. He hopped on one leg and tried to keep his foot from resting too long on the floor.

“Ahh why did they take my shoes?! They weren’t that filthy!” Sure he’d stolen them from a hunter years ago but they were the only pair he had!

Shang Qinghua grumbled to himself the entire way to the table. But when he sat before his breakfast and got a full look at the tasty meal in front of him, he found himself unable to complain. Though the congee in front of him was relatively plain it was still warm and had dried fruits and nuts sprinkled over the top. Shang Qinghua quickly grabbed his spoon and enthusiastically dug into his hot meal. Before he would’ve been concerned about it being poisoned, but the System last night had confirmed he couldn’t be affected by those kinds of things. That was all Shang Qinghua needed to eat his meal till the very last drop! And it was so damn good! A little watery and lacking much in the way of spices but for Shang Qinghua it was perfect. Cooked meals were hard to come by when he’d lived in the shack so Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to complain.

“Ah that hit the spot,” He sighed, leaning back and resting a hand on his stomach. For a single moment he finally felt relaxed. His mind was quiet and his nerves weren’t twisted in a tangle of knots.

This peace was shattered in the next moment by the sound of his room door being pulled open. Shang Qinghua jumped, whipping around and staring with wide eyes as Mobei-Jun walked in. He was dressed in a new set of robes that looked even fancier than yesterday’s. He even wore a circlet around his head, the smooth silver inlaid with beautiful sapphires. Dangling chains hung from it and trailed into his hair like silver streaks of starlight. They tinkled like bells when Mobei-Jun moved his head and the sound, though subtle, was enough to draw Shang Qinghua’s eyes. Then again even without the regalia he would’ve caught Shang Qinghua’s full attention. It was hard not to stare at a man as beautiful as Mobei-Jun. He looked like he was made of marble. A statue in a museum meant to be looked at but never touched by the public. A star in the sky, as beautiful as he was unobtainable.

Shang Qinghua could wax poetic about Mobei-Jun all day. He’s done it before back in his previous life under a fake account! But that was from behind the safety of a computer where the man wasn’t a real person. Right now Shang Qinghua couldn’t afford to be absent minded when his dream man was standing in front of him–Oh sh*t he was right in front of him!!

Shang Qinghua pressed himself against the table and tried to curl into a small ball as he looked up towards Mobei-Jun. The ice demon was casting a shadow over the shaking deer as he towered over him. Those mesmerising blue eyes were staring down at Shang Qinghua like he was a filthy speck. With a slow blink the demon clicked his tongue and pulled a hand from his cloak. He was holding an ornate lacquered box. It was a sleek black with a single latch on the front. Nothing to give away the contents inside.

Scrunching up his face, Shang Qinghua looked between the box and Mobe-Jun. “Um…?”

“Put it on and get dressed.” Came the order before Mobei-Jun was shoving the box at Shang Qinghua.

He fumbled and dropped his hold on his blanket just to keep the box from tumbling out of his hands. With it firmly in his grasp Shang Qinghua slowly and hesitantly unhooked the latch and pried it open. Inside the box resting on a bed of red velvet was a beautiful silver necklace. Although calling it a necklace was being generous. It was quite literally a f*cking collar.

Attached to the collar with little clasps were two short red tassels meant to hang down his front. It was beautifully crafted with four deep blue jewels embedded along it on either side in a symmetrical pattern. Nestled in the very front was a large red gem that could’ve been a ruby but as Shang Qinghua tilted the box he could’ve sworn the colour flashed and turned darker. It looked like blood.

Shang Qinghua nearly dropped the box when that thought crossed his mind. His head snapped up to look at Mobei-Jun, silently pleading for this to be a joke. He’d taken Luo Binghe that seriously when the man said to find a way to collar Shang Qinghua? What the absolute f*ck!?

“M-my King…” He trailed off, unable to articulate just how outrageous this was.

“Wear it.”

The biting tone had Shang Qinghua flinching. He slowly sat the box down before reaching in with trembling hands and grabbed the circlet. The inside of it was inlaid with a thin fabric meant to keep his neck from being nicked or rubbed raw from the cold metal. How kind of them to think of such a thing, he thought bitterly.

The collar was open in the back and didn’t have a visible locking mechanic, so maybe there wouldn’t be one? As he slipped the collar around his throat and made sure it was snug, there was a thrum of energy he could feel run through the collar when it came in contact with his pulse. With a soft click he felt something slide over the back of his neck. His hands flew up to feel and he realized in dawning horror that it had a hidden lock that made removing it now impossible.

[New item obtained: Proof of Ownership

Item Details: A collar crafted with a gem made from Luo Binghe’s blood. With it Luo Binghe can track the wearer no matter the distance. Size can change with Host, however it cannot be removed without being fed Mobei-Jun’s demonic energy or Luo Binghe’s demonic energy. Luo Binghe’s spiritual energy is also a viable option to unlock the collar]

What the f*ck!

“It is enchanted. Call for either Junshang or I and we will hear. Now get dressed.”

Why would Shang Qinghua ever call for you two?! He puffed up his cheeks and tried hard to keep from yelling his complaints. He forced them down and took a few deep breaths. Don’t provoke him, Shang Qinghua. It isn’t worth it.

With great effort Shang Qinghua pushed himself off the ground and limped towards where the lone wardrobe sat in the room. He paused, looking over his shoulder at Mobei-Jun before opening it. Was he meant to get dressed with Mobei-Jun still in here??? The man didn’t seem inclined to go anywhere. Then again was it really that much of a problem? Shang Qinghua did just run around the entire palace in his under robe yesterday…

Inside the wardrobe were a pair of plain clothes designed for warmth. Alongside them were a few shoes with fur lining the inside. Shang Qinghua was quick to throw something on before gingerly slipping socks and shoes over his injured ankle. The light pain he got was worth it just so his toes weren’t at risk of frostbite. It was with a small sigh that Shang Qinghua turned and walked to stand before Mobei-Jun. The demon nodded, satisfied, before he was leaving the room with Shang Qinghua following him.

The demon moved through the halls like a shadow, his gait large on account of his long legs. This made it a struggle for Shang Qinghua to keep up with his injured ankle slowing him down. But he didn’t dare utter a word. Who knows what could set off Mobei-Jun? He should have known him as an author would know their creation. But as Shang Qinghua was slowly coming to understand, his prior knowledge didn’t entirely transfer over to reality. He knew Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe’s personalities since he wrote them, but actually meeting them as real people put it all into a different perspective. He knew them but he didn’t know them. It was hard to explain. The point was that whatever they were thinking, Shang Qinghua had no f*cking clue what it could be. And if he was being honest he was kind of too scared to find out.

As they walked through the halls Shang Qinghua noticed a distinct lack of servants till they reached further into the palace. At that point any servant they came across either threw themselves to the floor to bow to Mobei-Jun or they clung to the wall with a desperation for survival. As they passed by a quivering ram demon Shang Qinghua wondered if this was what he looked like to Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe.

The King led him to massive twin doors that swung open the moment he was close enough. Already inside sitting around a circular table were multiple different demons all looking to be some form of official. They bowed deeply when Mobei-Jun entered, not rising till the demon had walked past and seated himself up on his throne several steps above them. Shang Qinghua lingered by the door as it closed behind him.

“Shang Qinghua.”

The deer jumped, looking up towards Mobei-Jun and watched as the demon pointed on the floor beside his throne. Shang Qinghua blinked, stupefied. Was… Was he seriously being ordered to sit there? Like a f*cking pet?!

With a hard bite to his tongue Shang Qinghua forced himself to keep his cool as he limped his way past the various demons and towards the throne. As he passed he could feel their eyes trailing after him. One even blatantly sniffed the air and seemed confused when he smelt deer and not human. Strange since, for all intents and purposes, Shang Qinghua looked entirely human.

Mobei-Jun waited till Shang Qinghua had climbed the steps and sat himself at the base of his throne before turning his eyes to the various demons beneath them. “Proceed.”

And with that the meetings began. Shang Qinghua’s brows furrowed as a demon began droning on about reports from the furthest territories talking of a food shortage. This was a meeting on court proceedings! Shang Qinghua instantly sat up at attention to listen to the meeting. This could seriously help him figure out where they were in the plot. Did they already finish up the 30 or so extras he wrote or were they still somewhere near the end?

Mobei-Jun had always been kept as a background character so he’d remain safe from the butchering of the plot. This meant his court and what went on in his kingdom were always glossed over unless it involved Luo Binghe. Or it was essential to be known for some reason. There was only one instance Shang Qinghua could remember where Mobei-Jun’s court and the officials had been talked about at length. And that was when the OG Shang Qinghua had become the official budgetary advisor for Mobei-Jun. It was all because he revealed to Mobei-Jun the current one was lying about the numbers all to fill his own pockets. Mobei-Jun had killed the traitor and Shang Qinghua was quick to snatch the position for himself. However with Shang Qinghua removed from the original plot that meant the current budgetary advisor was still the old one. The one who was skimming funds off the top.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes zeroed in on the thin, spindly demon with small spectacles perched on his long snout. It was a while before he was meant to speak and when he did start, a quick glance up at Mobei-Jun showed the demon King had long since mentally checked out. His eyes had a glazed look to them and he was staring just over the heads of his advisors. This was probably what the budgetary advisor wanted. Of course it was easier to flub numbers when the King wasn’t fully paying attention!

For a moment Shang Qinghua bit his lip and wondered if he should say anything. It wasn’t his money being stolen, why should he care?? But… Ahhh Mobei-Jun was his favourite. And really how f*cking dare this demon try and steal from his King. Mobei-Jun allowed you to have such a position and you spit in his face by stealing from him?? Who gave you the right?!

With newfound resolve Shang Qinghua fidgeted, raising his hands before hesitating. How was he meant to get Mobei-Jun’s attention? Shang Qinghua tried to loudly clear his throat. When that didn’t work he bit his lower lip even harder. His hands trembled lightly as he reached out and pinched some of the loose fabric of Mobei-Jun’s pants between his fingers. He tugged and instantly blue eyes snapped down to him. It took all of Shang Qinghua’s willpower just to keep his flinch to a minimum.

“U-um… My King…” Shang Qinghua whispered, eyes darting from Mobei-Jun to the demon that was still talking. “About the budget…”

The way Mobei-Jun was glaring down at him had Shang Qinghua’s voice gradually getting quieter and quieter. He eventually clammed up with his body hunching in on himself. Ah maybe he really shouldn’t have said anything!

He felt something grab the back of his robes and yelped, covering his head to try and protect himself for any oncoming blows. But then he was being set down on something cold and hard and the grip on his clothes slackened. He peeked one eye open and lowered his arms enough to see he’d been placed on the arm of Mobei-Jun’s throne. He was perched so close to Mobei-Jun he could probably count every individual lash on the man’s eyes!

“Speak louder.” He growled in annoyance.

Shang Qinghua jumped before nodding. Below them the budgetary advisor had fallen silent while the entire council stared at their King and his strange little companion. But a sharp glare from the powerful demon had them scrambling to continue on with the court proceedings.

The deer spirit leaned in, cupping a hand over his mouth to whisper at Mobei-Jun. He didn’t need to do such a thing in order for Mobei-Jun to hear him. But then again Mobei-Jun didn’t need to put Shang Qinghua this close to him, but he did anyway.

“Um my King… The numbers he listed, they just don’t add up.” Shang Qinghua began, chewing on his bottom lip. When Mobei-Jun hummed to show he was listening, Shang Qinghua felt something fluttering in his chest. A little tingle danced along his nerves and had him leaning even closer as he began furiously explaining to Mobei-Jun how the expenses being talked about shouldn’t cost that high and something was definitely fishy. Shang Qinghua was so engrossed in his explanation he didn’t even register the fact Mobei-Jun was leaning towards him so Shang Qinghua could whisper directly in his ear. He also didn’t even notice the large hand placed on his lower back that kept him from toppling over the edge of the chair’s arm.

By the end of Shang Qinghua’s explanation Mobei-Jun’s eyes were blazing in fury. But despite being this close to the firing range, Shang Qinghua didn’t feel that afraid. Which was shocking! He would’ve thought himself ill if he didn’t know why he wasn’t entirely scared. It was because that look wasn’t being directed at him!

Mobei-Jun held up a hand and the demon beneath them swiftly stopped talking. He looked tense, eyes darting between Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua.

“Bring me the budget records.”

The demon broke out in a sweat, stuttering for the first time since he’d begun talking. “A-ah your highness… T-there’s no need for–!”

“Do you deny this King? Bring me what I asked for.”

To deny Mobei-Jun would be a death sentence. But the demon clearly already knew it was dead anyways. All eyes were on the spindly demon as he shuffled up the steps and held out the papers to Mobei-Jun. The King snatched them, blue eyes darting over their contents to confirm if what Shang Qinghua said was true. From this vantage point Shang Qinghua could see the papers without even having to strain. He had to resist the urge to point out the many inconsistencies written down. Now that he was actually looking at some of the budgetary records he was even more shocked! This demon had flubbed the numbers both in the records and as he was speaking!

The temperature in the room plummeted to arctic levels as Mobei-Jun came to the same conclusion. The sound of ice cracking as it formed was what sent the demon to his knees, bowing low and babbling excuses and apologies to Mobei-Jun. But his King was cruel to those that betrayed him. And to steal from the King was a blatant act of betrayal.

“You dare to take advantage of this King.” Mobei-Jun’s voice had dropped to a low growl that sent shivers up Shang Qinghua’s spine.

He watched with a twisted fascination as the Demon tried to beg Mobei-Jun to spare him. It was like watching a drama play out in real time! His heart was pounding as he waited in anticipation for how Mobei-Jun would react. Would he order the demon to be stripped of his title and locked away for all eternity? Would he make an example of him and punish him publicly? Or would he–

Pillars of ice erupted from the ground and pierced through the demon in a gruesome display. The demon’s shriek warped to a wet gurgle as his hot blood splattered against the ground. With how close it’d been, some drops had even flown and landed on Shang Qinghua. He flinched, eyes glued to the brutal kill. A queasy feeling gripped his stomach and he felt faint because holy f*ck–! That was gross! Terrifying! Kinda hot how Mobei-Jun killed the guy without any effort… But–! Thank the Heavens it wasn’t Shang Qinghua skewered like some sick pincushion!

“Search his chambers,” Mobei-Jun barked to the few guards stationed within the throne room. They rushed to depart and heed Mobei-Jun’s orders. As for the other court members trembling before him, Mobei-Jun spared them a withering glare before he stood and swept down the steps and headed for the door. Court was adjourned for today it seemed.

Shang Qinghua leapt off the throne’s arm and had to tiptoe his way around the blood pool and demon bits before he did his best to chase after Mobei-Jun. But the ice demon was too damn fast! “Aah m-my King!” Shang Qinghua called, panting in an effort to try and hobble faster, “Please hold on! My ankle–”

Mobei-Jun abruptly stopped, whirling around to scowl down at Shang Qinghua. The deer squeaked in fright and instantly stopped where he was. There were still several feet between them but honestly with how angry Mobei-Jun looked, Shang Qinghua was beginning to think it probably wasn’t enough. Huffing in annoyance, Mobei-Jun stalked forward and closed the gap between him and Shang Qinghua.

Shang Qinghua’s instincts had him freezing in place, shaking as Mobei-Jun reached for him. But instead of feeling pain or something similar, Shang Qinghua instead felt hands grab him by the hips before he was being lifted into the air. For a moment Shang Qinghua felt weightless, the breath leaving him in a shocked exhale. Then he was being slung over Mobei-Jun’s shoulder and getting a mouthful of fur.

“Gah–! My King!” He sputtered, trying to push himself up so he wasn’t suffocating.

“Stay still.” A heavy hand settled on his lower back and pressed down in warning. The prick of claws through the thick layer of his robes had Shang Qinghua instantly going limp like a dead fish.

Mobei-Jun walked through the halls with purpose in his step. From the angle he was hanging Shang Qinghua couldn’t really see where they were going. Which was partially a good thing since it meant if they passed by any servants he couldn’t make eye contact with them. He didn’t have a lot of face but what little he did have would’ve been stripped away at that level of humiliation!

Unable to take being suffocated by Mobei-Jun’s fur collar anymore, Shang Qinghua turned his face to the side and let out a large puff of air. Beneath him Mobei-Jun stiffened, a pause in his step for only a moment before he continued on. Shang Qinghua didn’t really notice this as he was too busy staring at the column of Mobe-Jun’s neck. It was directly in his face at this angle and if he looked up he could see a bit of the King’s side profile. Shang Qinghua squinted when a red glint caught the corner of his eye. He stared at what he was sure was that same red pearl Mobei-Jun had been wearing the other day. He hadn’t noticed it this morning since his King’s hair was covering it. But at this angle Shang Qinghua could see it clearly. Seriously, what's up with that? Honestly Shang Qinghua could’ve sworn it looked kind of the same colour as the gem on his collar…

Suddenly he was being picked up and set on the ground before a thick set of doors. “Your level of education?”

“Huh?” Shang Qinghua blinked stupidly up at Mobei-Jun. For a moment Shang Qinghua could’ve sworn Mobei-Jun looked at him like he was stupid. Hey! Shang Qinghua resented that! “I’m plenty educated!”

Right there!!

That was a look of doubt! Mobei-Jun’s expression barely shifted but Shang Qinghua could f*cking tell what it was! Just as he opened his mouth to prove just how unintelligent he was by back talking to this walking icicle, said icicle pressed his hands to the door and shoved them open.

“Prove it.”

Shang Qinghua squinted up in suspicion at Mobei-Jun before he slowly inched his way into the newly presented room. Inside were shelves upon shelves stacked to the brim with scrolls and other pieces of books and parchment. There were even shelves carved into the very ice that made up the walls! From where he stood Shang Qinghua could make out what looked to be a desk. Though from here it was hard to tell since the thing was nearly drowned in a pile of paperwork.


“You were the one to point out the thievery happening under this King’s nose. It is your responsibility now.”

What?! That wasn’t canon! Well it was but not this way! Shang Qinghua was supposed to ask Mobei-Jun for the job and his King would grant it. Not that he wanted a job. But what was with Mobei-Jun shoving this onto his shoulders?! My King this is why you were taken advantage of! You’re giving important jobs to just anyone, even captives!

“My King–!” Shang Qinghua just had to protest this! He arguably wasn’t qualified! Sure he may have taken accounting classes when he was in university but that was years ago!

Mobei-Jun crossed his arms over his chest and levelled the smaller man with an unimpressed look. Which, while warranted, still hurt to have directed at him! Shang Qinghua was unable to hide his pout as he hunched his shoulders. Looking down at his feet, the deer shuffled in place for a moment before ultimately caving in the face of his favourite character.

“Fine… But–! I r-require something in order to work!” Shang Qinghua bit his lip and already flinched as he braced for retribution. Only when no strike came did he peek his eyes open.

Mobei-Jun still looked unimpressed but by now he had a slight furrow in his brow and his frown looked even more pronounced. Not a good sign! But then he sighed through his nose and growled out, “Well?”

The little hamster in Shang Qinghua’s brain ran on the cogwheel of his mind while he tried to make sense of what Mobei-Jun was asking. Then finally his brain kick-started and began to work properly. “Oh! Uhhh I want melon seeds!” Shang Qinghua crossed his arms over his chest and raised his chin, trying to exude the air of an authority figure. The false confidence was ruined by the sweat on Shang Qinghua’s brow and his trembling but at least he was trying!

Mobei-Jun uttered a short ‘fine’ before he was leaving Shang Qinghua alone in the room. That itself was shocking enough Shang Qinghua just stood there staring at the closed door. Was… Was he finally alone? Unsupervised?! Although any thoughts on potentially escaping were quickly dashed when he remembered the lovely accessory still wrapped snugly around his neck. Honestly he’d gotten used to the weight enough that he completely forgot about it. Which was extremely alarming but once again Shang Qinghua was going to shove that down and ignore it! Who said ignoring your problems didn’t make them go away? Look at that, Shang Qinghua’s mounting anger and frustration were gone! There was only peaceful, amicable Shang Qinghua now!

Shang Qinghua found himself by the desk and sat down, gingerly picking through the paper in order to read their contents. Most of it was blank but there were a few scrolls with the current inventory for the kingdom. Although there was just… A lot of things scratched out and written over? What? Who wrote this?! Shang Qinghua’s chicken-scratch was better than this dog sh*t! Whoever wrote it should have their hands removed on account of their handwriting being a public offence!

[Is Host going to fulfil this role?]

Shang Qinghua shrugged a shoulder as he picked up an ink stick and began grinding ink. “Probably? I dunno. It’ll give me something to do, I guess.” He just had to practice writing with a brush a couple of times.

[...If Host takes this role, the system will grant Host skills required of a Heavenly Official]

Now that sounded too good to be true.

Shang Qinghua lowered the ink stick before pointing a stained finger at the system’s screen. “I don’t trust that. What’s the catch, ah?”

[So long as Host has this role, Host is not allowed to try and escape Mobei-Jun or Luo Binghe]

“Ah-ha! I knew it!” Shang Qinghua waved his finger at the system, “You think I’ll accept those terms?! What would I even gain from that??”

[Host will cement himself as someone of value should he be unable to produce flowers. Host will also permanently keep the Heavenly Official skills even after he no longer maintains this role. These skills include the four arts required of a scholarly gentleman]

“Ok… But I literally only need one of those skills.” Shang Qinghua crossed his arms over his chest and chewed his bottom lip, “If I do this… Then can I possibly switch out three of the arts? I only need to know calligraphy, after all.”

[.... The System is willing to compromise. With limitations. Host is allowed to pick from another selection of skills that can apply to his former status as a Heavenly Official. This includes: Horseback riding, herbology, animal husbandry, swordsmanship, carpentry, and literature]

“Herbology!” Shang Qinghua leapt forward and shouted loud enough even the system flinched back over his enthusiasm. But who cares?! There were so many damn plants and sh*t in this story he wrote. Some he bet weren’t even his creations! He may not be susceptible to poisons but he knows papapa plants didn’t always count as poisons! If he could learn what to look out for, he’d be golden!

Another little window popped up beside the current one, the text reading [Host has two remaining options].

“Hmm… Alright then how about animal husbandry and literature?” Those couldn’t hurt to have. And Shang Qinghua really couldn’t think of any situation where he’d need the other skills. Sure swordsmanship would be a good skill to have but then Shang Qinghua would need to carry a sword. And that would make him a threat. He’d rather everyone just ignore him and try not to fight him! Also when would he ever need to know how to horseback ride? He was a deer! He could just run anywhere he needed to go.

[Is Host satisfied with the skills: Calligraphy, Herbology, Animal Husbandry, and Literature? These selections are final and cannot be changed in the future]

Shang Qinghua waved a hand dismissively, “Yeah yeah, just gimme them already!”

The second System window closed while the main hud flashed to a downloading screen. The little bar moved quickly before the screen was replaced by a new one.

[Character Profile Updated: Shang Qinghua

Species: Flowering Bone Stag

Occupation: Budgetary Advisor for the Northern Palace, Prisoner, Former Literature God

Skills: Calligraphy, Literature, Herbology, and Animal Husbandry

Abilities: Purification, Disguise Appearance, Attuned to Heavenly Artifacts

Bonus Attributes: Despite no longer being a Heavenly Official, Host still maintains his Heavenly aura. This acts as protection for Host when coming into contact with Heavenly afflictions

Seek System aid for further descriptions]

Shang Qinghua grinned wide at the updated profile. So the System decided he was a former Literature God? That worked for Shang Qinghua. Technically he was a God of sorts. He did write this world, after all. When everything seemed to be in order Shang Qinghua closed out of his System before he picked up the ink stick once more and prepared to give his new skills a test-run.

“Let’s do this!”

Chapter 4: A Peek of What is Wanted


A grin spread across Luo binghe’s face unknowingly. Giddy excitement flashed through him and washed away his earlier bitterness. With a plan formulating in Luo Binghe’s mind, he was eager to head straight to the kitchens.


A/N: hello! Thank you for the wait and for all of your comments. I loved reading them! So to begin with I want to preface this by saying I don't know when the next chapter will come out. I mentioned it briefly last chapter's author note. I'm currently dealing with a very serious family emergency and so if I don't update for a while that may be the reason. I won't go into the details here though.

Anyways thank you all for reading, I look forward to your comments and your speculations on what happens~ In case it takes me a while to produce the next chapter I WILL leave you all with the title to build up hype. Chapter 5: Is This a Wife Plot?
Do enjoy~ ;D

Chapter Text

“Oh, Mobei, there you are.”

The ice demon paused and turned to look at who had called out to him. Luo Binghe strolled down the hall with a fake casualness that spoke of how on edge he probably was. Mobei-Jun had spent plenty of time by Luo Binghe’s side to know what cracks to look for in his façade. And while he’s never been fully allowed to see the man behind the mask, sometimes Luo Binghe put down a few of the walls he surrounded himself with. Those were the rare moments Mobei-Jun treated like precious gems.

“Junshang,” He dipped his head in greeting and waited for the half-demon to reach his side.

It’d been nearly a full week since Luo Binghe had last visited Mobei-Jun’s palace. He presumed it was because something dire had been keeping the emperor away. Otherwise he would’ve been right here beside Mobei-Jun trying to get the deer spirit to grow flowers.

When Luo Binghe had informed him about the legends of such a species, Mobei-Jun had recalled stories he’d overheard in his youth amongst elder demons. They were treated as fanciful legends meant to entice the listener. Stories of the powerful deer spirits and how their flesh was what made one a true King. That even the Heavens themselves sought the deers just to keep immortality all to themselves. Foolish, Mobei-Jun had thought. But he did not dare say that to Luo Binghe. Only for him was Mobei-Jun willing to indulge in frivolities.

Mobei-Jun couldn’t tell when their dynamic had shifted. It was something he found himself wondering whenever the thought crossed his mind. He couldn’t name what it was that went on between the two Kings. He knew Luo Binghe favored him, enough so he granted Mobei-Jun a gift not even his most cherished wives had received. Only Mobe-Jun was considered worthy enough to have it. That is until Shang Qinghua came along. But even then Mobei-Jun viewed it as different. Shang Qinghua’s ‘gift’ was to keep track of him. Mobei-Jun’s was given for another reason entirely. He just… Wasn’t sure what that reason was.

“How’s our little deer doing?”

Mobei-Jun’s expression twitched which startled a laugh from Luo Binghe. He reached out to slap a hand on Mobei-Jun’s back, uncaring for the minor growl he got in response. He knew Mobei-Jun was not being serious. It was the ice demon’s version of grumbling.

“That bad, hmm?”

“He is loud. And annoying.” Many a time Mobei-Jun had wanted to grab and shake the spirit until he stopped talking. But Luo Binghe had ordered him to not harm the deer. So as much as Mobe-Jun wanted to wring that willowy neck, he refrained. Though it was always just barely.

Luo Binghe smiled in amusem*nt, “Well that’s a shame. Perhaps I should take him back to my palace then? It’d be much easier to tend to him that way.”

Despite the suggestion Mobei-Jun knew Luo Binghe was only joking. They’d discussed it before going in search of the deer where it would be kept. Luo Binghe was the one to verbalise that his home was a den of snakes. It was unsafe to keep such a valuable creature there. So Shang Qinghua was to remain in Mobei-Jun’s palace for the time being.

As they neared the King’s study, the two could see servants scurrying in and out, scrolls piled in hand and haggard looks stretched across their demonic faces. When they passed, some stumbled in an attempt to bow to the two Kings before rushing down the hall to complete their given tasks. The display had Luo Binghe raising an eyebrow and shooting Mobei-Jun a curious look.

Instead of answering verbally, Mobei-Jun stopped just outside the door to the study and said, “Wait here.” Mobei-Jun wasn’t good with his words so it would be better just to show him. The entrance to the study was obscured enough that the lone figure kneeling at the table couldn’t see who was at the door without straining. And even then Mobei-Jun was confident in the fact Shang Qinghua wouldn’t look up just yet.

“Take this stack to the kitchens. I need a detailed list of their inventory including the prices each item costs! Make sure they don’t skip things!” Shang Qinghua instructed the servant in front of him before shoving the pile of scrolls into their hands. “There’s a scroll with instructions in there just in case.” He then dropped his eyes back to the papers he was furiously writing on.

Mobei-Jun ignored the servant as they turned around and jumped at the sight of him. They were quick to bow and scramble for the entrance. The startled squeak was the only sign that they’d run into Junshang as well. Moving over to the table Mobei-Jun stood in front of it and watched Shang Qinghua work. The brush glided over the paper like a dew drop sliding down a strand of grass. With ease and grace but a speed to it that was unparalleled. Though Shang Qinghua was clearly writing fast his words still came out legible, if somewhat wobbly.

When Mobei-Jun had first seen the deer work with a brush he’d been surprised. He’d thought Shang Qinghua to be just an animal with a human form. Turns out Luo Binghe might be onto something with his theory of Shang Qinghua being a former God. He still didn’t see it though. Especially with the ink staining his fingertips and smudged across his cheek. What God allowed themselves to appear so unkempt? Even his hair was disheveled and in a messy bun. Mobei-Jun’s eyes narrowed into a squint as he spotted a second brush stuck into said bun.

“Shang Qinghua.”

The deer startled, his head snapping up to lock eyes with Mobei-Jun. Those wide brown eyes always struck him with a feeling he disliked. They made him… Uncomfortable. He was used to being stared at in various ways. From lustful looks to ones full of envy and hatred. But Shang Qinghua’s eyes held a weight to them that seemed to burrow beneath Mobei-Jun’s skin. Sometimes his gaze was studying. He would watch Mobei-Jun’s every action and try to parse the meaning behind them. Other times, and more frequently than Mobei-Jun liked, Shang Qinghua looked at him almost knowingly.

Those were the times Mobei-Jun hated the most.

“My King,” Shang Qinghua’s shoulders slumped the barest amount. He grabbed one of the many scrolls scattered around him. The deer opened it and glanced over its contents for a moment before he turned to hold it up to Mobei-Jun. “Just look at this! Since I was already doing the budget and also taking inventory on the treasury at your request, I thought to look into the outward expenses to see if there were any more discrepancies! And look what I found! Someone was using the palace’s funds to buy themselves a freakin’ house! Who is stupid enough to do that???”

Mobei-Jun made no move to take the offered scroll, Shang Qinghua not noticing as he’d already began to dissolve into his usual rambling. He talked about rubbish like ‘low-level IQ’ and ‘Useless canon fodder’, utter nonsense. Mobei-Jun reached into his cloak before pulling out Shang Qinghua’s payment for the day. He dropped the full bag of melon seeds on the table and took satisfaction in the way the deer abruptly cut himself off mid-sentence.

“Oh! Thank you, my King!” Shang Qinghua snatched up the bag and held it close to his chest as if to protect it.

Mobei-Jun stared at Shang Qinghua, waiting till he started squirming before he turned around and left. The prickle of eyes along his back had Mobei-Jun’s jaw tightening and his teeth grinding together. He resisted the urge to glare at Shang Qinghua over his shoulder. He would not give the deer the satisfaction in believing his probing stare bothered Mobei-Jun. Let him continue to wonder over the demon’s motivations. He would not give an answer.

Outside the study Luo Binghe stood leaning against the wall. His expression was carefully neutral. Too careful to be natural. Without prompting Mobei-Jun opened up a portal that led straight to his private chambers. Only once it closed behind them did Luo Binghe allow his true expression to bleed through. He looked to be battling between a mixture of anger and confusion.

“What was that?” He demanded, throwing an accusatory look towards Mobei-Jun.

The ice demon frowned, “What?”

That,” He hissed, “With Shang Qinghua!”

Now it was Mobei-Jun’s turn to be confused. What exactly was Luo Binghe asking? “... Melon seeds. It was his payment for working.”

Luo Binghe stared at Mobei-Jun, searching his face for a moment before he clicked his tongue. He crossed his arms over his chest, “So you put my deer to work and pay him with seeds like a parrot? Fine.” Judging by his tone it was anything but fine, “Why though? What happened in the week I’ve been gone, Mobei?”

Ah, a recap. That Mobei-Jun could do. “There were traitors, Shang Qinghua pointed them out. Shang Qinghua is now in charge of the budget. And the treasury. And the palace staff.” Shang Qinghua had been exposing so many traitors to the crown that a lot of positions had opened up. All of them now being filled by the former ‘God’. For as annoying as he was Mobei-Jun won’t deny he’s efficient.

“Mobei… It’s been a week.”


Luo Binghe took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. Mobei-Jun couldn’t fathom what had made the other half-demon so frustrated. He had told Luo Binghe all that had happened.

“So in a week’s time Shang Qinghua managed to find traitors who neither you nor I were able to sniff out for years? Does that not strike you as odd?”

Mobei-Jun hummed before he tilted his head, recalling aloud, “I noticed. Shang Qinghua knew where to look in order to find evidence. He would pretend to stumble over it.” Mobei-Jun had observed this during the first instance with the budgetary advisor. Contrary to what his outward appearance may have stated, Mobei-Jun had been listening. He was just also mentally checked out at the same time. He was efficient at multitasking.

The point was he had been listening to the report. So he knew that there hadn’t been that many inconsistencies mentioned. And the ones that had cropped up were not enough to warrant Shang Qinghua noticing, especially since he had no business being aware of the kingdom’s budget and purchases. Which meant the deer had already been anticipating the discrepancies.

“I assumed it had been a fluke. After the fourth ‘discovery’ I know this to be false.”

Shang Qinghua was wheedling out the traitors within Mobei-Jun’s court faster than Mobei-Jun could blink. He just couldn’t begin to understand what Shang Qinghua’s motivations were. And from the intense look Luo Binghe carried, he too was wondering the very same thing.

“Interesting,” He stroked his chin and hummed, his pacing starting up again as Luo Binghe began thinking out loud, “Within a week you managed to get him to trust you enough to expose traitors? And with such pinpoint accuracy. Almost as if he knew who they were and where to look for evidence of their crimes… Not to mention he actually looked you in the eyes and didn’t stutter once in your presence. How did you do it, Mobei?” The last part had been tacked on with an almost wistful look.

Mobei-Jun blinked, shrugging his shoulders. Much like how he couldn’t tell when Luo Binghe and his relationship changed, so too could he not do the same for him and Shang Qinghua. “Gave him food, space, something to do.”

“And just that was enough…” Luo Binghe’s expression suddenly hardened into a scowl. He gripped Xin Mo’s handle and ripped open a portal, stepping through without even a farewell to his general. Mobei-Jun pushed aside the small inkling of annoyance over that before he opened his own portal. He had duties to return to.


Luo Binghe rolled around the teacup in his hand. It was beautiful and expensive but oh so fragile. With just the barest of pressure Luo Binghe could crack it. Too much force and it would shatter. He could have it put back together and mended for use once more, but by that point the damage would be done. The cup would be cracked and left even more fragile than before. This cup was just like his little deer.

“A-Luo,” Came the sweet croon in front of him. His red eyes flicked up from the cup to the smiling face of his first wife, Ning Yingying. She had her head tilted just the slightest bit, a curious light in her eyes even as she held out her hand expectantly. Without much of a fight Luo Binghe dropped the cup into her outstretched hand and watched as she set it down to pour tea into.

“It’s rare for A-Luo to seek me out these days for counsel.” She chuckled demurely behind a hand before nudging his cup forward. “What has you so wound-up?”

She wasn’t wrong in saying it was rare. In the past when they’d been younger he’d frequently gone to Ning Yingying. Either for comfort or just to have someone to talk to that wouldn’t beat him. And after he took her as a wife he would still visit her. But his visits have grown less and less frequent over the years. Mostly on account of how many new flowers he’d gathered into his harem. The numbers just kept growing and there were only so many hours in a day. He couldn’t have showered Ning Yingying in as much attention as he used to be able to. But these days the amount of wives had stopped increasing and his visits to them had become stagnant. Something many of his wives had quickly come to notice.

“Can’t a husband just wish to visit his wife?” The half-demon lied anyways.

From the smile Ning Yingying gave him it was clear she didn’t truly believe Luo Binghe but would entertain him nonetheless. Of all the wives he came to, Ning Yingying would perhaps be the safest option. She wasn’t one of his smartest wives, sure. But Luo Binghe wasn’t here for a strategist. Even though the questions he wanted to ask felt like the preparations for a battle. No, the reason why he came to Ning Yingying was because he knew she no longer loved him. Not romantically anyways. Or to be more specific it was the current him she’d ceased to love.

The one that held her heart was the Luo Binghe of the past. The one that would talk sweetly to her and entertain her silly thoughts. The one who had time for her and treated her as if she was the only thing he cared about. The only thing his world consisted of. Luo Binghe didn’t even think Ning Yingying was aware of this. She probably assumed her feelings for him were genuine. But Luo Binghe could tell in the way she acted– How she reminisced more about the past than the current time or the future. The Luo Binghe she loved was the man in those memories, not the one that sat before her. And when Luo Binghe had come to realise this he’d felt… Relief.

One would think they’d be angry at learning their wife didn’t love them. And for a time Luo Binghe had been angry. But had he not journeyed to that mirror world and seen that other version of himself, he might’ve never become aware of Xin Mo’s poison. It’d been difficult to separate his own feelings from the sludge Xin Mo infected him with on the daily. With his prolonged status of abstinence it’d grown even harder. But then he met Shang Qinghua. And that brief passing of qi had been like a drink of cool water. It’d cleared his mind for the first time in years. The sudden silence had been staggering. Now that Luo Binghe had experienced the brief absence of Xin Mo’s control, he craved it like a drug. Xin Mo itself had clearly not been happy to have its control cast aside so easily. It’d relatched itself to Luo Binghe’s mind with a vengeance, whispering words into his ear as it had done for so long. But now Luo Binghe was aware of the poison. It would not control him so easily anymore.


He blinked, coming back to himself. He hadn’t realised how lost in thought he’d gotten. Luo Binghe plastered on an apologetic smile to cover up whatever expression he’d been making. He furrowed his brows and sent Ning Yingying his most boyish pout possible, making him look many years younger. The half-demon wasn’t above using his wife’s affections to his advantage. “This one is sorry, he’d been too lost in thought.”

Ning Yingying cooed, reaching out to cup Luo Binghe’s cheek in what was meant to be a comforting gesture. He tried not to recoil at her touch.

“It must be very serious to have A-Luo so concerned over it.”

He merely smiled, reaching up to cup her hand and press a kiss to her palm. “It is nothing serious. This lord had simply wondered what it was that made Yingying feel safe around him.”

“Safe?” She echoed, looking puzzled.

This was the reason Luo Binghe had sought out Ning Yingying. The visit this morning to check on Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun had Luo Binghe choking on vinegar. Xin Mo had pounced the moment the inklings of jealousy had flared to life. Luo Binghe had to get out of there before he did something foolish. He would not give into the sword’s demands. It would not control his actions.

Despite this conviction Luo Binghe could not erase away the picture Shang Qinghua made hunched over the desk. He’d seemed comfortable and at ease. He hadn’t even flinched when Mobei-Jun appeared before him. He was startled, yes. But it had not been from terror. Shang Qinghua’s face was flushed from the cold and when he’d lifted his head to speak to Mobei, Luo Binghe had seen the glint of the collar wrapped around his thin neck. It’d been a rushed creation, not nearly as perfect as a gift to a God should be. But the small glimpse he’d gotten was enough to consume Luo Binghe’s mind almost entirely. He wanted to get a better look at Shang Qinghua in that collar. He wanted to see that frail neck in more collars, each more beautiful than the last. When he saw Shang Qinghua there and spoke to Mobei-Jun with ease, it had turned something sour in Luo Binghe’s chest. Rarely did he feel envy these days.

Luo Binghe wanted what Mobei-Jun unknowingly had gained. Which is what brought him here in his fit of desperation. Who better to go to than one of his wives? Luo Binghe may no longer care romantically for them, but they’d at least have some insight about Luo Binghe’s character that made them feel safe.

“Hmm let’s see,” Ning Yingying said with a thoughtful hum. She tapped a delicate finger to her chin and looked to the ceiling in her musing. “Seeing how reliable A-Luo is always makes me feel safe. How strong you are when you rush in to protect me.” She giggled, tilting her head and giving Luo Binghe a saccharine smile. “Having A-Luo by my side in the face of danger is when I feel the safest because I know you won’t let anything bad happen to me.”

Was it really so simple? Luo Binghe has protected Ning Yingying over the years. And he’s shown himself to be very reliable. Was that all he needed to do to get Shang Qinghua’s trust? Perhaps if he combined it with things Mobei-Jun has done… He didn’t want to give Shang Qinghua space so that was out of the question. He was already being given work and Luo Binghe wasn’t that much of a monster as to dump more on the God. But of those three things there was one Luo Binghe could do far better than Mobei-Jun.

A grin spread across Luo binghe’s face unknowingly. Giddy excitement flashed through him and washed away his earlier bitterness. With a plan formulating in Luo Binghe’s mind, he was eager to head straight to the kitchens. Dinner time would be soon and he wanted to get food made before Mobei-Jun could feed Shang Qinghua.

“Thank you, Yingying.” The smile he gave this time was actually genuine.

At such warm thanks Ning Yingying’s cheeks flushed a light pink. She hummed, wrapping her dainty hands around her own cup. “Does this mean I should expect another addition to A-Luo’s harem?”

That stopped Luo Binghe in his tracks as he rose from the table. His smile dropped and his tone lost its sweet candour for but a moment as he gave a succinct “No”. And before his wife could react Luo Binghe was all smiles, leaning down to place a fleeting kiss to her cheek before bidding her farewell and sweeping out of her room.

His expression dropped once he was no longer within Ning Yingying’s presence. Luo Binghe was appalled. He would never bring Shang Qinghua into his harem. Shang Qinghua was much too valuable for that. But for a fleeting moment Luo Binghe did find the idea of wedding a God tempting.


Shang Qinghua chewed the end of his brush as he squinted down at the page in front of him. The numbers seemed to blur into each other till they were nothing but incomprehensible gibberish swimming before his eyes. He held back a groan and set his brush down, pinching between his brows.

Outside the sun had already set. But that wasn’t really saying much since out here in the north the sun set so much faster. Although sometimes he wondered if it was setting too fast. Was it the effects of merging the realms? Who knows!

Shang Qinghua had been working tirelessly since he was first placed in charge of the budget. And from there Shang Qinghua had done his best to pick out every single traitor in Mobei-Jun’s court that he could remember. Of course he couldn’t use his knowledge to just start pointing fingers! That’d be too easy. No Shang Qinghua had to find evidence. Ugh. It was making the overall process a slow one.

Shang Qinghua’s workload gradually increased after every traitor was exposed. He wasn’t stupid. He saw what Mobei-Jun was doing! At this point the System had even taken the initiative and just labelled him as [Advisor for the Northern Palace]. The System was literally writing off the remaining two advisors! Of course Shang Qinghua would’ve gotten to them eventually. Don’t think he’s forgotten about you smuggling information to Mobei-Jun’s sh*tty uncle, advisor Three Horn!

With a small groan Shang Qinghua raised his hands above his head and stretched till his back made a satisfying crack. He sighed, rubbing his stomach and looking towards the study’s door. It was odd. Dinner should have arrived by now.

Ever since he started working every morning he’d wake up, have breakfast in his room, then head to Mobei-Jun’s study to continue working. He had a long and extensive list of things to do since everything was so f*cked up. Shang Qinghua literally had to break things apart and fix them from the ground up! It was tiring! He didn’t die just to become the lapdog that runs a kingdom! But well… It beats being just a prisoner. And at least he’s being fed. He kept a schedule thanks to his meals!

After he had lunch in the study, without fail Mobei-Jun would show up. He’d toss Shang Qinghua a bag of melon seeds– Which, wow. He took Shang Qinghua so seriously when he said he required that to work. Anyways after the “visit” sometimes he’d stay in the room while Shang Qinghua worked or he’d just leave right after. It was always a question of what he’d do that kept Shang Qinghua on edge.

Dinner was also held in the study. But it was what Shang Qinghua used to signify he was done for the day. He may basically run Mobei-Jun’s kingdom at this point, but he wasn’t obligated to keep working into the night! He was being paid in f*cking melon seeds! HR would have a field day with you, Mobei-Jun! Slave driver! Poor wages! And always looking like he wanted to strangle Shang Qinghua! Where was his employee benefits, ah?!

Shang Qinghua exhaled and shook his head, returning back to his task. He was currently trying to jot down all the details he could remember about the plot and this world. Thanks to his new position, Shang Qinghua had been able to weedle information from the palace staff. He learned that Luo Binghe had his 487th marriage last spring. This gave Shang Qinghua a rough estimate on where they were in the plot. And he meant rough. Almost a year since Luo Binghe got a new wife? Odd. He should be plucking beauties nearly every week! After a year he should be a bit over 500 wives! But maybe Shang Qinghua was remembering wrong. Maybe the System changed it so the timeline got extended. It was possible! Shang Qinghua was proof enough that the System liked to mess with canon.

“I wonder what’s taking so long,” Shang Qinghua mumbled as he rubbed his stomach. The familiar pangs of hunger were starting to set it. He could keep munching on the seeds Mobei-Jun gave him but he was trying to ration those! The bag wasn’t that big and he could go through an entire one in a single sitting!

Just as Shang Qinghua was contemplating if he should poke his head out and flag down a servant, the door to the study slid open. Shang Qinghua eagerly sat up on his knees, leaning over the table just to see if his dinner was finally arriving. Indeed there was a shaking servant there, although the only thing they were holding was the door. And they weren’t there for long. The moment the dark figure stepped through the servant was bowing and scurrying out, the door closing behind it.

Shang Qinghua felt his smile freeze on his face and his heart stop. Luo Binghe strolled into the room with a tray in hand, several bowls of steaming food sitting atop it. His mouth was curled into a charming smirk that had all the alarm bells going off in Shang Qinghua’s head.

Belatedly his eyes darted down to the papers in front of him and he nearly shrieked. Ah! Spoilers! Shang Qinghua frantically grabbed the papers and shoved them into the pile of scrolls and parchments growing steadily by his side. He tried to make it look like he was merely clearing a space for Luo Binghe to set down the tray. A quick glance up showed Luo Binghe’s expression hadn’t shifted so Shang Qinghua hoped he was in the clear.

“Lord Luo– Ah I mean Junshang!” Shang Qinghua tried not to squeak when Luo Binghe’s smile twitched.

Luo Binghe swiftly lowered himself to sit, not a single drop of food spilling on the tray as he sat it down on the table. On the tray was a large lacquered box filled with white fluffy rice, a plate with braised pork ribs drizzled in sauce, smoked fish, a few plates piled with sweet smelling vegetables, and a freaking tea pot with cups! How did he fit everything on a single tray?! Shang Qinghua’s stomach gave a traitorous growl as his mouth filled with saliva.

“Lord Luo is quite fine. Although I would not be opposed to Luo Binghe as well.”

The man’s words had Shang Qinghua’s head snapping up and his senses returning. He cleared his throat and not so subtly wiped at his mouth. “Ah um… Lord Luo…” There was no way he’d just call Luo Binghe without a title! He didn’t want to die. “May I ask what you’re doing here?” He questioned hesitantly, body already tensing for a flinch.

But Luo Binghe didn’t strike him down for daring to ask a question. Instead he gave one of his indulgent smiles as he began moving the items from the tray onto the table. “This lord merely wished to spend some time in Shang Qinghua’s company.”

The smell of the food was tormenting Shang Qinghua like the sweetest torture. It smelt so damn good and he was so hungry! Was the food for him? Or was it just for Luo Binghe? Was this a threat?! Oh Gods if Luo Binghe began eating the food and Shang Qinghua was forced to just watch, he'd die!

Whatever expression he was making clearly amused Luo Binghe. The man took an empty bowl and scooped up the picturesque rice with it, patting it down before handing it to Shang Qinghua. It was only when he held the priceless bowl that Shang Qinghua realised Luo-motherf*cking-Binghe was serving him a meal. Oooh no. Oh no no no he knew this tactic! It’s the wine and dine!! No wonder it smelt so heavenly it was because Luo Binghe cooked this sh*t!

“Lord Luo,” Shang Qinghua’s smile was strained from how hard he was forcing it. Ahhh he really didn’t want to die but come on. Did this youngster really think he could pull the wool over Shang Qinghua’s eyes?! He wrote this world, thank you! “If this is a bribery to get my flowers to g-grow, I’m afraid I will have to disappoint you.” Nice! And only one stutter! Knowing how much Luo Binghe needed Shang Qinghua seems to have made him grow quite bold! Sad that whatever spine he had would crumble with the barest pressure.

Luo Binghe looked genuinely surprised, the faker. He shook his head and widened his eyes to project that boyish innocence as he handed Shang Qinghua a pair of chopsticks. “This Lord would never try and bribe for that outcome. I remember how serious you were in stating the flowers could only grow when you felt safe. It is this Lord’s goal to provide such an environment for you.”

What pretty words. Shang Qinghua didn’t buy them.

He tried to look cool, like an empress turning her nose down at a servant who dared offend her! “So the food isn’t a bribe?”

“Oh, no it is.”

Excuse me?!

Luo Binghe chuckled, low and deep. He rested an elbow on the table and propped his cheek on his palm. The black claws of his hand tapped against his cheek. Was this the threat? Luo Binghe please stop playing with this old man’s heart before it gives out!

“You see,” Luo Binghe continued calmly, unaware of Shang Qinghua’s inner turmoil. “This Lord was hoping Shang Qinghua would accompany him on an excursion tomorrow. The temple where I found the scroll documenting your species had a lot more hidden chambers within it. Plenty were open but only one contained any useful information. There was a tablet that spoke of a hidden chamber within the temple meant for the Flowering Bone Stag. Since that tablet and the scroll were the only things I had to go off on, I had my servants search the temple for the entrance to the hidden chamber.”

sh*t. Shang Qinghua knew where this was going.

“So the food is to bribe me into going with Lord Luo.”

The Cheshire smile on Luo Binghe’s face grew wide enough his eyes turned to crescents. “Correct. Of course you have my word that during the outing no harm shall come to you. This Lord just asks for your cooperation tomorrow.”

Shang Qinghua mentally mocked Luo Binghe’s ‘cooperation’ in his head and managed to curb the urge to roll his eyes. Shang Qinghua sighed, expression twisting into one he hoped looked remorseful. He didn’t miss the way that Luo Binghe’s gaze darted up from staring somewhere around Shang Qinghua’s neck. Ignoring whatever that was, Shang Qinghua instead said, “I would love too Lord Luo, but–”

“Great! I’m glad you’re in agreement. Eat up, Shang Qinghua. I will see you tomorrow after breakfast.” Luo Binghe flashed those pearly whites in a fanged smile before he was sweeping out of the room.

He left! In the middle of Shang Qinghua talking!! Rude, so rude!! Who raised this kid, ah?! No manners!

Shang Qinghua ignored the fact it was most likely his fault Luo Binghe was this way. Actually it was entirely his fault. But who cares he had other things to worry about!! Like how he was interrupted before he could tell Luo Binghe that he had work to do. Once again anything he said was promptly ignored! It was starting to seriously piss him off. Not enough that he’d do something about it, though. He wasn’t stupid.

Shang Qinghua grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring down at the food in front of him. He should throw it out. He shouldn’t eat anything Luo Binghe made. But… It just smelt too good! And this was the protagonist’s legendary cooking! One bowl was worth a small kingdom! At least in Shang Qinghua’s eyes. Never did Luo Binghe cook for someone that wasn’t his wives. And even then only the most favourable ones got to eat his cooking. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and Shang Qinghua would be a fool to pass it up. Plus–! He can’t be poisoned!

With enthusiasm Shang Qinghua snatched up one of the steamed vegetables and crammed it into his mouth. Almost instantly Shang Qinghua’s entire body slumped over and he whined deep in his throat. God that was so good!!! Damn!

Shang Qinghua tore into the meal like a savage animal. All the while he didn’t even notice the person just lingering right outside the door, watching him through a crack. In the next moment the door closed without a single sound.

Chapter 5: Is This a Wife Plot?


Trembling like a rabbit before a starved wolf, Shang Qinghua peeked over his shoulder at Luo Binghe’s smoldering gaze. “S-sorry Junshang. But being so close it uh… It crushes my tail.”


A/N: Hey, I'm back. Sorry for the wait. As I mentioned last chapter there was a family emergency. During that time my mother had passed away so I've been... Dealing with that. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things though. But as I'm trying to find a better job since my mom was the main bread winner, I'm not sure how chapter updates will go from here. I still intend to continue this fic, don't worry. I just have a new shift in priorities. Although to make up for how long it took for this chapter to come out, this one is especially long and very fun~ I was going to split it into two parts but I decided not to. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading and for your comments :) I do read every single one of them even if I don't respond. They make me smile. I do have something to say in the end notes regarding this chapter. It is spoilery so don't read it till you read the fic! Unless you want to read it before the fic. Up to you! Also I may have rushed editing a bit near the end so I may come back and fix that. But thank you for reading :) This chapter was a delight to write.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Shang Qinghua awoke the next morning, he was in a bit of a daze. Had yesterday truly happened or was it all a figment of his imagination? Shang Qinghua lay there awake, waiting for Luo Binghe to come busting down his door demanding Shang Qinghua’s presence. But when nothing happened after a solid five minutes he let himself finally relax.

Shang Qinghua should have waited six.

The door was suddenly slammed open and a collection of servants came filing in. One was carrying a large tub while several others had buckets of steaming water on hand. Shang Qinghua, from beneath his pile of blankets, barely made out the two large trunks being dragged into his room behind the group before a rough hand was grabbing his ankle.

Shang Qinghua squealed as he was dragged from beneath the blankets. He clawed at the sheets, desperate to find some purchase as he was yanked from its warmth. Without a word Shang Qinghua was dumped, clothes and all, into the tub filled with steaming water.

Talk about a wakeup call!

Sputtering, Shang Qinghua surfaced from the water and used his sodden sleeves to wipe away at his face. The demon that had pulled him from his bed was glaring down at him with her bulky arms crossed over her chest. “Wash yourself or we’ll do it for you. Put on that under robe when you’re done,” She’d jerked her head in the direction where a plain white under robe was being laid out on Shang Qinghua’s bed. “Wash fast. Emperor Lou does not like to be kept waiting.”

And without pausing for an answer the group of servants left the room, slamming the door closed. Shang Qinghua sat there for a moment, blinking in shock before he let out a choked sound. ‘ Excuse me?! Protagonist, did you really order these servants to get me ready for the day? This old man didn’t need that kind of assistance just yet, thank you! ’ Grumbling all the while, Shang Qinghua was quick to disrobe and wash his body as instructed. Look, Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to be stubborn and refuse. He knows Luo Binghe didn’t like to be patient with people who weren’t his wives! So he used that healthy fear as his driving force to finish bathing in record timing.

Shang Qinghua climbed out of the bath and dried out his body alongside his hair. He was just putting on the under robe when the door was again thrown open by the same gaggle of servants. Shang Qinghua nearly bit his tongue clean in half from how fast he clamped his teeth down on a scream. The big servant from before– Probably the one in charge– began adjusting the under robe for him.

“Hold out your arms,” She ordered before gesturing to the servants near a sleek silver chest. They popped it open and one by one began pulling out thick swaths of white fabric. Shang Qinghua was forced to stand there as he was wrapped up like a burrito in numerous layers. The robes were snug and the sleeves draped from his hands like silken wings of a butterfly. One layer was even longer than the rest and made of a soft gauzy fabric. It billowed out just past his sleeves like the foam of a waterfall. The collar of the robes fanned around his neck in a way that accentuated and drew attention to the silver wrapped around his throat. And at his waist cinching it all together was a belt as black as coal.

Despite the layers everything felt flowy and surprisingly breathable; but damn were they getting heavy! The final layer was a beautiful pearl white outer robe with silver stitching in the sleeves that glittered when the light hit it. Shang Qinghua picked up one of the sleeves and held it up to his face, squinting as he tried to make out what he saw. A sea of trees and deer? What the–?!

Shang Qinghua stumbled as he was shoved towards the room’s lone vanity. There he was forced to sit and be manhandled by more servants. They slathered sweet flower-smelling lotion on his arms and legs before clamping silver bracelets around his wrists and ankles.

“Transform yourself,” The demon in charge instructed. She held a lacquered box in hand, small cuffs and chains inside of it. Honestly the cuffs looked like rings. But they were far too big for that. Whoever heard of a ring that was two fingers wide?

“Huh?” Shang Qinghua asked quite smartly.

“Your antlers. Show them.”

Ah . That explained it. They were ornaments for his damn antlers. Shang Qinghua, for a moment, wanted to protest. But then he remembered who it was who no doubt ordered he be gussied up. So without much of a fight Shang Qinghua allowed his disguise to slip. His hair turned white and his antlers sprouted tall and proud. The moment the change was finished the pack of servants were on him like wild animals.

His hair was styled with little chains and crystal flowers woven into the white strands. His antlers suffered no better. They had their own set of jewellery clasped on them that, when he moved his head, clinked together like windchimes. He could quite literally feel the weight of them on his head.

For the hundredth time this morning Shang Qinghua asked himself why the protagonist ordered for him to be dressed up like this. Wouldn’t it be counterproductive to have Shang Qinghua in all these layers? Especially with them being pure white! Shang Qinghua was going to dirty them!!

Once Shang Qinghua was given a pair of slippers to finish his ensemble he was left alone with the instructions to head to the throne room. Of course by this point Shang Qinghua knew where it was so he didn’t need an escort. But he made no move to head there right away. He just… Wanted a moment for himself. Shang Qinghua stood there, staring down at what he could see of himself. His hair, while having a lot of it up, was mostly spilling down his back like a sheet of white. He had no clue how he looked in his entirety but he felt… He felt…

He felt like one of those princesses in those dramas he watched!!!!

Shang Qinghua cackled like a mad man, flapping his sleeves and dancing around his room just to see them float after him like translucent wings. The whole time he’s been here Shang Qinghua has never worn such luxurious clothing. It was always the cheapest clothes he could get his hands on! And those were only ever scratchy and unpleasant. But these robes felt divine! The fabric was soft and made him feel pretty and otherworldly. It was like being wrapped in a cloud. Dressed as he was, Shang Qinghua truly felt like a Heavenly Immortal.

[But Host was from the Heavens]

“Don’t ruin this for me!” Shang Qinghua couldn’t even be mad at his System’s annoying comment! “I’m literally living my xianxia dreams of being a badass looking immortal cultivator.” Just minus the sword and the agency a cultivator probably had.

[If Host is done… Admiring himself, he should probably head to the throne room]

He hated to say it but his System was right. Shang Qinghua spent too long gushing about his new fancy robes. With a loud and dramatic clearing of his throat, Shang Qinghua folded his hands in front of him and raised his chin up high.

Project power, project confidence! He was dressed to impress so may as well play the part! Still despite his conviction to look like an aloof, untouchable badass, Shang Qinghua couldn’t help but grin and run his hands over his robes. Damn they were soft !

Somehow as he walked through the halls of the palace, Shang Qinghua managed not to make an ass of himself by stumbling over his many layers. As a deer he surprisingly had a natural grace to his steps. The only times he ever tripped were on ice or when it was done on purpose. Shang Qinghua filed this disposition under ‘Divine Deer sh*t’. It was just easier not to think about the why of these things. Otherwise he’d work himself into a fit.

What Shang Qinghua should really focus on was this upcoming mission. Because it was a mission. The System had stated as much last night after Shang Qinghua had finished off his dinner.

“System, can you tell me the parameters of my mission again?”

Shang Qinghua wasn’t too worried about looking crazy talking to the System. He learned very early on that when he spoke directly to it, no one around him could hear. This was a lifesaver when he would get into argument matches with the damned thing.

[Current Active Mission: Explore the temple of the Flowering Bone Stag

Mission parameters: Explore the temple and retrieve the item in the inner sanctum

+200 b-points upon completion]

Shang Qinghua whistled at the point amount. He’d been a little too out of it last night to really register that little factoid. But damn that was a lot. He could use that for something!

“System, what’s my current point total?”

[Host currently has 22,304 b-points]

Hell yeah. He’d spent his whole life saving up. It was a very nice number to see. Shang Qinghua was aware there was a System shop but he’d been too stingy to ever spend more than a hundred points at a time. Who knows when he’d need them?! What if he breaks a leg and it costs 500 points just to mend? It could happen!

So lost in his unheard discussion with the System that Shang Qinghua didn’t even notice the eyes of the servants watching him as he passed them by. His hair glittered like starlight and the numerous shiny pieces of jewellery hanging from his antlers and woven through his hair only helped accentuate that image. His new robes shimmered as they reflected the light that gleamed through the frozen palace walls. His fluttering robes trailed behind him like misty wisps. Shang Qinghua was a vision and he didn’t even realise it.

Just outside the throne room the two guards stationed there jumped when they caught sight of Shang Qinghua. They scrambled to grab the doors and yank them open, their mouths parted in awe as their gazes trailed after the ethereal spirit. Shang Qinghua only blinked up at them with his large brown eyes and smiled, rushing out a quick thanks before he scurried off into the room.

Inside the throne room Shang Qinghua came to the conclusion he probably was interrupting something. But neither party seemed to care. Mobei-Jun was sitting on his throne while Luo Binge had one hand propped on the seat’s arm and was leaning far into Mobei-Jun’s space. They were practically sharing air with how close their faces were! Shang Qinghua, thankfully, only had to stand there for a few more seconds before both demons finally turned to look at him. From this far away Shang Qinghua couldn’t tell what expressions they had. But he did know they were quiet long enough he was starting to get nervous.

Suddenly his system dinged, startling a flinch from Shang Qinghua as a text box appeared before him.

[New hidden side mission unlocked: To Have and to Own

Completion includes hidden bonuses and perks]

Shang Qinghua felt extremely confused. What the heck did it mean ‘hidden side mission’? And what was with that name?? Before he could ask for clarification Luo Binghe barked a laugh, punching Mobei-Jun in the shoulder.

“See? I told you I knew what I was doing.”

Mobei-Jun’s words were lost from the distance but whatever he said made Luo Binghe laugh again. Together the two Kings descended from the throne. Shang Qinghua, startling out of his confusion, scrambled to rush to the steps so his Kings wouldn’t have to walk too far.

“Shang Qinghua,” Luo Binghe’s smile was smug as he reached out towards the deer. It took everything in Shang Qinghua’s power not to jump and back away from the hand. He felt deft fingers take up some of his hair, lifting the spider silk strands up to twirl around his fingers. “How do you like your new robes?”

“O-oh! They are quite nice! Thanking Lord Luo for such a kind gesture!” He quickly bowed, hair ornaments jingling from the simple action. When he straightened back up Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun were once more sharing a look Shang Qinghua couldn’t even begin to understand.

Luo Binghe let his hand drop from Shang Qinghua’s hair and move down to his waist. Before he knew it, Shang Qinghua was being tugged right into Luo Binghe’s arms and getting a face full of chest. Sir, please close your robes!

“Alright, we’ll be going then.” Luo Binghe said as he drew Xin Mo. Mobei-Jun only hummed, watching as Luo Binghe ripped open a portal. The sudden wave of Yang energy that washed over Shang Qinghua was staggering . His knees felt weak and there was the uncomfortable sensation of ants prickling under his skin. Did none of the others feel this? A quick glance between the two showed him that no, they didn’t.

Shang Qinghua didn’t have any time to contemplate why this was as Luo Binghe was already dragging the two of them through the portal. He gasped at the feeling of weightlessness and clung to the front of Luo Binghe’s robes. It only lasted for a moment but it felt like hours . The energy had crawled all over Shang Qinghua like a pair of hands, pulling at his own energy and viciously biting at it. He felt like his very core was being attacked just through that single instance of travel.

When they emerged on the other side Shang Qinghua felt his legs give out. Had Luo Binghe not been holding onto his waist Shang Qinghua would’ve hit the dirt. He dry-heaved, body trembling as his brain was wracked by a very intense dizzy spell. He could hear the sound of chatter around him but it was muted at the moment. Shang Qinghua furiously scrubbed at his arms in an attempt to wash away that invasive feeling digging its way through his meridians. Had that been Xin Mo’s energy? What the f*ck!

“Shang Qinghua? What is it?”

Now Shang Qinghua must really be more affected than he thought. Luo Binghe actually sounded concerned! Ha! With a cough Shang Qinghua took in a ragged breath of air. He shook his head and forced himself to stand on wobbly legs. “I’m fine! I’m fine!” Shang Qinghua began pushing his clean energy through his meridians to wash out Xin Mo’s touch like a bad aftertaste.

“Shang Qinghua.” A hand cupped his chin, tilting his head up and forcing him to look up into Luo Binghe’s burning gaze.

He felt small. A new tremor started up in Shang Qinghua that had nothing to do with Xin Mo. His mouth flapped uselessly, trying hard to come up with an excuse that would get Luo Binghe to back off. But when none came to mind his shoulders slumped and he chewed on his lip, eyes darting away nervously.

“I-it’s just the portal– Xin Mo’s energy really doesn’t like mine. So it kind of… Attacked mine?” Shang Qinghua winced, words trailing off as he tried to shrink away from Luo Binghe. But with the firm hold he had on Shang Qinghua’s chin, there wasn’t much space for him to gain.

Luo Binghe’s thick brows were furrowed in thought and he glanced between Shang Qinghua’s ashen face and the black sword in hand. Whatever conclusion he came to had his mouth flattening into a thin line. He let his hold of Shang Qinghua dropped and promptly sheathed Xin Mo.

“This Lord will keep that in mind.”

Shang Qinghua only let himself breathe again when Luo Binghe walked past him. Geez! Sorry Protagonist, it isn’t like Shang Qinghua would know his body would reject your main mode of transportation! Next time Shang Qinghua will just call an Uber!

Now that he was no longer feeling like he’d puke, Shang Qinghua could finally take in his surroundings. The two of them had appeared just outside what looked to be a camp at the base of a large mountain. The settlement was filled to the brim with human cultivators. Or to be more specific, Huan Hua Palace cultivators. There was no way Shang Qinghua could mistake these gaudy golden robes!

The Huan Hua disciples were running back and forth, some carrying excavation tools while others were just tending to the camp itself. As he stood there he noticed just how many were stopping to openly stare. At first he thought they were staring at their glorious Emperor Luo Binghe. But as the half-demon got further away he realised the numerous eyes were still trained on him. Panicked, Shang Qinghua quickly scurried after Luo Binghe. Better to stay with the danger he knew rather than all these strangers!

Luo Binghe looked down at him, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smirk. “The temple itself is further up the mountain. But I wanted to bring you to the camp first in order to show you some of the things excavated.”

As he said this, he gestured to one of the older looking disciples. They happily trotted over and looked up at Luo Binghe with wide, awe-filled eyes. He whispered something to them before they were quick to bow and run off to do his bidding. Before Shang Qinghua could even think to ask what he told the disciple to do, a large hand was being placed on his lower back and urging him forward to the only large tent in the entire camp.

Inside the tent was a long table covered in broken pottery, stone slabs, and stacks of paper. At the very centre was what appeared to be a map sketching out the temple and the numerous chambers inside of it. Shang Qinghua made a beeline for the map itself, studying the details and seeing if anything jogged his memory. He didn’t think he put a temple for the Flowering Bone Stag in his drafts, but who's to say? That was a lifetime ago. For all he knows he might have mentioned it somewhere. Like a scrap of paper or on a napkin.

Shang Qinghua leaned over the table, cupping his chin as he began muttering to himself. They really cleared out a lot of the temple from the looks of this map. Some areas were blank with either a note that said ‘locked’ or ‘caved in’. Though in one of the caved in areas there was more paths sketched out, so Shang Qinghua could only assume they were updating the map as they cleared things out.

“As you can see, this path here is what we’ll be taking.”

Shang Qinghua jumped at the warm, deep voice spoken directly into his ear. His head snapped up, eyes locking with a smirking Luo Binghe. The man was standing directly behind Shang Qinghua, leaning over the smaller man in order to point out their path on the map. He was standing so close Shang Qinghua could feel the heat radiating from him. How had he not noticed Luo Binghe approach?! If Shang Qinghua leaned back he’d be touching Luo Binghe’s chest! Danger! This was dangerous!

With practiced ease Shang Qinghua side-stepped out from Luo Binghe’s space and scurried around the entire length of the table to stand on the other side. Was it a blatant and obvious avoidance? Oh for sure.

“Ahaha just wanted to see the map from this angle, Junshang.” Shang Qinghua forced a laugh and tried to read the now upside down map.

Annoyance flickered over Luo Binghe’s expression for only a moment before it was smoothing back out into something gentle. “Of course.” He turned to gesture to one of the broken pots, picking up the aged pieces before showing it to Shang Qinghua. Though it was chipped and the paint was extremely faded, he was still able to make out the depiction of a deer. It was cut in half from how the pottery had broken, sure. But what was important was the fact the deer was pure white and had flowers painted on its scratched up antlers.

“This was found in this cavern here,” Binghe explained, pointing at a circular room on the map. “There were numerous pieces of pottery like this scattered around. I believe these kept the blossoms that grew from the Flowering Bone Stag. With all the depictions of the deer, I’m left to believe they used to be a frequent sight.”

Shang Qinghua grimaced, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah well if people believe in rumours saying eating a deer can make them a God, it’s no wonder they all got hunted to extinction.” Hell Shang Qinghua was pretty sure his deer parents were dead. Probably. He hasn’t seen them since he left home. Maybe they were still out there alive and well. It was a nice thought to have.

“Indeed… To be a Flowering Bone Stag is a heavy responsibility to have.”

That got Shang Qinghua to snort in amusem*nt. Ha! Luo Binghe you’re funny! “More like a punishment.” He grinned, looking from the broken pottery to Luo Binghe. However the intense look he was suddenly met with had the smile falling off Shang Qinghua’s face and his eyes darting away nervously. “Ah! Um… Sorry.” He mumbled, hunching in on himself.

Luo Binghe’s brow furrowed and his lips parted to say something, but whatever it was got lost when a voice from outside called out. “Emperor Luo! I brought the horses like you requested!”

Red eyes glared at the tent flap harsh enough it could’ve been set on fire. Yet when Luo Binghe blinked his expression gave way to an indulgent smile. He set the pot piece down before nodding towards the tent entrance. “Shall we go, Qinghua?”

Too familiar! Ah protagonist, where were your manners? Luo Binghe never addressed other men in such an informal way! To hide his panic, Shang Qinghua was quick to book it out of the tent. The disciple outside jumped at Shang Qinghua’s sudden appearance but recovered swiftly when Luo Binghe emerged behind the deer.

He bowed, holding two reins in hand that led to a pair of horses. “The strongest horses we have on hand, Lord Luo!”

Suddenly Shang Qinghua paled.

“Good.” Luo Binghe reached out and dismissed the disciple as he took the reins.

Oh sh*t.

Luo Binghe turned to Shang Qinghua, “Shall we go?”

Oh f*ck.

System. System I beg for a boon. Please . ’ Shang Qinghua thought in desperation past the whitenoise that had taken over his mind.

[Yes Host?]

Luo Binghe looked at Shang Qinghua’s panicked state in mild confusion. He glanced between him and the horses before a devilish spark lit up his eyes like lanterns. Shang Qinghua didn’t even notice the predatory gaze now being levelled his way. He was too busy freaking out.

“Does Shang Qinghua not know how to ride a horse?”

System! System please! Let me swap one of the traits I picked! Give me horseback riding!

[But Host said he would never need to know horseback riding]

I lied ok! Just give it to me!!!

[Apologies. As this System has stated all selections are final and cannot be changed in the future]

System I’m literally begging here!!

[... System is amendable. For 50,000 b-points Host can change one trait]

Scammer!! What a scam! It took Shang Qinghua this long to scrape together just 22 thousand!

“Shang Qinghua.”

He yelped, jumping when a hand landed on his shoulder. His eyes snapped to Luo Binghe and he stuttered, wringing his sleeves nervously. “Ah! No no, I can ride a horse! N-no problem.” Shang Qinghua eyed one of the horses wearily. God the horse was bigger than his deer form. How was he even meant to climb the thing? Surely he could figure it out and avoid making himself look like a fool in front of Luo Binghe, right? It shouldn’t be too hard. Just swing his leg up and over! He could do it!

Yet before Shang Qinghua could even approach the horse he felt a pair of hands fall to his waist. They gripped him tight, squeezing the meat of his sides and then lifting him up from the ground. Shang Qinghua let out a choked sound of shock, flapping his sleeves like a panicking bird. He was then safely deposited on the back of a horse.

Behind him Luo Binghe swung himself up onto the same horse as well. Luo Binghe’s hot hands once more grabbed his waist and dragged him back against Luo Binghe’s front. A thick arm then slinked around Shang Qinghua’s waist, securing him to the furnace behind him.

“Wouldn’t want you to fall,” Luo Binghe purred, hot air puffing out over Shang Qinghua’s sensitive ear.

His face flushed red all the way to the tips of his pointed ears. He let out a garbled sound that could’ve been words if only Shang Qinghua could figure out how his tongue functioned. Being held this close to the muscular Protagonist was one thing! He could deal with that if he didn’t think too hard about it! What he couldn’t ignore was that thing poking against his backside! It was that big flaccid??? Holy sh*t!

Shang Qinghua felt the urge to clap his hands together and pray for every single one of Luo Binghe’s wives. This author is sorry he dared subject you to such a beast. Please forgive this author for his sins.

Tentatively Shang Qinghua placed his hands on Luo Binghe’s arm and tried to move him so he could inch forward. It would drive Shang Qinghua f*cking insane if he had to ride a horse with all that pressed up against him. Look, Shang Qinghua valued his life, sure! But he was also a simple man! Who wouldn’t be drooling at having someone like Luo Binghe glued to his back?! Even a straight man would be moved! And Shang Qinghua was the furthest thing from straight one could get! So he was equally boned! You’d think spending so long around his King’s beautiful face and body would make him immune to good looking men. Nope! It just made it harder to have peaceful nights.

Heh… Harder.

Shang Qinghua cleared his throat, trying to wiggle more space away from Luo Binghe. He bit on a scream when the arm around his waist tightened. Trembling like a rabbit before a starved wolf, Shang Qinghua peeked over his shoulder at Luo Binghe’s smoldering gaze. “S-sorry Junshang. But being so close it uh… It crushes my tail.”

This close Shang Qinghua could see how Luo Binghe’s eyes instantly narrowed into slits. He tilted his head, eyes raking down Shang Qinghua’s body like claws. “Shang Qinghua has a tail?”

Luo Binghe’s voice had dropped an octave till it came out as a deep rumble. Shang Qinghua shuddered, his breath hitching. His prey instincts were once more going off in flashing alarm bells. The way Luo Binghe was looking down at him… He looked hungry .

Slowly Luo Binghe blinked, the hunger not entirely clearing from his gaze but he did look away from Shang Qinghua. “Let’s go. We’re wasting daylight.” Thankfully Luo Binghe allowed the small bit of space between him and Shang Qinghua.


Surprisingly the ride up to the temple was pleasant. There wasn’t really a trail for most of it but the horse was bred for this kinda thing. The scenery itself was very pretty. Like something Shang Qinghua would’ve seen from a fairytale book in his previous life. The birds chirped beautifully– With the occasional scream of a demon bird– And the air smelled sweet with spring. Honestly this was a place Shang Qinghua would like to take a stroll in with his deer form. How had this mountain not been touched by the realms merging? One of the lucky ones, he supposed.

Shang Qinghua began wiggling in the saddle at some point. Sitting like this was a little uncomfortable and he really wanted to stretch his legs. But a firm squeeze from Luo Binghe had him freezing up and putting a stop to his moving. Though only for a bit. Shang Qinghua just wasn’t used to sitting in a saddle for so long! It wasn’t his fault!

“Sorry,” Shang Qinghua mumbled sheepishly.

Luo Binghe chuckled and Shang Qinghua could’ve sworn he sounded a little strained. “It’s fine.” Struck by curiosity on why Luo Binghe would sound like that, Shang Qinghua made to turn and look over his shoulder at the half-demon. However suddenly Luo Binghe was pulling the reins and making the horse stop. “There, can you see the temple entrance?”

It took a lot of squinting but Shang Qinghua could eventually see a few Huan Hua cultivators gathered out front of a decrepit pile of stones. Some were disappearing into a hole beneath the stones carrying digging tools. Is that the temple entrance? How the f*ck did they even find it!

Luo Binghe nudged the horse to go forward and gradually the two closed the gap between them and the temple. Luo Binghe was the first to descend from the horse before he turned to pick Shang Qinghua up and gently lowered him to the ground. It was embarrassing and Shang Qinghua was left blushing and mumbling a thank you. From there Luo Binghe led Shang Qinghua into the temple without a second glance at the disciples that stopped to salute him.

The temple entrance was truly just a pile of rocks. At one point it may have been a grand entrance but that was no longer the case. The tunnel that’d been dug out led to a set of stairs that, while chipped and age-worn, were still intact. There were lanterns fixed to the side that illuminated their descent further into the hidden chambers. In some of the rooms they went through there were a few people but otherwise it was a relatively quiet walk through the temple. Luo Binghe seemed fixated on watching Shang Qinghua’s reactions though. Was he waiting for Shang Qinghua to show some signs of recognition? Sorry to disappoint, Protagonist! Shang Qinghua didn’t know sh*t about this place!

He still made the vague “ahhh” and “hmmm” sounds whenever they passed by something that looked somewhat interesting. Really though he couldn’t care less. He just wanted to finish up this mission and get back to his nice, safe desk job!

“Careful,” Luo Binghe murmured as he placed a steadying hand to Shang Qinghua’s back, “The path ahead is dangerous. We’re getting closer to the sealed chambers.”

Shang Qinghua squinted, letting himself be led as he threw a fit inside his head. Protagonist, are you serious? ‘ Careful ’. Careful his ass! He wasn’t some willowy maiden you needed to help down a set of stairs! Shang Qinghua may not be that strong but he was still a man! Should he be happy he was being treated like glass? Maybe! But it just reminded him even more that it probably wasn’t him Luo Binghe was worried about. He was most likely worried that if Shang Qinghua just so happened to trip, fall down the stairs, break his neck and die, that there would be no way for him to get Shang Qinghua’s flowers!

He ignored the little bit of pain that pierced his heart. Why was he getting upset, ah? Shang Qinghua knows very well Luo Binghe doesn’t care about him. He only wants Shang Qinghua for what he could give. If there was a way for Luo Binghe to grow the flowers without Shang Qinghua, he bet the half-demon would take it in a heartbeat. And why wouldn’t he? Shang Qinghua was more trouble than he was worth. Luo Binghe wouldn’t be the first to think so.

This line of thought was starting to make Shang Qinghua depressed. But as he passed by a wall with faded carvings, something flickered in the corner of his eye. It pulled him straight from his thoughts and turned his attention on the wall beside him. As Shang Qinghua moved past, little orbs in the wall began to glow a faint white. They were hidden beneath a thick layer of dust but even then the light peeked through.

“This is new.” Luo Binghe sounded far too smug at this latest discovery.

Feeling bitter all over again at being reminded of his current status as property, Shang Qinghua pursed his lips before stomping ahead. He really didn’t want Luo Binghe’s hand on him right now.

“Shang Qinghua,” The demon Lord called out in warning but Shang Qinghua made a point to ignore him.

At the base of the stairs was a long hall that led to a set of large doors. They were made of solid stone and based on the deep gouges made on them, were impossible to smash through. He could feel in the air a spark of something. It was muted and faint but the closer Shang Qinghua drew to the door the more familiar it got.

“Huh…” He stopped, looking up curiously. If the doors had a design on them it was too faded to make out.

At first glance they really did seem like ordinary doors. Shang Qinghua raised a hand, pulling back his numerous sleeves in order to expose his hand so he could place it on the door. Instantly Shang Qinghua felt the energy thrumming through the stone itself. It was a seal. One that was seriously powerful. It was no wonder Xin Mo hadn’t been able to break through it; because there was no doubt Xin Mo had made those deep gouges. Luo Binghe would always prefer the brute force method first when it came to obstacles.

“A God probably put this seal down…” He said to himself, lost in thought. Shang Qinghua tried pushing some of his energy through the door just to see if it’d have any effect. Instantly two massive orbs flared to life, their light near blinding even beneath a layer of grime. Shang Qinghua jumped back when the door in front of him rumbled and swung itself open.

Inside was a chamber illuminated by hundreds of those tiny white stones. Just from the doorway he could tell it looked like a sea of stars on the ceiling. There was one massive stone directly in the center of the dome-shaped roof. It produced a long column of light that landed directly onto a dais made of polished marble. Settled on top of it was a small statue. It was hard to tell but Shang Qinghua thought it might’ve been a deer?

His vision was obscured by a dark figure stepping in front of him. Luo Binghe had already drawn Xin Mo and was now entering the chamber without a hint of caution. His steps were sure and his chin was raised high. To others he would’ve cut the perfect picture of prideful reassurance. To Shang Qinghua he looked arrogant.

Ah, but that was his fault now wasn’t it?

Shang Qinghua bit his lip before he was quick to follow Luo Binghe into the room. He resisted the urge to grab the back of Luo Binghe’s robes. He didn’t think the demon would take kindly to Shang Qinghua clinging to him.

“Um Lord Luo, shouldn’t we wait for back up?” Shang Qinghua whispered, wide eyes darting around the room. That energy he’d felt outside the door was heavier in here. It practically saturated the walls and floors. It wasn’t painful like Xin Mo’s but still felt like its own brand of oppressive. It was also kind of… Familiar? In a strange way. Shang Qinghua’s brows furrowed as he tried to figure out why that was.

“This Lord is all the protection Shang Qinghua needs.”

Shang Qinghua wanted to scream that, that wasn’t the problem! His nerves felt like live wires and he could feel a sweat beginning to bead along his forehead. His eyes nervously darted around the room as he tried desperately to figure out why his danger senses were acting up.

“Lord Luo…” His voice was shaky and he’d stopped walking, too afraid to get any closer to the statue. “I really don’t think we should be here alone.”

“You will be fine, Shang Qinghua. Have faith in this Lord.”

Luo Binghe wasn’t listening. Of course he wasn’t. He was the Protagonist. What could hurt him?

As if to answer that question, something above Shang Qinghua shifted. His breathing hitched and he began to tremble. Shang Qinghua prayed it’d been nothing. His head snapped up to look to the ceiling. For a moment there really didn’t seem to be anything different. The lights were still there! They would’ve illuminated anything stalking about! Except some of the lights were the ones moving. Wait–No that wasn’t right. The lights were stationary. It was something else with lights that was moving.

Suddenly a pair of eyes appeared in the dark gap between the lights. Shang Qinghua had enough time to stumble backwards and gasp before the massive creature was dropping.

“Luo Binghe!” He screeched, dodging to the side to avoid being crushed.

The ground he’d just been standing on crumpled like tissue paper, a spider web of cracks exploding outwards. Shang Qinghua hit his side rolling. He was then suddenly weightless, a strong arm pulling him up from the ground and tucking him to a firm chest. Luo Binghe leapt back out of range from the creature before he sat Shang Qinghua down and pushed him safely behind him.

In a crater of its own making was a creature that was a transparent blue so dark it looked black. The body itself moved and undulated like sand in a container, patches fading and turning into gaps before a new wave of transparent night was taking its place. Covering the creature was thousands of glittering white dots, some burning brighter than the others. At the very centre of the creature’s forehead was a massive star that glowed like a beacon. Now that he could see it bathed in light, Shang Qinghua realised it was a dragon. A f*cking dragon made up of stars.

[Animal husbandry trait activated

Creature: Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations, A.K.A Endless Constellations

The Endless Constellations is a divine beast woven from the stars. It is not afflicted by mortal needs such as eating or sleep. It is predominantly used to protect rare artifacts it attaches itself to on account of the fact it is indestructible. These items are generally from the Heavens as only a being from the Heavenly Realm can control such a beast. Encountering one in the Mortal Realm is exceedingly rare. The Endless Constellations, when attacking, prefer to stun their prey with a toxin in their whiskers before killing them.

But don’t worry Host, you are from the Heavens. The toxin has no effect on you]

But what about Luo Binghe?!

[Luo Binghe’s Heavenly Demon side has blood from the Heavens. However Luo Binghe is not from the heavens]

Oh f*ck.

“Binghe!” Shang Qinghua threw propriety to the wind and grabbed ahold of Luo Binghe’s robes. He shook them instantly, eyes wide in fear. “We have to run! You can’t fight that! It’s dangerous!”

Luo Binghe slowly peeled his calculating gaze from the starry maned beast in front of them. Sadly, it was blocking the only exit in the room with its body. But Shang Qinghua was more than willing to go through a portal from Xin Mo! Anything to get them out of here!! He hoped his gaze alone conveyed that when Luo Binghe finally locked eyes with him.

But when Luo Binghe reached up to gently pull Shang Qinghua’s hands off his sleeves he didn’t slash open a portal with Xin Mo. Instead he raised Shang Qinghua’s hands up so he could place a kiss to his knuckles and flash a devilish smile.

“Don’t worry, Qinghua. This Lord will protect you.”

f*cking Protagonist!!!

“No– Lord Luo you have to listen to me–!” But Luo Binghe was already turning away from him and charging at the beast with Xin Mo in hand. Shang Qinghua wanted to cry! He was going to cry! Luo Binghe for once in your life listen when someone tells you something!

The anger and frustration Shang Qinghua had felt bubbling below the surface since he’s been captured threatened to boil over. He barely held back from screaming in frustration. His teeth clamped so hard on his tongue he tasted blood. Shang Qinghua grimaced as he swallowed, forcing himself to look at the fight before him. He had to figure out a plan to keep Luo Binghe from f*cking dying. Usually the Protagonist Halo would save Luo Binghe from certain peril. But the system had gone out of its way to clarify that the toxin worked on Luo Binghe. That meant he could very well die to the Endless Constellations!

Seeing Luo Binghe in action was, he had to admit, breathtaking. The man fought with a brutality built from years in the Endless Abyss. He slashed and hacked at the dragon before twisting away and leaping up for another attack. While there was clear brute strength in his blows, the way he landed and stood spoke of training ingrained into his very being. Luo Binghe’s roots from Cang Qiong Mountain remained even after he’d levelled the sect to the ground.

The divine beast didn’t even try to dodge Luo Binghe’s attacks. It snapped its teeth at him and tried to dive after his smaller form but otherwise it seemed un-bothered being struck. The blows Luo Binghe landed seared through it and caused clouds of glittering starlight to be ripped off; but that was the only sign of ‘damage’ being done. Any deep injury was mended like the rip had never happened.

“Look out! Avoid the whiskers! They’re toxic!!” Shang Qinghua screamed when one got a little too close to Luo Binghe. They whipped out, moving like serpents through the air as they slammed into the ground and the walls. Around them the room trembled, dust raining down alongside chunks of stone. Oh God what if the ceiling caved in? That might not kill Luo Binghe but it’d surely end Shang Qinghua!

“Lord Luo, please!”

Shang Qinghua yelped, jumping back when Luo Binghe cut off one of the dragon’s whiskers and it went flying in his direction. Of course before it even hit him the limb exploded into a cloud of glittery fog. It all whooshed right back to the Endless Constellations and reformed the previously dismembered whisker.

Luo Binghe froze at that, momentarily stunned from the display. He was no doubt confused as to how this creature seemed impervious to Xin Mo’s attacks. But that brief second of pause was all the Endless Constellations needed. Its newly formed whisker whipped out at Luo Binghe. He dodged backwards but was unable to fully miss the attack. The tip of the whisker slashed at Luo Binghe’s arm, a spray of blood erupting from the wound. When Luo Binghe landed on the ground he looked unbothered at the new injury. Instead he readied his sword to go for another attack.

But when Luo Binghe took a step forward, his leg wobbled. His expression twisted when his leg gave out from under him. Soon Xin Mo was dropping from his hold and Luo Binghe was landing face-first in the dirt.

sh*t that had happened so fast! Why?

[Luo Binghe used his blood parasites to try and combat the toxin. It only caused the toxin to spread faster than normal]

Of course he did.

Luo Binghe was unmoving as the dragon slid across the ground over to him. It hissed, one clawed hand reaching out for Luo Binghe’s prone form. Shang Qinghua wanted to wail, panic strangling him like a noose. What could he do?! How did he save Luo Binghe from his own stupidity?! Think Shang Qinghua! Think!!!

What had the System said about the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations? They can be controlled by someone from the Heavenly Realm, they don’t need to eat or sleep, they attach themselves to items–! Oh! That was it!! Of course this f*cking wife plot-esque mission had a simple solution for what looked like a serious problem! God Shang Qinghua loved his sh*t writing in instances like these!

Shang Qinghua spun on his heel, eyes zeroing in on the only item in this entire room. The statue. Let’s hope it wasn’t the marble platform instead. He quickly rushed to the little object and wasted no time in grabbing it. The statue was made of white jade and carved so intricately the Flowering Bone Stag looked almost alive. It twinkled in Shang Qinghua’s hands, the eyes sparking to life before the entirety of the room was consumed by a bright flash.

When the light cleared the deer statue was gone, as was the Endless Constellations. Luo Binghe, having been held in the air by the creature, was promptly dropped and hit the dirt with a loud crash. Shang Qinghua winced and moved to rush to Luo Binghe’s side when he felt something brush his cheek. Shang Qinghua startled, whipping around to look at what touched him.

Floating behind Shang Qinghua, the ends curling inwards to wrap around his arms, was a beautiful semi-transparent sash. It was the same dark blue-black as the dragon had been and was littered with numerous glittering stars. The sash floated and moved around him like it was alive. When Shang Qinghua reached out a hand to brush over one of the ends wrapped around his sleeve it felt like he was dipping his fingers in cool water.

“Woah…” This was… So damn cool! Holy sh*t!


[New item obtained: Sash of Divine Constellations

Item details: The Sash of Divine Constellations is both an offensive and defensive weapon. It protects the wearer and, if needed, can transform into the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations that has attached itself to it. The Sash of Divine Constellations follows the will of its wearer.

Item abilities: Dragon transformation, Blinding star sea, star light, and sash length change

For further clarification on item abilities please ask the System]

This was promptly followed by another ding from his System.

[Congratulations! Mission: Explore the Temple of the Flowering Bone Stag is complete

+200 points]

Oh sweet, the mission’s over! Shang Qinghua was going to do a little cheer when he realized he totally forgot about who he came inside with. Shang Qinghua gasped, spinning on his heel and locating Luo Binghe’s still prone form. sh*t!

Shang Qinghua rushed to Luo Binghe and dropped by his side, reaching out to grab the man and roll him onto his back. Luo Binghe’s eyes were glassy and his face was scrunched in a mixture of frustration and confusion. He wasn’t even trying to move his limbs and when Shang Qinghua waved a hand in front of his face the man didn’t track it.

“Right. Ok!” Shang Qinghua let out a nervous laugh.

First things first. Sheath that damn sword!

Xin Mo was laying beside Luo Binghe and was starting to radiate its usual potent malice. Shang Qinghua didn’t want to touch the sword but how else was he to sheath it? So with great reluctance he reached out, hands wrapping around the hilt. Instantly the sword reacted. The sounds of screams and vicious energy erupted in Shang Qinghua’s mind. He felt bile rise in the back of his throat and his palms began to burn painfully. But he still forced himself to hold Xin Mo and properly sheath it. It felt like years but was over in seconds. By the end of it Shang Qinghua’s hands were red and blistering, lingering wisps of Xin Mo’s energy clinging to him like sludge. He felt gross. He felt sick. But thankfully that ordeal was over!

Now comes the real problem. Shang Qinghua bit his lip before he reached out, placing his hands over Luo Binghe’s chest and slowly trickling his energy into the man. Theoretically if Shang Qinghua pushed the toxin out with his divine qi, that should work, right? Only one way to find out.

As Shang Qinghua worked to get Luo Binghe up and running again, he just… Couldn’t keep it in anymore. That frustration he felt since the start of this finally began to bubble over. Shang Qinghua cursed, glaring down at his hands. He started out mumbling his complaints but soon, like he tended to do, Shang Qinghua was full on ranting. And in this state Luo Binghe could do nothing but finally listen. “Seriously, what the f*ck? I tell you we need back up, you don’t listen. I say let’s run, you don’t listen! I tell you, you can’t beat it and you don’t listen! You haven’t listened to me since you met me! It’s just one thing after the other! ‘Oh Shang Qinghua this Lord is all you need’, ‘This Lord can protect Shang Qinghua’, pah! I wasn’t asking you to protect me! Are your ears clogged? You’re an emperor, get someone to clean them! Maybe then you’ll finally f*cking listen to me!”

Luo Binghe’s face twitched and his brows slowly drew into a furrow. “This… Lord…” His words came out forced like he was trying to stubbornly push past the paralysis. Shang Qinghua had to commend him for that but it was his stubbornness that got them in this mess! “This Lord… Listens to… No one.”

“That’s the problem! Ah, I swear.” Shang Qinghua clicked his tongue and shook his head, “You think just because you’re part Heavenly Demon you can defeat and survive anything. And sure! Maybe mortal things, but if it comes from the Heavens I’ll tell you, you’re f*cked! The Heavens are no joke!” Shang Qinghua hadn’t even written about the Heavens! They didn’t matter in the grand scheme of his story so Shang Qinghua never really brought it up other than a passing comment of Gods forsaking Luo Binghe and sh*t. So having an actual divine beast show up is new to Shang Qinghua!

“I have killed… Heavenly immortals before.”

Shang Qinghua didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the frustration, maybe it was a stubborn mind clashing with his own, or maybe it was the fact Luo Binghe was frozen and couldn’t retaliate. Whatever it was, it made Shang Qinghua bold enough to poke incessantly at Luo Binghe’s forehead. “You’re still not listening, are you??? Whatever Heavenly tribulations or immortals you faced, they don’t compare to the real thing! If you’d have listened to me we could’ve regrouped and maybe gotten back-up! My King’s portals would be very helpful to get around the dragon’s whiskers!”

Luo Binghe’s eyes blazed with anger and his face darkened. However with him splayed out like he was it was difficult to be intimidated. “This Lord does not need Mobei-Jun’s aid. He had it handled.”

“Handled?! Look at yourself!” Shang Qinghua practically screeched, gesturing to Luo Binghe.

Luo Binghe turned his head slightly, looking away from Shang Qinghua as if to say he was done with the conversation. Shang Qinghua grinded his teeth together and felt his heart weep in his chest. Protagonist, why are you like this??

“What’s so good about Mobei-Jun? ‘My King, my King’, that is all you cry. Is this Lord not your Emperor?!”

What the f*ck… Now Shang Qinghua thought Luo Binghe sounded like he was pouting. Was… Was he jealous? Of how Shang Qinghua called Mobei-Jun his King? Shang Qinghua thought about that for a moment before he nearly burst out laughing. Nah that wasn’t possible. It had to be something else!

Snorting, Shang Qinghua shook his head, “My King actually listens to me. Even if he doesn’t always heed what I say, at least he listens.” It was how so many traitors got exposed! But of course when Shang Qinghua talked about ‘hey maybe you should hire more competent people that aren’t just me ’ he always got ignored and was given a new job the very same day! So you know. Baby steps.

Luo Binghe seemed displeased by this and chose not to respond. Shang Qinghua felt a bit of pity in his heart as he looked down at Luo Binghe. Ahhh seriously. Seeing this man look so aggrieved made Shang Qinghua’s heart ache! Now he felt like the bully!

Shang Qinghua’s shoulders slumped and he shook his head with a small frown, “Lord Luo… Why are you so insistent on getting my flowers? Is it really just to take complete control of Xin Mo?”

The man beneath him was quiet for so long Shang Qinghua didn’t think he’d answer. So he fully turned his attention back on clearing Luo Binghe’s meridians. And maybe beating out a lot of Xin Mo’s energy while he was at it. Look he was already here so may as well! Mobei-Jun might be his favorite character but Luo Binghe was his first character! His Protagonist! So of course he’d still worry about his well-being!

“I want to be happy.”

Shang Qinghua’s hands froze and his qi stuttered in response. But quickly he scraped together a recovery and pretended to remain focused on his job. Hopefully that would keep Luo Binghe talking?

“Months ago this Lord suffered a backlash with Xin Mo. I awoke in a world that mirrored this one, yet it was different…”

Shang Qinghua bit his lip and glanced up to study Luo Binghe’s face. He was looking off into the distance, a glazed look in his eyes as he relived the memory. Cautiously Shang Qinghua asked, “Different how?”

Luo Binghe blinked, crimson gaze turning to lock on Shang Qinghua. “My old shizun was there. Alive.” Shang Qinghua tried not to wince at that. But what Luo Binghe said next had him reeling in confusion. “He was kind and treated me with love. Called me his husband.”

Uh what? What kinda fanfic did his Luo Binghe travel to?! Before he could pretend he was confused why that sounded like a problem, Luo Binghe just kept talking. It was as if now that the ball was rolling he just couldn’t stop. “I saw what the mirror version of me was living. He had a shizun that cared for him, that never beat him so hard his bones broke. He was still Lord of the Demon Realm but he did not seek more power! He was weaker . A simpering fool willing to roll over and expose his belly just because that man asked!” Luo Binghe spat the words like they left a sour taste in his mouth. His teeth were bared and his eyes shined with something like anger, maybe envy. And just like that he was deflating and his body untensing as he stared up at the ceiling. “But he was happy. He did not have all the power and wealth I had… But he was complete. And it was thanks to that man he was satisfied.”

That… Was a lot to take in. And it sounded very well like this mirror Luo Binghe probably ran into a transmigrated Shen Qingqiu? It was the only logical answer why Shen Qingqiu wasn’t being an absolute bastard. Lucky that person for getting to Luo Binghe before he blackened! Shang Qinghua had to deal with post trauma Luo Binghe! Though maybe that was just karma.

“This Lord was cast from that world and was unable to use Xin Mo to return. However it allowed me to think. I was envious of that weaker version. I wanted what he had. I wanted to be satisfied for once .” Luo Binghe gave a bitter, humorless laugh.

Shang Qinghua’s shoulders slumped and his heart felt… Ah man it hurt. It hurt a whole lot to see Luo Binghe like this. For a moment Shang Qinghua swore he could see pieces of the man Luo Binghe used to be. The fragile white lotus cruelly stomped and spit on by every nasty person he came across. A man who wanted to find satisfaction in all he achieved but was unable to because of Xin Mo. The sword fed on the greed of one’s heart. And if one stopped being greedy it would influence the wielder so it could continue gorging itself. Because Xin Mo itself was just as glutenous and greedy.

“If your other self was satisfied with his shizun, why not find your own? If Xin Mo can take you to different worlds,” Which Shang Qinghua needed to set aside to process on his own later because holy sh*t! “Then why don’t you go out and find your own shizun like that–”

“I don’t want another Shen Qingqiu!”

Luo Binghe’s yell was so loud it practically shook the sanctum. Shang Qinghua was left speechless, staring down at Luo Binghe’s furious expression. His lips were pulled back into a snarl and his eyes were wide with a wild tinge to their edge.

“How could I go to sleep and wake up next to that man– that face – without remembering what he did to me? Even if it was a different Shen Qingqiu I won’t ever forget. I’ll always remember when I was whipped, when I was beaten, when I was starved. I’ll go through life wondering ‘will this be the day he changes and strikes me’. It won’t be peaceful. It will just be another Hell. Even after he’s long dead my Shen Qingqiu will keep tormenting me. Xin Mo urges me to find a Shen Qingqiu that will treat me like my mirror copy, it tells me I deserve to have what he has. But I don’t want it. I don’t want Shen Qingqiu.”

Shang Qinghua felt like he could cry. This was the character development Luo Binghe was meant to have. He wanted to move on all on his own and let go of the pain Shen Qingqiu put him through! This was what was originally meant to be Luo Binghe’s story! Ah if only they let him stick to his original draft then it wouldn’t have taken this long!

Luo Binghe’s eyes abruptly sharpened and darted to Shang Qinghua. It startled him from how intense they suddenly were. Weren’t they having a moment? Why was Luo Binghe looking at him like that now?

Then Luo Binghe’s lips parted and his next words had Shang Qinghua freezing. “What did you say?”


Shang Qinghua thought ‘ double sh*t ’ when his wrists were forcefully grabbed and Luo Binghe was lunging forward. Shang Qinghua’s back slammed into the ground and a heavy weight was pressing his wrists down beside his head. He looked up fearfully into Luo Binghe’s face. The man’s eyes were crazed and he spoke with a hard desperation in his voice.

“What does Shang Qinghua mean by his original draft? What do you mean about my original story?! Shang Qinghua!!” He snarled, teeth snapping.

System! System, what do I do?! ’ Shang Qinghua mentally begged the omniscient device to f*cking help ! He’s got a golden protagonist above him looking ready to rip his throat out!!!


The first time he’s ever seen his system use an emoji and it was for this. Oh he was so dead.

“Shang Qinghua!”

The pressure on his wrist increased to the point he could feel his bones creak. He cried out, flinching and trying to pull away. Shang Qinghua was so terrified he was shaking. The threat of tears was imminent and at this point Shang Qinghua would do whatever he could to get Luo Binghe to back off.

“I wrote it! I wrote your life!” Shang Qinghua screamed. His eyes were closed so tight he missed how stricken those words made Luo Binghe. “In the original draft you were meant to realize all this around your 200th wife! And then you’d meet the Flowering Bone Stag and finally find peace and satisfaction!”

“Why didn’t that happen then?!”

“B-because I wasn’t allowed to!” Shang Qinghua had to pay bills! He had to eat! He couldn’t just end Luo Binghe’s story that early! Not when it’d been the one thing making him the most money! “I wanted to write you getting closure but I was never able to! I had to keep it going! A-and then I got sent here and I have no control over anything so I only have my memory to go off of! But even then I can’t remember everything I wrote and some things I never wrote are showing up and I don’t know what to do!”

He hiccupped and the moment Luo Binghe let go of his wrists Shang Qinghua was curling up on his side and covering his head with his hands. He felt hot tears threatening to spill past his eyes and he couldn’t get his breathing under control. Shang Qinghua whined in the back of his throat, trying to not cry but failing. He was so scared. He wanted to go home. He wanted to be back in his damn little hut away from all this stress.

Luo Binghe was quiet as he sat on his haunches staring down at Shang Qinghua. His face was carefully blank and gave nothing away as to what he was thinking. Finally after a full minute of watching Shang Qinghua blubbering into his sleeves, Luo Binghe reached out. Shang Qinghua flinched at the hand placed to his head. But then the gentle petting started and he felt his crying start to slow.

“Shang Qinghua, the God that wrote my story. You wanted this Lord to have happiness but your fellow deities would not allow this. They wanted my suffering to continue. It makes sense now why you knew things you shouldn’t. And why you called it a ‘punishment’ to be a Flowering Bone Stag. Because it was.” Luo Binghe gently took Shang Qinghua’s wrists in hand. Through his blurry vision Shang Qinghua could swear Luo Binghe was looking at him with the most gentlest expression ever. Clearly he must be going blind from crying. “My God cast from the Heavens became the very thing meant to be this Lord’s salvation.”

Ok now Shang Qinghua knew there was a misunderstanding or 10 in there. Shang Qinghua did write Luo Binghe’s story but he wasn’t fighting any other God for the right to publish what he wanted! But Luo Binghe was no longer growling at him and was actually cupping his cheek and staring at him reverently, so Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to complain! Whatever floats Luo Binghe’s boat! Yep he was a God punished! That’s why he’s down here!

Suddenly Luo Binghe was pulling away from Shang Qinghua and standing. Shang Qinghua had a brief moment to think about how cold he was before Luo Binghe was grabbing Shang Qinghua by the wrist and dragging him from the inner sanctum.

“W-wait! Lord Luo–!”

“Luo Binghe. My God does not need to address me so formally.”

Ok this was not how Shang Qinghua thought the day was going to go. “Where are we going now?” He asked instead of calling out to Luo Binghe again.

“We’re returning to the North. Mobei-Jun must hear of this. He is a part of my story as well, correct?”


“And what of him? Was he meant to be my general? Or would he have betrayed me eventually?”

Shang Qinghua let out an offended sound on behalf of his King. “He would never! Mobei-Jun was your most loyal confidant! The one person you’d turn to over all your wives! He was my favourite character so why would I make him betray you and give you a reason to kill him?!”

Luo Binghe sent an amused grin over his shoulder at Shang Qinghua, “Your favourite, huh?”

That’s it. Shang Qinghua was going to cut off his own tongue. Who needed to talk anyways? It just kept getting him into trouble!

With how fast the two were going they emerged from the temple far quicker than when they made their descent. The disciples surrounding the excavation site all stopped to stare, some gasping in awe when they saw the sash floating off Shang Qinghua’s shoulders. The sash coupled with his pristine white robes– Which raised the question how they were still a crisp white– truly made him look like a God amongst mortals.

“Emperor Luo!” Came a cry ahead of them.

Luo Binghe’s excited look down in the caverns was quickly snuffed out and replaced by a blank business look. He watched as a Huan Hua cultivator came riding up on a horse. The human held a piece of paper folded into a bird up in the air. “I’m glad I caught you! A missive just arrived from Huan Hua Palace! They request your presence for an urgent matter!”

The grip on Shang Qinghua’s hand tightened and the corners of Luo Binghe’s mouth twitched. But he nodded and used his free hand to pull out Xin Mo. “Shang Qinghua,” He gave a light tug to pull the deer spirit to his side so he could wrap a firmer hold around his waist. His voice dropped to a whisper, “This Lord apologises but we must use Xin Mo.”

Shang Qinghua tried to give Luo Binghe a reassuring smile but it probably looked like a grimace. “No worries! I can handle it.”

So he said. But it wasn’t till they actually stepped through the portal that all the exhaustion hit Shang Qinghua like a truck. The drain from the first trip through Xin Mo, then using so much of his spiritual energy to clear Luo Binghe of the divine beast’s toxins, and now this journey through Xin Mo’s portal. It was no wonder his legs collapsed when they emerged on the other side.


A/N: So a quick thing to say about this chapter, particularly the bit where Luo Binghe says he doesn't want another Shen Qingqiu. Don't get me wrong I love the Bingge + his own Shen Yuan/Qingqiu ship. But I thought it would be interesting to have a Binghe that just... Doesn't want that. A Binghe that can't easily look past his trauma just to cling to the potential of a happy ending. So yeah that's my motive for this version of Binghe :)

Chapter 6: Meet the In-Law


“Qinghua,” Luo Binghe’s hand on his waist moved to cup his cheek. His thumb brushed against the skin there in a gentle caress, “This Lord will be quick. Wait for him.”


A/N: Hello! It's been a bit. Thank you all for your comments on the last chapter. I sincerely appreciate every one of them even if I didn't respond! I'm still job hunting sadly :'D It's quite difficult when no place calls back. But! I'm not giving up. Thank you for your patience with me. I present you with this chapter. All mistakes are my own, sorry! There's only so many I can catch when editing on my own. But hopefully it's still coherent. And don't worry about the lack of Mobei-Jun! I promise next chapter he'll get spoiled ♥ Till then thank you for reading, your well wishes, and for any comment you leave!

Chapter Text

The moment the portal disappeared Luo Binghe was right there with an arm around Shang Qinghua’s waist, catching him as his legs gave out. “I’m fine,” Shang Qinghua gasped, blinking the black spots from his vision. He blindly reached up to pat Luo Binghe reassuringly and ended up getting a handful of boob. His brain helpfully supplied him with a ‘holy sh*t’ before the system ruined it.

[Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Protagonist’s second base achieved! +50]

Who the f*ck was this and what did they do with his system? Stingy for years and now it was handing out points just because he copped a feel of Luo Binghe’s tit*?!

When a large and warm hand settled over his, Shang Qinghua realised he was still touching said tit. He tried to jerk his hand away but Luo Binghe’s hold was deceptively gentle. It was impossible for Shang Qinghua to budge. Luo Binghe looked down at Shang Qinghua with a small furrow to his brow, staring into those wide brown eyes with an unreadable expression.

“Are you sure?”

Shang Qinghua nodded quickly, “I’ll be fine with a little rest, Junshang!” He winced when Luo Binghe’s grip tightened slightly around his hand. It could barely be called a squeeze but it still made the burns and blisters on Shang Qinghua’s hands sting. Luo Binghe instantly noticed this and he was quick to pull Shang Qinghua’s injured palm up to his face to see the damage. And the way his expression darkened had a new layer of sweat springing along Shang Qinghua’s back.

“What happened ?” He growled.

With a small flinch Shang Qinghua dropped his gaze from Luo Binghe’s searing one. “U-um I had to sheath Xin Mo. And it… Didn’t like that.”

Luo Binghe inhaled sharply. Then after a moment he let go of Shang Qinghua’s hand. However the grip around Shang Qinghua’s waist tugged him closer till he was nearly pressed against Luo Binghe’s front. Luo Binghe cupped Shang Qinghua’s cheek and tilted his face up so he could stare into the former God’s eyes. “This Luo Binghe will fix the damage Xin Mo has caused.”

He was pulling away before Shang Qinghua could even protest. He took Shang Qinghua by the wrist instead of his hand and began leading him through the gilded hallway. Which Shang Qinghua only now realised was populated with people. Oh good Gods these people had witnessed that! Look away! Avert your eyes! Don’t look at Shang Qinghua like that! It was a misunderstanding! He’s not a wife!

Shang Qinghua felt his cheeks flush and he was quick to duck his head. Around him his divine sash fluttered, trailing close and brushing against his cheek like it was trying to comfort him. Which was… Weird. Shang Qinghua glanced at it out of the corner of his eye. When the end curled and waved he swiftly averted his gaze to stare at Luo Binghe’s back. Yeah he was just– He wasn’t touching that. He’ll deal with whatever that was later.

“Ah, Binghe,” Came an older voice up ahead of them, “You arrived so quickly! I’m glad.”

Though Shang Qinghua never heard that voice before he still stiffened. There was literally only one old man in Huan Hua Palace that could call Luo Binghe so informally. And it was one of the slimiest characters Shang Qinghua ever had the displeasure of writing. Even worse than Shen Qingqiu! Kind of. Ok actually Shen Qingqiu can’t be beat in top scum, but the Palace Master was his own brand of nasty!

Shang Qinghua peeked past Luo Binghe’s shoulder in order to get a good look at the man. He was shorter than Luo Binghe by a full head and was decked out in so much gold he was like a walking treasury. The old man was smiling at Luo Binghe in a very fatherly way. But that was just what it looked like on the surface. Shang Qinghua knew. He knew what lay behind those eyes.

It was as he was glaring holes into the Palace Master’s head that the old man finally looked past Luo Binghe to the shorter man hiding behind him. Shang Qinghua flinched, ducking back and using Luo Binghe as a shield. But it was already too late.

“Oh? And who is this you’ve brought with you?”

The protective wall that was Luo Binghe moved to the side, revealing Shang Qinghua to the old man’s eyes. Luo Binghe looked proud as he presented Shang Qinghua, smug even. “This is Shang Qinghua. He is the fabled Flowering Bone Stag.”

The Palace Master made an inquisitive sound, stroking his beard as his eyes trailed over Shang Qinghua’s form. He resisted the urge to shudder, unable to look the man in the eyes. Around him his sash floated closer, pressing against his body like a pair of protective arms. It was comforting despite a part of Shang Qinghua still wanting to freak out over his sash’s supposed sentience.

“So that scroll I gave you really was truthful…”

Shang Qinghua’s eyes widened and he snapped his gaze to look up at the Palace Master in confusion. But either he didn’t notice the look directed his way or he chose to ignore it. Luo Binghe offered a small bow of his head towards the elder man. For someone like Luo Binghe this was a great show of respect. It left a sour taste in Shang Qinghua’s mouth. He wanted to grab Luo Binghe and shake him, yell at him that this vile person didn’t deserve his respect! He was a lecherous old man that was the sole reason why Luo Binghe was orphaned! He could be blamed for indirectly causing everything Luo Binghe went through!

But before he could do something foolish Luo Binghe spoke, “This one thanks Lao Gongzhu for offering the scroll in the first place.”

The man hummed, gaze not once leaving Shang Qinghua. It made his skin crawl and he absolutely hated it. It felt like years before the man looked away from Shang Qinghua. His smile looked even wider and there was a strange glint in his eyes that went unnoticed by the cowering deer.

“I am glad. Although I’m afraid the Flowering Bone Stag should not be present for this meeting.” Luo Binghe’s lips twisted into a frown at this but before he could protest the Palace Master raised a hand placatingly, “The topic is quite a delicate affair. But rest assured I’ll see that it receives accommodations befitting a being of its standing.” Shang Qinghua bit his tongue to avoid voicing a complaint at how he was being referred to. Instead he scowled and watched the Palace Master gesture towards a man who’d been politely standing off to the side.

The man was lovely, his features delicate but his jaw strong. His hair was a dark enough shade of brown it was almost black. It was long and fluffy, though not nearly as much as Luo Binghe’s. This man’s hair was more on the wavy side than curly. If Shang Qinghua squinted at him and tilted his head to the side, he could say the man and Luo Binghe shared similarities to each other. Enough that in a passing glance one may think they’re related.

It’s with this small revelation that Shang Qinghua instantly recognized who this was. It was Gongyi Xiao! The man who played second fiddle to Luo Binghe! So much of this character’s lore had been cast into the background, left forgotten in the wake of Luo Binghe’s glory! And in the end only Shang Qinghua knew the most important aspects of this man. Only he knew how much potential Gongyi Xiao had in becoming the second protagonist. And here he was in the flesh! Shang Qinghua had to fight down the urge to flail in excitement. Or squeal. Gods he’d die on the spot if he squealed like a fangirl in front of Luo Binghe.

“Great immortal, this disciple is called Gongyi Xiao. If you follow me I can show you to your room.”

Ah what a polite young man! Would Luo Binghe have grown up to be like Gongyi Xiao if he hadn’t been abused by Shen Qingqiu? How unfair! Shang Qinghua wanted to see white lotus Luo Binghe!

“Nice to meet you,” He offered a smile that dropped the moment he felt something dangerous emanating next to him. His head snapped to the side so fast he was worried he may have broken something. But there was no danger standing beside him. Instead it was Luo Binghe, his smile sweet as he looked down to Shang Qinghua. Ah… Yeah actually that was something dangerous. Nevermind!

“Qinghua,” Luo Binghe’s hand on his waist moved to cup his cheek. His thumb brushed against the skin there in a gentle caress, “This Lord will be quick. Wait for him.”

Shang Qinghua bit the inside of his cheek to cut off a wail. Protagonist please! You were treating this old man like a wife in front of your father-in-law and fellow disciples! Shang Qinghua wanted to cry from the absurdity of it all.

“Mmhmm! I will!” He quickly pulled away, bowing to both Luo Binghe and the Palace Master. If Shang Qinghua could get away with it he’d shove at Gongyi Xiao to get the man to start leading him faster. But as it was, he had to stand there and wait for the polite little gentleman to salute the two other men before they could take their leave. Thankfully the Old Palace Master struck up a conversation with Luo Binghe, allowing Shang Qinghua the opportunity to scurry away with a calmer Gongyi Xiao.

“Is Master Shang from these lands?”

Shang Qinghua made a sound at being addressed as master , “Please just call me Shang Qinghua.”

Gongyi Xiao’s brows creased slightly and the gentle curve of his lips sloped into a frown. “That would be improper of me. Master Shang is a spirit of renowned legend.”

“Ha!” Shang Qinghua couldn’t hide his snort at that, hand slapping over his mouth instinctively. He grinned sheepishly and scratched the side of his face. “I’m no one that important. Just a deer from some woods.” However, now that they were on the topic, Shang Qinghua found himself curious as to how Gongyi Xiao even knew about him. He would have thought Luo Binghe would keep it hush-hush that he was searching for a creature like the Flowering Bone Stag.

“Hey, sorry if I’m being rude but… How do you even know about my kind?”

Gongyi Xiao smiled again at the question and was more than willing to tell Shang Qinghua about it. Apparently during a routine patrol of Huan Hua’s territory, they encountered a demon not native to the area. After the merging of the realms the territory around Huan Hua Palace had suffered just like everywhere else. Although with this place being one of the few remaining sects still at full power, they were easily able to subdue all the demons surrounding them. So a stray one would have indeed been odd.

During the battle with the demon it destroyed the rocks obscuring the temple entrance. From there Gongyi Xiao and those on patrol with him went down to investigate. They found the scroll and brought it back to the Old Palace Master who then gave it to Luo Binghe. The rest was history from there.

“I had thought the Flowering Bone Stag, if it did exist, would have long-since been extinct.” He looked down at Shang Qinghua and offered him a warm smile, “I’m glad that was not the case. It’s an honour to be given the chance to meet a Heavenly Immortal.”

How sweet! It almost overshadowed the urge Shang Qinghua had to grab and shake Gongyi Xiao while yelling ‘ You did this to me ’. But that would be rude. And wait-! It wasn’t Gongyi Xiao’s fault! It was the demon who was at fault! If it hadn’t revealed the temple Shang Qinghua would still be safe in his damn shack!

“Here we are,” Gongyi Xiao announced as he stopped in front of a pair of doors. “If Master Shang needs anything, do not hesitate to ask. You are a valued guest to our sect.”

Somehow Shang Qinghua really doubted this. The Old Palace Master probably thought of him as a pet more than a person. When he saw Gongyi Xiao’s brows furrow he realised he’d probably said that out loud. Shang Qinghua reached up and patted the man’s shoulder, “Eh. Don’t worry about it. Thanks for showing me to my room!”

Shang Qinghua quickly slipped in and slammed the door closed. It was probably rude but he just wanted a moment to himself. He could try and ask questions about Gongyi Xiao at a later date! In the meantime Shang Qinghua had things to figure out and learn! Starting with the thing floating around his body.

“System? Is my sash alive?” He asked, poking at the glittering fabric. Shang Qinghua wandered into the room and gave it a brief glance over. Opulently furnished and looking f*cking tacky from the amount of wealth on display. Ugh. He was seriously starting to miss the familiar walls of the North. sh*t has it only been a day? It felt like years .

[To answer Host: No, the sash itself is not sentient]

“Huh…” So the sash wasn’t alive? Then that meant it was the thing attached to his sash, right? Shang Qinghua held out his hands and surprisingly the sash slipped from around him, collecting into a ball of floating fabric in the palm of his hands. He didn’t even have to think of a command!

[As the System has stated the sash follows the will of the wearer]

“Yeah yeah, I got that part.” With a furrow in his brow Shang Qinghua squinted at the collection of fabric. For a moment the thought of the dragon flashed through his mind. In response the entirety of the shash shuddered before in a puff of glittering, starry smoke it transformed. Now floating above his hands was the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations. Only it was f*cking puny !

The dragon was no bigger than a housecat, maybe smaller. It still looked exactly like its larger counterpart, just less vicious. The little dragon floated down till the front of its clawed feet were resting on Shang Qinghua’s palms. It pressed down, a translucent blue tongue sticking out before it twisted its head upside down to look at Shang Qinghua.

“Oh my Gooood!” He nearly passed out at the f*cking cuteness being blasted his way. “How are you so small?? You’re like a noodle! Could you get smaller?”

In response the dragon shrunk down to the size of a hamster. Shang Qinghua felt his legs go weak. This time he couldn’t hold back the small squeal he made, reaching out to hold the dragon. Despite the mist-quality to its body it was surprisingly solid under Shang Qinghua’s hands. It felt like he was touching cool water. Not bitingly cold, just chilled.

“This is so freaking cool” He’d always wanted a pet in his past life but had chosen not to even after Proud Immortal Demon Way took off. He could barely take care of himself so why would he subject an animal to his inherent neglect? But the Endless Constellations didn’t need to eat and was indestructible. So it was honestly the best kind of pet Shang Qinghua could get.

The dragon’s form grew back to the house-cat size. It rumbled a purr as it floated up to settle itself around Shang Qinghua’s shoulders like a scarf. He grinned, reaching up to pet its little forehead. For a moment he felt amused at the fact he got a pet with antlers too. “Just like those people who’d style their hair like their dogs, huh?”

The dragon’s purring only got louder in response.

Shang Qinghua moved to sit down on the room’s lavish daybed. He spread out on his back, the dragon moving to lay on his chest and settle. Only once he was laying down did Shang Qinghua finally let his exhaustion wash over him. He let out a long and miserable groan. His body ached, his hands still hurt, and he was nearly tapped out on spiritual energy.

Travelling through Xin Mo’s portals was a pain all on its own. But add in Shang Qinghua exhausted from using a lot of his qi to clear out Luo Binghe from the dragon’s toxins? He was surprised he hadn’t passed out on the spot.

“I’m so tired,” He mumbled. Shang Qinghua blinked slowly before he looked down at the little dragon. “I know you don’t need to nap but I’m napping. Feel free to join me.”

The dragon’s white eyes turned into slits as it squinted at Shang Qinghua. He wasn’t really expecting a verbal answer so Shang Qinghua just shrugged. His hands came back up to pet the celestial creature almost without thought. The dragon didn’t seem to mind and instead just rolled onto its side so Shang Qinghua could pet at the scales of its underbelly. The dragon’s squinting eyes fully closed and the rumbling of its purr vibrated through Shang Qinghua’s chest with great force.

“Heh,” He grinned sleepily at how adorable it looked. However it wasn’t long before Shang Qinghua’s smile began to slip. The Endless Constellations was immortal, sure. But how long had it been sitting in the belly of the temple? Only a Flowering Bone Stag could open the temple door, so it was probably down there for centuries. All alone without anyone to talk to or interact with…

Shang Qinghua’s heart suddenly ached for the beast on his chest. Shang Qinghua had seen how the Endless Constellations looked when it was aggressive. It was a fierce and beautiful beast that could lay waste to thousands if it was ordered to. Yet here the dragon lay curled up on Shang Qinghua’s chest being pet like a cat.

“Well… You’re mine now I guess. We don’t have to be lonely anymore. We can have each other.”

The dragon opened its eyes in order to slow blink at Shang Qinghua. He grinned in response before closing his eyes to nap. He’d have to think of a name for the little thing. Later though. He was too tired to think right now.


“So, the Flowering Bone Stag. Is it as the scroll depicted?”

The question itself was spoken with a friendly enough tone meant to put one at ease. Luo Binghe stared at the Old Palace Master for a long moment before he nodded. To anyone else he would have never given out information concerning Shang Qinghua and his abilities. Only Mobei-Jun would have been told. The other demon was the only person Luo Binghe could fully trust. And his God’s words only solidified Mobei-Jun’s position at Luo Binghe’s side.


He owed this man. For taking him in after he crawled out of the abyss, for helping him drag Shen Qingqiu under his thumb, and for being the one to gift Luo Binghe the scroll on the Flowering Bone Stag. Without it he would never have learned about Shang Qinghua. He would’ve continued on with his life not knowing there was a God out there, his God, reborn as the creature meant to be Luo Binghe’s salvation. What if he’d never met the deer? He would’ve continued collecting wives and land, losing himself to Xin Mo’s influence till nothing but a husk remained. Luo Binghe would be an empty puppet perfect for Xin Mo to control. And Shang Qinghua? His delicate God was no fighter. Surely he would’ve been found by someone else. And there would be no one to stop them from killing Shang Qinghua, from consuming his flesh. Or would they take Shang Qinghua and break his will? Would they keep him as a pet and place their own collar around his neck?

Just the very thought was almost enough for Luo Binghe to bare his fangs in rage. And the anger would have been all his own, Xin Mo having no hand in it. Shang Qinghua had done well in clearing Luo Binghe’s meridians. It wiped away Xin Mo’s creeping hold and left him clear-headed and grounded. He wasn’t sure how long this clarity would last but he assumed it’d be for a while. His little God had poured so much spiritual energy into him, after all.

“The scroll could not compare. Shang Qinghua… Is a wonder.” Luo Binghe’s carefully crafted expression almost slipped into something awe-filled. “He is indeed from the Heavens.”

“Hmm,” The old man hummed as he stroked his beard, “Well then we must treat it with great care. I’m sure the Stag will prove quite useful.”

Luo Binghe wanted to tell the former sect leader that he’d never be graced with Shang Qinghua’s gifts. But Luo Binghe didn’t say this. Instead he smiled amicably. Though he didn’t consider Huan Hua his home, Luo Binghe was a person who repaid his debts. So he would not scorn the man who had helped him throughout the years.

The Old Palace Master didn’t seem to mind the lack of a response. Instead he tucked his hands behind his back and gave Luo Binghe an amused, fatherly smile. “Onto a different topic… My daughter arrived the other day to speak to me of missing her husband. She claims you have not graced any in your harem with your attention. I see now it is because of your search for the Stag.”

Luo Binghe didn’t correct him. Instead he merely chuckled, speaking with a false apology. “Indeed. This Lord has been unintentionally neglecting his spouses. He will do his best to rectify this as soon as he is able.”

The Old Palace Master laughed, reaching out to pat Luo Binghe’s shoulder. His touch lingered a moment longer before leaving after a small squeeze. Luo Binghe thought nothing of this, used to what he assumed was fatherly mannerisms. “There is no need to wait. Go on, a husband must tend to his wife. That is the key to a happy marriage, you know.”

Internally Luo Binghe sneered over that. If all Luo Binghe needed to be happy was to tend to his wives, then why wasn’t he happy 400 times over? Without Xin Mo’s influence Luo Binghe wasn’t overcome with the desire to ravish his wives. If anything he didn’t want to even touch them. They were a reminder of the fact he didn’t marry them of his own will. Sure he may have been the one to pluck them and add them to his garden, but all the lust and want Luo Binghe felt had been amplified and spurred on by Xin Mo. It made him think he wanted his wives. It was why he had always worked so hard to placate them and make them happy. But the thought of f*cking the Little Palace Mistress had Luo Binghe’s dick shriveling in response.

The smile he plastered on was forced but the older cultivator in front of him wouldn’t know. Why would he? Luo Binghe was perfect in everything he did. Even his worst enemy would think him genuine if he smiled at them. Was there really no one able to tell when his smiles were fake?

He’d thought that to be true. But it wasn’t anymore, was it?

Shang Qinghua would have been able to see beneath his mask. The deer may have never outright stated as such, but how could he not know? He wrote Luo Binghe’s story. He knew the kind of man Luo Binghe was. Probably even more intimately than Luo Binghe even knew himself.

Suddenly Luo Binghe was filled with the urge to apologize to his little God. This whole time he’s been putting up a familiar act of being kind and gentle, just as he’d been with all his wives. But of course his God would have seen through all of this. He would know what really lay beneath Luo Binghe’s smiles. No wonder he treats Luo Binghe with such distance! How dare Luo Binghe insult his God’s intelligence by trying to deceive him! Ah but Shang Qinghua never called him out on this. Why had he not revealed the fact he was Luo Binghe’s creator? Was there something preventing him from telling? Luo Binghe wanted to know. He needed to dissect what lay behind those pretty doe eyes. Preferably with Mobei-Jun at his side. After all, how could Luo Binghe not think to include Shang Qinghua’s favourite?

“Of course, father-in-law knows best.” Luo Binghe said with an indulgent smile. He offered a small, respectable bow to the man. “Then I will heed father-in-law’s advice and seek out my wife. I have neglected her long enough.”

If it was up to Luo Binghe he’d continue to neglect her. Funny how, now that Xin Mo was silent in his mind, Luo Binghe’s interest in his wives was non-existent. His only interest was in Shang Qinghua. Luo Binghe would satisfy Xiao Gongzhu quickly so he could return to his God’s side. He still needed to heal his poor hands, after all.

As Luo Binghe bid his farewell to the Old Palace Master, he failed to see the way the old man’s smile grew impossibly wider. The man’s hand came to stroke his beard. It trembled noticeably from his barely repressed excitement. “What a gift today has been. And it is going to continue to be all the more sweeter.” His manic smile twitched into something more controlled before the old man was swiftly moving through the halls in the opposite direction Luo Binghe took.


Shang Qinghua awoke with a start, eyes flashing open. For a moment he didn’t know what it was that woke him. Then he registered his little dragon standing on his chest and growling at something. Shang Qinghua raised a hand to hold the dragon as he sat up. When he looked behind him he realized what it was that had the divine beast growling. Standing in his room was a Huan Hua Palace cultivator. He looked both shocked and unsure, eyes darting from Shang Qinghua to his dragon.

“Oh, sorry. Did Luo Binghe send you to wake me up?” Was Shang Qinghua sleeping so deeply he hadn’t even heard someone knocking on the door for him?

The man instantly looked relieved, “Yes! That’s it. Sect leader Luo asked for me to fetch you. There is something of dire importance that he requires your assistance with.”

Strange but whatever. Shang Qinghua’s had weirder things asked of him! He patted his dragon’s head to get it to cease its growling as he climbed off the daybed and over to the man.

“Well lead the way!”

When the man didn’t budge and continued to send the Endless Constellations a weary look, Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes. He only had to briefly think of the dragon as a sash before it was transforming to his will. The dragon twisted, defining features fading before it elongated and once more became his divine sash. It slipped through the air and settled itself into place around his arms.

The man’s expression had changed to one of pure awe before he was snapping his mouth closed and clearing his throat. “R-right. Follow me.”

And so he led Shang Qinghua from his room and through the many halls. At some point they stopped outside a set of ornate doors that required the disciple to send a pulse of spiritual energy through. The doors opened to reveal a set of stone steps leading down. The cold, slightly musty air that blew upwards into Shang Qinghua’s face had him tensing.

He could feel his prey instincts perking up and telling him ‘Ho don’t do it’. And really he should keep listening to those instincts. It’s what’s kept him alive so far!

“Um… Luo Binghe is down there, right?” Shang Qinghua asked, turning his head to look skeptically at the man. “Why couldn’t he just come to my room himself?”

“It is difficult for Sect Leader Luo to pull himself away from the problem. That is why he sent this disciple.”

Shang Qinghua knew what lay in the belly of Huan Hua Palace. But if he was just a generic NPC then he shouldn’t know about the Water Prison. Why was he being taken down there anyways? What could possibly be down there that Luo Binghe wanted to– Oh… Oh Gods. It wasn’t–? Surely Shen Qingqiu wasn’t still down there!

No–! Don’t be foolish. Shen Qingqiu should have long-since been dead. And if he hadn’t died on his own yet then Luo Binghe would’ve probably killed him after coming back from the mirror world. It just seemed like something his protagonist would do. Especially if he realized the only reason why he kept Shen Qingqiu alive was because Xin Mo fed off of Luo Binghe’s hatred.

“Alright…” Shang Qinghua shoved down his panicked instincts and instead followed the disciple down the stairs. Really there was no point in running. He’d much rather come to Luo Binghe of his own free will than have the half-demon chase him down. That sounded much more terrifying than anything down in the Water Prison!

It was surprisingly well-lit the further down they went. They walked for quite a while taking numerous twists and turns that had Shang Qinghua’s head spinning. They did eventually reach the prisons, however the disciple continued onwards. A fountain of acid blocking a cell was cut off before the disciple went in with Shang Qinghua quick to follow. There hidden in the back and obscured by a stone bed was another set of stairs.

Shang Qinghua’s legs were aching by the time they reached the bottom, yet they barely even paused for a break. Why was Luo Binghe so far away, ah? Didn’t he know Shang Qinghua was f*cking tired?! Protagonist, not everyone was built like you! Shang Qinghua didn’t have this much stamina! Ugh seriously. Someone needed to give Luo Binghe a good long lecture. Someone that wasn’t him! He’d probably pass out if he had to lecture Luo Binghe again.


Shang Qinghua froze, body tensing. Up ahead of them there were two higher ranking disciples standing guard. The door they were blocking was covered in so many sealing barriers that Shang Qinghua was sure he’d be blinded if he tried to sense the spiritual energy that went into crafting it. Just what was behind the door that required so much protection? Oh Gods is this where Luo Binghe was going to keep him??? Overkill! Luo Binghe, this was overkill! He hadn’t run away recently so why the need to lock him up?? He’d cry if that’s the case!

The two guards glanced over Shang Qinghua’s ethereal form before they gave sharp nods. One reached out to place their hand on the door. A seal activated and it swung open automatically.

“Enter. The Palace Master is waiting for you.”


Before Shang Qinghua could question anything there was a pair of hands landing on his shoulders. They forcefully shoved him forward and through the door. Inside the room was spacious and noticeably cold. Cold enough it could’ve been mistaken for a room in Mobei-Jun’s palace. There were sigils drawn along the floor and walls, talismans interspersed between them. And at the very center of the room was a stone bed.

There was a person laying on it and the Old Palace Master was standing over them. He leaned down and pressed a gentle, almost loving kiss to the body’s forehead. It was with dawning horror that Shang Qinghua’s mind pieced together what was going on before him.

Oh f*ck no–!

Shang Qinghua tried to turn around and book it from the chamber but he was swiftly grabbed by the disciple behind him. “Let me go!” Shang Qinghua yelled, flailing as he was lifted from the ground and forced to face the tomb. Because that’s what this place was. It was a f*cking tomb meant to preserve the body in the center. Poor Su Xiyan. Even in death she couldn’t escape her lecherous teacher. How many times has he desecrated her body? It made Shang Qinghua sick.

“Silence,” The Old Palace Master had pulled himself from Su Xiyan’s corpse after trailing a hand down the side of her face. Shang Qinghua felt his stomach roll in disgust at the sight. The old man made his way over to Shang Qinghua. He stared down at him with cold contempt in his eyes. He reached out and harshly grabbed Shang Qinghua’s face, twisting it from side to side. “Hmp. The Flowering Bone Stag. A deer said to make men into kings and kings into Gods. You certainly look the part.”

“Don’t touch me!” Shang Qinghua yelled, kicking his legs in an attempt to strike the man. He could feel the panic mounting like a teetering tower. At any moment it would fall and he’d crumble with it. Shang Qinghua didn’t even need the old man to tell him why Shang Qinghua was here. He could take a guess!

“I must say I didn’t expect that scroll to be of use. However, if there was anyone who could confirm its validity, it would be my dear Binghe.” The old man’s voice turned sweet when referencing Luo Binghe. It had Shang Qinghua’s lip curling.

“Don’t call him that! You don’t have any right to say his name!”

The Palace Master’s eyes narrowed and the next moment Shang Qinghua’s head was being knocked to the side, his cheek stinging from the backhanded slap. “You should know your place.” The old man turned around and gestured for the disciple to force Shang Qinghua forward. “Be thankful. I will be using you for a greater purpose.”

Shang Qinghua was forced to stand beside the dais. His eyes couldn’t help themselves and fell down to Su Xiyan’s form. She was dressed in white robes with her hair let loose around her in a halo of straight black ink. Her face was all sharp features that even death could not make gentle. If she was alive Shang Qinghua had a feeling her gaze would cut like broken glass.

She looked exactly like how Shang Qinghua pictured her. Luo Binghe may have taken his height, eyes, and hair from his father, but his face was all Su Xiyan. It was disturbing and eerie to be standing so close to someone who looked like Luo Binghe. Or was it that Luo Binghe looked like her? Either way Shang Qinghua couldn’t bear it, turning his face away.

“This is sick,” Shang Qinghua whispered. Then louder he said, “Do you really think I can bring her back from the dead?! It’s impossible!”

This was clearly not what the man wanted to hear. He glared at Shang Qinghua before snorting. He reached out, grabbing Shang Qinghua’s wrist and yanking him forward. The deer stumbled as the disciple let him go. His knees hit the side of the stone bed sending sparks of pain throughout his legs. “That is what I thought you’d say. Such a selfish immortal. We won’t know till I’ve used every piece of you.”

The disciple came up to the Palace Master’s side and presented to him a dagger. Shang Qinghua felt his face drain of colour at the sight of it. He scrambled in a desperate attempt to yank his arm away. “S-stop! I seriously can’t revive the dead!” Shang Qinghua dug his nails into the old man’s hand and tried to pry them off. The sash around his body reacted and darted out, wrapping itself around the Palace Master’s other hand and keeping him from moving the dagger any closer.

Looking truly enraged, the Palace Master sent a glare to the disciple. He was quick to comply, rushing around to Shang Qinghua’s side. He grabbed at the sash and yanked. When that didn’t budge it, he instead wrapped his arms around Shang Qinghua before tugging his hand off the Palace Master’s. This way most of the sash and Shang Qinghua’s hand were trapped within the man’s arms.

Shang Qinghua was full on throwing his weight trying to break the hold surrounding him. But his struggle was futile against two strong cultivators. If Shang Qinghua hadn’t already exhausted his qi and suffered from travelling through Xin Mo’s portal, he probably would have been able to fight the two off. But as it stood he was a sitting duck.

“L-Luo Binghe will be angry if you hurt me! He’ll–!”

“He’ll what?” The Palace Master yanked back Shang Qinghua’s numerous sleeves in order to expose his pale wrists. He held it over Su Xiyan’s body before pressing the tip of the blade against his skin. “What would a collared pet know? I am doing this because of that boy! Ungrateful, just like his mother.”

The Old Palace Master went off rambling but Shang Qinghua had already mentally checked out. There were so many alarm bells going off in his head he was pretty sure he’d be deaf by the end of it. ‘He’s crazy! Abort! Abort the mission! I want off this crazy train!’ Shang Qinghua wept internally as he tried once more to break the holds surrounding him. Ah f*ck! What could he do? Summon his dragon to protect him? He could, but what if it accidentally stepped on Su Xiyan’s body? She’s already been through enough in life and death!! Where was Luo Binghe’s protagonist timing when he needed it? Was Shang Qinghua just going to have to cry repeatedly till he–



He was a collared pet! Duh!

As the Palace Master increased the pressure till beads of glittering silver blood began to well up, Shang Qinghua screamed loud enough his voice echoed around the room. “M-Mobei-Jun! Luo Binghe! Save meee!!” It wouldn’t hurt to call out to both of them, right?

“Cease your screaming, fool! They can’t hear you!” The old man’s face contorted as he snarled at Shang Qinghua.

Truly the Old Palace Master should have waited before saying that. The familiar crackle of fractured ice was followed by a blast of air even colder than the room around them. Just as the portal appeared on the other side of the room in front of Shang Qinghua, behind them there was the sound of another portal slicing into existence.

Mobei-Jun stepped from his portal and, upon witnessing the scene before him, narrowed his eyes into slits. A deep growl rumbled from his chest and frost began to stretch out along the ground where he stood. His demonic energy flared yet he made no move to step forward. Instead he merely waited.

“What is going on here?”

Luo Binghe wasn’t even trying to sound deceptively friendly. His voice was all hard steel and knives. When Shang Qinghua felt the hands holding him loosen their grip he wasted no time in ripping away and flinging himself to the side. He rolled along the floor putting distance between him and the dais.

A shadow then fell over Shang Qinghua when he finally stopped rolling. He flinched and nearly screamed, but when he looked at who was standing over him he felt an intense wave of relief. “My King!” Shang Qinghua exclaimed with tears in his eyes. Mobei-Jun only frowned at him before reaching up and plucking Shang Qinghua off the ground. He flapped his arms a bit before the demon set him down on his feet, Mobei-Jun standing between him and the cultivators in the room.

From his new place of safety, Shang Qinghua gripped onto Mobei-Jun’s cloak and peeked past him towards where Luo Binghe was. And Shang Qinghua nearly spat blood! Luo Binghe!! So scandalous! You’re going to poke someone’s eye out! Luo Binghe looked as if he’d just rolled out of bed and didn’t have the time to dress properly. His robes were wide open with his pectorals on full display. His hair was out of its high ponytail and spilled down his back in fluffy waves. If Shang Qinghua squinted he could swear there was a light sheen of sweat clinging to his tanned skin.

As his eyes slowly trailed the half-demon’s form he felt all moisture leave his mouth. Shang Qinghua could only thank the Heavens that Luo Binghe was wearing pants. But still!! Luo Binghe, this one is sorry for calling you away in the middle of your papapa session! He promises to make it up to you in the future! He’ll cover for you in meetings the next time you want to papapa!

“Shang Qinghua, explain.” Luo Binghe’s grip tightened on Xin Mo. Despite addressing the deer his eyes had yet to leave the woman laying on the dais.

“Binghe–,” When the Palace Master tried to speak he was instantly silenced by Luo Binghe’s snarl.

“I asked Shang Qinghua, not you.”

Now Shang Qinghua didn’t want to do this, not entirely. He felt bad he had to be the one to tell Luo Binghe the ugly truth. Luo Binghe had placed his trust in the Old Palace Master. Maybe not a lot but it had to be a significant amount. And Shang Qinghua… Was going to take that away from him. But Luo Binghe deserved to know about the snake in the grass. As the author responsible for all the pain he went through as a character, it was the least Shang Qinghua could do.

“That woman is your birth mother!” Shang Qinghua exclaimed. His grip tightened on Mobei-Jun’s cloak as words bubbled and spilled past Shang Qinghua’s lips. “She was never written down officially but I had kept notes of her story! Su Xiyan was the head disciple for Huan Hua Palace! She ended up falling in love with Tianlang-Jun, but the two were tricked! By him!” Shang Qinghua pointed an accusing finger at the Old Palace Master. The man looked stricken and confused, his poised face flushed red with rage.

“How do you–?!”

“Silence!” Luo Binghe growled, cutting the old man off.

Shang Qinghua’s heart was pounding in his ears and his hands were shaking. Luo Binghe’s eyes were searching Shang Qinghua’s face, waiting for his God to speak the truth. And speak the truth Shang Qinghua did. He regaled Luo Binghe with the tale of woe that was his parent’s love life. From every word that left Shang Qinghua, he could see the Old Palace Master looking more and more horrified. Good. f*cking squirm, old man. You can’t trick Luo Binghe anymore.

He concluded the story with how Tianlang-Jun was sealed under a mountain thanks to the Palace Master’s deceit. And Su Xiyan, in desperation to make sure the child she loved– Because Shang Qinghua was going to make sure Luo Binghe knew his mother wanted him– Su Xiyan took the poison meant to kill her baby and instead absorbed it into her body. That, combined with the birth, left her weak and on the brink of death. She did everything to ensure her son would live even if she didn’t.

“I… I didn’t know what happened to her body. I didn’t write that down.” The passion in Shang Qinghua’s tone began to wane as he floundered, eyes dropping to the floor. “Your origins were never written out in detail. Only alluded to…”

The silence that followed had Shang Qinghua chewing furiously on his bottom lip. His anxiety spiked and he wondered if he should’ve just said the basics. Why bother with adding more details than necessary? He looked up, mouth opening to try and say something. But any words died on the tip of his tongue. Luo Binghe had switched his gaze from Shang Qinghua back towards the body of his birth mother. And while he didn’t look any different from the casual calm he’d been the entire time… Shang Qinghua knew. He could just tell from the way Luo Binghe’s jaw was tense and his grip on Xin Mo was tightening. Whatever it was Luo Binghe was feeling, it sure as Hell wasn’t calm.

The half-demon blinked slowly before he finally looked at the Old Palace Master. A fine brow rose and he co*cked his head to the side much like a curious dog. Or a wolf contemplating if he should bite out his prey’s throat. “Well? What do you have to say in your defense?”

Now that was cruel. Luo Binghe was just letting the man dig his own grave. But ah… That was the character he wrote, wasn’t it? But if he was being honest, it was so damn cool to see Luo Binghe’s calculating mind in action! Especially when it wasn’t directed at him!

“T-this is preposterous! Binghe, are you truly going to believe the words of a stranger over me? Have I not been here for you throughout the years?! These accusations are ludicrous!” The Palace Master held a hand out in a gesture towards Su Xiyan’s corpse, “I had found her by the Luo River, dead after having escaped Tianlang-Jun’s grasp. This tomb was meant to immortalize her and her memory!”

“And you trying to bleed my God over her corpse is to what? Preserve her memory even further?” Luo Binghe smirked, cruel and all teeth.

The Old Palace Master stiffened, eyes darting to Shang Qinghua as if to get another good look at him. However Mobei-Jun was a very effective wall and continued to block the man’s view. Although beneath Shang Qinghua’s hold he could feel the way Mobei-Jun’s form had tensed when Luo Binghe referred to him as his ‘God’. He could feel a gaze boring down the top of his head but Shang Qinghua was choosing to ignore it! He could only deal with so much in one day. Sorry Mobei!

Luo Binghe clicked his tongue, drawing Shang Qinghua’s attention back to the situation at hand. Luo Binghe was glaring at the Old Palace Master for a moment before he turned to look at Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun. It was extremely noticeable the way his expression shifted. And no, it didn’t get softer! It got more intense!!

Luo Binghe’s gaze was so scorching it felt like a physical touch. He couldn’t even begin to try and make sense of what it may mean. All he knew was that it had his heart beat increasing and his prey instincts keeling over in a death roll. He felt steps away from being devoured. That’s how intense Luo Binghe’s eyes were.

Finally Luo Binghe looked away after he seemed to settle on something. “Mobei, take Shang Qinghua. I will speak to you when things are settled.”

“Eh?” Shang Qinghua stood there dumbfounded till suddenly an arm was being wrapped around his waist. Shang Qinghua was thrown over Mobei-Jun’s shoulder without any warning. He cried out, looking up towards Luo Binghe, “Wait, hold on a minute!”

The last thing Shang Qinghua saw before the portal closed was of Luo Binghe stalking towards the Old Palace Master, his expression blank enough to rival even Mobei-Jun’s.

Chapter 7: Devout Worshippers


Shang Qinghua’s face was a bright red and he felt faint. Although perhaps that was because he’s been holding his breath for a while. When one was crammed between two apex predators the only thing one could do is play dead!


A/N: Sorry for the wait! And thank you to all the comments for the previous chapter! So I do wanna apologize and say this chapter sadly doesn't have as much moshang as I thought it was going to have. But next chapter, I promise! This chapter just ended up with a lot of exposition and got longer and longer. So I had to cut what I initially planned and will be saving that for next chapter! Though there is some bonding between the three in this~ Kind of. Anyways I'm not sure when next chapter will be out but thank you all for your continued patience as I work on this story! Ngl I actually have another plot bunny brewing for another Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua/Luo Binghe fic. But that mafia au will just have to wait~

Chapter Text

How did Shang Qinghua get here?

Not in this world, he has long-since come to terms with his “rebirth”. No he means this situation specifically.

A cold demon King pressed up against his back and at his front a half-demon Emperor with his head in Shang Qinghua’s lap. It was so surreal that Shang Qinghua would’ve thought he dreamed the entire ordeal up. But the way Mobei-Jun’s arms tightened around his waist and the way Luo Binghe’s purr increased in volume when Shang Qinghua’s fingers scratched at a particular spot on his scalp just cemented the fact that this was his new reality.

So how did he get here? Really?

Shang Qinghua thinks it started a week ago after the incident with Huan Hua Palace.


When they’d returned from Huan Hua Palace, Mobei-Jun had set Shang Qinghua on the ground and turned to leave without another word.

“M-my King?” That was weird. Shouldn’t Mobei-Jun be demanding answers or something?! Shang Qinghua nearly forgot himself and reached out for the other’s cape. However his hands froze when a chilling glare was turned on him. Mobei-Jun stared down his nose in what was surely contempt. “Junshang will explain. Till then, do your work.”

Suddenly Shang Qinghua realised he’d been dropped off in his office. Mobei-Jun didn’t even wait for Shang Qinghua to get over his state of shock before he disappeared through another portal and left the deer behind. He stood there, mouth hanging open wide enough to catch flies. Shang Qinghua was quiet for a full minute before he inhaled sharply, “Are you kidding me?!”

It felt good to yell like that. So good in fact Shang Qinghua was happy to do it again! Thus came the long-awaited rant of Shang Qinghua. His little outburst in the temple had just been the introduction! Now they were on to the main event!

“I’m dragged out of bed, dressed up like a doll, then I’m made to go on a stupid wife plot with the protagonist only for him to find out I wrote his life! Then I’m dumped in Huan Hua and nearly used as a sacrifice to bring back Su Xiyan’s soul!! Which– f*cking creepy! Gross!! I hope Luo Binghe rips that old bastard in two!” Shang Qinghua was walking in a circle around the study, flapping his arms like a raving lunatic. And he probably sounded like it too if any servant happened to wander by.

“I haven’t even eaten breakfast or lunch yet!” And upon remembering that, Shang Qinghua’s stomach gave a painful lurch. The lack of food had him running out of steam, his voice lowering in volume as he placed a hand to his stomach. With a small, pitiful sniffle Shang Qinghua concluded his rant with, “The only thing that made this whole sh*t worth it is Xingxing!” At this the sash around his shoulders shifted and transformed into his little dragon. Did he in fact name the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations ‘Star’? Yes, yes he did. It was cute and it fit!

Xingxing flew around so it was in his face, floating close to nuzzle him. Shang Qinghua felt his heart clench at the cute action and he whined, pulling the dragon close to his chest and squeezing it like a plush. It merely coiled its tail around his arms and purred in delight. The good thing about its indestructible body meant Shang Qinghua could squeeze it as hard as he wanted and it wouldn’t pop!

[Host is mistaken, more great things have happened today. Host has earned numerous points and unlocked many hidden paths]

“I don’t care about the hidden paths! Hidden paths are what landed me here! What happened to my peaceful path, ah?”

[Host is mistaken. Peace was never an option]

Shang Qinghua stared hard at the screen before he decided, no. He was not dealing with any more today. And he was not going to work! Shang Qinghua was tired! Every bit of him hurt and then some!

In his arms Xingxing wiggled, cool face pressing against one of his burned palms. It startled a small sound from Shang Qinghua that quickly dropped into an appreciative sigh. “Damn… I forgot my hands were still f*cked up.” Shang Qinghua grimaced before he turned it over to look down at. It… Wasn’t as bad as he thought? His qi reserves were still quite low but his body’s natural healing should kick in when he gained enough energy back. He just needed food and rest.

Keeping that in mind, Shang Qinghua promptly left the study and made his way through the palace back to his room. He only let go of Xingxing in order to close the door behind them. In the privacy of his own room, Shang Qinghua wasted no time stripping off his numerous layers. He felt kind of bad about dumping them all on the ground, but he decided to feel bad about it later. Right now he was just too tired for that.

Shang Qinghua sat at his vanity and began the tiresome process of taking every little pin and bobble out of his hair and off his antlers. With each piece removed he felt several pounds lighter. A small tugging at his hair had Shang Qinghua jumping, head snapping to look over his shoulder.

Xingxing had its little claws in Shang Qinghua’s hair and was unclasping a string of beads. Instantly he felt his heart give another squeeze and couldn’t resist cooing, “Awww! You’re helping me? Xingxing!”

The powerful beast merely squinted its white eyes at him in its version of a smile. Now Shang Qinghua understood what all those pet owners in his previous world had been on about! He’d really been struck with the single thought of ‘ I’d die for you ’. But that was unnecessary because Xingxing could protect itself! And Shang Qinghua!

With an extra pair of hands helping him, Shang Qinghua made quick work of the hair ornaments and his antler accessories. He piled them all on his vanity for lack of a better place to put them. The chest they’d originally come in was gone from his room so he couldn’t have tried putting them away even if he wanted to.

Shang Qinghua searched through his dresser for a new inner robe before he walked to the adjacent room. It had a natural spring already built in for bathing. However because this was the North, it meant the pool was basically filled with slush and ice-chunks. Usually Shang Qinghua would use his own qi to heat up the water and make it more palatable for his soft squishy skin, but he realised belatedly that that wasn’t happening.

“Ugh,” Shang Qinghua’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. There goes his plans for a hot bath.

Beside him Xingxing blinked its large white eyes before it was darting forward and diving beneath the pool. Shang Qinghua let out a cry of alarm, dropping his clothes before rushing to the side of the water. But before he could do something stupid like stick his injured hands in a freezing pool to try and grab an immortal dragon, something remarkable happened. The slush-like quality to the water began to dissipate and the water grew murky. The chunks of ice that had been naturally floating in the spring melted one after the other, joining in what the water had become. The water had turned a semi-dark colour, white specks glittering like twinkling stars.

Shang Qinghua could feel an energy radiating from the pool that beckoned to him as if it was an alluring smell of food. He couldn’t resist the urge of sticking his hand in. Shang Qinghua nearly moaned at how divine the water felt. Both literally and figuratively! The temperature was so deliciously warm, bordering on the edge of too hot. Just how Shang Qinghua liked it. And the qi! It was swirling around the water like scented soap. He could feel how it seeped into his pores and revitalised his energy.

In the middle of the water Xingxing raised its head, sticking a starry tongue out at Shang Qinghua as its eyes curled in a squint.

“You are the one thing I care about most in this world.”

Xingxing seemed happy at this declaration and swam closer to the edge. It reached out and bit Shang Qinghua’s robe, tugging lightly and encouraging him to enter the pool. Shang Qinghua didn’t need to be told twice! He quickly stripped and climbed in, sighing in delight at the heat. Xingxing slipped out of the water and its form grew to the side of a large dog. It nudged the bulk of its long body against Shang Qinghua’s back, tail long enough it nearly curled around the entirety of the pool.

“Oh! Xingxing!” Shang Qinghua felt himself once again being moved to tears. Who knew what he needed was being pampered by a dragon? Shang Qinghua quickly dunked his head under the water before he took the offered gift, laying his head back against Xingxing’s body and finally relaxing.

“Mmmm,” Shang Qinghua hummed, closing his eyes, “System? What did Xingxing do to the water? It feels amazing.”

[The Endless Constellations has infused the water with its qi. As it is a beast from the Heavens, its qi is considered Heavenly blessed. It has rejuvenating properties for those that come from the Heavens]

“Damn. I seriously lucked out getting you then, huh?” Shang Qinghua reached out to pet Xingxing's cool scales. The rumbling purr against his back was a pleasant response. “Alright. So what’s this about the sash’s abilities? Aren’t they the Divine Constellation’s abilities?”

[No. The Sash of Divine Constellations and the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations are two different things. Originally as Host is aware, both objects did not exist in the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way. This system has taken the liberty of creating both divine objects and assigning them backstories]

Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes at that. His system seemed to like making up backstories for things.

[The Sash of Divine Constellations is modelled after the Armillary Sash. It was an object from the Heavens that was made for the sole purpose of protecting the first Flowering Bone Stag. However after certain events the Flowering Bone Stag fled the Heavens, taking the sash with it]

Now Shang Qinghua found himself leaning forward in interest. Backstory on his species? That might be useful to know! Especially if Luo Binghe’s gonna be breathing down his neck for more knowledge on the Heavens. Maybe he’ll try and conquer it. Who knows with that guy?

[The Temple of the Flowering Bone Stag was founded some time after. However before it would pass, the first Flowering Bone Stag sealed away its divine sash in the belly of the temple for any Stag that needed its protection. To ensure that such a powerful artefact would not fall into the wrong hands, the Flowering Bone Stag asked for one last request from the Heavens. A being that would keep it safe. Thus the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations was crafted]

Wow, two origin stories. Now that was interesting. “So I’m a descendant from the first Flowering Bone Stag?”

[Not technically

The first Flowering Bone Stag had no biological children]

“What?! Then how did I come to be, ah? Sounds like a plot-hole!”

[This System’s job is to fill in plot-holes made by the creator. The creation of a Flowering Bone Stag does not require normal birthing methods]

“What?!” Shang Qinghua once again shouted. He ignored the jab at his own writing and slapped the surface of the water, droplets flying through the System’s screen but not glitching it out. Though maybe that’s a good thing. Shang Qinghua didn’t want to experience electrocution for a second time. Was that something his System was even able to do? Eh, he didn’t want to find out.

“That’s utter bull! How come I didn’t know a thing about that?”

[The origins of the Flowering Bone Stag has been lost to time. As is the reason why it fell from the Heavens.

Host will learn the information in due time]

“But not now. Got it.” He tried not to feel aggrieved about that but it was hard. So to avoid ruining his good mood, Shang Qinghua switched the topic. “Alright so tell me about my sash’s abilities then. And if Xingxing and the sash are separate, does that mean I can have both out at once?”

[To answer Host’s question; yes you are able to have the divine sash out alongside the Endless Constellations.

As for the abilities:

Dragon Transformation - It is self-explanatory

Blinding Star Sea - The sash creates a dense smokescreen that looks like a galaxy

Star Light - The sash creates a blinding flash of light meant to blind enemies

Sash Length Change - It is self-explanatory]

Shang Qinghua hummed, stroking his chin as he read over the very brief explanations. It seemed like most of the abilities were meant to give the Flowering Bone Stag a chance to escape. Which, understandable if it was that highly sought after. But the System had said it was both an offensive and defensive weapon.

Pursing his lips slightly, Shang Qinghua reached out his hand. He wasn’t sure what he had to do to summon the sash, but it seemed thought alone was working just the same as it had for Xingxing. There was a brief flash of light and then floating before him above the water was the Sash of Divine Constellations.

“Huh,” Shang Qinghua felt a fluttering of excitement in his chest as he willed the sash to disappear. He may not be a fighter but at least he wasn’t defenceless. Sure calling Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun had worked like a charm, but there were bound to be cases where it wouldn’t always work. Shang Qinghua wrote this world, he knew damn well what kind of contrived plots may crop up! And if even someone like him was good enough to be dropped in a wife-plot, that meant all bets were off!

“It’s a good thing poisons don’t affect me! No papapa plants gonna make the Protagonist blow out this old man’s backside! Ha! Dodged a bullet there!” Shang Qinghua couldn’t explain why, but he felt a bad premonition. Almost like his words just set something into motion.

Eh, it’s probably just him feeling hungry.

Speaking of–! It was about time Shang Qinghua got out to find some food. He was starving and he only had so many melon seeds left from yesterday! So with great reluctance Shang Qinghua bid farewell to his warm pool and climbed out. As he dried off and got dressed he noticed the burns on his palms had healed and left baby-smooth skin in their wake. Shang Qinghua let out a pleased hum.

“Come on, Xingxing!”


The next week went by at a snail’s pace. Shang Qinghua, of course, returned to work like usual. And though he loved his dear Xingxing, Shang Qinghua didn’t want to draw more attention to himself by having a dragon floating after him on his way to and from his study. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t hide Xingxing on his person in some other way! His dragon merely shrunk till it was the size of a small paperweight. There it hid inside his sleeve or curled around his bun like a glittery ornament.

When Mobei-Jun had first seen Xingxing wrapped around Shang Qinghua’s hair, he’d stared at it for a long time while Xingxing stared right back. Shang Qinghua had completely missed this exchange as he’d been too busy trying to avoid looking up at Mobei-Jun’s face. But then he’d seen Mobei-Jun’s hand move and the next thing he knew, the demon King was poking Xingxing in the nose. In response Xingxing bit his finger.

It was comical seeing something the size of a lizard dangling from Mobei-Jun’s finger while he looked so wronged. Shang Qinghua had nearly ruptured his spleen from laughing so hard. After that whenever Mobei-Jun would come to sit and watch Shang Qinghua work, Shang Qinghua would notice Xingxing nipping at Mobei-Jun from the corner of his eye. The fact the ice demon continued to let it happen told Shang Qinghua it didn’t hurt and he didn’t seem to mind the bites. Regardless, it always dragged a grin to Shang Qinghua’s face that he tried and failed to hide.

Working with Xingxing and his sash actually proved more useful than previously thought. If Shang Qinghua needed something he didn’t even have to ask for it. Xingxing would either inherently know or the sash would be reaching for it the moment the thought crossed Shang Qinghua’s mind. It really made reaching things on higher shelves so much more manageable! It also probably contributed to Shang Qinghua growing lazier. He could just sit at his desk working and his sash would be stretching to pluck the scrolls he needed or to put them back once he was done with them.

“Hmm.” Shang Qinghua hummed around his mouthful of melon seeds. Mobei-Jun had stopped by a few hours ago to drop off his daily payment and already Shang Qinghua was halfway through the bag. He scratched at his head with the end of his brush and pursed his lips. Shang Qinghua was trying to focus on the words in front of him but it was proving difficult. With a loud sigh he set the brush and scroll down before pressing the palms of his hands to his face.

It’s been a week since the situation with Huan Hua Palace. And in that time Shang Qinghua has not heard a single peep from Luo Binghe. This made him anxious. It didn’t help that Mobei-Jun refused to say anything about Luo Binghe. Was it because he didn’t know anything? Or was it deemed ‘unnecessary’ for Shang Qinghua to hear about it? Whatever the reason, it was starting to weigh on Shang Qinghua. He could feel his anxiety mounting with each day.

At first he tried to play it off as Luo Binghe finally losing interest and returning to pounding his wives and conquering land. But then Shang Qinghua remembered just what kind of person Luo Binghe was and decided that probably wasn’t the case. He could spend hours just speculating what Luo Binghe may be doing, but as things stood Shang Qinghua had no f*cking idea. This wasn’t anything like the story he wrote. Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun! They were meant to be two powerhouses! One the cold King that valued loyalty but kept very little close to his heart while the other a ruthless Emperor that wanted everything he’d been denied but failing to gain what he truly needed. Shang Qinhua knew how the book versions of Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe were meant to act because he wrote them! But this wasn’t just his book anymore! This was his life now! Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun had thoughts and acted in ways he’d scream were too OOC! And every single time they acted out of character, Shang Qinghua felt his heart give another distressing squeeze.

“Guh,” Shang Qinghua groaned, feeling queasy. This was so frustrating! Was he meant to just keep sitting here waiting for Luo Binghe to finally make a move? How much stress would be piled onto Shang Qinghua before he finally cracked?! “I wish he’d just do something already! The anticipation is bad for my blood pressure.”

Honestly Shang Qinghua should know better than to open his mouth. At this rate anything he says was bound to backfire. For not a moment after those words slipped past his lips was the study door slamming open hard enough the ice surrounding it cracked. Shang Qinghua choked on a scream, head snapping up to stare with wide eyes at Luo Binghe. The half-demon’s beautiful face was twisted into a grim expression, eyes dark as they locked onto Shang Qinghua’s small quivering form. He tried not to flinch when Luo Binghe swept into the room and stopped just before Shang Qinghua.

For a moment neither moved. Shang Qinghua scarcely dared to breathe in Luo Binghe’s presence. Then Luo Binghe was letting out a small exhale, the hard line of his shoulders noticeably easing. “Shang Qinghua.” His voice was breathy and tinged with relief. Which was weird! Why would Luo Binghe be relieved to see him? Shang Qinghua was probably just hearing things.

“J-Junsh–,” Shang Qinghua cut himself off at the way Luo Binghe’s eyes sharpened. He quickly corrected himself, “Lord Lou! Welcome! How have you been?”

Terrible question to ask! Luo Binghe was probably doing bad! If Shang Qinghua learned someone he trusted was keeping his mother’s body and was basically the reason his entire life was f*cked, Shang Qinghua would be doing pretty bad too! So very understandable if Luo Binghe was feeling like absolute sh*t. At least he still looked hot!

Luo Binghe did not answer right away. Instead he dropped down to his knees in front of Shang Qinghua. The intense way he was staring at the `deer had Shang Qinghua breaking out in another nervous sweat. “Um…” Shang Qinghua hesitated, licking his lips and not missing the way Luo Binghe’s crimson gaze tracked the movement. Ahhh Protagonist please don’t look at this old man so intently! He’ll get the wrong idea!

“I freed Tianlang-Jun.”

Of all the things he expected Luo Binghe to say, it hadn’t been that!

“You did what?!” Shang Qinghua couldn’t stop himself from grabbing Luo Binghe by the lapels. He didn’t know what he was going to do. Shake the man? Demand to know what flower it was that finally fried the rest of Luo Binghe’s brain? Whatever it was, he was going to do something!

“I freed him on the condition that he would keep to himself and not bother me.” Luo Binghe reached out to place his hands over Shang Qinghua’s, his voice softening in reassurance. Too bad Shang Qinghua’s panic was making it impossible to reassure him! Protagonist you just freed your father! If you were already super OP that’s not even touching on how OP Tianlang-Jun was meant to be!

“What makes you think he’ll even listen?! Lord Luo, he was literally trapped under the mountain by human cultivators. Arguably he’d want to wipe out all of humanity!”

Luo Binghe nodded like this was a well known fact, “He would. But I gave him two gifts in return for his compliance. Su Xiyan’s body alongside Lao Gongzhu.”

Suddenly all the anxious wind was ripped from Shang Qinghua’s sails. He deflated, brows furrowing as he looked helplessly at Luo Binghe. “So you… You told him the truth?” It wasn’t hard to piece together that’s probably what happened. Luo Binghe had practically spelt it out for Shang Qinghua! But still–! It was hard to believe! Why hadn’t Luo Binghe taken his own revenge? Why didn’t he rip the Old Palace Master a new one? How come he freed Tianlang-Jun?!

All these questions were probably written all over Shang Qinghua’s face. Either that or, knowing his luck, he probably asked them out loud and didn’t notice. A small, amused smile quirked the corner of Luo Binghe’s lips. “I could have chosen not to. But this Lord decided to right the wrongs of the past. Tianlang-Jun was falsely accused and imprisoned. The perpetrator was Lao Gongzhu. Therefore it is Tianlang-Jun’s right to enact punishment.”

Shang Qinghua frowned, “But… What about your wife? Won’t she be kind of pissed you fed her father to the wolves?”

With a small tilt of his head Luo Binghe asked, “Why should that matter?” His response had something like dred settling in Shang Qinghua’s chest. He… Really didn’t know this Protagonist, did he? Was there a Luo Binghe who wouldn’t care about upsetting his wives? Is this what Luo Binghe freed from Xin Mo’s clutches was like? What did that mean in the long-run? That Luo Binghe didn’t even like his wives? That he never liked them? Surely he must’ve liked one of them! Shang Qinghua needed to think about this in the safety of his own room. Having the object of his thoughts right in front of him made it very hard to think!

“I… I see…” He mumbled for lack of a better response.

Luo Binghe looked at him expectantly, head still tilted to the side like a curious pup. But Shang Qinghua, for as dumb as he acted, was no fool. He knew a wolf when he saw one.

“Errrr yes?”

“Is my God not going to praise me for being a magnanimous ruler?”

Shang Qinghua nearly spat in Luo Binghe’s face from the way he choked on air. ‘ Magnanimous ’ his left foot! Luo Binghe you literally just signed your father-in-law up for a brutal execution! Which– Deserved! But why should that earn you some praise, ah??? And who is your God?!

Despite the raging going on in his head, Shang Qinghua still slipped a hand from Luo Binghe’s grasp and reached up to pet his head. He’d done it without a second thought. It was how he praised Xingxing when the other was sweet and got something for Shang Qinghua. It’s not his fault his body moved on muscle memory! But when he saw the way Luo Binghe’s eyes widened and the man froze beneath him, Shang Qinghua nearly threw himself to the ground in an apology. However, of course Luo Binghe moved before he could. Shang Qinghua felt a hand clasp around his wrist before suddenly something warm was settling in Shang Qinghua’s lap. He blinked, staring blankly at where Luo Binghe had just been before his eyes dropped to where the Emperor of the three realms was now lounging with his head in Shang Qinghua’s lap.

“This Lord will accept this form of reward.” He had the audacity to say before sticking Shang Qinghua’s hand back on his head. What reward?! Luo Binghe! Please! Shang Qinghua’s heart–! It was not meant for this kind of thing!

[+10 b-points]

Shang Qinghua choked on a mouthful of blood thanks to his System. Biting back a whine and the threat of tears, Shang Qinghua’s hand moved automatically to start petting Luo Binghe’s hair. And the moment his fingers carded through his soft locks Shang Qinghua was snapping from his little pity party. Wow, that was some soft hair! It was so thick and fluffy but felt light as a cloud! Shang Qinghua was in awe as he lost himself to petting Luo Binghe’s luxurious hair. He didn’t even register the hands inching towards his thighs, the intent being to slide around Shang Qinghua’s waist and feel for his tail through his clothes.

But for better or for worse, the study door was once again yanked open. This time with less force than when Luo Binghe arrived. Shang Qinghua jumped and snatched his hand away from Luo Binghe’s head, nearly squeaking when he saw Mobei-Jun lumbering in the doorway. Luo Binghe looked mildly annoyed as he glanced to the door, hands retreating back from where they’d been.

The half-demon rolled from his side onto his back, smirking before he made a beckoning motion towards Mobei-Jun. “Glad you could join us.”

“Junshang summoned me.”

“Hm, I did.” Luo Binghe watched as Mobei-Jun came to stand beside the two before he pointedly flicked his eyes up towards Shang Qinghua. “You wouldn’t mind Mobei coming to sit with us, would you Qinghua?”

Shang Qinghua tried not to flinch and jostle Luo Binghe at being addressed. He locked eyes with Mobei-Jun before his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink at the intense look being directed his way. “Ah! Um n-no! Of course I don’t mind! M-my King is allowed to sit wherever he wants!” This was his palace of course! Who was Shang Qinghua to order Mobei-Jun around?

The corner of Luo Binghe’s mouth quirked into a grin that had Shang Qinghua’s insides feeling a little funny. His prey instincts jumped to life when Luo Binghe drawled in a casual tone, “Well you heard him Mobei.”


The next thing Shang Qinghua knew, his King was moving to stand behind Shang Qinghua. And then he was sitting down with his legs bracketing Shang Qinghua’s hips. Hands wrapped around Shang Qinghua’s waist and yanked him back against a very firm chest. However the abruptness had Shang Qinghua’s poor little tail getting crushed. He jumped forward with a yelp and felt tears collecting in his eyes from the sharp pain running up his spine.

“Careful Mobei-Jun,” Luo Binghe chuckled and seemed unbothered at his lap pillow jostling so much, “Qinghua apparently has a tail.”

The hands on his waist tightened their grip to a near painful level. Shang Qinghua did his best to ignore the rush of heat that sent flooding through his system.

Shang Qinghua’s face was a bright red and he felt faint. Although perhaps that was because he’s been holding his breath for a while. When one was crammed between two apex predators the only thing one could do is play dead! That’s what Shang Qinghua’s little deer brain was thinking. It was either he kept focus on his prey instincts or he divulged into his horny brain. And he vowed to leave that behind the moment he entered this world!

Look, in his previous life Shang Qinghua was… Always some kind of horny. You had to be in order to write as much smut as he did! And sure straight p*rn didn’t do sh*t for him and he only wrote it because it sold well, but sometimes on dark lonely nights he kind of…. He fantasized he was one of Luo Binghe’s wives! But that was only when he was seriously horny after writing a scene that was steamy enough even he felt it! Usually he’d dream of being dicked down by Mobei-Jun. How could he not? Mobei-Jun was his favourite! He wrote that man just for Shang Qinghua! And so why wasn’t he allowed to fantasize about them? He wrote sexy men so of course he was going to think of those sexy men!! What his audience didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them! His fantasies were just for himself!! But that’s where the problem was!! Those fantasies were back when this world was just a story and the characters weren’t real! But now they were real! And they were f*cking pressing up against him.

Shang Qinghua felt like his heart was going to burst and he’d be sent into an early grave. He wheezed, hands trembling and face feeling like it was on fire. Oh Gods he just had to keep focusing on his hands. Just keep petting Luo Binghe’s hair! Don’t think about anything else! Especially don’t think about the solid wall of muscle pressing up against him. If he tilted his head back he wondered if he’d be able to feel how open Mobei-Jun’s robes were… Ah–! No–!!! Bad thoughts!

“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun’s deep voice rumbled through his chest and straight through Shang Qinghua. He was unable to suppress a shudder and his legs tensed in response to the arousal that shot through him. Shang Qinghua’s internal cursings ramped up when Mobei-Jun hooked his chin on Shang Qinghua’s shoulder in order to look down at the emperor lounging like he hadn’t a care in the world. “An explanation?”

Luo Binghe peeked open one ruby eye, looking up in amusem*nt at Shang Qinghua’s furiously red face before humming. “I promised one, didn’t I? Alright. Qinghua here is a God. A God who wrote this world, my story, and you.”

Protagonist you were going to say it just like that?! What about the lead-in??? As Shang Qinghua sat there, willing his soul to exit his body and save him from the situation, Luo Binghe merrily told Mobei-Jun what happened in the Temple of the Flowering Bone Stag and how he learned of Shang Qinghua’s status. “Of course this Lord didn’t believe it at first. But then I put together everything I’ve learned of Shang Qinghua thus far and came to the conclusion that there was no other truth. How else would Shang Qinghua know of your traitors, Mobei? And that is why he knew who this Lord was when we first met.” With each word Luo Binghe sounded more and more smug. Shang Qinghua could tell he was reveling in the fact Shang Qinghua was the God who wrote his story. But why? Shouldn’t he be pissed at Shang Qinghua for basically writing all the heartache and pain he went through? Even if he was convinced some higher power forced Shang Qinghua’s hand, he still wrote it. That made him responsible!

“Of course if you still don’t believe me, I’m sure Shang Qinghua knows something about you no one else would know. He did say you were his favourite creation, after all.”

Shang Qinghua stared down in horror at Luo Binghe. The f*cker had the gaul to grin innocently at him! What innocence! This blackened protagonist! How dare he! Such betrayal! What happened to the bro-code? ‘ I tell you I’m God you don’t tell my favourite creation he’s my favourite’ . Come on Binghe!

Mobei-Jun had been quiet the whole time during Luo Binghe’s explanation but now he hummed, his hold on Shang Qinghua tightening. “Yes, this king demands further proof.”

Ugh did he have to?

[Unless Host sees himself managing an escape anytime soon– Yes]

No one asked you ,’ He thought sourly to his System. But it had a point. Damn, what could Shang Qinghua even say to make Mobei-Jun believe him? Talk about his mom? No, not even his drafts had a lot about her. His father? Same problem. He literally only wrote ‘ Absent dickhe*d ’ in his notes. Hmmm… Oh! He could bring up… That? But it ran the risk of Mobei-Jun digging his claws in and gutting Shang Qinghua right then and there.

“U-um… Ah…” He floundered, palms sweating. “D-do you promise not to hurt me? I-if I do give proof?”

Luo Binghe reached up and took the hand in his hair, pulling it down to press a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s palm. Shang Qinghua tried and failed to yank his hand away. “This Lord would never hurt Shang Qinghua unless he asked for it.”

Protagonist that’s not f*cking helping holy sh*t –!

“Mmm. This king agrees.”

Two unhelpful monarchs! Just like the history books! Real life imitates art and all that bullsh*t. “Right, whatever.” Shang Qinghua grumbled to himself before he took a deep breath to build up his nerves. He bit his lip and unconsciously began picking at the cuff of Mobei-Jun’s sleeve. “Um… When you were young– Like really, really young– Your uncle invited you to join him on an outing. There he… He abandoned you in the Human Realm hoping you’d die.” Shang Qinghua licked his lips and nearly started crying when he felt the way the already chilled air grew colder. The ice block behind him was now a freaking glacier. Shang Qinghua whimpered in response which had Luo Binghe glaring. Although in his mounting distress Shang Qinghua didn’t realise the glare wasn’t directed at him. Instead his brain thought Luo Binghe was mad at him for making Mobei-Jun upset.

“Y-you got attacked and chased by humans. You were stuck in the Human Realm till your father came to get you. A-and even though your uncle tried to kill you, your father didn’t do anything. He just let your bastard uncle off with a slap of the wrist! And–!” He cut himself off, voice tapering off to an awkward whisper. He could feel the prick of claws through the fabric covering his stomach and his fears of being gutted were looking very likely. He hiccuped, breath coming in short bursts as his panic began to mount.

Mobei-Jun.” Luo Binghe’s growl had Shang Qinghua flinching for another reason entirely. However the half-demon’s hold on Shang Qinghua’s hand remained gentle as he began rubbing soothing circles into the bony wrist. His voice lost that hard edge and his expressioned eased into one of genuine kindness. “He isn’t upset with you, Qinghua. He’s just surprised by the truth.”

Shang Qinghua really doubted that. Though he was rightfully surprised when he felt Mobei-Jun’s grip easing. The threat of claws were removed but Mobei-Jun’s hold still felt like iron chains around his waist. He didn’t even want to risk moving for fear the hold would just tighten again.

“Um…” Shang Qinghua licked his lips and scrambled to find something to say. How did he kindly ask his two bosses to leave so he could get back to work? Of course he wouldn’t be working. Shang Qinghua would just rather like to have his breakdown alone. “Lord Luo, my king? As much as this lowly servant is enjoying your company… Don’t you two have kingdoms to run?” He winced at how blunt he sounded.

Luo Binghe snorted and said with a dismissive gesture, “They can last a few hours without me. Besides, there are still things we need to discuss.”

What did they need to discuss?! Protagonist if you’re actually going to try and conquer the Heavens, please leave this one out of it! At this point Shang Qinghua’s distress was starting to feel like a permanent fixture. He felt his stomach swoop and a gasp leave him as Mobei-Jun tipped backwards, Shang Qinghua following with him alongside Luo Binghe. And suddenly they were bouncing lightly on the soft fabric of a bed. Shang Qinghua’s back hit Mobei-Jun’s solid front while Luo Binghe’s head was nearly knocked from Shang Qinghua’s lap.

The annoyed expression Luo Binghe had instantly cleared up and he let out a pleased hum. “Good idea, Mobei. This is a much better location to talk.”

Shang Qinghua would disagree! He knew what happened when the Protagonist and a bed were added together! And there were no pretty sisters for Luo Binghe to papapa here with, which meant it was either him or Mobei-Jun on the chopping block! Although… Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun… Hmmmm now that would be a sight.

Quickly Shang Qinghua pinched his thigh to stop that train of thought. Dangerous! Especially with said Protagonist’s head in his lap! If he accidentally popped a chub, who knows how offended Luo Binghe would get?! Oh Gods what if he ripped poor little Shang Qinghua off his body! The spirit nearly slumped backwards in a dead faint at the notion.

Let’s just… Not think about it. At least not here. ’ Shang Qinghua told himself as he felt his hand being guided back to Luo Binghe’s hair. He bit back a sigh, picking up his petting once more. And when Luo Binghe began making a content purr-like sound, Shang Qinghua decided the way his heart flipped was just from stress. It was especially from stress when Mobei-Jun spread his open palm across Shang Qinghua’s stomach, leaned into his ear, and asked “This King is your favourite?”

Yeah, Shang Qinghua was going to die.

Chapter 8: Mobei-Jun Gets Wife Plots Too?!


For some odd reason it took Mobei-Jun a long while to pull his gaze from the way his grip made Shang Qinghua’s lips purse. When he next spoke his words came out more rough than intended, “You would deny this King?”


A/N: Heyo, sorry for the wait! So a lot of things happened last month and this month involving my cat. Little guy had a rough month of pneumonia, then constipation, and then getting a treat lodged in his throat from eating so fast. But! He's fine now and is as chatty and food-motivated as can be. Other than that stressful situation, I've been experiencing bouts of brain fog whenever I sit that just made it difficult to do much of anything. I'm trying to combat that by being healthier and going out on walks. Pokemon Go is a great motivator. Anyways! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's quite long and well... ;D I'll just wait for y'all to get to the end of the chapter.

On another note this fic has received fan art!!! Which I'm immensely thankful for and I cry at how pretty they are.
One of the fanarts has been linked to this fic but in case you all missed it, here's Minimalen's beautiful art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41183871
And here's a link to the second lovely piece of fanart by Mari_Val411: https://twitter.com/Mari_Val411/status/1574298759797743616

Thank you both so much ♥ And thank you everyone for reading and any comments you leave! I love reading them. They really inspire me to keep going!

Chapter Text

After that there was a noticeable shift in the dynamic between the three of them. At least for Shang Qinghua! The two rulers had asked questions nearly the entire day and refused to let Shang Qinghua leave the forced cuddle pile. It was suffocating! Stifling! And Shang Qinghua was brutally strangling the small part of him that actually liked it.

Only when the deer’s stomach had started growling did Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun finally let him go. But Shang Qinghua should’ve known better than to think that was the last of it. At first the following morning started like usual. He went about getting ready like he did every day. Slapped on his clothes, made sure his disguise was in place, then let Xingxing wrap around his wrist like a bracelet before he set off for the throne room.

Mobei-Jun was hosting court proceedings and thanks to his numerous new jobs, it was required for Shang Qinghua to be there. So off he went in an attempt to arrive before the main riffraff. He always got weird stares from demons when he showed up late! It really messed with Shang Qinghua’s anxiety and he didn’t want another breakdown so soon after yesterday’s. He’d laid in bed awake for hours jumping at every small sound! It took intense cuddling from Xingxing before he was able to fall asleep.

So as Shang Qinghua made his way down the halls of the ice palace, he sent a silent prayer to the Heavens that today’s court proceedings would be stress-free. But when has anything ever gone according to Shang Qinghua’s wishes?


Mobei-Jun wasn’t sure what he expected to happen after the prior day’s revelation. Perhaps something earth-shaking? A clap of thunder and the chime of heavenly bells? A part of him probably did expect that to happen the next time he laid eyes on Shang Qinghua. How was this man a God? He could believe it in Shang Qinghua’s true form. He looked ethereal and Godlike with his snow white hair. Even the numerous freckles on his face just accentuated his “otherworldly” nature when they turned just as white as his hair. However when Shang Qinghua had his disguise up, as he tended to do, the man looked anything but “heavenly”.

Shang Qinghua wasn’t bad looking. That’s not what Mobei-Jun was saying. What he meant was that without his antlers and white hair, Shang Qinghua just looked like any other human to Mobei-Jun. He was… Plain. Boring really. More of a mouse than a God. Had Luo Binghe not gone searching for the Flowering Bone Stag, they may have never encountered Shang Qinghua. Or if they did, they would not have been aware of the creature hidden behind the most basic of disguises.

And that bothered Mobei-Jun for some odd reason. He couldn’t figure out why. Usually when Mobei-Jun had feelings he couldn’t understand, he reverted to exerting them out through anger and violence. The proper demon way for processing emotions. However Mobei-Jun couldn’t perform his normal methods of coping. Luo Binghe had expressly forbidden him from injuring Shang Qinghua. And as the days passed Mobei-Jun found himself less inclined to strike the deer. Which was another odd feeling that grated on Mobei-Jun’s nerves.

Just what was it about Shang Qinghua that drove Mobei-Jun up the wall? Before it’d been the knowing and dissecting stares. How they would bore into him like an annoying Frost-Tick digging for blood. But now Mobei-Jun knew the reason for Shang Qinghua’s staring. It was because Shang Qinghua was his God. And his searching gaze was to see if his favourite creation lived up to his expectations.

And that was the newest crux that had Mobei-Jun’s mind wandering in circles. The fact that he was Shang Qinghua’s favourite. Shang Qinghua, the creator of this world. He could have chosen Luo Binghe to be his favourite, he crafted the world around him, after all. But no. Instead he created Mobei-Jun and deemed him worthy of his favour. Just what were the odds of that? And what were the odds that his creator would be here amongst mortals?

When Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun had left Shang Qinghua’s chambers that night, Luo Binghe had filled Mobei-Jun in on his speculations as to why Shang Qinghua was down here instead of in the Heavens. His leading theory was that Shang Qinghua was cast from the Heavens as punishment.

We weren’t meant to have happy beginnings. But we were meant to have happy ends.” Luo Binghe had said with such conviction one would’ve thought he read the scriptures himself. “Shang Qinghua wanted to give us satisfaction, but he was not allowed. He must have defied the Gods and was punished for it.

However Mobei-Jun disagreed with Luo Binghe’s theory. At least only the part of Shang Qinghua being punished. He’d even asked Luo Binghe. If Shang Qinghua’s sentence was to be thrown from the Heavens, why would they cast him down as the very creature meant to bring forth Luo Binghe’s salvation? That caused his Emperor to look thoughtful. If this really wasn’t a punishment, was it by choice? Or was there more to Shang Qinghua’s predicament than the deer let on?

It was something Mobei-Jun pondered as he sat on his throne staring down at the deceptive little God. Shang Qinghua had scurried in muttering to himself, only to trip and stutter when he caught sight of Mobei-Jun. He bowed, squeaking his greeting before quickly making his way towards his seat at the base of Mobei-Jun’s throne.

However before the deer could sit, Mobei-Jun raised his hand. Shang Qinghua froze, eyes wide. Mobei-Jun vaguely wondered if Shang Qinghua didn’t have his disguise on, would his tail be perked like an animal on alert? Mobei-Jun barely held back the growl building in his chest from the sudden desire that struck through him. Ever since he learned that Shang Qinghua had a tail, Mobei-Jun had been saddled with the urge to rip Shang Qinghua’s clothes off to see it for himself. It was a very tempting thought. And as he crooked his finger and beckoned the other closer, the temptation only grew.

Shang Qinghua trembled as he scooted up the icy steps to stand in front of Mobei-Jun. His slim fingers fiddled with his sleeves and the brief flash of glittering stars along his wrist told Mobei-Jun where the annoying pest was hiding. Hm. No matter.

“Now that Shang Qinghua’s secret is revealed, there is no need to pretend to find evidence to show to this King. Shang Qinghua will tell this King all he must know during court proceedings.”

Shang Qinghua’s mouth dropped open and his eyes widened even further. “Wha–?! My King, that’s not– You can’t–!”

Mobei-Jun raised a brow and watched in fascination as Shang Qinghua wilted, swallowing his protests to just instead meekly nod. However when he turned to head back down to his seat, Mobei-Jun stopped him by asking, “And where does Shang Qinghua think he is going?”

Shang Qinghua peeked at him over his shoulder, brows furrowed in confusion. “Um… My… Seat?” He even pointed towards it as if Mobei-Jun had forgotten where Shang Qinghua sat.

Shifting in his throne, Mobei-Jun rested his cheek on his palm, staring down at Shang Qinghua and waiting for the other to turn around fully. He stood there, shifting from side to side as he nervously waited for Mobei-Jun to tell him where to sit. As entertaining as it was to watch Shang Qinghua squirm, Mobei-Jun knew court would begin soon. Better to get Shang Qinghua’s upcoming protests out of the way as soon as possible.

Mobei-Jun once more used his clawed finger to gesture Shang Qinghua closer. He waited till he was within arms reach before snatching his hand out and grabbing Shang Qinghua by the front of his robes. With a simple tug the God was yanked sprawling onto Mobei-Jun’s lap. He flailed, pushing himself back in order to try and stand.

“M-my King!” Shang Qinghua’s face flushed a brilliant shade of red as he sputtered and whined. “I can’t sit here!”

“Shang Qinghua sat in this King’s lap before.”

“T-that was one time! It’s not p-proper–!” Shang Qinghua’s large brown eyes locked with Mobei-Jun’s before scuttering away just as quickly. Shang Qinghua squeezed his eyes shut tight and was leaning as far away as he could. If Mobei-Jun didn’t have a hand placed on the small of his back, Shang Qinghua would’ve already fallen off the throne by now. “My King, please! My seat is close enough. I can keep whispering to you! There’s no need for me to sit i-in your lap.”

Mobei-Jun tilted his head, the corners of his mouth dipping just the barest amount in a frown. He knew the protests would come but they were still annoying to listen to. Mobei-Jun raised his head and reached out with his now free hand. Keeping his grip on Shang Qinghua’s back, he used his other hand to seize Shang Qinghua by the face, squeezing his cheeks till they puffed like when stuffed full of melon seeds.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes snapped open and his words cut off as he stared at Mobei-Jun. For some odd reason it took Mobei-Jun a long while to pull his gaze from the way his grip made Shang Qinghua’s lips purse. When he next spoke his words came out more rough than intended, “You would deny this King?”

Shang Qinghua’s cheeks flushed and he noticeably shuddered. He stared at Mobei-Jun, mouth flapping uselessly. Words started and died before they could fully form on his tongue. Shang Qinghua was no longer trying to push away from Mobei-Jun and was instead just resting his hands against his chest. Shang Qinghua’s palms were hot even through the scant few layers Mobei-Jun wore. Normally he’d find the heat unpleasant. But upon coming from his creator, Mobei-Jun found he didn’t mind it so much. In fact he wanted more of Shang Qinghua’s warmth pressed against him.

Mobei-Jun let his grip on Shang Qinghua’s face slacken and watched, enthralled, as the fight quickly left him. Shang Qinghua’s shoulders hunched and he chewed his lip red, eyes darting to the side. Then with a heavy, drawn out sigh, Shang Qinghua’s head dropped. “No…”

Oh? How quick Shang Qinghua was to give in. Mobei-Jun felt his mouth curling into a barely there smirk. He watched with great satisfaction as that single action caused Shang Qinghua’s pinkened cheeks to darken further, the flush travelling down his throat and past the collar of his robes. The way Shang Qinghua swallowed hard was also something Mobei-Jun noted with a hint of smugness.

Perhaps there was more to being Shang Qinghua’s favourite than he previously thought.


Shang Qinghua was well and truly f*cked. Goodbye, peaceful life! Or whatever counted as peaceful before Mobei-Jun found out he was Shang Qinghua’s favourite! He wasn’t being paranoid, he wasn’t stressing over nothing! Shang Qinghua was 100% convinced Mobei-Jun was using his favouritism to his advantage! He was asking things of Shang Qinghua he’d never asked before! Well “ask” was putting it nicely. Demanded was a more accurate word.

The point is–! Mobei-Jun was acting spoiled! So spoiled! This was too OOC! What was with Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe acting OOC?? Did they hit their heads somewhere while off galavanting through the world? Someone needed to call a doctor for them before Shang Qinghua died of a heart attack! Then it’d be him that needed the doctor! Or a coroner!

Who knew a King could act so spoiled?

When Shang Qinghua had written Mobei-Jun, never did he expect this from his favourite character. And one would think Shang Qinghua would be disillusioned because Mobei-Jun wasn’t acting how Shang Qinghua wrote him. But that’s the problem! Shang Qinghua dared anyone to try and be disillusioned when a walking wet dream was following you around demanding you pay attention to him! And Shang Qinghua was already so weak to his King’s demands! This was just pushing it! Shang Qinghua was going through the 5 Stages of Grief on the daily thanks to Mobei-Jun.

Didn’t the man have a kingdom to run?? How did he have so much free time that he was able to stick to Shang Qinghua’s side at nearly all hours of the day? It’s only been three days since the sudden shift and Shang Qinghua was already at his wits end! This made Shang Qinghua’s personal time as valuable as gold. And after the fourth day of having to attend court sitting on Mobei-Jun’s royal thighs like a lapdog, Shang Qinghua was in serious need of some release.

It wasn’t his fault! It was just a natural biological reaction! How else was he meant to react when someone like Mobei-Jun was whispering in his ear and pressed all up against his back? It didn’t matter that they were in the middle of court being stared at by a bunch of demons! Shang Qinghua’s horny thoughts didn’t seem to mind the audience one bit. And that’s when Shang Qinghua knew he was developing a serious problem. If he didn’t work out some of this built up tension he was bound to do something stupid and mortifying. Knowing his luck he’d probably moan on Mobei-Jun’s lap the next time the demon manhandled him. Which was becoming too often, by the way! Every time Shang Qinghua tried to sit somewhere on the throne that wasn’t Mobei-Jun’s lab, he got grabbed and forced to sit on those lusciously firm thighs. At first Mobei-Jun had just glared at Shang Qinghua till he sat where he wanted. But when that didn’t seem to work quick enough for him, Mobei-Jun just resorted to taking matters into his own hands. It was really f*cking hot and the worst kind of torture.

“Xingxing, watch the door for me, m’kay?” Shang Qinghua whispered one night as he nudged the dragon away from him. “I need some alone time.”

Thank God for that mental link or whatever because Shang Qinghua didn’t even have to elaborate for Xingxing to get it. He watched as the little dragon darted off, looping its tail around the door handle before letting itself out. After the door swung closed there was the weighted sound of something heavy settling on the ground. Seems Xingxing decided to grow into a bigger obstacle to properly defend his room. Good! That’s exactly what Shang Qinghua needed!

Shang Qinghua had already washed up beforehand and was more than ready for what he had planned tonight. He’d been looking forward to it all day; maybe even longer. Ever since he got locked in as Mobei-Jun’s personal secretary and Luo Binghe’s kept pet, Shang Qinghua hadn’t dared to touch himself even when safely tucked away in his own room. Part of it was because he’d been too tense to even think of his libido, the other part was because he feared the two demons might be able to smell it off of him. Did demons smell cum? If they could smell blood then surely other fluids were up for debate. Shang Qinghua didn’t know! It never was a factor in the story! But consequences be damned, Shang Qinghua seriously needed this night!

He climbed onto his bed and debated for a moment before he decided to tuck himself beneath the covers. His room was simply too cold to do anything outside of his blankets. Shang Qinghua just hoped he didn’t overheat and needed to remove them. That’d be a serious mood killer.

Shang Qinghua peeled off his sleeping robe, pulling it out from beneath the blankets and tossing it so it was still in arm's reach but wouldn’t get dirty. The sheets were a little chilly against his bare skin but they’d warm in time. He pulled the furs up to his chin, unable to cover his head without getting his antlers caught. Shang Qinghua couldn’t resist rubbing his body against them, sighing lightly at just how soft the silk and furs felt. And the bed beneath him was so plush that it didn’t even hurt to lay on his tail! Damn this was luxury.

Shang Qinghua placed his hands on his sides, eyelids fluttering close as he began trailing his fingers up his stomach and towards his chest. Having three meals every day had begun to plump him up compared to the half-starved look he’d been supporting before. Shang Qinghua can’t say he minded so much. It reminded him how his body was when he’d been with his deer parents. Well-fed and safe. It was comforting, as odd as that sounded.

Shang Qinghua shuddered when he cupped his chest, palming his nipple and humming to himself. He wanted to take it slow, to let himself work up to release. The payoff would be much more satisfying that way. So while one hand played with his chest, his other hand slid down his stomach and fluttered along his hip bone. His dick twitched in interest, already growing hard at his gentle ministrations. The feel of the fur pelt brushing against his dick was another stimulant added on to the growing pile.

Shang Qinghua turned his head, a puff of heated air leaving him as he pinched his nipple. “Mm,” He hummed, biting his bottom lip. Shang Qinghua brushed his hand along the side of his co*ck, fingers circling the shaft before he fully cupped it in his hand. With a slow drag up Shang Qinghua felt tingling pleasure run along his nerves. His breath hitched, the brief feeling already wetting his appetite.

Yet just as Shang Qinghua was tightening his grip and preparing to give it another stroke, there was the familiar burst of cold air from a forming portal. Shang Qinghua ripped his hands from beneath the covers and sat up abruptly. He yanked a pelt up to hide his bare chest as he locked eyes with an equally startled Mobei-Jun. The demon was still mid-step out of his portal. His blue eyes were wide and his brows were so high they were nearly lost in his hairline. Shang Qinghua had no time to admire the fact he could see visible emotion on his King’s icy face. Instead he was too busy trying not to die of embarrassment. He could feel how hot his cheeks were and hoped he didn’t look gross and sweaty.

Shang Qinghua’s hands trembled, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping his blankets. Mortified, he let out a choked wail of “M-my King!”

Mobei-Jun had been staring intensely at Shang Qinghua, rigid like a statue. But at the sound of Shang Qinghua’s voice he snapped quickly from whatever stupor he was in and looked away sharply, glaring hard at the wall. Shang Qinghua took that opportune moment to scramble for his discarded underrobe, pulling it on with haste and tying it haphazardly. When he looked back up, Mobei-Jun was scowling down at him with the darkest look he’d ever seen.

My King, what’s with the accusatory stare, ah?! It wasn’t like Shang Qinghua asked for you to peep and get a free show! And what’s with that scowl? Sorry this old man’s naked body isn’t suited to your tastes! It isn’t Shang Qinghua’s fault he doesn’t look like a peerless immortal that can move hearts at the flash of a bare shoulder!

“Um?” Shang Qinghua cleared his throat in an attempt to silently prompt Mobei-Jun to speak.

Mobei-Jun’s darkened gaze pulled from the open collar of Shang Qinghua’s robes almost reluctantly. Which was definitely just wishful thinking on Shang Qinghua’s part. Still, he found himself self consciously adjusting his robe anyway.


“Eh? What’s happening tomorrow?”

Mobei-Jun’s warning growl had Shang Qinghua quickly shutting up. Got it! No interruptions! “Tomorrow,” Mobei-Jun repeated, “You will journey with this King to the East.”

When no other information was forthcoming, Shang Qinghua nearly threw a fit. That’s it? That’s what his personal time was interrupted for?! The urge to grab a pillow and toss it at Mobei-Jun’s stupid perfect face was an enticing one. And because Shang Qinghua no longer feared dying, he very nearly enacted that desire. His hands even twitched from the aborted attempt.

“My King, why are we going to the East?” Shang Qinghua asked with a strained smile.

“There is a problem Junshang ordered me to look into.”

Shang Qinghua blinked, his fake smile growing wider. “And… I’m going along on the mission Luo Binghe gave you because…?”

At this Mobei-Jun raised an impassive brow, “Does Qinghua have somewhere better to be?”

“Ahaha… No, my King is right.” Shang Qinghua forced himself to laugh while his nails dug crescents into his palms. “I will be up and ready to join my King on tomorrow’s mission!”

The corner of Mobei-Jun’s mouth twitched in that barely there smirk Shang Qinghua knew to take as smugness. Mobei-Jun grunted, acknowledging Shang Qinghua’s compliance. His eyes swept over Shang Qinghua’s flushed form for a lingering moment before he was turning on his heel and swiftly disappearing through another portal. Shang Qinghua had enough patience to wait a full 5 seconds before he let his fake smile drop.

“That–! Aaagh!!!” Shang Qinghua let out a frustrated yell, throwing himself back against his bed. He grabbed a pillow and imagined he was holding Mobei-Jun’s face, squishing and pulling his cheeks just to air out his frustrations. “Stupid spoiled King!” He spat without much heat, pouting as he glared at the pillow. “Busting into my room without warning, demanding I go with you and not letting me say no; it’s unfair!”

And most egregious! Shang Qinghua’s mood for some sexy self-indulgence was ruined! Any arousal he felt had evaporated the moment he was interrupted! Poor little Shang Qinghua Jr. had wilted and there was no bringing him back. Shang Qinghua sniffled, bundling himself in his blankets and mourning the loss. So much for working out that building tension. Shang Qinghua just hoped whatever mission he was being forced to go on was a quick one. Maybe if they returned back to the palace early, he could actually have some alone time.


The next morning Shang Qinghua dragged himself out of bed and got dressed, making sure to pick out garments decked out in the North’s colours. He was doing what he could to play his cards right and put Mobei-Jun in a good mood. Hopefully it'll lead to him getting uninterrupted alone time tonight. Shang Qinghua seriously needed to work out some of his sexual frustrations. Otherwise the next time he saw a flash of Mobei-Jun’s nipple or Luo Binghe’s cleavage, he was going to go into cardiac arrest. Why did he write his characters to dress so slu*tty? Was it a demon thing? Had to be.

“Damn you. This is your fault.” Shang Qinghua pointed a finger at his reflection in the vanity mirror. With a sniff Shang Qinghua walked over to brush out his white hair and pull it into a bun. He was much too tired to slap on his disguise and if this mission dragged on into the night, then there’d be no point in wearing it anyways. It was, after all, a full moon.

Shang Qinghua stiffened, eyes widening as his hands slowed to a stop. A full moon. That meant he’d been here for an entire month… Hadn’t he? “f*cking…. f*ck.” He breathed, a knot forming in his chest. What's become of his little hut? It was dirty and small but it’d been home… Did someone else move into it? Or was it finally left to rot and be reclaimed by the elements? Shang Qinghua’s maintenance was the only thing that kept it standing. Was it now no more than a pile of splinters and scrap wood? That made him a little sad.

His hands slipped from his hair and settled down on the collar still wrapped around his throat. He’d long grown used to having it there. What did that say about him? A domesticated deer. Had Shang Qinghua really grown complacent in his imprisonment? He had a job, was being treated “respectfully”, and wasn’t being forced to do anything he didn’t want to. Mostly. But despite all of that… Shang Qinghua was still a prisoner, wasn’t he? It didn’t matter how much Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe pampered him with food and luxurious bedding. Shang Qinghua still wasn’t allowed to leave.

With a bitter swallow Shang Qinghua ripped his eyes from his reflection. He had no time for this. It’d only give him a bigger headache. And with whatever the day ahead has planned, he probably couldn’t afford to stress this early. Otherwise he’d find himself in an early grave. Probably. Could he even die of stress?

Food for thought. Speaking of food, it was about time Shang Qinghua got breakfast! He learned from his wife plot with Luo Binghe. Ain’t no way he’s going out into the wild on an empty stomach. Panicking and avoiding death takes energy!

Shang Qinghua slipped from his room, mood lifting when he saw Xingxing floating in the air waiting for him. The dragon settled around his neck like a scarf, cool scales warming up from Shang Qinghua’s body heat. He smiled down at the dragon and pressed a small kiss to its forehead. Ahh pets truly were healing, weren’t they?

As Shang Qinghua made his way through the halls he noticed a distinct lack of demon servants wandering about. While they normally were quite sparse to begin with, he'd usually walk past a few on his way towards the dining room. But the paths were completely bereft of any signs of life. That should’ve been Shang Qinghua’s first red flag. Instead he continued walking, stepping out into the courtyard and shivering at the cold wind that blew past.

Snow was falling gently in little flakes that glittered when they caught the sunlight just right. Shang Qinghua paused while walking just to look up at the sky and admire the sight. Even if he’d been in the North for a while, he still found the environment to be beautiful. Back in the other world, Shang Qinghua never saw snow like this. He’d lived in the city and the snow would always be dirty by the time he stepped out of his apartment. Either that or it would be straight up slush. He’d never seen snow like the movies portrayed so he’d written the North to be exactly that. A winter wonderland– Just with the occasional demonic beast and deadly fauna. But he couldn’t have his favourite character’s domain just be a peaceful and pretty landscape! Mobei-Jun was a badass, therefore the home he came from had to be harsh and brutal! But just because it was those things didn’t mean it couldn’t be beautiful as well. Ah Mobei-Jun really was perfect for the tundra Shang Qinghua crafted, wasn’t he?


The abrupt voice broke Shang Qinghua from his inner musings. He hadn’t even heard the other person approach.

Standing at a distance from him was a tall man dressed in robes a deep blue with pale white and silver innerlaying between the numerous layers. His hands were slim and long, wicked black claws tipping the ends. There were a set of pretty rings decorating his fingers and teardrop jewels hanging from his pointed ears. The man’s ink black hair was streaked with silver, the straight tresses pulled to hang over a shoulder. There were faint agelines in his face that gave away the fact he was probably far older than Shang Qinghua would’ve initially thought. But despite this there was no doubt the man was handsome. Hell he looked somewhat similar to Shang Qinghua’s King! A relative probably? He had the demon mark on his forehead that indicated he was a part of the Mobei clan.

“And just who are you?” The man asked, the corners of his mouth lifting in a saccharine smile. Shang Qinghua felt the familiar tingle of his animal instincts just as the demon took another step closer. And the next words out of his mouth had Shang Qinghua paling. “A deer, hm? And collared too. I wasn’t aware my nephew had begun keeping pets.”

Oh sh*t it’s–


[Character Profile Updated

Linguang-Jun: Mobei-Jun’s uncle]

Linguang-Jun stopped in front of Shang Qinghua and reached out for him just as his system sounded off. In the next moment Shang Qinghua felt a rush of air before he was being yanked back and blocked from view by a mass of swirling stars. Xingxing’s massive face was shoved into Linguang-Jun’s, lips curled in an openly hostile snarl while its whiskers lashed in the air. The bulk of Xingxing’s body was wrapped around Shang Qinghua in a loose but protective hold.

The elder demon seemed surprised at the sudden transformation of Shang Qinghua’s scarf. He took a step back, shock melting into a cool smile. “It seems this little deer has teeth,” He chuckled, outstretched hand dropping back to his side.

Xingxing’s growl grew louder in response. Shang Qinghua peeked over the bulk of his dragon, internally weeping in joy at how quick Xingxing reacted. Good luck getting to him now, sleazebag! Shang Qinghua had the ultimate protection! And his defences only grew with the entrance of his King. Shang Qinghua knew the demon had arrived before he even spoke. The way the air grew near subzero and how the snow stopped falling was a dead giveaway. It was almost as if the clouds were holding back their flakes, waiting with baited breath to see what the King of the North would do.

Uncle.” Mobei-Jun’s snarl carried across the open courtyard with palpable disdain. Shang Qinghua shuddered against Xingxing’s scales and stood on his tiptoes just to try and see his King. And man was he pissed! Shang Qinghua’s trembling started up once more, however this time for a very different and not fear induced reason. Down horny thoughts! Not now! Oh but a powerful demon being angry on his behalf was just so hot. Granted Mobei-Jun was probably just pissed Linguang-Jun was here, but Shang Qinghua could fantasise it was about him!

Xingxing's body fell away from Shang Qinghua at Mobei-Jun’s appearance, allowing the King to stand in front of Shang Qinghua. Xingxing settled for floating at Mobei-Jun’s side while the remainder of its body circled Shang Qinghua. He was blocked in on all sides but surprisingly he’d never felt safer.

“Why are you here?” Mobei-Jun demanded, body jerking with barely suppressed tension.

Linguang-Jun seemed un-bothered by Mobei-Jun showing up. Instead his smile only grew, “Can’t I visit my dearest nephew without my motives being questioned?” When he was met with silence, Linguang-Jun snorted. “Still lacking in manners I see. Nevermind that,” The elder demon’s teal gaze slid from Mobei-Jun’s form towards Shang Qinghua. He was mostly hidden behind Mobei-Jun and Xingxing, however the glimpse of white antlers was more than enough for him. The man hummed coyly, turning on his heel. “I’ve finished what I came here for. Farewell, nephew. It was quite an informative visit.”

“What the f*ck…” Shang Qinghua whispered, peeking from behind Mobei-Jun and watching as Linguang-Jun got further and further away. Whatever it was he came here for, it wasn’t for anything good, that’s for sure! No doubt it was another scheme to try and steal the throne from Mobei-Jun.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes trailed up to Mobei-Jun’s face. His sharpened glower was still directed at Linguang-Jun’s retreating back. His entire body seemed unmovable, sturdy like a mountain. But being this close, Shang Qinghua noticed a fine tremor in Mobei-Jun’s arms. Frowning slightly, Shang Qinghua glanced down and saw Mobei-Jun had his hands clenched into such tight fists that he’d broken the skin. And from the steadily growing blood pool beneath him, it didn’t seem like he’d be stopping anytime soon.

Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure what it was that prompted him to reach out. Stupidity brought on by hunger? Or maybe it was the fact he couldn’t bear to see his favourite character injured. Whatever it was, Shang Qinghua was wrapping his hands around Mobei-Jun’s without thought. The biting cold of his hand was as startling to him as his own body heat was to Mobei-Jun. Both of them jumped, Mobei-Jun’s gaze darting to stare down at Shang Qinghua.

“Um,” Shang Qinghua’s face was flushed from the cold as he looked up at Mobei-Jun. Slowly he got his King to loosen his grip and pull his claws from the meat of his palm. “It’s alright my King. Whatever your uncle has planned, we’ll handle it, yeah? I mean you and Lord Luo are the strongest demons.” Of course with Tianlang-Jun freed that knocked Mobei-Jun to being third strongest but– Well Shang Qinghua never accounted for Tianlang-Jun to be freed so it isn’t his fault!

“... Mmm.”

Mobei-Jun sighed through his nose, pulling his hand from Shang Qinghua’s. The spirit tried not to mourn the loss. “Come. We will leave after you have eaten.”

And he left without waiting to see if Shang Qinghua would follow. But of course he would. He’d follow his King anywhere, it seemed. Shang Qinghua flashed Xingxing a wry smile before he took off after Mobei-Jun. His dragon shrunk down in size and darted after him, clinging to Shang Qinghua’s shoulder as he rushed to catch up with Mobei-Jun’s long strides.


Shang Qinghua hated this! This was the last time he went on any outing with Mobei-Jun or Luo Binghe! What’d he think would happen going with the protagonist’s second in command? That it’d be smooth sailing? Ha! What a fat lie! Who said only the protagonist encountered wife plots? No, it seemed like Mobei-Jun was being allowed a taste too!

The problem they’d been sent to look into was apparently a case of ‘help this demon tribe has taken my precious daughter and demands money in exchange otherwise they’ll kill her’. Basic formula for a wife plot! So why was it Mobei-Jun was being saddled with the task and not Luo Binghe, the protagonist? Hell if Shang Qinghua knew. But something told him it may have been his fault. Just how cleared of Xin Mo’s influence did his qi transfer in the temple do?! Enough that days later he was shrugging off an obvious wife plot for Mobei-Jun to handle?? Completely unheard of!

Whatever the reason, Mobei-Jun didn’t seem too pleased to know he’d be wasting his day saving some rich dignitary’s daughter because he was too stingy to pay for her return. And of course the tribe was a bunch of Succubus demons! Shang Qinghua knew his writing when he saw it! This was probably a plot point of his where Luo Binghe comes bursting in to save the fair maiden and then ends up seducing all the Succubi, leading to a massive group orgy or something. Except the problem was that there was no Luo Binghe to do the seducing! Only Mobei-Jun! And he was as frigid as the wastelands he came from!

So of course there was no coy flirting banter back and forth between the leader and the protagonist. Instead there was Mobei-Jun, impassive as ever, demanding they return the girl or face the consequences. In any other situation, Shang Qinghua knew Mobei-Jun wouldn’t care what happens to the rich man’s daughter. Hell he probably would’ve ignored the problem altogether and dump the task onto one of his many underlings. But this was a direct order from Luo Binghe to handle the problem. And like usual, loyal general Mobei-Jun would see it through no matter what.

“Come back little deer~ I promise not to bite too hard!”

The cackling beneath Shang Qinghua had him biting back a whimper as he scurried further up the cliff face. Crawling after him was one of the Succubus demon. She was grinning wide, her lips painted a scarlet just as bright as her long nails. She clung to the wall easier than Shang Qinghua, scaling up faster and very nearly reaching his foot with a swipe of her claws.

“Piss off!” Shang Qinghua hissed, his sash snapping out to strike at her hands. She let out a yelp at the harsh sting and let go, falling down and only barely managing to stop her plummet to the ground. She dug her claws into the wall and let out a snarl, eyes snapping up to Shang Qinghua.

“Oh you’re going to regret that!”

Highly unlikely! Shang Qinghua was going to do it again if she tried anything! Arg where was Mobei-Jun?! Shang Qinghua glared over his shoulder, searching through the craggly cave from his high vantage point. His King was further in fighting a hoard of the Succubi. Without a doubt they were no match for his King’s brute strength! He was knocking them back by the dozens, flinging demons left and right! The only thing they had going for them was the sheer numbers! Jesus, this was the orgy Luo Binghe would’ve been a part of?! That’s like 20 new wives! Where does he find the stamina?!

The Succubi must’ve been pretty weak demons. His King wasn’t even breaking a sweat! Though the fact the Succubi could drag themselves back up to stand just showed how Mobei-Jun was probably holding back. Was he seriously using these demonesses to work out his frustration? My King, there were more productive ways to take care of stress!

And what of the human woman they were meant to save? Well while Mobei-Jun handled the main hoard, Shang Qinghua had snuck behind and distracted the Succubi guarding the prisoner. It’d allowed the girl the chance to escape while in exchange Shang Qinghua was left being chased by the disgruntled Succubi. Which led to them being in this predicament. Shang Qinghua wasn’t just climbing aimlessly though! The wall he was scaling evened out and although he wasn’t sure what was up there, Shang Qinghua was just hoping the high ground would turn the tide of battle. That’s usually how it worked, right?

Scrambling over the edge, Shang Qinghua had a moment to take in the sight of a field of flowers blooming in front of him before he felt something grab him by the ankle. Shang Qinghua yelped, his sash flying out and smacking the Succubus in the face. She let out an angry snarl at that and loosened her hold just enough for Shang Qinghua to break free. He leapt up, sprinting into the field of flowers. Petals and pollen kicked up from his running but Shang Qinghua paid it no mind. Whatever this flower was, it wouldn’t hurt him!

“Fufufu,” The Succubus stood at the edge of the cliff, brushing off imaginary dust from her scandalous clothes. “Big mistake wandering into this field, little deer~” She cooed, tracing along the edge of the field. “This is my tribe’s signature flower. Its properties are renowned far and wide amongst other Succubi and Incubi clans.”

Ah, so a papapa flower, got it. Shang Qinghua felt himself grin maniacally. He could roll in these flowers and walk away unscathed! Thank God for divine powers!

Holding his hands up in the way he saw boxers do in movies, Shang Qinghua made a ‘come hither’ gesture towards the demoness as his sash danced around him. “Yeah? Well I seem pretty fine so I guess they aren’t all that special.” Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure exactly what they did but he could study the plant when he was out of danger. His herbology trait should kick in the same way it did with his animal husbandry trait.

The Succubus scowled, body coiling as she prepared herself to launch at him. “Keep laughing, little deer! You won’t be laughing for long.” Growling the last word she launched herself at him, uncaring for the field of flowers between them. However a large hand wrapped around her ankle mid-air, yanking her back and tossing her over the edge of the cliff. She shrieked at the sudden change of trajectory, the sound abruptly cut off with a heavy crash and groan.

“My King!” Shang Qinghua exclaimed, rushing to where Mobei-Jun stood. The man looked annoyed but had not a hair out of place. He still looked as immaculate as ever. Shang Qinghua envied him for that but was also quite thankful! The eye candy was much appreciated. Although Shang Qinghua would’ve liked to also see a battle haggard Mobei-Jun too. Would a roughed up Mobei-Jun look just as hot? Ohhh does he and Luo Binghe spar? Shang Qinghua would like to see that. The show would be glorious.


He was snapped from his musings by Mobei-Jun’s gruff tone. Shang Qinghua blinked, startling when he realised Mobei-Jun was standing in front of him. The demon was scowling and he wrinkled his nose slightly, glancing over at Shang Qinghua’s pollen coated body. He reached out, grabbing Shang Qinghua by the hip and tugging him towards a portal that’d formed sometime during Shang Qinghua’s lustful thoughts.

“We are leaving.”

“Ah! But what about the Succubi–?”

“It does not matter. This King did as he was ordered.”

Well can’t argue with that. Shang Qinghua let himself be manhandled, frowning as he disappeared inside the portal with Mobei-Jun. The two walked out into the throne room, the space empty of anyone else. At first it seemed like they’d left the mission unscathed. Shang Qinghua was just about to turn and bid farewell to Mobei-Jun so he could return to his room and clean up when he felt a firm tug at his waist. He stumbled, nearly falling over. Then there was an even harsher tug that had him all but falling directly into Mobei-Jun’s chest.

“Wah– My King! What gives?” Shang Qinghua pulled back from where he’d been unintentionally motorboating Mobei-Jun’s pecks just to glare up at him. His nose hurt from how hard he’d been slammed into that firm chest!

But Mobei-Jun wasn’t even looking at Shang Qinghua. Instead he was glaring down at his hand and where it still sat at Shang Qinghua’s hip. He growled, yanking his hand back. And with it came Shang Qinghua. Mobei-Jun’s hand was glued to Shang Qinghua’s hip.

“Oooh no. No no no,” Shang Qinghua let out a string of curses as he tried desperately to think of what the problem may be. But what else could it be?! Wife plot and Succubus tribe that had a special flower they grew? It was the papapa pollen! But what kind? What was the cure?! Was it only papapa or could it be something else?!

“Shang Qinghua knows what is causing this?” Mobei-Jun asked, head tilting to indicate his hand.

“Yes? Yeah, I kind of do!” Shang Qinghua groaned, dropping his head. It was then he noticed something sticking to his shoe. “Ah!” Shang Qinghua used Mobei-Jun as support while he hopped on one foot, reaching down with his hand to pluck a flower from where it peeked out beneath his shoe. It was mostly crushed but Shang Qinghua could still make out the details.

The petals itself were a vibrant pink that glimmered like velvet when he turned it. Inside the flower was a red colour similar to the shade of blood, faint streaks of yellow trailing outwards from the center. The stamen itself was a bright gold that stood out against the rest of the flower. The blossom was one thing, what Shang Qinghua was staring intently at was the stem and leaves. The stem looked like braided rope, twisted down and out to two leaves. The leaves were wrapped around each other, naturally interlocked in a way that would be impossible to pull apart. To Shang Qinghua they looked like a pair of hands.

[Herbology trait activated

Flower: Blooming Ivy of Lovers Eternal Hold

Inhaling the pollen will cause the one infected to have their hands glued to the first person they touch. The only way to release the bindings is through a union of lovers. I.E sexual intercorse

Ingesting the flowers has the same effect as a particularly strong aphrodisiac that, during copulation, makes the penetrator unable to leave the penetrated till multiple rounds of ejacul*tion have been reached. Enough so that the flower is worked out of the system]

Jesus Christ!

“sh*t ok don’t panic! There’s got to be a way to reverse this. Luo Binghe! His blood can cure anything. Surely his blood can fix this.” Shang Qinghua tried to reassure himself but who was he kidding? He was panicking! Ah, why did Mobei-Jun have to walk in a field of flowers?! Anything growing next to a cave of Succubi was obviously suspicious!

Mobei-Jun lowered his free hand from where it’d brushed against his red pearl earring. The action went completely missed by the fretting spirit. “Qinghua walked through just fine. This King assumed it was safe.”

“What?!” Nevermind the fact Shang Qinghua had spoken his thoughts out loud. That wasn’t what bothered him. What bothered him was how flippant his King was in regards to his own safety! “Are you dumb?” Mobei-Jun looked deeply offended at the accusation, eyes narrowing. But Shang Qinghua ignored all his little warning bells in order to speak his mind. Just like in the temple with Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua had been stressed the days leading up to this point and finally he could no longer contain himself.

“What makes you think judging anything by how it affects me is a good standard to assume how safe something is, ah?! I don’t get affected by Luo Binghe’s blood! Poisons don’t affect me! Meaning this flower’s whole… Issue–! Is not going to matter to me! But you just waltz right into a field of flowers without hesitation! You’ve f*cking lived in this world for how many years and you still aren’t even a little cautious about the fauna? You seriously must have some screw loose in your head!”

Mobei-Jun’s glare darkened and he was growling now. He squared his shoulders and stared down at Shang Qinghua with a look that would’ve made weaker men cower in fear. But stressed-horny Shang Qinghua was indeed a foolish, foolish man. So he somehow managed to meet Mobei-Jun’s glare headon and even had the nerve to return it with one of his own.

“You dare?” Mobei-Jun snarled, lip curling to show off a dangerous flash of teeth.

“I dare! If no one else is going to tell you and Luo Binghe how stupid it is to walk around in a field of flowers without expecting repercussions, it’s damn well gotta fall to me to do it! I wrote this world, I know how many aphrodisiac-like flowers there are! So this right here?” He gestured to all of Mobei-Jun, then at where his hand was glued to Shang Qinghua’s hip, “Makes you stupid for not being more cautious!”

Honestly maybe Shang Qinghua should have reeled it in. But he was a wheel with traction so he was just going to keep rolling. And he fully intended to! It was just that by now he registered the fact Mobei-Jun was a dark shadow looming over him, his growling had increased to a frightening volume, and the hold on Shang Qinghua’s hip was near bruising. Everything about this situation should’ve had Shang Qinghua fainting from an overload of prey panic. But instead all Shang Qinghua felt was the hot stirrings of arousal that made his knees weak. Damn he had problems.

“Say. That. Again.” The ‘I dare you’ went unsaid. Mobei-Jun’s face was a scant few inches from Shang Qinghua. Close enough he could feel the puff of cold air from every word; could feel the way the atmosphere thrummed with tension.

Shang Qinghua didn’t understand what prompted him to open his mouth. Maybe it was the way he licked his lips and Mobei-Jun’s gaze dropped down to follow the action. Or maybe it was the way he’d been too keeyed up over the past few days that he finally snapped. Either way Shang Qinghua’s lips parted, ready to speak. He only managed to utter a “Stu-” before Mobei-Jun was on him.

Their teeth clacked together hard enough Shang Qinghua thought his skull rattled. Mobei-Jun’s “kiss”, if you could call it that, was all teeth. Sometimes his lips would smoosh against Shang Qinghua’s, but it was mostly him sinking his teeth into the skin of Shang Qinghua’s mouth and biting like a dog gnawing a bone. It felt like he was being mauled. For his first kiss ever, even Shang Qinghua could tell it was the worst possible kiss. And he loved every second of it. Up till the door to the throne room opened and a voice spoke up with very clear interest laced into every word.

“Oh-ho,” Luo Binghe stepped fully into the room, smirking as he leaned against the closed door. “Am I interrupting something?”

Chapter 9: Who Needs Baby Steps?


He cast his crimson gaze over Shang Qinghua’s trapped form, his eyes burning like crackling fire. Then his heated look zeroed in on Shang Qinghua’s lips, dark red and puffy from being bitten repeatedly. With a small smirk Luo Binghe turned to Mobei-Jun, tutting playfully.


A/N: Happy Halloween! Hope y'all had a fun safe holiday and got good candy. If not then here's a little treat for you ;D If you've noticed, YES the rating has been increased. I can't promise the quality though because it has been quite a while since I've written smut so I am kind of rusty. Hopefully as the fic continues I get better xD We'll see. I hope this chapter wet's your appetite~ Mind the tags as I will be updating them as chapters come out and things happen. Also if you feel like I've forgotten to tag something feel free to comment and let me know! Sometimes I'm not quite sure what to tag. And I will say that I've slid some of my head canons into here, mainly in regards to Binghe and his heavenly pillar xD I know some may not agree with me but eh, my fic my rules. Anyways! Thank you so much for reading and for your patience. The beginning of this chapter fought me a bit but I'm glad I was able to get it out by the end of this month~ I sincerely hope y'all enjoy.

Chapter Text

Shang Qinghua’s mouth flapped uselessly. He let out a strained exhale that tapered off into a weak sound which may have been a scream if he had more air in his lungs. Shang Qinghua jerked backwards in an attempt to try and spring away from Mobei-Jun. However he forgot the current status of their predicament and nearly tripped over his own feet. Mobei-Jun’s other hand came up to clasp around Shang Qinghua’s upper back, yanking him forward so that he was pressed snugly against Mobei-Jun’s chest.

“Lord Luo!” Shang Qinghua cried, voice breathy. He wiggled, trying to shove some room between him and Mobei-Jun as he looked over at the smirking half-demon, “Wh-why are you here?!”

“Mobei called to me. I was expecting an emergency since he rarely uses that earring I gave him. But imagine my surprise when I’m met with this instead.” Luo Binghe hummed, tilting his head as a dangerous glint entered his eyes. Or had it been there the whole time? “I can’t say I’m too disappointed though.”

Shang Qinghua’s head snapped up to Mobei-Jun, squinting at the red pearl that stood out against his King’s icy pallor. Of course!! Just like Shang Qinghua thought, the earring was made of Luo Binghe’s blood! It was probably enchanted like Shang Qinghua’s collar. That was why Mobei-Jun had been able to call Luo Binghe.

“R-right…” He trailed off, deciding to ask about the pearl later. Instead Shang Qinghua tugged himself backwards, huffing when he realized Mobei-Jun had gone and stuck his other hand onto him. Just great!

“Stop squirming.”

Shang Qinghua puffed his cheeks in a pout and glared at him, “Quiet, you! We’re in this predicament because of you being careless!” Mobei-Jun looked extremely sullen at being scolded but Shang Qinghua had no time for his King’s attitude problem. Instead Shang Qinghua did his best to twist so he could face Luo Binghe. “Lord Luo, if you could please give my King some of your blood, I’d greatly appreciate it! You see he inhaled some pollen that made his hands stick to me! And in order to negate the effects we need your blood.”

Luo Binghe quirked a brow, “Is that so? I’m quite sure Qinghua knows other ways to combat this pollen.”

Instantly the blush that had been receding on Shang Qinghua’s cheeks came back. He sputtered, gaze dropping from the predatory smirk being directed their way. “I’d um… Rather you use your blood, please.”

“Hm… Alright.”

Shang Qinghua’s head snapped up at how easily Luo Binghe agreed. The powerful half-demon merely shrugged as he pulled himself off the wall and swiftly made his way to Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun’s side. He cast his crimson gaze over Shang Qinghua’s trapped form, his eyes burning like crackling fire. Then his heated look zeroed in on Shang Qinghua’s lips, dark red and puffy from being bitten repeatedly. With a small smirk Luo Binghe turned to Mobei-Jun, tutting playfully.

Before either of them could react, they watched as Luo Binghe reached up and grabbed the back of Mobei-Jun’s head to drag him down. There was a flash of red, blood welling in Luo Binghe’s mouth from where he’d bitten his own tongue. And then he was sealing his lips over Mobei-Jun’s.

He dominated the kiss, tongue slipping between pale lips and painting them red like cheap lipstick. Shang Qinghua watched with wide, shell-shocked eyes as Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun kissed each other in an absolutely filthy way. Their lips smacked together and the wet sounds had Shang Qinghua’s blush turn even darker. Slips of tongue could be seen between the molding of their lips. Flashes of blue and pink with sticky red smeared between.

Shang Qinghua felt faint, his blood shooting south so fast he was lightheaded. He could feel his legs trembling, knees weak from the sight before him. Never in his wildest wet dreams had he ever imagined such a scene. But Shang Qinghua knew that now it’d be the only thing his fantasies would conjure up from this point forward. Well that and maybe him perfectly sandwiched in the middle. Now that would be nice.

With a lewd pop, Luo Binghe finally detached from Mobei-Jun. A string of bloody saliva connected their separating tongues, Mobei’s forked one running along his blood-smeared lower lip to chase any remaining ruby drops. Luo Binghe was smug as he whispered in a low voice, lips brushing along Mobei-Jun’s with every word. “That is how you kiss, Mobei. Didn’t it feel good?”

Mobei-Jun blinked slowly and let out an agreeable sound, dipping his head slightly. “Thanking Junshang for his guidance,” He said in an equally low murmur.

“Of course,” Luo Binghe purred before he was letting go of Mobei-Jun and stepping back. But he didn’t go far. Instead he moved to stand behind Shang Qinghua, hands landing on his waist as he pressed up against him. “Now, why not show Qinghua what you’ve learned?”

At the duel grips tightening their hold on him, Shang Qinghua belatedly realized he was trapped. His libido took a keen interest in that. And though Luo Binghe’s words registered in Shang Qinghua’s mind a little too late, at that point Mobei-Jun was already leaning down and once more slotting their mouths together.

The kiss this time was more coherent than the last. Almost instantly Mobei-Jun was forcing Shang Qinghua’s mouth open and sticking his tongue in. It was wet, filthy, Mobei-Jun’s kissing still a little clumsy. But clearly his King was almost as perfect as the protagonist. A quick learner through and through.

Mobei-Jun pressed Shang Qinghua into Luo Binghe as he worked on kissing the life out of the deer. Saliva ran down their chins and Shang Qinghua was feeling faint from lack of air. As reluctant as he was to separate, if he didn’t breathe sometime soon, Shang Qinghua was going to pass out. He made a high, keening sound, placing his hands on Mobei-Jun’s shoulders and wrenching his face to the side. Shang Qinghua leaned his head back on the firm chest behind him, panting hard as he tried to piece his broken mind together. He felt drunk, mind a fog as hands trailed up his sides and towards his chest.

Cold lips peppered kisses along his face, leaving a trail down his jaw and towards his neck. Shang Qinghua groaned, eyelids fluttering closed at the firm press against his heated skin. He only dared to open his eyes when he felt a clawed hand cup his chin, tilting his head up so he could look at Luo Binghe.

If he’d thought Luo Binghe’s earlier expression had been intense, this one wassmoldering. Shang Qinghua felt pinned in place, a shiver shooting down his spine. Luo Binghe’s eyes were glowing, the thin ring of red nearly blotted out with how blown his pupils were. The top of his cheeks were dusted in a barely noticeable flush that, above all else, hand Shang Qinghua the most enraptured.

Beautiful .” The word was growled out, Luo Binghe’s voice rough and winded. He was then ducking his head down and claiming Shang Qinghua’s lips for his own. He kissed with more finesse than Mobei-Jun, as was to be expected. But where his King’s kiss was dominating and commanding, Luo Binghe’s was coaxing and clever. He gently nudged Shang Qinghua’s lips with his tongue, silently requesting entry. The light, playful prodding was meant to lull him into relaxing, into accepting the intrusion. Funnily enough Shang Qinghua didn’t need any cajoling.

Shang Qinghua’s mouth opened so fast he nearly popped his jaw. He could feel the smile Luo Binghe pressed against his lips, chuckling at how eager the deer spirit was. But Shang Qinghua had no time to be embarrassed. Not when he had a hot demon at his front and a hot half-demon grinding against his back.

For a moment Shang Qinghua was almost swept away by the typhoon of pleasurable touches. The hands on his body, the tingling press of kisses and bites against his skin, the warm tongue delving into his mouth; all of it was nearly enough to wipe Shang Qinghua’s anxious little mind of all unnecessary thoughts.

But then it happened.

He felt a hard, firm pillar being pressed up against the meat of his ass. And in that instant Shang Qinghua’s mind whited out.

He made a strangled, panicked sound as he pulled away from Luo Binghe’s mouth and tried to shove Mobei-Jun’s face away. Both men looked annoyed at the interruption, Mobei-Jun even going so far as to reach up and circle his hand around one of Shang Qinghua’s delicate wrists. But despite their clear distaste for stopping, neither ruler made a move to forcefully continue.

“No no no, that’s as far as we’re going! No further!” Shang Qinghua said with a desperate kind of yell. Half of his mind was screaming and raging at him, demanding he shut the f*ck up and let these two clearly interested men blow his back out. The more rational and sane part of him, however, remembered exactly what kind of weapons of ass destruction these two were carrying!

“There’s no way I can take either of you! Not for my first time! It’s impossible!!” He shook his head violently, nearly smacking the two in the face with his antlers. “I wrote you both so I know what I’m up against! I don’t wanna die!!”

And while it’d never been written in the novel… Shang Qinghua had marked in his notes just how big Mobei-Jun’s pillar was. It’d been for his eyes only! He never intended for it to become public knowledge. Everyone in his forums had assumed the protagonist had the biggest dick because– Well he was the protagonist! But not so! Shang Qinghua, in his notes, had equated Luo Binghe’s well-endowed girth to his Heavenly Demon side. And because Mobei-Jun was a full demon, that meant his co*ck was even larger. So if Luo Binghe already had a Heavenly pillar said to make anyone fall in love from a single round, then just how massive was his King’s? God Shang Qinghua wanted to find out. But also he dreaded the knowledge!

“It is Qinghua’s first time?”

The sudden increase of demonic pressure in the air almost had Shang Qinghua’s knees giving in for another reason. He flushed, looking quickly at the two predatory faces trained his way. Luo Binghe looked ready to devour him, Mobei-Jun not faring any better. Hell, the grip he had on Shang Qinghua’s waist was tight enough he could feel the bite of claws through the fabric.

“How… Delightful,” Luo Binghe’s words were purred out as he dipped his head down, gently pulling some of Shang Qinghua’s hair out of the way so he could place a kiss to the back of his neck. It had the transmigrator giving a small yelp and leaning forward to avoid the ticklish touch. Sadly he didn’t get far.

“Isn’t that great Mobei? Both you and Qinghua can be each other’s first.”

Mobei-Jun’s gaze snapped up to Luo Binghe, the demon King’s expression unreadable. The only thing to give away his confusion was the small furrow in his brow and the questioning tone of “Junshang?”

But Luo Binghe merely smiled devilishly. He reached out and grabbed Mobei-Jun by the chin, “Isn’t your Emperor generous? Of course this one would allow our God’sfavoritecreation to taste his sweet flesh first. It is the least you deserve for being the only one this Lord could dutifully rely on all these years.” He then tilted his head and f*cking batted his lashes at Mobei-Jun. Like some coy minx! “Should you not thank your most generous Emperor? Come, show me what you have learned. And perhaps I shall teach you more on how to make Shang Qinghua feel good.”

“Um-!” Shang Qinghua didn’t want to interrupt the sexually charged air between the protagonist and his general, but he felt like he needed to do something! Otherwise he was going to be ass-blasted six ways to Sunday! “Don’t I get a say in this?”

Luo Binghe looked bemused, curious even. Almost as if he couldn’t fathom Shang Qinghua resisting. Well– He was right! But Shang Qinghua still had some kind of spine. He puffed out his cheeks and tried to ignore how red his face felt. “I-I would like it if we didn’t… Um… Go all the way? At least for now! I’m kinda… Yeah I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet.” Shang Qinghua would first need to see the pillars then assess the damage they’d do to his poor little butt. He’s taken some hefty dild*s in his past life but back then he at least had practice! In this body the most he’d gotten away with was his fingers! And that one time he tried using a cucumber but then stopped halfway after remembering someone unpleasant. He hasn’t touched the vegetable since.

“Hm,” Luo Binghe tilted his head to the side and pondered Shang Qinghua’s request for a moment. Then he nodded, smiling sweetly. “Yes, that’s quite fine. This Lord has plenty in mind that can still make Qinghua and Mobei feel quite good.”

He… Was really insistant on Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua feeling good, wasn’t he? Which was kinda odd! The dick still nudging against him told Shang Qinghua that Luo Binghe was at least sexually invested in the moment. But what did that mean specifically? Was it Mobei-Jun he was aroused by? Qinghua? Both? It could be both since he did kiss them. And that by itself was already a huge thing because never before had Luo Binghe kissed another man! At least as far as he wrote. Who knows what happened between chapters? Regardless, what had Shang Qinghua stumped was the fact that Luo Binghe was… Sharing? Was that the word to use for it?

Never before had Luo Binghe allowed any of his partners to sleep with another man. He let his wives sleep with each other, sure. But that’s as far as his ‘ generosity ’ to share went. Only his wives could cuckold Luo Binghe! Yet neither Mobei-Jun nor Shang Qinghua were married to him. And to top it off they were both men. So just what was Luo Binghe, probably-bi protagonist and most possessive man around, doing actually talking about letting Mobei-Jun be Shang Qinghua’s first real f*ck? It was shocking! Unheard of! Luo Binghe would’ve never let someone else deflower a maiden while he just sat back and watched! Because wasn’t that what was going to happen? Luo Binghe would be watching as Mobei-Jun did… Whatever to Shang Qinghua.

Did Luo Binghe have a voyeuristic kink?

Oh God what were Luo Binghe’s kinks? Shang Qinghua knows what he wrote, but did Luo Binghe even really like them? He feels like he should stop and ask more questions just so they’re all on the same page! What about Mobei-Jun’s kinks? Did he even have any?! sh*t wait hadn’t Luo Binghe said it’d also be Mobei-Jun’s first time too? Holy crap was he going to pop his favorite character’s cherry? All of his wet dreams were coming true!

“Will Qinghua be joining us anytime soon?”

“Eh?” Shang Qinghua blinked as he was pulled from his thoughts. It was only then he realised their surroundings had changed and he was now standing in the middle of a rather luxurious room. One he instantly recognized from last time’s impromptu cuddle party. It seems during his internal ramblings, Mobei-Jun had moved them to his personal bedchamber.

sh*t, this was really happening, wasn’t it?

[Good luck, Host. This System is praying for you. Points gathered will be tallied by the end]

Why would he need prayers!? And seriously?? This was getting him points? Shang Qinghua was starting to think it was his System that had the voyeuristic kink.

“Qinghua,” Luo Binghe sing-songed directly into a sensitive pointed ear.

Shang Qinghua jerked back, blinking owlish eyes. “Ah! Sorry just… Thinking?”

Luo Binghe tutted, arms sliding around Shang Qinghua’s waist and pulling him into his chest. He leaned over Shang Qinghua, minding his antlers as he pressed their foreheads together. “Clearly this Lord is neglecting his duties if Shang Qinghua’s mind is able to wander in this situation.”

The sweet hold didn’t last long enough for Shang Qinghua to savour it. One moment he was being cradled and the next he was being spun around to face Mobei-Jun. The ice demon was watching the two with a glare that, in the past, Shang Qinghua may have mistaken as hostile. But he’s better at reading his King now. And in this situation with a noticeable blue flush gracing the tips of Mobei-Jun’s ears and his sharp cheekbones, Shang Qinghua could tell his King was aroused . And didn’t that just do things for him? Knowing both Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun found him arousing. It made Shang Qinghua feel powerful, desired. His confidence, though small, was growing.

“So, Mobei! The first step is setting the mood. We’ll start with foreplay.” Luo Binghe’s words rumbled deep in his chest, the vibrations travelling straight through Shang Qinghua. “Start off with undressing Shang Qinghua. From there we’ll explore his body. Touch him with hands and lips, tongue and teeth. Find where he feels good, where he’ll sigh in pleasure.”

Shang Qinghua’s ears burned from embarrassment, his hands making the aborted gesture to try and cover them. How could Luo Binghe say all that without flinching?! Did he have any shame? Ah, no. Probably not. Blackened Luo Binghe was shameless when it came to the things he wanted.

Mobei-Jun took Luo Binghe’s instructions as seriously as he would orders on a battlefield. He stepped up into Shang Qinghua’s personal space, hands reaching for the sash keeping his robes in place. He gave it a small tug, lips pursing in a frown. Mobei-Jun seemed to be debating on if he should just rip Shang Qinghua’s robes to shreds or if he should be patient and unwrap him like a gift. Shang Qinghua honestly couldn’t decide which he’d prefer.

Luo Binghe’s lips brushed the corner of Shang Qinghua’s ear, his instructions for Mobei-Jun whispered against the warm shell. He guided Mobei-Jun through undressing Shang Qinghua, stressing the importance of foreplay. It built the mood, ensuring his partner was at the peak of their arousal. Although sometimes there was no time for foreplay. The intensity of passion leaving little room for anything that wasn’t f*cking. And oh how Shang Qinghua shuddered at that word being growled into his ear.

Shang Qinghua’s mind was gradually growing quiet, his thoughts a faint buzz of static in the back of his head. Luo Binghe helped undress Shang Qinghua, his hands sliding and pinching through the fabric. He was teasing Shang Qingua, keeping his arousal high while instructing Mobei-Jun on the ways to wrench pleasured sounds from Shang Qinghua’s lips.

When Mobei-Jun’s hands touched the bare skin of his chest, Shang Qinghua couldn’t help the small squeal he made at the chill. But it soon bled into a breathy moan as lips sealed over one pinked bud. Mobei-Jun sucked at his nipple, fingers playing with the other. The inside of his mouth was warmer than his outer temperature, though not by much. Only enough to be noticeable. The contrast had Shang Qinghua’s nerves alight with pleasure.

“Yes, good.” Luo Binghe’s hot breath fanned over Shang Qinghua’s naked shoulder. The heat against his back was a stark contrast to the cold at his front. It sent Shang Qinghua’s mind into a confused, pleasurable bundle.

Luo Binghe’s hands slid the rest of Shang Qinghua’s robes down so they dropped to the floor. His dick twitched at the cold air hitting it, a light shudder wracking Shang Qinghua’s frame. The frigid temperature against his flushed skin was almost enough to make his arousal wilt. But with Luo Binghe’s heightened body heat posed behind him, it wasn’t so bad. However, just as he had that thought, Luo Binghe was pulling away.

Shang Qinghua whined, turning to look at Luo Binghe with a pout. But he hadn’t even fully turned his head before he felt something wrap tight around his little tail. “Ah?!” He cried, body jerking as his legs gave out. Had Mobei-Jun not been there to catch him, Shang Qinghua probably would have hit the floor.

“How cute .” Luo Binghe’s chuckle was dark, desire weighing down every word.

Luo Binghe gentled his hold on Shang Qinghua’s poor little tail, watching in fascination as it flipped up, twitching against the palm of his hand. It was the same bright white of his deer pelt, the underside more fluffier than the sleek upper coat. With a single-minded focus, Luo Binghe dragged a claw through the fur, circling the base where it attached to Shang Qinghua’s spine.

The smaller man’s entire body jerked and shuddered, half-muffled sounds spilling from his mouth as Shang Qinghua clung to Mobei-Jun. His dick was painfully hard and the playing with his sensitive tail wasn’t helping matters. He hiccuped, burrowing into Mobei-Jun’s arms and trying to pull away from Luo Binghe’s teasing. He’d never really touched his tail before when he tried to get off. Sure Shang Qinghua had been curious but he usually just stuck to what he knew when it came to quick masturbation sessions. He didn’t have the patience nor sense of safety to spend time fully exploring his body.

“Nooo–! Too much–!”

Shang Qinghua’s whine snapped Luo Binghe from how transfixed he’d been on Shang Qinghua’s tail. He locked eyes with Mobei-Jun, both having been watching Shang Qinghua squirm as his tail was tugged and petted. With each twitch the meat of his ass jiggled in such an enticing way. A sweetened, ripe peach that both rulers craved to sink their teeth into.

Luo Binghe cleared his throat and forced his hand to drop from Shang Qinghua’s tail. He instead wrapped his arms around his waist, leading the deer backwards till they were flopping over onto the bed. Luo Binghe hoisted the two of them back, resting against the headboard with Shang Qinghua laying between his legs. This way Luo Binghe’s arousal was pressed right up against the meat of Shang Qinghua’s ass. Each minor shift, the smallest twitch, had Luo Binghe unable to resist rocking his hips against Shang Qinghua.

“Now,” Luo Binghe growled, burning gaze flitting to his loyal general, “Strip, Mobei.”

Shang Qinghua felt too exposed, pinned in place by the all-consuming look Mobei-Jun was giving him. He watched with bated breath as the ice demon dropped his cloak, hands moving to yank off his belt without a care for if the fabric ripped. But just as Mobei-Jun’s hands moved to slip off his robes, Shang Qinghua couldn’t bear to keep looking. His hands slapped over his face and he curled his shoulders, whining low in his throat from embarrassment. He was so painfully aroused, his dick standing at attention and leaking precum against his abdomen. Shang Qinghua knew if he saw Mobei-Jun naked he’d never recover. How could they expect him to look at his dream man and not faint?!

Behind him Luo Binghe clicked his tongue in that admonishing fashion he’d used with Mobei-Jun earlier. His large hands cupped Shang Qinghua’s, pulling them from his face. “Now now, Qinghua. Don’t be rude. You have to see your creation.” Luo Binghe held Shang Qinghua’s wrists with one hand, the other holding his chin and forcing him to watch as Mobei-Jun continued his strip show. And when the final pieces of fabric dropped from Mobei-Jun’s wide shoulders, Shang Qinghua felt his mouth run dry.

Mobei-Jun was breathtaking, sexy, delicious. He was adjectives Shang Qinghua’s puny brain couldn’t even think of! The way his muscular frame dipped into a deceptively slim waist, abs on display Shang Qinghua wanted to run his tongue over like a popsicle, and those thighs! But more important was the anaconda between those thighs. Shang Qinghua’s eyes nearly bugged out of his skull when he caught sight of Mobei-Jun’s engorged co*ck. It was fully erect and the head was flushed an angry purple. The tip was slightly tapered and had what looked like small barbs running along the underside of the shaft. It was clearly not a human dick but that didn’t stop Shang Qinghua from wanting to choke on it.

Luo Binghe made a pleased sound behind him, his own arousal twitching against Shang Qinghua’s backside. The protagonist purred low in his throat, head dropping to rest on Shang Qinghua’s shoulder as he mouthed against his neck. “Look at him, Qinghua. Truly Mobei had your favor when you crafted him. Is he everything you imagined? How pleased are you by your favorite creation?”

“Hahrh,” Shang Qinghua’s mushy brain supplied intelligently. Holy sh*t Mobei-Jun was absolute perfection! Shang Qinghua would gladly suffocate between his thighs.

Luo Binghe’s bark of laughter was tinged with surprise. He pressed an amused kiss to Shang Qinghua’s bright red cheek. “You hear that Mobei?”


Mobei-Jun looked pleased, chest puffed as he preened beneath Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua’s duel stares. Shang Qinghua’s eyes were glued to Mobei-Jun’s dick, watching it bob as he climbed onto the bed. Luo Binghe’s hands had released their hold and settled instead on Shang Qinghua’s pale thighs. He squeezed the meat there and grinned at the sharp intake of air he earned in response.

Shang Qinghua squealed when his legs were forced open, his most intimate parts put on display. He scrambled to cover his crotch as a string of garbled sounds spilled past his lips. Luo Binghe merely kissed his cheek to comfort, eyes never once leaving Mobei-Jun’s nude form.

“Now comes the fun part. Qinghua asked us not to go all the way, so we won’t. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use this opportunity to learn.” He said in a husky voice. Shang Qinghua was beginning to understand why the System said it was going to pray for him.

Things from there got a little blurred for Shang Qinghua. All he knew was that Luo Binghe was plucking pleasure from his body like Shang Qinghua was a stringed instrument. And he was enthusiastically teaching Mobei-Jun how to do the very same. Hell at some points Shang Qinghua even caught him coping a feel of Mobei-Jun. So it wasn’t just Shang Qinghua’s body they were learning about. It was extremely hot to see, especially when the two would start making out.

At some point when Shang Qinghua’s brain had turned to mush and his ability to form words had dwindled, Luo Binghe finally deemed it time to move onto the next step. He flipped Shang Qinghua without any effort and instructed Mobei-Jun to raise his hips. The ice demon yanked Shang Qinghua’s lower half up and, under Luo Binghe’s orders, slotted his dick between the deer’s thighs.

“Ooh!” Shang Qinghua gasped, tail shooting up and back arching when he felt Mobei-Jun’s co*ckhead drag just beneath his own leaking member. He clenched his legs, hips rocking back without thought and earning a grunt from Mobei-Jun. The grip on his hips were deliciously tight, nails biting into the meat. By the end of this he’d no doubt be supporting bruises in the shape of handprints.

Slowly Mobei-Jun dragged his co*ck from between Shang Qinghua’s thighs before snapping his hips forward. The lewd, wet slap of their skin against each other was music to Shang Qinghua’s ears. He was impossibly hard, upper torso sprawled out on Luo Binghe’s lap as he moaned and whined against the fabric there. He clung to Luo Binghe for purchase, each slam of Mobei-Jun’s hips rocking him forward.

When he felt strong fingers pushing back his bangs, Shang Qinghua blinked blurry eyes open in order to look up at Luo Binghe. His face was flushed and his eyes were wild with desire. His gaze kept moving from Shang Qinghua to Mobei-Jun, taking in the delectable feast laid out before him. The hand in Shang Qinghua’s hair shifted to his cheek, the caress gentle as Luo Binghe led his face closer to his crotch.

“Would Qinghua bless this Lord some of his attention as well?” Luo Binghe asked, licking his lips.

It took a bit for the hamster in Shang Qinghua’s brain to piece together what Luo Binghe was asking of him. And when his brain cells finally clicked together, Shang Qinghua was vigorously nosing at Luo Binghe’s crotch. Yes please! Let Shang Qinghua see the Heavenly pillar of legend!

Another surprised laugh was wrenched from Luo Binghe. He used his hold on Shang Qinghua’s cheek to keep him at bay while his other hand slid down his pants and parted his robes. Luo Binghe’s dick nearly smacked Shang Qinghua in the face when it sprung free from his pants. It was long and thick, the veins prominent and glistening from a mixture of sweat and precum. Compared to Luo Binghe’s dick, Shang Qinghua’s was small . And Shang Qinghua thought his own penis was average size! Truly the weapon of the protagonist was a wonder all on its own. Although even with how large it was, Mobei-Jun’s was still noticeably bigger. And even if the thought of being stuffed with one of these monsters should scare him, all Shang Qinghua’s horny brain could wonder was how long would it take to stretch him wide enough to take both.

Shang Qinghua’s mouth latched onto the underside of Luo Binghe’s dick, hands circling the shaft. While he wanted to stick the member in his mouth and see how far it’d go, Shang Qinghua also wanted to savor this moment. It was his first blowj*b with a real co*ck, after all!

He lapped at the underside, chasing a bead of precum that slipped from the tip. As he sucked along the shaft, each slap of Mobei-Jun’s hips had him rocking forward against Luo Binghe. He hummed against the hot skin, lips dragging up towards the spongy tip. He kissed the underside before opening his mouth wide and enveloping the head.

In his previous life Shang Qinghua had practiced sucking on dild*s so he liked to think he knew a bit of what he was doing. He took Luo Binghe bit by bit, working himself to swallow even more of the man’s co*ck. Above him Luo Binghe hissed out a curse while Mobei-Jun snarled, his next thrust having more strength than before. It forced Shang Qinghua forward and even more of Luo Binghe’s dick was crammed down his throat. But instead of gagging like would’ve been expected, Shang Qinghua instead moaned loud and long as he swallowed around the length already choking him.

“f*ck–!” Luo Binghe sounded wrecked, his hand fisting Shang Qinghua’s hair and holding him in place. Shang Qinghua whined, tears beading the corner of his eyes as he looked up pleadingly at Luo Binghe. Why’d he stop him? Shang Qinghua was so close to taking all of him in!

Luo Binghe’s eyes narrowed and his lips were parted as he openly panted. He stared hard at Shang Qinghua’s face and rocked his hips forward, watching as more disappeared past Shang Qinghua’s swollen lips and down his throat. His gaze snapped up to Mobei-Jun and he pulled one of the other demon’s hands off Shang Qinghua's bruised waist. “Mobei, feel.” He ordered, bringing the man’s hand up to Shang Qinghua’s neck.

Shang Qinghua waited till a cold palm encircled his throat before swallowing around Luo Binghe’s co*ck. He felt smug when both growled out curses. Mobei-Jun slammed his hips forward and latched his teeth onto Shang Qinghua’s shoulder, biting hard enough he broke skin. Shang Qinghua cried out around Luo Binghe’s dick, tears spilling down his cheeks as he was propelled forward with each brutal snap of Mobei-Jun’s hips.

Luo Binghe cooed, his thumb brushing away stray tears. “So beautiful… You keep surprising me, Qinghua. No gag reflex? Were you just made to take this Lord’s co*ck?”

Shang Qinghua keened in the back of his throat, both him and Luo Binghe shuddering for different reasons. The praise washed over Shang Qinghua and had his dick spill more pre. He was so wet, his thighs soaked in both his own fluids and Mobei-Jun’s. He could feel his King’s pace increasing, his thrusts growing more ragged as he yanked Shang Qinghua back against him with every snap forward. Shang Qinghua was wedged between both rulers and used like a fleshlight for their pleasure. He was loving every moment of it.

Mobei-Jun wrenched his teeth from Shang Qinghua’s shoulder before he slammed his hips forward once more and came hard. His chilled cum coated Shang Qinghua’s thighs and the sheets, painting them in ropes of white. With his hips pressed up against Shang Qinghua’s plump ass Mobei-Jun surged forward, hand latching around Luo Binghe’s throat and dragging him in for a fierce kiss that smeared Shang Qinghua’s blood between them. Luo Binghe returned the kiss with just as much enthusiasm, biting at Mobei-Jun’s lips and adding additional blood to their messy battle.

Shang Qinghua was forced to take more of Luo Binghe’s co*ck down his throat as the two lords kissed above him. He watched with tear-filled eyes and whined in arousal at the heated display. He could feel Luo Binghe’s dick pulse in his throat, the half-demon holding tight to the back of Shang Qinghua’s head as he f*cked up into his mouth. With only a few more thrusts he was shoving his dick as deep as it could go before finally cumming. The sensation of Mobei-Jun’s cum on his thighs and Luo Binghe’s hot seed spilling down his throat and overflowing out of his mouth was all Shang Qinghua needed to tip off the edge.

He came untouched, his cum mixing with Mobei-Jun’s and soiling the sheets further. Both rulers watched as Shang Qinghua unraveled between them, his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his muffled sounds of pleasure reaching a high note before tapering off into weak, kitten mewls.

Shang Qinghua was almost sad to feel Luo Binghe’s co*ck go as it slipped from his aching throat. He placed a sloppy kiss to the tip, incoherent words slipping from him. If Shang Qinghua had more brain power he would’ve maybe scraped himself together enough to feel embarrassed. But as it was, Shang Qinghua felt satiated and good .

A wet tongue trailed along the angry bite mark on his shoulder, lapping the blood still lazily oozing from his wound. Shang Qinghua couldn’t tell who it belonged to, nor could he figure out whose hands were the ones pulling him away from the wet spot. All Shang Qinghua knew was that he was impossibly tired and ready to pass out. When had his eyes fallen closed?

“Sleep, Qinghua.” Mobei-Jun whispered, the ghost of lips pressing against his throat. “We will clean you.”

“Mmmm’kay.” Shang Qinghua slurred, blindly reaching out for Mobei-Jun. He accidentally smacked the demon in the face but couldn’t muster the energy to apologize. Instead he grabbed some of Mobei-Jun’s hair and pulled him down to plant a wet kiss on the tip of his nose. There, that was enough of an apology.

From somewhere to his left he heard Luo Binghe snort, murmured words of amusem*nt lost to Shang Qinghua’s ears. The deer was too busy already falling asleep to make sense of what Luo Binghe was saying.


“Husband seems happy.”

The sickeningly sweet voice, though grating, was not enough to sour Luo Binghe’s mood. He was happy. He couldn’t recall ever being this happy in years. The last time was probably back when he was still with his mother living in squalor. And that was so long ago it may as well have been another lifetime.

His eyes flicked to the side where one of his wives was approaching. Luo Binghe had just finished up a round of court and there was a current lull. During this time one of his wives had slipped into the grand hall in order to bother him. In the past Luo Binghe would’ve indulged such actions with sweet words and even sweeter touches. Now he only felt annoyed. Especially when Xiao Ming moved to sit on his lap, her legs swinging over his.

The woman pushed her ample bosom against Luo Binghe, the slip of her robe exposing more cleavage than would be proper by human standards. “This one had been worried. Husband has been in such a bad mood lately. Us wives haven’t seen you in our chambers in so long.” She cooed, hand trailing down Luo Binghe’s neck and settling over his chest. With a cute giggle Xiao Ming rested her head on Luo Binghe’s shoulder, “Ming-er is so happy Husband has been feeling better. Did something good happen?”

Something good did happen. Not that Luo Binghe would tell her. He looked away, mind wandering back to last night and, subsequently this morning. Shang Qinghua had been so beautiful. His eyes filled with tears, his face flushed a dark red, and his tail twitching with every bounce of his ass cheeks. And Mobei-Jun? He was just as tantalizing as the deer had been. Seeing his general in such a disheveled state of arousal had born a hunger in Luo Binghe’s gut. One he did not see being satiated anytime soon.

Luo Binghe should’ve had more of a problem being sexually aroused by the other ruler. But then he thought about how he’d already held the man in high esteem and had started to value him more than his wives. So it was only logical that this was the next step. Luo Binghe can’t say he intended to make Mobei-Jun his spouse. But rolling around in the sheets with the other demon wasn’t a bad way to pass the time. Especially if cute little Shang Qinghua was right there as well.

Luo Binghe had been so reluctant to leave that morning. Shang Qinghua had been nestled between Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun, his face crammed into Mobei-Jun’s chest while one of his hands was tangled in Luo Binghe’s hair. Even one of his legs had been thrown over the Emperor’s body. He wasn’t sure how Shang Qinghua got in that position and he wasn’t really certain if it was comfortable, but the damp spot of drool on Mobei-Jun’s chest had assuaged his doubts.

When Luo Binghe had mustered the will to untangle Shang Qinghua’s grip from his hair and to slip out of bed, Mobei-Jun had snapped awake. He watched Luo Binghe move, eyes half-lidded in quiet contentment. It occurred to Luo Binghe then that he’d never seen his general after having just woken up. He especially hadn’t seen Mobei-Jun relaxed after pleasurable activities. So with a combination of the two right before him, how could Luo Binghe resist such a sight?

He slipped back over the cooled sheets, holding himself above Shang Qinghua’s unconscious form as he leaned into Mobei-Jun and kissed him. Luo Binghe felt Mobei-Jun growl low when the half-demon swiped his tongue against a pointed fang. He chased that growl with one of his own, a thrill shooting down his spine and rousing interest in his co*ck. Beneath him Shang Qinghua shifted, murmuring in his sleep as he unconsciously tried to find another comfortable position to lay in.

The deer’s soft sounds are what prompted Luo Binghe to finally pull away from the intoxicating kiss. He licked his lips, eyes narrowing when he saw Mobei-Jun track the movement. The corner of his mouth twisted into a jagged smirk, Luo Binghe leaning close so he could mouth at the cold throat just begging to be marked. Mobei-Jun growled only once in warning, body tensing at having another predator so close to a vital area. But Luo Binghe paid the sound no mind and instead pressed a kiss to the hollow of Mobei-Jun’s throat. He hummed, tongue swiping out to taste.

This Lord will return soon. Keep our God company till then.

Mmm, ” Mobei-Jun’s hum vibrated his throat, the sensation tingling against Luo Binghe’s mouth.

Once more Luo Binghe had to force himself to leave the bed. He couldn’t remember if he ever felt this reluctant to leave his wives when he’d been under Xin Mo’s influence. He’s pretty sure his desire for them cooled faster than the sheets. Did he ever love them? No, he never did. It was all Xin Mo’s control. And now with Shang Qinghua at his side, Luo Binghe would no longer be led astray.

Duel Cultivating with Shang Qinghua, even if it hadn’t been full intercourse, was perfect . He couldn’t even tell if it did anything to negate Xin Mo’s influence since he still couldn’t hear the sword. But surely Shang Qinghua would be so much better than Luo Binghe’s entire harem combined. His God was made for Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. Or was it the other way around? They were made for Shang Qinghua. Of course, that was the more probable conclusion. After all Shang Qinghua did create them. Why wouldn’t he make Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun exactly as he desired? And how eager he had been to taste Luo Binghe’s co*ck, to have Mobei-Jun’s hands on him. Clearly their God wished to worship his creations.

How adorable.

Luo Binghe chuckled to himself, smile sweet even as his mind played the nastiest fantasies he could imagine. He couldn’t wait to finish up his tasks so he could return to Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun. If he were to corner Mobei-Jun, pin him against the wall, would the servants whisper? Would they spread the news far and wide that Mobei was his? Hm. That didn’t sound too bad. And maybe if Mobei-Jun was good, Luo Binghe would let him pin Luo Binghe.

“This Ming-er is quite happy too.”

And just like that Luo Binghe’s fantasies were interrupted by an unwanted pest . He blinked, turning to look down at the eyesore still sitting on his lap. It took more effort than it should to not click his tongue at her. Xiao Ming didn’t even seem to notice that Luo Binghe wasn’t interested in what she had to say. Instead she was too busy batting her lashes and rubbing herself against Luo Binghe like a cat in heat. A tiny curl of revulsion settled in his stomach.

“The festival is coming up, you know? The Festival of a Thousand Lanterns.” Xiao Ming sighed dreamily as her cheeks flushed pink, “I remember when we met during it. The lights had made you look so striking, so handsome. My heart was stolen the moment our eyes met. I wanted nothing more than to follow you always, to be with you till the ends of time.”

Ah, that was right. That festival was coming up. Luo Binghe blinked disinterestedly as Xiao Ming kept speaking about whatever nonsense occupied her mind. ‘ I wonder if Qinghua has ever been ,’ Luo Binghe thought offhandedly. But then his eyes were widening and he was sitting straighter. Xiao Ming was entirely forgotten as Luo Binghe realised that no, Shang Qinghua probably hadn’t gone to the festival. If he’d been in hiding then he would’ve avoided big gatherings since there was a chance he’d run into Luo Binghe. And though he wasn’t entirely sure of the reasons why Shang Qinghua had been avoiding him, Luo Binghe had suspicions. He only needed an opportunity to ask and confirm. But that could wait. For now, Luo Binghe had more important things to concern himself with.

He grabbed a hold of Xiao Ming’s waist, completely ignoring the way she flushed with interest. Luo Binghe lifted her off his lap and set her on the ground. She was lucky he’d even done that much for her. Luo Binghe pulled out Xin Mo and slashed open a portal, Xiao Ming’s confused questioning falling on deaf ears. Luo Binghe had things to check on before he went to see Mobei and Qinghua. He had intended to wait till after court was over but this took priority. Luo Binghe needed to make sure Qinghua’s gifts were finished in time for the festival.

Chapter 10: A Festival of Fun


“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun said as a form of greeting. He shook his shoulder, knocking Luo Binghe from his obnoxious perch. The powerful half-demon only laughed before he was shuffling around the table to crowd into Shang Qinghua’s space.


A/N: Hey! Sorry for the long wait with no update! I went through some writer's block after plotting out the remaining chapters and couldn't find the will to sit and write. Then I ended up getting sick (Just hay fever! I'm better now!). Although my grandpa did recently get diagnosed with covid and since we live together, that gave us a scare! But I tested negative so I'm hoping that it stays that way. He's also getting better! But anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! It's been a long time coming and I was sooo eager to get to this part uwu I had to be patient. But now the wait is finally over! Shang Qinghua's been having it a little too good, ya know? So lets mix it up a little~ ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆ I do sincerely hope this chapter comes across how I intended. Or at least my thoughts come out coherent. Things always get jumbled in the angst, you know? But I appreciate feedback on if something was confusing or the like! Thank you for reading and for any comments you leave! I sincerely enjoy all of them! See you next update!

Chapter Text

Shang Qinghua woke to the feeling of chilled lips leaving a trail down his back. He shivered, awareness coming in bits and pieces. While the sheets around him were still quite warm, he could feel Mobei-Jun’s cold form hovering over him, a faint chill that wafted naturally from the ice demon. And each press of those lips was like the tingling trail of ice running down his heated skin.

“Mmm, my King?” Shang Qinghua tried to say although his words came out slurred. He received an answering hum in response. Shang Qinghua lifted his head, glancing to either side. No sign of Luo Binghe. Where’d he go so early in the morning?

Shang Qinghua jolted when he felt teeth nip dangerously close to the base of his tail. He yelped when another bite was pressed to the meat of his ass. “My King!” It was far too early to be aroused!

Mobei-Jun’s pleased rumble was felt more than heard. The ice demon leaned back on his haunches, the blankets going with him and exposing Shang Qinghua to the frigid temperatures of the Northern Palace. He let out a distressed cry, scrambling for a sheet to contain his body heat.

“Get up.” Mobei-Jun patted Shang Qinghua’s thigh before slipping from the bed and towards an adjacent room. Shang Qinghua scowled at his retreating back. Damn him and his perfect ass!

[Good morning Host, sleep well?]

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Shang Qinghua huffed, holding out his hand. His Heavenly sash slid from the ground and coiled around his outstretched arm. “Xingxing, can you go and get me a new pair of clothes?” There was no way Shang Qinghua was putting on last night’s robes! They were dirty from yesterday’s mission, after all.

With a twist the sash had changed into the Heavenly dragon. It stuck out its tongue, leaning up to press their foreheads together before it was darting out of the room. Shang Qinghua huffed, gathering the blankets around himself as he settled in to wait. By the time the doors to Mobei-Jun’s room were being shoved open by a much larger Xingxing, the ice demon was emerging from the bathing area. His hair was still damp, drops of water freezing in those inky locks and twinkling like beaded gems. Mobei-Jun didn’t call any servants in to tend to him. Not for picking out his clothes, dressing, or for selecting his jewelry for the day. Shang Qinghua, of course, knew why this was. One too many assassination attempts made for a very weary ruler. It… Was a lonely existence.

“Do you hate me?”

The words slipped out without thought, startling Shang Qinghua as much as they did Mobei-Jun. The demon stopped in the middle of putting on his special earring, blue eyes slightly wide. His brow furrowed and his frown grew more prominent.

“I mean do you hate me for writing your past the way I did?” Shang Qinghua scrambled to say when he saw Mobei-Jun open his mouth. His eyes dropped down to the blankets, nervously wringing his fingers beneath them. “I’m the one who wrote your uncle and why he hates you, how he tried to kill you as a child and nearly every instance after. I can literally be blamed for every bad thing that’s ever happened to you.” Shang Qinghua didn’t know why he was saying this. Perhaps he needed to hear it from Mobei-Jun himself? Luo Binghe could say he didn’t hate Shang Qinghua all he wanted, but the man was delusional even at the best of times. He would convince himself of something and run with it. Case in point he was convinced Shang Qinghua was punished by the Heavens for trying to write Luo Binghe a happy ending. It didn’t matter if Shang Qinghua said differently. The man wouldn’t listen once he was sure of something. So that’s why he needed to hear it from Mobei-Jun. At least his King would be honest. There was no need to hide any resentment he might carry.

“Did Shang Qinghua do it maliciously?”

Shang Qinghua’s head snapped up, “What? Of course not! I-it was for character growth!” He winced at how that sounded and once more ducked his head, “I mean when I was writing it, that’s all I thought it was. I never thought a real person would go through the things I wrote. If I knew someone would, I never would’ve written anything! I wrote about Luo Binghe being abused as a child, you being abused–! It was meant to be fiction! No real children being hurt! B-but you two were hurt and damaged from what I wrote and–!”

A beat of silence passed before Shang Qinghua heard Mobei-Jun slowly make his way across the room. He felt Mobei-Jun’s fingers cup his chin, tilting his head up so they could lock eyes. “What does Shang Qinghua mean?” He asked, voice surprisingly gentle. “Did Qinghua not know he was tasked with writing our lives?”

Shang Qinghua made a sound of frustration, “Of course I didn’t! How was I meant to know my story would actually exist?!”

“Shang Qinghua is a God.”

“No!” Shang Qinghua wrenched his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not a God. I was never a God! Luo Binghe just took what I said and came to his own conclusions.”

Now Mobei-Jun was frowning even harder. He looked over Shang Qinghua in silence before finally sitting at the edge of the bed. “Explain to this King, then.”

Shang Qinghua blinked, staring at Mobei-Jun in disbelief. Could he honestly believe Mobei-Jun would listen? And then what? He tells Luo Binghe? The misunderstanding of Shang Qinghua being a God is what landed him here, isn’t it? Settled in both Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun’s favour. So if they no longer think he’s a God, will they just toss him to the side? It hurt to think about. But what other option was there? Luo Binghe was bound to lose interest in him once he got what he wanted. And Mobei-Jun was probably just going along with Luo Binghe’s whims.

Shang Qinghua chewed on his bottom lip, eyes darting from Mobei-Jun to Xingxing. If things turn sour, Xingxing will protect him. The dragon was immortal and unkillable, even for the protagonist. That, surprisingly, was more of a comfort than anything. If Shang Qinghua gets tossed to the side then so be it. He’ll be ok. Because this time he wouldn’t be facing this world alone.

With a deep, shuddering sigh, Shang Qinghua closed his eyes and began. “You might not believe me and it might sound crazy but… I’m not originally from this world.” And so Shang Qinghua told him. He told Mobei-Jun how in the previous world he’d just been a random guy who wrote stories. Shang Qinghua explained that everything he’d said about the book was true. From the original intention of the draft to, yes, even Mobei-Jun being his favourite creation. But through the entire time of his writing he never thought the characters would become real people.

“I would’ve treated them better if I knew! I would’ve actually given Shen Qingqiu that redemption arc, would’ve made him less of a sh*t bag! I would’ve done more to make your childhood better ! But a good, happy childhood doesn’t make an interesting character! It doesn’t make things sell! And I needed my book to sell, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to take care of myself.” Shang Qinghua sniffed, hugging Xingxing close to his chest. Sometime during his explanation the dragon had set its mouthful of clothes aside in order to shrink to a more manageable size. It then slipped on the bed and curled around Shang Qinghua, crooning as it nuzzled him in comfort.

Mobei-Jun had been frowning, as per usual. But he seemed to be thinking hard over what Shang Qinghua had just revealed to him. After a heavy moment he nodded, the line in his brow easing. “It makes sense now. Junshang and I were running with theories why Shang Qinghua had fallen from the Heavens. Now I understand why there was no answer.” Mobei-Jun crossed his arms over his chest, “Shang Qinghua is this world’s creator, but he is not this world’s God.”

Shang Qinghua wasn’t entirely sure what he’d been expecting. For Mobei-Jun to get angry? Feel betrayed Shang Qinghua didn’t fess up earlier that he wasn't a God? He was expecting something other than this blatant acceptance! “I mean I guess? B-but–!” He faltered when those sharp blue eyes landed on him. Shang Qinghua hunched his shoulders and mumbled his next words into Xingxing’s starry mane. “Shouldn’t you be angry? I wrote you having a sh*t family just so I could feed myself.”

“Does Shang Qinghua want this King to be angry?”

That left him stunned, lips parted in a silent breath. Did Shang Qinghua want Mobei-Jun to be angry at him? Or did he just want anyone to be angry at him? To demand he answer for the choices he made. After all the cruel writings of a college dropout ruined the lives of hundreds , if not thousands. Just look outside! The merging of the realms was a prime example of that!

“I’m… But…? Shouldn’t you… Be mad? Shouldn’t Luo Binghe?” If anyone had the right to be mad at him it would be Luo Binghe. “I wrote you all such sh*tty lives. And I act like I know better when it comes to this world, but I’m the one who wrote it! So whatever mistakes you made, whatever trap you’ve wandered into, I’m the reason for it!”

Mobei-Jun hummed, the bed creaking as he shifted his weight. “When did this world change from what you had written?”

“Um… Way back I guess? I mean the original Shang Qinghua was meant to be your mole inside Cang Qiong? So I guess from there is when things began to change.” Shang Qinghua chewed on his lip as he drummed his fingers along Xingxing’s scales, “The Flowering Bone Stag never existed in the final draft. And whatever I didn’t write, the Sys-.”

Shang Qinghua was cut off by a loud buzzing from the System.

[Host is allowed to disclose the information of his origin, however information regarding this System must remain secret]

Oh now his System had something to say about this whole thing! Well fine! Shang Qinghua was great at making sh*t up on the fly! “The world seemed to fill in all the gaps in my writing.” He said through clenched teeth, “So I guess a lot of it changed. Though not everything. Luo Binghe still merged the realms, you still inherited your family’s power, and all that. Although I never wrote anything about Luo Binghe giving you an earring and stuff. My readers would’ve freaked if he was treating you better than his wives. Plus I didn’t want to put you in the spotlight more than necessary or you would’ve ended up looking like a love rival. And the protagonist can’t be bested by a rival,” Shang Qinghua said with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Perhaps unconsciously, Mobei-Jun raised his hand to brush his claws against the little bead in his ear. His shoulders eased, speaking of the tension that’d been keeping him rigid. It wasn’t noticeable until it was gone from his frame. And quietly, said so softly Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure it was meant to be heard, Mobei-Jun whispered, “So it was his choice…”

Mobei-Jun’s faraway look sharpened as he turned to look down at Shang Qinghua. “Every interaction with Shang Qinghua thus far has not been written by you?” When the deer nodded his head, Mobei-Jun seemed satisfied. “Then there is nothing left to discuss.”

“Wah??” Shang Qinghua sputtered, scrambling to reach out and grab Mobei-Jun when the man stood. “Hold on–! What do you mean there’s nothing left to discuss?!”

“Exactly that,” Mobei-Jun turned, taking Shang Qinghua’s hand and easing it from his robes. “Shang Qinghua wrote our beginnings. How Junshang and this King met. However what has happened after has been the actions of this King’s choices and his choices alone. How this King met Shang Qinghua, how he has treated Shang Qinghua up till this point, all of it was by my choice.” And with a vague smirk Mobei-Jun poked a finger directly against Shang Qinghua’s forehead, “So stop thinking Shang Qinghua is the cause of everything. You are no longer that special.”

That… Was probably the worst reassuring words Shang Qinghua has ever heard in either of his lives. So why did they make him feel so relieved? Shang Qinghua felt his lip wobble and tried to hide his sniffles by burying his face in Xingxing’s scales. He wasn’t crying! Don’t look at him!

Shang Qinghua tightened his hold and peeked over Xingxing, mumbling “Thank you, my King.”

Mobei-Jun grunted, picking up Shang Qinghua’s clothes and tossing them at Shang Qinghua. They hit his face, landing on his antlers like a crude clothes rack. “Get dressed. We’ve wasted enough time.” When Shang Qinghua managed to pull the robes from his face, he caught just the tail-end of Mobei-Jun’s robes leaving through the bedroom door.

Wasted time?! Who was the one that wanted Shang Qinghua to explain his life story, ah? Ungrateful! Despite his internal ravings, Shang Qinghua still grinned to himself as he slipped on his robes and his disguise. Shang Qinghua rushed to follow after his King, but he didn’t need to run far. Mobei-Jun was waiting just outside for him so the two could walk through the halls together. Shang Qinghua failed to hide his smile. But then again he wasn’t really trying all that hard.


“There you two are!”

Shang Qinghua paused, glancing up from the stack of notes he’d been going over. He watched as Luo Binghe cut through the room before dropping to sit beside Mobei-Jun. He leaned into his space, practically draping himself over the other demon as he looked at the scroll in his hand.

“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun said as a form of greeting. He shook his shoulder, knocking Luo Binghe from his obnoxious perch. The powerful half-demon only laughed before he was shuffling around the table to crowd into Shang Qinghua’s space. In the confines and safety of his mind, Shang Qinghua found himself laughing at the interaction. Like an overeager puppy trying to play with a grumpy cat. And said overeager puppy was now invading Shang Qinghua’s bubble where he was dutifully trying to work.

“I was looking for you both,” Luo Binghe hummed, wrapping his arms around Shang Qinghua’s waist. He rested his chin on the deer’s shoulder, lazily dragging his eyes over the notes from this day’s court proceedings. “There’s a festival in one of the human villages. I want to take you both.”

Shang Qinghua frowned, slowly lowering his brush. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Of the three of them, Shang Qinghua would probably stand out the least in a human village. Luo Binghe, even disguised, would draw eyes from his looks alone. And Mobei-Jun was a walking wall of demon muscle. There was just no hiding that.

“It’s fine. Since the merging of the realms, demons showing up to the festival is a common occurrence. They don’t cause problems since it’d earn my ire.” Luo Binghe didn’t elaborate why that was the case. But Shang Qinghua figured if it was important enough, Luo Binghe would have mentioned it.

Shang Qinghua hummed, chewing his lip as he turned his attention to Mobei-Jun. “My King?”

Mobei-Jun glanced between Shang Qinghua and Luo Binghe, his brow quirking at whatever expression Luo Binghe was making over Shang Qinghua’s shoulder. When he tried to peek, Shang Qinghua got chills and nearly passed out from fright. Who taught Luo Binghe to look like that?! Large eyes and a pouting lower lip?? Shang Qinghua’s heart nearly gave out from the side-glance he got!

“Does Qinghua wish to go?”

If he was being honest, it sounded kind of fun. Shang Qinghua hadn’t gotten the chance to check out any of this world’s festivals. Gods know he wrote hundreds of them just to pad out the story. There was nothing like a festival to shake off the stagnation in the plot! Who knows if this was a festival he wrote or one his System made up from vague references he’s mentioned!

“Mmm sure! It couldn’t hurt.”

No sooner had Shang Qinghua said that then the grip around his waist was tightening and he was suddenly being picked up from the ground. “Great!” Luo Binghe said, slinging Shang Qinghua over his shoulder. “This Lord has brought along new clothes for Shang Qinghua to wear to the festival.”

“Wha-! Hold on!” Shang Qinghua accidentally dropped his brush from the brusque movement. He hoped the leftover ink didn’t stain anything. “Lord Luo, please let me finish my work first!” He cried as he was carried from the study.

Shang Qinghua yipped when Luo Binghe’s hand was placed dangerously high on his thighs to ‘keep him in place’. With a flushed face Shang Qinghua looked up and scowled at Mobei-Jun’s smirk, “Qinghua would take all day if left to work.” Mobei-Jun shrugged at the betrayed look Shang Qinghua gave him.

“Hear that, Qinghua? Even Mobei thinks you need a break.”

If Mobei-Jun thought that, then maybe he shouldn’t have given Shang Qinghua so much work! He’s practically running the kingdom now! Shang Qinghua kept his grumbling to a minimum as he resigned himself to being toted around the Northern Palace like a handbag. First Mobei-Jun and now Luo Binghe? Look, Shang Qinghua wasn’t complaining about being manhandled and carried like this. Hell it made him feel amazing! But what was with these two powerful demons picking him up and slinging him over their shoulders? He wasn’t even graced with being carried like a weeping damsel. Instead it was the most undignified carry possible! Like how you carry a sack. Or a deer carcass.

“Now then,” Luo Binghe said as he somehow managed to open the door to Shang Qinghua’s bedroom. He set the deer on the ground, reaching into his sleeve and pulling out a qiankun bag. From the bag Shang Qinghua watched as he produced a large chest. It was decorated with glazed paintings depicting forest scenery, wildlife artfully styled to peek between the trees. “Your outfits are in here. And this-” Luo Binghe’s words prompted Shang Qinghua to look up. The man was pulling out another box, this one smaller but still quite expensive looking.

Shang Qinghua tilted his head curiously, inching forward when Luo Binghe opened it to show him the contents. Shang Qinghua felt something in him sink at the sight, his heart clenching painfully. Laid in the jewelry box in neat rows were another set of collars. Three to be exact. One was a black collar made from something shiny, obsidian maybe? Familiar red gems were molded into the frame, chains with their own stones hanging in drooping loops along the collar’s bottom. The inside was lined with a soft looking red fabric.

The second collar was predominantly silver with frost ferns etched onto the surface. There was a single blue gem in the shape of a diamond in the centre. Lining the bottom edge of the collar were a pair of beautiful blue and silver plumage of a Glacial Peaco*ck; a half-assed creature he wrote that was basically a peaco*ck but snowy. The inner part of the collar was stuffed to the brim with white rabbit’s fur, the gentle tufts practically spilling over the edge.

The third and final collar was following a similar theme of the others. While the first was clearly in Luo Binghe’s colours and the second in Mobei-Jun’s, this one was a distinct combination of the two. While simpler in design, it was no doubt just as expensive. The cloth fabric it was made from was a deep crimson, silvery white snowflakes embroidered along in swirling arches. There was a silver clasp in the front, red pearls placed on either side. Dangling from the red pearls were two beaded chains leading to powdery blue jewels shaped into teardrops.

Shang Qinghua knew he was pulling a face, he could feel it. But how could he stop? All the good warm feelings he’d carried over since last night were dashed in a single moment. Like the swift departure of a candle being blown out. Shang Qinghua felt his throat clog and the sting in his nose hinting at the onset of tears. How could Shang Qinghua have forgotten? No matter how affectionate Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun treated Shang Qinghua, he was still a prisoner. Still a pet.

“This Lord took the liberty of having more collars designed for Shang Qinghua. Just tell me or Mobei and we’ll switch out your collar for you!”

“Um…” Shang Qinghua’s voice wavered, his palms sweating as a sick feeling began creeping its way through him. Shang Qinghua bit his lip, hesitating as he looked up into Luo Binghe’s expectant face. “Can I just not… Wear the collars? O-or can I at least learn to take them off on my own? T-that way I wouldn’t… Need to… Ask?” Shang Qinghua’s voice got quieter and quieter till he was nearly whispering his question. Luo Binghe’s smile was still in place, sure. But the warmth in his eyes had cooled significantly, the edges of his smile a little sharper. Shang Qinghua didn’t need to be an expert in reading people to know he’d made Luo Binghe unhappy.

“Why would Shang Qinghua need to know? That's what this Lord and Mobei-Jun are for.”

Shang Qinghua didn’t like his tone. He didn’t like how it sounded like he was explaining something to a child. Soothing and gentle in a condescending way. Shang Qinghua bit his tongue hard, clenched hands hidden beneath his sleeves. Right. Why did Shang Qinghua think the answer would be any different? Did he think just because Luo Binghe seemed to like him that it meant anything? Of course it didn’t. Luo Binghe was only fond of him the way someone is fond of a small animal. It didn’t mean anything in the long run. Why would he give Shang Qinghua his freedom when there was the risk Shang Qinghua would run away? Luo Binghe wouldn’t take that chance, not ever. He didn’t trust Shang Qinghua enough to have faith he wouldn’t leave them.

And that, for some reason, hurt a lot more than the reminder he was a prisoner. Funny how skewed Shang Qinghua’s standards were.

“Right!” Shang Qinghua put too much enthusiasm into that one word. It sounded fake and forced, but then again Shang Qinghua was never the best actor. He cleared his throat, forcing a smile. “I’m fine with the collar I have on right now.” Shang Qinghua then made a shooing motion, playfully nudging Luo Binghe towards the door where Mobei-Jun had been standing, watching the two with sharp eyes. Shang Qinghua pointedly refused to make eye contact with either demon.

“Now get on out so I can get changed!”

“Oh? Qinghua wouldn’t like an audience?” Despite Luo Binghe’s playful tone his expression twitched into one of concern. His fine brows creased as he looked down at the top of Shang Qinghua’s head. But of course Shang Qinghua didn’t see this, too busy staring at his feet.

“No way! This isn’t a free strip show!” Somehow Shang Qinghua found the will to laugh, closing his eyes tight and flashing a smile he hoped wasn’t as brittle as it felt. Shang Qinghua knew if he looked at either of the men he’d probably start crying. And wouldn’t that be stupid of him? Shang Qinghua was the one who forgot his position. All because he thought he was special .

Somehow he managed to herd Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun out of the room, Luo Binghe passing him the chest of collars before he was closing the door. It took everything in Shang Qinghua to resist the urge to throw the box against the wall. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry. He wanted to kick something and curse. Shang Qinghua wanted to let himself be upset, but with two powerful demons outside his door with extremely good hearing, the smallest sniffle would probably have his door being busted open. And Shang Qinghua really didn’t want to deal with that right now. This was meant to be a fun time! They were going to a festival! He could have his break down after the fun!

[Avoidance does not make the problem go away]

“What are you, my therapist? No one asked you.” Shang Qinghua scowled before lifting his wrist to look at the dragon coiled there. “Xingxing, guard the door for me?”

The dragon unwound itself, shifting so it was now a massive serpent. It, however, didn’t go straight to sitting in front of the door. Instead Xingxing dipped its head down and pressed its snout against Shang Qinghua’s cheek. Xingxing purred in comfort, gently nuzzling Shang Qinghua. The urge to cry came back full force and his eyes stung from holding back tears. He covered his mouth with his sleeve, muffling the wet sob he barely choked back.

“Xingxing,” He whined, closing his eyes. A few tears ran down his cheeks, the droplets soaked by the fabric of his sleeve. Xingxing rumbled in response, nose pressing more firmly against him. Shang Qinghua reached up to cup the dragon’s chin and pressed a wet kiss to its snout. “Thank you.”

The comfort nearly sent him into a crying fit but it was fine. Having Xingxing here… Shang Qinghua couldn’t put it into words how much he appreciated the little beast. Xingxing stuck out its tongue and licked the side of Shang Qinghua’s face, prompting a surprised giggle. Xingxing purred louder, pleased it’d brought a genuine smile to Shang Qinghua’s face. The dragon then slipped from his grasp in order to settle in a pile of massive coils in front of the door.

Shang Qinghua sniffed, wiping his face before he took a deep breath. He could do this. Just get changed and enjoy the festival. He could break down curled up with Xingxing later. Was it healthy? No! But Shang Qinghua was an expert at channeling his inner Elsa. Conceal, don’t feel!

He dressed humming Disney songs, shaking out his voluminous sleeves while admiring the soft fabric. At least there were perks to being a favoured pet! Good food, a warm bed, and pretty outfits. He was like a prized poodle.

Thinking of himself as a pet once more had Shang Qinghua holding back sniffles so he valiantly worked to get the rest of his outfit on in record time. There was, again, more layers to this piece than his usual clothes. The outer robe was in the North’s blue, silver thread embroidered in the shape of flower petals lining the edge of the sleeves. The black inner robe’s sleeves were longer than the outer robe, the fabric growing thin and becoming translucent. The black faded to red and spilled out like the petals of a flower. Wispy strips that overlaid each other like a rose. There was a light glitter to the fabric that, if Shang Qinghua were to bring it closer to his face, would reveal to be the cause of tiny red gems woven along the edge of the inner robe’s sleeves. The last thing for the entire outfit was a black sash that, when the light hit it, seemed to have a faint blue sheen.

Like everything he’d been given, the clothes were beautiful. There was no doubt about that. And they were, of course, soft to the touch. Shang Qinghua couldn’t resist running his hands over them just to appreciate the feel. “M’kay, let them in.” Shang Qinghua said absentmindedly.

Xingxing huffed, its claws clacking against the floor as it dragged itself from its perch. Xingxing rumbled and drew to Shang Qinghua’s side just as the doors opened. Thankfully the moment to himself had given Shang Qinghua enough time to get his sh*t together. He was able to look both Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe in the face without bursting into tears.

“You look beautiful,” Luo Binghe grinned, sweeping forward and reaching to adjust Shang Qinghua’s robes. Before he could even get within an inch, Xingxing’s teeth were snapping just where his hands had been. Had Luo Binghe not pulled back in time he may have lost a finger. Or worse.

The air grew still, all eyes on the glaring dragon. Xingxing’s whiskers coiled around Shang Qinghua almost protectively for a moment before the Heavenly beast was baring its teeth in a botched attempt at a grin. It snorted, nostrils flaring, before Xingxing shrunk in form and wound itself around Shang Qinghua’s shoulders like a scarf. The dragon stared at Luo Binghe from its bed of coils, lip curled to show a flash of needle sharp teeth.

Whatever feelings he had at the blatant threat was expertly hidden, Luo Binghe merely smiling as he carefully moved to finish adjusting Shang Qinghua’s robes. “I see Qinghua’s pet is in as chipper a mood as ever.”

Don’t think about pets, don’t think about pets, don’t think about pets ’, Shang Qinghua chanted internally, hoping his smile didn’t give away his internal panic. What the f*ck! Why had Xingxing done that?? Shang Qinghua didn’t ask for it to do that! Oh f*ck, did Xingxing do that of its own choice? Because Luo Binghe had made Shang Qinghua upset?? Awwww! That was so sweet! But also terrifying! How was he meant to project Elsa if his dragon was outing his emotions in such a blatant way?!

Shang Qinghua made the mistake of looking at Mobei-Jun and seeing the look directed his way. He flinched and was quick to drop his gaze. Mobei-Jun has had the most interactions with Xingxing compared to Luo Binghe. So he’d know the difference between Xingxing’s playful bites and their ‘I’m actively trying to take off a finger’ chomps. Ahhh, hopefully his King didn’t say anything?

“Ahaha Xingxing just missed Lord Lou! They’re very grumpy you haven’t visited!” Nevermind the fact that Luo Binghe was just here yesterday. sh*t. Quick! A diversion! “But enough of that! Let’s go, let’s go! This is my first festival here! I want to see it all!”

Luo Binghe chuckled, reaching up to cup Shang Qinghua’s cheek but seeming to think better of it when Xingxing flashed its teeth. Instead Luo Binghe switched trajectory and reached up to pet Shang Qinghua’s hair, humming at the frazzled bun the brown locks were bound in.

“If Qinghua is sure. Do you not want this Lord to do your hair before we leave?”

“Ah! Uh… Maybe something simple then, please?” Shang Qinghua really didn’t want to be pampered any more than this, especially if it didn’t mean anything. But he’d feel kind of bad if he wore such pretty clothes and had a messy bun to go with. Shang Qinghua never really cared much for dressing up in his past life. But that was mainly because he never had fancy events to go to. And he couldn’t really afford such classy outfits to dress up in. So why wouldn’t he want to go the extra mile and look the best he could now that he was given the chance?

Thankfully Luo Binghe did heed Shang Qinghua’s request and gave him a simple braid. Although when he was done, Mobei-Jun reached over to touch Shang Qinghua’s head–Xingxing making no move to bite– and manifested ferns of frost and little frozen snowflakes to decorate Shang Qinghua’s hair. It felt a little chilly at first but Shang Qinghua quickly grew used to the feeling. He hummed, reaching up absentmindedly to touch the frost. It didn’t melt under his fingers which was good! It meant the accessories wouldn’t melt and make his hair damp.

“Thank you!” He chirped, a genuine smile on his face.


With Shang Qinghua dressed and ready– Neither Mobei-Jun or Luo Binghe changing into something else– Mobei-Jun opened a portal for the three to exit through. They emerged on the other side just at the edge of a forest, the night air far warmer than the North’s. The crickets chirping and rustling of leaves was a background noise compared to the louder sounds of the festival. Shang Qinghua perked up, shuffling past the edge of the forest in order to get a good look at the village. They were at the top of a hill that gave them the perfect vantagepoint to overlook everything. The paths and houses were lit up from lanterns, booths set up that stretched out past the edges of the village. Even from this distance Shang Qinghua could tell there were inhuman shapes wandering through just the same as humans. There were no screams of fear or horror, only the excited squeals of children and calls from booth runners.

“Woah,” Shang Qinghua breathed in awe. He grinned, spinning to look back at Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. “It’s so pretty!” He reached out to take their hands, tugging both towards the village. “Come on, let’s go! The food smells amazing !” God how long has it been since Shang Qinghua ate something fried? He wanted to try everything!

It was surprisingly easy to lead Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. No doubt they were just indulging Shang Qinghua in his excitement, but still! Although the moment they reached the festival’s edge Shang Qinghua forgot about that. He forgot about his prior feelings of being upset and the nausea in his stomach. All of that fell away in the face of the festival’s excitement and merriment. He almost bolted to the nearest booth but was stopped by a firm grasp on the back of his clothes.

“Don’t stray.” Came Mobei-Jun’s warning tone.

Shang Qinghua’s face scrunched and he flashed a pout over his shoulder. It didn’t help that he was met with dual looks of amusem*nt. But as “requested”, Shang Qinghua didn’t stray too far. He kept close to Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe, occasionally grabbing them and pointing at something that caught his eye before leading whoever he was holding over to that booth. Can’t accuse him of straying if he was taking them with!

The festival was warm and fun, Shang Qinghua trying his hand at a few of the traditional games some booths had set up. He managed to win two prizes, picking them specifically out of the ones on display. Cheap little things that were clearly not worth the price of playing the game. One was a fake silver hair comb woven into the shape of ivy, the other a wooden hair pin with the end carved and painted into the shape of a spider lily. Despite their low worth, when Shang Qinghua bashfully offered the comb to Mobei-Jun and the pin to Luo Binghe. Without hesitation both lords lowered themselves enough for Shang Qinghua to slip them in their hair.

As they wandered, Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun would pay for some of the food offered by booths. Once when Mobei-Jun gnawed on a meat skewer, Luo Binghe had grabbed the demon’s hand in order to lean in close and take a bite off the stick. Shang Qinghua’s food nearly fell out of his mouth as he stared slack-jawed at the display.

“Hmp,” Luo Binghe sniffed, unimpressed. “This Lord could make it better.”

Which was basically Luo Binghe’s complaint for every food they bought. It would’ve gotten annoying if Shang Qinghua didn’t find the petulant comments amusing. ‘ This is over seasoned’, he’d say as he handfed some type of cake to Shang Qinghua. ‘ They didn’t cook this properly ’, came the grumble before he’d bite into another steam bun. Honestly, what a big baby! Although maybe Shang Qinghua laughing at every comment was actually encouraging Luo Binghe to keep it going. Was he enabling?

Throughout the time spent at the festival, Shang Qinghua found himself enjoying it immensely. His cheeks hurt from smiling so wide, his chest felt light, and his stomach full from all the good food he’d eaten. In his hand was a prize Mobei-Jun had won for him, in his hair a prize from Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua had nearly blown a gasket when Mobei-Jun demanded to try a game. But of course the knife throwing was no match for his King! Especially when he turned down the offered knives to make his own from ice. What a show off! Shang Qinghua almost squealed when his King had smugly handed him a wooden deer. And of course Luo Binghe couldn’t be outdone! He too won Shang Qinghua a prize. A small hair clip with a petrified flower as the main feature. It was cute! Shang Qinghua instantly used it to pin back some of his bangs.

While he’d been having fun at the festival, there was a niggling in the back of his mind that would occasionally give Shang Qinghua pause. It wasn’t noticeable at first. Hell he’d gone a few hours without even realizing it! But once he thought ‘that’s odd’, it became so prominent it practically came with flashing lights. What was it, exactly? It was Luo Binghe’s strange attitude.

It was enacted so seamlessly it was no wonder Shang Qinghua didn’t notice. They’d be going in one direction, Shang Qinghua babbling in excitement about something or other. Luo Binghe would then place a hand on his lower back or hip and guide him in a different direction, stopping at a booth and pretending something caught his eye. Or they’d keep going because Luo Binghe thought he ‘saw something’ interesting. Shang Qinghua was usually so immersed in talking or eating that he didn’t notice. But now he couldn’t not notice. And it was strange! It happened at random with seemingly no rhyme or reason! At first Shang Qinghua had been willing to chock it up to Luo Binghe being flighty and weird. But when the man interrupted Shang Qinghua in the middle of playing a game to usher him off the path and towards the outskirts of the festival, he had to put his foot down!

“Binghe,” Since when had he started addressing him so intimately? “Where the heck are we going? The festival is back that way!”

“This Lord is aware. I just thought Qinghua would like to find a better spot for the fireworks.” Fireworks? What fireworks?! Shang Qinghua had asked one of the booth runners ages ago and they said they didn’t do fireworks! This was the Festival of a Thousand Lanterns. They lit lanterns here, protagonist!

With a scowl Shang Qinghua dug his feet into the ground, wrenching himself from Luo Binghe’s hold in order to turn around and look up at him. “Seriously, what’s wrong? You’re acting… Off!” He said, gesturing to all of Luo Binghe.

At Luo Binghe’s side, Mobei-Jun pulled a face. He looked to him, tone cautioning. “Junshang…”

Luo Binghe was quiet for a moment, contemplating what to say. He sighed through his nose and pushed his bangs from his face, looking up towards the starry sky. “I wanted to keep Shang Qinghua’s night pleasant. This festival is close to my palace. I didn’t want unwanted company ruining our outing.”

… What?

Close to his palace? That meant… Shang Qinghua swallowed, the sick feeling from earlier slowly creeping back in. “So you’ve been moving me around like this just to avoid your wives?”

Luo Binghe shrugged, “Mostly. I’d known Xiao Ming was going to be here. But I did not expect as many of my wives to show up as there’ve been.”

“You knew one of your wives would specifically be here?? How?!”

Again another shrug. The way Luo Binghe looked so unapologetic as he said, “She reminded me of it,” Had Shang Qinghua paling.

Oh Gods no. Shang Qinghua felt ill. Unconsciously his hands wrapped around his stomach, the tight grip on the deer figurine cutting into the palm of his hand. “Binghe… Please tell me this place wasn’t a wife plot. Please tell me you didn’t ditch your wife on an anniversary or something just to take me here.”

“... Does it matter?”

Shang Qinghua’s breath hitched and he closed his eyes, resigned. “You… I can’t believe you. Why would you do that? It's your anniversary!”

“Does that matter? Why is this upsetting Shang Qinghua?” Luo Binghe’s face was scrunched in confused frustration, his arms crossed defensively over his chest.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes snapped open and he fixed Luo Binghe with a look of outrage. “Does it– Of course it matters!! You ditched one of your wives on your anniversary just to take me to the f*cking festival where you two met!!! Why wouldn’t I be upset?! It’s such a sh*tty thing to do to your wife!” Shang Qinghua threw his hands in the air in an attempt to avoid grabbing at his hair, “Surely you know how much of a dick move that is, right?! You should be spending today with your wife, not me!”

“I’d rather spend my time with Qinghua than any of my wives.”

“What?! Why?” Shang Qinghua didn’t understand what was going on! Why was Luo Binghe acting this way, especially about an anniversary?! Never in the books did Luo Binghe shirk on an anniversary. Even when he had up to 20 in a day! So what exactly was this sudden aversion? Shang Qinghua had thought it weird before when bringing up Luo Binghe’s wives. It had bothered him how strange Luo Binghe was acting with no clear reason why. But with the answer that came next, Shang Qinghua wondered if it’d been better to remain ignorant.

Luo Binghe frowned, co*cking his head to the side. “Why would I bother with my wives when I no longer need them? I have Shang Qinghua.”

It was as if all the air in his lungs had been forced out by a swift punch. Shang Qinghua felt his chest constrict and the nausea returned with a vengeance. He swallowed hard to try and push down the urge to vomit. With just that single sentence, Shang Qinghua finally understood. He was the reason why Luo Binghe was acting this way. His arrival had caused this change. Somewhere along the way, Luo Binghe probably got another idea into his head and ran with it. And Shang Qinghua would bet all his melon seeds it was because of him .

“Luo Binghe, you married them.” He hissed, trying to stress to the man just how f*cked up he was sounding.

“That wasn’t my choice, it was Xin Mo’s influence.” The man had the audacity to smile, his arms stretching out. “I see that now more than ever. Thanks to Shang Qinghua clearing my mind, I came to realise it was probably Xin Mo that’d urged me to marry so many women. So I kept marrying to satisfy the sword. But its greed would never be satisfied, it would always want–.”

“Don’t.” Shang Qinghua surprised himself with how viciously he’d interrupted Luo Binghe. He glared at him, “Don’t you dare tell me what was and wasn’t Xin Mo’s influence. I wrote the f*cking book, I wrote the f*cking sword! So don’t you dare f*cking tell me what Xin Mo made you do!”

Luo Binghe’s eyes widened, his shocked expression twisting into a defensive scowl. “If it wasn’t Xin Mo, then wouldn’t I still desire them?”

Shang Qinghua’s arm cut through the air and he raised his voice in a shout, “That has nothing to do with Xin Mo! That’s all you!! I can’t tell you why you don’t want them anymore, but I can tell you that it wasn’t Xin Mo making you want them in the first place! Xin Mo only amplifies your desires so it can feed off them, making you crave more and more till you’re just an empty husk! Sure Xin Mo may have driven you kind of crazy, but it never controlled your actions. As the protagonist you were better than all others who wielded Xin Mo! You chose your wives! The situations may have been different with some, political marriages and whatever. But it was all you! Any interest you had in them didn’t originate from Xin Mo! They were your interests!”

Luo Binghe’s expression had changed rapidly through Shang Qinghua’s rant. He hunched in on himself and had his lips curled in a snarl, eyes glowing ominously. “Then it’s my choice to no longer want to be around them!”

“Fine! Let that be your choice! But you can’t just cut them off without warning! You can’t shut them out and wipe your hands from the problem! They aren’t toys! They’re real people with real feelings!” Shang Qinghua didn’t care that Luo Binghe was growling at him, he didn’t care about all the danger signs his instincts were freaking out over. Shang Qinghua was upset and felt sick that he was being used as the reason for Luo Binghe abandoning his wives. He pointed a finger at Luo Binghe, jabbing him in the chest with tears burning his eyes. “You might not love them anymore; or maybe you never did. But that doesn’t change how they feel! Put yourself in their shoes! Their husband of many years suddenly stops seeing them, stops treating them how he usually did. Now he avoids them, now he doesn’t even spend time with them on their anniversary! What are they supposed to think? How are they supposed to feel?! You’re treating me better than them when they at least chose to be with you! I didn’t get that choice, you took that from me the moment you put this collar on me! At least they’re married to you! I’m nothing but your f*cking prisoner!”

The hurt that knocked Luo Binghe’s scowl from his face wasn’t something Shang Qinghua expected. The way Luo Binghe’s breath hitched the smallest amount and his eyes widened. But all too quickly his expression closed off and his eyes turned cold. His posture relaxed but Shang Qinghua knew he was anything but.

“Is that what Shang Qinghua thinks?”

He couldn’t falter now. It didn’t matter that Luo Binghe’s hurt face felt like he’d driven nails into his own heart. He had to say his piece. Shang Qinghua sniffed, wiping his face in frustration. “Well what else am I meant to think? You kidnapped me from my home, put this collar on me, and refused to let me take it off on my own! You expect me to trust you and feel safe around you so I can grow my stupid f*cking flowers, but how can I ever feel safe around you when you don’t even trust me?! And now I find out you’ve been mistreating your wives and convincing yourself its because you never loved them– You are being so f*cking selfish! Selfish and spoiled!”

“Is it not Shang Qinghua’s fault that I am this way?! I am how you wrote me to be!”

“Of course! It’s my fault! It’s Xin Mo’s fault! But it’s never Luo f*cking Binghe’s fault. Because the perfect protagonist isn’t ever at fault!”

They were in each other’s face now, voices raised in anger. Even if Luo Binghe’s visage was like immovable steel, his voice still burned hot like embers. His spiritual energy and demonic energy was leaking from him in steady, antagonistic waves. They lashed at Shang Qinghua’s senses, threatening like barbed brambles but never hurting him. Only a warning for him to stay away.

Luo Binghe opened his mouth to snap back, maybe say something hurtful to get back at Shang Qinghua, but suddenly Mobei-Jun was stepping between the two. He weathered two sets of hostile glares with the strength of a mountain, chin raised in the haughty air of a ruler as he glowered down at them both.

Enough. You are making a scene.” True to his word just at the edge of the buildings they could see a few faces looking down the dirt path towards them. Faces that, of course, quickly disappeared the moment the trio looked in their direction.

Shang Qinghua wiped his eyes in frustration, more tears spilling faster than he could clear away. “I want to go home.”


“I want to go home!” He snapped, cutting Luo Binghe off once more. He scowled at him, body shaking as he bared his teeth in a snarl. “Or do I need your permission, Junshang ?”

From the way Luo Binghe flinched, Shang Qinghua would’ve thought his words were a physical blow. But of course Luo Binghe couldn’t let any weakness linger. Not in public and certainly not in front of Shang Qinghua. He didn’t trust him enough for that.

“Fine!” Luo Binghe spat, throwing his hands up in the air. “Leave if you’re so desperate to!”

Mobei-Jun gazed between the two, expression pinched. He bit back a sigh before turning to Luo Binghe and inclined his head. He then opened up a portal, Shang Qinghua not even sparing the two a look as he stomped his way through. Mobei-Jun hesitated for a full second before he placed a hand on Luo Binghe’s shoulder. He gave it a squeeze, hand sliding away as he followed Shang Qinghua through the portal.

Shang Qinghua was already yanking the outer layer of his robe off when Mobei-Jun stepped through. He tossed it on the ground, muttering curses as he wiped furiously at his face. Mobei-Jun moved closer but was intercepted by Xingxing. The Endless Constellations had expanded its size, placing itself between the two like a massive, impassable wall. It snarled openly at Mobei-Jun, the hostile killing intention radiating off the dragon like a beacon.

Mobei-Jun paused, slowly taking a step back. Only then did Xingxing’s hackles lower and its growling quiet. Shang Qinghua came up to stand beside Xingxing, a hand resting against its jaw. He sent Mobei-Jun a withering, accusatory glare.

“Did you know too? That it was his anniversary? That he’d been treating his wives this way?”

The ice demon hesitated, clearly choosing his words carefully. “This King… Was aware Junshang’s wives were at the festival. I recognized Junshang guiding us to avoid them, I did not know the reason. I have not seen recently how he has treated his wives.”

Shang Qinghua searched Mobei-Jun’s face for any sign of deception. Finding none, he sniffed and clicked his tongue, finally looking away. He felt angry and upset. Both for himself and for Luo Binghe’s wives. Shang Qinghua crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the pile of fabric by his feet. “I wrote them. I wrote how they met and how they fell for Luo Binghe. Not all of them may have loved him at first, they might not actually ever have loved him in that way, but they still cared. For his power, money, for what he could give them, whatever! Not all of them were great but there were still some that cared about him ! And sure I can’t say what went on in the things I didn’t write. Maybe his wives are different in person, maybe they didn’t become the characters I wrote–! But that doesn’t change the fact that I still wrote them with Luo Binghe. It’s my fault they’re in a loveless marriage now.”

“Shang Qinghua only wrote the beginning. He did not write what would happen today, what would happen tomorrow. Shang Qinghua did not know Junshang would act like this.” Mobei-Jun’s words gave Shang Qinghua pause. His head snapped up to look at the other, “Qinghua avoided us because he knew the type of men he wrote. But you have said it yourself that things have changed. That neither Junshang nor this King act in ways you are familiar with. Junshang’s actions are his own. His treatment of his wives is his own. Shang Qinghua’s presence may have influenced his decisions, but Shang Qinghua did not force his hand. And what Junshang chooses to do now is his decision.”

Shang Qinghua could feel more tears spilling down his cheeks. His face felt hot and snot was probably dripping from his nose. Shang Qinghua was never a pretty crier. He hiccupped, Mobei-Jun turning blurred in Shang Qinghua’s tear stained vision. “I d-didn’t ask for this! I never wanted to be a homewrecker!” He wailed, hand dropping to his collar. He tugged at it angrily, ignoring the way it made him gag. “I want this stupid collar off, I want to be allowed the choice to stay or go! It isn’t fair you expect me to trust you both when I can’t even be trusted to stay! How can I ever feel safe in a place I’m not allowed to leave without permission?! Without an escort?! I’d rather you just chain me in the f*cking dungeons then treat me like I actually matter!!”

“Qinghua!” Mobei-Jun’s hands clenched in frustration, his words coming out strained. He looked to be in pain. Each word dragged from him like serrated steel, “I cannot remove the collar for you. Not without Junshang’s agreement. This King… Is sorry. But Qinghua is not a prisoner. Not to this King.”

With a hollow ache in his chest, Shang Qinghua stared at Mobei-Jun. “That doesn’t change that I’m still just a collared pet.” Finally the words he’d been thinking were said. Shang Qinghua’s biggest fear, the one thing that had kept him running from Luo Binghe, it finally came to fruition. Shang Qinghua had never wanted to become Luo Binghe’s pet. But as he was quick to learn, what Shang Qinghua wanted mattered little in the face of the protagonist.

Shang Qinghua turned away from Mobei-Jun, unable to look his King in the eye. “Can you please leave? I want to be alone.”

Mobei-Jun didn’t think as he tried to take a step forward. Only Xingxing’s warning growl kept him from taking a full step. Mobei-Jun habitually bared his teeth in response to the challenge but made no move to disobey. He hesitated for a long while, clearly reluctant to leave Shang Qinghua alone. But just when Shang Qinghua thought Mobei-Jun would refuse, he heard his King sigh.

“Fine,” A pause, “Good night, Qinghua.”

Shang Qinghua didn’t move from where he stood till he heard Mobei-Jun leave. Only once the bedroom door closed and his King’s steps faded did Shang Qinghua finally let his legs collapse beneath him. Xingxing crooned in concern, coiling around Shang Qinghua and pressing close as the deer spirit openly bawled against them. Shang Qinghua clung to Xingxing, his broken sobs the only thing heard for the remainder of the night.

Chapter 11: Introspection


“This King would rather die than betray Luo Binghe’s trust.” He turned, gently easing Xingxing’s teeth from his robes. In a much gentler voice he whispered, “And this King would also rather die than lose Qinghua’s. I will speak to him, wait for this King.”


A/N: Happy new year everyone!! I did intend to have this chapter out earlier but it got rather difficult to write :'D Apologies for any mistakes or if this chapter wasn't to your satisfaction. I thought quite a lot on how to write it and that probably contributed to why it took so long to come out. But where it stands I'm satisfied :> But I'm hopeful next chapter will be out much sooner~ Thank you everyone for your patience and comments! I love reading them all! I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to what comes next! Oh! I also forgot to add but I've returned to my tumblr blog lol. It's uhhh old and outdated. But I'm here too lol: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/prussiancandy

Chapter Text

Mobei-Jun was not going to pace.

He was also not going to stop everything just so he could hover outside Shang Qinghua’s door waiting for the deer to finally come out. Mobei-Jun was a King. And a King had a palace to run.

Mobei-Jun wasn’t stupid. He knew that with how upset Shang Qinghua had been last night that the chances of him coming to work in the morning were slim. And honestly Mobei-Jun didn’t want an upset Shang Qinghua working. Mobei-Jun knew from his own experience that working when he was in a bad mood only made it worse. Plus… It was for selfish reasons that Mobei-Jun didn’t want to see Shang Qinghua. He would only feel frustrated looking at the deer. Frustrated and angry at himself– the entire situation. All of it.

Feelings were annoying to deal with. He couldn’t beat them into submission with his fists. They were beyond his control and slipped through his claws like trickling water. It angered him. But it wasn’t Qinghua’s fault he was upset. As much as it pained Mobei-Jun to admit… Junshang was in the wrong this time.

Now Mobei-Jun had no care for any of Junshang’s wives. They were a school of fish, plentiful in numbers but lacking in individuality. Granted Mobei-Jun never bothered to get to know most of them. Sha Hualing he had to know since she was one of Luo Binghe’s generals. But of Luo Binghe’s wives, Mobei-Jun only knew three by name. And even then it took some time wracking his brain to remember. This was not out of malice. This was simply because they mattered little to Mobei-Jun. They were not his burden to care for.

But Junshang liked them. Or at least he did before he returned from that mirror world. After that a lot of things changed. Gradual at first, nearly imperceptivity. However, just as Junshang’s attitude towards his wives changed, so too did the way his eyes wandered. No longer was it just beautiful maidens Junshang stared at. His eyes trailed after men as well.

Of course this was something Mobei-Jun noticed. He was always watching Junshang. Ever since the half-demon bested him, Mobei-Jun’s gaze would shadow the other like the lingering frost from a nightly chill. So when the changes began to happen, Mobei-Jun could confidently say he was the first to notice. Of course he didn’t know when it started exactly. That he was not privy to. But he was intelligent enough to draw his own conclusions. And information Shang Qinghua provided about his and Luo Binghe’s past and what would’ve been their future only helped further his theories.

Mobei-Jun was a silent observer. There was no need to speak his mind when his actions spoke louder. A little bit of intimidation went a long way in making others spill their guts. He would tower over demons and humans alike, glaring down at them and waiting with patience as they grovelled at his feet and told him all he wished to know. And even if it was laced with lies, the truth would always come out eventually.

He learned from his father that only a foolish King spoke more than necessary. A true King could get across all he wanted with just a single look. That’s how Mobei-Jun handled things from an early age. And it hadn’t failed him till now. Shang Qinghua, at first, cowered in fear and would spew half-truths to Mobei-Jun. But they were always carefully selected truths meant to placate, never to express what Shang Qinghua actually felt. And at first he didn’t notice, didn’t care. But by spending time with Shang Qinghua and listening to him, Mobei-Jun learned there was much more to the deer than he showed on the surface. The layers beneath his simpering smile were numerous and like a forever shifting labyrinth. In a way Qinghua reminded him of Junshang. The two rarely spoke of what they truly felt unless under duress or at their limit. Was this just a human thing? Shang Qinghua had been a human before he came to this world, after all. Or was it a case of Shang Qinghua writing Luo Binghe with traits he unconsciously had? If Mobei-Jun spent his time pondering over it all, he could draw numerous similarities between the two. Maybe that’s why they were unable to communicate properly. Because they both ran on assumptions of what they knew.

Mobei-Jun’s brow furrowed, chin propped in his hand. He didn’t even notice how his unconscious glaring had his court tensing in panic. His mind was too occupied by the events of last night and where to go from there. He didn’t want this to remain as is nor did he want either party to just keep ignoring it. Mobei-Jun has seen what that does to people. The relationships it destroys. His father and mother ceased contact after Mobei-Jun had been born. They only spoke through messengers, if ever. His mother was sequestered off to her own wing of the palace where she remained in solitude till the day she died.

“Pardon the interruption, my Lord.” Came a soft whisper just at the base of the stairs leading to his throne.

Mobei-Jun’s blue eyes dropped to the cowering imp, grunting in permission for it to approach. The little creature scrambled up the steps, bowing repeatedly before speaking in the same hushed tones.

“This servant had brought advisor Shang his breakfast as you requested. However when I went to retrieve it, the dish had not been touched and had long since grown cold.”

So Shang Qinghua was upset enough to forgo food? This pulled an even deeper frown from Mobei-Jun. He sighed before nodding, “Have the cooks prepare something else. Keep it warm. This King will deliver the food himself.”

“Yes, my King! Right away, my King!” Once again the imp bowed more times than necessary before turning and scampering away.

Mobei-Jun shoved down his mounting annoyance in order to actually focus on some of the court proceedings. However, after about another hour of endless droning, he could take it no longer. They were lucky he even lasted this long without spilling some blood. If he had, at least maybe then his ire would’ve been placated for the time being.

“Court dismissed.” He barked out, interrupting one of the few remaining council members mid-speech. He wasted no time in ripping open a portal and stepping through as soon as the words had left his mouth. On the other side the kitchen staff all visibly jumped at his sudden appearance.

“A-ah! Your highness!” The main cook bowed her oxen head, eyes cast to the ground in deference. “Advisor Shang’s food is still warm and waiting, just as you asked.”

He nodded, taking the tray of food and disappearing just as swiftly as he appeared. Mobei-Jun emerged outside of Shang Qinghua’s room where he paused to listen for any signs of life on the other side. He could still feel Shang Qinghua in the room, the collar told him as much. He felt a bitterness linger in the back of his throat at the thought. It wasn’t just Junshang that had much to apologise for.

“Qinghua,” He didn’t bother to knock, his voice should’ve been loud enough to alert the other.

There was the faint, muffled sounds of growling that no doubt came from Xingxing. It was a small comfort to know Shang Qinghua wasn’t alone while upset.

“This King has brought you food. You have not eaten.”

Silence. Mobei-Jun expected this but that did not stop his chest from pinching like it’d been pierced by ice.

“I will leave it out here,” Mobei-Jun said, eyes closing in resignation. Mobei-Jun was not good at speaking what he felt. He could not undo in a day what he’d been taught all his life. But throughout this ordeal of Shang Qinghua being in his palace, Mobei-Jun had been forced to change how he normally would have acted. Where he’d previously chosen violence, he’d been made to choose peace. So for this instance where he’d normally choose actions to express what he felt, Mobei-Jun knew he had to choose words.

“This King… Is Sorry.” They felt weird spilling past his lips. Like when his fangs were growing in and had felt too large for his mouth. Even when he’d apologised last night the feeling had persisted. “This King had said Qinghua was not a prisoner to this one, but that does not absolve me of guilt. Qinghua came to this King as a prisoner, that fact does not change no matter how this King feels. It is not just Luo Binghe that deserves blame. This King is at fault too.”

Mobei-Jun paused when he heard a clattering from inside the room swiftly followed by rapid footsteps. The door was wrenched open, much to his surprise, and a haggard Shang Qinghua stood on the other side staring at him in disbelief. His eyes were swollen and red from either crying or a lack of sleep. His inner robe was rumbled and his brown hair looked as if it hadn’t been brushed. Shang Qinghua was completely unkempt and a mess but… Mobei-Jun couldn’t stop looking. He’d grown so used to seeing Shang Qinghua beside him in court that just one absence had him feeling as if he hadn’t seen Shang Qinghua in years.

“What?” Shang Qinghua’s voice was scratchy and raw, confusion scrunching his face up cutely.

Mobei-Jun tilted his head, offering the plate of food to Shang Qinghua. The deer hesitated before opening the door wide enough to take the tray. Mobei-Jun relaxed, assured that Qinghua would eat since he accepted the tray.

“This King was in the wrong. Therefore he must apologize.”

“W-what hold on! Apologize?!”

“This King went with Junshang to track down Qinghua. This King aided in cornering and trapping Qinghua. This King is the one who went to get the collars commissioned. Junshang’s words may sway me more than others, but this King is in control of his own actions. I have treated Qinghua as a prisoner just as much as Junshang.” Mobei-Jun couldn’t understand why Shang Qinghua seemed so confused and unmoored by Mobei-Jun’s words. He was only speaking the truth.

He reached up to cup Shang Qinghua’s cheek and felt an inexplicable wave of relief when he was allowed the contact. Mobei-Jun didn’t know how he’d react if Qinghua flinched from his touch. He didn’t want to entertain the idea.

“I am not asking Qinghua to forgive, just to let this King right the wrongs committed. I will speak to Luo Binghe about the collar. If he refuses to see reason, I will remove it from Shang Qinghua’s neck myself. This King cannot claim Shang Qinghua is not a prisoner but still benefit from Shang Qinghua’s collaring.”

He let his hand drop and turned from Qinghua, a portal already forming for him to step through.

“W-wait hold on!!! Mobei!” Shang Qinghua yelled just as something tugged the back of Mobei-Jun’s robes. He paused and looked over his shoulder at the deer spirit. Xingxing had slipped through the gap in the doorway and had grabbed the back of Mobei-Jun’s clothes since Shang Qinghua’s hands were occupied.

“What do you mean? Y-you said you couldn’t remove it without Binghe agreeing. That you couldn’t go a-against him.”

“This King would rather die than betray Luo Binghe’s trust.” He turned, gently easing Xingxing’s teeth from his robes. In a much gentler voice he whispered, “And this King would also rather die than lose Qinghua’s. I will speak to him, wait for this King.”

And when Mobei-Jun attempted to leave again he was met with no resistance.


Mobei-Jun’s portal spat him out in the middle of what should have been a lush forest. Instead all around him a mile of trees were cut down, stumps uprooted, and the carcasses of a large demon was left to rot on the razed landscape. Mobei-Jun followed a path he knew by heart, this kind of scene familiar, though not to this level of destruction. Whenever Luo Binghe’s emotions grew too much and overwhelmed him, Mobei-Jun would often find the man here fighting whatever beast lurked in the sea of trees. He’d draw out the fighting to give himself enough time to work out what he was feeling. But the rotting stench of the monstrous demon told Mobei-Jun it’d been a while since the thing died. And from the way its neck was only attached by a few strands of flesh, Mobei-Jun concluded the battle hadn’t lasted long.

As he reached where the new treeline started, he could see deep gouges in the wood no doubt made from Xin Mo. It seemed Luo Binghe had moved on from his short stint as a woodcutter and had just begun hacking wildly. The slashes were uneven and savage, some trees having more missing chunks than others.

Mobei-Jun reached out his senses, finding something familiar closer to him. He followed the cloying sludge that was Xin Mo’s power, the sword’s essence easy to locate. Though when he reached where Xin Mo was, he was mildly surprised by the sight. Xin Mo was jammed halfway through a tree and left abandoned, Luo Binghe nowhere in sight. Now that was odd. Even when Luo Binghe was at his most volatile, he never abandoned Xin Mo.

Mobei-Jun moved past the sword, sniffing the air and catching the faint whiff of blood. He followed the trail, the scent growing stronger with each step he took. Alongside the scent was a weighted thudding sound followed by the shaking of leaves. Mobei-Jun paused at a newly made clearing and stepped over a splintered tree trunk.


Luo Binghe froze mid-punch, the skin on his knuckles ripped bloody. Mobei-Jun thought he saw a flash of bone but couldn’t be too sure.

Tensing his shoulders, Luo Binghe lowered his hands before looking over his shoulder at the Ice demon. Around him were the scattered remains of trees. Snapped in half with only the repeated force of Luo Binghe’s punching. When the two made eye contact, Luo Binghe’s mouth curled in a sneer. He turned back sharply, choosing to instead glare daggers at the tree he’d been abusing. “Why are you here?” His words were spat through a roughened growl, his voice slightly slurred.

Despite the clear danger in the air, Mobei-Jun did not shy away from Luo Binghe. Instead he moved closer, now standing beside the other man. “I am here for Junshang.”

“Oh? Now you’re here for me?” Luo Binghe laughed, turning to look up at Mobei-Jun with wild eyes. His grin was all teeth, blood staining them. Mobei-Jun tilted his head and realised why Luo Binghe sounded off. ‘ How many times did he bite his tongue bloody?

Mobei-Jun was snapped from his thoughts when Luo Binghe’s hand shot out. It wrapped around Mobei-Jun’s neck with the tips of his claws digging in and drawing blood. Luo Binghe’s teeth flashed as he leaned into Mobei-Jun’s face and snarled. “Shouldn’t you be back with Qinghua? You left with him, after all. You two just get along so much better without me!”

Mobei-Jun didn’t respond to the heated words. Instead he looked down to Luo Binghe’s hand and said, “Junshang, you are not healing yourself.” It was a simple thing to see now that Luo Binghe’s hands were on display. The skin on his knuckles were ripped to the bone. There were even some cracks Mobei-Jun could see. It was a gruesome scene that Luo Binghe was willing his body not to heal.

“Qinghua is angry, but not enough to want Junshang to punish himself.”

Luo Binghe yanked his hand back as if he’d been burned. He let his sleeve drop, hiding the damage from Mobei-Jun’s prying gaze. “What do you know about what Shang Qinghua wants?” Luo Binghe sneered, “Why would he care what his captor does? Shang Qinghua would be happy if I died!”

Mobei-Jun didn’t even think as he grabbed the front of Luo Binghe’s robes and slammed him against the dented tree. His eyes blazed with anger and he barely managed to resist shaking Luo Binghe, “Qinghua would never wish that!”

“Right, because you know him so well!” With a growl Luo Binghe launched himself forward and tackled Mobei-Jun to the ground. The other demon answered the challenging snarl with one of his own. He didn’t manage to dodge the first strike to his face, but he was quick to recover and throw Luo Binghe to the side. Both sprang to their feet and growled like animals. As Mobei-Jun reached up to unclasp his cloak and let it drop from his shoulders, he thought “ finally ”.

Mobei-Jun was not a soft man. He was all hard edges and an even harder heart. The demon was born of ice and molded by it. Mobei-Jun was a demon, he spoke with his fists and strength when talking wasn’t necessary. And while part of him knew a talk with Luo Binghe was needed, that part was drowned out by the demon he was. Besides, Luo Binghe wouldn’t listen to him in this state. He needed to run the other ragged. Only once he was exhausted would he be forced to listen.

The two traded blows, Mobei-Jun having more stamina than Luo Binghe. Who knew how long the man had stayed hacking trees and punching them to splinters? Judging by the almost feral way he swiped claws and bit at Mobei, it was probably all night.

Luo Binghe kicked Mobei-Jun in the chest, sending him flying back and shattering a few trees. But the victory didn’t last for long. A tree trunk went sailing through the foliage, Luo Binghe dodging out of the way just to meet a sharp upper cut from Mobei-Jun. He decked Luo Binghe again, grabbing onto his robes and slamming him into the ground. Luo Binghe wheezed, eyes flying wide as blood spurted from his mouth. He lay there, winded for a moment. But for Mobei-Jun it was a moment too long.

Enough,” He growled, dropping to his knees and grabbing Luo Binghe. He pulled him from the earth and finally gave in to his desire to shake the man. “Why are you being like this?”

Luo Binghe clicked his tongue, cool gaze drifting to the side and staring past Mobei-Jun. “Like what?”

“A child .” Mobei-Jun bared his teeth at the resulting glare he received. It didn’t matter if Luo Binghe was offended. “You have one argument with Qinghua that does not go in your favour and you throw a tantrum. You hurt yourself as ‘ punishment ’ instead of apologising to those you’ve wronged. You act as if you’re angry at me and wish to fight, yet none of your attacks hold any weight! Cease your petulance and act like the Emperor you are!”

Luo Binghe’s expression twisted and his hands came up to grip Mobei-Jun’s wrist. His mouth curled in a snarl and he sneered up at the demon. “I am acting like the Emperor I am! This is how I was written! I am how Qinghua made me!”

“Do not blame Shang Qinghua for what you’ve done!” Mobei-Jun roughly shook Luo Binghe. His usually level voice had increased in volume thanks to his growing ire. “He did not write this! Your actions thus far, your attitude towards your wives, towards this King–! All of it is something Qinghua never wrote. His story changed the moment you disappeared to that other world. Everything after has been your choice.”

It was a relief to see the myriad of expressions passing over Luo Binghe’s face. To Mobei-Jun, the fact that Luo Binghe wasn’t hiding what he really felt meant he still trusted Mobei-Jun with his truest self. That bit of relief, the knowledge he was still trusted, is what gave Mobei-Jun the confidence to keep going.

“Shang Qinghua never intended for us to be real.”

“... What?” Luo Binghe blinked, anger replaced by confusion.

“Junshang, you thought Shang Qinghua was a God because he wrote our lives. This is… True. But not true.” It was difficult to find the words to explain this. From the befuddlement radiating from Luo Binghe, it was clearly difficult for him to parse out Mobei-Jun’s meaning as well. This was where words should come into play. And Mobei-Jun already made the decision to change, to use his words. His brow furrowed, lips pulling into a tight frown. “Qinghua has told me he is no God. He wrote our world, but he wrote it as a mortal . It was merely a story book he wrote to pay for his living. Then Qinghua died in his world and woke up here in the story he wrote. That is why Qinghua avoided us for so long. Not because he was a Flowering Bone Stag, but because he knew the men we were meant to be. But we are not those men. This King has changed. Has had to change. I was ordered to not harm Shang Qinghua. So I learned, I adapted. And this King knows Junshang can too.”

He let his grip on Luo Binghe’s robes slacken, the half-demon collapsing back in the dirt. He was looking up at Mobei-Jun with wide eyes. It was in this instance Mobei-Jun recalled just how young Luo Binghe was even by demon standards. An all powerful half-demon Emperor and he was barely in his late 20’s.

“Junshang is used to getting his way, but with Shang Qinghua you could not have that. You can’t force the flowers to grow, can’t coerce him with your blood. You have had to change your approach to grow closer to Shang Qinghua. When before you would never dare to dismiss your wives, you are now striving to spend less time with them and more time in my palace. Even if you do not think you’ve changed, this King can see it. When was the last time you faked a smile to hide what you wanted from Shang Qinghua? When did you last use honeyed words to placate? If Junshang did not change, you would not have been so affected by last night. You would not be here.”

Luo Binghe bit his lip, tilting his head to the side so he was looking away from his general. He forced a humorless, wet chuckle. “Since when have you gotten so chatty? Careful, you’ll use up your yearly word count.”

The smirk tugging at Mobei-Jun’s lips was unintentional but most welcome. It brought in a wave of relief, an ease settling in Mobei-Jun’s heart. The pain in his chest felt bearable now, manageable. He gave a noncommittal hum, “Who knows?”

Luo Binghe snorted a little louder. This time when he spoke, there was genuine humor. “Qinghua is rubbing off on you.”

“Perhaps,” Mobei-Jun tilted his head, studying Luo Binghe for a long while. Then he blinked, came to a conclusion, and moved to lay on the ground beside Luo Binghe. He pretended not to notice the way Luo Binghe swiftly pressed their sides together. “Qinghua has said this King is a good listener. So allow this King to listen.”

His words were met with silence. This, Mobei-Jun expected. He was content to sit quietly and wait an eternity for Luo Binghe. And if all Luo Binghe wanted was just his company? Mobei-Jun would give that too. It should scare him how willing he was to give his everything to Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua, but it did the complete opposite. It made his chest feel full, his cold heart swell. He felt as if his purpose was much greater than it had been before. And it was all for Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua.


Mobei-Jun watched from the corner of his eye as Luo Binghe licked his lips and tried again. It looked as if it pained him to put his thoughts into words. “If… If Qinghua is not a God, then he was not made for me. The only thing keeping Shang Qinghua where he is, is the collar. And if that is removed… What will stop him from running? From leaving us? He has no obligation to stay.”

“Even if Qinghua was made for you, he is not required to stay.” Mobei-Jun was Shang Qinghua’s favorite creation, but he was not obligated to care for him as deeply as he currently does. That was all Mobei-Jun’s choice.

“Then what reason does he have to stay?”

It was Mobei-Jun’s turn to fall quiet. He looked up to the sky, tracing the path a flock of birds freely flew overhead. “That is not my place to say. It is Shang Qinghua’s.” He frowned, brows pinching the smallest amount, “But what this King can say is that Junshang has to right his wrongs. Shang Qinghua has told you why he is upset. Where you go from here has to be your choice. No one can make it for you.”

A look of resignation passed over Luo Binghe. He gave a long exhale before turning his face and burying it in Mobei-Jun’s shoulder. In response Mobei-Jun’s hand searched for Luo Binghe’s amongst the dirt. He cared not for the slick slide of blood, the feel of Luo Binghe’s ripped flesh. Instead he gently caressed the busted skin of his knuckles, allowing trickles of his chilled demonic energy to seep into the wounds and soothe the ache. Luo Binghe trembled slightly where he lay, a shaky exhale lost in the fabric of Mobei-Jun’s clothes.

The two lay there like that for a while. Long enough for the wounds on Luo Binghe’s hands to heal, for his breathing to even out. Luo Binghe was the first to rise. He sat up, looking down at where his hand was clasped with Mobei-Jun. Those red orbs then trailed up to the ice demon’s face, staring at him with an unreadable expression. Mobei-Jun’s eyes fluttered closed when a warm hand tacky with blood cupped his cheek. He leaned into the hold, a gentle rumble vibrating his chest. There was the ghosting of a touch against the pearl in his ear.

“I will be back…” Luo Binghe whispered, thumb tracing Mobei-Jun’s high cheekbone.

“Mmm,” His eyes slid open, watching as Luo Binghe stood and began making his way back to Xin Mo. “Luo Binghe,” The other paused though he did not turn around, “Whatever your decision, I will still remove the collars from Shang Qinghua’s neck.”

The hitch in Luo Binghe’s breath was barely noticeable. For a moment his hands clenched tight and the line of his shoulders straightened. Then he was exhaling and with it went all the tension in his body. He finally turned, looking over his shoulder at Mobei-Jun and offering a strained smile. “I know. But… Let me remove them, ok? I… I need to be the one to do it.”

Mobei-Jun searched the other’s face for a moment before he nodded his assent. The two shared one last lingering look before Luo Binghe left. Alone in the clearing, Mobei-Jun chose to lay there for a while longer and just… Exist. He was tired.


Luo Binghe… Needed council. After Shang Qinghua left, Luo Binghe had wound himself into a ball of anger and had gone to take it out away from others. He hacked and slashed his way through a forest and still it wasn’t enough. Xin Mo had screamed in his head, playing on his anger. ‘ How dare he speak to me that way?! How dare he disrespect me! How dare he! How dare he how dare he how dare he how dare he!!!!

But those weren’t his real feelings! Those thoughts weren’t his! So Luo Binghe abandoned Xin Mo in a tree and went to vent his frustrations alone. He would not squander Shang Qinghua’s efforts to cleanse him by letting Xin Mo gorge itself on his anger. For most of the night Luo Binghe had been angry at Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun. But then he had time to think about Qinghua’s words, about their fight. And from there he just grew frustrated with himself. He didn’t want to acknowledge what Shang Qinghua said but the words pierced him like a sword and lodged deep in his chest. He couldn’t ignore them. Not when they came from Shang Qinghua.

So yes, Luo Binghe had been forced to think. It was a bitter pill to swallow. And then Mobei-Jun arrived to both beat and talk some sense into him. But… For some reason it was easier after that. Luo Binghe felt more grounded and could decide what to do. Mobei-Jun was right. Luo Binghe had to fix his mistakes, he had to change. Though… He already had begun to, hadn’t he?

There was no denying that the idea of removing Shang Qinghua’s collar made Luo Binghe feel as if he was drowning. A foreign panic flooded his chest and suffocated him, choking his lungs of breath. His mind grew wild and he felt more like an animal then all the times he lost himself to anger combined.

It was frightening.

But that was something he could address later. For now Luo Binghe would tackle one problem at a time. And that led him here, sitting at a table inside the chambers of Liu Mingyan. She was sitting across from him, pouring tea into both their cups despite probably knowing he would ignore his drink. Had this been before everything, Luo Binghe would’ve been talking even if his words held no substance. But at the moment he was deathly quiet, his gaze serious.

“Mingyan, I need you to be honest with me. No matter if your words might anger me or offend, I don’t care. I want the blunt truth. Can you do that for me?” Luo Binghe asked, hands clenched tight. For this talk he’d purposefully abandoned Xin Mo in his chambers. He would not let the sword influence him for this.

If Liu Mingyan was surprised, she did well in covering it up. Instead she blinked slowly before dipping her head in a nod, “Of course.”

Luo Binghe licked his lips, wondering where to start. Perhaps first he should confirm what Shang Qinghua had said? Luo Binghe had already given the weight of those words some thought and had begun to see what Shang Qinghua said. However he’d also like to hear it directly from those his actions have affected.

“I… Have been neglecting my wives, haven’t I?”

Liu Mingyan tilted her head, cool gaze drifting down to the tea cup between her hands. Though her voice was calm, her words cut like steel. “While Binghe has not been neglecting his duties as Emperor, he has been neglecting his duties as husband. The other day, word got around that Xiao Ming waited to celebrate her anniversary with a husband that never showed up.”

Luo Binghe winced, a small pang of regret coiling in his chest. At the time he hadn’t cared, didn’t think of the pain his actions would cause. But after seeing Shang Qinghua get so upset and having time to think it over by himself, he came to the conclusion his actions had been careless. Selfish . Truly it was as Mobei-Jun had said. He changed. He just couldn’t decide yet if it was for better or for worse.

“But of course this is only the most recent instance. For a while now us wives have barely seen you. And the times we do, it’s never like prior visits. Binghe is distant, detached. His attention is clearly elsewhere.” Liu Mingyan traced a finger along the rim of her teacup, her words flowing like a clear stream. “Many of your wives have already seen the signs. Others are stubborn and try to cling to remnants of what was once there. Tell me, Binghe, do you know how many of your wives have already left your palace?”

Luo Binghe blinked, stumped by the question. Some of his wives have left? And… He didn’t even notice? Quick as a flash, Luo Binghe checked through the blood parasites outside his body. Just like Liu Mingyan said, there were some that he could sense outside of his underground palace. And he hadn’t even checked through all 487 of his wives. He’d just combed through the first hundred .

“I…” He was at a loss for words. When did they start to leave him? Had he really been so lost in his own desires he didn’t even notice?

Liu Mingyan seemed unsurprised by Luo Binghe’s lackluster reaction. She nodded like it was expected, like she’d already predicted this. “I have long since noticed the flames of your passion cooling. While you still remained sweet and treated me fair, the need for us to entangle has long since dwindled. I am much the same way, I suppose. While I still hold affection for you, it is no longer that of a spouse. I remain out of loyalty and the care for you as a friend, an ally. Nothing more, nothing less.” She looked at him then, her gaze assessing. “After hearing this, does it not anger you? Does it not cause you grief?”

It should. It should make Luo Binghe upset and enraged. But he just… Didn’t care. No, that wasn’t it. He felt some relief to know Mingyan still held affection for him. But he didn’t hold any resentment over it not being romantic. That she no longer viewed him through the eyes of a spouse. That should hurt him. But all he felt was… Relief.

“I… Do not feel upset like I should.”

Again Liu Mingyan nodded. The corner of her eyes crinkled and she chuckled, “I assumed as much. Though I will admit it isn’t me who noticed this change first.” At Luo Binghe’s curious tilt of his head, the crease of her eyes grew more prominent as her smile widened beneath her veil. “It was Ning Yingying who noticed first. Back when Binghe came to her for advice. Do you remember what she asked?”

“... She asked if I’d be adding someone to the harem.”

Liu Mingyan nodded, “And you told her no. Still, you came to her for advice on how to make someone feel safe. Curious, isn’t it?” She raised her cup and veil, the barest hint of her chin visible as she drank the warm liquid. Luo Binghe didn’t even blink at the sight. “When I became your wife, I was aware I was not the first and that I would not be the last. This I accepted just as all your other wives have thus far. When someone new caught your eye, they were added. This was the norm, what was expected. However, that changed. I don’t know who it is, but they’ve captured you. And I think for them, you’ve finally found someone to give you what you’ve been searching for. Something none of your wives have been able to give you.”

Luo Binghe’s hands tightened into fists and he couldn’t help but hang his head. Though she didn’t say it, Luo Binghe could practically hear a voice telling him he replaced his wives. That voice sounded kind of like Shang Qinghua.

“I’ve hurt you.” He swallowed hard.

“You have. But,” Liu Mingyan set her cup down before reaching out and taking his hand, “I have had time to come to terms with our dwindling marriage. Many of your older spouses have. But that does not mean they aren’t still hurt. That they still don’t hope you’ll change back and look their way again. But seeing you here now, speaking with you like this, I know that won’t be the case. You are a good liar, Luo Binghe.”

He flinched, almost pulling away from her hold if Mingyan had not tightened her grip. Her fine brows narrowed the slightest amount but her voice remained even. “Let me finish. You are a good liar, Binghe. You can convince yourself of something till you’re blinded to the truth. I believe if you really tried, you could say the sky is green and convince yourself it to be true. When you set your mind to something, there is little that can dissuade you. But that can only last for so long. You are a good liar, but you aren’t a perfect one. You can’t keep lying to yourself. You no longer love your wives, Binghe.”

There was nothing he could say to protest that. Did he even love them to begin with? Before he’d done just what Mingyan had said, he’d convinced himself it was Xin Mo’s influence that made him marry so many women. But then Shang Qinghua had ripped this notion to shreds. It was his choice to marry them. Xin Mo had just made it so he was never satisfied with what he had.

“I cared for you when I married you.” The admittance sounded weak even to his own ears. Even now he couldn’t say loved. Because Luo Binghe wasn’t sure he even knew what love was. Did he ever know?

For some reason Mingyan smiled at him. She took her hand away, wrapping it back around her cup. “I know. You may not love any of your spouses, but you cared for us. Even now.” Liu Mingyan chuckled at the way Luo Binghe’s eyes snapped to hers in confusion. “If you did not care for us, why are we still here? You could have callously divorced us or evicted us from the palace without a second thought. But you didn’t. That is why I think you still care. You can care about someone and not love them.”

Luo Binghe sat there and digested what Mingyan had said. This whole time Luo Binghe… Really had been running on what he believed to be true. But then again what else would one expect? When throughout his life Luo Binghe’s believed truths turned out to be fact. The world had conformed to please him , the “protagonist”. Is that why Shang Qinghua was a Flowering Bone Stag? Because Luo Binghe wanted to be happy and satisfied? He wanted to be complete? So whatever higher power was up there took Shang Qinghua’s life and made him a Flowering Bone Stag just to satisfy Luo Binghe? Is he the reason why Shang Qinghua died?

No, he was jumping to conclusions again. He needed to talk that out with Shang Qinghua, to hear the full story from his lips. Till then he would not delude himself any longer. Luo Binghe was tired of being the one blinding himself to the truth. Luo Binghue squared his jaw, a newfound resolve settling along his shoulders. He could be like Mobei-Jun. He could change for the better. Luo Binghe just had to start with correcting his mistakes and fixing the wrongs he’s caused.

“Mingyan,” He levelled the wise woman with an intense look, waiting till he had her full attention before he did something he’s not done since he was a child. He stood from his seat, rounded the table, and kneeled before Liu Mingyan. Luo Binghe, Emperor of the combined realms, then lowered himself in a bow till his forehead touched the floor. “I am sorry. I neglected you as a husband and as a friend. I mistreated you by spurring your affections, by not speaking to you like I should have. You did not deserve that. I cannot love you the same way I once did, but I want to make things right.”

Liu Mingyan was struck speechless, simply staring at Luo Binghe in open shock. It would have been quite the sight to see if Luo Binghe raised his head. After a moment the former Xian Shu Peak disciple regained her composure. She set her tea cup down and turned her body to face Luo Binghe.

“Binghe, raise your head.”

He did so and in the next moment there was a loud crack as Liu Mingyan’s hand connected with his cheek. Luo Binghe’s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden action. His face stung and he stared at the ground in disbelief for a moment before his crimson eyes turned to look up to Mingyan. She wasn’t glaring at him, she wasn’t angry. She looked… Satisfied.

“I want a divorce,” She said, a smile in her tone. “But I wish to remain by your side. Not as your spouse, but as one of your generals.”

Luo Binghe couldn’t help but chuckle, a warmth blooming in his chest as he gave a small, genuine smile. Though his face hurt, he accepted it as punishment. He knew the conversations with his other wives would not turn out this amicably, but they still had to happen. And this was a good enough start.

“Thank you, Mingyan.” He wanted to say so much more. A simple thanks didn’t even come close to the gratitude he felt.

Liu Mingyan hummed, her calculating gaze trailing over Luo Binghe for a heavy moment before easing into a smile. “Think nothing of it. I only ask that, once things have settled, you introduce me to whoever it is that has stolen your heart. I would very much like to meet them.” For some reason Liu Mingyan’s words sounded much more excited than anything she’d said thus far. It was strange. But Luo Binghe could ponder over that later. He still had 486 wives to talk to.

Chapter 12: It's a Start


It took all of Shang Qinghua’s will to force himself to swallow. His mouth felt dry while his eyes stung fiercely. With a small hiccup, Shang Qinghua raised a sleeve to wipe at his eyes, tears beginning to spill over against his will.


A/N: Hi! Sorry, meant to have this chapter out sooner. But life's been a little wild. So eh, it is what it is. Plus I really wanted to put out a chapter I would be satisfied with. Luo Binghe's apology was important to me! I'm hoping my readers will also be satisfied with it. If Bingge seems a little too changed, don't worry, I know. There's a reason xD But we're almost done! If I stick to my outline then the final chapter will be chapter 15~ The last three chapters are going to be extras! But I won't spoil anything I have planned for those. Thank you everyone for reading and sticking with me for so long! With this chapter over, I'm so excited to tackle chapter 13. It'll be a fun one~

Chapter Text

Mobei-Jun’s eyes snapped open, the darkness of his room not hindering his vision. His gaze slid around in an attempt to pinpoint what it was that awoke him. There at the edge of his bed stood a shadow. For a moment Mobei-Jun wondered if this was to be another attempt on his life. But then the glint of red eyes had his prone form releasing its tension.

He made no effort to move, instead choosing to watch as Luo Binghe yanked off his boots and dropped his outer robe to the floor. The half-demon then climbed into the bed and practically collapsed over Mobei-Jun.

“Let me sleep, I’m f*cking tired.” Luo Binghe grumbled into the meat of Mobei-Jun’s pec. Mobei-Jun grunted in response, wrapping an arm around Luo Binghe before closing his eyes and going right back to sleep.

The next morning he awoke with Luo Binghe still tucked against his side. One leg was slung over Mobei-Jun, but Luo Binghe’s arms were cradled almost protectively against his own chest. He looked deceptively frail curled up like this. Mobei-Jun couldn’t resist giving into temptation and stared shamelessly at Luo Binghe’s face slack with sleep.

It was during his staring he noticed something. Luo Binghe’s usually perfect face looked… Off? Both cheeks appeared a little red, but one was noticeably more swollen than the other. Mobei-Jun reached out and cupped the inflamed cheek. Instead of startling awake from the sudden contact, Luo Binghe instead blinked his eyes open slowly, prompting a funny feeling to spark in Mobei-Jun’s chest.

“What happened?” He asked, unconsciously whispering.

Luo Binghe hummed, turning his face to press a drowsy kiss to Mobei-Jun’s palm. “Don’t worry about it. It’s the least I deserve.” In an instant the skin beneath Mobei-Jun’s palm healed.

Mobei-Jun stared as the other sat up and stretched. “Will you speak to Qinghua now?” It was fascinating to watch the way Luo Binghe flinched, a foreign hint of fear entering those ruby eyes. It was even more fascinating when Luo Binghe did nothing to cover up the vulnerable moment. Mobei-Jun found himself drinking in the sight with a desperation quite foreign to himself.

With an air of unease, Luo Binghe slipped from the bed to put back on his discarded clothes. He didn’t answer Mobei-Jun right away. Instead he seemed to be visibly debating on what to say. Mobei-Jun was content to lay back against his sheets and watch the Emperor.

“Yeah… But I want to make him breakfast first.”

Mobei-Jun hummed, speculating as to why that was. It wouldn’t be a bribe. Luo Binghe was smart enough to know that would turn the situation sour. So was it an attempt to soften Qinghua up using his love of food? Possibly. But more than anything, Mobei pondered if it was a way for Luo Binghe to take a moment to sort his thoughts and what he wanted to say. With that in mind, the ice demon finally deigned to leave his bed in order to get dressed for the day.

“Go to the cooks, then. I will inform Shang Qinghua of your arrival.” It wouldn’t be a good idea to surprise Qinghua. Not when he was still upset over his and Luo Binghe’s fight. When Mobei-Jun had returned the other day informing him that Luo Binghe wanted a little more time before he removed the collars, Shang Qinghua had looked at him with a gaze full of doubt and disbelief. It was painful to bear witness to Shang Qinghua’s squandered trust. But it is a rightful punishment.

The two rulers exited Mobei-Jun’s chambers together but split off in different directions soon after. When Mobei-Jun found himself outside Shang Qinghua’s door, he felt the same apprehension as he had the day prior. Strange to think someone he hadn’t known long could affect him so.

“Qinghua,” Mobei-Jun said as he gave a few short knocks to the door.

He had to wait a full minute before there was the sound of shuffling and the door was creaking open slowly. Shang Qinghua stood on the other side, blurry eyed and clearly just now roused from sleep.

“My King?” Slurred the deer in confusion.

Instantly Mobei-Jun chastised himself for not realizing Shang Qinghua could have still been sleeping. But there was no use dwelling on his own failings. Instead he stared down at the other and said, “Junshang is here.

Shang Qinghua’s eyes instantly widened in shock and, without preamble, he slammed the door in Mobei-Jun’s face. It was quite a surprise to the demon. For a moment he wondered if he’d done something to offend Shang Qinghua within the short span of time. However it was wrenched open not a second after, Shang Qinghua looking both miffed and nervous.

“Seriously? I’m not even dressed yet! Or mentally prepared! Couldn’t he have sent a notice ahead of time??”

Mobei-Jun frowned, “Junshang has seen you naked. Your state of dress matters little.”

“That’s not the problem!” Shang Qinghua hissed from the doorway like an offended cat. “Just– Keep him out of my hair for the time being! Till I’m dressed at least!” Then in a softer voice he muttered, “I haven’t even had breakfast yet.”

“Junshang is taking care of your meal.”

Now Shang Qinghua looked even more annoyed. Through gritted teeth Shang Qinghua forced out a short “Fine” before he was closing the door in Mobei-Jun’s face once more. The sheer audacity and disrespect should have angered him. Yet instead he found himself pleased, a warmth settling in his chest that was completely foreign but not unwelcome. If Shang Qinghua treated him this way, did it not mean he was comfortable enough with Mobei-Jun to show his true feelings? How could he not be pleased with such a display?

Satisfied, Mobei-Jun chose to wait against the wall for the arrival of Junshang.


Shang Qinghua didn’t get dressed right away. Instead he chose to crawl back into bed, roll himself up in his warm blankets, then scream quietly into his pillow. Damn it!

When Mobei-Jun had come back yesterday saying Luo Binghe wanted more time, Shang Qinghua had resigned himself to never getting the collar off. Only the smallest fraction of Shang Qinghua genuinely hoped Luo Binghe would follow through. He didn’t expect that part to be right! And this soon? Just what happened yesterday to get Binghe to switch his tune so fast?! Was that all the time he needed to sort himself out?! Shang Qinghua called bullsh*t! No way did their fight affect him enough he’d flip on a dime! It was too abrupt! Too ooc! Luo Binghe was a stubborn mule who, after gaining power, stopped being the one to follow orders! That was how he wrote him!

A hefty weight settled over Shang Qinghua, effectively smothering him in his blankets the way only a giant pet could. Shang Qinghua groaned from his blanket prison, wriggling to poke his head out and halfheartedly glared at Xingxing. The Dragon simply looked down at him in amusem*nt.

“You have my permission to bite him if he tries anything. Ah but…” He trailed off, pouting and looking away, “Nothing permanent, ok? No limb biting off or whatever.” Even if Luo Binghe could reattach or regrow his severed limbs, Qinghua didn’t want to see it! Specifically because it’d be gross and there’d be a lot of gushing blood! Not because he’d be upset seeing Binghe hurt. He was too mad at him to care if he was hurt!

Shang Qinghua moped around in bed for a while longer before he reluctantly pulled himself from the safety of his covers. He didn’t want to be anywhere near a bed once Luo Binghe came. He knew all the ways the man would try and weasel out of actually apologizing! And a bed was always a factor! So Shang Qinghua was going to remove it entirely! Just not physically though because he didn’t want Xingxing to toss it out the window.

It was when Shang Qinghua had just finished dressing and Xingxing was brushing his hair that there was a knock on his door. Shang Qinghua stared at it from his vanity, apprehension twisting his chest like a brutal grip. He felt his pulse quicken and a cold sweat break out along his back.

“Yeah?” He croaked, throat suddenly parched. Shang Qinghua licked his dry lips, shifting to sit on his hands when he noticed them tremble. At his side, Xingxing dropped the brush from its mouth and shrunk down so it could comfortingly coil around Shang Qinghua’s shoulders.

Qinghua. ” Came Mobei-Jun’s muffled voice.

Right. Guess it’s now or never. ’ With a steadying breath Shang Qinghua closed his eyes. Feeling Xingxing press its forehead against his shoulder was a comfort. He reached up to pet the other before calling both rulers to enter.

Mobei-Jun was the first to come in and held the door open for Luo Binghe. The tray he carried was laden with the tastiest smelling food. Shang Qinghua could feel himself already salivating from the heavenly smells. His stomach also took a keen interest in what was offered. But Shang Qinghua refused to move from where he sat. He wouldn’t be swayed so easily! If it wasn’t sex that Luo Binghe used to sweeten up his angry wives, it was food! And Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to fall for it.

“Qinghua, you’re looking well.” Luo Binghe smiled despite the lie. Shang Qinghua knew he looked like sh*t.

“Junshang.” The formal address had Luo Binghe surprisingly dropping his gaze. The man instead shuffled over to place the food on the nearby table. He then took several steps back so he wasn’t hovering near it.

“This Lord– Ah… I have made you breakfast.” Luo Binghe once more sent Shang Qinghua a buttery smooth smile. In response Shang Qinghua crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow, unimpressed.

The two fell into a silence that was deafening. Neither spoke up first. Oddly enough, Luo Binghe wouldn’t look at Shang Qinghua. He was clearly staring just past him. What? Was he so angry at Shang Qinghua he couldn’t bear to look at him?! How quick that infatuation was to dry up after being scolded! Pah, Shang Qinghua knew it had been too good to be true.

A rather terse sigh had both men snapping their heads towards the door. Mobei-Jun was still standing there leaning against the icy wood. His arms were crossed over his chest and his frosty expression could freeze a fire. “If neither will speak, this King will lock you both in this room till words have been said.”

“What!” Shang Qinghua gasped, mouth falling open, “You wouldn’t dare!”

“It is my palace. I dare.”

Brutes, the lot of them! Puffing his cheeks in anger, Shang Qinghua crossed his arms and scowled unhappily at Luo Binghe. “Well then? Get on with it. Are you going to remove my collar or are you going to just try and convince me it’s ‘ necessary ’?”

Luo Binghe shook his head, hands twitching at his sides. He didn’t look angry , which was a welcome response. Shang Qinghua didn’t know if he could handle being scared and upset. He’d probably cry and hyperventilate. And then that’d just ruin the image he had of a fierce angry Queen. Once more Shang Qinghua was trying to channel all the dramas he watched where the badass scorned women lashed back. It was the only way he could try and keep his cool. He hoped he was succeeding.

Yet when Luo Binghe locked eyes with Shang Qinghua and deliberately dropped to his knees, whatever expression the deer had been making slipped clean off his face. He watched as Luo Binghe bent over, black hair tumbling around him in curly waves as his forehead met the polished floors of Qinghua’s room. The deer spirit lurched forward in an aborted motion to stop Luo Binghe, hand half-way outstretched and shaking in shock.

What the f*ck what the f*ck what the f*ck!!!! ’ Was a phrase repeated in Shang Qinghua’s mind like a broken record. Luo Binghe– The Protagonist –!!! H-he was–!! To Qinghua!!!

Instantly Shang Qinghua’s brain shut down as he watched Luo Binghe prostrate himself. He was shaken to the core seeing Luo Binghe bow in a way the man hadn’t since he was a child. Since Shen Qingqiu forced him to kneel.

“I have hurt Shang Qinghua greatly. I have hurt my wives greatly. I thought I was taking care of you, of them. But thanks to Shang Qinghua I have come to see I was merely fooling myself. I did not factor in your wants or needs. I selfishly only thought of myself and what I wanted. For that I am truly sorry. I know actions speak louder than words and that so far, my actions have left much to be desired. It is as Shang Qinghua said. I’ve trapped you like a prisoner, placed a collar around your neck, and expected everything to fall into place how I wanted it. I did not bother to think of your feelings over my actions. Or of how my wives would feel.”

Luo Binghe didn’t even see how floored Shang Qinghua was over this. His mouth was open wide enough to catch flies and his eyes bulged so much they may as well have popped from his skull. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact his Luo Binghe was apologizing! With words!!

“I ran on my own assumptions and refused to listen to anything that would change my view. I put more faith in my own self than that of you. I treated you like a means to an end under the guise of protection. At first the collar was a substitute for my blood. A way to trap you till you gave me what I wanted. But after some time it changed to mean something else. To me it was… Insurance. A way to quell my own fears and misgivings. But I know now that it isn’t right.” Luo Binghe’s voice softened, a faint tremble at the end of his words that could’ve been missed. “It is as Mobei said. You were not made for me. And it is my own fault for trying to make fiction into reality. I am sorry, Shang Qinghua. For everything I have put you through and the emotional turmoil my actions have caused.”

Shang Qinghua shook in a mixture of confused fear. His grip on his robes was so tight he feared his hands might lock. In a voice that wavered like grass in a breeze, Shang Qinghua whispered, “Y-you don’t apologize. After the Abyss, you…”

Finally Luo Binghe raised his head. His eyes were honest, not an ounce of deceit or smiles of platitude. Like pools of clear water they showed all Luo Binghe was truly feeling. His hope, his conviction, and a trace of fear.

“I am not the Luo Binghe you wrote. Not anymore. The moment I met Shang Qinghua– No, perhaps before then; I began to change. Little by little. Who I am now is not the man from your writings. He was stuck in his ways and his mind was frozen. I have chosen to grow from that man. I refuse to be him. So I will change. Not because I want your affections or praise. But because I want to be different. I don’t want the power I have now if it means I will never be happy. If it means I will hurt the people I ca-” He paused, hands clenching as he faltered for a moment, “If it means I will hurt the people I want in my life.”

Luo Binghe tore his burning gaze away and stared down at his lap. He unclenched his hands, staring at them with an unreadable expression. “I can’t blame all my actions on Xin Mo’s influence. My mind has frequently been cleared thanks to Shang Qinghua’s qi and I still acted the way I did. I know now that it was not right of me to absolve myself of the blame. I… I want to try to be better. I don’t want to stay as I am. ”

Clearly he went on some kind of soul journey yesterday. What the f*ck did Mobei-Jun say to him? Shang Qinghua’s mind was reeling. He felt unmoored, a boat adrift at sea. Or perhaps he was a leaf in a tumbling gale? His mind was too busy imploding to think of a better analogy! Luo Binghe was here apologising to him and genuinely meaning it! He, of his own volition, admitted his own faults and said he wanted to change! What the Hell?!

And something else he said caught on Shang Qinghua’s brain like a stubborn burr. An admittance of vulnerability Luo Binghe allowed to be seen. He frowned, “What did you mean by ‘insurance’? What fears could you have…?”

Now Luo Binghe was smiling again. But it was full of self-loathing and barely concealed pain. Like this, Shang Qinghua could see the boy he once was. A wounded boy who had seen the worst of the world and had come out damaged. Someone who only wanted to be acknowledged by the one person he looked up to. And then he was tossed aside, abused till his soft lotus petals had become busted and broken. Abandoned by his parents, his Shizun. Thought to be unloved and unwanted.

Suddenly Shang Qinghua knew what Luo Binghe feared.

“I fear Qinghua leaving. For what reason do you have to stay?”

Shang Qinghua… Had no answer for that. Although Luo Binghe didn’t really give him time to form one. Whether that was a good thing or not, Shang Qinghua couldn’t say.

“I know Qinghua came here against his will. And that because of my selfish actions, you are unable to leave. Like you said, my wives chose to be with me. Qinghua didn’t. So…” He closed his eyes for a moment. The next they opened, they were the hardened and determined eyes of a Protagonist. A man who has set a goal and would devote his entirety to reaching it. “I plan to cultivate a place where you’d want to stay out of your own volition. I won’t force Qinghua, I won’t coerce. I will simply… Try.”

With that said he finally stood and slowly made his way over to Shang Qinghua. He stood before the other, taking a knee so he was relatively eye-level. Both Shang Qinghua and Xingxing watched with cautious eyes as Luo Binghe reached out and gently took Shang Qinghua’s hand, leading it up towards the back of the collar. Shang Qinghua felt a spark, the collar around his throat warming as it was fed Luo Binghe’s qi.

“Put in your own spiritual energy,” He instructed in a gentle murmur.

Shang Qinghua startled, not even thinking really as he complied. The heat instantly washed away with the cool stream of Qinghua’s qi. In the next moment there was an audible click that resounded around the room.

“There… You can now remove the collar whenever you so choose.” Luo Binghe whispered, his expression unreadable. His hands lingered against Shang Qinghua’s skin before he was pulling away. Though he didn’t go far. He kept his hands to himself and instead chose to just stare up at Shang Qinghua.

With hands that trembled more than they should, Shang Qinghua grasped onto the collar. He could feel the brush of cold air against the back of his neck. Foreign in that he hadn’t felt such a thing in months . When he finally took the collar off, Shang Qinghua’s breath hitched. He could scarcely believe it. Looking down at the beautiful object in his hands, Shang Qinghua could do nothing but stare.

His neck felt so exposed, so naked. It’d been so long that not having the collar on felt strange. It took all of Shang Qinghua’s will to force himself to swallow. His mouth felt dry while his eyes stung fiercely.

With a small hiccup, Shang Qinghua raised a sleeve to wipe at his eyes, tears beginning to spill over against his will. “That’s a nice start.” He croaked. But before Shang Qinghua could start blubbering at Luo Binghe’s shocking character development, he had to ask. “But what about your wives? You said sorry to me, but what about them?”

While Shang Qinghua was happy Luo Binghe was apologizing and seeming to genuinely mean it, that wouldn’t matter if he couldn’t even do the same for his wives. Shang Qinghua felt responsible for those women even if he wasn’t the one who married them. He wrote Luo Binghe plucking them and adding them to his garden. So in a way, no matter how indirect, Shang Qinghua also held some of the blame for the situation they were in. But they were first and foremost Luo Binghe’s wives. It was him who had to make a decision. And if the man decided to just shelve his wives like common knickknacks, Shang Qinghua was really going to let Xingxing bite the man!

“I have begun to apologize,” Luo Binghe’s brows furrowed, his hands twitching with the desire to reach out and comfort Shang Qinghua. “I spoke to Liu Mingyan and asked for her guidance while also apologizing for my own actions. She was the first wife I spoke to.”

What a promising notion. Still, Shang Qinghua felt his heart give a painful squeeze. Surely it was just over happiness that Luo Binghe was mending his failing marriages, right? Soon he’d be back fawning over his wives and pretend Shang Qinghua never existed!

Bah, who was he kidding? Shang Qinghua was tired of continuing to deny what was right in front of him! He knew he could over analyze things and jump to conclusions, but even he wasn’t that blind! Luo Binghe has already made it extremely clear that he no longer wanted his wives romantically! For some reason he was infatuated with Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua. So what did that mean for his wives?

“But what are you going to do about them? I get you’ve got this…. ‘Thing’,” Here he gestured to all of Luo Binghe, “Going on with me and Mobei– Whatever it is. But I’m seriously not going to let it continue if the end goal is me joining a harem. Because I’m not just gonna be another ornament on a tree!”

“I have no intention of dragging either you or Mobei into a harem.” The corner of Luo Binghe’s mouth curled upwards in amusem*nt. “Liu Mingyan has asked me for a divorce. Taking her example, I have personally gone to my wives and have apologized, explained that I can no longer care for them as I once did, and that I would like a divorce. I have only managed to speak to 30 of my wives so far since I wished for each to have enough time to discuss with me their grievances. However they have been quite amicable to the suggestion.”

“His face was swollen this morning.”

Luo Binghe snapped his head around, glaring at Mobei-Jun and receiving a frosty brow raise in response. Luo Binghe clenched his teeth, pushing out the words, “Yes, thank you Mobei.” He cleared his throat before looking back to Shang Qinghua. Since he was caught in his lie, he may as well be truthful about it. “It is the least I deserve for my actions thus far.” A glint entered his gaze and he leaned forward, tone shifting to one of earnestness, “If Qinghua would wish to strike me as well, I would not resist.”

Wow, thanks Protagonist! Shang Qinghua did not like how eager you sounded to be smacked by him! Instead of trying to find what that might say about Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua instead focused on what was just admitted. Luo Binghe was divorcing his wives! And he hadn’t just flippantly sent out messengers to inform them. Instead he kept it personable and had gone to them individually on his own accord. And if the apparent slaps were any indication, some didn’t take it well.

“What about the wives who refuse? Who don’t want a divorce?” Shang Qinghua knew a few who probably would fight tooth and nail to keep Luo Binghe. He couldn’t remember their names , but he could vaguely remember their looks! Probably.

Luo Binghe shrugged, “I cannot force them to accept. But I have told them I cannot be their husband. They are free to stay in the palace or leave, to take land if they want or help themselves to the treasury, but my stance will remain unmoved.”

“I see…” Shang Qinghua felt a portion of himself calm. The ire he’d held since their fight was dwindling but was not completely gone. He still felt slightly dissatisfied, still mildly upset. But Shang Qinghua wasn’t angry anymore. Though he thinks Luo Binghe may have decided things faster than one normally should, Shang Qinghua could also acknowledge that, that was just how Luo Binghe was. Rarely did he hesitate and dwell on every possible outcome for a scenario. He didn’t anxiously plan and talk himself into circles like Shang Qinghua would.

Shang Qinghua chewed on his bottom lip, looking down at the collar in his hands and gripping it tightly. “... It’s too soon for me to forgive you. But I’m not mad anymore. I want to see you stick to your word to be better. I don’t expect you to change in a day, maybe not for months. But I want to keep you in my life. I like being with you and Mobei.”

He managed a shy smile, too embarrassed to look up and see whatever expression Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun were making. Shang Qinghua could feel his cheeks flush red, nerves fluttering through his chest. “Despite everything, it wasn’t all bad. I liked the time we spent at the festival. Er… The beginning part anyways. But going out adventuring with you two was kinda fun! Scary and infuriating over how stupid your choices can be, but fun! I mean I got to meet Xingxing and that’s something I’ll never regret.” He giggled when Xingxing instantly began purring, nuzzling its face against Shang Qinghua’s cheek. He grinned wide, petting the Dragon as he looked to the two men quietly watching him in rapt attention.

“I wanna keep making memories with you guys. But we seriously gotta learn to communicate more. I mean me and Binghe at least. Surprisingly my King is doing well in that department.” Which he never thought would be something Mobei-Jun could do! But the Ice Demon really did have to learn how to change, huh?

Shang Qinghua had included himself because he knew he had some issues with communicating. He’d contributed to some of Luo Binghe’s misunderstandings all out of the fear that if he corrected them, he’d be flayed open like a fish. So in some instances it was his fault Luo Binghe had the wrong impression. Shang Qinghua had chosen survival over truth.

“I’m not actually a God. At least not how you think.” Shang Qinghua took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders as he once more began to explain his origins. He, of course, left out any mention of the System. But he went over briefly who he was in the past, what drove him to write Proud Immortal Demon Way, and everything subsequently after. How the Flowering Bone Stag was a scrapped idea, how the demands of his readers and the need for sustainable income lead to him butchering his original story in favour of what sells, and how in the end Luo Binghe’s deeper issues were never addressed and instead slapped with the label of ‘he was totally happy and satisfied ’.

“And that’s basically it. I didn’t wanna die, so I let you think I was a God.” Shang Qinghua honestly felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. He was finally truthful to both Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun about his origins. At last they were all on the same page.

Shang Qinghua abruptly stood, startling Luo Binghe. The man watched as Shang Qinghua scrubbed his face till it was bright red before exclaiming, “Ok! Serious stuff over! Now I really want breakfast.”

It was amazing to see how quickly Luo Binghe’s expression lit up. Shang Qinghua swore if the man had a tail it’d be wagging. He sprang to his feet and reached to place a hand on Shang Qinghua’s waist, but froze and retracted the appendage. Without acknowledging the aborted action, Luo Binghe smiled sweetly at Shang Qinghua before gesturing to the table.

“This Lord made sure to cook what he thought Qinghua would like. I also placed a heating talisman on the tray, so everything should still be quite warm.”

Huh… Ok. Shang Qinghua felt like he should say something about whatever that was, but he figured it’d be fine. They talked it out! Luo Binghe was probably still feeling a little raw from all the vulnerable moments. It’s fine, Shang Qinghua could give him the space he needed.

With a pleased smile, Shang Qinghua sat at the table to enjoy the meal. However he felt too awkward being the only one eating while the two demon lords watched him. So in a bold display, Shang Qinghua ordered them to take a seat. And in an even more embarrassing display, Shang Qinghua fed Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun while eating his own meal. It wasn’t his fault there was only one pair of chopsticks! Luo Binghe didn’t plan ahead! That was the argument Shang Qinghua was making and he was sticking to it. Of course there wasn’t really enough food for two hungry demons and a single deer, but that was fine. Shang Qinghua felt more filled than any food could provide.

[Hidden Side Mission: To Have and To Own complete

+10,000 b-points.

Hidden bonus: Mobei-Jun’s character development


Hidden bonus: Luo Binghe’s character development


Hidden bonus: A harem’s better ending


New Perks Unlocked:

  • Mobei-Jun Daily Affection Bonuses
  • Luo Binghe Daily Affection Bonuses

Total b-points earned: 10,887

Good job, Host. Keep up the good work]

Chapter 13: Bloody Blooms


“Binghe, for starters let me say I’m not mad.” He watched, squeezing their linked hands in the hope it would reassure the other even slightly. “I’m just… Concerned. And kind of annoyed?”
Luo Binghe’s face scrunched and he looked as if he’d been wronged, “Qinghua said he wasn’t mad.”


A/N: A bit of a long chapter but Hella worth it~ Please mind the tags! I've updated them quite a bit. Though as you can probably tell from them, this chapter is going to be a good one. Sorry for any mistakes I may have missed while editing! Though in looking at my notes, I may be able to combine chapter 14 and 15 together. Which would of course shorten the fic length by a single chapter, but we'll see! It's all about length. I try and make sure each chapter is more than 5k words. But with what I have planned for next chapter, it might reach past that threshold! Either way that's something to think about for later. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and are excited for what's next~

Chapter Text

After that heavy conversation, Shang Qinghua liked to think things began turning out better! Mobei-Jun was back to lugging him around, demanding things here and there. Mostly when it involved Shang Qinghua’s attention. Turns out his King just liked having Shang Qinghua look at him! Of course Luo Binghe was no better. He’d show up at odd hours of the day looking haggard or like he’d been smacked a few times. He’d heal up quickly but didn’t bother to tidy up his appearance if it was just them. It was a privilege to see him look so unkempt and not as put together as he presented the world. This, Shang Qinghua was aware of.

So he didn’t mind when Luo Binghe would sit and watch him work. Sometimes calling Qinghua’s name repeatedly till the other finally stopped to look at him. But it was hard for Shang Qinghua to feel exasperated when Luo Binghe’s eyes would light up and he’d radiate contentment like a satisfied cat. Or did the dog analogy still work? A dog happy and wagging their tail because their owner acknowledged them? Yeah, that sounded accurate. Especially because of the… Lingering problem since their fight and makeup. Like a dog that was scolded, Luo Binghe was walking on eggshells around Shang Qinghua.

At first he’d briefly noticed it. The way Luo Binghe didn’t touch Shang Qinghua like how he used to. He’d still sling arms over Mobei-Jun and lean into his space. And more than once Shang Qinghua could’ve sworn he saw the two stealing kisses. But when it came to Shang Qinghua, Luo Binghe always kept a ‘respectable’ distance. For a while Shang Qinghua thought Binghe just needed space. And he was fine with that! Welcomed it, even! He’d probably bite the man's hands if he tried feeling him up so soon after their big fight. But–! It has been two weeks! Mobei-Jun had already started inching his way back into Shang Qinghua’s space. So why wasn’t Ass Blaster Binghe shoving himself into Shang Qinghua’s personal bubble? With his personality, he should’ve been the first one! But no, Luo Binghe no longer initiated touch with him. Sometimes Shang Qinghua would catch him making aborted motions only to pull back.

And that’s when Shang Qinghua began noticing something else. Luo Binghe was being very careful with his words and how he treated Shang Qinghua. Gone was that pushy, co*cky, and cheeky attitude. In its place was a Binghe that acted like a kicked puppy! He’d tiptoe around Shang Qinghua, keeping his words friendly and sweet! But it was clearly not entirely genuine! He never made demands from Qinghua, never pushed his luck. Hell if anything he was too accommodating. And it annoyed Shang Qinghua. He wanted Luo Binghe to change for the better, sure . But he still wanted Binghe. The real Luo Binghe. He knew how f*cked up his Protagonist was. While some bits of this act may be genuine, Shang Qinghua didn’t want it to be a permanent fixture. So taking a note from Mobei-Jun’s book, Shang Qinghua was putting on his big boy pants and going to communicate!

It took a bit of waiting and some planning. For starters he needed Luo Binghe there. Secondly, he didn’t want his King to be there. Mobei-Jun couldn’t always play mediator when Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua had problems to discuss. They needed to learn to work on things by themselves sometimes. Mobei-Jun couldn’t be burdened with being the glue that kept them together. And Shang Qinghua had a feeling his King was aware of what he wanted to do. So when Shang Qinghua asked for some alone time with Luo Binghe one day, Mobei-Jun agreed without further comment. Which was good! Step one, done! Now all Shang Qinghua had to do was actually wait for Luo Binghe to arrive.

While he waited, Shang Qinghua chose to lounge in his room writing down ideas for a new story. It’s been so long since he had the chance to do his favourite pastime. Not to mention he had the paper for it now! Shang Qinghua could feel the stress leaving him with every character he scribbled down. He was writing an intrinsic and complicated love-story filled to the brim with angst and papapa. A star-crossed lovers kind of deal between a mortal and a ghost! It was only the planning phase but Shang Qinghua already knew this would be a hit! Especially once he revealed the ghost only died because they were protecting the mortal! And because Shang Qinghua didn’t have to worry about food, rent, or bills– He didn’t have to cut corners!! He could pour all his creativity into this!

Shang Qinghua giggled in excitement, the sound only tapering off when he reached up to scratch furiously at his head. For some reason while wearing his disguise, his head had begun to itch more frequently. And it wasn’t the same itch he got when his antlers would regrow after the falling off season.

“System, can I get dandruff?” He hoped not. That’d be kind of disappointing!

[It would not be very Godly to have dandruff]

“Thanks, that answered nothing!” Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes before he finished writing off the last bit of planning. While he waited for the ink to dry, Shang Qinghua reached out to pet Xingxing. The Dragon was curled up on his lap purring away as its form broke and reformed beneath Shang Qinghua’s hand.

Suddenly Xingxing’s eyes snapped open and it let out a chuff, raising and stretching before floating up to perch around Shang Qinghua’s shoulders. The deer hummed, tilting his head, “What? Is Binghe here?” At the Dragon’s nod, Shang Qinghua stretched his arms over his head before setting his brush aside and standing. “Alright. Thanks for letting me know.” Shang Qinghua had asked Xingxing to keep an eye out for Luo Binghe’s energy signature. Or in this case, Xin Mo’s. That way Shang Qinghua would know the moment Luo Binghe showed up.

Shang Qinghua took a moment to make sure he looked presentable, wiping some stray ink off his face with the back of his hand. Good enough! With a few quick strides he crossed his room and yanked open the door. However instead of an empty hallway that he’d grown familiar with, there was instead a little ice Imp lingering near his doors. It jumped, scampering backwards to avoid being smacked.

“Oh! Um… Can I help you?” Shang Qinghua asked, frowning.

“N-no! Apologies! This one has simply gotten lost!” The Imp exclaimed, bowing and booking it before Shang Qinghua could say a thing.

Shang Qinghua watched for a moment longer before shrugging, closing his room door. “Must be new.” Shang Qinghua knows he’s in no place to judge. Even he still gets lost and he’s been here for a while now! Granted he only goes to his room, the throne room, his office, or Mobei-Jun’s room so maybe that’s his own fault.

The walk to the throne room was completely uneventful. And if Shang Qinghua quickened his pace to a jog then that was no one’s business but his own. He was eager for this sh*t to be taken care of so he could go back to being pampered by two hot men! Shang Qinghua had his priorities, he never said they were good ones.

The guards watching the doors let him in without batting an eye, Shang Qinghua thanking them only out of habit. He didn’t go far, instead standing just in the doorway. Inside was quite the sight. Shang Qinghua was tempted to just linger and watch. Luo Binghe was straddling Mobei-Jun and had his hands buried in the other’s hair. Even from here he could hear how their growls were muffled and interspersed by heavy panting. Though he couldn’t tell from this angle, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they were doing.

However the moment both rulers sensed Shang Qinghua’s presence, they broke away to look in his direction. He hid a snicker, giving a small wave, “Sorry to interrupt. My King, can I borrow Binghe?”

“Mmm.” Mobei-Jun patted Luo Binghe’s thigh, prompting the other to climb off him.

There was no denying how eager Luo Binghe was at Shang Qinghua wanting his company. He practically flew down the stairs in order to reach Shang Qinghua, smiling peachily. “How can this Lord aid Qinghua?”

“I’ll tell you on the way. C’mon.” He reached out, taking Luo Binghe’s hand. The fact Luo Binghe didn’t pull away and instead looked even happier at the contact, Shang Qinghua figured his theories were correct. It wasn’t that Luo Binghe didn’t want to touch him anymore. It was that he was afraid of making Shang Qinghua upset again. This Shang Qinghua could work with!

“Bye, my King!” Shang Qinghua called, waving over his shoulder as he led Luo Binghe from the throne room. He didn’t say anything as he walked towards the nearest courtyard. But then again Luo Binghe didn’t seem to mind either. He was too busy staring at their linked hands, walking so close he was nearly bumping shoulders. It was cute and had Shang Qinghua’s chest warming pleasantly.

“Alright! Two things,” Shang Qinghua finally said, stopping in the open courtyard. He turned to look up at Luo Binghe, trying to appear serious. Although the way Luo Binghe’s smile dropped and his eyes flicked around– probably making note of the exits like he was entering a dangerous battle– Shang Qinghua felt himself sighing and dropping the act.

“Binghe, for starters let me say I’m not mad.” He watched, squeezing their linked hands in the hope it would reassure the other even slightly. “I’m just… Concerned. And kind of annoyed?”

Luo Binghe’s face scrunched and he looked as if he’d been wronged, “Qinghua said he wasn’t mad.”

“I’m not! Being Annoyed and being mad are two different things!” He made a sound of frustration before rubbing his face, “Look! What I’m trying to say is that while I’m happy you’re making attempts to change, I don’t want you to have to sacrifice being who you are just to fit what you think I might like. You’re extra careful with what you say to me, you don’t act pushy anymore, and you act as if I’ll bite you for touching me!”

With a straight face and a tone leaving no room for doubt, Luo Binghe said, “I wouldn’t mind Qinghua biting me.”

Shang Qinghua blushed, ineffectively hitting Luo Binghe’s chest. “That’s not the point! I’m trying to be serious here and tell you that you don’t have to tiptoe around me! You can work on being a better person while still being true to yourself! When I said I wanted to keep you in my life, I meant all of you, Binghe. Both the good and the bad.”

The powerful half-demon visibly hesitated, frowning thoughtfully. After a moment he asked, “Qinghua will let this Lord know if he does something you do not like?”

“Of course! And I expect the same from you, ok? This goes both ways. And if we disagree, we’ll try and work it out. Or compromise.” Look at him sounding like a relationship professional! Nevermind the fact he’s actually never dated anyone before. Unless you count his first online girlfriend. Miss you, SaundraHoLord69. Though he’s still pretty sure that had been a bot…

f*ck wait, was he even dating Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun? He knows they’re all kind of kissing each other, but they never said they were dating. Ah– Wait, there weren't really boyfriend’s and girlfriend’s in the past huh? So did that mean they were courting? sh*t, but doesn’t courting usually end in marriage? Shang Qinghua wasn’t ready to get married!

“Qinghua,” A touch to his cheek had him snapping from his thoughts. Luo Binghe was looking down at him in amusem*nt, “We can discuss marriage as soon as this Lord has settled his current ones.”

Shang Qinghua seriously needed to stop talking out loud. He cleared his throat, willing his blush to leave. “R-right. Uh-huh! That takes priority.” He huffed before smiling, leaning into Luo Binghe’s touch. He was relieved that the other had started touching him again. A weight lessened in Shang Qinghua’s chest that he wasn’t even aware was there. “Glad we talked that out.”

“Agreed.” Luo Binghe let go of Shang Qinghua’s hand so he could cup Shang Qinghua’s cheeks on both sides. Then without hesitation he was pulling Shang Qinghua forward and crushing their lips together. He kissed with a fervent desperation, licking into Shang Qinghua’s mouth and swallowing the surprised moan Shang Qinghua made. The kiss was both impossibly long and disappointingly short. It ended with a quick peck to the deer’s pinkened lips, Luo Binghe chuckling when Shang Qinghua absentmindedly tried to chase for more.

Luo Binghe looked down at him, a glint in his eye and a familiar smirk in place. He hummed, tucking some of Shang Qinghua’s hair behind his ear. “This Lord is glad to have gotten Shang Qinghua’s permission to touch again.”

That’s not entirely what Shang Qinghua said, but whatever. If it meant he was back to getting those kinds of kisses then he was all for it. Shang Qinghua reached up to take the hands off his face but still held onto one. “R-right! Now the second thing I wanted to talk about.” Shang Qinghua puffed out his chest and pointed at Xin Mo, “I want to fly on a sword! I mean I literally wrote this world and not once have I gotten to fly on a sword! That’s a crime! Mobei-Jun can’t fly and I don’t exactly have my own sword, so that leaves it up to you!”

Around his neck, Xingxing let out a sad sound. It had been content to just lay and observe, but only now did it pipe up. It pulled far enough away to try and fix big saddened eyes on Shang Qinghua.

“Oh! You can carry me and fly too, Xingxing! We’ll recreate the NeverEnding Story some other time!” He leaned down to press a kiss to the little Dragon’s head. Of course, being so tied to Shang Qinghua, Xingxing would know it wasn’t being excluded. It just chose to play up the kicked puppy act. Seems Shang Qinghua had a type for powerful beings acting pathetic.

Luo Binghe tilted his head before nodding, pulling out Xin Mo and letting the sword float to the ground. “This Lord supposes it would be safer for Qinghua than Xin Mo’s portals.” Using his hold on Shang Qinghua’s hand, Luo Binghe helped the other step on the blade. He of course came up behind, hands settling on Shang Qinghua’s hips. “Careful, Qinghua. This Lord will make sure you won’t fall.” Luo Binghe purred in Shang Qinghua’s ear.

Wow! Seems like now that he’s got the go-ahead, his shamelessness returned! But who cared? Shang Qinghua was going to fly!

Extremely excited, Shang Qinghua tried hard not to bounce in place. He wobbled when he felt Xin Mo begin to rise off the ground, but Luo Binghe’s hold kept him steady. This was it! It was happening! Soon they’d be flying high in the sky! The wind rushing through his hair, the clouds so close he could reach out and touch them! His childhood dream of flying like a bird was coming true!

Or that’s what he would be saying. If Luo Binghe would raise them higher than a foot off the ground!!



“Are we… Not going higher?”

“It would be dangerous. Shang Qinghua is unused to flying.”

While that was logical, what happened to ‘ Don’t worry Qinghua, I’ll make sure you don’t fall ’? Ah??? Don’t jib him on this, Protagonist! No worries, Shang Qinghua had a bit of an ace up his sleeve. Granted he’s never used it before. But if it works here then he’ll consider it his ace!

Turning to look over his shoulder at Luo Binghe, he tried to exude the most sad and pitiful air he could. He widened his eyes and pouted, “But I wanted to go out and spend time with Binghe. Who better to show me the world I wrote than you?” Shang Qinghua even batted his lashes to try and seal the deal. He hoped he didn’t look repulsive though.

Judging from the way Luo Binghe’s eyes narrowed, he probably knew what Shang Qinghua was doing. But with how his grip on Shang Qinghua’s hips tightened, he was interested enough to entertain the idea. Shang Qinghua only needed to give another little push. He leaned back, resting himself against Luo Binghe’s front. “Please? You could use a day off from being slapped. And I do wanna spend time with you.”

Finally Luo Binghe sighed, closing his eyes in acceptance. He snorted and leaned down, “What a cheeky God you are.” He swiftly bit Shang Qinghua’s cheek. Not hard enough to hurt but it still brought a yip of surprise from him. Luo Binghe straightened back up with a laugh, “Fine. But Qinghua is to listen to this Lord in matters of danger.”

Shang Qinghua quirked a brow as he rubbed his cheek, “Oh really? If I remember correctly, someone didn’t listen to me about danger and tried to kill an immortal Dragon.”

“Minor details.”

Both Shang Qinghua and Xingxing were unimpressed. But it was fine. Shang Qinghua could tell Luo Binghe was only teasing. His smile was light and his red eyes danced with mirth. Chuckling to himself, Shang Qinghua settled in and prepared for his first ever flying experience.


From there things got… Easier? Manageable would probably be the better word. Shang Qinghua began to feel more comfortable saying his mind around Luo Binghe without fearing retribution. And in return Luo Binghe would try to voice his own thoughts. Of course the two of them butted heads from time to time. Hell, even Mobei-Jun wasn’t exempt from this. But the important thing was that they were trying . After they had time to cool off they would come back and talk. Maybe even apologize. It was difficult for Luo Binghe at first. Sometimes he wouldn’t verbally apologize. And that's ok with Shang Qinghua. He knew how hard it could be if you weren’t used to it. He’d only ever want a serious apology if Luo Binghe genuinely f*cked up. Though thankfully that hadn’t happened since the first time.

As time passed the slaps to Luo Binghe’s face grew less and less. Seems word had finally spread enough that some of his wives had even begun to come to him themselves asking for a divorce. He still had at least three hundred wives to get through, but he was making good progress! Shang Qinghua was quite proud of him. And to think 3 months ago his Protagonist was an insensitive prick only caring about his needs! Such growth!

Speaking of growth…

Shang Qinghua tried to not scratch at his head too obviously. But it was hard to hide when sitting in Mobei-Jun’s lap during court. He froze when a chilled hand settled over his, prompting the deer to stop and look up. Mobei-Jun had turned his attention from court proceedings towards Shang Qinghua.

“What is the matter?” He asked, gently probing his fingers around the area Shang Qinghua had been itching repeatedly throughout the day.

“Nothing serious, my King. My antlers are just itchy.” Shang Qinghua tried to reassure with a smile. Mobei-Jun watched him quietly for a moment before the tips of his fingers grew more chilled. It was like putting an ice pack on an irritated piece of skin. Shang Qinghua shuddered before sighing, relaxing against Mobei-Jun’s chest. “Thank you.”

Now Shang Qinghua hadn’t been lying when he said his antlers had been itching. That had been truthful! But why they were itching was for a particular reason. A very important reason that he’d been hiding from Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. Shang Qinghua’s antlers… Were sprouting buds. They’d started itching about two months ago after the make-up with Luo Binghe. But it was only a few weeks ago that Shang Qinghua finally noticed the little silver bulbs beginning to grow. He hadn’t spotted them at first since they blended in with his antlers. But he knew that once they blossomed, the dark blue petals would be impossible to miss. Even now there were slivers of underdeveloped petals peeking through their silver sepals. Soon it would only be a matter of time.

He didn’t know what prompted him to hide this revelation. Shang Qinghua hadn’t even thought when he donned his disguise. And for the past two full-moons, Shang Qinghua had purposefully slept in his room, refusing entry to Luo Binghe or Mobei-Jun. Neither men questioned him, of course. Shang Qinghua was allowed his space. But he could tell they were curious. After all, it was hard not to notice the day Shang Qinghua decided he wasn’t sleeping in Mobei-Jun’s room. Because he had been sleeping there as of late. He can’t remember when it started up exactly, but usually that’s where he’d spend at night. Both him and Luo Binghe.

They had yet to do anything sexual though. Not since… The incident. And if Shang Qinghua was being honest, he wanted that to change. He just… Didn’t know how to go about that. It also didn’t help that he was extremely nervous over showing Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun his antlers. There was no doubt some lingering apprehension over the whole reason those two found him in the first place. While Shang Qinghua could say he trusted them and felt safe with them, the buds being proof of this, it was still a nerve wracking fear he couldn’t dispel. And talking to either men about it was out of the question. At least for now. But he knew he had to do it soon.

Chewing on his bottom lip, Shang Qinghua began to mentally plot potential scenarios he could maybe use to spring the news on both rulers. It was something he thought about for the remainder of the day. Even during dinner with his King, he was clearly distracted. Mobei-Jun’s gentle prying didn’t prompt Shang Qinghua to speak and neither did Luo Binghe’s incessant wheedling later that night. But because Shang Qinghua was so distracted with his own thoughts, he didn’t even notice the concerned looks his two bed-mates shared.

By the next day Shang Qinghua had barely slept. But he’d woken up with a game-plan in mind and knew he’d need a good-long while to psyche himself up. So before either ruler could leave Mobei’s chambers for the day, Shang Qinghua stopped them.

“Um–!” He faltered when two pairs of eyes landed on him, a cold sweat prickling along his skin. “T-tonight… After dinner, could you both wait for me here? There’s something I want to show you.”

Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe shared a look before the ice demon came over to take Shang Qinghua’s hand, pressing a chilled kiss to the back of it. “Of course, Qinghua.”

“This Lord will finish up his work early enough to make it in time for dinner.” Luo Binghe added, taking Shang Qinghua’s other hand to plant his own kiss.

Shang Qinghua’s cheeks flushed the barest amount and he gave a small, hesitant smile. He was nervous as Hell but the sweet actions helped him calm down somewhat. Hopefully he wouldn’t be a mess of nerves when it finally came down to it.

The night prior Shang Qinghua had reasoned he could probably kill two birds with one stone. He knew Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe were probably getting it on. There’s no way he didn’t notice the bite marks on Mobei-Jun’s neck or the claw marks on Luo Binghe’s back. Plus there was all that PDA. Neither Luo Binghe nor Mobei-Jun made an effort to hide it from Shang Qinghua. And why would they? Shang Qinghua found it hot! He just wished he could actually see the two getting down and dirty instead of seeing the remnants of it! That’s what was unfair!

But Shang Qinghua could guess why they hadn’t done anything yet despite Luo Binghe being a horndog. It was because they were waiting for Shang Qinghua to make the first move. Which was very sweet of them! But also infuriating because Shang Qinghua didn’t know how to be a confident minx coyly demanding his lovers take him now. Shang Qinghua had no clue what to do other than just blatantly tell the two he was down to f*ck. But that was crass and unsexy! If this was going to be Shang Qinghua’s first time, he wanted to do it right!

Throughout the day Shang Qinghua was a bundle of nerves. He was also so distracted he almost bowled over that little Imp demon! He’d been running into Smooth Pebble– By the way that was such a sad name for an ice Imp– more frequently as of late. Which was weird since Shang Qinghua never really saw it doing anything. Maybe peeking behind pillars or walls, but Shang Qinghua couldn’t recall seeing it cleaning or doing other low-level tasks. Shang Qinghua tried asking Mobei about it, but the demon couldn’t be arsed to remember his own servants name’s so it was up to Shang Qinghua to figure it out! He still hadn’t found the Imp on the list of employees, but he was sure it was there somewhere. He did have a few hundred to get through and he hadn’t exactly been paying attention as of late. It was on the lower list of his priorities.

By the time dinner rolled around he could barely sit still. And clearly Luo Binghe wanted to demand what it was that had Shang Qinghua in such a state. But Mobei-Jun’s stare stilled his tongue. So with his displeasure visible, Luo Binghe jabbed at his food and ate with a scowl. Shang Qinghua would’ve found it adorable and would’ve maybe laughed, but he was struggling to choke down his own food.

When the meal concluded he rushed out an “I’ll be right back” as he booked it from the table and straight to his room. But once in the safety of his chambers Shang Qinghua just paced. He could do this! He had his outfit all picked out. It would only be two layers but the inner robe was where it counted! Getting sexy underwear in a Xianxia setting was far more difficult than it looked. Maybe Shang Qinghua could ask Sha Hualing if she’d take him to her tribe so he could get a skimpy outfit from them. That is if she didn’t want to gut him. Surely not. Luo Binghe said she was one of the ones who asked for a divorce!

Whatever the case, the point was that Shang Qinghua ended up pairing a soft blue outer robe with the translucent inner robe from the first outfit Luo Binghe got him. Hopefully the see-through nature and lack of underwear would make a sexy combo. With that all picked out, Shang Qinghua took a quick bath and made sure to scrub every nook and cranny he could. By the time he came out his skin was flushed from the heat and his thorough treatment. With that out of the way, now came the part Shang Qinghua had been quite apprehensive over. He’d thought long and hard over it and decided… What better way to show Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe that he was theirs? Only this time it was of his own volition.

With hands slightly trembling, Shang Qinghua reached out for the small chest and cracked it open. Inside was the first collar he’d ever gotten from the two. The one that started it all. Shang Qinghua chewed on his bottom lip hard before he unclasped the dangling tassels from it. He didn’t want those to get in the way tonight.

Shang Qinghua held the collar up to his throat, taking a few deep breaths to try and ground himself. While he knew he wanted to do this, his body still put up a bit of a fight. But Shang Qinghua expected this. So he didn’t rush. Instead he continued with his slow, controlled breathing. And when he slipped the collar around his throat, he waited for it to seal closed before opening it back up with a click. He did this a few times to reassure himself that yes, he could still open and close it when he wanted. He wasn’t a prisoner. This time the collar was on him because he wanted it to be. Not because it was forced on him.

Finally feeling calmer with the semi-familiar weight around his neck, Shang Qinghua closed his eyes and exhaled. He let his disguise melt away, brown hair bleeding to white with his antlers manifesting. Shang Qinghua sat before his vanity, staring at his reflection. “Wow,” He leaned forward, reaching up to poke one of the little buds. Blue petals were already peeking through, dots of white not yet fully formed on them. He couldn’t really feel them on his antlers. It was like how someone had hair but couldn’t feel every individual strand. He knew they were there. They just… Didn’t have a feeling. Maybe that would change when they were fully bloomed? Shang Qinghua didn’t really know. This was the first time he’d ever grown the Flowering Bone Stag’s signature blossoms.

“Guess I’m finally living up to the name.” He mused to himself.

Shang Qinghua bit his bottom lip, hesitating before he plucked one of the buds that were further along in its growth. The removal didn’t hurt, which was a good thing. He brought it to his face and took a sniff. The flowery smell was faint but when the blossom was fully mature it would no doubt be a powerful smell. Shang Qinghua really couldn’t describe the scent though. To him it just made him picture the crisp air of night under a full moon. It was pleasant.

Shang Qinghua began rubbing the bud around his throat and chin, using it as a natural perfume rather than one of the many oils he’d been supplied with. Afterwards Shang Qinghua brushed out his hair, braided it, and then moved to get his clothes on.

“You watch my room for me, ok?” Shang Qinghua told Xingxing. The Dragon was lounging on Shang Qinghua’s bed in a mess of starry coils. It rumbled in response, whiskers floating lazily through the air.

Shang Qinghua huffed, smoothing out his outer robe and adjusting the belt before heading to the door. “Well… Wish me luck!”


Shang Qinghua stood outside Mobei-Jun’s chambers, apprehension heavy in his gut. He was extremely nervous, fidgeting and adjusting his clothes and hair over and over. He knew both rulers were in there. Shang Qinghua made sure to ask the System by the time he got here. And he knew without a doubt they probably already sensed Shang Qinghua’s presence. But the fact they didn’t open the door yet just showed they were probably waiting for the deer to do it himself. Shang Qinghua was thankful for that! He probably would’ve chickened out if he was made to rush.

He’d done his best to psyche himself up the entire way here but now that he was faced with the reality of the situation, he was f*cking nervous. Two things could possibly happen tonight. Three if he was feeling particularly dramatic. First option would be that Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun both rock his world and obliterate his cherry. That was the option Shang Qinghua wanted the most. The second option was that Luo Binghe said no because he liked Shang Qinghua enough to kiss him, just not sleep with him. Which is ok! Shang Qinghua wouldn’t force a guy to sleep with him if he didn’t want to. Shang Qinghua was trash but he wasn’t scum. And the third and most dramatic option would be that Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun laugh in his face and tell him no. Shang Qinghua is no stranger to rejection. It sucks, sure. But he can already tell rejection from these two would hurt him in ways he wasn’t used to. And that scared him.

System?’ Shang Qinghua thought, crossing his arms over his chest and biting his lip. ‘Luo Binghe’s blood could make it easier right? For me to walk away with my ass still intact?

[Host is already aware of the answer]

Of course he was, he wrote it. But still, a second opinion would’ve been nice! Shang Qinghua knew that Heavenly Demon blood could make penetration easier. And could heal tearing or at least numb the pain. However with his body, Shang Qinghua had to consciously allow the blood into his system. Huh…

Now that was something he hadn’t considered. Shang Qinghua was still getting used to wearing the collar voluntarily again. But what if he let Luo Binghe have an alternative. Shang Qinghua was aware the man still held his fears. But he just hadn’t voiced them since that one time. He was trying to not restrict Shang Qinghua over his own hang-up's, which the deer spirit appreciated. So what if he… Let Luo Binghe have that? With the promise the other would only use his blood in emergencies or with Shang Qinghua’s permission? And if he breaks his promise, Shang Qinghua could just dispel the blood from his system! Gods he was a f*cking genius! He needed a prize or something!

“Right, ok! Game plan ready.” He whispered to himself.

Silently counting to three, Shang Qinghua pressed his hands to the large ornate doors and cracked them open. Inside Luo Binghe was lounging on Mobei-Jun’s bed, watching as the ice demon combed out his hair to get ready for sleep. However both rulers turned their attention to Qinghua as soon as the door was opened. Luo Binghe’s lazy gaze instantly snapped to one of intense interest.

He sat up on his hands and knees, unconsciously leaning forward. “Qinghua?” Luo Binghe’s purr was like a pair of hands. They trailed down Shang Qinghua’s body and brought forth a shiver.

Shang Qinghua resisted the urge to duck back behind the door. “I-I said I have something to show you guys and–!” Here goes nothing. With a deep breath Shang Qinghua stepped into the room, closing the door behind him and leaning against it.

The room’s light caused the little silvery sepals to twinkle like stars, the visibly blooming buds unable to be ignored when placed in contrast with the white of Shang Qinghua’s antlers. Shang Qinghua’s translucent inner robe had a higher neckline that framed the collar wrapped snug around his throat. The light glinted off it, the gems warming beneath their glow.

Shang Qinghua nervously shifted where he stood and with trepidation, raised his eyes from the floor. Immediately his flush grew more pronounced. Luo Binghe was leaning so far forward his hand slipped, the half-demon catching himself in time before he ate floor. Mobei-Jun was doing no better. The ice demon had already dropped his comb and was staring hard at Shang Qinghua. His eyes were blown so wide Shang Qinghua couldn’t even see a hint of blue.

The positive reactions had him feeling giddy, his confidence swelling just the smallest amount. He shuffled further into the room, stuttering as he reached up to brush fingertips against his antlers. “I w-wanted to show you that my flowers have begun to grow in. A-and that if you two were willing… Um… I wanted to…” He faltered. Shang Qinghua couldn’t find the words to ask for what he wanted. Who would’ve thought the man who wrote hundreds of chapters of gratuitous smut couldn’t even form a sentence asking for his own dicking?

When words failed him, actions would have to suffice! In a bold display Shang Qinghua reached for his belt, swiftly untying it and letting it drop to the ground. His blue outer robe was quick to follow, the fabric sliding off his shoulders and pooling around him. The arctic air was prickly on his skin, the inner robe not protecting him in the slightest. But hopefully in a few minutes that wouldn’t matter.

Luo Binghe scrambled off the bed, taking two quick steps forward before freezing. His lips were parted and a deep hunger had his eyes burning like coals. The man reached out, hesitant, a barely discernible flush staining his own cheeks. “Qinghua… Are you sure?” The man sounded breathless.

Mobei-Jun was no better. He’d stood at the same time as Luo Binghe and had crossed the room to stand beside Shang Qinghua. A large hand came up to cup the former God’s cheek, a trickle of Mobei-Jun’s demonic energy entering his system to help negate the worst of the cold. Shang Qinghua sighed in gratefulness at the gesture, leaning into Mobei’s hand.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve had all day to think about it.”

“And what does Qinghua want?” Mobei-Jun asked, hand trailing down to brush against the top of the collar. A claw slipped between the gab where silver met skin, trailing a line up back towards Shang Qinghua’s jaw and prompting a shiver. “How far does he wish for his Lords to go?”

“A-all the way?” Shang Qinghua squeaked, swallowing to try and moisten his dry mouth. He looked up pleadingly at Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe, “P-please? If you two want to–!”

Luo Binghe rushed forward so he could cup Shang Qinghua’s other cheek, “Of course we do. My sweet Qinghua,” He leaned in and pressed a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s forehead, his cheek, down to his throat. “How could we resist? Dressed so beautifully, wearing something we gave you. Something that marks you as ours.”

“Mmm,” Shang Qinghua exhaled shakily.

Relief blossomed in his chest, a cold spring that quickly turned to a boiling inferno. Arousal ignited inside him with each press of Luo Binghe’s mouth against his skin. It didn’t help matters that Mobei-Jun’s hand had dropped to trace little patterns against Shang Qinghua’s side. He could feel his thoughts leaving him, his mind grinding to a halt at the little bubbles of pleasure building up. But before he could be lost entirely, Shang Qinghua grabbed onto Luo Binghe’s sleeve. He tugged, “Binghe, wait. There’s something else.”

Pressing a few more lingering kisses along Shang Qinghua’s throat, Luo Binghe pulled away after swiping his tongue out for the briefest of tastes. “Whatever Qinghua wishes, this Lord will provide.”

“Your blood. I want to drink some of your blood.”

Clearly Luo Binghe hadn’t been expecting that. He pulled back fully, staring at Shang Qinghua in confusion. For a moment the heat was tempered as Luo Binghe asked, “Why?”

Shang Qinghua blushed hard, “Y-your blood helps p-penetration, right? And I thought it would help you feel more secure. I know you’re still worried I’ll disappear. That you worry Mobei-Jun will. It’s why you gave him that earring. So I thought for when I don’t want to wear the collar, you can use your blood to check on me. But–!” He held a finger up in front of Luo Binghe’s face. “Only if you promise not to abuse it. I’m giving you my trust by allowing your blood in my body. If I catch you taking advantage of that in any way without my consent, I’m letting my body absorb it like the first time, understand?”

Luo Binghe took Shang Qinghua’s hand in both of his, staring at him with all the force of an overpowered Protagonist. “You have my word, Shang Qinghua. I will not abuse the trust you have granted me.”


With a small yelp Shang Qinghua was suddenly hoisted into Mobei-Jun’s arms. Ignoring Luo Binghe’s sound of protest, Mobei-Jun carried Shang Qinghua to the bed and lightly tossed him on.

By the time the deer settled from his little bounce, the ice demon was crouched over him. He leaned down, kissing Shang Qinghua deeply. Mobei-Jun bit the other’s bottom lip, pulling it down and coaxing Shang Qinghua’s mouth open so his blue tongue could slip inside. Shang Qinghua was quickly growing familiar with the way Mobei-Jun kissed. When it came to his King, Mobei-Jun favoured his teeth more than anything. While he had learned to kiss far better than their first attempt, he still would bite more often than not. Though Shang Qinghua didn’t mind in the slightest. The little bits of pain sent pleasured jolts throughout his system.

He felt the bed beside them dip and a mouth brush against his pointed ear, purring. “Qinghua,” Luo Binghe pressed a kiss to his lobe, waiting for Mobei to pull back. He rested on his elbow and hovered over Shang Qinghua, “Are you ready for this Lord’s blood?”

Shang Qinghua nodded, watching with rapt attention as Luo Binghe stuck out his tongue and dragged the tip of his claw down the length. Blood welled up and began to trail down. Yet before the crimson drops could hit the bed, Luo Binghe was sealing his and Qinghua’s mouths together.

Like last time, Shang Qinghua was intimately aware of Luo Binghe’s blood. He could feel it mix with his saliva and slip down his throat. Yet unlike before where it dispelled almost immediately, it instead settled in his gut. The blood then slowly began to spread out, mapping Shang Qinghua’s insides as much as Luo Binghe’s hands mapped his outside.

A bubbling heat danced along his nerves in such an abrupt fashion Shang Qinghua lurched his head back, gasping with wide eyes. “Oh!” Came his surprised pant, feeling a tingling sensation running up his thighs and abdomen. “O-oh Binghe–!” His eyelids fell closed and Shang Qinghua whined low in his throat. Already Luo Binghe had set his blood parasites to work easing Shang Qinghua’s tense muscles. Luo Binghe chuckled, pressing a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s throat before he sat up.

With a bit of maneuvering, Luo Binghe settled behind Shang Qinghua. He took the lapels of his inner robe, opening them up for Mobei-Jun like a present. “Don’t forget what I taught you, Mobei.” Luo Binghe purred, rocking his erection against Shang Qinghua. The deer’s breath hitched, his tail twitching.

“Mmm,” Mobei-Jun’s eyes narrowed in concentration as he leaned down, tongue sliding along one of Shang Qinghua’s nipples. It pebbled beneath the cold saliva, the other bud receiving the same treatment. While Mobei-Jun’s mouth worked on Shang Qinghua’s chest, his hands moved behind the deer to Luo Binghe’s. He tugged, pulling aside the other’s robe so his fingers could pinch a tanned nipple.

Luo Binghe jerked and hissed at the icy sting, his co*ck grinding against the base of Shang Qinghua’s tail. That just prompted a moan from Shang Qinghua, his thighs falling open further for Mobei-Jun to neatly slot between. Pleased by the chain responses, Mobei-Jun did it a second time.

“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun said, depositing something into Luo Binghe’s waiting hand.

Shang Qinghua snapped to attention when he heard the sound of a jar opening. Ok this was happening. He found it less terrifying than he did the first time. Probably because he knew what he was up against. Hopefully after tonight there was no big fight, ah?

With heated eyes, Shang Qinghua watched as Mobei-Jun sat on his haunches and began to divest himself of his robes. Contrary to the first time, Shang Qinghua now shamelessly drank in the perfection that was Mobei-Jun’s body. He wanted to run his tongue all over those abs. To suck on his chest and bite marks into his skin. Add more claw marks to join the ones left by Binghe. Shang Qinghua wanted to mark their bodies up as much as they marked him. And it blew his mind that he was allowed to.

Mobei-Jun placed his hands on Shang Qinghua’s thighs and spread them open further. From beneath he could feel Luo Binghe move, an oil slicked finger coming up to circle his entrance. “This Lord will get Qinghua prepped for Mobei, alright?”

“Ah! Wait wait, claws!” How could Shang Qinghua forget? He might like a bit of pain but he didn’t want to contend with a meat shredder!

Snorting, Luo Binghe presented his other hand to Shang Qinghua. He showed him the black talons and how they shrunk to blunt nails without any effort. “My human blood allows this one to retract his claws when he so chooses. Qinghua need not fear, he’s in expert hands.”

Oh thank the Gods!

“Ah, that’s good. Continue on then!”

Shang Qinghua expected Luo Binghe to press his finger in then but instead what happened was Mobei-Jun taking Shang Qinghua’s dick in his mouth. The abrupt sensation without any warning had Shang Qinghua yelling out in shock. His legs jolted and his hands flew to grab Mobei-Jun’s head. It was only thanks to Luo Binghe’s hand holding his waist that prevented him from bucking into Mobei’s delicious mouth.

“F-f*ck!” Shang Qinghua gasped when Mobei’s tongue curled around him, the longer appendage squeezing as it dragged up and down his dick. So lost was he in the sensation that Shang Qinghua didn’t even notice when Luo Binghe inserted a finger. He keened, eyes closing tight as he was pleasured from both the front and back.

Mobei-Jun worked his mouth over Shang Qinghua’s dick, bobbing his head and sucking around the length. His tongue left Qinghua’s dick wet and sticky from a mixture of pre and saliva. For a moment he pulled back, flicking the tip of his tongue over Shang Qinghua’s head before swallowing him down to the root.

Shang Qinghua panted, eyes crossing as he gasped out words, “Where’d… Where’d you learn to do that?”

The subsequent hum around his dick had Shang Qinghua’s entire body shaking in response. He cried out, whining when Mobei-Jun pulled off his dick. “Junshang is a good teacher.”

From behind them Luo Binghe chuckled, the hand not playing with Shang Qinghua’s ass grabbing Mobei by the chin and placing his thumb against the demon’s mouth. He smeared the glistening saliva along his bottom lip, Luo Binghe’s thumb slipping between the plush petals to press against his tongue.

“He looks good sucking co*ck, doesn’t he, Qinghua? You should have seen when this lord taught him. Perhaps one of these days, this one and Mobei should give you a show. To thank Qinghua for writing us into existence.” Each sinful word was punctuated by Luo Binghe pumping his finger in and out of Shang Qinghua. His blood parasites pulsed in time with Shang Qinghua’s heartbeat, sending pleasant tingles throughout his body at a continuous rate.

“Would you like to see that?” Luo Binghe growled directly into his ear, a second finger breaching Shang Qinghua’s entrance. He paused when the other moaned, waiting for him to adjust before he continued planting dirty fantasies into Shang Qinghua’s head. “Perhaps Qinghua would like to see his King be bitched. Used for this Lord’s amusem*nt. Or would Qinghua like the honours? Would he like to play God for a day? Ordering his King and this Lord to f*ck for his own amusem*nt. To rut against his heel like the dogs we are.”

Shang Qinghua knows he felt Luo Binghe’s dick twitch at that. Hard not to with how close he was pressed against it. But that did well in reminding Shang Qinghua of something. Luo Binghe apparently had a bit of a masochism streak, didn’t he?

“Binghe,” Shang Qinghua gasped, tilting his head to nuzzle Luo Binghe’s neck.

The Protagonist chuckled, pulling his thumb from Mobei’s mouth. While Mobei-Jun went back to sucking Shang Qinghua’s dick, Luo Binghe began petting Shang Qinghua’s head. Under the impression the other was simply overwhelmed by the fantasies he provided, Luo Binghe cooed at him. “Do not worry, Qinghua. This Lord–!” He was interrupted by Shang Qinghua opening his mouth and biting hard at Luo Binghe’s throat.

Three things happened at once. First Luo Binghe’s words were cut off by the most whorish moan Shang Qinghua had ever heard. Second Luo Binghe’s two fingers abruptly crammed deep into Shang Qinghua. And third was that Luo Binghe’s hips jerked forward so hard it rammed Shang Qinghua’s co*ck down Mobei-Jun’s throat.

All three froze, Shang Qinghua trembling in overwhelming pleasure as his hole clamped down on Luo Binghe’s fingers. Mobei-Jun, the champ, didn’t even choke as he eased himself off Shang Qinghua’s dick. Luo Binghe really taught him well.

Mobei-Jun licked his lips and looked up at what had caused such a reaction. The ice demon smirked at the newest bite mark against Luo Binghe’s throat. He hummed, pressing a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s inner thigh. “Did Junshang enjoy that?”

It seems now the tables had turned. Mobei-Jun’s hands moved to slide up Luo Binghe’s legs. They bracketed the deer and, with one sharp tug, Luo Binghe’s pants were removed. Mobei-Jun tossed them away before he gripped those toned thighs. He dug his thumb in, claws just barely scraping against the skin. Luo Binghe jolted all the same.

“Mobei–!” He warned. Though his growl sounded far more encouraging than it should. Luo Binghe openly moaned when Mobei-Jun leaned forward and dug his own teeth into the meat of Luo Binghe’s thigh. Only unlike Shang Qinghua, he purposefully drew blood.

Shang Qinghua chuckled, tongue lapping at the ring of teeth he pressed into Luo Binghe’s skin. It thrilled him to see his own marks on Luo Binghe. In a way it felt like he laid a claim. Is this what his King and Binghe felt when they wanted to possess Shang Qinghua? He could kind of understand if that was the case. Shang Qinghua hummed, reaching up to grab a handful of Luo Binghe’s locks.

The sharp tug brought out another short groan, Luo Binghe’s burning gaze dropping to Qinghua. The former God grinned, rocking his hips down against Luo Binghe’s fingers. “Come on, Junshang.” He attempted to sound sultry. And from the way Luo Binghe’s pupils blew wide and his gaze darkened, Shang Qinghua liked to think he succeeded.

He cried out when a third finger was suddenly added. It didn’t hurt though. Luo Binghe’s fingers were properly lubed and his blood was doing wonders in making sure Shang Qinghua felt nothing but pleasure. Finally after a few more deep pumps he pulled his fingers out. Luo Binghe cupped Shang Qinghua’s ass, spreading his cheeks and showing his pink hole to Mobei-Jun.

“Come, Mobei. Show Qinghua how good he makes us feel.” Luo Binghe encouraged.

Shang Qinghua nodded furiously, digging his nails into Mobei-Jun’s shoulders and trying to pull him closer. He could feel when the blunt head touched his entrance. The rest of him was so warm that Mobei-Jun’s co*ck was a shock in temperature difference. However Shang Qinghua didn’t care. He was so desperate and wet, he needed Mobei’s co*ck in him or he’d die.


Over his shoulder, Luo Binghe instructed Mobei-Jun as he entered Shang Qinghua. The head was the hardest, Shang Qinghua feeling stretched impossibly wide. His body felt full and just kept getting fuller. It was as if there was no end to Mobei’s co*ck. Shang Qinghua’s head tipped back and his mouth fell open, shocked little gasps leaving him as he tried to breath through the sensations. True to his word, Luo Binghe ensured his blood helped ease the way. Shang Qinghua didn’t want to imagine what he’d be feeling if he didn’t have his Protagonist’s blood inside him.

“G-Gods–!” Shang Qinghua gasped out, nails dragging dark streaks up Mobei-Jun’s back.

Over him Mobei-Jun was panting. His teeth were bared in a snarl and sweat was beading at his forehead. The little pearls swiftly turned into beads of ice that fell harmlessly, melting the moment they touched Shang Qinghua or Luo Binghe’s skin. And the little splashes of cold against their heated skin was like another burst of sensational pleasure.

Mobei-Jun snarled when he finally bottomed out, entire body shuddering as his teeth snapped around the closest object. This being Luo Binghe’s shoulder. And from the high moan he let out, Luo Binghe didn’t mind in the slightest. Both rulers found themselves kissing furiously, Luo Binghe’s blood shared between them. Mobei-Jun broke away, diving down to share the sloppy kiss with Shang Qinghua. The remnant iron tang was swiftly changed to the sweetened taste of flowers when Mobei-Jun’s teeth nicked Shang Qinghua’s tongue. His silvery blood smeared with Luo Binghe’s red, turning into a glittery mixture that painted Mobei-Jun’s lips like gloss. Not one to be left out, Luo Binghe swiftly took over kissing Shang Qinghua breathless while Mobei-Jun finally began to move.

A cry of pleasure was punched from Shang Qinghua as he felt Mobei-Jun pull out. A similar sound followed when the demon’s hips snapped forward and he buried himself to the hilt back inside Shang Qinghua. He growled low, holding Shang Qinghua’s hips tight enough to bruise.

“So hot inside–!” He growled, slowly picking up the pace of his thrusts. Shang Qinghua was manhandled, yanked on and off Mobei-Jun’s co*ck. Shang Qinghua hiccupped in pleasure as he was effectively reduced to a co*cksleeve. He loved every moment of it, clawing desperately at Mobei-Jun’s back and encouraging him to go faster– to go deeper.

The pleasure was nothing like Shang Qinghua had ever felt before. He’d had toys in the past, sure. But it was always him doing the work to get himself off. And by the end of it his wrist would usually cramp or he’d have a semi-satisfactory org*sm. This was something else entirely. Mobei-Jun’s dick had warmed up from being inside Shang Qinghua. Yet with every spear of his co*ck, more pre would dribble inside Shang Qinghua. And that was quite gelid, especially inside of him.

Shang Qinghua was lost to it all except for Mobei-Jun driving mercilessly into him. He cried out, whimpering and babbling incoherently. At some point he found himself biting into the meat of Mobei-Jun’s shoulder. Behind him he felt Luo Binghe’s hand brushing him, the wet squelching of him jerking off accompanying the sounds of Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua’s coupling.

Of course it being both of their first time, lasting long wasn’t going to be an option. Though Shang Qinghua liked to think he was at a disadvantage since Luo Binghe’s blood was working to drive him insane. With a particularly deep thrust, Shang Qinghua tossed his head back and screamed, uncaring that he nearly took out Luo Binghe’s eye with his antlers.

He came hard, white splattering against his and Mobei-Jun’s abdomen. The sensation of Shang Qinghua’s entrance tightening hard around Mobei-Jun’s dick had the demon following soon after. He shuddered, head hanging as he groaned long and slow. With a few rabbit thrusts he buried himself deep, spilling his load inside Shang Qinghua.

Shang Qinghua lay there gasping for breath, feeling his inner robe be finally removed and tossed somewhere. He could hear Luo Binghe whispering praises, kisses pressed against him and Mobei-Jun. But his brain was offline so he couldn’t really understand sh*t. Shang Qinghua needed time to reboot after such a mind-blowing org*sm.

He jolted, letting out a petulant sound in protest when he could feel Mobei-Jun’s softening co*ck easing from his battered hole. He blindly reached out, trying to grab it and stuff it back in. “W-wait–.” His words came out slurred but Shang Qinghua didn’t care. He wasn’t done yet!

“Oh? So eager, are we?” Luo Binghe’s dark chuckle had Shang Qinghua blinking.

He watched as Mobei-Jun stretched out on the bed, watching with lidded eyes as Luo Binghe picked Shang Qinghua up by the waist. He manhandled the deer how he wanted, positioning Shang Qinghua so he was kneeling over Mobei-Jun, his hands on either side of the demon’s head.

“There we go,” Luo Binghe chuckled, spreading Shang Qinghua’s cheeks. He kneeled behind him, staring transfixed at seeing Mobei-Jun’s cum leaking from Shang Qinghua’s entrance. He reached out, swirling a finger around the globs of white before stuffing it back into Shang Qinghua.


Luo Binghe licked his lips, taking his co*ck in hand. It was flushed an angry red and was steadily leaking a stream of pre. With each ragged breath Luo Binghe brought his dick closer, pressing the tip against Shang Qinghua’s hole. “It’s this Lord’s turn to have a taste.” He sounded drunk with pleasure, a desperation in his tone that Shang Qinghua felt deep inside.

He nodded, looking over his shoulder and rocking his hips back, whimpering, “Come inside me, Binghe!”

In any other instance, Luo Binghe would’ve dragged this out. He would’ve made Shang Qinghua beg. But he craved to be inside Shang Qinghua. To finally scratch an itch he’d desired for so long. Shang Qinghua doubted he had the patience to be a tease right now.

Shang Qinghua dropped to his elbows so he was closer to Mobei-Jun’s face, kissing him wetly. His scream of pleasure was muffled by Mobei’s lips when Luo Binghe buried himself completely with one quick thrust. Both parties groaned, Luo Binghe giving small humps before he was fully pounding against Shang Qinghua’s ass. Shang Qinghua didn’t think it could get better but he was proven quite wrong. Beneath him Mobei-Jun took a hold of Shang Qinghua’s rapidly hardening dick. And from behind Luo Binghe finally grabbed onto what he’d been obsessed with since learning about. Shang Qinghua’s cute little tail was held in a deliciously tight grip, Luo Binghe using it as a handle as he snapped his hips forward.

Each thrust was delivered with pinpoint accuracy. From the help of his blood, Luo Binghe was able to locate Shang Qinghua’s prostate. He abused that spot, fueled by every hiccup and teary sob wrenched from Shang Qinghua. The deer’s mouth was hanging open, drool spilling out as he pressed his flushed cheek against Mobei-Jun’s chest. He could hear his King’s heart pounding away, sounding intune with Shang Qinghua’s own rapid heartbeat.

There was no way Shang Qinghua could last long. Not when his dick was being jerked and his ass was being f*cked into at the same time. He was surprised he hadn’t cum right when Mobei-Jun’s hand had wrapped around him. Words were lost to him as Shang Qinghua simply lay there, taking whatever his two rulers gave him. With a broken moan, Shang Qinghua felt his eyes roll up in the back of his head as his second org*sm crested over him.

He shuddered, and to muffle his repeated little ‘ah, ah, ah’s’, Shang Qinghua sunk his teeth into Mobei-Jun’s chest. Behind him he heard Luo Binghe growl, his thrusts increasing to a punishing level. Sharp pricks of pain bloomed along Shang Qinghua’s shoulder and back. It was a mixture of sensations as bites and hickeys were littered across his skin. Shang Qinghua couldn’t tell whose mouth belonged to who. He was too lost to pleasure to try and decipher. Finally with one last hard thrust, Luo Binghe shoved his co*ck as far as it could go. His cum shot deep into Shang Qinghua, painting his insides and mixing with Mobei-Jun’s own spend.

Shang Qinghua lay there, unable to find strength in his limbs in order to move. It took a while for his brain to catch up with the fact it was over. He felt like ages had passed before he could use enough brainpower to string together the minimum words for a sentence.

“C… Collar,” He coughed. His throat felt raw and sore from how loud he’d been moaning. “Off please.” He felt someone touch his neck, the enchanted item coming away with a simple click. There was a clatter as it was placed somewhere but Shang Qinghua couldn’t be bothered to care.

Shang Qinghua hummed, closing his eyes and relaxing against Mobei-Jun. “That was nice.” Better than nice. But Shang Qinghua could wax poetics about their dick prowess later.

“Hm? Does Qinghua think it’s over?”

That had Shang Qinghua’s eyes snapping open. He looked to the side, Luo Binghe reclining on the bed beside him and Mobei-Jun. The half-demon smiled devilishly, that deep-seeded hunger not having abated in the slightest. “We’re just getting started. Right, Mobei?”

Instead of answering right away, Mobei-Jun instead rocked his hips up, his hardened member sliding between the cleft of Shang Qinghua’s ass. “Mmmm.”

Oh… Oh f*ck. Shang Qinghua was really glad for those blood parasites now. Otherwise he doesn’t think he’d be able to walk tomorrow. Although he hopes he will be able to live long enough to see tomorrow. Guess he’ll just have to strap in and enjoy the ride, ah?


Awareness crept in like the cautious movements of a stalking cat. At first Shang Qinghua wasn’t even sure what it was that awoke him. His mind was fuzzy and his limbs felt like overcooked noodles. The heat surrounding him was pleasant and cosy, keeping him just above the veil of sleep and not yet fully aware. However, now that his mind wasn’t shrouded by dreams, Shang Qinghua was tuning into some sensations. He could feel a pair of hands on his hips. The palms were warm and the hold was gentle yet firm. For a moment Shang Qinghua sleepily contemplated testing that hold, but then something unexpected happened. He felt something wet and soft slide between the cleft of his ass, swirling around his abused entrance.

“Ah?!” Shang Qinghua jerked, a startled cry leaving him as his eyes snapped open. Now fully awake, Shang Qinghua blearily looked behind him at the massive lump beneath the pile of covers he was snuggled in. There was another swipe against his ass and Shang Qinghua keened, somehow managing to grab the covers and yank them up.

A head covered in fluffy curls was pressed against his ass, a devilish tongue trailing circles around his rim before plunging in without warning. Shang Qinghua cursed, whimpering brokenly into the sheets beneath him. He blindly reached behind for Luo Binghe’s head. When he felt those curls beneath his hand, he tightened his grip. That dragged a moan from Luo Binghe that sent vibrations through Shang Qinghua’s ass and up his spine.

He whined, shuddering, “G-good morning to you too!”

This wasn’t how Shang Qinghua expected his morning to go but he wasn’t complaining! His ears burned hearing the slurping sounds Luo Binghe was making. He’d never had his ass eaten before but it had always been a fantasy he entertained.

“O-oh f*ck!” Shang Qinghua hissed, hanging his head and openly panting into the sheets. A whine lodged in his throat, his thighs trembling when Luo Binghe pressed a kiss to his fluttering entrance before pulling away.

“Sleep well, Qinghua?” Luo Binghe purred, teeth adding to the marks Mobei left the night prior.

Shang Qinghua loosened his grip from Luo Binghe’s hair so he could fold his arms to cushion his head in. “I was. But I’m liking being awake more.”

Luo Binghe chuckled, petting Shang Qinghua’s thighs. He pressed a kiss to his ass cheek, “This Lord is happy to please. Though I’m afraid I cannot take as long as I normally would like.”

“Mmm, that’s fine. I’ll take what I can get.” Shang Qinghua then shamelessly wiggled his ass. He giggled when that earned him a brief growl and a nip.

The bedroom door opened and Shang Qinghua’s head shot up to see who it was. Mobei-Jun entered, a large steaming tray of food in hand. He quirked a brow at the questionable lump beneath the blankets but chose not to comment. Instead he said, “Will Junshang be joining us for breakfast?”

“Mm I’ve already got my breakfast right here.”

Shang Qinghua yelped at the sudden lick against his ass. He was still tired from last night but his dick gave a pathetic twitch in interest. He whined and tried to reach under the blankets to once more grab Luo Binghe’s head. Whether to stop him or drag his face closer, he didn’t know.


Luo Binghe gave a light, genuine laugh as he finally sat up. The covers fell off his shoulders, exposing his sex marked body to the morning air. With not an ounce of shame, he picked up Shang Qinghua’s nude form and carried the two over to the table. Shang Qinghua kicked his legs, blushing hard and trying to hide his face.

“Can’t I put something on first?!”

“We have seen all of Qinghua.” Mobei-Jun reached for Shang Qingua, taking him in his lap. He did wrap his cloak around the other though so he wasn’t cold.

Shang Qinghua grumbled as he grabbed onto the ends of the cloak and pulled them more snugly around himself. “That’s not the problem!” Although he couldn’t complain too much when Mobei-Jun pressed a kiss to the side of his head. He hummed, leaning against the ample chest behind him as he observed the food on display. It was going to be a little difficult to try and keep the warm cloak around him while also reaching to feed himself, but Shang Qinghua was sure he could manage. Thankfully he didn’t have to.

Luo Binghe sat beside the two– Shang Qinghua noted he had pants on now. Double Standards, much? Luo Binghe smiled sweetly, ladling rice into three bowls and adding plenty of side dishes to them. He laid slices of raw meat for what was no doubt Mobei-Jun’s bowl. Afterwards he handed it to the other before picking up Shang Qinghua’s bowl.

“Open up, Qinghua.” Luo Binghe said, fully intending to feed Shang Qinghua.

A man with more shame would’ve been embarrassed. Shang Qinghua, on the other hand, wasn’t going to complain in the slightest! Plus he got to stay nice and warm! He opened his mouth, letting himself be doted on. If all his mornings were now going to start like this, Shang Qinghua was going to weep with gratitude! He suffered so much bullsh*t to get to this point and he was never going back!

When breakfast was finished, Shang Qinghua was tucked back into bed bundled up in Mobei-Jun’s cloak. “Rest.” He instructed, pressing a kiss to the deer’s forehead.

Now Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to turn down a free day off. He was, however, going to put on an under robe. He wasn’t as comfortable sleeping in the nude as Luo Binghe seemed to be. But Shang Qinghua did rewrap Mobei-Jun’s cloak around his body before getting under the covers. Not that his King complained. Instead he gave Shang Qinghua a deep and heavy kiss. One full of promise and the barest hint of teeth. When he pulled back Luo Binghe dived in to press his own kiss to Shang Qinghua’s lips. He then gave another equally passionate kiss to Mobei-Jun.

“I’ll see you two later.” The Emperor purred, licking his lips. And with a visible pep in his step, he twirled Xin Mo before slicing open a portal and stepping through.

Mobei-Jun turned from the closing portal and patted Shang Qinghua’s bundled form. “This King will come and fetch Qinghua for lunch.”

“M’kay.” Shang Qinghua already felt himself dozing. He felt comfortable and safe with a warm belly full of food. It’d be impossible for him to not fall back asleep.

Shang Qinghua vaguely heard his King say farewell and the bedroom doors open and close. Then from there Shang Qinghua drifted on the cusp of sleep. It could’ve been minutes, could’ve been hours. But he twitched when he heard the chamber doors open once more. Shang Qinghua felt himself smiling sleepily and cracked open an eye.

“Forget something?” He slurred, expecting to see Mobei-Jun in the doorway.

However, that wasn’t what he saw.

Shang Qinghua’s smile dropped and sleep fled, panic quickly replacing it. He abruptly sat up and looked around, spotting the collar on the vanity. Shang Qinghua dived for it just as the figure in the doorway lunged for him.


Mobei-Jun stood from his throne, tired after a long morning of court proceedings. He hadn’t seen Shang Qinghua at all since he left that morning. However he expected as much. Neither Luo Binghe nor Mobei-Jun had been very forgiving last night. Both had been unrelenting in their craving of Shang Qinghua’s body. Even now Mobei-Jun was eager to sink his teeth into the deer’s giving flesh. To taste the sweetness hidden by clothes and to hear the enticing sounds that spill from his lips. Perhaps Mobei-Jun could even coax the other to ride him. It would be hypnotic to see the deer bounce on his lap, desperate to chase his own pleasure. And what if Luo Binghe showed up? The half-breed finding no words as he would stare transfixed upon the sight of Shang Qinghua’s sore hole stretched around Mobei’s co*ck.

Already he could feel himself hardening in his pants from the thought alone. Before, Mobei-Jun couldn’t care less about carnal acts of pleasure. Other demons treated f*cking like they did fighting. Something that happened and could be more of a social thing than romantic. But Mobei-Jun never found an interest in that. Nor did he care to try. However, something about Shang Qinghua had awoken something in Mobei-Jun. A desire that knew no bounds. He craved both Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua. And the fact they desired him just as much was a heady drug that left him feeling intoxicated.

Eager to return to his chambers even faster, Mobei-Jun ripped open a portal and stepped through. However instead of finding a still-sleeping Shang Qinghua nestled in bed, what Mobei-Jun saw had his already chilled blood turning to ice.

Objects in his room were trashed. Tables turned over and glass broken. There were glittering bits of silver liquid splattered in certain areas, the most extreme being a small pool by the broken vanity. His sheets and pillows were kicked off the bed, scattered with some even ripped. And the most notable thing, the one that had him reaching for his earring to summon Junshang: Shang Qinghua was gone. The only thing left behind was the pitiful scattering of underdeveloped flowers and a lone silver collar.

Chapter 14: The Flowering Bone Stag


Shang Qinghua felt Mobei-Jun’s cloak get snagged beneath him, dropping from his shoulders and slipping off as he was dragged away. A sudden surge of despair welled in Shang Qinghua’s chest, his bloody hands trying and failing to grab onto the fur of the cloak. He cried out, eyes stinging from the bite of tears as his one source of comfort was left further and further behind. The deep blue was being covered by white, the snow falling ceaselessly.


A/N: Hello! Thank you for your patience in waiting for the final chapter to A Deer in Headlights! With this I can officially say the fic is over! The only thing left are the extras~ I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I had quite a fun time writing it! It's a MONSTER of a chapter lmao. Hopefully I wrapped up everything. If I forgot something then oh well xD Honestly thank you all so much for your support throughout my time writing this. From the kudos, the bookmarks, the fanart, the comments, and the reading! I appreciate it all and am so grateful. Thank you! I hope y'all look forward to the extras. I'm very excited to write them.

Chapter Text

Awareness hit like a sucker punch to the gut. Shang Qinghua jolted and his eyes snapped open before quickly shutting close. He hissed painfully at the stabbing light entering his eyes. Even if it was just from candles, the bright blue still stung. He let out a pained groan, hand raising to cradle his aching head.

“Ah, you’re awake.”

f*ck. Shang Qinghua’s head was pounding and his entire body felt sore. The biting chill that surrounded him radiated from the ground he was collapsed on. Only the thick cloak draped over his body shielded him from the worst of it. The familiar, comforting scent of Mobei-Jun on the fabric had Shang Qinghua wrapping it even tighter around himself. It was then he realized his arms weren’t bound.

“Come now, I may have been a little rough, but I didn’t hit you that hard.”

Despite how “friendly” the tone sounded, the harsh kick to his side was anything but. Shang Qinghua let out a gasping cough, rolling onto his back from the force of such a blow. His eyes flew open and he stared up in fear at the smirking face of Linguang-Jun.

Double f*ck! With everything that had happened, Shang Qinghua had completely forgotten about this guy! His first encounter with Linguang-Jun had been placed so far down on his list of ‘ important things to keep track of ’ that it slipped his mind! And now here it was coming to bite him in the ass.

From beneath the cloak, Shang Qinghua snuck a hand up to touch the base of his neck. He internally cursed at feeling the bare skin. Right, he hadn’t been able to get his collar. No matter! Shang Qinghua still had an ace up his sleeve! With a little internal probing using his qi, Shang Qinghua could sense Luo Binghe’s blood still flowing throughout his body. But confusingly that’s all it was doing; just following his natural current. Prodding at it brought no response. The blood was just sitting there in his system. Dormant.

Shang Qinghua tried not to linger on the implications of that as he pulled himself off the ground. “Y-you have a lot of nerve kidnapping me!” He wasn’t trying to piss Linguang-Jun off. The guy was a ticking time bomb; a danger Shang Qinghua was ill-prepared for. But if Shang Qinghua could just stall for time, he was sure his King and Binghe would find him soon!

“Oh? And why is that?” Linguang-Jun crossed his arms over his chest, co*cking his hip and tilting his head to the side. He gave Shang Qinghua an indulgent smile like he was speaking to a child, “You are a pet without his collar. And from the looks of things, you are without your teeth as well. I fail to see how I’ll regret my actions.”

Shang Qinghua stood on wobbly legs, ignoring how the floor stung his bare feet with its icy chill. “S-sure, you may be right! But I have other ways of letting my Lords know where I am! Any minute now they’ll track where I am and come–!”

He was interrupted by Linguang-Jun’s mocking laughter. His eyes danced with mirth as he said, “Then I suppose it’s a good thing I brought you here.” The demon stretched out his arms, gesturing to the room surrounding them, “Here in this temple, I’ve learned it’s impossible to sense things inside of it! And the fact that half-breed or my nephew have yet to come to your rescue proves not even they can bypass whatever this temple is doing.”

It was with that announcement Shang Qinghua finally took stock of his surroundings. He was in a large room with cracked walls, pillars interspaced with large torches lit by blue flames. Behind Linguang-Jun was a gap between torches where the room’s only entrance lay. The walls themselves were covered in frost and chunks of ice grew in patches around the room. They crawled up the sides of the wall, heedless of the fire that should’ve melted any that drew too close. However the one thing Shang Qinghua noticed was that the ice stopped growing near the top of the temple. The roof arched in a dome and, though damaged by time, still had visible murals. The paintings depicted various scenes, stylized and simplistic in their retellings of a story. With all the vibrant colours, the one thing that stood out the most was the white figure depicted in each portrait. At the start of the murals, the lone figure was a beautiful white stag. And after the first two they were abruptly changed to that of a human with white antlers and hair.

“What the…”

System, where am I?!

[Host is in the first temple for the Flowering Bone Stag. Mortal abilities are negated within the Divine Temple]

Mortal? f*ck– Please tell me that doesn’t include Binghe’s blood!

[Protagonist was not born in the Heavens. Therefore Protagonist Luo Binghe and his subsequent abilities are classified as: Mortal]

What?! But you classified his blood as a Heavenly affliction!!

[This System recognizes Host’s complaint, however that has not changed. It is still classified as a Heavenly Affliction, yet it is a Heavenly Affliction wielded by a Mortal. Therefore it is negated within the temple]

Bullsh*t! But if that was the case, then no wonder the blood parasites were still dormant! If Shang Qinghua wanted a rescue then he was going to have to get out of the temple. But that was going to be quite tricky with Linguang-Jun blocking the only entrance. Shang Qinghua was going to have to play his cards right if he wanted to get out of this. Hopefully the exit would be pretty straight forward. Otherwise who knows what’ll happen to Shang Qinghua by the end of this!

“I must say, I was quite surprised to run into you. I’d stumbled across this temple in my travels and had been fascinated by the murals. And it is through them I learned of the birth of Heavenly Demons!” Linguang-Jun began, gesturing up to one of the murals. It showed a Flowering Bone Stag kneeling on clouds, looking down and weeping tears as demons fell below them. Though difficult to see, Shang Qinghua could tell there were markings on the forehead of those demons.

“Legends spoke of how they were cast from the Heavens! But nay, this temple proves they were birthed from the tears of a Heavenly Stag! And with how the murals show the stag taking on a human form as it falls from the Heavens, what other conclusion could I draw that you were this stag? Perhaps not the original, but a descendant nonetheless!” Linguang-Jun exclaimed, a scheming smile overtaking his handsome features.

Uh System? I know you take some of my writing and run with it, but I’m pretty sure I never said a Flowering Bone Stag could cry demons.

[Host is correct. Would Host like the actual story? Y/N]

Subtly Shang Qinghua pressed the Y button and began doing a fine job of tuning out Linguang-Jun’s ramblings. Thanks to the System’s robotic voice, Shang Qinghua really felt like he was on one of those tours at an art museum. To begin with, the System directed him to the first mural. It was of a Flowering Bone Stag prancing in artfully stylized clouds, the pinks and creams blending into the Stag’s white coat. And standing beside the deer was a figure in black, a faint ring of glittering gold lines streaking from behind them.

[The first Flowering Bone Stag was a Heavenly Official in charge of tending to the many gardens of the Heavens. During this time, they met and fell in love with a fellow God. A Martial God, one of many. The two wished to be together, however the Heavenly Emperor forbade it. Yet when pressed, he would not give a proper reason. So in retaliation, the strong-willed Martial God struck out against the Heavens. Several of his comrades, fellow Gods and followers, joined him in the attack. Yet for their arrogance and disrespect, they were cast out from the Heavens and turned into demons. Thus came the first Heavenly Demons]

Damn. Seems even the Heavens had a soap opera drama going on. ‘ So that painting of the Flowering Bone Stag crying? It’s the God crying over their love being separated from them, right?

[Host is correct. The Flowering Bone Stag wept over the banishment of their love. Yet instead of choosing to return back to the gardens they vowed to tend, they chose to chase the love that burned within their chest. They left the Heavens even at the risk of never being allowed to return. Yet when the Stag reached the Mortal Realm, they realized they had no clue where their love had landed. And so they began searching]

Shang Qinghua’s eyes drifted to the mural depicting the Stag dropping from the Heavens. Their body was bisected by a cloud, the legs above the clouds that of a deer while the upper torso beneath the cloud being that of a white-haired human. Shang Qinghua could understand where Linguang-Jun’s confusion came from if he assumed the humanoid form was what the deer looked like in the Mortal Realm. Did that mean he didn’t know Shang Qinghua could turn into a deer? Hm. He filed that away for future plotting as he turned to the next image. This mural showed his ancestor as a white speck walking towards a village, a trail of hills behind them.

[The former Heavenly Official continued to wander for many years. Along the way they gifted their precious flowers to those in need. Healing the sick and protecting the poor. This temple was built for the Flowering Bone Stag. And, as a precaution, the Flowering Bone Stag wove a spell to negate Mortal abilities. All with the intention to protect humans unable to fight against rogue demons. Within these walls, they would be safe. Word quickly spread far and wide about this gift from the Heavens. And before long, the Stag’s love heard the tales]

The final mural showed the Flowering Bone Stag standing beside that former Martial God, one hand clasping the demon’s while another was holding out a blossom for a deer to eat. The front half of the deer’s body was a pure white, the rest a normal brown.

It’s being changed, ’ Shang Qinghua frowned, staring hard at the last mural. While it was cute that the Stag reunited with their love, this also revealed what Shang Qinghua had been curious about for a while. Is this why his System had held off telling him how Flowering Bone Stags were ‘created’? Because he’d learn it here?

So if this temple was for the first Flowering Bone Stag, then the other temples were for the Flowering Bone Stags they made? Why?

[By feeding a normal deer the ripe blossoms of a Flowering Bone Stag, a Flowering Bone Stag can be born. Originally the first Heavenly Stag created more of its kind in order to help heal and protect the masses]

So the other temples were like doctor offices for them, huh? Then that means there’s probably hundreds more temples out there somewhere. ’ Shang Qinghua’s frown grew more prominent as he put the remaining pieces together. With notoriety came danger. The Flowering Bone Stags were hunted for the mythical properties they were said to have woven into their flesh and bones. The ability to make Kings, Gods, even Heavenly Demons it seems. The genocide got to the point that any remaining Flowering Bone Stags probably went into hiding, utilizing their disguise to avoid detection. They sealed up their temples, scrubbed away any traces of their existence, and from there generations passed till slowly they forgot their origins and how they came to be.

What happened to my ancestor?

[Fearing the death of his love, the first Heavenly Demon begged the Flowering Bone Stag to return to the Heavens. It was with great reluctance they complied. However for as long as the former Martial God lived, he would find blossoms from his love wherever he would journey. Gifts cast from the Heavens to show his love still thought of him, still watched, still cared]

Damn. What a poetic tragedy. Though some part of Shang Qinghua had hoped that his ancestor had survived and was still living somewhere Shang Qinghua could reach. The knowledge about his species and what they could do would have been invaluable. Shang Qinghua only had his notes to go off of and what his System told him. Who knows what else it added? For all Shang Qinghua knew, his blood really could make someone a God.

“--And that is why, by consuming you in your entirety, I shall rise above that filthy half-breed and finally put him and my nephew in their place.”

Ah, right. Shang Qinghua had forgotten he was actually kidnapped right now. And when tuning back in, he realized just what the f*ck Linguang-Jun had said. Shang Qinghua jolted, eyes widening when he saw a hand reaching for him. He leapt back out of reach and pulled Mobei-Jun’s cloak tighter around his shoulders.

“Look, I get the confusion! There’s no words up there so you have to interpret what you see. But I’m telling you, you’re dead wrong! I can’t make Heavenly Demons!” Shang Qinghua half-yelled, eyes darting around wildly. “Eating me will just give you indigestion! No powers whatsoever!”

Linguang-Jun chuckled, shrugging carelessly, “Whether or not you can amplify my existing strength matters little. If I’m correct in my theory, then it’s a bonus for me. And if I’m not,” Here his smile turned chilling, “Then I’ve lost nothing of importance.”

Shang Qinghua shuddered, heart pounding loudly in his ears. “M-maybe so! But you’ll have gained an enemy of Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. They won’t let you live.”

“My dear, take a look around you.” Linguang-Jun said, amusem*nt bleeding from his every word, “Who else knows you’re here? They can’t accuse me if they can’t find your body.”

Quick as a viper, Linguang-Jun lunged for Shang Qinghua. The deer spirit stumbled backwards and cried out as he tripped over the ends of Mobei-Jun’s cloak. He toppled backwards, nearly smacking into the floor if Linguang-Jun hadn’t snatched the front of his inner robe. The cloak fell from Shang Qinghua’s shoulders, exposing him further to the frigid temperatures. His shaking grew more violent, though it was hard to tell if it was from the cold or fear.

“Let me go!” Shang Qinghua yelled, pushing at Linguang-Jun’s chest. He heard the fabric of his robe rip before that clawed hand was moving to grabbing his arm instead.

“Cease your squirming. It is a futile endeavor.” Linguang-Jun clicked his tongue. His sharp eyes narrowed in distaste, “If you behave, I’ll make it quick.”

Futile his ass! Shang Qinghua refused to die here. Not after having sex for the first time! And certainly not before he could let Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun know he didn’t run away! Hopefully they realized it was an unwilling kidnapping. But who knows what kind of damage this would do to Luo Binghe’s already volatile abandonment issues?! He was probably going to have more problems after this! If Shang Qinghua ends up locked in a room like a princess in a tower, he’s going to put Linguang-Jun on his personal sh*t list!

“I’m warning you!” Shang Qinghua gave one last yell. When he felt the bite of claws into the meat of his arm, Shang Qinghua decided he’d waited long enough. In a burst of light, Linguang-Jun’s hold on Shang Qinghua was wrenched away as the now-turned deer spirit reared back on his hind legs. Linguang-Jun was overcome by surprise, taking a step back as Shang Qinghua rose higher and higher. In this form when he stood on his back legs he towered over the demon. For a moment their eyes met. And with a loud bray of battle, Shang Qinghua slammed his head down into Linguang-Jun’s chest.

The weight of his sudden attack instantly knocked the other to the ground. Furiously Shang Qinghua shook his head back and forth, digging his antlers into the chest before him and ripping with all the force of a stag. He ignored Linguang-Jun’s screaming, the flailing of his claws and attempts to rip Shang Qinghua off. Compared to the cold air, the ice demon blood splattering against Shang Qinghua’s face was practically scorching.

Finally with one last horrific crunch, Shang Qinghua wrenched his head back and brought with it a spray of blood. He paid no mind to the carnage, nor the mess of flesh slowly knitting itself back together. Instead he dipped to bite the edge of Mobei-Jun’s cloak and tossed it onto his back before leaping over Linguang-Jun and sprinting for the exit.

Gotta get out!

Shang Qinghua skidded on the frozen floor, slamming into a wall before turning the corner and continuing his escape. His chest heaved with each short breath, large dark eyes trained forward as his ears pinned back. Shang Qinghua knew Linguang-Jun wouldn’t go down so easily. High ranking demons like him took a lot more effort to kill. And Shang Qinghua, while stronger than the average deer, was still untrained in combat. So if it came down to it, escaping was the better option.

His hooves dug into the ground, kicking up ice shards as he screeched to a stop at a juncture. Large ears flicked up, Shang Qinghua turning his head from side to side. Which way does he go? He didn’t know how to get out of here!

System, I could really use some help here!

[What help does Host require?]

A way out!

[Would Host like to purchase a Scenario Pusher?]

No! I need a way out ! ’ Shang Qinghua’s head snapped to look behind him when he heard a loud crash. ‘ Hurry! It’s kind of a life or death situation here!!

[This System cannot aid Host unless it is through a Scenario Pusher. Would Host like to purchase a Scenario Pusher?]

Shang Qinghua whined, shifting on his hooves with barely restrained energy. He could just say f*ck it and pick a direction. But then what if he runs into a dead-end? What if he heads deeper into the temple? Shang Qinghua’s breath came in heavy pants, a low keening leaving the back of his throat with every rapid exhale.

Ok fine, fine! How much?

Shang Qinghua didn’t have time to be picky. He saved his points for a reason, right? Guess he’d better use them!

[A Scenario Pusher will cost Host 50,000 b-points]

The sound Shang Qinghua made was loud, a shock of alarm ripping through him. What was with his System and making things 50k?! And that pricing just to save his own life?! What the f*ck?!!

I don’t have anywhere that much!! It took me years just to get over 20k!

[Host has accumulated 135,038 b-points]

Shang Qinghua nearly felt his eyes bug out of his skull. He didn’t even hesitate when he saw Linguang-Jun skid around the corner at the end of the hall. ‘ Use it, use it, use it!!!! ’ He could question how he got so many points after he was safe.


This System thanks Host for their purchase of Scenario Pusher ‘A Helpful Save’. Please proceed to the exit to activate.

Go left]

Shang Qinghua broke out in a sprint the moment his System told him a direction. He could hear Linguang-Jun give chase behind him but Shang Qinghua forced himself to not look back. If he tripped up now and ran into something, that was it. He’d already wasted too much time bantering with his System!

Shang Qinghua leapt over rubble and chunks of ice, twisting down halls and galloping up stairs all in his pursuit of an exit. Eventually he reached a large room lit by candles, a tipped over pillar blocking the entrance to a long flight of stairs. Shang Qinghua rushed forward, diving beneath the frozen marble just as claws swiped at him. He heard the fabric of Mobei-Jun’s cloak rip, Shang Qinghua’s heart aching at the sound. If he made it out of this, Shang Qinghua would have to apologize to his King for the damage.

He bit into the fluff to ensure it stayed put as Shang Qinghua pulled himself up the stairs, leaping four at a time just to put as much distance between him and Linguang-Jun as possible. At the top of the stairs was a set of thick doors, no handles in sight. Shang Qinghua whined, stomping his hooves before he transformed back into his other form in order to push at the door. He hissed at the burning cold stinging his palms but set aside his discomfort for now. It took a bit of effort, however the moment there was enough space, Shang Qinghua was darting through and stumbling into the freezing tundra. Around him snow fell in a flurry, adding a new layer of powder to the already thick piles. For miles snow stretched in all directions as hills of endless white. Shang Qinghua could see no signs of life. No trees, no stray buildings, not even a passing animal or demon. This entire place was a frozen wasteland.


Scenario Pusher activated]

That was all the warning Shang Qinghua received before he felt something grab the back of his head and forcefully slam him forward. Shang Qinghua hit the snow with a cry. Its more forgiving texture was the only thing that saved him from being brained on impact. However from how rattled his head felt as he was yanked up by an antler, Shang Qinghua could tell there’d been enough force in there to try and shatter his skull. Thank the System he wasn’t a normal human or he’d be dead!

“That hurt .” The words were hissed into Shang Qinghua’s ear.

He felt a knee press to his back, pinning him in place as Linguang-Jun yanked back on one of Shang Qinghua’s antlers. A shock of pain erupted from his skull, Shang Qinghua crying out and scrabbling to try and pull from the crushing grip. His head was jerked from side to side in a mock recreation of when he’d gored Linguang-Jun. Each sharp tug had pain stabbing through Shang Qinghua’s skull in sharp spikes. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes and he cried out, his nails turning busted and bloody as he desperately clawed to escape. He kicked out with his legs, sending up snow but doing little to dislodge Linguang-Jun. Then with a sickening crack, Shang Qinghua was suddenly landing face-first into the snow as his antler was snapped off.

Linguang-Jun growled, tossing the bone covered in his own gore over his shoulder, “That’s one pesky antler taken care of.”

Shang Qinghua’s breath hitched and he jerked, grabbing a handful of snow and chucking it into Linguang-Jun’s face. He embedded some of his own qi into it, turning the powdery puffs into chunks with some weight. The sharpened snow hit Linguang-Jun in the face, his hands flying up in response as he roared in pain.

With his heart pounding a mile a minute, Shang Qinghua leapt from the ground and broke off into a sprint. He sent his qi to violently shake the blood parasites in his body, desperately hoping Luo Binghe could now sense them. For a moment there was nothing. Then he felt an almost curious prod back followed by a pause. Shang Qinghua nearly burst out crying in relief when he felt an intense flood of the blood parasites suddenly start moving throughout his body. Yes! Now Shang Qinghua just had to-!

Once more he was knocked off his feet. This time it was with such force Shang Qinghua was left winded, wheezing as he lay there. He felt something warm begin spreading against his side. It was damp, making his robe and Mobei-Jun’s cloak stick to his skin. Shang Qinghua blinked, trying to orient himself as he shakily brought a hand to his side. There his probing was halted when his fingers brushed against the edge of a large ice chunk.

“W-wuh…” He warbled, words coming out wet as panicked brown eyes trailed to what’d hit him. Jutting from the ground were thick blocks of jagged ice. The tip of a chunk was missing and appeared to be broken off. Shang Qinghua swallowed and tried to push past the cotton-feeling filling his head. The pain felt numb thanks to how cold his body was. He could barely feel his own fingertips, let alone a large hunk of ice piercing his body. The panic in his mind was a dull roar, the pain barely perceptible. Yet the crunch of snow as Linguang-Jun walked closer sounded like booming explosions to Shang Qinghua. His breath quickened as a pair of boots entered his field of vision. Still Shang Qinghua made no move to escape. He remained frozen, a deer in headlights.

“You are far more of a pain then you’re worth.” Linguang-Jun growled, grabbing Shang Qinghua by his hair. He yanked the other up, dragging him back towards the temple’s entrance.

Shang Qinghua whimpered, limbs feeling weak as his blood leaked from his wound. He left a streak of shining silver along the divot of snow his body made. Shang Qinghua felt Mobei-Jun’s cloak get snagged beneath him, dropping from his shoulders and slipping off as he was dragged away. A sudden surge of despair welled in Shang Qinghua’s chest, his bloody hands trying and failing to grab onto the fur of the cloak. He cried out, eyes stinging from the bite of tears as his one source of comfort was left further and further behind. The deep blue was being covered by white, the snow falling ceaselessly.

“S-stop!” Shang Qinghua whined, staring hard at where the cloak was. “Stop–!”

He knew it was a stupid idea, he knew. But he couldn’t let Linguang-Jun drag him back into the temple. So Shang Qinghua grabbed onto the ice lodged in his side and gave a harsh tug. The sudden stab of agony was so abrupt and severe he nearly blacked out from shock alone. Blinking dark spots from his vision, Shang Qinghua tried again. The shard was slick with his own blood, making it twice as difficult to dislodge. But after some more desperate pulling, Shang Qinghua finally felt it slide from his flesh. He choked on a tortured sob, tears flowing freely. He felt light headed as more blood now gushed unimpeded from his gaping wound. But it would all be worth it in the long-run. Shang Qinghua, though delirious with pain and blood-loss, knew he just had to hold on a while longer.

With a weakened battle cry, Shang Qinghua forced all of his remaining strength into taking the sharpened chunk of ice and twisting to slam it into Linguang-Jun’s abdomen. Once more he was dropped in the snow, Linguang-Jun staggering backwards as he let out a pained grunt. Shang Qinghua’s earlier assault had ripped the front of his robes open, leaving his skin bare and unprotected from the chunk.

“You f*cking wretch!” Linguang-Jun snarled, grabbing the ice and yanking it out. He cared not for the injury nor the blood spilling from it as he advanced on Shang Qinghua. “I’ll save myself the trouble and just gut you here!”

His menacing form was just a step away before there was a black blur appearing beside the ice demon. One moment he was standing there and the next he was kicked so hard he was sent sailing across the ground and being embedded in an embankment of stone and snow. Shang Qinghua lay there, forcing a puff of air out in a pained laugh. Serves the f*cker right. Shang Qinghua turned his face up, smiling weakly at the blurry but familiar curly hair and red forehead mark. However his smile dropped into one of confusion when the man crouched in front of Shang Qinghua, his foggy vision clearing up with the close proximity. The man had curly hair and a red Heavenly Demon mark on his forehead, sure . But with his older more angular features, there was no mistaking this wasn’t his Luo Binghe. But those eyes . Those eyes belonged to his Binghe. Or was it the other way around?

If he wasn’t bleeding out, Shang Qinghua would’ve probably connected the dots sooner on who this demon was. But at the moment all Shang Qinghua could think was ‘ who the f*ck is this gigolo?

“Oh-ho? I was wondering who it was poking at some Heavenly Demon Blood out here. Turns out it’s a little injured deer.”

What? Shang Qinghua squinted, pressing a hand to his side. How could this guy sense Binghe’s blood in…? Suddenly his eyes widened and he gasped, “Tianlang-Jun?”

The demon–Tianlang-Jun– grinned as his eyes brightened. He reached out without warning and hooked his hands beneath Shang Qinghua’s arms. Shang Qinghua squeaked as he felt himself be lifted into the air, dangling from the powerful demon’s hold.

“So you know me! Which means you’re probably that God my kid talked about when he freed me, huh?” Tianlang-Jun didn’t even wait for Shang Qinghua to speak before he was shifting Shang Qinghua to sit in the crook of his arm. He then placed a hand to the other’s side and instantly Shang Qinghua could feel the blood parasites forcefully diverting from their course in order to congregate near his wound. Shang Qinghua gasped and shuddered when he felt his injury begin to seal itself closed.

“You know I didn’t believe him at first. I mean sure he looked like my dear Su Xiyan, but so what? And he was spouting about a God telling him the truth and whatever. If you ask me, I thought he had a few screws loose. But then he showed me Su Xiyan’s body, freed me, and even gave me the dog that put me there. I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.” When Tianlang-Jun grinned at Shang Qinghua, for a fleeting moment the deer could understand how he was related to Binghe. They both had that dimpled smile that just oozed sweetened charm. “And then you said my name with such conviction! Guess you really are a God, huh? I wonder what else you know…” His smile dimmed slightly, turning to a look of contemplation. Shang Qinghua swore he was going to vomit blood on this man if he was planning a kidnapping of his own.

Shang Qinghua sniffed, shaking violently in Tianlang-Jun’s hold, “C-can you g-get me my K-K-King’s c-cloak?” He rasped, struggling to raise a hand and point in the direction of said cloak. Normally he’d be too afraid to dare ask something of his super OP Protagonist’s super duper OP dad, but he was suffering from the cold, bloodloss, and just being f*cking done with everything.

Thankfully Tianlang-Jun didn’t even complain as he stomped his way through the snow. The cloak itself was still mostly visible. All it took was a good shake to dislodge the snow that’d accumulated atop it. Shang Qinghua’s teeth were chattering audibly by the time Tianlang-Jun was wrapping it around him, but he still managed to force out a shaky thanks as he snuggled deeper into the thick fabric.

Tianlang-Jun tutted, looking from Shang Qinghua to the still immobile figure that was Linguang-Jun. Just how hard had he been kicked?? “Look at you, kidnapped and injured. That brat of mine needs to take better care of his ‘precious God ’.”

As if on cue there was a rip, a blade tip piercing the air several feet from the duo. With one swift slice a portal was cut open to the void beyond. It wasn’t empty for long though. With a booming growl, Xingxing’s massive head burst through the portal. It’s body was so large the portal could barely fit it. It struggled, violently shaking and snapping its teeth, whiskers whipping and slamming into the snow with angry lashings. It gripped the edge of the portal, using brute force to claw its way out instead of just shrinking to a more manageable size.

As the two watched the abrupt emergence of Shang Qinghua’s dragon, the Heavenly Demon carrying him whistled in interest. The sound had Xingxing’s ear twitching towards them. And when its head snapped in their direction that growl only increased in volume till it rattled the very air.

“Move!” The words were snarled from behind the bulk of Xingxing, Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun shoving the dragon out of the way so the two could emerge from the portal. They stomped forward to stand beside the divine beast, both of their eyes sharpening to pinpricks when they saw what had caught Xingxing’s attention.

“You–!” Luo Binghe’s lips parted in a snarl, demonic qi swirling around him and Xin Mo in visible wisps.

“Ah, there you are!” Tianlang-Jun said in a chipper tone and turned to fully face the new arrivals.

“Unhand Shang Qinghua.” Mobei-Jun’s low words came out in a thundering rumble.

Tianlang-Jun tilted his head, a cheeky grin lifting the corner of his mouth. He looked to the deer, taking his blood-stained hand and right away Shang Qinghua could already feel a headache forming. “So your name is Shang Qinghua? Forgive me for not asking beforehand.”

“Tianlang-Jun!” Luo Binghe sounded so angry. His eyes blazed in fury and the growl in his throat was like a permanent fixture. He pointed his damned sword at his sire, the wind tugging at his hair and robes like playfully grasping hands. “You swore to me you would keep your distance! Yet you dare break into Mobei-Jun’s kingdom and steal Qinghua from his Kings!”

Oh Gods the misunderstandings! Shang Qinghua opened his mouth, ready to play defense for Tianlang-Jun’s honor when the f*cking demon reached up and covered his mouth! Father-in-Law, the f*ck were you doing?!

“And what if I did?” Came Tianlang-Jun’s cheeky question.

Shang Qinghua wanted to scream and hit someone. This close he could see the amusem*nt dancing in Tianlang-Jun’s ruby eyes. The way his ‘smirk’ kept twitching as if wanting to pull higher into a sh*t-eating grin. His hands had the faintest tremble Shang Qinghua could feel against his skin. It was like he was keyed up with energy but was forcing himself to not show it. Oh good Lord. Tianlang-Jun was riling Luo Binghe up on purpose. And he was using Shang Qinghua to do it! Listen here, Dilf; don’t go using Shang Qinghua for your own schemes!! His poor heart just can’t take it.

Tianlang-Jun hummed, removing his hand from Shang Qinghua’s mouth in order to gently– yet forcefully– tuck Shang Qinghua’s head against his shoulder. “You know I only acted on a whim, but I’m thinking I’ll keep Shang Qinghua. I’ve just been so lonely since my nephew found his own human to be distracted with. I could use a little companionship.”

A roar of protest ripped from Xingxing, its hackles raised as it bared its teeth. The sentiment was shared deeply with Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. While his King’s dark expression turned cold with his fury, Luo Binghe’s was the opposite. The bloodlust radiating from the three was so palpable Shang Qinghua felt like it was physically slapping him in the face.

At his side Tianlang-Jun couldn’t suppress his little giggle, delight dancing across his face. Shang Qinghua squinted at him before he decided he had enough of this display. He grumbled and began to wriggle, swatting away Tianlang-Jun’s hand on his head. The demon let him, seemingly satisfied at having gotten what he wanted.

“He’s not serious!” Shang Qinghua called, hoping to quell some of the threatening atmosphere before he grew sick. “Tianlang-Jun saved me. I was kidnapped by Linguang-Jun.” He jabbed a thumb in the direction of where the ice demon should be laying. A quick glance showed that yeah he was still prone. Damn. He was down this long from just a kick. That’s his OP Protagonist’s dad alright!

Tianlang-Jun finally let his composure slacken, his body shaking from the full-bellied guffaws he let out. He waved flippantly, using a clawed finger to wipe away a non-existent tear. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to tease. But you look so much like her when you’re angry, I couldn’t resist!”

Even from here Shang Qinghua could see the way Luo Binghe’s nose scrunched in displeasure. Shang Qinghua huffed, his prior intense feelings of fear and panic gradually bleeding from him. Now he felt… Upset. Shang Qinghua was cold, hurt, and upset. Sniffing, Shang Qinghua could feel tears brimming in his eyes. His bottom lip wobbled and he made a garbled sound, reaching out an injured hand for his two Lords. It was like now that he could see safety, the dam holding back all of his emotions finally crumbled like paper.

“Hm? Oh! Shh shh, no need to cry.” Tianlang-Jun seemed surprised at Shang Qinghua’s sudden tears.

He hoisted the deer higher before picking his way through the snow towards Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. Xingxing was the first to react, nearly tossing a sheet of snow over the two from how fast it launched itself. It shrunk in size, firing like a bullet across the short distance before stopping abruptly. It chirped insistently, diving into the tuft of Mobei-Jun’s cloak to snuggle directly against Shang Qinghua’s skin. The comforting brush of Xingxing’s scales had Shang Qinghua full on sobbing now, his arms wrapping tight around the dragon.

Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe were not far behind. The two raced over as soon as Xingxing had broken away. “Junshang, take him.” Mobei-Jun said as soon as they reached Tianlang-Jun. He was frowning deeply, a large hand hovering close to Shang Qinghua’s face but not touching. “He’s been exposed to the cold too long. I will only hurt him further.”

Tianlang-Jun handed Shang Qinghua over without complaint, his amused smirk dimmed to something more tame. “He also lost a lot of blood. Make sure he gets plenty of rest, alright?” Tianlang-Jun placed his hands on his hips, puffing out his large chest as he looked towards where he’d punted Linguang-Jun. “Go on ahead and leave that one to me. I’ll keep an eye on him for you. I could do with some amusem*nt after being imprisoned in a mountain for a few years! Plus, I do kind of owe Qinghua. And I’m a demon that repays his debts.”

Shang Qinghua wiped his face with Xingxing, lifting his head in order to force out a watery ‘ thank you ’ at the Heavenly Demon. Although his words came out slurred and pretty incoherent. Still the sentiment must’ve come across. Tianlang-jun fixed him with a winning smile, reaching up and patting his head. “Now now, you’ll ruin your cute face with all that crying!”

There was a growl followed by Shang Qinghua being pulled out from beneath Tianlang-Jun’s hand. Luo Binghe had turned his body so his sire could no longer touch Shang Qinghua. Although he looked annoyed, Luo Binghe still had enough courtesy to give a shallow bow of his head.

“You have my thanks.”

At his side, Mobei-Jun hummed in agreement. They didn’t linger long after that. Their priority was seeing that Shang Qinghua was properly tended to. Shang Qinghua was breathing hard between his sobs when they emerged from the portal. He registered that it was considerably warm but other than that he was too busy crying a wet spot into the front of Luo Binghe’s robes.

“I thought I was going to die!!!” He exclaimed, pulling back to look the half-demon in the face. “I was f*cking scared! H-he stabbed me, kicked me, and my antler–” Shang Qinghua cut off, reaching up to touch his antler. One was still intact, the other a broken stump. Fresh tears filled his eyes and he let out a loud, blubbering wail. “I’m lopsided! A freak!” Shang Qinghua buried his face again in Luo Binghe’s clothes, sobbing hysterically. Now that the adrenaline left, here came the good ol’ emotional breakdown.

Luo Binghe looked helplessly down at Shang Qinghua, sharing concerned glances with Mobei-Jun. The two were crowded around Shang Qinghua, both unsure of how to calm him down and help in his fragile state. Mobei-Jun took to brushing his knuckles against a bloodied cheek in gentle caresses. When Shang Qinghua leaned into the fleeting touch, whimpering for more, the two took that as a positive sign. Uncaring for the blood and sinew still spattering Shang Qinghua’s body, they two powerful lords leaned into each other, Shang Qinghua pressed snuggly between them.

As their faint whispers of “ You’re ok, Qinghua. We have you. It’s ok,” washed over him, Shang Qinghua felt himself drifting. He wasn’t sure what happened from there. One moment he’d been held between Binghe and Mobei, surrounded by a cold heat he’d grown to love. The next he was sitting in the bath with his cheek pressed against a muscular chest. He felt in a daze, the water around him a perfect heat that had him feeling sleepy. There was a hand in his hair combing out the silk strands while another was running up and down his back, a third arm wrapped around his waist.

Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure how long he lay in that state. His eyes were open and he was just staring at nothing, registering very little. But gradually his body began to function as it should again. There was a rumble in the air that grew more coherent to his cotton-stuffed ears. It was purring . He blinked before jolting, sitting up straight.

Sitting in the water holding him was Luo Binghe, Mobei-Jun crouched at the edge away from the hot water. The Ice demon had been the one petting Shang Qinghua’s head, his hand still raised from where the deer had moved out from beneath it. Shang Qinghua looked around, finally taking in his surroundings now that he was more coherent. He was in a massive bathtub that honestly should be considered a small pool. It confused Shang Qinghua how different it looked from Mobei-Jun’s bathing pools. Actually now that he thought about it, the walls themselves were different as well. They didn’t look like the polished stone of the inner mountain, nor did they look like the ice for the outer walls of the Northern Desert. The walls here were smooth, carved from black marble with gold filigree and etchings.

“Oh…” Shang Qinghua mumbled before he laid his head back against his plush pillow. He didn’t need to ask where he was to probably get an idea. His first time in Luo Binghe’s palace and he had been too much of a mess to appreciate it. Internally Shang Qinghua cringed as he remembered his breakdown. Gods how embarrassing. Especially since Shang Qinghua knows he doesn’t look like a basket of roses when he cries. He probably got snot on Binghe’s robes! Damn it!

The petting continued after a moment’s pause, “Are you with us, Qinghua?”

Shang Qinghua scrunched his face at the question. “Do I have to answer?” He was feeling a bit better though after such an intense cry. And his injuries didn’t seem to hurt anymore. He glanced at his hand, wiggling the digits and seeing his nails in perfect condition.

With a small, reluctant groan Shang Qinghua leaned back so he could take a better look at Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. Luo Binghe’s calculated gaze was running over Shang Qinghua’s face, trying to see if there was any injury he might’ve missed in healing. Mobei-Jun was looking as concerned as his face would allow. Granted it looked like he was glaring, but Shang Qinghua could tell it was one of his “ concerned glares ”. Plus his King’s touch gave away his feelings with how painfully gentle it was running down his damp hair.

Shang Qinghua cupped water in his hands before scrubbing his face. Just to be extra sure any remaining snot and tears were completely gone. Finally he felt somewhat like himself. Ah! Nothing like a good fit of hysteric crying. Shang Qinghua played like a string-less puppet and flopped tiredly against Luo Binghe.

“God I’m exhausted. And tired.” He grumbled. Shang Qinghua sent Mobei-Jun a pout, pointing a finger at him, “Your uncle is an asshole . I’m sorry I wrote you such a sh*t family member.”

His King blinked, stupefied for a moment before he huffed a small laugh. “This King forgives Qinghua.”


It was quiet for a moment. The three simply basked in the silence of being together again. Though it was only brief, Shang Qinghua’s disappearance had been agony. For the time being it would be better if he stayed in Luo Binghe’s palace. He did not need to see the disaster Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe left in the wake of his kidnapping.

Luo Binghe pressed a kiss to the side of Shang Qinghua’s head, a faint tremble in his hand as he trailed it up and down Shang Qinghua’s back. This Shang Qinghua could feel. He sighed softly before moving to cup Luo Binghe’s face. Red eyes flicked up to his, their gazes holding till Shang Qinghua closed his eyes and leaned in. He pressed a gentle kiss to Luo Binghe’s lips, lingering for a moment. Shang Qinghua then reached for Mobei-Jun, holding his cheek with one hand and leaning in to place a similar kiss to his lips.

“Thank you for coming to rescue me.”

Luo Binghe’s expression flinched and he was quick to hide his face in Shang Qinghua’s shoulders. He stopped his petting in order to wind both arms around him. “It doesn’t matter. Your Kings were too late to genuinely help.”

“That’s not true,” Shang Qinghua wrapped an arm around Luo Binghe’s shoulder, the other still holding Mobei-Jun’s face. “Sure you didn’t get there in time to kick Linguang-Jun’s ass, but you still showed up. You could’ve just… Not.”

That had both demons recoiling as if struck. Luo Binghe’s hold tightened and he fastened his teeth in Shang Qinghua’s shoulder, gnawing in gentle reprimand. “We would never leave Qinghua!”

“Qinghua is ours, we are Qinghua’s.” Mobei-Jun nodded in agreement, mirroring Shang Qinghua’s touch. Then, proving he was once more the f*cking King of communication, Mobei-Jun spoke without an ounce of hesitation. “This King cares for Qinghua. To him, he is as important as Junshang. This King has sworn to follow Luo Binghe wherever and that has not changed. But now this King vows to do the same for Qinghua. Wherever you go, this King will be there at your side.”

Shang Qinghua blinked in shock, mouth hanging open as he was at a loss for words. Now Shang Qinghua may be a little obtuse about things, but he wrote hundreds– if not thousands– of cold beautiful women doing roundabout confessions. And this sounded near tit for tat like one. Was… Was he just confessed to?

Spurred on by Mobei’s honesty, teeth left Shang Qinghua’s shoulder and were replaced by a gentle mouth. “This Lord… Also cares. For Qinghua and Mobei. But I… Cannot say they are…” Shang Qinghua could feel the face Luo Binghe made, “I cannot say they are ‘ love ’.” It felt like it physically pained Luo Binghe to spit out the word. “This Lord isn’t sure he even knows what that feels like. He has said it to many, has heard it from many more. I do not know what it is I feel for you both. But I know I value you more than any other. You are… Important to me.”

Shang Qinghua felt like his brain had been fried and turned to mush. Like at any moment it’d leak out of his ears. A new wave of tears collected in the corner of his eyes, brimming with the threat of overflowing. “You guuuuuys!” Shang Qinghua sniffled, coaxing Luo Binghe’s face up so he could look at him. The half-demon refused to make eye contact at first. There was a vulnerability in those ruby orbs he tried to hide with a scowl. Though when he finally looked at Shang Qinghua, the deer thought it resembled more of a pout. Behind Binghe, Mobei-Jun was purring up a storm with a pleased air about him.

Shang Qinghua chuckled, laying a kiss on Luo Binghe’s lips, humming against them before pulling away just to press their foreheads together. “That’s ok if you don’t know, Binghe. Heck, I’m the same way. But… That’s alright. We can just learn together, right?”

Luo Binghe’s expression eased, looking less defensive. He still held some caution but his smile was genuine as he leaned into Shang Qinghua’s touch. “Yes, we can.”

Satisfied, Shang Qinghua exhaled before he bit his bottom lip. He glanced between Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun before experimentally giving his hips a little wiggle. Instantly Luo Binghe’s gaze sharpened, “Qinghua…” He said in warning.

It was Shang Qinghua’s turn to pout. He sent what he hoped was his best pleading look to both rulers. “C’mon… Please? I just really wanna feel you both.” Slightly because sex with them had been good, mostly because he wanted the comfort close contact could bring. And like… what else was he supposed to do after receiving not one, but two confessions! Kinda. A sticky warmth was filling Shang Qinghua’s heart to the brim, making it ache like it was too large. Any moment now and Shang Qinghua was sure it’d pop! He felt the urge to do something. Run his hands through Binghe’s hair, kiss Mobei breathless– Just something! He needed his hands on both of them. And he desperately wanted their hands on him.

Mobei-Jun stared hard at Shang Qinghua for a moment before he shrugged, “This King is not opposed.”

Surprisingly Luo Binghe was the more reluctant of the two. It was sweet how he was clearly wanting to prioritize Shang Qinghua’s wellbeing over horny thoughts. Though since Shang Qinghua was the one demanding, there was little protest the half-demon could dredge up. Even he craved the comfort brought by the joining of flesh.

Although with a hardened glint in his eye, he stated firmly, “We will not go all the way.” He placed a finger over Shang Qinghua’s mouth before he could protest, “You’ve only just been healed from extensive injuries. Your body needs time to recover what my blood cannot.”

Shang Qinghua was disappointed but he wasn’t going to complain. Honestly he’d take what he could get. So he eagerly nodded, giggling when Luo Binghe hoisted him out of the water and transferred him to Mobei-Jun’s waiting hands. The ice demon had a towel he used to dry Shang Qinghua off, taking care when dabbing at his head where his missing antler was. Shang Qinghua tried not to think about how one side of his head felt lighter.

While Luo Binghe began drying himself, Mobei-Jun picked up Shang Qinghua and carried him out of the bathroom and over to the bed. The large canopy bed he was tossed on had silken sheets that felt expensive. Shang Qinghua unabashedly wiggled all over them. The feeling of luxurious fabric on his naked skin was heavenly. However the large hands that landed on his hips were even better.

Mobei-Jun leaned over Shang Qinghua, staring hard at his face before leaning down and laying a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Enjoy tonight. Tomorrow, you train with your Kings.”

“Eh?” Shang Qinghua blinked, following where Mobei-Jun pointed. Hanging on the changing screen was his divine sash.

“Training. Qinghua will be a warrior by the end.”

Exercise?! Him??! How cruel! Shang Qinghua wrapped his arms around what he could encompass of Mobei-Jun’s shoulders, weakly yanking him down to smother his face in kisses. “Less un-sexy exercise talk, more kiss.” He demanded petulantly. His King, of course, willingly complied.

The two felt the bed dip as Luo Binghe joined them. He was content to watch their make out session, reaching out to trace the tips of his ebony claws along Mobei-Jun’s side before following down the muscles of his arm and transferring to Shang Qinghua’s. The tingling sensation had the deer shivering, a faint moan muffled against plush lips.

Smirking faintly, Luo Binghe leaned up on an elbow. He sensually brushed Mobei-Jun’s hair aside, tucking it behind his ear as he leaned close to whisper. Interest sparked in his King’s eyes at whatever it was that was said. With a deep rumble in his throat he turned, capturing Luo Binghe’s mouth in a fierce kiss. From where he lay Shang Qinghua felt his co*ck swell from the sight.

Cold and warm hands pulled at his hips, kneading his skin and manhandling him into a position that pleased both Lords. Soon Shang Qinghua found himself on his hands and knees, Luo Binghe behind him with Mobei-Jun at his front. He realized quickly that this was a mirroring of the first time they’d been intimate together. With Shang Qinghua spitroasted between his King and Binghe. Only this time the two had switched positions.

Luo Binghe leaned down and pressed a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s shoulder, “Qinghua will surely show Mobei how well his mouth works, won’t he?” Warm hands spanned across his hips, squeezing the thick pudge that’d been growing from steady meals and pampering.

Shang Qinghua nodded eagerly as he shuffled closer, pawing at the tie to Mobei-Jun’s robes. His King scoffed, laying back on the pillows and spreading his legs obscenely. His inner robes split as he propped a leg, his bare thigh flashing at Shang Qinghua. With the faintest tilt of his head, he looked as if he was staring down his nose at Qinghua. His hair cascaded over the pillows behind him as he lounged like this was his throne and not a bed of soft blankets and fluffed pillows.

“Well? Do not expect this King to do all the work.” He smirked, eyes flicking down to where the front of his robes had tented from his growing erection. That alone caused them to ride up, the underside of his co*ck just barely visible. A tantalising flash that had Shang Qinghua’s mouth watering.

Behind him Luo Binghe chuckled, “You heard him, Qinghua.”

The grip on his hips slackened enough for Shang Qinghua to shuffle forward and eagerly unfasten his King’s robes. He spread out the fabric like opening a present. All the while his King continued to lay back and let himself be serviced. That was completely fine with Shang Qinghua.

He’d only just wrapped his hands around Mobei-Jun’s straining co*ck when he felt Luo Binghe grind against the cleft of his ass. He moaned at the hot slide of skin, Luo Binghe’s co*ck already oiled up with something. Whatever it was, Luo Binghe was pressing a generous helping of it against Shang Qinghua’s inner thighs. He shuddered at every deliberate brush against his balls, Luo Binghe’s fingers dragging up to tease against his entrance in light swirls. He was so lost in the lingering tingles that when Luo Binghe’s hand left his puckered entrance, he didn’t even register it till a swift smack was delivered to his ass.

“Ah!” Shang Qinghua sucked in air, his tail jolting up at the abrupt sting.

“Pay attention, Qinghua. You are meant to be servicing your King.” Luo Binghe’s reprimand was punctuated by another deliberate slap that had Shang Qinghua’s co*ck twitching in delight.

He licked his lips and with deliberate eye contact, Shang Qinghua opened his mouth and traced the head of Mobei-Jun co*ck before sinking down till it brushed the back of his throat. Mobei-Jun’s brow pinched and his purr had broken off into a growl of sorts. He watched in unabashed hunger as Shang Qinghua pulled off his co*ck, lapping the beading precum before sucking on the head. His jaw was going to ache fiercely after this but it’d be worth it.

The next time Shang Qinghua sunk as far as he could, he felt the head of Luo Binghe’s fat co*ck pressing against the meat of his thighs. Shang Qinghua instantly tensed them, moaning around his mouthful at the smooth slide. Luo Binghe’s co*ckhead dragged along the underside of Shang Qinghua’s, wrenching a pleasured sound from the both of them at the sensation. Luo Binghe slowly dragged his co*ck back before pushing forward. He kept his pace languid and gentle for the first few thrusts. However with the pleasure mounting so too did his pace.

With each wet slap of their skin, Shang Qinghua’s head bobbed forward to take Mobei-Jun’s dick. What his mouth could not reach his hands more than made up for it. Shang Qinghua moaned around the co*ck in his throat, loving the way he could feel Mobei-Jun’s thighs jolt beneath his hands. He trailed his hands over Mobei-Jun’s thighs, squeezing the muscle and groaning all on his own from the sensation. Gods he loved this man’s body. He’d willingly die between those thighs if he could.

Shang Qinghua bounced forward with every sharp thrust of Luo Binghe, his eyes watering at the mix of pleasure and pain. He didn’t know how Luo Binghe would move next. He switched between deep, hard snaps of his hips that dragged their co*cks against each other to small rabbit thrusts he punctuated with grinding. It was intoxicating and if Shang Qinghua wasn’t being gagged by the dick in his mouth, he’d be crying up a storm from the tingling pleasure racing through his blood.

His toes curled and he whined, popping off Mobei-Jun’s co*ck to take in some much needed air. He worked his hands furiously up and down, sloppy kisses pressed to the head and sides as he sucked along the shaft’s prominent vein. He took any sharp inhale and hitched growl from Mobei-Jun as a sign he was doing good, redoubling his efforts just to hear more.

Mobei-Jun buried his hand in Shang Qinghua’s hair, simply to hold and not to guide. He was more than content to continue letting himself be serviced. Shang Qinghua could feel the way his dick pulsed in his mouth, the way Luo Binghe’s thrusts had begun to increase their already brutal pace. Like this his two Kings would not last long. They were close. And Shang Qinghua was not doing any better.

His own co*ck lay hot and heavy between his legs, bobbing with every thrust forward. Pre was leaking so much from the tip his thighs were soaked with it. He whimpered with every drag of Luo Binghe’s co*ck. Shang Qinghua’s thighs quivered, his own hips thrusting back to meet Luo Binghe’s.

“f*ck–!” Luo Binghe’s voice was gravelly and low in his chest as he gripped Shang Qinghua’s sides. He gave two more deep thrusts before pulling back and shooting his load all over Shang Qinghua’s ass and thighs. He felt the hot splatter against his skin and keened wantonly at the sensation.

Shang Qinghua redoubled his efforts, taking more of his King’s co*ck as he felt his own throb painfully. And when a large hand wrapped around his aching member, Shang Qinghua cried out in surprise. His own org*sm blindsided him with how abrupt it was. Shang Qinghua’s entire body seized, his legs shaking as they nearly gave out. He felt Mobei-Jun’s hold on his hair tighten, his King growling as he thrusted shallowly into Shang Qinghua’s mouth.

Then at his side, Shang Qinghua felt Luo Binghe settle. He opened eyes bleary with tears and watched as Luo Binghe leaned close, mouthing along the part of Mobei-Jun’s co*ck still in Shang Qinghua’s mouth. Their lips brushed in an obscene kiss as he sucked along the flushed skin, burning gaze drifting between the two. With another pleasure laced rumble, Mobei-Jun held Shang Qinghua in place as he came hard down the other’s throat. Shang Qinghua groaned and felt his eyes roll in the back of his head as he swallowed all he could. What spilled out was quickly licked away by Luo Binghe’s clever tongue. And when Shang Qinghua took his King’s co*ck from his mouth, Luo Binghe was eager to take it’s place. He licked into Shang Qinghua’s mouth, tasting Mobei-Jun’s cum mixed with the deer’s saliva. His wandering hands pawed at the meat of Shang Qinghua’s thighs, coaxing them open to settle between as he rolled the deer onto his back. Somewhere Mobei-Jun grunted as the two knocked into his leg.

They heard Mobei-Jun get up from the bed but were too preoccupied making out to see what he was doing. Gradually their passionate kissing dwindled to something more tame, slow sensual kisses swapped back and forth. The burning fire of passion had dimmed to warm embers, neither striving to stoke the flames anymore. And though Shang Qinghua’s dick gave a valiant twitch at the way Luo Binghe swirled his tongue, Shang Qinghua knew he was far too exhausted to do anything more.

“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun sat beside them, holding out a wet towel. Luo Binghe hummed and finally pulled away from Shang Qinghua’s inviting mouth. While he wiped himself down, Mobei-Jun leaned in to trail teeth-filled pecks along his shoulder blades. Luo Binghe playfully snapped his teeth back, grinning at the huff of a growl he received. In no time at all, Shang Qinghua was cleaned as well. He was then bundled up beneath the covers. On either side of him lay his two Lords. Like this… All felt right. Shang Qinghua felt safe.

It was like admitting that to himself had been what his mind needed. All at once exhaustion hit Shang Qinghua. He felt his body go lax and awareness slip away. As Shang Qinghua fell asleep, he felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him. Shang Qinghua smiled, warmth filling him to the brim.


When Mobei-Jun had first found Shang Qinghua missing, he had been furious. Furious and– Something he’d only admit to himself– Frightened. How could he let Shang Qinghua be kidnapped beneath his nose? Shang Qinghua was meant to be safe in the Northern Palace. It was why he was entrusted to Mobei-Jun in the first place. And yet he’d failed what was expected of him. He failed Luo Binghe, he failed Shang Qinghua. Yet neither faulted him for that. Neither brought it up or accused him.

When he’d summoned Luo Binghe and told him what happened, the only thing on his mind had been finding Shang Qinghua. There was no time to place blame. Of course they had no clue where to start. The blood Shang Qinghua ingested should have helped them find him. Yet when Luo Binghe had used it, he’d gravely stated he was unable to locate Shang Qinghua. That in and of itself was concerning.

They’d torn through his palace. Overturning everything and summoning all of Mobei-Jun’s staff to question one by one. While Mobei-Jun handled that, Luo Binghe returned to his palace to try and investigate. He feared perhaps one of his more vocal wives had done this. Even though none of them should know of Shang Qinghua’s existence, he still had to be sure.

At first Mobei-Jun felt as if he was wasting his time. He had half a mind to just start killing his staff to get the answers he wanted when an older staff member, a leathery-skinned frost demon, croaked that he’d noticed a new hire skulking around Shang Qinghua’s wing of the palace. This was news to Mobei-Jun as he’d never hired new staff. Nor did Shang Qinghua bring up such a matter of hiring to him. With a new lead, Mobei-Jun had demanded they bring forth this servant.

Upon seeing the thing, he vaguely recalled the imp. It took a bit of sifting through his memories of bland faces he deems unimportant enough to remember. This was the imp he’d ordered to deliver food to Qinghua back when the deer had been upset. Mobei-Jun’s eyes had narrowed and the room around him grew several degrees colder. If this was the traitor he wanted, Mobei-Jun would rip the answers from its little throat piece by piece.

Eventually by the time he’d learned the imp was sent by Linguang-Jun, Luo Binghe came bursting into the throne room just as Mobei-Jun finished feeding the damned creature to a vicious Xingxing. He’d flicked the blood off his hands and opened his mouth to tell Luo Binghe the news when his Emperor beat him to speaking.

“I sense Qinghua. But something just took away my control of the blood parasites.”

Luo Binghe had sounded panicked, his eyes wild at the apprehension of what this could mean. And together the three had departed swiftly. Although they’d been held up by Xingxing forcing itself through the portal first.

He’d been quite surprised to encounter Tianlang-Jun. Mobei-Jun had only heard of the Heavenly demon in passing, either spoken with scorn or awe. However when he saw Shang Qinghua, speckled in blood and gore, carried in the man’s arm, he didn’t care if he would be facing a full-blooded Heavenly Demon. If he’d hurt Shang Qinghua, Mobei-Jun was going to make him pay. But no, Tianlang-Jun had no hand in Qinghua’s kidnapping. That was a minor relief, he supposed.

Mobei-Jun lay there, watching as Shang Qinghua’s expression eased into a smile and his breath deepened. Mobei-Jun knew he would have to deal with his uncle later, but for now Qinghua took priority. He shared a look with Luo Binghe and felt something in him settle when his Emperor gave a genuine smile. It felt surreal to be laying here as he was. Mobei-Jun didn’t think they’d ever get to this point. Maybe eventually they’d fall into each other’s bed. But not like this. Mobei-Jun wouldn’t have been able to give Luo Binghe the push he needed to change, to let go of his wives. Because Mobei-Jun had honestly not cared if Luo Binghe had one wife or 600. All he cared about was Luo Binghe and being useful to him, being something he could never throw away.

However with the addition of Shang Qinghua… He realized Mobei-Jun doesn’t have to settle for scraps. He was allowed to want more, to demand more. And with Junshang and Qinghua, Mobei-Jun found he was quite the greedy demon.

He settled more comfortably on the bed and stretched out his arm so he could drape it over Shang Qinghua and Luo Binghe. Mobei-Jun rumbled in content before letting his eyes drift close. He didn’t fight sleep. Welcoming it with satisfaction and the knowledge that, as far as he was concerned, all was right in the world.


Luo Binghe had been in the middle of another divorce discussion when Mobei-Jun had summoned him. Thankfully it’d just been finishing up so he didn’t have to leave in the middle of it. Any excitement he had for a mid-day romp was quickly dashed at the sight of Mobei’s room. And the overwhelming pungent stench of blood was even more chilling. They’d ripped through the room looking for evidence of Shang Qinghua. They even went so far as to search his own room. That only produced Shang Qinghua’s pet dragon. Although with it added to the search, at least the rooms could be checked faster.

After splitting up to conduct their own searches, Luo Binghe had returned to his palace a mess of paranoia. ‘What if a former wife stole Qinghua? What if they’re torturing him?’. These poisonous thoughts were what hounded at Luo Binghe’s heels, gnawing at the edge of his sanity and trying to crumble what Shang Qinghua had so graciously helped build. But Luo Binghe didn’t falter. He would keep his wits. He couldn’t let his hard work go to waste and let Xin Mo grow fat on his negativity again.

Before he could even begin his search, he was intercepted by Ning Yingying. His former wife took one look at him before steeling her expression and taking him by the hand. Ignoring his protests, she dragged him with her to Sha Hualing’s room where she and Liu Mingyan were sitting. The women had apparently been intending to have a tea party before Ning Yingying brought her “plus 1”. But when the other women saw whatever expression Luo Binghe was making, they quickly abandoned the notion of tea.

It was thanks to them he found some semblance to ground himself and think properly. His panic felt all-consuming, drowning. Luo Binghe had never felt like this before. And that was also terrifying him. It was a melting pot of emotions that Luo Binghe wasn’t equipped to handle. Not now when his emotional maturity was only starting to develop.

He couldn’t sense Shang Qinghua with his blood, the collar was useless. But Liu Mingyan had assured him none of his former or current wives had a hand in this.

“If they did, one of us would hear about it. But no one knows of this ‘Shang Qinghua’ person.” She’d said, her steady voice like a beacon in the dark.

In his drowning state of emotions, Luo Binghe was desperate for any kind of assurance. Ning Yingying had taken his hand, petting the back of it as she gave him looks of genuine concern. “Oh A-Luo, you’ll find him. You always do.”

And of course like usual, Ning Yingying was right. Just as she’d finally coaxed a cup of tea into Luo Binghe’s hand, he’d sensed Shang Qinghua shaking his blood parasites. For a moment he’d been deliriously happy. Only for that feeling to plummet when someone else made his blood prod back. Luo Binghe had dropped his cup and sprung to his feet, disappearing without another word. He knew he’d have to apologize when he returned, but at the time he could only think of finding Mobei-Jun and getting to Shang Qinghua. There was only one person who could possibly control Luo Binghe’s blood. And it was from the very man who shared said blood. Although thankfully things turned out better than he thought they would.

Luo Binghe trailed his hand through Shang Qinghua’s hair, petting down the strands before reaching over and doing the same to Mobei-Jun. By now the two were deeply asleep, Shang Qinghua making small snores as his mouth hung open. Luo Binghe was content to remain awake and watch them. Hells he’d probably stay up all night if he could get away with it. Luo Binghe didn’t even know why he wanted to stare. He just… Did.

He felt uneasy and elated, apprehensive and excited. He was feeling such contradicting emotions it left him confused. Mobei-Jun’s confession in the baths had struck Luo Binghe like a shard of glass to the heart. But unlike the painful twinges he’d expect, the hurt instead felt good . And that confused him. It was the same feeling he felt for Shang Qinghua. A frustrated burning that he couldn’t get enough of. It left him scared for what would happen, what it could mean. But at the same time he felt breathless and eager to see tomorrow. To find out where it would go.

He’d been genuine when he said he didn’t know if this was love. The most Luo Binghe knew about love was familial. His mother had been the only one to show him genuine, unfaltering love. And the “love” from his wives… Luo Binghe didn’t feel right saying it was him they loved. What he felt for Shang Qinghua was none of those things. It was something different, but not something new. He had, after all, been feeling it for Mobei-Jun. He just didn’t notice. If Shang Qinghua had not appeared, would Luo Binghe have never come to this revelation?

Quietly, so quietly he wasn’t even sure he was the one who spoke, he selfishly whispered to Shang Qinghua. “I’m sorry you died, but I’m glad you did.” He was glad Shang Qinghua had come to this world. He was glad Shang Qinghua had come to them. And Luo Binghe was greedy enough to want Shang Qinghua to stay forever. Even if eventually he chose to leave them and go somewhere else, that was fine. So long as he stayed in this world, Luo Binghe could be content. He just wanted Shang Qinghua near.

As Luo Binghe felt his eyelids close and sleep creep up on him, his limbs relaxed and his mind quieted, a calm overtaking him. For the first time in years, Luo Binghe felt peace.

The End

Chapter 15: Extra 1: A King's Throne


He didn’t have the luxury of being careful He had to get back to the palace before he was caught. Just as Shang Qinghua was making it over the edge of the cliff, he let out a startled gasp when a pair of boots came into view.


A/N: Here is the first extra! I'm hoping to have these out sooner since they're basically one-shots set in this au's universe. But we'll see if I have the time! Not much to say for this other than thank you for reading and for supporting me! Also thank you to SeiraHeron for the fanart!!! Please check it out here and send them some love: https://twitter.com/Kurdupel113/status/1663278191090319360 I adore their interpretation of deer Qinghua! I've placed all the fanart received in a note at the end so HOPEFULLY they all show up. If not then there's links to them on my profile! Once more thank you so all so much. Whether you've read it and left a kuddo, comment, bookmarked it, or even drew fanart! I'm so very thankful!

Chapter Text

Shang Qinghua’s heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted through the trees. He didn’t know how close the figure behind him was but Shang Qinghua wasn’t going to pause to check. Instead he continued running, breaths puffing in short clouds that left a fading trail of fog in his wake. He kicked up snow, boots sliding in morning slush before he managed to scramble to right himself. There was the sound of quick footsteps behind him–a branch snapping.

Shang Qinghua’s breath hitched and he flicked out a hand, ‘Xingxing go, Blinding Star Sea!’

The divine sash flew from his shoulders, the silken fabric breaking apart and melting like candle wax. The moment the thick, goopy pieces hit the ground they expanded in an explosion of glittery smog. It was thick and difficult to see through, the star-filled clouds rising high up to the tree-line. Like the name implied, it was a sea of stars meant to blind.

Now Shang Qinghua didn’t need to say the name of Xingxing’s abilities, but that was the fun part! Throughout his childhood he’d always say super hero abilities out loud before pretending to shoot fireballs or powering up. So why wouldn’t he let loose now that he actually had abilities he could shout that’d actually do something? Of course he’d only call them out in the safety of his head. He didn’t have much face, but what little remained kept his mouth shut. Though when he was training alone he did whisper the attacks to himself.

The fog was dense and would’ve been a chore to navigate through for anyone else, however this wasn’t the case for Shang Qinghua. The clouds in front of him parted as he ran. His path was clear, making it easier for him to spot a small cliff and rush to its side. Hopefully his pursuer would be held up by the smokescreen long enough for Shang Qinghua to scale it.

Shang Qinghua hoisted himself up, testing his footholds quickly before putting his weight on them. He didn’t have the luxury of being careful! He had to get back to the palace before he was caught. Just as Shang Qinghua was making it over the edge of the cliff, he let out a startled gasp when a pair of boots came into view. Shang Qinghua clung to the side of the cliff, his heart jumping in his throat from shock.


Like a vacuum the cloudy sea beneath him was sucked upwards, coiling and transforming into the Endless Abyss of Divine Constellations. The dragon snarled before darting swift as an arrow towards the man towering over Shang Qinghua. He raised his hand to block the incoming attack just as the Dragon’s jaws opened wide. And then the small, lizard-sized form was splatting against the back of the demon’s hand and coiling around the chilled skin. It gnawed on the long fingers, tugging uselessly on a ring. Mobei-Jun stared at the affectionate nipping before his teal gaze dropped to Shang Qinghua.

“You fail. Qinghua needs to stop climbing things. You are not a fast climber.” He raised his hand so he could be eye-level with the small heavenly creature, “And you are not supposed to bite as if your maw contains only gums. You have teeth, use them.” Xingxing gave a growl that was too high-pitched to be threatening. Especially since it was smaller than a banana.

“Oh come on, it’s just training!” Shang Qinghua groaned, slumping against the cliff edge.

Mobei-Jun reached down and grabbed him by the scruff, hoisting him up and onto solid ground, “Training you failed.”

Shang Qinghua pouted, puffing out his cheeks. He’d actually been trying this time! “How did you even get up here so fast? It’s a cliff! You promised no teleporting!”

One fine eyebrow raised, Mobei-Jun’s frozen expression somehow projecting his disbelief. He turned to the side, gesturing at how the cliff sloped down to be ground-level with the floor Shang Qinghua had been climbing up from. Shang Qinghua felt his shoulders slump and he groaned.

“No more climbing.”

Shang Qinghua pulled a face, only barely resisting the urge to parrot Mobei-Jun’s words mockingly. The other was right though. It doesn’t mean he had to be happy about it. Why couldn’t he have been something with wings? A winged deer! That way he could just fly out of danger or whatever.

A cold hand pressed to his cheek, knocking Shang Qinghua from his thoughts. He blinked, looking up to Mobei-Jun’s face. His expression seemed to soften when the two made eye-contact. The edges of his mouth lifted a fraction, barely perceptible if one wasn’t standing as close as Shang Qinghua was. Instantly he felt his own smile blossom in response.

“Qinghua does not need wings. He is fine as is.”

Ahh damn his mouth. He couldn’t be too upset though. Shang Qinghua chuckled before he held out a hand to Xingxing. The dragon gave one last playful nip before it transformed back into a sash and slipped around Shang Qinghua.

“Thank you, my King. I like you as you are too.”

Rumbling with content, Mobei-Jun let his hand drop. “You did better today. Though you still do not utilize your sash’s other abilities.”

That was true. While the sash was able to be a good offensive weapon, Shang Qinghua still preferred running over standing his ground and fighting. Fighting was scary! He’d rather use it as a last resort than come out of the gate swinging. Plus Xingxing came with so many abilities that were perfect for distraction or escape. There was the Blinding Star Sea which was a smokescreen. Then Star Light which was a literal flashbang. Or if Shang Qinghua sent Xingxing up in the air before activating it, the ability could be used as a flare. He’d thought that up when Tianlang-Jun decided to kidnap Shang Qinghua one day. Or as he put it: inviting Shang Qinghua on a walk without his consent. Shang Qinghua had woken up slung over his shoulder and had panicked. After that fiasco, Shang Qinghua had to put his foot down and instill some ground rules.

Shang Qinghua gave a small shrug of his shoulder, “I’m sure I’ll remember to use them when it counts.”

It was easy to tell how that response displeased Mobei-Jun. Clearly he’d rather ingrain their training into every fiber of Shang Qinghua’s being. If he was a skilled warrior, neither he nor Luo Binghe would have to worry so much. Yet despite being a deer, Shang Qinghua had the disposition of a pampered hamster. He’d much rather sit in his hay munching on seeds with only the occasional sprint in his wheel when he could be bothered. But this sybaritic lifestyle suited Shang Qinghua just fine! In a way those comments he overheard in Binghe’s palace were pretty true.

“Hey, my King? Did you ever think you’d get a concubine?” Shang Qinghua found himself blurting out the question before he’d even thought it through. Now he felt his mouth clamp shut and a nervous sweat to break out along his skin. It’s been nearly a year since Shang Qinghua began living with the ice demon yet he couldn’t shake old habits, old fears. While he never worried over his King hurting him, Shang Qinghua was still scared of being let go by either of his lovers. Of them realizing that they were better off without Shang Qinghua.

Mobei-Jun frowned in confusion, “This King has no concubine.”

“Ah-ha… Right.” Shang Qinghua forced a nervous laugh, his gaze skittering away. “I mean it’s just… That’s kind of what I am, isn’t it?” Though it was probably more true towards Luo Binghe than Mobei-Jun. After all, his King wasn’t married. But Luo Binghe also didn’t have that many wives anymore. And at the rate he was going he’d probably have zero by the start of the following year. “I can’t be a consort since I don’t have a social standing, so that would only leave me to be classified as a concubine, right?” Shang Qinghua would suggest boyfriend, but that term didn’t really exist in this day and age. So he tried to go for the next best thing he could think of off the top of his head.

Mobei-Jun stared at him, his stony glower unflinching as he stated bluntly, “I would sooner take you as a wife than a concubine.”

Shang Qinghua was left standing there, mouth slack in shock. It wasn’t till Mobei-Jun tore open a portal that he shook himself out of his stupor. “M-my King! Hold on!” Shang Qinghua needed clarification! Or probably not. He wasn’t sure his heart could take an explanation! Knowing Mobei-Jun, it’d be blunt as Hell and absolutely embarrassing! Something Shang Qinghua has come to quickly learn about his King is that the man felt no shame for his rare moments of sappiness.

‘Why should this King feel embarrassed? Who would dare shame this King?’ He’d said once when Shang Qinghua had asked a rhetorical question about it. Shang Qinghua really didn’t have a good response. But it was still shocking to see that Mobei-Jun, the character he wrote to be a brick wall with only 5 words in his vocabulary, half of which were grunts, was the one who used words of affection the most. On the opposite end, his silver-tongued Protagonist was surprisingly sparse with his words of care. Sure he said some, but never without an air of teasing. He much preferred to show his devotion through actions. It was… Interesting. Especially since Shang Qinghua was both an observer and a target of both methods.

“There is no waiting. We are late.”

Late? Late for what?! Shang Qinghua squinted and tried to think over his King’s schedule for today. He was pretty sure he’d been told specifically by Mobei-Jun that they only had training to worry about this morning. Realization grabbed a hold of Shang Qinghua, freezing him to the spot. “My King, did you lie to me about your schedule?!” How had he managed that? Shang Qinghua was the one in charge of making his schedule!! He had been since the job was unceremoniously dumped on him alongside his numerous other ones.

Mobei-Jun didn’t even bother to look over at Shang Qinghua as he spoke, “No. This King just did not tell Qinghua of today’s court.”

The deer made a strangled noise, scurrying to Mobei-Jun’s side and pouting up at him in clear frustration. “My King! I don’t have any of my notes! And I’m sweaty from running and climbing! Plus I’m hungry too!”

“Qinghua does not have to attend then.”

“Ah? You think I’ll let you run court alone ?!” Shang Qinghua had the audacity to laugh at his King. He paid no mind to the glower directed his way. “I’m literally your advisor! If I don’t attend then no one will write anything down! And if they do, they’ll forget things! Then it’ll be even more work for me to get everything straightened out and filed properly!”

Mobei-Jun rolled his eyes with all the confidence of a man who’s heard this spiel before. With that same confidence he reached out and placed a massive hand atop Shang Qinghua’s head. He patted those brown locks twice before turning away from the deer. “This King will make it up to Qinghua.”

It took more willpower than he thought possible to hold his tongue. Really he wasn’t that upset, he’d just been feeling a little petulant lately. Or was it spoiled? Probably spoiled. Being treated so well by two powerhouses did a lot to feed an ego. And Shang Qinghua was doing very little to deter them. Hell it honestly felt like for every moment Shang Qinghua spent spoiling his two Lords, they turned it around and spoiled him double that. It was heady, probably unhealthy, and Shang Qinghua loved every bit of it.

With the future promise and comforting pets, Shang Qinghua shuffled after his King with only minor grumbling. Court was, as Shang Qinghua predicted, boring as all Hell. He’d started tuning everything out and had even begun slacking on note taking. There was just nothing being said that was important enough to require jotting down! Damn it, what a wasted day.

Shang Qinghua eventually gave up pretending like he was paying attention and instead set his focus on his upcoming book. Shang Qinghua had earnestly picked up writing again and was almost ready to publish his first work since transmigrating! Of course this time he actually had an editor. Imagine Shang Qinghua’s surprise when, in a rare moment of him chilling at Luo Binghe’s palace, Liu Mingyan would overhear him muttering to himself about character dialogue. He’d been sitting in a small little pagoda tucked away in a garden, papers strewn about as he spoke aloud potential dialogue to get the scene flowing. Having a deep yet velvety smooth feminine voice pipe up behind him “this sounds better” had Shang Qinghua screaming. Thankfully Liu Mingyan had been unbothered by the reaction and had even apologized! From there they just… Hit it off? And somehow Shang Qinghua got an editor out of it. So he wasn’t complaining. It was nice to meet a fellow literature enthusiast!

Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure how long he’d spent writing as demons continued droning on in the background. He had entered the zone and nothing short of a Heavenly Calamity was going to shake him from it! Or perhaps a very cold hand sticking itself down the collar of his robes. Shang Qinghua startled so hard he almost knocked over his inkwell, squealing and flailing as he dropped his brush with a clatter.

Shang Qinghua whipped his head around to give a scandalized glare up at Mobei-Jun, “My King!” What’s the big idea?!

As if reading his thoughts, Mobei-Jun gestured towards the empty throne room once he’d removed his hand. “Court is over.”

“Eh?” Shang Qinghua blinked before letting out a relieved sigh. He stretched his arms above his head before rushing to pack up all of his papers and clean his desk. “Perfect! Then let’s head back to our room and–”

He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, a servant shuffling in carrying a tray. Laid on it were pastries and snacks, two empty cups and a decently sized wine jar. Shang Qinghua was confused for a moment, watching as the servant climbed up the steps and set the tray on the only part of Shang Qinghua’s desk that was cleared of clutter. With that done the demon quickly bowed before making a hasty exit. Only once they were alone did Shang Qinghua turn his questioning gaze to Mobei-Jun.

The ice demon had leaned back in his chair, legs spread as he rested his cheek against a closed fist. He looked down at Shang Qinghua with a lidded gaze, “This King promised to make it up to Shang Qinghua.”

Wine and snacks? Well what right did Shang Qinghua have to complain? He could probably put off writing for a bit to enjoy his King’s generous gift!

Shang Qinghua grinned, setting his papers down before grabbing the tray. In a shameless display, Shang Qinghua crawled his way onto Mobei-Jun’s lap. He swung his legs over the other’s so he could sit sideways, wriggling till he was comfortable. Shang Qinghua then presented the tray to Mobei-Jun, grinning wide when his King reached to take the wine. He uncorked it, tossing the lid to the side. Instantly the fragrant scent rose into the air, bringing with it a sweet spiciness that captivated Shang Qinghua’s interest.

The two sat on Mobei-Jun’s throne, cuddling as Shang Qinghua fed himself and his King snacks. In return Mobei-Jun would pour a cup of the spiced wine for himself before using the same cup to feed some to Shang Qinghua. It was so damn romantic and Shang Qinghua could feel his chest squeezing in the best way. He felt warm not just from the wine. The pleasant atmosphere had his mouth growing a little loose, running freely since it was only the two of them.

“And then in that chapter, just when Luo Binghe thought all hope was lost, bam!” Shang Qinghua pumped a fist in the air, jostling the two and causing some wine to spill from the cup. Mobei-Jun, however, did little to scold Shang Qinghua. He was too busy listening attentively to the other’s animated retelling of this world’s original story. “You came in, finally healed from the poison of the Snow Apple’s White Sleep! And together you turn the tides so Luo Binghe can reclaim his throne from his usurper wife! Originally she was meant to be executed because she betrayed Luo Binghe, but the readers really liked her and hated that she was intended to die. So I had to change the original script. Instead of her being executed right then and there, Luo Binghe sends book you from the room and then he tells her ‘let me remind you who really sits on this throne’ before they have throne sex. I wrote a lot of throne sex.” Shang Qinghua blinked, frowning slightly, “I wonder if our Binghe has ever had throne sex…”

Now Shang Qinghua wasn’t drunk. He was pleasantly buzzed! But that was enough to get his loose lips flapping and his horny thoughts to pop up like daisies. So it was with a boldness brought upon by sweet wine and even sweeter pampering that led to Shang Qinghua pressing a wet kiss to Mobei-Jun’s cheek. He giggled, lips moving to brush along a blue-tinged ear, “Has my King ever thought about throne sex?”

A familiar growl built in Mobei-Jun’s chest at the provocation. He unceremoniously dropped the jar of wine on the tray, picking it up and letting it clatter to the floor beside them. It was a miracle nothing broke from the careless action. Shang Qinghua didn’t have long to pout about the discarded snacks. Instead he was grabbed by the meat of his waist, Mobei-Jun’s powerful hands flexing and digging in just to feel the plush way his skin gave. He then hoisted Shang Qinghua up and repositioned him so he was straddling Mobei-Jun, their faces just scant centimeters apart.

“Do not tempt this King.”

“Why?” Shang Qinghua grinned, sliding his hands over Mobei-Jun’s shoulders. His fingers found their way into those inky locks, coiling some around his finger so he could tug playfully. He leaned in and ghosted a fleeting kiss across those perfect lips, “What if that’s my goal?”

Mobei-Jun’s nails pressed against Shang Qinghua through his thick robes, a testament to how excited Mobei-Jun was getting. But despite the danger those claws could pose, Shang Qinghua wasn’t afraid. At this point he was never afraid of his King hurting him. So when he heard Mobei-Jun growl and those very same claws drag down the front of his clothes and rip them open, Shang Qinghua could only giggle as he shuddered in thrilled excitement.

“Ah!” Shang Qinghua gasped when, as his chest was exposed to the frigid air, a warmer mouth was latched around his nipple. Mobei-Jun bit at the plush skin, renewing the various markings that littered Shang Qinghua’s skin like second freckles. He bit over bruises, licked at bite marks, and worked on pressing more handprints into Shang Qinghua’s giving skin. Quickly Shang Qinghua tugged at the edge of his divine sash. Xingxing heeded the silent order and floated away, slipping beneath the door in order to settle out front and guard the entrance. Shang Qinghua didn’t want to be interrupted, after all.

The stag groaned with each sharp bite and pleasured drag of Mobei-Jun’s tongue across his heated skin. He rutted shamelessly against Mobei-Jun, thighs spreading wider to press closer to his King. Upon grinding down he could feel the thick length of Mobei-Jun’s erection pressing up against him through what remained of his clothes. He whined, humping wantonly against his King like a dog in heat. Surely he was still loose from last night, right? His Lords were always so thorough in making sure Shang Qinghua was ready for them. So it should be fine. Shang Qinghua hoped so, although he knew he wouldn’t care regardless.

“My King~!” He whined pitifully, hoping to instill as much urgency into Mobei-Jun as he felt. How desperate had he become for this man? While Shang Qinghua had craved for his and Luo Binghe’s bodies before, never had he imagined it’d become like this. Once the gates had been opened, it was like there was an insatiable hunger gnawing away at Shang Qinghua’s insides. He could never be satisfied. Craving anything and everything the two demon Lords were willing to give him. In a brief moment of self-reflection, Shang Qinghua wondered if this was what Binghe felt. Did Mobei-Jun share the same ravenous greed for his lovers’ attention?

“Up,” Mobei-Jun ordered, lightly smacking Shang Qinghua’s thigh. The deer whined but complied, shuffling onto his knees. Mobei-Jun wasted no time in pulling down Shang Qinghua’s pants and exposing his flushed dick to the biting air. He hissed at the cold, hunching his shoulders so his torn robes provided some protection. Though with how hot his body was growing from pleasure, soon he probably wouldn’t even be able to feel the cold.

Mobei-Jun had an easier time parting his own robes and exposing his co*ck. It was fully erect and already dripping pre thanks to Shang Qinghua’s earlier teasing. Mobei-Jun held his co*ck with one hand, reaching behind Shang Qinghua in order to press a fingertip against his entrance. He was careful with his claws, ensuring they only lightly grazed the puckered ring while he tested how much give there was. That didn’t stop Shang Qinghua from wiggling back against the chilly digit. In response, Mobei-Jun let go of his co*ck and grabbed Shang Qinghua’s hip to keep him still.

“Hm,” He hummed after a moment, pressing the pad of two fingers against Shang Qinghua’s quivering hole, “Loose. But not enough.”

Shang Qinghua shuddered once more before he huffed, reaching behind himself and gripping Mobei-Jun’s hand. “Come on, my King! I promise I can handle it!”

Mobei-Jun was unconvinced as he gave Shang Qinghua a warning look. Clearly his King wasn’t going to let this go. So, putting his brain to good use, Shang Qinghua grinned as he raised his free hand to press his fingers against Mobei-Jun’s closed mouth. He tilted his head, smiling in a conniving and cheeky way. “Then help me loosen myself up?”

Instantly Mobei-Jun was complying. His lips parted and Shang Qinghua slipped his fingers in. He felt around, trailing fingers against the roof of Mobei-Jun’s mouth and down his tongue. The velvety appendage wrapped around Shang Qinghua, wetting his fingers and causing drool to slip down the corner of Mobei-Jun’s mouth. Shang Qinghua felt a moan of desire build in his throat just seeing how flushed and aroused Mobei-Jun was. It was intoxicating to know he could stick his fingers in the mouth of this apex predator and know he wouldn’t be hurt.

Shang Qinghua almost reluctantly pulled his fingers from that wet cavern. With a shuddering breath he leaned against Mobei-Jun, sticking his ass out as he pressed the first finger against his puckered hole. It slipped in easily, a second following soon after. It was only once he reached the third finger that he got some resistance. But Shang Qinghua was stubborn and wouldn't let this stop him.

He took less time than he probably should preparing his ass. However Shang Qinhua was confident he knew what he was getting into at this point. He was aware of his limits. Shang Qinghua just didn't mind trying to push them. The good burn of being stretched was something he craved from time to time even if it left him sore. Although he knew if the ache ever got to be too much, he could just ask Binghe for help. Honestly that Heavenly Demon blood was a Godsend! For him at least.

Shang Qinghua pulled his fingers out before settling himself over Mobei-Jun's co*ck. With his King helping by holding his hips, Shang Qinghua was slowly eased down. Both let out sounds of pleasure as the flared head breached, Shang Qinghua's eyes fluttering close. He let himself bask in the sensation of Mobei-Jun sliding into his spongy walls. The drag of his co*ckhead against his inside and the toe-curling pleasure the slow grind brought out. He groaned low, rocking his hips against Mobei-Jun’s and trying to press more of that delicious co*ck deeper. Yet his King’s grip was firm, his nails tantalising pricks of pain. He would not give Shang Qinghua control just yet. Not till he was sure he wouldn’t rip the other just by pressing the meat of his co*ck into Shang Qinghua’s ass. But oh how challenging was it to not just give in and rut animalistically into that willing heat.

Shang Qinghua was clinging to Mobei-Jun’s shoulders, thighs quivering from the strain of holding himself still. The bubbling pleasure was a steadily increasing wave, urging him to move and claim more. “My King, my King–!” Shang Qinghua gasped, openly panting as he rocked his hips. Finally Mobei-Jun relented to the deer’s silent demand. He released his tight hold and instead rested his hands on Shang Qinghua’s thighs, urging him to move all on his own. Shang Qinghua wasted no time as he started to earnestly bounce on Mobei-Jun’s co*ck.

He moaned at the feel of the large member spreading him with each thrust downwards. He chased his pleasure with a single-minded desperation. Shang Qinghua held tight to the powerful shoulders, clenching his thighs and grinding down with every deep thrust. The wet, squelching of where they connected was accompanied by Shang Qinghua’s broken pants, his desperate mewls and begging for more. Seeing Shang Qinghua drive himself to the point of babbling nonsensically was always Mobei-Jun’s favorite part of sex. It never failed to drive his arousal even more wild.

Snarling, Mobei-Jun gripped tight to Shang Qinghua when the deer once more rose off his co*ck. In a forceful show of power, he slammed the other’s hips down just as he snapped his own upwards. The squeal Shang Qinghua let out echoed around the room. His head lolled forward, Shang Qinghua cupping Mobei-Jun’s face and licking his way into a heated kiss. The two moved in sync, Shang Qinghua twitching with every sharp jab inside of him. The pleasure fogging his brain had him feeling far more drunk than the wine ever could.

“f*ck!” Shang Qinghua pulled his head back in order to cry out at a particular thrust. The resulting moan spurred Mobei-Jun on to target that spot like it personally offended him. He bullied Shang Qinghua’s prostate, striking it with every thrust till Shang Qinghua was near delirious. He felt as if he was seeing stars, his voice coming out in broken syllables as he sobbed openly.

“Mobei–!” Shang Qinghua whined, looking to his King through tear covered lashes.

Mobei-Jun’s own face was flushed and he had a sheen of beaded sweat against his brow. His face was furled in a scowl Shang Qinghua knew bespoke how good he was feeling. The way his lip curled, teeth on display with the urge to sink into Shang Qinghua’s skin and mark him. In response Shang Qinghua dug his own nails into Mobei-Jun’s neck before tilting his head back, exposing his throat to his King.

The ice demon lurched forward at the offered gift. His teeth found skin, holding fast as a cold hand wrapped around Shang Qinghua’s weeping co*ck. The deer could only cry out and renew his own movements. With each jerk upwards he f*cked into Mobei-Jun’s tightened fist before dropping back down on the fat co*ck inside of him. Shang Qinghua was chasing pleasure on both fronts. Like this, he could not last long.

He felt his body jerk and clamp down around Mobei-Jun just as his org*sm hit. It was wrenched from him almost cruelly. And even as the aftershocks coursed through him, Mobei-Jun was not done. He dropped his hold on Shang Qinghua’s spent co*ck and instead grabbed the deer, redoubling his efforts into f*cking the life out of him. And Shang Qinghua could do nothing but take it.

He could feel tears of overstimulation sliding down his cheeks, his body convulsing in little sparks of pleasure that bordered on too much. Yet he did not tell Mobei to stop. Instead he shouted words of encouragement, repeated chants of ‘yes’ and ‘don’t stop’. It was with a final, shrill cry that he felt Mobei-Jun stuff the entirety of his co*ck into Shang Qinghua and cum with a force.

Shang Qinghua collapsed forward into Mobei-Jun’s chest, panting as minor twitches played along his skin. His eyes had closed at some point, not that he cared. Shang Qinghua was exhausted from being properly f*cked, his limbs tingling pleasantly as the lingering traces of pleasure slowly cooled.

“Mmm,” Shang Qinghua turned his face into Mobei-Jun’s neck, pressing a kiss to the scratch marks he left behind. “That was nice.”

The chest beneath him shuddered from Mobei-Jun’s small huff of laughter. Shang Qinghua felt his own grin forming in response. A gentle hand reached up, carding fingers through his loose hair. “Qinghua has good ideas sometimes.”

“What? Only sometimes?!” Shang Qinghua gasped, lightly slapping Mobei-Jun’s chest. “Excuse you! I’m brilliant at coming up with ideas.”

“Whatever Qinghua says.” He punctuated his teasing with a consoling pat. My King who taught you this attitude?! Was it Binghe? He knew that man was a bad influence!

Shang Qinghua tried to pretend he was genuinely offended, but even he was unable to keep the smile off his face. He snorted, divulging into giggles that Mobei-Jun’s faint rumbles of amusem*nt accompanied.

Nuzzling closer, Shang Qinghua wound his arms around Mobei-Jun’s neck and sighed, “Though I will say, this pose is killer on my lower back.” He was a bit surprised by the hand that moved to rub at said spot, but he wasn’t going to complain. The gentle, deep kneading had Shang Qinghua turning to jello in Mobei-Jun’s arms.

He was like freshly pounded mochi and had no intentions of moving from his comfortable spot anytime soon. Even when he heard the door to the throne room open he didn’t budge. He figured it could only be one other person since Xingxing let them through. And plus Mobei-Jun wasn’t reacting so that just proved his guess.

“Why is it you two are always up to something in Mobei’s throne room when I’m not around?” Came a half-hearted complaint from Luo Binghe. He strolled up to the two, leaning down to swipe the wine jar before taking a seat on the arm of the throne. He reached out, touching a vicious looking bite that marred the meat of Shang Qinghua’s shoulder. He smirked at the sight, raising the wine jar to his lips, “Perhaps I’ll abandon my Kingdom and become one of Mobei’s consorts so I don’t keep missing out on the fun.”

“Ha! See? Concubine, consort.” Shang Qinghua said, pointing a finger between him and Binghe.

Mobei-Jun’s peaceful expression was broken by his unimpressed frown. He pinched Shang Qinghua’s ass cheek just to hear him yelp. “Do not ruin the moment.” The abrupt movement reminded Shang Qinghua that he still had Mobei-Jun’s co*ck buried inside him. He clenched his thighs and sucked in a breath, shuddering from where he sat. This instantly caught Luo Binghe’s attention. He paused in his wine drinking to lean close, looking down to see Shang Qinghua’s co*ck twitching in interest while his thighs were still spread over Mobei-Jun’s.

“Well don’t let me interrupt,” He grinned, pressing a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s shoulder before dropping one on Mobei-Jun’s cheek. Luo Binghe then drank some more wine, gesturing for the two to keep going. “I’ll just sit here and enjoy the show~.”

Shang Qinghua rolled his eyes, ready to say there probably wouldn’t be a show since this position was starting to hurt, when his King decided to move! He grabbed Shang Qinghua by the thigh’s before standing up, moving aside so the throne was bare. With a small tilt of his head, he indicated for Luo Binghe to now take the unoccupied seat. The half-demon easily slid in, leaning back and watching curiously as Mobei-Jun pulled out of Shang Qinghua and set the other on the ground. Shang Qinghua was then turned to face Luo Binghe before his upper half was pushed down. He had to scramble to catch himself, hands gripping Luo Binghe’s thighs as Mobei-Jun lined himself back up with Shang Qinghua’s entrance. From this position Luo Binghe was really getting a show. And the heated look of delight in his ruby gaze spoke of how thoroughly he was enjoying it. Shang Qinghua knew without a doubt that he’d soon be enjoying it too.

Chapter 16: Extra 2: Shifu's Private Lesson


“What?! Why would you do that?” Shang Qinghua frowned for a moment before his eyes widened. He pointed an accusatory finger at Luo Binghe, “You were eavesdropping again!”
“It isn’t eavesdropping if you’re yelling loud enough for the whole palace to hear.” Luo Binghe gave a saccharine smile, taking Shang Qinghua’s hand in both of his.


A/N: Sorry, I thought I'd post this sooner since it's an extra but I ended up getting busy xwx Oh well at least it's out now. Plus another treat: I uploaded a one-shot mobinghua mafia au as well. It's not the mafia au I promised many chapters ago. THAT one will come out soon. The one-shot was just an idea I had as I was working on it. So I wrote it out to scratch that itch~ Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! I had fun with it. General warning for age-play and disciple/teacher kink? Kind of. Just keep in mind someone is physically about 17-18 in this chapter (for reasons). As the title implies, there's going to be a shifu kink. And both parties are gonna lean a bit heavily into this roleplay. So if that bothers you then I suppose you can give this extra a pass. Anyways, always make sure to discuss kinks beforehand before springing them on your partner lol. Happy reading, folks.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Here are my antlers for this season,” Shang Qinghua said, setting the wrapped bundle on the table. “Are you really going to try making jewelry from them?”

Across from him Ning Yingying smiled, taking the wrapped antlers before setting them off to the side. She then picked up the warm tea pot and poured a cup for the deer spirit and herself, "Yes. Hualing promised to teach me how her people make bone jewelry. I've always wanted to learn jewelry making since my disciple days. So I figured now was as good a time as any."

Shang Qinghua made a sound after accepting his tea cup, giving his drink a long sip. If she was bothered by the sound, Ning Yingying didn't let it show. This was why Shang Qinghua enjoyed talking with her so much! She just carried this air around her that made him feel comfortable and calm. Like a Disney princess who drew the cute woodland animals to her from charm alone. Although in this case Shang Qinghua was the only woodland animal. And he wasn't really sure he wanted to be classified as a Disney deer. He's seen what happens to them. No thank you!

"I wish I could've been a disciple with you," Shang Qinghua sighed, head drooping.

Ning Yingying chuckled as she gave the other a knowing look. "A-Hua is only saying that because he wanted to see A-Luo as a child."

"Yes!" Shang Qinghua set his cup down hard enough that some tea spilled down the side. He winced at the sound but didn't let it curb his enthusiasm. "I bet he was so cute!!! Big cheeks you’d want to pull, a cute little face that makes your heart squee, and such an earnest puppy vibe! Truly the peak white lotus!"

With years of experience spent listening to Liu Mingyan rave about terms she didn't understand, Ning Yingying nodded along indulgently. "Oh he was! A-Luo was always doing his best. He was so helpful even when Shizun put a lot of pressure on him. But A-Luo didn't let that stop him. He's always been so earnest."

It should’ve been weird to discuss his current partner with said partner's ex-wife, but Ning Yingying had long since assured him that while she loved Binghe, she wanted him to be happy. And that she herself was so overjoyed that Binghe finally seemed satisfied. To see the man she loved no longer destroying himself and that his temperament had cooled enough she could see glimpses of the boy she used to know, Ning Yingying could ask for nothing more. Her love for Binghe would always be there, but it had changed with time. And she was content with this.

"Did he still have baby fat? How tall was he? How cute was he in his uniform?" Shang Qinghua couldn't resist asking question after question. He wanted so badly to know what White Lotus Binghe had been like! He may have briefly written about Luo Binghe during that period of his life, but it didn't compare to someone who knew him! Plus Ning Yingying didn't know Shang Qinghua wrote this world. To avoid problems, the trio had decided it was a secret to keep. Shang Qinghua was already a target just from the numerous rumors about the Flowering Bone Stag, they didn't need to add another thing to the list.

Ning Yingying seemed genuinely happy to reminisce and tell Shang Qinghua all about what a younger Binghe looked like. She got so into her retellings she even started moving her hands along with her story, gesturing as she spoke. Shang Qinghua returned the enthusiasm, cooing and gushing at how she described Luo Binghe. Damn he sounded so adorable! Missed opportunity, System. Imagine if he was a disciple with Luo Binghe!

"Uwaaah he sounds like he was just the cutest!" Shang Qinghua pouted, returning to his slumped position over the table. "I would've liked to see my little white lotus."

Ning Yingying nodded in understanding. She reached over to lightly pat Shang Qinghua on the head. Honestly, after getting to know the spirit, she'd begun to view Shang Qinghua as someone she wanted to dote on. He was so expressive and fun to be around! Plus he reminded her of the skittish wild deer she’d see sometimes when joining Mingyan or Hualing on their joint hunts. She’d always wanted to pet them. Perhaps she was using Shang Qinghua to live her longest dream? She wondered if he’d indulge her and allow her to dote on him in his deer form.

Before she could ask though, there was a short knock followed by the door opening. Luo Binghe stood on the other side, his smile impossibly wide as he swept into the room. He dropped in the empty cushion between Ning Yingying and Shang Qinghua. Luo Binghe enveloped Ning Yingying in a warm hug before letting go and leaning the other way to press a quick peck to Shang Qinghua’s cheek.

“What are you two talking about?” He asked casually like he hadn’t just interrupted their tea party.

“Oh! I was telling A-Hua about–,”

“About my antlers!” Shang Qinghua rushed to say, interrupting Ning Yingying before she could say anything. Shang Qinghua knew they hadn’t talked about anything shameful, but it was embarrassing! He didn’t need Luo Binghe getting any ideas about teasing Shang Qinghua for gushing over his younger years. Plus who knows how Luo Binghe would react over being reminded of that time? Shang Qinghua would rather avoid a potential landmine than just plough right through it!

Scrambling to cover up his blurted out words, Shang Qinghua grabbed his tea cup to avoid fidgeting. “I was asking Ning Yingying what she was gonna do with my antlers and she said she was going to learn how to make jewellery from them.”

“Is that so?” Luo Binghe’s amused gaze drifted to the deer’s white hair, reaching up to thread his fingers through the soft locks. He felt for where Shang Qinghua’s antlers usually sat, the space only slightly raised as any lingering indication. “Already this Lord misses Qinghua’s antlers.”

Shang Qinghua huffed and pushed away Luo Binghe’s grabby hands, “They’ll grow back. Besides, you’ve got plenty of flowers to last you till my antlers come back and I shed the velvet!” And even then Shang Qinghua planned to gather the velvet to provide as a Yin tonic for Luo Binghe. Better to not let such goods go to waste, after all! He was gonna manage his resources!

Luo Binghe smiled, hand dropping to playfully tug the red earring in Shang Qinghua’s ear before finally relenting and pulling his hands away. It was so difficult for him to resist touching Shang Qinghua. “This Lord can’t wait to see Shang Qinghua’s cute little nubs.”

“Wha-!” Shang Qinghua flushed before downing his tea, slamming the cup down and looking pleadingly to Ning Yingying. ‘Please, control your ex-husband!’ Shang Qinghua begged with his eyes. From the way Ning Yingying was pointedly looking anywhere else as she demurely sipped her tea, Shang Qinghua knew he was on his own.

He rolled his eyes but it was more for show than genuine annoyance. Shang Qinghua chuckled not a moment after, expression easing into one of contentment as he listened to Luo Binghe teasingly trying to get Ning Yingying to give him Shang Qinghua’s antlers. As he watched the scene unfold with joy blooming in his heart, he was completely unaware of the ominous thoughts working behind that pretty half-demon face beside him.


“Hurry, A-Hua!” Ning Yingying grinned in barely repressed excitement as she took Shang Qinghua by the hand and led him through the underground palace.

“I’m hurrying!” Shang Qinghua stumbled over his own feet trying to keep up with the other, brows furrowed in confusion. It’d been a few weeks since his tea party with Ning Yingying. Normally, Shang Qinghua could go months between visiting Luo Binghe’s palace, but out of the norm Ning Yingying had sent him an urgent missive. She didn’t say much in her letter. Just that she ‘wanted to show him something’. So here he was, travelling through his King’s portal. Except instead of being accosted by an excited half-demon, he was instead grabbed by an overeager human the moment he stepped out.

They took a few more winds through the halls, rounding the corner and spotting Liu Mingyan standing before a door. She straightened up at their appearance, a glint in her eye that had Shang Qinghua sweating in mounting fear. He’s been around this beautiful woman long enough to know that whenever she had that look in her eye, it meant danger. Or a really angsty plotline she wanted to write. So really still danger, just a different kind.

“Shang Qinghua,” She dipped her head, voice particularly loud which struck Shang Qinghua as strange. It was like she was announcing his presence. “Luo Binghe has asked us, his Generals, to assist in granting you a gift.”

“Eh?” Shang Qinghua watched curiously as Liu Mingyan stepped to the side, reaching for the door she was guarding and pulling it open. Without warning Ning Yingying was shoving at his back and forcing him into the room.

He stumbled over the threshold, righting himself just in time to see the figure in the room stand and raise their fists in a proper bow. The boy looked youthful, at least somewhere between 17 or 18 if he had to guess from height alone. He seemed to be a head shorter than Shang Qinghua and was wearing intricate white robes, the crisp colour broken up by the gentle green accents and gold filigree designs. His brown fluffy hair was pulled back in a ponytail, a green ribbon trailing through the thick tresses. And as the youth raised his face and flashed a dimpled smile at Shang Qinghua, the deer felt his heart stop.

“This disciple greets Shang Qinghua,” Luo Binghe’s charming smile was pure sugar when on such a young face. However when he tilted his head, those brown eyes flashed red for the briefest moment and narrowed, something feral creeping in. He smirked, a single fang peeking out as he asked flirtatiously, “Or should I call you Shizun?”

Shang Qinghua stood there staring at Luo Binghe, brain working to process everything. He thought about Luo Binghe. He thought about Luo Binghe calling him Shizun. He then thought about the last person Luo Binghe called Shizun.

Unprompted, tears of distress filled Shang Qinghua’s eyes and he let out a pathetic whine of fear. Luo Binghe’s seductive look crumbled into one of panic. He scrambled forward, hands raised as if to grab Shang Qinghua, “No no, don’t cry! I’m sorry! I won’t call you Shizun anymore I promise!”

It took several moments of soft reassuring words from Luo Binghe before Shang Qinghua calmed down. With a loud sniffle and ignoring the cooing behind him, Shang Qinghua gave the short Luo Binghe a pointed once-over. Apprehension gone, he was now only filled with awe and confusion.

“W-what happened to you? Why do you look like this? What are you wearing?” Shang Qinghua didn’t dare to hope. But it was really looking like–!

Luo Binghe’s grin returned and he held his arms out, giving a little spin to show off his entire look. “This is my Qing Jing Peak uniform. Or a replica. Liu Mingyang made it at my request.”

“And your age? You’re younger!”

“I let the Serpent of Yesteryears bite me,” Luo Binghe shrugged. In his older body he might’ve looked flippant while doing so. But with his younger face carrying the edgings of baby-fat yet to be shed away completely, he looked boyishly mischievous.

“What?! Why would you do that?” The Serpent of Yesteryears was generally harmless. It’d bite a person, pump them with venom, and reverse their ageing. But only for a day. And even then the amount of time it turned back was always up in the air. Sometimes it was a week, other times it was years. If you were really unlucky you’d be reverted to a baby! If that happened, thank the Gods it wasn’t permanent!

Shang Qinghua frowned for a moment before his eyes widened. He pointed an accusatory finger at Luo Binghe, “You were eavesdropping again!”

“It isn’t eavesdropping if you’re yelling loud enough for the whole palace to hear.” Luo Binghe gave a saccharine smile, taking Shang Qinghua’s hand in both of his. His expression shifted, a pout forming on his lips as his eyes grew wide and glistening, the glimmer of tears appearing in the corners. He tucked his head down, looking up through his lashes at Shang Qinghua. “I just wanted to fulfil your wish of seeing me as a disciple. Does this upset Shifu?”

Oh God. A new kink was just unlocked, wasn’t it? Who was the student/teacher roleplay really for, Protagonist?! Clearly someone was enjoying this more than the other!

Although, as Shang Qinghua stared down at Luo Binghe and his pitiful puppy expression–more effective now because he looked like a puppy–Shang Qinghua felt his heart squeeze. He let out a barely restrained cry, easily throwing his arms around Luo Binghe and dragging the youth into a hug. He nuzzled his cheek onto the top of Luo Binghe’s head, squealing, “You’re so stinking cute!!! And look at your cheeks!” He pulled back enough to get handfuls of those chipmunk cheeks, pinching and pulling with enthusiasm. “Adorable! 10 out of 10!! My perfect little white lotus!”

Throughout all the manhandling Luo Binghe could only beam happily. If he had a tail it’d be wagging a mile a minute. He laughed at the cheek pulling, eyes squinting as he grinned wide at Shang Qinghua. “Am I Shifu’s favorite disciple?”

Wow, Luo Binghe was really pushing for this, huh? Well Shang Qinghua couldn’t say no to such a cute face! He giggled, booping Luo Binghe on the nose, “Of course! My most favourite!”

Luo Binghe visibly brightened before he rushed forward, hugging Shang Qinghua and burying his face into his chest. There he nuzzled, clinging to Shang Qinghua’s robes like he was a koala. From behind Shang Qinghua he heard a pointed cough, startling him from the sweet moment. He whipped his head around and saw Ning Yingying chuckling in amusem*nt at the two while Liu Mingyan was using a stick of charcoal to write furiously in a paper-bound book she pulled from out of nowhere.

“Perhaps Shang-Shifu would like to take disciple Luo on an educational outing?”

Eh? What was this?! Shang Qinghua was only playing Shifu for his Binghe’s apparent new kink! He didn’t think he’d actually have to do some teaching! Though when he glanced down and saw Luo Binghe’s pleading gaze, Shang Qinghua felt his soft heart wavering. Ah! He knew Luo Binghe’s puppy eyes were dangerous, but when he’s young white lotus Binghe, those eyes were just deadly!

Shang Qinghua sighed before he patted Luo Binghe on the head, “Very well!” If Shang Qinghua was going to be the immortal teacher, guess he’d have to play the part. Though he didn’t want to be too much like a strict teacher. This was supposed to be fun! So hm… Maybe he could just act normally? With the ‘old wise’ knowledge bit thrown in every now and again?

Shang Qinghua slowly peeled Luo Binghe’s arms away from him before tucking his hands behind his back. He looked down at Luo Binghe, squaring his shoulders and smiling down at him. “Come along, Binghe. This Shifu knows just the place for us to go.”

“Yes!” Luo Binghe dutifully followed Shang Qinghua like a little duckling. He sent a wide smile to his two Generals as they passed, the two women giving him subtle thumbs up in response.

Only once the two were gone did Ning Yingying let out a faint wheeze, placing a hand over her heart. “Goodness! Seeing A-Luo act like that sure brought me back. Kind of.” She sighed before smiling warmly, placing a hand to her cheek, “Seeing him so happy in that uniform and at that age… That’s how it should have been.”

“I agree,” Finally Liu Mingyan tucked away her book and charcoal, “However I’m glad he’s reached enough happiness to the point of willingly donning a uniform that should hold trauma for him. All to fulfil Shang Qinghua’s wish.”

Ning Yingying chuckled, turning to share a smile with Liu Mingyan, “He truly loves A-Hua, doesn’t he?”

“Mmm. Though I wonder if he’s come to realize it yet.”

The smaller woman laughed, linking her arm with Liu Mingyan and leading the two from the room. “Probably not. A-Luo was always so good at avoiding introspection. But I’m sure in time he’ll get there. He’s in a better place now to explore his feelings.”

Liu Mingyan agreed wholeheartedly. Every day she saw the good influence Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun seemed to be having on Luo Binghe. Initially she’d been shocked it wasn’t just one person that had stolen Luo Binghe’s heart. But she quickly became the first supporter of their relationship. It helped that the three were perfect fuel for her indulgent writing. And as the seasons passed Liu Mingyan wondered when her ex-husband would finally host his last wedding ceremonies. She hoped it was within the next three years, she had a betting pool to win.


To get to where Shang Qinghua planned for their trip, they would have to use one of Xin Mo’s portals. Thankfully with how much of his flowers and Yin Luo Binghe consumed, Xin Mo’s will was practically dormant. This meant teleporting with it no longer hurt Shang Qinghua. That didn't stop Lup Binghe from wrapping an arm around Shang Qinghua's waist to lead him through every time they travelled though. Yet in his current form, such an attempt was awkward and near impossible. Their height difference had changed significantly, after all.

"Alright!" Shang Qinghua fluttered his sleeves as he stepped out, too busy looking at the woods around him to notice Luo Binghe reaching for his hand and the subsequent aggrieved expression he made when Shang Qinghua stepped out of range. Yet when he turned around the half-demon snapped to attention, "I had us come here so we could walk a bit. Exercise is good for a growing body!"

"Yes Shifu!"

Shang Qinghua couldn't resist squealing at his cute white lotus. He reached out, squishing Luo Binghe's cheeks. "Precious! Gosh you're adorable. Shen Qingqiu was a f*cking idiot for abusing you, I swear."

"Shifu will treat this disciple better than that man ever could, won't he?" Luo Binghe fluttered his lashes, placing a hand over Shang Qinghua's and leaning into the hold.

Missing the seductive tactic for what it was, Shang Qinghua only smiled. "Of course! My Binghe deserves only the best!"

He spun around, marching forward and once more remaining oblivious to the way Luo Binghe frowned. Here he was trying to act cute and demure to get his "Shifu" to defile him, but each attempt went right over the stag's head! Had he been in his actual body, his seduction would have no doubt come across quite clearly. But the coy attitude with his youthful face only had him looking shy! Like a brat seeking approval!

As he stomped behind Shang Qinghua–though making sure to keep his steps inaudible to avoid catching the other’s attention–Luo Binghe frantically tried to form a plan to get him what he wanted. He wouldn't mind Shang Qinghua pressing him to the dirt and taking him as a punishment from his ‘Shifu’. The idea was quite enticing, especially considering their new height difference. But then there was the tantalizing fantasy of laying his hands on his teacher and rendering him helpless. A disciple with shameful feelings for his Shifu, wishing for his first time to be taught by the object of his obsessions.

Already Luo Binghe could feel the stirrings of arousal scratching his senses. He could feel the desire to grab Shang Qinghua and pin him to a tree grow. To rip at his robes and bully him till his cheeks grew red and were soaked with tears. But seeing the way Shang Qinghua was eagerly trying to play the part of Shifu, rambling excitedly about facts of the flora around them, Luo Binghe's wants settled into a low simmer. He did not mind indulging his Qinghua for now.

Tucking his hands behind his back, Luo Binghe trotted forward till he was walking at Shang Qinghua's side. He smiled dutifully up at him, "Where are we going, Shifu?"

Shang Qinghua hummed, looking up at the trees around them. "A hidden grove. One I'm certain Binghe has never visited before." If Shang Qinghua did his maths right, anyways. Sorry wife 490, this humble author is taking your plotline.

Luo Binghe leapt down from the small drop before them, turning around to offer a hand and help Shang Qinghua. It was unnecessary. The drop was barely even two feet! Yet Shang Qinghua didn’t mind pandering to Luo Binghe’s whims. "Don't worry, Shifu. If there's any danger, I'll protect you," Luo Binghe spoke earnestly, holding tight to Shang Qinghua's hand.

Wow, Luo Binghe was really good at that devoted disciple thing! Maybe this wasn't actually a kink? Perhaps Binghe just wanted to live a non-traumatic experience as a disciple. However, when the boy raised Shang Qinghua’s hand and pressed a kiss to it, the next words out of his mouth wiped that notion away.

"This disciple would do anything for Shifu." He whispered, eyes going lidded as he gazed up to Shang Qinghua.

So it really was a kink! Right, Shang Qinghua could do this. How would a scene like this play out? If he doesn't want to be the affronted prissy teacher, then what could he do? Oh! Perhaps leaning into the roleplay scene Binghe was laying down? It sounded like a forbidden romance between a disciple and teacher. The boundaries have yet to be crossed, but both parties desperately wish for it to be so! With the plan settled, Shang Qinghua made an internal note that next time they really needed to talk this out before diving right into kink play.

Shang Qinghua did nothing to hide his blush, looking around and acting as if he was trying to spot potential onlookers. He then ducked his head, pulling his hand away as he said, "Binghe… You know we can't."

He chanced a glance up at Luo Binghe to gauge his reaction. He had to duck his head again to cover up his grin at how thrilled Luo Binghe looked over his game being reciprocated. A giddy feeling fluttered inside Shang Qinghua as if thousands of butterflies took flight. Rushing ahead to hide his smile, Shang Qinghua made a show of clearing his throat.

"Come along, Binghe." He led them deeper into the woods, picking back up on explaining the forest to him. "Now as I was saying, these woods are special. Not because of the creatures inside, but because of this one grove nestled in the center. However, they are special not in the way you might think! They don't have any magical properties whatsoever."

"Then what is it that makes them special?" Luo Binghe asked, keeping pace with Shang Qinghua. There was a burning anticipation in his eyes that Shang Qinghua knew had nothing to do with the 'educational outing'.

"Binghe will just have to wait and see."

The grove wasn't far from where they were. So it only took another minute of walking before they arrived. There was a noticeable difference between the trees they had just been under and the ones growing in the grove. The grove trees had long white trunks that stretched high to thick foliage. The leaves were a peach blossom pink and dangling from the branches were thick juicy fruit. They were a little oddly shaped, resembling starfruit but with their edges more rounded. The smell of flowers lay heavy in the air yet not a single bloom could be spotted. Littering the forest floor though were a bed of those distinct leaves, creating a sea of pink that Shang Qinghua stepped over.

"This is the Grove of Blossom Fruit. Do you know why it's called this?" Shang Qinghua ventured beneath a tree, stretching up and plucking one of the lower hanging fruits.

"Because the fruit is shaped like a flower? Or it turns you into a flower?"

Shang Qinghua laughed, turning around to flash Luo Binghe a smile, "Do you think I'd take you to some place so dangerous?" He tutted before raising the fruit and taking a large bite of it. Shang Qinghua hummed at the taste, pure enjoyment radiating from him as he chewed his mouthful. The fruit was packed to the brim in juices, the shiny pinkish liquid trailing down onto his hand.

Luo Binghe stood transfixed, watching the way Shang Qinghua's throat bobbed as he swallowed. The teasing sweep of his tongue chasing the lingering drops around his lips. It was only thanks to his honed reaction-time Luo Binghe managed to catch the bitten fruit as it was tossed to him.

"Give it a try, Binghe."

Expecting to enjoy the fruit as much as the deer, Luo Binghe also took a large bite. He made sure it connected to where Shang Qinghua had bitten. He only chewed once when the full floral flavor hit his tongue. Luo Binghe turned his head and spat out his mouthful, looking wronged as Shang Qinghua openly laughed.

It was only thanks to his trust in Shang Qinghua that Luo Binghe took no offence. He knew Shang Qinghua wasn't mocking him with his amusem*nt. Still he played up the sulking disciple, pouting at Shang Qinghua.

"Shifu," He whined, "It tastes like I've eaten a mouthful of flowers."

Shang Qinghua had tears in his eyes and was holding his stomach from laughing so hard. "It's because you basically did!"

The Grove of Blossom Fruit was as the name implied. The chapter this grove appeared in had been an April Fool's Day chapter. What started out as a romantic wooing of a wife ended in a comedic failed-date when all the fruit Binghe gathered turned out to taste like flowers. His readers had thrown a fit that the date ended without sex and instead with Binghe failing a romantic endeavor for once. Shang Qinghua had to do damage control in the following chapter.

Luo Binghe passed back the fruit when Shang Qinghua held out his hand, watching in genuine confusion as the other took another massive bite and hummed in enjoyment. “How can Shifu eat it so easily?”

Chewing thoughtfully, Shang Qinghua leaned back against the tree trunk behind him. “It’s probably because I’m a deer. Plant tastes don’t really bother me. I mean I grew up eating grass. Though flowers taste better so I’d try to graze in flower patches when they were available.” It’d taken a while at first for Shang Qinghua to convince himself to graze like a deer after he’d weaned off his mother’s milk. But when he did, he found that it didn’t taste like he thought it would. It seems his deer-self fixed his taste buds for things like grass and stuff! Either that or his System was taking pity on him and making them palatable so its dumb host didn’t die from self-imposed starvation.

“So Shifu likes to eat flowers?”

“Yeah, I guess. They’re a nice snack.” It wasn’t like he was desperate for them though.

Shang Qinghua bit into the fruit again, juices gushing in response and more spilling down his hand. He made a sound, pulling back his sleeve to avoid the dribbling liquid from staining the white. However quick as lightning Luo Binghe darted forward, snatching Shang Qinghua by the wrist.

The two locked eyes, standing in silence for several seconds before Luo Binghe cast his gaze down. “Shifu, allow this disciple to help.”

Shang Qinghua didn’t have to ask how Luo Binghe would help when the other gently drew Shang Qinghua’s hand to his mouth. A pink tongue flicked against the thin skin of his wrist, lips pressing against his veins and feeling the way Shang Qinghua’s pulse fluttered. Luo Binghe licked down, following the trail the fruit’s juices made. He stopped just where it ended before sucking the skin. Shang Qinghua’s breath hitched, his hand trembling in Luo Binghe’s hold. The sound had Luo Binghe’s eyes snapping up to his, a devilish smirk playing at his lips. That teasing mouth trailed further, pushing down more of Shang Qinghua’s sleeve and exposing more freckled skin for his exploring tongue.

Leaning against the tree for support, Shang Qinghua felt the fruit slip from his lax grip. But he cared little for the wasted food. Instead he gasped, giving a half-hearted attempt to pull his arm away. The half-demon’s grip didn’t allow him to get far.

Luo Binghe’s mouth travelled back up to the palm of Shang Qinghua’s hand, kissing and licking the skin as he went. When he reached the sticky residue left by the discarded fruit, he slid his tongue out to lave over every inch of skin he could reach. Tracing the webbing between Shang Qinghua’s fingers before pulling back to suck on the digits. All the while he kept eye-contact with Shang Qinghua, lowering himself further on those slim fingers till they brushed the back of his throat. Shang Qinghua bit his lower lip, arousal shaking his body from head to toe. He whined, a low, needy sound. “Binghe…”

Brown eyes flashed red and the next thing Shang Qinghua knew, he was being flipped around and pressed up against the tree. Luo Binghe pressed his clothed erection against Shang Qinghua’s ass, groaning and dropping his head forward to rest against Shang Qinghua’s upper back.

“Shifu… This disciple must confess,” He groaned, nipping at Shang Qinghua through his clothes. “This disciple desires Shifu. Desires him in ways that are… Shameful. But this disciple cannot help it. Not when Shifu treats me so well.”

Shang Qinghua buried his face in his arms, shamelessly pressing back against Luo Binghe’s hardened member. “T-this Shifu too… He wants his disciple.” His ears burned just saying that but the breathlessness in his voice showed just how into it he was. And feeling Luo Binghe’s co*ck twitch against his backside gave him the confidence to keep going with their play.

“This Shifu is sorry,” He glanced over his shoulder at Luo Binghe. It filled him with a sense of pride to see how disheveled the other was. Face flushed with arousal and hunger burning deep in his eyes. He’d seen Luo Binghe’s aroused face plenty of times. But seeing it on Luo Binghe’s younger face made it seem more innocent, less roguish. It made Shang Qinghua feel like he was taking Binghe’s virginity despite the man having had sex hundreds of times already. And perhaps it was the arousal that was frying his brain, but Shang Qinghua found the idea a very alluring one.

Shang Qinghua bit his lip, continuing on with his ‘apology’. “This Shifu didn’t want Binghe’s first time to be with him… But I can’t imagine giving my precious disciple’s virginity to anyone else.” He paused, waiting to see Luo Binghe’s reaction. Hopefully he didn’t go too far?

The hands on his waist tightened and Luo Binghe gave an aborted thrust against Shang Qinghua, dropping his head to bite. “f*ck–! Shifu, this disciple would gladly give you his first time!” He said around a mouthful of fabric.

Eagerly, Shang Qinghua wiggled his hips in the hopes Luo Binghe would get the hint. Luo Binghe’s hands hiked up his robes, bunching them around the deer’s waist so he could pull down his pants. His tail sprang free, flicking in the air and twitching deliberately. Like clockwork, Luo Binghe gripped the fluffy tail, kneading it while Shang Qinghua openly moaned into the quiet forest air. He vaguely registered his pants dropping to the ground and Luo Binghe’s other hand grabbing one thick cheek, spreading his ass.

“Shifu~,” Luo Binghe tittered sweetly, thumb dipping forward to press at his puffy pink hole. It easily slipped through, no resistance meeting it whatsoever. “You’re so open. Has Shifu been preparing himself, waiting for the day this disciple would fill him with his co*ck?”

It was true Shang Qinghua was pretty loose. But anyone would be if they slept the whole night with a co*ck in them! More often than not, Shang Qinghua was going to bed with either his King or Luo Binghe still inside of him. It was that or passing out after the two thoroughly wreck him. Regardless, it’d be alarming if he wasn’t still soft and pliable!

But Shang Qinghua didn’t say this. Instead he shamelessly nodded his head in agreement. Luo Binghe pressed a grin to Shang Qinghua’s back, reluctantly letting go of his cute little tail so he could push down his own pants. “Such a devoted Shifu.”

Shang Qinghua heard the wet slide of Luo Binghe fisting his co*ck, spreading the pre leaking from the swollen head across the meat of his member. He then gathered what fluids he could before spreading them over Shang Qinghua’s waiting hole. Yet as he was just going to dip a finger in, he stopped. The abrupt lack of action had Shang Qinghua whimpering and pressing back in search of more.


“W-what?” Shang Qinghua huffed, opening blurry eyes to look back at Luo Binghe.

The man had the damn audacity to now look shy. Batting his lashes, he bit his bottom lip as he looked down, purposefully dragging the head of his co*ck against Shang Qinghua’s quivering hole. “This disciple has never done this before. Won’t Shifu guide him?”

Protagonist why!! He gets it’s part of their play but come on! You know Shang Qinghua gets word stupid when aroused! Despite the wailing in his head, Shang Qinghua dutifully nodded. He breathed in deep before he used one hand to reach behind himself, spreading his ass for the half-demon.

“Here… Binghe has to put his… His co*ck in here. You only have to move.”

“Okay,” The cheeky youth sing-songed.

Shang Qinghua should’ve known Luo Binghe would use it as another moment of teasing. He pressed the tip of his leaking member against Shang Qinghua, resting there hot and heavy before slowly breeching inside. The plush walls gave in easily, sucking in more and more of Luo Binghe’s co*ck. With his age regression, Luo Binghe’s powerful weapon had shrunk in size somewhat. Enough that Shang Qinghua, someone who regularly takes his co*ck, would notice the difference. But he was still pleasantly full, just not as stuffed as he was used to.

Regardless Shang Qinghua moaned, using the tree as support while he pressed his ass back to meet each thrust. Yet Luo Binghe wouldn’t increase his pace. He still kept that slow, even rhythm. He’d thrust as deep as he could before dragging his co*ck out till the tip rested against the rim. Then he was pushing back in again at the same lackadaisical speed.

Shang Qinghua, by this point, was already sobbing with need. He hung his head, fingers digging into the bark beneath him. “Binghe–Binghe please–! Move–!”

“This disciple…” Luo Binghe panted, sweat forming along his brow. Luo Binghe was forcing himself to maintain this teasing touch, deliberately not giving Shang Qinghua what they both desired. He grunted, gritting his teeth when Shang Qinghua clenched down hard around his co*ck. Luo Binghe tried again to speak, his words coming out strained, “This disciple is moving.”

“Faster! Move faster!”

Luo Binghe snorted, shifting his stance and tightening his hold on Shang Qinghua’s waist. “Is Shifu sure?”

“Yes! Please, I–Ah!” Shang Qinghua choked on a cry, head throwing back as Luo Binghe slammed his hips forward. He wasted no time in setting a brutal pace, driving into Shang Qinghua and reaching as deeply as he could go. He tugged the deer back to meet each snap of his hips, the push and pull shaking Shang Qinghua’s ass and causing the wet sounds of their skin to echo throughout the grove.

Shang Qinghua moaned wantonly, closing his eyes and soaking in the feel of a co*ck ramming hard against his prostate. His chants of ‘yes’ were punctuated by little toe-curling grunts of pleasure from the man behind him. It never failed to make Shang Qinghua hot and bothered hearing his lovers and the sounds that slipped from them when they were truly feeling good. It made his head fuzzy and his co*ck leak even more precum.

Luo Binghe pressed himself up against Shang Qinghua’s back, needing to stand on the tips of his toes in order to mouth at the other’s jaw. Shang Qinghua groaned, twisting as much as he could in order to press a sloppy kiss to Luo Binghe’s mouth. He whimpered into the kiss, tangling his hand in Luo Binghe’s ponytail and holding fast.

“So good! Binghe–Binghe–! So good for me–!”

Luo Binghe drove even harder into Shang Qinghua, hips stuttering at the praise. He growled, biting Shang Qinghua’s lips before redoubling his efforts into f*cking the life out of the deer. Shang Qinghua could only hold on and enjoy the ride. Sooner than he’d like, Shang Qinghua could feel his impending org*sm. The feeling built at the base of his co*ck, his balls aching and drawing tight. With one last, throaty moan, Shang Qinghua’s legs trembled and his cum splattered against the base of the tree, blending into the white bark.

The vice-like grip around his co*ck had Luo Binghe f*cking up frantically into Shang Qinghua, now chasing his own release. He rutted into him with abandon, thighs slapping against Shang Qinghua’s ass and grinding up. Then, after several more small desperate humps, Luo Binghe drew out far enough that when he slammed back in, Shang Qinghua nearly screamed at the force of it. He buried his co*ck deep as he came, keening low in his throat.

“Damn… Qinghua,” Luo Binghe hissed, hips stuttering as he slowly f*cked his cum into Shang Qinghua.

The sound of his name drew a whine from the deer, Shang Qinghua dropping a hand to grip Luo Binghe’s slimmer wrist while resting his forehead against his other arm. “Luo Binghe, h-hold on a moment. At least let me rest!”

“Mmm but Shang Qinghua was so good for this Lord. He played the part of Shifu well.” Luo Binghe purred, nuzzling between Shang Qinghua’s shoulder blades. “Did Qinghua like it as well?”

Shang Qinghua bit his lip before nodding, speaking in case the other couldn’t see his movement. “Y-yeah… I liked seeing a younger you. It was fun. And pretending to be your teacher was kinda hot.” Shang Qinghua never wrote anything like it. Mainly because teacher figures were kind of a huge trigger for Luo Binghe in the book! It… Really was heartwarming to know Luo Binghe trusted him enough to play such a kinky scenario with him.

“If Qinghua wished to see this Lord in his youth so much, why did Qinghua not ask?” Luo Binghe’s question was gentle with genuine curiosity.

“I didn’t think you’d ever want to be reminded of your disciple days. So I just… Never brought it up.” The deer admitted, shrugging a shoulder.

Luo Binghe hummed, pondering the other’s words for a moment. He smiled, chest tight from the warmth squeezing his heart. Luo Binghe rested his cheek against Shang Qinghua’s back, “While this Lord appreciates the sentiment, next time I ask you to not assume my feelings. I would rather we speak about it even if you think the topic may be hard for me. Can Qinghua do that for me?”

Shang Qinghua bit his bottom lip before giving a small hum, “Yeah… I’ll try.” He could feel the way Luo Binghe pressed a kiss to his back. It eased more of the anxiety he hadn’t been aware was residing in his heart. Though as the two stood there basking in the afterglow, Shang Qinghua was reminded of something else they should communicate about. “Next time, we have to discuss the scene before we actually jump into it. Otherwise one of us might toss in something the other doesn’t like! It’s basic proper kink etiquette!” Shang Qinghua scolded, trying to look over his shoulder at Luo Binghe. All he could see was those fluffy curls.

Luo Binghe tilted his head back, resting his chin against Shang Qinghua as he wound his arms around his waist. “What’s a ‘kink’?”

Ah f*ck, new door opened! Although really they should’ve had this conversation ages ago. Especially since they were frequently having pretty kinky sex. “If I’m going to explain kink to you, then we’re gonna have to at least have Mobei-Jun with us so he can hear it too!”

Luo Binghe snorted, reaching up to flick the blue choker around Shang Qinghua’s neck. “Then call him.”

“Wah–Here? You really want me to call my King while we’re like this?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“I meant half-naked outside!”

Luo Binghe nonchalantly shrugged a shoulder, “Same difference. Just a wall of trees instead.”


Shang Qinghua was interrupted by the sound of Mobei-Jun’s portal forming, the demon stepping through and freezing at the sight before him. Internally Shang Qinghua threw his hands up in a silent wail, only now remembering how just uttering ‘Mobei-Jun’ or ‘my King’ was enough to summon the demon. Said demon was staring between the two, a brief flash of alarm crossing his face before his hackles lowered. For a moment he didn’t know who was pressing Shang Qinghua to the tree. Then recognition settled into his frame as he caught Luo Binghe’s scent.

“... Junshang?”

“Hey, Mobei!” Luo Binghe grinned, cheek pressing to Shang Qinghua’s back as he cuddled closer. This, in turn, ground his co*ck from where it lay inside Shang Qinghua.

“Nnn!” Shang Qinghua gasped, slapping the arms around his waist.

Not at all chastised, Luo Binghe instead grinned wide as his brilliant mind formed another idea. “You know Qinghua,” He purred, ruby gaze tracing over Mobei-Jun’s body. “This Lord vaguely remembers you mentioning something about wanting to see what Mobei-Jun looked like in his youth. Perhaps he should also get bit by the Serpent of Yesteryears, hmm?”

Shang Qinghua chewed on his lower lip, eyes darting between Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun. Oh boy. Now did he really want to keep messing around with those poor age-altering snakes? Or should he put a moratorium on this? But then again… Getting ordered around by a young Prince Mobei-Jun? Well… New kink here he comes!


Some absolutely lovely fanart! Go and give them some love!

Cute little pieces of Qinghua by Minimalen: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41183871

A glamorous piece depicting Qinghua by Mari_Val: https://twitter.com/Mari_Val411/status/1574298759797743616

A very handsome Qinghua by Seiraheron: https://twitter.com/Kurdupel113/status/1663278191090319360

Such a stunning drawing of Xingxing and Shang Qinghua by chen7249: https://x.com/chen7249/status/1789447474064900383

Chapter 17: Extra 3: Operation Double-Team


Mobei-Jun seemed taken aback by the declaration. Then his expression eased into something akin to the parting of storm clouds, warm sunlight peeking through. His lashes lowered and he only hummed. But that single sound said more than enough. Luo Binghe chuckled, leaning up so he could kiss Mobei-Jun.


A/N: Sorry it's taken a hot minute to get this chapter posted. I ended up going through a serious writer's block that just made it difficult to put anything down. I mean I was still productive. I've formed and outlined 3 other fics so I've got something to work on once this is done. But it did make me decide that I'm going to write out the entire fic before I start posting. Thankfully the next few fics are pretty short? By my standards anyways lol. Either way it'll still make updates more on a schedule. Oh, but I did learn something during the time between last chapter and this one. Was playing FFXIV and learned that my obsession with Zenos is because some aspects of him reminds me of Luo Binghe, specifically Bingge. We'll ignore what that says about my taste in fictional men lol. Regardless, this is the last chapter to a Deer in Headlights. Thank you everyone who has stuck with me from the beginning to the end. And thank you to the new readers who picked this up and gave it a read! I sincerely appreciate everyone who left a kuddos, comment, bookmark, or even drew fanart! It really inspired me to keep writing. I do hope you all look forward to whatever fics I produce in the future. I've still got more MoBingHua to post about with aus scratching at my brain begging release. So we'll see which one gets published first! Till then thank you for reading, for your support, and I wish you well!

Chapter Text


The breaking of silence had Shang Qinghua tensing the smallest bit. Cautiously he looked up from where he was working, staring at the elder demon laying on his bed. Said demon was stretched out on his stomach, legs up and lazily kicking through the air. In his hands was a paper-bound book, a similar pile scattered around him.

Without taking his eyes off his reading material, Tianlang-Jun continued, “How’s my son?”

“Fine? You saw him literally an hour ago when you arrived.”

“I know, I know! But he’s so cagey around me.” Tianlang-Jun chuckled, wrinkles forming in the corners of his eyes as he smiled. “I just want to know how he’s doing.”

Part of Shang Qinghua figured that was true. Ever since being freed from under the mountain, Tianlang-Jun had developed somewhat of an odd relationship with Luo Binghe. The demon was very insistent on “making up for lost time” and seemed to make it his sole mission to pop in and bother Luo Binghe any chance he could get. Sometimes he even brought along his nephew, Zhuzhi-Lang. Luo Binghe, for the most part, seemed to be on ok terms with his cousin, but was absolutely unable to deal with Tianlang-Jun. When aggression didn’t scare the man off, Luo Binghe just chose avoidance. Honestly Shang Qinghua felt like he was in the Twilight Zone when he would see Luo Binghe power walking across the palace grounds with a delighted Tianlang-Jun following right behind him. But for some reason that just… Worked for them. For now at least. Who knows if that’d ever change.

When he grew tired of being a nuisance, Tianlang-Jun would come and bother Shang Qinghua. Turns out his love of human literature hadn’t changed even after so many years. He had a lot of catching up to do! And when he learned Shang Qinghua was writing his own work? Tianlang-Jun claimed himself as Shang Qinghua’s number one fan. From there a book club of sorts started. Shang Qinghua would sit at his desk and write while Tianlang-Jun hoarded new books to laze about and read. It wasn’t a bad way to pass the time if he was being honest.

“And Mobei-Jun? How’s he?”

Shang Qinghua had just started writing again when Tianlang-Jun interrupted him with another innocuous question. He huffed a sigh, putting his brush down and staring at the elder demon. “Why are you asking about them?”

“Not for anything suspicious,” Tianlang-Jun placed a hand to his chest, pulling his best hurt expression, “Qinghua, do you think I would use this information for something nefarious?”

“If it made Luo Binghe pay attention to you, you would.”

Tianlang-Jun paused before he barked a laugh, letting his book drop as he flopped on the bed. “You’ve got me there.” He hummed, resting his chin on his folded arms. With fangs peaking past his lips, he flashed Shang Qinghua a Cheshire smile.

Ah, Shang Qinghua knew what this was. He groaned and held himself back from slamming his head onto the table. “You just want gossip.”

“Well since you’re offering!” Like a whirlwind Tianlang-Jun sprung from the bed and swept to the low table, dropping down on the other side. He rested his elbows on the polished wood and held his chin, eagerly looking at Shang Qinghua. “Well? Tell Father-in-Law all about it! Have you started wedding planning yet?”

Shang Qinghua squinted at him before slowly pushing aside his papers. He pulled the bowl of nuts closer to himself, figuring he wasn’t going to get any work done now that Tianlang-Jun decided he wanted to talk. “Uh no, no wedding. We’re not getting married.” Can’t get married if no one’s proposed! And there was no way Shang Qinghua was going to ask. What if he got rejected?

“Well that’s disappointing,” Tianlang-Jun didn’t seem too bothered. Instead he eagerly shuffled even closer, sparkles practically shining in his eyes. “But nevermind that! So tell me, how exactly do two men have sex?”

Shang Qinghua coughed, choking on the nuts he’d stuffed into his mouth. He hunched over, hacking up a lung to try and dislodge his favourite snack. The whole time Tianlang-Jun merely smiled, not offering any help whatsoever. Through teary eyes Shang Qinghua sent his best glare at the demon.

“T-that’s what you wanted to ask this whole time, wasn’t it?!”

“Well I actually wanted to know since the beginning, but I didn’t think we were close enough for that yet.”

“Why are you asking me?!” Shang Qinghua roughly cleared his throat, reaching for the cup of tea Tianlang-Jun poured for him and knocking it back like a shot. He coughed wetly, feeling his cheeks burn from blushing so hard. “I’ve seen some of the books you read! I’m pretty sure those are plenty informative!”

“Oh very, but I’d much rather hear from someone with personal experience. And since you’re sleeping with two men, you have double that experience!” Tianlang-Jun openly laughed as he poured Shang Qinghua another cup of tea.

Shang Qinghua groaned, dragging his hands down his face as he silently wondered what it was that brought him to this point. Perhaps he shouldn’t have told Luo Binghe about his dad. Let the man rot back under the mountain and save Shang Qinghua the headache!

Thankfully before he could be forced to answer, the door to Shang Qinghua’s room opened after there was a light knock. Stepping inside was a willowy man dressed in robes of green, a faint sheen to the fabric that looked like snake scales. Dusting his high cheekbones and down his throat were a smattering of emerald scales. Draped around his throat was a large snake, the pattern on its shimmery body denouncing it as poisonous.

“Uncle,” His voice was light and airy, like the whispers of the wind. In his hands were a tray piled with numerous snacks and treats, some bowls containing what were clearly slices of raw meat and other such fresh produce. “Please do not cause trouble for Lord Shang.”

“What trouble? I’m only asking for clarification!”

Zhuzhi-Lang looked mildly concerned. As he placed the tray down, slitted eyes darted between his uncle and his cousin’s… Partner? If he was being honest he wasn’t really sure what Shang Qinghua was to Luo Binghe. He knew his cousin cared about the deer spirit. Hard not to tell when both he and Mobei-Jun purposefully smothered Shang Qinghua in their scent. But because there wasn’t a clear name or title to refer to Shang Qinghua as, Zhuzhi-Lang simply chose to continue referring to him as lord rather than risk offending. Not offending Shang Qinghua. No, the man seemed to not care what he was called. But to Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe? Well Zhuzhi-Lang would rather avoid any form of conflict if he could help it.

“I wouldn’t even need to bother Qinghua if my darling nephew had explained it to me himself.”

Now Zhuzhi-Lang’s expression turned pinch, a light flush blossoming over his pointed ears. “Uncle… Are you still asking about that?”

‘Oh great!’ Shang Qinghua thought, ‘He asked Zhuzhi-Lang before asking me!’

Tianlang-Jun seemed unbothered, shrugging his shoulders as he picked a cube of red meat between his claws. “Of course. I still have questions, after all. And I’ve decided that asking Shang Qinghua is the better option since he’s sleeping with two men!” Popping the chunk in his mouth, Tianlang-Jun enthusiastically chewed before resting his forearm on the table. “So in your stories sometimes there’s ‘prep work’ while in other pieces you have them shove it right in. What is the right answer?”

Shang Qinghua wondered if he should flag a servant down for some alcohol. Sharing a glance with Zhuzhi-Lang, he surmised the other was probably thinking along the same lines. Shang Qinghua grit his teeth and tried to pretend he was giving a lecture and not that he was giving the father of his boyfriend a gay sex-ed talk. “Prep work is important for any partner, gender doesn’t matter. In p*rn you can just ignore those kinds of things because it’s not real, it’s a fantasy. But in real life if you don’t prepare at least a little bit, then you’ll seriously hurt yourself or your partner. The more you prep, the easier it is to… Er… Take large things.” Gods this was so embarrassing. Too embarrassing!! System, why was this happening?!

[Host is the one that agreed to this conversation. This System has nothing to do with it]

Can he at least get some points for giving a sex ed talk to Tianlang-Jun?!

[Do not be greedy, Host]

Don’t be stingy, System!

“Oooh I see,” Tianlang-Jun rubbed his chin thoughtfully, giving Shang Qinghua a glance-over. “You’re so small compared to those two boys, so I imagine it takes a long time preparing just to take one of them. Does the length of time preparing remain the same when you’re taking both?”

Shang Qinghua froze, eyes large as he stared at Tianlang-Jun. Shang Qinghua’s mouth was open wide enough to catch flies. In response to his shocked state, Tianlang-Jun’s expression shifted to one of confusion. Then as his brilliant mind worked quickly, a wide grin broke out along his face. He gasped and giggled– f*cking giggled.

Before Tianlang-Jun could open his mouth to say anything mortifying, Shang Qinghua slammed his hands on the table. “That’s it! I answered your question! No more!”

“Aah?” Tianlang-Jun had the audacity to f*cking pout, “But I still had more things to ask.”

Zhuzhi-Lang let out a long-suffering sigh before he reached out to take one of the bowls of meat, picking up slices to feed to the snake at his neck. Shang Qinghua also saw him slipping some meat slices into his sleeve where another snake was no doubt hiding. “Uncle please. If you upset Lord Shang too much, wouldn’t Luo Binghe bar you from his palace?”

That seemed to do the trick. Tianlang-Jun’s smile receded into a thoughtful frown as he pulled back. “Hmmm he would. That brat is fond of yapping at heels like a guard dog.” Giving a long sigh Tianlang-Jun raised his hands in surrender, “Fine, fine. I’ll cease my antics. Besides, I’m sure it’ll upset Su Xiyan if I keep heckling our little son-in-law.” Saying this, he lovingly gave a pat to the robes over his chest.

Though Shang Qinghua had only seen it once, he knew that Tianlang-Jun wore a sealed pouch around his neck. From the small glimpse he’d seen, Shang Qinghua noticed it was made from soft brown fabric with white blossoms embroidered onto it. Shang Qinghua didn’t need to ask to know what lay inside. After being separated from his only love for so long, Tianlang-Jun refused to go anywhere without her beside him. At least after all these years, she’d finally been given a proper funeral.

Shang Qinghua sent a thankful look to Zhuzhi-Lang before finally helping himself to the newly restocked snacks. Gods that had been horrible. It may have lasted moments but to Shang Qinghua it felt like years. Was it normal for demon parents to ask about their child’s sex-life? He didn’t remember ever writing that! Or was it the fact that Tianlang-Jun was so detached as a parent that he didn’t comprehend normal boundaries? Was it just his personality? Either way Shang Qinghua refused to ever have this kind of conversation again. Shang Qinghua might have to refresh his boundaries with this damn demon.

Although… Shang Qinghua couldn’t seem to shake away the idea Tianlang-Jun unintentionally planted in his head. It’d been so long since his first time and at this point Shang Qinghua would consider himself an expert at taking dick. But how come he’s never tried taking both at the same time? He’s thought about it every now and again. But he’s never acted on it. And he knows by now that neither Mobei-Jun nor Luo Binghe would try if Shang Qinghua didn’t personally give them the go-ahead.

As Shang Qinghua slowly bit into a sweet bun, he contemplated his options. It’s been a while since he’s ever asked for something in the bedroom. Both men knew how to keep Shang Qinghua plenty satisfied so he was never left wanting. However now that the seed had been planted, he couldn’t help but want. And maybe he could use this opportunity to try out some other ideas he’s had stewing? He could make it a night to remember for all three of them!

Shuffling aside some blank paper, Shang Qinghua quickly scrawled a note to himself to write a letter to Sha Hualing and Liu Mingyan as soon as possible. Hopefully he’d get a fast response. And from there it was just a matter of making deals and getting the materials he needed. But it’d be fine. Shang Qinghua was an expert at making deals!


Luo Binghe tossed aside the finished scroll, reaching for another. He broke the seal keeping it closed and unfurled it, scowling at the way the end rolled and tumbled over the edge of the bed. With an annoyed sigh he looked at the end he was holding and began to read. Beneath him muscular thighs shifted before settling once more. Gentle claws moved through his thick hair, parting sections and weaving another set of braids into the glossy strands.

Luo Binghe was currently laying on Mobei-Jun’s lap reading through reports that required his approval or rejection. Mobei-jun, content to let the powerful half-demon remain, entertained himself with Luo Binghe’s hair. At first he’d just intended to remove his crown and brush out the strands. But almost unconsciously he’d begun braiding segments of it. It was only after the third braid he realized he was giving Luo Binghe one of the hairstyles Mobei-Jun usually wore.

“People are idiots,” Luo Binghe growled, ripping up the scroll in his hands before tossing the pieces over the edge of the bed. Did no one get the memo? Luo Binghe had divorced his wives. He wasn’t looking for more candidates!


“Just last week, I was requested to aid a demonic tribe in driving out their opposers. And then afterwards the damn chief offered me his daughter as a prize!”

“Junshang has earned a reputation.”

Mobei-Jun’s hands were knocked aside as Luo Binghe sat up abruptly. He got into Mobei-Jun’s space, one face impassive while the other was upturned in a scowl. “Shouldn’t you be more annoyed over others trying to marry me again?”

Unimpressed, Mobei-Jun raised a brow in challenge, “Did you plan on accepting?”

“Of course not!”

“Then what is there for this King to be bothered by?”

Luo Binghe clicked his tongue before settling back over Mobei-Jun’s lap. He shoved aside the rest of his scrolls, tucking his head in his arms. He was very clearly sulking but neither ruler dared to point it out. “Perhaps I merely wanted to see what a jealous Mobei looked like.”

“This King is used to Junshang being fawned over by many,” Mobei-Jun returned to braiding Luo Binghe’s hair as he spoke, “But this King is also assured in his position in Junshang’s life. There is no need to be jealous.”

“Hmp.” Luo Binghe didn’t move from where he sulked.

Mobei-Jun exhaled quietly as he rolled his eyes. He ceased his braiding in order to plant his hands on the bed, leaning over the man stretched out on his lap. This close he could see the way Luo Binghe’s body tensed in anticipation. His head tilted to the side slightly, glancing up at Mobei-Jun from the corner of his eye.

By this point Mobei-Jun was very aware he was being toyed with. But that did not stop him from playing Luo Binghe’s game. He was always charitable to his lovers. Even before he and Luo Binghe had started this relationship, Mobei-Jun had been so indulgent with the man. So perhaps he was also to blame for why Luo Binghe was so damned spoiled.

“Does Junshang wish to see this King jealous? Or does he just want to see him be possessive?”

Luo Binghe’s mouth pulled into a grin. He rolled onto his back, hair fanning out around him in a halo of black. With his robes spilling open to show the expanse of his chest littered with bites and claw marks, traditional Northern braids in his hair, and a sultry smirk playing on his handsome face, even the most powerful of Gods would fall to temptation.

Mobei-Jun leaned down fast, ready to claim Luo Binghe’s lips in a devouring kiss. Yet surprising even himself, Mobei-Jun started off gently. He kissed like it was their first time. Lips brushing together soft as a butterfly’s wings. And despite it not being the carnal locking of lips Luo Binghe desired, he still sighed dreamily into the kiss. Strong arms wrapped around Mobei-Jun’s neck, holding him down at the uncomfortable angle to continue their kiss.

Finally with one last peck to the corner of Mobei-Jun’s mouth, Luo Binghe let him go and leaned back with a satisfied sigh. His eyes were half-lidded and an audible purr was vibrating away in his chest. He watched as Mobei-Jun reached out, petting one of his new braids before tucking hair behind Luo Binghe’s ear. Luo Binghe hummed and leaned into the touch.

“When’d you get so good at doing hair?” Luo Binghe asked. He’d noticed at a glance the intricate braids running through his thick hair. Of course Luo Binghe didn’t need a mirror to know they were pristine from top to bottom.

“This King learned on his own. One too many close calls.”

Luo Binghe could understand that. Although now things have changed. Mobei-Jun didn’t have to take care of himself alone. Luo Binghe opened his eyes and reached out. Mirroring how Mobei-Jun tugged one of Luo Binghe’s braids, the half-demon did the same to Mobei-Jun. His mouth raised in an easy smile, red eyes brimming with gentle affection. “I’ll do your hair tomorrow.”

Mobei-Jun seemed taken aback by the declaration. Then his expression eased into something akin to the parting of storm clouds, warm sunlight peeking through. His lashes lowered and he only hummed. But that single sound said more than enough. Luo Binghe chuckled, leaning up so he could kiss Mobei-Jun.

After swapping lazy kisses for a time, Luo Binghe eventually pulled away so he could lay back over Mobei-Jun’s thighs. “Where is Qinghua, by the way?” Luo Binghe asked, looking around the room as if the deer had been hiding somewhere and he just never noticed. He’d only been in the Northern Desert for a handful of hours today and he’d yet to catch sight of their missing lover.

Mobei-Jun tilted his head in confusion, “Did Junshang not see him at his palace?”

“Mmm? No, why would I have?”

“Qinghua asked this King to take him to Junshang’s palace. He had a meeting with Sha Hualing.”

Now that caught Luo Binghe’s attention. “Hualing? What could he want with her?” Shang Qinghua was intimidated by the demoness! He even said so himself!

Mobei-Jun shrugged. Normally he would’ve been just as concerned had it been any other demoness formerly married to Luo Binghe that Shang Qinghua was meeting. But Sha Hualing had shown time and time again which skirt has caught her eye. And as one of the few who demanded a divorce with Luo Binghe, she was less likely to feel jealous over Shang Qinghua. So whatever reason Shang Qinghua wanted council with her, Mobei-Jun figured it wasn’t for anything serious and that there was no need to worry. That still didn’t keep Luo Binghe from openly sulking.

He looked as if he was chewing on ginger, face scrunched in a grimace. After a moment of silently laying there he suddenly shot up into a sitting position. “Let’s go.”

“Junshang,” Mobei-Jun reached out, catching Luo Binghe by the arm and halting his movements before the other could climb off the bed. “If Qinghua wanted our company for this meeting, he would have invited us.”

Luo Binghe scowled as he shook off the other’s hold. “Who said I’d be going to see Qinghua?” The unimpressed silence from Mobei-Jun was enough of an answer. Luo Binghe clicked his teeth, scowl darkening, “Fine. But why does Qinghua need to see Sha Hualing anyways? Anything she could do for him, we can do better.”

Mobei-Jun won’t disagree with him on that. But when he’d asked why Shang Qinghua was meeting with the demon saintess, the deer was cagey with his response. From prior experience Mobei-Jun knew this meant Shang Qinghua was planning something. Whatever it was, hopefully it didn’t put Shang Qinghua in danger again.

“Leave Qinghua be. He cannot spend all of his time between the two of us.”

The sharp stare from Luo Binghe said he wouldn’t mind that in the slightest. Mobei-Jun heaved a sigh, reaching up to cup the back of Luo Binghe’s neck. Honestly if he let this man have his way, Shang Qinghua really would end up becoming a concubine. Locked away in the palace never to be seen by another soul on the account they were unworthy to even catch sight of his sleeves. And anyone who dared would have their eyes plucked from their head. Hells if Mobei-Jun didn’t put his foot down, Luo Binghe would very well try and lock him up. The man may be free of Xin Mo’s control but that unhinged possessiveness never went away. There were some things that just couldn’t be repaired after the damage Xin Mo had done. They were only tempered.

“Let Shang Qinghua have his space. This King will occupy your time.”

Luo Binghe’s sulking was paused momentarily. His interest piqued, he cast a sly grin up at Mobei-Jun before sliding forward till their chests were touching and he was straddling Mobei-Jun’s lap. “Ohh? And what does my loyal general have planned? Will you make me ride you again? Pin me down as you take all you desire from my body?”

Red eyes glinting in raw desire, Luo Binghe’s hands settled on Mobei-Jun’s chest. They slid up, black claws tracing the collar of Mobei-Jun’s robes. “Or will you spread your legs for me this time? Will you let your Emperor pound into you while you moan like a filthy whor*?”

Mobei-Jun was not immune to the crude words that spilled from Luo Binghe’s mouth. They never failed to rile him up. Which was probably why Luo Binghe let them drip from his tongue like honey. Thick and cloying in their sinful sweetness. When Qinghua would hear them he would flush red and go pliant beneath their hands. Clay to knead and mould to their whims. Yet when such words washed over Mobei-Jun, he did not grow pliant, he did not become soft. He instead bared his teeth and growled, a carnal arousal turning his blood to liquid fire.

The grip on the back of Luo Binghe’s neck tightened as Mobei-Jun dragged him forward, crashing their lips together. Luo Binghe chuckled against the biting kiss, mouth opening for Mobei-Jun’s invading tongue. He let the other set the pace, brutal and harsh in ways that had Luo Binghe’s toes curling. He dug his nails into Mobei-Jun’s chest, feeling the fabric and skin beneath give. The iron tang of blood flooded the air not a moment after.

With a renewed growl Mobei-Jun pulled away, grabbing a handful of Luo Binghe’s hair and yanking his head back. The column of his throat was then beset by Mobei-Jun’s teeth. Feeling those large canines grind into his skin and draw blood had Luo Binghe groaning and closing his eyes. He basked in the sensation, frantically clawing at Mobei-Jun’s robes and yanking them from his body. Mobei-Jun was just as enthusiastic. Mobei-Jun tugged off enough of Luo Binghe’s robes to free his co*ck from the confines of his pants. With his own aching member pulled out as well, he pressed the two together and wrapped a massive hand around them.

“f*ck,” Luo Binghe hissed, hips jerking up into Mobei-Jun’s fist against his will.

Blood stained lips pressed ruby kisses to Luo Binghe’s throat. They left a trail down his chest that ended with another series of bites adding to a set made from dull teeth. Since their relationship began, Luo Binghe willed his body to delay the healing of the marks his lovers made. He seemed to cherish each bite and bruise. On occasion Mobei-Jun had even seen the half-demon absentmindedly pressing against a patch of his robes where a mark lay hidden. While Luo Binghe took great delight in marking up his lovers as much as possible, he seemed to enjoy being marked and claimed by them far more. And as Mobei-Jun mentioned before, he has always been indulgent with his lovers.

He sank his fangs into Luo Binghe’s shoulder, his free hand dropping from his hair in order to wrap around his waist and drag him closer. The smooth planes of his body pressed up against Mobei-Jun’s, their co*cks wedged between each other as Mobei-Jun continued to pump them. Luo Binghe was shamelessly moaning in his ear, growling as he raked his claws against Mobei-Jun’s skin and lapped the blood that followed.

Luo Binghe panted, digging his knees into the bed on either side of Mobei-Jun. He then tensed his thighs before beginning to lift his hips. In a mock rendition of riding Mobei-Jun’s lap, Luo Binghe snapped his hips up to grind his co*ck against Mobei-Jun’s, f*cking into the hand around them. Mobei-Jun’s bruising hold on his waist only encouraged him to bounce more.

“f*ck that’s it–!” Luo Binghe gasped, head tilted back as his pleasure mounted. Each bite against his skin sent pinpricks of pain that turned into molten heat. They dripped down his spine and settled in his gut. A burning fire that left his limbs tingling and his mind pleasantly dull.

Mobei-Jun grunted, teeth fastening into Luo Binghe’s skin. His growling had ramped up, the vibrations travelling to the chunk of Luo Binghe’s skin he was biting down on. Luo Binghe only keened louder, wanton and lewd like the whor* he’d accused Mobei-Jun of being.

With little force Mobei-Jun tipped the two over. He pressed them into the bed, “Hold.” He demanded once he’d dislodged his fangs. Luo Binghe quickly wrapped his hands around their co*cks, watching them with rapt attention. Mobei-Jun placed his hands on the bed, hovering over Luo Binghe before he rocked his hips forward. The slide was wet thanks to their gathered pre, Luo Binghe moaning and dragging his palm over their joined heads to spread even more.

After a few slow thrusts Mobei-Jun finally gave into his desires. He thrust his hips forward, co*ck dragging against Luo Binghe’s as he f*cked against him. The ribbed edges were maddeningly addictive to feel. Luo Binghe never grew tired of the sensation they gave when dragging against his dick or the way they felt inside him. Luo Binghe intimately knew that tracing each ridge with his tongue had Mobei-Jun tensing, a growl hitching in his throat as his nose flared. Each little crack in his general’s cool expression, Luo Binghe consumed and hoarded deep in his mind. He filed it away right beside his chest of ‘Shang Qinghua’ knowledge. Preciously guarded and added to with an addictive obsession. Luo Binghe could spend centuries learning all there was about the two and never grow tired. He hoped he never grew tired.

“Mobei–!” He gasped, mouth parted as he panted, “Kiss me.”

Despite the harsh way he was f*cking against Luo Binghe’s member, the way Mobei-Jun cupped his cheek was gentle. As was the kiss placed against his throat. Against his jaw. Little featherlight pecks left a trail of fire against Luo Binghe’s skin, each one sweet but leaving him squirming for more. When Mobei-Jun continued on his path and kissed Luo Binghe’s forehead, the Heavenly Demon growled and petulantly raised a leg so he could knock a heel against Mobei-Jun’s back.

“That’s not where I want it!”

He could feel the smirk pressed against his skin and it had Luo Binghe’s grumbling increase in volume. Not even bothering to hide the amusem*nt in his voice, Mobei-Jun pulled enough away so he could look into Luo Binghe’s eyes. “Junshang did not say where.”

Cheeky. Luo Binghe narrowed his eyes and raised his chin, “You know where I want it.”

The corner of Mobei-Jun’s mouth lifted in a small smirk. He snorted, making a show of leaning down and once more giving into the demands of his Emperor. He slipped his tongue in first, lips sealing together. They kissed with a passion, frantic as Mobei-Jun’s pace increased. The ice demon’s hand slid down Luo Binghe’s frame, gripping his hip tightly before dragging him down just as his hips thrust up. The hot drag from the ridged underside of Mobei-Jun’s co*ck had Luo Binghe hissing between clenched teeth.

Exhaling through his nose, Mobei-Jun only managed to keep his voice steady through sheer force of will. “Cum for me, Binghe.”

His name whispered in that deep, guttural voice caused Luo Binghe’s toes to curl as pleasure turned his insides to mush. He arched his back, grip around their co*cks tightening as his hips bucked in response. Luo Binghe moaned, co*ck twitching as thick ropes of cum splattered between them. Mobei-Jun was not far behind. In a few short thrusts he was driving his hips forward and cumming hard. The pearly liquid was smeared against their co*cks, sticky and heavy with their combined scent.

As they slowly caught their breath, Luo Binghe peeked open his eyes and flashed a smirk filled with mirth up at Mobei-Jun. “Well…. That was a nice way to occupy our time.” He chuckled, releasing their softening co*cks. He raised his filthy hands covered in fluid and, without breaking eye contact, brought his fingers to his mouth to lick the glistening cum from the digits of one hand. With the other hand he raised it to Mobei-Jun’s mouth and teased a finger, smearing cum and painting Mobei-Jun’s lips like gloss. Without further prompting Mobei-Jun opened his mouth and accepted those fingers, licking off their combined spend.

The intimate act lit another small fire to their simmering arousal, tempting the two lords to go for another tossel in the sheets. However then a familiar call reached both of their senses. The well-known, wispy dream sound of Shang Qinghua calling for them using the collar’s power.

Smacking his lips and using his tongue to gather any remaining traces of cum from his mouth, Luo Binghe lurched upwards. He locked his arms around Mobei-Jun’s neck and kissed him deeply. His tongue traced every corner of Mobei-Jun’s mouth, licking inside and chasing the lingering taste of their cum. Mobei-Jun was no better, repeating Luo Binghe’s actions when the others began to pull away. Finally after another round of heated kissing, Mobei-Jun relented and removed himself from Luo Binghe.

“Time to get Qinghua!” Luo Binghe exclaimed, barely putting any effort into putting his clothes back on. As far as he was concerned they’d only be dipping into his palace to grab Shang Qinghua. No reason to linger. Little did he know Shang Qinghua was going to give them both a reason to.


“There you two are! I called like 10 minutes ago!” Shang Qinghua exclaimed, standing from where he sat in Luo Binghe’s private chambers.

“Apologies, Qinghua.” Luo Binghe swept forward, taking Shang Qinghua’s hands and pressing quick smooches to the back of them. “Mobei-Jun took forever to clean up.”

Mobei-Jun, having just finished pulling the rest of his body from his portal, grunted at the accusation. “Clean up is important.”

“Right right, of course it is.”

Shang Qinghua could only snort at their silly bickering. If one could even call it that. As he looked between the two demon lords he took note of their appearance. Though the both had cleaned up like Mobei-Jun said, it was obvious what they’d just been doing. There were fresh bite marks against their exposed skin that was lazily oozing blood. And if that didn’t give it away, the smell of sex clinging to their skin would’ve. Or probably the fact they had swapped outer robes and had yet to notice.

While observing, Shang Qinghua caught sight of something that had his heart squeezing from a cuteness overload. He reached up and brushed a hand against the braids running along one side of Luo Binghe’s head. “Oh, did Mobei give you these?”

“Mmm.” Mobei-Jun’s hum sounded pleased.

Shang Qinghua chuckled, “As expected of my King, the braids look wonderful! And they make Binghe look so handsome.”

Now it was Luo Binghe’s turn to look thrilled by the praise. He enveloped Shang Qinghua in a tight hug, rocking their bodies from side to side. “Ah, Qinghua is so sweet to this Lord. It makes me wish to spoil him.” Quick as a flash, he was gripping Shang Qinghua by the shoulders and holding him at arm's length. “But not enough for me to ignore the peculiars of today. Tell us, Shang Qinghua, why did you need to meet with Sha Hualing? And why did you not come to see this Lord if you were coming to his palace?”

Shang Qinghua didn’t bother to hide his sigh or eye-roll. He grabbed Luo Binghe’s hands and gently eased them off his shoulders. “Because I knew how you’d get. You wouldn’t leave my side and I wouldn’t have been able to talk to Sha Hualing.”

“And that’s a problem?” Luo Binghe pointedly ignored the flat stare he received in response. Instead he wrapped his arms tight around Shang Qinghua’s waist and pulled him to his chest. He thumped their foreheads together and fully pouted at Shang Qinghua. “Has Qinghua come to prefer Hualing over his Lords?”

Shang Qinghua predictably squawked in protest, pushing half-heartedly at Luo Binghe’s face. “Come on, you know that’s not true!” He huffed and wiggled out of Luo binghe’s hold. Shang Qinghua put space between them, crossing his arms over his chest and nervously shifting his gaze between the two men and the floor. “I… Was getting something. And returning a favor.”

“Which was?”

Shang Qinghua bit his lip, refusing to answer. He’d spent all morning as a deer running around the woods with Sha Hualing on his back. As payment for the outfit he asked her for in his letter, she wanted to use him as a hunting mount. Needless to say Shang Qinghua did not appreciate being kicked in the sides when she wanted him to go faster. Nor did he like when she tugged on an antler trying to get him to turn directions. He may have been an animal, but he still had the mind of a person!! Just speak with words, damn it! Overall the humiliation was enough to last him a lifetime. Shang Qinghua wanted to forget all about the ordeal and now just wanted to be loved and pampered. He thinks he’s earned it!!

In preparation for his night of hopefully intense love making, Shang Qinghua had things to do. So before calling Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun, he’d taken a bath and scrubbed himself raw. Then he spent a… Generous amount of time prepping himself. He wanted this night to go as smoothly as possible. After figuring out how to put the outfit together, Shang Qinghua had slapped on an outer robe to hide everything underneath. Afterwards he waited for his lovers to answer his call. The whole time Shang Qinghua had been working himself into a nervous fit.

By this point he was confident that he was desirable. At least to Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe. They found him attractive. The near insatiable way they bit and pawed at his body was a testament to that. So he could say with confidence that if Shang Qinghua felt sexy in what he was wearing, then he knew he’d look sexy to the two rulers. But that wasn’t what had Shang Qinghua nervous. It was the idea that Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe would still think he wasn’t ready to take the both of them. And Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure he had enough face to be able to handle a well-meaning rejection.

“So I’ve been thinking…” Shang Qinghua licked his dry lips, fidgeting with his hands. “It’s… Been a while since I took the initiative to start something in the bedroom.”

“Qinghua initiated this morning when he awoke this King by sucking–.”

“That’s not what I mean!” Shang Qinghua quickly cut Mobei-Jun off, face flushing a bright red. He groaned, scrubbing his cheeks and taking a deep breath as he forced out his words. “I’m talking about things I want during sex.” And like that the floodgates were opened, “You both always seem to know what I want before I even say it, which is great! Lots of good bed chemistry. Pretty sure I would’ve died if we weren’t compatible in bed. But the point is, I want something.”

Before Luo Binghe could open his mouth and proclaim they’d give Shang Qinghua whatever it was he desired, Mobei-Jun spoke first. “And this required Qinghua to go to Sha Hualing first before simply asking Junshang or this King?”

Shang Qinghua flushed even deeper at this. “I had an idea on how I could get you guys to say yes,” Shang Qinghua took a moment to steel his nerves before he reached for his robe’s belt. With quick work it fell to the floor alongside his outer robe. Both demons were captivated instantaneously. “So I asked Sha Hualing if I could have some of her tribe’s clothes. Since they’re very… Revealing.”

“Qinghua has brilliant ideas.” Luo Binghe exhaled with a small wheeze, Mobei-Jun nodding seriously from behind him. Both reactions were positive and had a giddy warmth settling in Shang Qinghua’s chest. It spread throughout his body, leaving him feeling drunk but without the head-fog.

Shang Qinghua was dressed in fabric that was more like strips of gauze than pieces genuinely meant to cover. He had a chest piece that wrapped around his back, crossing over his chest and tying to a gold choker around his throat. Wrapped around his biceps were similar cuffs that had long, translucent red fabric hanging from it, the pieces connecting to a ring on his hands. From there he wore an underwear type piece that was held together by a band of gold chains studded with jewels. Trailing from the front and back was a longer piece of fabric that matched the same level of transparency as the ones dangling around his arms. It did little in ways of shielding Shang Qinghua’s modesty. Instead his thighs were practically on full display, as was most of his body.

The final touch to the entire ensemble was the jewelry Sha Hualing had foisted onto him. Wrapped around Shang Qinghua’s ankles, wrists, and clinking against his thighs were dancers' jewelry. With his outer robe no longer dampening the sound, each time Shang Qinghua shifted or moved the little tinkling chimes they produced rang throughout the room.

Shang Qinghua reached up and tucked some of his hair behind an ear. He’d left it down after his bath, figuring putting it up would just be pointless. “T-there were earrings that went with it, but I didn’t want to give too much away before talking with you two.” Then quieter, almost more shy, Shang Qinghua admitted, “I also… Um… Prepared myself? So I only need a bit more help and I should be able to take you both at the same time.”

Seeing Shang Qinghua in this type of revealing outfit was already too much temptation. But hearing the reason why he was dressed this way? And then hearing he’d also prepared himself as well? If this was Shang Qinghua’s way of manipulating to get what he wanted, then Mobei-Jun would not mind being manipulated by Shang Qinghua on a regular basis. And without even looking he knew Luo Binghe had the very same idea.

Sweeping forward, Mobei-Jun crowded into Shang Qinghua’s space. He didn’t even let the other have a moment to react to how close Mobei-Jun had gotten before he was lifting Shang Qinghua up by the thighs and kissing him breathless. Shang Qinghua’s surprised gasp quickly turned into a moan. His arms wrapped around Mobei-Jun and he held on tight as he was carried to the bed.

When he was tossed on the plush covers, jewelry jingling like a symphony of bells, he was only bereft of touch for but a moment. Luo Binghe quickly took Mobei-Jun’s place over Shang Qinghua. He ravenously bit at the deer’s exposed sides, kissing his way up his chest and adding new marks where he could. His hands were like hot brands as they gripped Shang Qinghua’s thighs, spreading them so he could slot their hips together.

“Qinghua will be the death of his Lords,” Luo Binghe groaned as he pressed a bruising kiss to Shang Qinghua’s throat.

Shang Qinghua bit out a laugh, pleasure furrowing his brows. “P-please don’t die.”

As Luo Binghue worked on kissing every inch of Shang Qinghua he could reach, Mobei-Jun took a moment to strip himself of his clothes. He then grabbed a handful of Luo Binghe’s robes, tugging on them pointedly. While the half-demon practically ripped his clothes off, Mobei-Jun slipped an arm beneath Shang Qinghua’s waist and pulled him over.

Shang Qinghua was laid against his chest, strong arms sliding down his exposed sides and wrapping around his thighs. Mobei-Jun pulled them back so as to expose Shang Qinghua’s ass to Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua gasped, hands scrambling to hold onto Mobei-Jun’s arms as he was practically folded in half.

Without even needing to be told, Luo Binghe was already pulling off the bottoms of Shang Qinghua’s outfit. The jewelry jingled loudly as they were jostled but ultimately remained in place draped around his hips. Luo Binghe showed no interest in removing them. Instead he placed a hand on Shang Qinghua’s ass, squeezing and fondling before spreading a cheek and exposing his hole.

Luo Binghe licked a finger, pressing it against Shang Qinghua’s rim. Just like he expected, the digit was accepted easily; so were two fingers. Three fingers took a bit of wiggling but ultimately Shang Qinghua’s body opened up to accept them. As Luo Binghe worked his fingers in, he sent his leftover blood to help ease the way even further. Shang Qinghua was already moaning by this point, head tipped back and grasping weakly at Mobei-Jun as the ice demon fondled his chest beneath their flimsy coverings.

“Mmm,” Luo Binghe licked his lips, “It is quite loose. Qinghua did well.” He pressed a kiss to Shang Qinghua’s ass cheek, “Allow this Lord to help stretch you further. Then we shall give you all that you desire.” He purred his words against a freckled thigh, fangs scraping in a way he knew drove Shang Qinghua wild with lust.

When Luo Binghe wrapped his mouth around Shang Qinghua’s co*ck and swallowed him down in one go, the smaller man practically screamed. His body jolted and his thighs shook as shocks of pleasure rippled along his nerves. The jewelry was a jingling accompaniment to the delectable sounds spilling from his lips.

Though Luo Binghe was quick with prepping Shang Qinghua, he was thorough. The earlier romp with Mobei-Jun had done nothing to quell the raging flames of desire within the half-demon. It always burned in his breast. A continuous fire that threatened to drive him mad but somehow never did. He could not get enough of his lovers. He wanted everything and more. Selfish, probably. But Luo Binghe was used to getting what he wanted and would take nothing less. His craving for Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua was overwhelming at the best of times, all-consuming at the worst. Sexually or not, he didn’t care. He just wanted them. Would take scraps if that’s what they deigned to give him. He would accept it all and even thank them.

Never before had Luo Binghe felt like this. He wasn’t sure if he could even call it love. It did not fit the way it was spoken of in ballads and books. It was not all gentle moments with honeyed words whispered like secrets. It was ravenous in the way it drove Luo Binghe. He would feel satisfied but still crave more, still desire to gorge himself. Luo Binghe would reach the highest peak of happiness and would feel drunk off of it. And then there’d be moments of anger, when he’d butt heads and heated words were exchanged. Those left him feeling wretched and miserable. It was its own Hell that left Luo Binghe feeling adrift at sea, but not at all fearing he’d drown. Because deep down he knew he was safe.

He was loved.

And if he thought too hard about it, his throat would ache and his chest would squeeze. Luo Binghe did not remember how to love properly. But he’d learned his own way of showing he cared. His feelings were not perfect. They were not the things one would wax poetically about. They were messy and ugly, but beautiful. Like the drawings of a child tenderly given. His emotions were wild, insatiable and captivating in their entirety. But this was how Luo Binghe loved. So perhaps his broken heart would make most turn their nose up in disgust at the damage that coated it like a stain, but not Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua. They saw the mangled thing he offered and accepted it. Even doing the unimaginable and giving back their own hearts. And Luo Binghe, the greedy thing, refused to let them go.

“Oh–!” Shang Qinghua gasped, body arching as he raked his nails up Luo Binghe’s back. “D-don’t do that! I’ll cum!” Shang Qinghua gasped, squealing when Luo Binghe twisted his fingers the same way again. Shang Qinghua’s thighs jolted and tears spilled down his cheeks as he struggled to hold back his org*sm. But with a clever flick of Luo Binghe’s tongue, Shang Qinghua’s control slipped away.

He threw his head back, crying out as his co*ck twitched in Luo Binghe’s mouth. Luo Binghe hummed, swallowing all Shang Qinghua had to offer before letting his co*ck go. The org*sm did well in softening Shang Qinghua’s insides. By now he could take four of Luo Binghe’s fingers without a hint of strain. Luo Binghe pulled them out when Shang Qinghua began whining from overstimulation.

“He needs more stretching, but we can do that as we go.” Luo Binghe grinned, hand dropping from Shang Qinghua’s ass to instead reach beneath him.

Mobei-Jun jolted, his grip on Shang Qinghua tightening as Luo Binghe’s hand closed around his co*ck. The half-demon leaned forward, pressing his chest against the back of Shang Qinghua’s thighs as he fisted Mobei-Jun’s co*ck. With a grin he stole a kiss from the growling ice demon, swiping his tongue out teasingly against those lips. “Mobei-Jun should be able to stretch Qinghua out with this, yeah? And adding some of my fingers at the same time should make it easier.”

Keeping to his ‘hands-on’ style of control, Luo Binghe gave Mobei-Jun’s co*ck a few teasing strokes before he was lining the other up with Shang Qinghua’s puckered entrance. He drank in the sight of watching such a small hole swallow the girth of Mobei-Jun’s demon co*ck. And finally when he was fully seated on the thick member, Shang Qinghua slumped forward so he could wrap his arms around Luo Binghe and drag him into a sloppy kiss. Luo Binghe groaned, surging forward with as much enthusiasm. He took the brunt of Shang Qinghua’s weight while Mobei-Jun got to work f*cking the deer open.

Shang Qinghua broke away to moan, the jingling of his jewelry accompanying each little punched out whine. His back arched like a bow, curving as he thrust himself back to meet Mobei-Jun’s languid hip rolls. The demon was going slow–too slow for Shang Qinghua’s liking. He whined and glanced over his shoulder. Shang Qinghua pointedly jiggled his ass in what he hoped was an enticing manner. The bite of claws in his hips wrenched a gasp from him that quickly devolved into an encouraging moan.

“Now now,” Luo Binghe chuckled. He reached beneath the two, feeling the way Mobei-Jun’s co*ck disappeared inside of Shang Qinghua. Slowly he teased a finger up and down the shaft still outside. “You wanted both of our co*cks, didn’t you?”

“Qinghua must behave,” Mobei-Jun pressed a growl to Shang Qinghua’s shoulder. His teeth were bared as he forced his hips to still. The desire to drive wildly into Shang Qinghua’s tight heat was overwhelming. And Luo Binghe’s teasing little touches were not helping matters. As always, it was a test of willpower to not simply f*ck with animalistic abandon. One that was made exceedingly difficult because Mobei-Jun knew how much the two would encourage it.

With a put-out groan, Shang Qinghua kicked his legs petulantly. This jostled the co*ck inside of him, a hiccupped gasp wiping away his pout. “I w-wouldn’t be impatient if you–Ah! Binghe!”

The Emperor of the combined realms flashed an innocent smile. He wiggled his finger inside of Shang Qinghua. “Yes?”

“D-don’t–!” Shang Qinghua’s protests were cut-off by a loud cry.

Luo Binghe’s blood parasites flooded through his body, concentrating on his neglected co*ck as Luo Binghe wedged another finger into Shang Qinghua’s softening hole. He could feel the way Mobei-Jun’s co*ck pulsed against his fingers. The heat from inside Shang Qinghua was combated by the chill from Mobei-Jun’s own body. Luo Binghe could not wait to have his co*ck pressed inside. The dueling temperatures were surely going to drive him into an excited frenzy. He could feel drool pooling in his mouth, his lips parting as lustful pants escaped him.

“So tight,” Luo Binghe purred. His co*ck hung heavy between his legs, aching and dripping precum. He was completely unprepared for the hand that wrapped around it. From how hot his member was, the hand on him was like a burning chill.

“f*ck!” Luo Binghe cursed out as he almost collapsed from the sharp bite of pleasure snapping at his nerves.

Mobei-Jun huffed in amusem*nt, a heated smirk directed over Shang Qinghua. “Continue speaking and this King will gag you.” He ran a thumb over Luo Binghe’s head, cruelly pressing against the tip just to feel the way he jerked and whined beneath his hold. “slu*t.”

In Mobei-Jun’s cold voice roughened by pleasure, that single word felt like their own pair of hands. Both Luo Binghe and Shang Qinghua moaned simultaneously. Luo Binghe hung his head, shuddering and letting loose another string of curses.

“sh*t Mobei–Almost blew my load.”

“Then get on with it.”

Shang Qinghua snorted, rocking back against Mobei-Jun’s co*ck just to feel his breath stutter. “My King is so impatient. What happened to asking nicely, ah?”

As retaliation for that cheeky comment, Mobei-Jun snapped his hips upwards and grinded inside of Shang Qinghua. Instantly the deer was going limp and squealing. With pleasure reaching its peak, the need for words had finally run out. Luo Binghe pressed in another finger and f*cked them up with every thrust of Mobei-Jun. He did this for a bit before yanking out his fingers. Luo Binghe grabbed his co*ck and gave it a few rough strokes to spread the precum over it before he was pressing the head up against Shang Qinghua’s hole.

The initial advance was slow, of course. Despite how desperate they were growing, neither ruler wanted to hurt their much smaller partner. And yet Shang Qinghua’s sweet cutoff sighs of pleasure only continued to rile them up. After what felt like years, Luo Binghe’s hips were finally as flushed to Shang Qinghua’s thighs as he could get. The three let out a collective groan, leaning against each other and simply basking in the tight feeling. Alongside the pleasant tingles sparking throughout, there was also a feeling of pure closeness.

Shang Qinghua pulled Luo Binghe’s head close, peppering kisses along his face. He then turned his head to mouth at Mobei-Jun’s jaw in a similar fashion. Both rulers started their trusts slowly. They wanted Shang Qinghua to grow used to it before they truly wrecked his hole. Pretty soon the glide grew slippery and smooth. Shang Qinghua was a panting mess, face screwed up in pleasure as he moaned loud and long. The feeling of their co*cks continuously stuffing him, each grind against his prostate, it was all so maddening.

Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun were feeling a similar sentiment. Pretty soon they began f*cking into Shang Qinghua earnestly. Sometimes they’d sync up, driving into him over and over. Other times they’d alternate their thrusts. No matter what, Shang Qinghua was always filled. Shang Qinghua’s cries broke off, silent screams bringing forth tears as he tipped his head back and simply held on for dear life.

There was simply no way they could last long. The buildup had been killing them. The teasing prior did neither any favors. But feeling their co*cks rubbing against each other as they drove into Shang Qinghua’s wet heat, feeling how he tried and failed to clench around them properly, it was a wonder they hadn’t cummed within the first few moments.

“Mmm!” Shang Qinghua groaned, biting his lip raw. With a muffled whine his body jerked between the two Lords. Cum spurted from his neglected co*ck, painting the unfortunate fabric still on his chest.

Luo Binghe’s mouth dropped to suck a hickey against Shang Qinghua’s throat, f*cking up into him with wild abandon as he chased his own release. Behind the deer, Mobei-Jun held him steady with one hand while the other turned Shang Qinghua to face him so they could make out. He was content to let Luo Binghe put in all the work. His thrusts dragged his co*ck against Mobei-Jun’s, driving him against Shang Qinghua’s tight walls and causing enough friction the ice demon barely had to move.

The bruising thrusts ended with Luo Binghe pressing his hips as close as possible. His co*ck throbbed inside of Shang Qinghua as he came with a guttural moan. Mobei-Jun followed soon after that. Together they stuffed Shang Qinghua full of cum and left his insides completely coated.

Luo Binghe flopped against Shang Qinghua, both he and Mobei-Jun grunting as they took the brunt of Luo Binghe’s weight. The half-demon chuckled, a dopey smile on his face as he planted a wet smooch against Shang Qinghua’s cheek. For a moment it was sweet. Then a familiar mischievousness took hold as he leaned back from Shang Qinghua.

“Mobei, look at this.”

Suddenly Shang Qinghua was being yanked forward. Luo Binghe had wrapped his arms around Shang Qinghua and had dragged him with as he fell backwards. Mobei-Jun’s co*ck was pulled from Shang Qinghua’s hole with an audible squelch, Luo Binghe’s slipping out after. Shang Qinghua gasped and instantly tried to wiggle out of Luo Binghe’s grasp. He knew what the other was doing! His hole felt like it was gaping, the thick cum inside of him leaking out and down his thighs. Struggling made more spill out, but laying like this exposed was so much worse!

Luo Binghe openly cackled, hands squeezing Shang Qinghua’s asscheeks and spreading him so Mobei-Jun could see their combined cum as it slipped out of Shang Qinghua’s used hole. “Does it look good?” He asked, crimson gaze peeking over Shang Qinghua’s shoulder.

The sudden tension behind Shang Qinghua was palpable. He could feel the gaze burning along his backside. Scary! So horny-scary! Shang Qinghua didn’t even need to look to know Mobei-Jun was making a dangerous face. Luo Binghe’s cheshire grin was a dead giveaway!

Shang Qinghua jolted when two fingers swiped at the mess oozing from his hole, “Eep!”

“We are doing this again so Junshang can see.” Mobei-Jun’s rough promise was punctuated by him stuffing the cum back inside Shang Qinghua’s hole.

They would receive no complaints from Shang Qinghua. He groaned, rocking back against the fingers and giving a disappointed sound when they were pulled out of him. “C-can I at least have some water first?” Shang Qinghua asked. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to talk by the end of this, so he’d better ask now. Hells he probably wouldn’t be walking anytime soon either. Oh but he knew it was worth it.

Mobei-Jun hummed, patting Shang Qinghua’s pinkened ass. “Fine. Keep him full.”

“Will do,” Luo Binghe chirped. He rolled him and Shang Qinghua onto their sides before hooking one of the deer’s legs over his hip. He then took his co*ck in hand and slipped it back inside Shang Qinghua’s hole.

Luo Binghe watched Shang Qinghua shudder at the initial breach. But afterwards he settled and slowly adjusted to the feel of being full. Luo Binghe stared at the play of emotions across Shang Qinghua’s face with fascination. And when Shang Qinghua caught his eye, a smile bloomed unconsciously across Luo Binghe’s face. He leaned forward, a fleeting kiss pressing itself against Shang Qinghua’s freckled cheek. Then his nose. Similar light kisses were scattered over what felt like every freckle Luo Binghe could find. And if he doubled up then neither pointed it out.

The ticklish feeling had Shang Qinghua giggling. “What’s with you?” He asked with a chuckle, leaning back as he felt the bed dip behind him. Mobei-Jun held a cup of water aloft as he waited for the two to sit up and drink. Yet Luo Binghe didn’t relinquish his hold just yet. He stared at Mobei-Jun, then Shang Qinghua. That painfully soft expression was once more on his face. His lips parted and he hesitated, brows furrowing. For a moment Luo Binghe looked stuck on his words. Then a glimmer of fear flashed through his eyes before he was rushing forward and burying his face in the crevice of Shang Qinghua’s neck.

“B-Binghe?” Shang Qinghua sent an alarmed glance to Mobei-Jun before he slowly wrapped his arms around the half-demon’s shoulders. “You ok…?”

Luo Binghe seemed disinclined to say anything. He merely held on tighter. It was like he was cowering, hiding away and seeking comfort in Shang Qinghua’s hold. But that would be silly. What was there for Luo Binghe to be scared of? Yet it wasn’t an outside threat that had the man fearful. It was internal.

His words were soft, fragile in how vulnerable they were. They were spoken with such a lack of air that Shang Qinghua would’ve missed them had he not been pressed this close.

“I love you both.”

It was such a simple phrase but it held so much weight. Too much, even. Shang Qinghua’s breath stuttered in his chest before he was tightening his hold around Luo Binghe. He nuzzled his face against his head and tried to pretend the wetness on his cheeks was sweat and not tears. Mobei-Jun leaned over the two and rested a comforting hand against Luo Binghe’s head.

“This King loves you both as well.”

With a heart fit to burst, Shang Qinghua let go of Luo Binghe with one hand so he could settle it over Mobei-Jun’s. It was only with touching the two that Shang Qinghua could find enough of his own courage to add to the confessions. He’d never uttered such a thing before. Not to his parents, not to anyone real. Like Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua wasn’t sure he knew the proper way to love. It was easier to write about it as an outside observer. But Shang Qinghua couldn’t treat it that way, not this time. He knew what he felt. He just had to find the words for it.

“I’d die for you guys.” Shang Qinghua paused, mentally slapping himself. Sure it had the sentiment of what he wanted to say, but it wasn’t the right words!! Shang Qinghua tried again and this time he did manage to get out what he wanted. “I love you guys. So f*cking much.”

Who knows how long they laid there simply soaking in the affirmation that they loved and were loved. Shang Qinghua of course still had doubts. Just as he was sure Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun had their doubts. Shang Qinghua still carried guilt over what he’d written for their lives. But because Shang Qinghua wrote them a sad beginning, he was going to make sure the rest of their lives was a happy one.

It was with that sentiment that time passed. It wasn’t perfect. Nothing ever was. It was filled with ups and downs, times of passion and joy, times of sorrow. But through it all they were together. And after several years during one late spring, the three came together in a different way. It was a day of celebration. Both palaces swathed in red and with merriment mounting as the hour led up to the peek of the party.

Never before had Shang Qinghua expected he’d end up where he was now. Back in his previous life, the idea of finding love was more fiction than the books he wrote. And then he died and was transported into this butchering of his story. But for all his complaints and fearing for his life, Shang Qinghua didn’t regret it. He liked how things turned out. And he could look back on it all, only mildly cringing, and think with his whole chest ‘I’m glad they found me in that woodshed’.

For Mobei-Jun he had grown up practically alone in a cold palace. The only love ever shown to him had been a lie. He’d developed a heart that was unfeeling and detached, all to avoid repeating the pain that being betrayed had brought him. And yet he found himself allowing others in. Not willingly. But Mobei-Jun vowed to forever let them stay. Though his loves confused him and were different in how they were raised, Mobei-Jun took it in stride. For them he would learn. So when it came to preparations, Mobei-Jun was more than happy to follow the human traditions his lovers were familiar with. And it thawed that icy heart of his when his lovers, his husbands, vowed to honor the traditional marriage rites of the Mobei clan as well.

Yet for the man who should be used to weddings at this point, he was by far the more emotional. As Luo Binghe moved to kneel with the two at his side, tears sprang to his eyes unbidden. And it was after the three bows did they flow freely. His husbands kissed them away, holding him between them as his heart felt impossibly full. The warmth clogged his throat and burned his chest, but it was a welcome pain. Luo Binghe, the man who had it all but could never be satisfied, was finally at peace. And he had his dearest God to thank for that.

The End

A Deer in Headlights - NeonCandies - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.