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Department of the ArmyPamphlet 25–403

Information Management

Guide toRecordkeepingin the Army

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC20 December 2006


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SUMMARY of CHANGEDA PAM 25–403Guide to Recordkeeping in the Army

This new Department of the Army pamphlet, dated 20 December 2006--

o Addresses, specifically, those duties performed by the records managementofficials in dealing with the recordkeeping subprogram of the Army recordsmanagement program (para 1-6).

o Explains records disposition, records holding areas, Federal recordscenters, and records management program evaluations (chaps 4, 10, and 11).

o Provides operational procedures for the maintenance and disposition of Armyinformation, which encompasses identifying records, managing the varioustypes of records media, applying disposition instructions, schedulingrecords, using the Army Records Information Management System softwareapplication, transferring and retiring records, referencing, and servicingprocedures (throughout).

Army Pamphlet DA PAM 25–403 - [PDF Document] (3)

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC20 December 2006

Information Management

Guide to Recordkeeping in the Army

Department of the ArmyPamphlet 25–403

H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a n e wDepartment of the Army pamphlet.Summary. This pamphlet provides oper-a t i o n a l p r o c e d u r e s a n d g u i d e l i n e s f o rrecordkeeping within the Army. It is to beused with AR 25–400–2.Applicability. This pamphlet applies tot h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a lGuard/Army National Guard of the United

States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unlesso t h e r w i s e s t a t e d . D u r i n g m o b i l i z a t i o n ,p r o c e d u r e s i n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n c a n b em o d i f i e d t o s u p p o r t p o l i c y c h a n g e s a snecessary.Proponent and exception authority.The proponent of this pamphlet is the Ad-ministrative Assistant to the Secretary ofthe Army. The proponent has the author-ity to approve exceptions or waivers tothis pamphlet that are consistent with con-trolling law and regulations. The propo-nent may delegate this approval authority,in writing, to a division chief within theproponent agency or its direct reportingu n i t o r f i e l d o p e r a t i n g a g e n c y , i n t h egrade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.Activities may request a waiver to thisp a m p h l e t b y p r o v i d i n g j u s t i f i c a t i o n t h a tincludes a full analysis of the expectedbenefits and must include formal reviewby the activity’s senior legal officer. Allwaiver requests will be endorsed by thecommander or senior leader of the requ-e s t i n g a c t i v i t y a n d f o r w a r d e d t h r o u g h

higher headquarters to the policy propo-n e n t . R e f e r t o A R 2 5 – 3 0 f o r s p e c i f i cguidance.

Suggested improvements. Users areinvited to send comments and suggestedimprovements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n dB l a n k F o r m s ) d i r e c t l y t o H Q D A ,OAASA, Army Records Management andDeclassification Agency (JDRP–RDR–R),7 7 0 1 T e l e g r a p h R o a d , A l e x a n d r i a , V A22315–3860.

Distribution. This publication is availa-ble in electronic media only and is in-tended for command levels A, B, C, D,and E for the Active Army, the ArmyNational Guard/Army National Guard oft h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , a n d t h e U . S . A r m yReserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1Introduction, page 1Purpose • 1–1, page 1References • 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1Prescribing directive • 1–4, page 1Statutory authority • 1–5, page 1Functions • 1–6, page 1Application of the Army Records Information Management System Program • 1–7, page 2Principles and concept of the Army Records Information Management System • 1–8, page 2The Army Records Information Management System software application • 1–9, page 6Office records lists • 1–10, page 6Maintaining records for multiple organizations • 1–11, page 7Maintaining records in libraries • 1–12, page 7

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Chapter 2Identifying Records and Recordkeeping Requirements, page 7Records • 2–1, page 7Non–records • 2–2, page 9Personal records • 2–3, page 9Vital records • 2–4, page 10Unscheduled and unidentified records • 2–5, page 11Contractor records • 2–6, page 11Special records collections • 2–7, page 11Contingency operations records • 2–8, page 11Records of defunct Army commands • 2–9, page 12Records of Joint staff and combatant commands • 2–10, page 12Records life cycle • 2–11, page 12Recordkeeping requirements • 2–12, page 12

Chapter 3Managing the Various Types of Records Media, page 14

Section IHardcopy records, page 14General • 3–1, page 14Records preparation before filing • 3–2, page 14Cross references • 3–3, page 14File supplies • 3–4, page 15Arrangement of files • 3–5, page 16Classified documents • 3–6, page 21Suspense files • 3–7, page 21Labeling • 3–8, page 21Storing • 3–9, page 24Micrographic records • 3–10, page 25X–Ray film records • 3–11, page 25Visual information • 3–12, page 26Cartographic and architectural records • 3–13, page 26

Section IIElectronic records, page 26General • 3–14, page 26Electronic mail • 3–15, page 27Information systems • 3–16, page 27Automated office applications • 3–17, page 29Image (bit–mapped) files • 3–18, page 29Web pages • 3–19, page 30Judicial use of electronic records • 3–20, page 31Managing records on electronic media • 3–21, page 31Labeling • 3–22, page 32Use of optical media • 3–23, page 33

Chapter 4Applying Disposition Instructions, page 34Disposition • 4–1, page 34Records value • 4–2, page 34Retention periods • 4–3, page 34Record cutoffs • 4–4, page 36Disposition instructions • 4–5, page 36Records created during mobilization • 4–6, page 37

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Recommended changes to record descriptions, record numbers and disposition instructions • 4–7, page 37

Chapter 5Scheduling Records, page 38Scheduling • 5–1, page 38Scheduling process • 5–2, page 38General records schedules • 5–3, page 39Web records • 5–4, page 39

Chapter 6The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS) Web Site, page 39General • 6–1, page 39System components • 6–2, page 40System requirements • 6–3, page 40Security • 6–4, page 40Army Records Information Management System components/modules • 6–5, page 40Home page introduction • 6–6, page 40Records Retention Schedule–Army • 6–7, page 40Registration • 6–8, page 41Records management–assistance • 6–9, page 41Records Input Processing System • 6–10, page 42Master index • 6–11, page 44Electronic capture and store • 6–12, page 44Backfile indexing • 6–13, page 44

Chapter 7Records Transfer and Retirement, page 44General • 7–1, page 44When to retire • 7–2, page 44Hardcopy records • 7–3, page 44Electronic records • 7–4, page 45Preparing hardcopy records for transfer or retirement • 7–5, page 46Classified records • 7–6, page 47For Official Use Only records • 7–7, page 48Transferring records to other organizations • 7–8, page 48Preparing the SF 135 • 7–9, page 48Packing the boxes • 7–10, page 50Numbering boxes for shipment • 7–11, page 51Shipment of boxes • 7–12, page 51Preparing the SF 258 • 7–13, page 52

Chapter 8Reference Procedures and Services, page 53Army Records Information Management System master index of retired records • 8–1, page 53Records retrieval • 8–2, page 53Records holding area records reference services • 8–3, page 54Requesting reference service from Federal records centers • 8–4, page 54Relocation of records within a Federal records center • 8–5, page 55Other services offered by Federal records centers • 8–6, page 55

Chapter 9Records Disposition, page 56Disposition • 9–1, page 56Records disposal • 9–2, page 56Records freezes or moratoriums • 9–3, page 56

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Deviations from disposition instructions • 9–4, page 57Disposition of records on change of status • 9–5, page 57Unauthorized destruction, damage, or removal of records or accidental destruction • 9–6, page 57Destruction as result of international armed conflict or threatened war • 9–7, page 58Disposition of records that are a menace to human life, health, or property • 9–8, page 58Notification of pending disposition • 9–9, page 58Disaster recovery of records • 9–10, page 58Damaged records • 9–11, page 59Deleted/lost electronic records • 9–12, page 60

Chapter 10Records Holding Areas and Federal Records Centers, page 60Regional and overseas records holding areas • 10–1, page 60Establishing records holding areas • 10–2, page 60Operation of records holding areas • 10–3, page 60Discontinuance of records holding areas • 10–4, page 61Army records centers • 10–5, page 61National Archives and Records Administration Federal records centers • 10–6, page 61

Chapter 11Records Management Program Evaluations, page 61General • 11–1, page 61Evaluation objectives • 11–2, page 61Scheduling the evaluation • 11–3, page 61Notification • 11–4, page 61Entrance briefing • 11–5, page 62Evaluation process • 11–6, page 62Exit briefing • 11–7, page 63Written report of findings and recommendations • 11–8, page 63Evaluation questions • 11–9, page 63

Chapter 12Contingency Operation Record Collection and Preservation, page 63Background • 12–1, page 63Explanation of responsibilities • 12–2, page 63Collection guidance • 12–3, page 63Unit assistance • 12–4, page 67

AppendixesA. References, page 68

B. Records Management Program Evaluation, page 73

C. Quick Reference Guide to Documenting Operations for Deployed Units of the Army, page 76

Table List

Table 1–1.: Prescribing Directive Functional Categories, page 3Table 6–1: Container types and uses, page 43Table 6–2: Storage capacities for hardcopy records, page 43Table 6–3: Conversion factors from linear feet to cubic feet, page 43Table 7–1: Restriction codes, page 50Table 12–1: Operational records1, page 64

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Figure List

Figure 1–1: Relationship between file numbers and prescribing directive, page 6Figure 2–1: Life cycle of a record, page 9Figure 2–2: Sample “Appendix B–Recordkeeping Requirements (AR 215–4)”, page 13Figure 3–1: Sample records cross reference, page 15Figure 3–2: Sample use of guide cards, page 15Figure 3–3: Sample date arrangement of documents within a folder, page 16Figure 3–4: Sample subject arrangement of files with a record series, page 17Figure 3–5: Sample personal names arrangement of files, page 17Figure 3–6: Sample place names arrangement of files, page 18Figure 3–7: Sample organization names arrangement of files, page 19Figure 3–8: Sample numeric arrangement of files, page 20Figure 3–9: Sample alphanumeric arrangement of files, page 20Figure 3–10: Sample file and barcode labels, page 22Figure 3–11: Sample label entries and use of “dummy” folder, page 23Figure 3–12: Sample file container and binder label entries, page 24Figure 3–13: External disk label, page 32Figure 4–1: Sample time and event dispositions, page 37Figure 4–2: Sample time–event dispositions, page 37Figure 7–1: Sample SF 135 transferring unscheduled records, page 47Figure 7–2: Sample detailed folder listing, page 49Figure 7–3: Types of boxes and supplies required for records transfer, page 51Figure 12–1: Sample SF 135 of transferring CONOPs records, page 67Figure C–1: Records preservation list, page 78Figure C–1: Records preservation list—Continued, page 79


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Chapter 1Introduction

1–1. PurposeThis pamphlet provides the procedures for implementing policy contained in AR 25–400–2. It provides operationalprocedures for the maintenance and disposition of Army information, which encompasses identifying records, manag-ing the various types of records media, applying disposition instructions, scheduling records, using the Army RecordsInformation Management System (ARIMS) software application, transferring and retiring records, and referencing andservicing procedures; this pamphlet also explains records disposition, records holding areas (RHAs), Federal recordscenters (FRCs), and records management program evaluations. This guide specifically addresses those duties performedby the records management officials in dealing with the recordkeeping subprogram of the Army records managementprogram.

1–2. ReferencesRequired and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this pamphlet are explained in the glossary.

1–4. Prescribing directiveArmy Regulation (AR) 25–400–2 governs the maintenance and disposition of Army information and provides policyon managing information from its creation through final disposition according to Federal laws and Army recordkeepingrequirements. The ARIMS Web site at provides tools to facilitate carrying out theserequirements. A username and password are required to log in to the ARIMS Web site (see para 6–1c, below, for logininstructions).

1–5. Statutory authoritya. The Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, contains the statutory authority for the ARIMS program.

Government–wide responsibility for Federal recordkeeping is shared by the General Services Administration (GSA)and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

b. Sections 3301 through 3314, Title 44 United States Code (44 USC 3301 through 44 USC 3314), establishes thelegal basis for the disposal of records of the U.S. Government.

c. The Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 USC, Chapter 35, establishes the legal basis for minimizing the cost ofcreation, collection, maintenance, use, dissemination, and disposition of information.

1–6. FunctionsThis paragraph provides additional information not included in the records official’s responsibilities outlined in AR25–400–2, para 1–4 and AR 25–1, chapters 2 and 8.

a. Records administrators (RAs). Under ARIMS, the RA has the ability to—(1) Create, modify, and approve Office Records Lists (ORLs) for all units within the Army Command (ACOM),

Army Service Component Command (ASCC), or Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) he/she supports.(2) View all records for every unit within the ACOM, ASCC, or DRU.(3) Process all requests for hardcopy official records and/or access to electronic records under his/her responsible

area when necessary.b. Records managers (RMs). The RMs may serve at the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) level,

major subordinate command level, field operating agency, DRU, separately authorized activities, tenant organizations,satellite organizations, U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) regional levels, and on installationgarrison staff with command–wide or organization–wide records management responsibilities. Many of the ArmyRHAs are also staffed with RMs. RMs—

(1) Approve ORLs for subunits.(2) Serve as local authority for recordkeeping subprogram procedures/issues.(3) Manage, oversee, and direct the command, agency, or installation recordkeeping subprogram.(4) Survey and appraise the agency, command, or installation recordkeeping subprogram at least once every 3 years.(5) Prescribe and ensure necessary corrective action is taken as part of the complete records management program.(6) Manage and provide staff direction for the operation of the RHA.(7) Ensure records are properly arranged and packed prior to movement from the RHA to an FRC.(8) Maintain liaison and coordinate records transfer, retirement, and retrieval with the FRCs and local NARA

offices.c. Records coordinators (RCs). The RCs are designated at sub–elements as necessary for program execution. They


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(1) Develop ORLs for their unit.(2) Coordinate retirement of transfer (T) records to the RHA.(3) Serve as the subject matter expert for the unit’s records.(4) Resolve indexing problems with the RHA.(5) Ensure implementation of recordkeeping procedures throughout their unit.d. Action officers (AOs) at all levels of command. An AO is any individual who creates official records on behalf of

the Army. The AO has the capability to—(1) Search the Army’s office record instructions to help determine if a document is an official record.(2) Create a draft ORL to be maintained for each office symbol within a unit or organization.(3) Submit records to the Army electronic archives (AEA) or designated records holding facility.(4) Search for and request records in ARIMS.(5) View all records submitted to ARIMS internal to the unit.(6) Identify records as keep (K) (short–term) or T.(7) Register in ARIMS and submit e–records via the electronic capture and store (ECS) module.e. NARA. The NARA is the oversight agency responsible for appraising all Federal records, approving their

disposition, providing program assistance and FRC storage, evaluating records management programs, and serving asthe final custodian of permanent records. The NARA operates 2 different types of records facilities.

(1) FRCs. These centers provide temporary storage and reference service for records that are needed infrequently bythe creating agency, but are not yet eligible for disposal or transfer to The National Archives. Army records stored inan FRC remain in the legal custody of the Army.

(2) The National Archives. The National Archives store the Federal Government’s permanent records, which arealso known as The National Archives of the United States. When transferring permanent records to The NationalArchives, agencies also transfer legal and physical custody of the records. The National Archives takes conservationmeasures needed to preserve the records and also provides reference service, including service to the creating agency.

f. Service providers. To achieve efficiency and to maximize use of Army resources, the functions described in thispamphlet may be performed by a contractor or other agency through memorandum of agreement, memorandum ofunderstanding, and so on. However, the organization maintains responsibility for its records.

1–7. Application of the Army Records Information Management System Programa. The ARIMS applies to—(1) All unclassified Army record information, including For Official Use Only (FOUO), regardless of format or

m e d i u m ( p a p e r , e l e c t r o n i c ( ( e l e c t r o n i c m a i l ( e – m a i l ) , i n f o r m a t i o n s y s t e m d a t a f i l e s / d a t a b a s e s , w o r d p r o c e s s i n g ,bit–mapped)), microfilm, and so on).

(2) All classified Army record information through secret. Records that are top secret may be set up under ARIMSor in any other manner that will make accountability and control easier. Regardless of the arrangement used, however,the disposition instructions in the ARIMS Records Retention Schedule–Army (RRS–A) will be applied to top secretrecords. The security classification of a record does not change its retention value.

b. The ARIMS does not apply to—(1) Record copies of international agreements covered under AR 550–51 (except those maintained by the Office of

The Judge Advocate General).(2) Publications and blank forms stocked for filling requisitions.(3) Reference materials and books in formally organized and officially designated libraries.(4) Personal or private records maintained in the workplace.(5) Duplicate copies of documents maintained in the same file.

1–8. Principles and concept of the Army Records Information Management Systema. Under the ARIMS, records are identified according to the primary directive that prescribes those records be

created, maintained, and used. One only needs to know what the prescribing directive is for a specific program tolocate the record/file numbers that should be applied to records created to support that program. For example, recordscreated to support the ARIMS program would have their numbers based on AR 25–400–2 because that is theprescribing directive for the ARIMS program. For the most part, the record numbers (RNs) are based on an Armyregulation number; however, in the absence of an AR, the number may be based on a Department of the Army (DA)pamphlet, engineering regulation, or some other directive. If no directive can be pinpointed, the number is based on thefunctional category number under which the program falls (for example, 25 for information management, 40 formedical, and so on). See table 1–1, below, for the prescribing directive functional categories and figure 1–1, below, forthe relationship between file numbers and prescribing directives. Only RNs listed in the ARIMS RRS–A are authorizedfor use.

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Table 1–1.Prescribing Directive Functional CategoriesSeries Functional category Series Functional category

381 Military Intelligence

1 Administration 385 Safety

5 Management 405 Real Estate

10 Organization and Functions 415 Construction

11 Army Programs 420 Facilities Engineering

12 Security Assistance and International Logistics 500 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources

15 Boards, Commissions, and Committees 525 Military Operations

18 Army Automation 530 Operations and Signal Security

20 Assistance, Inspections, Investigations and Followup

550 Foreign Countries and Nationals

25 Information Management 570 Manpower and Equipment Control

27 Legal Services 600 Personnel—General

28 Welfare, Recreation, and Morale 601 Personnel Procurement

30 Food Program 602 Soldier–Materiel Systems

32 Clothing and Textile Material 604 Personnel Security Clearance

34 Standardization 608 Personal Affairs

36 Audit 611 Personnel Selection and Classification

37 Financial Administration 612 Personnel Processing

40 Medical Services 614 Assignments, Details, and Transfers

50 Nuclear and Chemical Weapons and Materiel 616 Personnel Utilization

55 Transportation and Travel 621 Education

56 Surface and Transportation 623 Personnel Evaluation

58 Motor Transportation 624 Promotions

59 Air Transportation 630 Personnel Absences

60 Exchange Service 633 Apprehension and Confinement

66 Courier Service 635 Personnel Separations

70 Research, Development, and Acquisition 638 Deceased Personnel

71 Force Development 640 Personnel Records and Identification of Individuals

73 Test and Evaluation 670 Uniform and Insignia

75 Explosives 672 Decorations, Awards, and Honors

95 Aviation 680 Personnel Information Systems

100 Operations 690 Civilian Personnel

105 Communications–Electronics (Being converted to25–10 through 25–29.)

700 Logistics

108 Audiovisual Services 701 Logistics Plans

115 Climatic, Hydrological, and Topographic Services 702 Product Assurance

130 Army National Guard 703 Petroleum Management

135 Army National Guard of the United States andArmy Reserve

705 Research and Development of Material

140 Army Reserve 708 Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment

145 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps 710 Inventory Management

165 Religious Activities 711 Supply Chain Integration

190 Military Police 715 Procurement

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Table 1–1.Prescribing Directive Functional Categories—Continued

195 Criminal Investigation 725 Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment

200 Environmental Quality 735 Property Accountability

205 Conservation 738 Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment

210 Installations 740 Storage and Supply Activities

215 Morale, Welfare, and Recreation 742 Inspection of Supplies and Equipment

220 Field Organizations 746 Marking, Packing, and Shipment of Supplies and Equip-ment

230 Nonappropriated Funds and Related Activities 750 Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment

235 Industrialized Activities and Labor Relations 755 Disposal of Supplies and Equipment

290 Cemeteries 840 Heraldic Activities

310 Military Publications (Being converted to 25–30through 25–49.)

870 Historical Activities

325 Statistics 920 Civilian Marksmanship

335 Management Information Control (Being convertedto 25–1 through 25–9.)

930 Service Organizations

340 Office Management (Being converted to 25–50through 25–69.)

1105 Corps of Engineers Planning

350 Training 1110 Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design

351 Schools (Being converted to 350, Training.) 1125 Corps of Engineers Plant

352 Dependents’ Education 1130 Corps of Engineers Project Operation

360 Army Public Affairs 1145 Corps of Engineers Regulatory Functions

370 Libraries–Information Centers 1165 Corps of Engineer Water Resource Policies & Authority

380 Security 1180 Corps of Engineers contracts

b. An alpha or alphanumeric suffix is added to the prescribing directive number to distinguish several recordsprescribed by a single directive (for example, 27–1a, 27–1b) and to separate between differing agency/office responsi-bility levels when more than 1 disposition instruction is needed for the same record title (for example, 27–1a1, officewith Armywide responsibility; 27–1a2, other offices).

c. The RN, along with the title, authority number, Privacy Act (PA) number (if applicable), description, anddisposition make up the complete record instruction.

(1) RN. The RNs are created as indicated in paragraphs 6–2a and b, above.(2) Title. The title is assigned based on the record contents.(3) Authority number. This is the number NARA assigns to the records schedule using a standard form (SF) 115,

which approved the disposition for the record. The number identifies it as an Army schedule and the year it wassubmitted to NARA for approval.

(4) PA number. If the records are being filed under a PA system notice, this is the number of that notice.(5) Description. The description identifies the specific type of record authorized for filing under a specific RN.(6) Disposition. The disposition contains the instructions for the actions taken with non–current records. These

include transfer to an RHA, retirement to a NARA records center facility, authorized donations, destruction, andaccessioning into The National Archives. It provides instructions on when to destroy, delete, or otherwise dispose ofshort–term records; when and where to retire, destroy, delete, or otherwise dispose of temporary long–term records;and when and how to transfer permanent records to NARA. Cutoff instructions are generally also provided forpermanent records.

d. Deviations from the above principle for creating RNs—(1) Within each functional category, a RN was created for general correspondence files for records that would not

normally be filed with a specific records series. These numbers use the functional category numbers as their number.These RNs should not be used as a catchall place to dump records, as this could result in some records being destroyedprematurely. Also, program records should never be filed under a general correspondence file number. See glossary fordefinition of program records.

(2) The RNs for office administrative housekeeping files also deviate from the ARIMS principle for convenienceand accessibility. Housekeeping records use a 1 and an alpha character(s) as their numbers. In determining when it is

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appropriate to use a housekeeping number for a particular record, remember housekeeping records exist because anoffice exists, not why an office exists. Housekeeping records relate to the day–to–day administration of an office andpersonnel. They do not relate to the office’s actual mission.

e. Under the ARIMS, all records are categorized as either K or T records, unless they are identified as unscheduled(U). Records identified as K and U records are kept within the current files area (CFA); T records are transferred to theRHA, AEA, or FRC. The categories are further defined below—

(1) K records are broken up into the categories below—(a) K records. K records are usually short–term temporary records that have no value beyond the business process.

They can have retention periods from 1 day up to and including 6 years. When K records have a specific time periodthey must be kept for that fixed retention period. (These are records previously approved by NARA for a specificretention period which could not use the keep no longer needed (KN) flexible retention period. For example, if theapproved retention period were 2 years, the record label retention line would read: keep in CFA until record is2–years–old, then destroy.)

(b) Keep event (KE) records. KE records are K records that are dependent upon an (E)vent occurring before theactual retention period starts. A KE records can end up being kept longer than 6 years because they can be heldindefinitely awaiting the occurrence of the event; however, they cannot be kept longer than 6 years after the eventoccurs. When KE records have a specific time period they must be kept for the fixed retention period. (These arerecords previously approved by NARA for a specific retention period which could not use KEN flexible retentionperiod. For example, if there is an event associated with the disposition, the label retention line would read: ACTIVEPIF after case is closed. INACTIVE. COFF 31 Dec 06, DEST Jan 09.)

(c) KN records. KN records are K records that do not or cannot have a specific time period assigned. KN recordsare defined as keep until no longer needed (NLN) to reflect their flexible retention period. (KN records were previouslyreferred to as the flexible K6. This had to be changed because some records falling into these categories had to be keptfor the actual 6 years and there was no way to differentiate between the two.) A KN record is kept until NLN forbusiness, but not to exceed (NTE) 6 years. The retention line on the record label would read: keep until NLN, NTE 6years, and then destroy.

(d) Keep event no longer needed records (KEN). KEN records are KE records that do not or cannot have a specifictime period assigned and are further defined as keep until the event occurs and then until NLN. (KEN records werepreviously referred to as the flexible KE6. This had to be changed because some records falling into these categorieshad to be kept for the actual 6 years after the event and there was no way to differentiate between the two. Theretention period for the KEN record starts when the event occurs (an example for a KEN record label retention linewould read: keep until NLN after case is closed, NTE 6 years, then destroy).)

(e) All K records. Normally, All K records (KN, KEN, K5, K3, and so on) are kept and destroyed within the CFA.They cannot be transferred to an RHA or the AEA without prior approval from the local RM or RHAM and ArmyRecords Management Declassification Agency (ARMDA). For agencies/units going through a change of status(redesignation, reorganization, transfer of functions, discontinuance or movement), refer to paragraph 9–5, below, forfurther guidance.

(2) T records—(a) Are usually long–term records with retention periods over 6 years and up through permanent. For example, a

record with a retention period of 6 years, 3 months would be a T record. They have a value beyond the business need,such as for legal, historical, research, or lessons learned purposes.

(b) Are transferred to an Army RHA or the ARIMS AEA when NLN for business purposes, where they aredestroyed at the end of their retention period, transferred to an FRC (if applicable) or transferred to The NationalArchives if they are permanent. Inactive hardcopy T records should only be held in the CFA until they are NLN forday–to–day operations. Electronic T records may be transferred as soon as the record has been completed. A copy canbe maintained locally to meet reference needs; however, any locally retained copy is not to be held any longer than theofficial record copy maintained by the AEA.

(c) Are defined as transfer event (TE) records if they have an event associated with their disposition.(d) Have the retention period added immediately following the T or TE; (for example, T15, TE7, and so on).(e) That have a permanent disposition are further defined as a TP or transfer event permanent (TEP) record.(3) U records—(a) U records have never been formally appraised by NARA which means they do not have an approved disposition.

Once U records have been appraised and The Archivist of the United States approves the disposition, the recordcategory is changed to a K or T, as appropriate.

(b) U records are maintained in the CFA until an approved disposition is received and then the approved dispositionis applied. U records cannot be transferred outside the CFA without approval from ARMDA.

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Figure 1–1. Relationship between file numbers and prescribing directive

1–9. The Army Records Information Management System software applicationThe ARIMS software application is a Web–based toolset to help AOs, RCs, RHAMs, RMs, and RAs manage bothelectronic and hardcopy Army records. The ARIMS provides a variety of tools and services designed to reduce themanual processes associated with traditional records management. One of the system modules, the RRS–A, contains allof the Army’s records retention schedules. The ARIMS software application is covered in more detail in chapter 6.

1–10. Office records listsa. The ORLs are lists of record titles/RNs used within a specific office as an aid in identifying records used within

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the organization to support its business processes and housekeeping/administrative functions, as well as identifyinglong–term and permanent mission related records for transfer or retirement.

b. The ORL includes pertinent information about—(1) Each of the record series listed.(2) The record category.(3) The title of the specific record.(4) The record type (K, T, or U).(5) The record duration (retention) period.(6) Whether or not the record is permanent.(7) The NARA disposition authority.(8) The PA number (if applicable).(9) The RN.(10) The status indicating whether the ORL is approved, is pending approval (proposed), or in draft.c. In accordance with AR 25–400–2, ORLs are required and will be prepared using the records management–assis-

tance (RM–Assist) in ARIMS. All K records are included on the ORL to preclude having to create and maintain 2separate ORLs and for use in printing record labels.

d. To assist in creating the ORL, the RM–Assist is linked to the ARIMS RRS–A. This allows searching for andselecting applicable record titles to automatically populate the ORL.

e. The ORL is created annually and submitted for approval to the agency RA or manager who reviews it foraccuracy and completeness.

f. Proposed ORLs may be modified as needed to add, change, or delete record titles. Approved ORLs can only haveitems added to them, not deleted. Once a record has been filed, using a title from the ORL, that title cannot be deleted.

g. See chapter 6, below, for guidance on creating and using ORLs.

1–11. Maintaining records for multiple organizationsOfficials performing duties for more than 1 organization will maintain the records created in each capacity separately.Example situations requiring separate recordkeeping are a division commander who is also an installation commander,a command safety officer who is also the installation safety officer, or the chief of a staff section who is also secretaryof a committee.

1–12. Maintaining records in librariesRecord copies of publications and other permanent documents as described in the ARIMS RRS–A will not bemaintained as a part of library collections or manuscript collections in libraries or museums. When extra copies aremaintained in these collections, they should be distinctly marked library copy or museum copy.

Chapter 2Identifying Records and Recordkeeping Requirements

2–1. Recordsa. By law, Federal records are all documentary materials, including—(1) Letters.(2) Memorandums.(3) Completed forms.(4) Statistical and narrative reports.(5) Graphics.(6) Photographs.(7) Audio and video recordings.(8) Maps.(9) Architectural, engineering, and other drawings.b. Federal records (regardless of physical forms) include—(1) Electronic records (e–mail, digitized images, and so on).(2) Photographic prints and negatives.(3) Motion picture films.(4) Tape recordings.c. Federal records include materials that are made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal

law or in connection with the transaction of public business.d. Federal records include materials that are preserved or appropriate for preservation as evidence of agency

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functions, organization, and activities or preserved because of the value of the information they contain (see 44 USC3301).

e. Some files may not be readily identified as records. If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, thedocument is a Federal record:

(1) Were the creation or submission and maintenance of the document required by the organization?(2) Was the document used to conduct or facilitate agency business?(3) Does it contain unique information that explains formulation of significant program policies and decisions? (This

would apply if the document is a draft or preliminary document created for background or a similar purpose.)(4) Was the document distributed to other offices or agencies for formal approval or clearance?(5) Was the document placed in an organization file?(6) Is the document part of an electronic information system used to conduct Government business?(7) Is the document covered by 1 of the records numbers in the ARIMS RRS–A?f. Preliminary drafts and working paper are Federal records if they—( 1 ) E x p l a i n h o w t h e a g e n c y f o r m u l a t e d a n d e x e c u t e d s i g n i f i c a n t p r o g r a m p o l i c i e s , d e c i s i o n s , a c t i o n s , o r

responsibilities.(2) Contain unique information, such as annotations or commentsg. Paper records may be originals or copies, such as file copies of outgoing correspondence or copies forwarded for

action. Multiple copies of the same document may each be a record if each serves a separate administrative purposeand if they are kept in separate filing or recordkeeping systems. If electronically created records are maintained in apaper recordkeeping system, the information necessary for a complete record must be printed.

h. Electronic records may include data in automated information systems (data files, data bases), word processingfiles, electronic spreadsheets, e–mail and electronic messages, image (bit–mapped) files, and other text or numericinformation.

(1) Electronic recordkeeping involves the use of a computer to create, store, retrieve, use, and dispose of digitallyrecorded information.

(2) Measures should be taken to ensure that all records which originate or are transmitted through an automatedinformation system, word processing system, e–mail system, and so on are identified, retained, and managed properlyand that adequate maintenance and disposition procedures are implemented from the beginning. Records should bereadily available and accessible to all authorized users when they need them. This means that the identity, purpose, andlocation of records are predictable, consistent, and reliable; that methods for access and retrieval are simple and welldefined; and that records management practices are incorporated into day–to–day business activities.

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Figure 2–1. Life cycle of a record

2–2. Non–recordsa. Non–records are U.S. Government–owned documentary materials excluded from the legal definition of records

according to 44 USC 3301. They include—(1) Extra copies of documents such as those used for reference purposes.(2) Stocks of publications (excluding the record sets, which are records filed under RN 25–30mm).(3) Library and museum materials made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes.b. Non–record materials include—(1) Information copies of correspondence, directives, forms and other documents on which no administrative action

is recorded or taken.(2) Routing slips and transmittal sheets adding no information to that contained in the transmitted material.(3) Tickler, follow–up, or suspense copies of correspondence, provided they are extra copies of the originals.(4) Duplicate copies of documents maintained in the same file.(5) Extra copies of printed or processed materials for which complete record sets exist, such as current and

superseded manuals maintained outside the office responsible for maintaining the record set.(6) Catalogs, trade journals, and other publications that are received from other Government agencies, commercial

firms, or private institutions and that require no action and are not part of a case on which action is taken.(7) Physical exhibits, artifacts, and other material objects lacking evidential value.

2–3. Personal recordsa. Personal records (previously called personal papers) are documentary materials belonging to an individual that are

not used to conduct agency business. They relate solely to an individual’s personal and private affairs or are usedexclusively for that individual’s convenience. Personal records may contain references to or comments on agency

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business, but they are considered personal if they are not used in the conduct of business. Categories of personalrecords include—

(1) Business or professional records created before entering Government service; records created during or relatingto previously held positions, political materials, and reference records.

(2) Private records brought into, created, or received in the office; family and personal correspondence and materialsdocumenting professional activities and outside business or political pursuits, including manuscripts and drafts forarticles and books and volunteer and community service records that are considered personal, even if created orreceived while in office, because they do not relate to agency business.

(3) Work–related personal records, such as diaries, journals, notes, personal calendars, and appointment schedules,though work–related, may be personal if they are used only as reminders and personal observations on work–relatedtopics, not for the transaction of Government business.

(4) Personal records may be removed from the office without agency approval; however, if there is a question as towhether materials are personal or Federal records, consult with the organizations records officer.

(5) When leaving Government service, an individual may wish to take with them—(a) Extra copies of selected Federal records, such as materials they drafted, reviewed, or otherwise acted upon.(b) Copies of public affairs records, such as news clippings and photographs taken at official functions and

celebrations.( 6 ) A g e n c i e s m a y a p p r o v e o r d i s a p p r o v e r e q u e s t s t o r e m o v e e x t r a c o p i e s o f F e d e r a l r e c o r d s o r o t h e r

Government–owned documentary materials provided all of the following conditions are met:(a) Removal would not diminish the official records of the agency.(b) Removal would not exceed normal administrative economies.(c) The materials do not contain national security classified information.(d) The information removed is not subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a).(e) Disclosure of the information removed is not otherwise prohibited by law.b. When determining whether to permit departing officials to remove documentary materials, the agency should also

consider the extent to which such removal could affect the agency’s ability to invoke various legal privileges and theuse of nondisclosure agreements in appropriate cases. When extra copies of work–related files are removed, adesignated official of the agency should review the materials and approve their removal.

2–4. Vital recordsVital records are records that contain information the Army may need to conduct business under emergency operatingconditions or to protect the legal and financial rights of the Federal Government and the people it serves (see AR500–3, paras 1–7 and 2–2 for records officer’s responsibilities and requirements regarding vital records). The NARAalso has considerable documentation regarding vital records programs which can be found at the following link: Two types of records have been traditionally identified,emergency operating records and rights and interest records.

a. Emergency operating records. These are records essential to the continued functioning and reconstitution of anorganization before, during, and after a national security emergency or under emergency or disaster conditions. Per AR500–3, headquarters (HQ), major commands, and certain activities maintain copies of emergency operating records atpredesignated relocation and alternate sites. Records under this category include—

(1) Emergency plans and directives including information needed to operate the emergency operations center and itsequipment and records recovery plans and procedures.

(2) Order of succession.(3) Delegations of authority.(4) Emergency staffing assignments, including lists of personnel along with their addresses and telephone numbers

that are assigned to the emergency operations center or other emergency duties or authorized access to damagedfacilities to assess the extent of damage.

(5) Emergency operations center access credentials and classified or restricted access container documentation asrequired.

(6) Building plans and building systems operations manuals for all agency facilities.(7) Equipment inventories for all agency facilities.(8) The ORLs describing the record series and electronic information systems maintained within the office for all

agency facilities.(9) Vital records inventories.(10) Copies of agency program records (whatever the media) needed to carry out continuing critical functions.(11) System documentation for any electronic information systems designated as emergency–operating.b. Rights and interests records. These are records essential to the preservation of the legal rights and interests of

individual citizens (including Soldiers) and the Army. These records require protection, but do not have to be

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maintained at or in the vicinity of an emergency operating site because their need would not be immediate. Theserecords include—

(1) Accounts receivable records.(2) Social security records.(3) Payroll records.(4) Retirement records.(5) Insurance records.(6) Records relating to contracts, entitlements, leases, or obligations whose loss would pose a significant risk to the

legal and financial rights of the Federal Government or persons directly affected by its actions.(7) System documentation for any electronic information system which contains records designated as needed to

protect rights.

2–5. Unscheduled and unidentified recordsa. Records identified as U records are records that have not been formally appraised by NARA and do not have an

approved Army records disposition authority. Any U records not identified or described in the ARIMS RRS–A shouldbe brought to the attention of the records management officer who will assist in obtaining a valid RN. New RNrequests are submitted through agency records channels to ARMDA for coordination with the proponent of theprescribing directive. See chapter 5, below, for information on how records are scheduled.

b. If it cannot be determined which RN in the ARIMS RRS–A applies to a particular record or if no RNs based onthe directive the program falls under can be found, it should be brought to the attention of the requestor’s recordsofficer.

c. The records officer will determine what directive prescribes the creation, maintenance, and use of the record. Ifnone of the RNs under RRS–A are applicable, the records officer, in coordination with ARMDA, will establish andRN(s) based on the number of the prescribing directive and the general format in RRS–A and furnish it to the requestorfor interim use pending publication in the RRS–A. The disposition instruction will read, retain in CFA until approveddisposition instructions are published.

d. The records officer will then submit a request through records management channels to ARMDA requesting therecords in question be evaluated and scheduled. The request will include information about the records (identificationof prescribing directive, where the records are being created (unit, HQ, and so on), the flow of the business process,volumes, proposed description, proposed disposition and, if possible, an unclassified sample of the records.

2–6. Contractor recordsRecords management oversight of contract records is necessary to ensure that all long–term recordkeeping needs aremet according to the instructions in the RRS–A. Government personnel will assign the appropriate record identificationand disposition instructions to all records delivered by the contractor. In addition, records and background electronicdata specified for delivery to the contracting agency must be accompanied by sufficient technical documentation topermit use of the records and data.

a. Contractors performing congressionally mandated program functions must create and maintain records to docu-ment these programs. The contract must include requirements for the delivery of all pertinent documentation ofcontractor program execution.

b. Many other types of contracts involve the creation of background information that may have value to theGovernment. Whenever appropriate, agency officials should require the delivery of such background information inaddition to the final product. For example—

(1) Contracts to produce statistical analyses will specify the delivery of background information that may have valueto the contracting agency or to other agencies.

(2) Contracts to produce reports that represent Army policy will specify the delivery of background informationneeded to verify assertions or justify conclusions.

(3) Research contracts will specify the delivery of background information that has value to the contracting agency.c. A deferred ordering and delivery information clause should be included in the contract to acquire any data/records

information that may have value to the Government, but were not identified in advance.

2–7. Special records collectionsSpecial records collections are defined as a group of records that may or may not fall under the same series, but areconsidered a collection based on common characteristics (for example, John F. Kennedy records collection).

2–8. Contingency operations recordsContingency operations records (CONOPs) are records created by Army forces that are deployed or engaged inoperational missions. See chapter 12, below, for more information on CONOPs recordkeeping requirements.

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2–9. Records of defunct Army commandsSee paragraph 9–5, below, for how the handling of records from Army organizations that have been discontinued orrecords of Army bases that have closed due to a base realignment and closure action.

2–10. Records of Joint staff and combatant commandsRecords created in support of the Joint staff and combatant commands are managed in accordance with the Chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 5760.01, Vol I, 10 Mar 03.

2–11. Records life cycleA records life cycle involves 3 stages, records creation (or receipt), records maintenance and use, and recordsdisposition (see fig 2–1, above).

a. Records creation (or receipt). Records are created at all levels throughout the Army and can exist in manyformats or on various media. Records are created or received and accumulated as an agency conducts Governmentbusiness. Records are classified as either a record copy or a non–record copy. When records are created, 1 copy mustbe identified as the official record copy that will be maintained to support the organization’s business needs. Forreceived documents, the original copy is usually classified as the record copy. Once the record copy is identified, itshould be stamped to reflect its status. For hardcopy records, this is achieved using a rubber stamp that reads file copyor record copy. The stamp is placed vertically along the right margin of the document. For electronic T records, thecopy is identified as the record copy by simply transferring it to the AEA. If an office does not have a file server set upfor storing short–term record copies, 1 way to identify the record copy for K records is to include for record copy(RecCy) in the file title (for example, MtgReptRecCy.doc).

b. Records maintenance and use. Records are kept to provide documentation of an action taken, to support adecision or legal requirement, to respond to inquiries, and for reference purposes. Under the maintenance and use stage,the records are assigned a RN, which is used to file and retrieve the records. During this stage, records are referred toas active or inactive depending on how often the record is accessed.

(1) Active records. Records are considered active if they are used frequently. Active records are maintained in theCFA where they are available for easy retrieval.

(2) Inactive records. Records are considered inactive if they are referenced no more than 4 to 5 times annually.Normally, inactive T records are transferred to an RHA or FRC, while K records are managed in the CFA through theirlife cycle.

c. Records disposition. During the final stage of the record’s life, it will be destroyed if it is a temporary record ortransferred to The National Archives if it is permanent. Anything less than permanent is considered a temporary record.A record is disposed of according to the disposition instructions for the applicable RN assigned to it.

(1) Temporary records. Temporary records are destroyed after a fixed period of time or after occurrence of aspecified event. The time may range from a few months to many years. Most (greater than 90 percent) Army recordsare temporary.

(2) Permanent records. Records that are considered sufficiently valuable for historical or other purposes, as towarrant continued preservation by the Federal Government, are classified as permanent. Relatively few (less than 10percent) of Army records are permanent.

2–12. Recordkeeping requirementsa. Recordkeeping requirements are statements in laws, regulations, or agency directives providing general and

specific guidance on particular records to be created and maintained by an agency. Since the Army is legally obligatedto create and maintain adequate and proper documentation of its organization, functions, and activities, it needs to issuerecordkeeping requirements for all activities at all levels and for all formats and media and to distinguish records fromnon–record materials and personal papers.

b. Proponents of prescribing directives will ensure that Army regulations and DA pamphlets identify recordsrequired to support their business processes as required by AR 25–30, paragraph 2–12. These records are created orreceived when carrying out the missions or functions of the programs prescribed therein. An example would be toinclude a statement similar to the following as the last paragraph of chapter 1 and list the specific requirements inappendix B (see fig 2–2, below, for an example of appendix B); for example, “1–7. Recordkeeping requirements. Asrequired by AR 25–400–2, the recordkeeping requirements created by this regulation are listed in appendix B.”

c. Proponents will further ensure that any requirements or established procedures governing the use and retention ofthe records are specified in ARs or DA pamphlets when necessary. These requirements may pertain to such matters asthe naming, arrangement, and/or location of records and established procedures, such as those governing information orinput submitted for consolidated reports, summaries, or similar information.

d. Proponents will coordinate any new, revised, or rescinded recordkeeping requirements (including recommendedretention periods for the new or revised requirements) in Army directives with their records management officers.Records management officers will use the ARIMS RRS–A to identify the RN under which the records will be kept andsend requests for new, revised, or rescinded numbers, along with proposed disposition instructions as needed, to

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ARMDA, ATTN: JDRP–RDR–R, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860 or e–mail to [emailprotected]. Temporary RNs, titles, and disposition instructions for new numbers will be established by recordsmanagement officers in coordination with ARMDA. The requirements will be submitted in the same format as shownfor RNs in the ARIMS RRS–A and will include a complete description of the records to be created, identifying anyspecific forms or documents that are to be used and any automated information systems that are used to produce orstore the records.

e. Proponents will review the recordkeeping requirements whenever making changes to the prescribing directive.When an AR is superseded, the proponent will review the RNs prescribed by that AR and inform ARMDA whichnumbers transfer to the superseding AR and which, if any, will be rescinded. If the AR is rescinded, the RNs will bereviewed and if they no longer remain valid, the proponent will request that ARMDA rescind them. Any RNsremaining valid after a prescribing directive has been rescinded will be changed to reflect a new prescribing directive ifone can be found or if not, will be based on the functional category under which the record falls. For example, if therecord deals with a medical category, it would be based on file category 40.

Figure 2–2. Sample “Appendix B–Recordkeeping Requirements (AR 215–4)”

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Chapter 3Managing the Various Types of Records MediaThis chapter provides guidance and procedures for maintaining the Army’s information regardless of the media toensure it is available when needed. The RRS–A lists all the known types of records the Army creates in support of itsmyriad of programs. Each of the different types of records is covered by one of the RNs listed in the RRS–A, whichstates its disposition.

Section IHardcopy records

3–1. GeneralGenerally, hardcopy records are defined as paper records, but microfilm records are also classified as hardcopy records,as are audio visual, cartographic, and architectural records.

3–2. Records preparation before filinga. Before filing a record, examine it to ensure all actions are complete and essential information is attached. If

essential information is missing and cannot be located, annotate the record indicating what measures are being taken toobtain the information.

b. Envelopes, routing slips that bear no essential information and extra copies should be removed. Cover sheets(such as SFs 703, 704, and 705) should be removed unless records are in suspense files or when cases are placed inrecord containers pending completion of the action.

c. Staple hardcopy documents when possible. Prior to stapling, documents should be assembled with the latestaction on top. Other fasteners may be used when there are too many papers for stapling or physical characteristicsprohibit stapling.

3–3. Cross referencesa. Prepare cross references only when essential to retrieving information. They may be used when—(1) A document is related to more than 1 action.(2) A classified document has a direct relationship to unclassified material. Do not place classified information on

cross reference forms filed in unclassified files.(3) A document with various dates relates functions to other sub–functions or actions.(4) A document has been changed from 1 RN or subdivision to another RN or subdivision.b. A cross references is filed under 1 RN or subdivision to show the location of material filed elsewhere (see fig

3–1, below, for a sample cross reference).

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Figure 3–1. Sample records cross reference

3–4. File suppliesFile supplies include folders, guides, labels, fasteners, binders, envelopes, microfiche envelopes, and label holders.Supplies available from the Federal supply schedule should be used to maintain official records.

a. Use standard guides to divide records and to identify subdivisions for ease in filing and retrieval (see fig 3–2,below, for a sample use of guide cards).

b. Use standard size folders to consolidate, retrieve, and protect the records.c. Mark or stamp folders with the proper classification per AR 380–5.d. When using RM–Assist to create file and barcode labels, use Avery file labels 5161 or an equivalent label.

Figure 3–2. Sample use of guide cards

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3–5. Arrangement of filesa. Records arrangement. Unless specified by the prescribing directive, records should be arranged in a manner that

best suits the business or reference needs of an office. The following are common arrangements for subdividingrecords:

(1) Date arrangement. Use only for material within folders or for suspense folders. Arrange records chronologically,with the newest record at the front of the file (see fig 3–3, below, for sample date arrangement of documents within afolder).

(2) Alphabetic arrangement. The 2 basic methods of arranging records alphabetically are as follows:(a) Subject. Under this method, subject files are used and arranged alphabetically. For example, Organizational

History Files might be subdivided into Assumption of Command, Ceremonies, Honors, Lineage, and so on (see fig3–4, below, for sample subject arrangement of files).

(b) Name. Records are arranged by the name of persons, places, or organizations. The principal use is in arrangingpersonnel–type records (see fig 3–5, below, for sample personal names arrangement of files, fig 3–6, below, for sampleplace names arrangement of files, and fig 3–7, below, for sample organization names arrangement of files).

(3) Numeric arrangement. Records are arranged in numerical sequence by number, such as by invoice number,contract number, unit designation, and so on (see fig 3–8, below, for sample numeric arrangement of files).

(4) Alphanumeric. Records are arranged by a combination of words and numbers such as social security number andname (see fig 3–9, below, for sample alphanumeric arrangement of files).

b. Arrangement restrictions. Records not covered by a PA System of Records Notice will not be filed or retrievedby personal identifier (name, social security number, date of birth, and so on) even if that capability exists. All PASystem of Records Notices are published in DA Pam 25–51 (see AR 340–21 for exception procedures).

Figure 3–3. Sample date arrangement of documents within a folder

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Figure 3–4. Sample subject arrangement of files with a record series

Figure 3–5. Sample personal names arrangement of files

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Figure 3–6. Sample place names arrangement of files

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Figure 3–7. Sample organization names arrangement of files

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Figure 3–8. Sample numeric arrangement of files

Figure 3–9. Sample alphanumeric arrangement of files

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3–6. Classified documentsa. File classified and unclassified documents in separate containers, except when—(1) The volume of the classified material is small and it is more advantageous to use otherwise empty space for

unclassified material. However, the classified material will be separated from the unclassified material by guide cardsor by placement in separate drawers.

(2) The record of an action consists of both classified and unclassified documents and reference needs require thatboth be filed together. Files, folders, and similar groups of documents containing classified and/or sensitive informationwill be clearly marked as to the highest classification/sensitivity of information contained therein. The classification/sensitivity marking will be on the outside, front, back, top, and bottom of the file or folder. Attaching a documentcover sheet to the outside of the file or folder is acceptable in satisfying this requirement. When cover sheets are used,they will not be attached when the files are in a secure storage container. When cover sheets are removed and the itemsare in secure storage, the files or folders must be marked to indicate the highest level of classified and/or sensitiveinformation contained therein.

(3) When classified and unclassified documents are filed together, the records or containers will be secured andaccess to the area or containers monitored as if all contents are classified to preclude the inadvertent disclosure of theclassified materials.

b. All classified documents, both originally and derivatively classified (except those containing restricted data orformerly restricted data), will be marked on the face of the document with a declassify on line, with instructions for thedeclassification of the information. Specific instructions for completing the declassify on line are in AR 380–5,paragraph 4–10.

c. Further guidance on the classification and marking of documents, files, and records can be found in AR 380–5.

3–7. Suspense filesSuspense files are used as reminders that an action is required by a given date. The following are some examples ofsuspense files:

a. A note kept by an AO to submit a report or to take some other action. The note would be destroyed after thereport is submitted or the action is taken.

b. An outgoing communication filed by the date on which a reply is expected. When the reply is received, thecommunication is withdrawn and filed (if it is a record copy) or destroyed (if it is an extra copy).

3–8. Labelinga. Folders and containers used to store official records will be labeled.b. Labeling may be accomplished in any manner that best suits the business needs of the office except that labels

will include—(1) The letter(s) K, KE, KN, KEN, or U for records that will be managed entirely within the office or the letter(s) T,

TE, TP, or TEP for those that will be transferred to an RHA or to the AEA. For T and TE disposition codes, includethe duration if applicable also (for example, T10 or TE25).

(2) A title.(3) The year of creation.(4) The PA systems notice number, if applicable.c. The labels will also include the RN and disposition which are automatically inserted when ARIMS RM–Assist is

used to print the labels.d. File labels may be generated using the RM–Assist (if there is an ORL on file), by typewriter or individual

personal computer (PC). File labels for K records may be handwritten, using pens or markers, but they must be legible.The RM–Assist prints the disposition code, retention period, RN, record title, current year, disposition instructions(retire, transfer, or destroy), and PA system notice number, if applicable. At the same time the file label is printed for Trecords, the RM–Assist also prints a barcode label, which will be used by the RHA staff for indexing and tracking therecords once they are transferred to the RHA (see fig 3–10, below, for sample file and barcode labels).

e. If there are several folders under 1 title/number, a dummy folder which contains the full label entries may beused. Tape it shut so that no documents can be placed in it. (Alternatively, a guide card may be used for this purpose.)Subsequent folder labels need only show the disposition code, RN, contents of the individual folder, and, whereappropriate, the year of accumulation (see fig 3–11, below, for sample label entries and use of dummy folder).

f. See figure 3–12, below, for sample file container and binder label entries and for suggestions on how to labelcontainers and binders.

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Figure 3–10. Sample file and barcode labels

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Figure 3–11. Sample label entries and use of “dummy” folder

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Figure 3–12. Sample file container and binder label entries

3–9. Storinga. Official records are the property of the Federal Government, not the military member or employee making or

receiving them. Whenever possible, official records should be stored in standard file cabinets where they are alwaysavailable for use. In lieu of keeping the record copy at one’s desk, an AO copy can be made and kept at the desk forreference purposes. Records should not be stored in individual desk drawers unless that area has been designated as anauthorized storage location and the records are identified, labeled, and always accessible to all authorized personnel.

b. The K records are held and disposed of within the office of the CFA. The T records are held in the CFA untilNLN for conducting business and then they are transferred to an Army RHA or FRC, as applicable. In some cases,when T records are always needed on site, RMs may grant exceptions to maintain and dispose of them in the CFA. Inthose cases, the disposition will reflect the exception. The U records will be kept in the CFA until dispositioninstructions are published in the RRS–A and then transferred or disposed of accordingly. Exceptions by the ARMDAmay be granted to transfer records to an RHA or to the AEA before disposition instructions are published if thevolume/CFA limitations warrant.

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3–10. Micrographic recordsThe micrographics technology involves recording information on a microform by reducing and recording imagesphotographically or by recording directly onto film using computer output microform (COM); locating and retrievingthe indexed files via mechanical/computer means; and viewing the miniaturized images using a microfilm viewerwhich magnifies them on a display screen; or printing them on paper. Paper records are more prevalent throughout theArmy than other records media and take up the most space. For that reason, more and more paper records are beingconverted to another medium. Although electronic is the most used medium today, there are still several goodcandidates for using micrographic systems. Micrographic systems should be designed so the microform serves as therecord copy, except when it is not practical or cost–effective. These systems must comply with 36 CFR Part 1230.

3–11. X–Ray film recordsThere are 3 basic film types, nitrocellulose or nitrate, safety cellulose acetate, and polyester. Currently, some x–rays aremade and stored as digital files or scanned from film originals. Other x–ray formats include micrographic images likemicrofilm and aperture cards.

a. Storing x–ray films. Since storage conditions significantly influence rates of deterioration, good conditions canextend the film’s useful life. The black–and–white silver image on the film is vulnerable to excessive heat and moistureand to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides often found in urban and suburban environments.Organic compounds, such as gelatin containing the photographic emulsion, become susceptible to fungal growth instorage areas where the relative humidity (RH) exceeds 60 percent.

(1) Nitrate–based film, 1910s to 1930s. Highly flammable and akin to gun cotton, nitrate film deteriorates as it ages,emits an obnoxious odor, discolors to amber, and becomes sticky and brittle. The word nitrate is imprinted on the film.Nitrate film may be combustible under extreme storage conditions, especially where temperatures exceed 100 degreesFahrenheit and the humidity is in the upper ranges. Safety concerns are paramount.

(a) For short–term storage, remove from records storage areas and place in conditions that do not exceed 70 degreesFahrenheit and 50 percent RH. Storage in a freezer or cold storage is highly recommended. Copy to polyester film and,after verification of the copy, destroy in accordance with applicable regulations governing the disposal of hazardouswaste (see Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Hazardous Waste Code, D001, D003 and D0011).

(b) For long–term storage, store the film at 35 degrees Fahrenheit and 20–30 percent RH. Store in accordance withrequirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 40, Standard for the Storage and Handling ofCellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film, which describes building and fire safety specifications for the storage of nitratefilm. Ventilation may be needed depending upon the quantity of stored film. Store separately from other types ofphotographic records as off–gassing can accelerate deterioration of nearby film in good condition.

(c) The packing and shipping of nitrate film are governed by Department of Transportation regulations 49 CFR172.101, 172.504, 173.24, and 173.177.

(2) Acetate–based film, 1920s to mid–1960s. Manufactured as a safety film (the words are imprinted on the film’sedge), acetate film is flame resistant. However, it deteriorates as it ages, emitting a vinegary odor derived from vaporsof acetic acid; a phenomenon preservationists call the vinegar syndrome. Once deterioration begins, the chemicalprocess becomes autocatalytic, perpetuating at a faster and faster rate. As the base shrinks, the emulsion starts toseparate from the base in the form of cracks and channels and the film becomes brittle and eventually shrivels orbuckles beyond use.

(a) Place in cool and dry storage conditions to slow down deterioration. Research shows that storage temperaturesfrom 35 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit at 50 percent RH can extend degraded film’s life from 15 to 75 years longer,depending on the state of deterioration of the film.

(b) Only American National Standards Institute (ANSI) cold storage recommendations for acetate film will ensurepreservation for 100 years or more (ANSI/PIMA IT9.11).

(3) Polyester–based, mid–1950s to the present. The most stable base, polyester film tends to resist chemical andphysical changes as it ages under varied storage conditions. The word safety is imprinted on the film’s edge.

(a) Virtually all x–ray film used in the last 30 years is polyester–based.(b) Polyester film has excellent long–term storage characteristics that normally extend its longevity beyond records

retention requirements.(4) Other formats. Other x–ray formats which include micrographic images like microfilm and aperture cards must

also be stored under conditions that will ensure availability for their full retention period.b. Disposition. See chapter 9, below, for disposition instructions.c. Enclosures for x–ray films.(1) For medium–term retention (up to 10 years), store each sheet in a high–quality x–ray envelope.(2) For long–term retention (over 10 years), store nitrate–based and acetate–based film in individual lignin–free,

buffered paper envelopes. However, copying and disposal of nitrate are advisable. Store polyester–based film in eitheri n d i v i d u a l l i g n i n – f r e e , b u f f e r e d p a p e r e n v e l o p e s o r p l a s t i c s l e e v e s m a d e f r o m p o l y e s t e r , p o l y e t h y l e n e , o rpolypropylene.

(3) For very long retention, use enclosures specified in ANSI standards IT9.2 and IT9.16.

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(4) For off–site storage, use heavy–duty cartons marked x–ray files, store vertically.d. Additional information. Further information can be found at


3–12. Visual informationVisual information products are managed under the provisions of, AR 25–1, chapter 7 and DA Pam 25–91.

3–13. Cartographic and architectural recordsa. Cartographic records are graphic representations drawn to scale of selected cultural and physical features of the

surface of the earth, of other planetary bodies, and of the atmosphere. They include maps, charts, photomaps,orthophotomaps, atlases, cartograms, globes, and relief models. Related records are those that are integral to themap–making process, such as field survey notes, geodetic controls, map history case files, source materials, indexes,and finding aids.

b. Architectural and engineering drawings, also known as design and construction drawings are graphic records thatdepict the proposed and the actual construction of stationary structures, such as buildings, bridges, and canals, andmovable objects, such as ships, aircraft, vehicles, weapons, machinery, and equipment. Closely related records, such asindexes and written specifications, frequently accompany the drawings.

c. Cartographic and architectural records exist in various media forms and should be managed in accordance withthe following guidelines and guidelines in this pamphlet for the specific media type and should be disposed of inaccordance with the applicable RRS–A retention schedules.

d. Cartographic and architectural records require special storage and handling because of their diverse physicalattributes.

(1) Avoid storing maps and drawings rolled or folded. The NARA recommends storing maps and architecturaldrawings flat in shallow drawer map cases and placing records inside acid–free folders for added protection. The FRCsare generally not equipped to handle flat storage of large documents; therefore, maps and drawings must be rolled, notfolded, for storage in the centers. For this reason, when feasible, transfer permanent cartographic and architecturalrecords directly to NARA rather than to intermediate storage in an RHA or FRC.

(2) Do not laminate oversized records. Encapsulate old or fragile maps in clear, stable plastic.(3) Store large, heavy atlases and other bound volumes of maps or drawings flat. Storing the volumes upright strains

their bindings. If a spine is weak or damaged, the binding can be removed, the pages deacidified and encapsulated andthe volume reassembled in post binders. Further information about how to deal with preservation problems is availablefrom NARA.

(4) Store negative rolls of aerial film in inert plastic containers upright on shelves with identification codes assignedto each roll of film.

(5) Wear white cotton gloves to handle film.(6) Store film in a climate–controlled environment at constant temperature and humidity.

Section IIElectronic records

3–14. Generala. Electronic records may include data in information systems (data files, databases), office information technology

(IT) sources (word processing files, spreadsheets, presentations, and so on), e–mail and messages, image (bit–mapped)files, Web files, and files created during the conduct of electronic business/electronic commerce. Electronic recordkeep-ing involves the use of information technology to create, store, retrieve, use, and dispose of digitally recordedinformation.

b. Criteria for identifying a record in paper form applies to the electronic form. Electronically recorded informationthat meets the conditions of being made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal law or inconnection with the transaction of public business and serve as evidence of agency activities because of the value ofthe information they contain are Federal records. To assist in determining whether or not an electronic document is arecord, ask how it would be viewed if it was in paper form.

c. Measures should be taken to ensure that all records which originate or are transmitted through an automatedinformation system, word processing system, e–mail system, and so on are identified, retained, and managed properly.The procedures for saving electronic records should be determined as early as possible in the life cycle of a system (seeAR 25–1).

d. Records should be readily available and accessible to all authorized users when they need them. This means thatthe identity, purpose, and location of records are predictable, consistent, and reliable; methods for access and retrievalare simple and well defined; and records management practices are incorporated into day–to–day business activities.

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3–15. Electronic mailE–mail is the electronic transfer of information typically in the form of electronic messages, memoranda, and attacheddocuments from one party to another party via an intermediate telecommunications system. E–mail messages consist ofthe message header and message contents. The header contains the mailing address, routing instructions, transmissionand receipt data, and other information the system needs to deliver the e–mail correctly. Most e–mail systems allow theattachment of documents to messages, importing text from word processing systems, forwarding messages, anddistribution to individuals as well as groups and use of public key infrastructure technology.

a. E–mail has become a major way of transacting Government business; however, many e–mails are being destroyedprematurely because they are not being perceived as official records. E–mail messages are official records when theyare created or received in the transaction of public business and retained as evidence of official policies, actions,decisions, or transactions.

(1) Examples of messages sent by e–mail that typically are records, include—(a) Policies and directives.(b) Correspondence or memoranda related to official business.(c) Work schedules and assignments.(d) Agendas and minutes of meetings.(e) Drafts of documents that are circulated for comment or approval.(f) Any document that initiates, authorizes, or completes a business transaction.(g) Final reports or recommendations.(h) Information supporting or affecting decisions made in conduct of Government business.(2) Some examples of messages that typically do not constitute records are—(a) Personal messages and announcements not related to official business.(b) Copies of extracts of documents distributed for convenience or reference.(c) Phone message slips.(d) Announcements of social events, such as retirement parties or holiday celebrations.b. Official records communicated through e–mail systems must be identified, managed, protected, and retained as

long as needed for ongoing operations, audits, legal proceedings, research, or any other known purpose in accordancewith AR 25–400–2, this pamphlet, and the retention schedules on ARIMS RRS–A.

c. The official record copy of T e–mail messages will be transferred to the ARIMS AEA records repository usingthe ECS application. This is accomplished at the time e–mail messages are transmitted by indicating whether or not therecords should be transferred to storage. E–mail messages that are received are transferred by attaching them to anothere–mail and selecting the transfer option as indicated above. If ECS is not available, one of the options in d, below, canbe utilized.

d. The ARIMS and the AEA are designed to accept and manage only the long–term T records created by the Army.An office may manage its K records using 1 of the following options:

(1) The organization can acquire a certified records management application (RMA) and have it installed on theirlocal network. A list of certified (5015.2 DOD STD) RMAs can be found on the Joint Interoperability Test Command’sWeb site at

(2) Set up shared folders on a local server based on the ORL. Action officers can drag and drop records into theappropriate folders. However, records containing PA data should be appropriately restricted to authorized users. OfficeRCs would ensure folders are updated every year and records up for destruction are destroyed at the appropriate time.

e. E–mail messages sent or received in conjunction with Government business may be accessed and monitored inthe normal course of business by system administrators (SA), supervisors, support staff, and records managementofficials. Users should keep this is mind when creating e–mails.

f. Users should—(1) Protect e–mail messages, files, and records from unauthorized release to third parties in accordance with AR

25–400–2, AR 25–55, and AR 340–21.(2) Remove personal and transitory messages from personal in–boxes on a regular basis.(3) Protect e–mail messages from inadvertent loss or destruction by complying with backup requirements and

recordkeeping requirements of AR 25–400–2.(4) Coordinate disposition of official records with the organization’s records management officer to ensure that

retention requirements are met.g. Any copies of official records maintained on the user’s system for reference purposes after transfer of the official

copy may not be kept longer than the retention period approved for the record copy.

3–16. Information systemsElectronic records that are part of information systems (IS) must also be managed and fall under the same recordkeep-ing requirements as other electronic records. An IS is defined as the organized collection, processing, transmission, anddissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual. Establishing

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recordkeeping requirements for an IS requires, at a minimum, full and accurate documentation of the system; thefunctions supported by the system; the operation, legal, audit, oversight, or historical requirements for the information;how the information will be used, accessed, and maintained on each medium to meet these differing requirements; andthe procedural controls employed to preserve the integrity of the data in the system. The National Archives considersall components of electronic information systems as records (input, output, digital data stored in a variety of ways(master file), and the related documentation).

a. Any information generated by or contained in an information system must be preserved according to thedisposition instructions contained in the ARIMS RRS–A. This includes information contained in Standard ArmyManagement Information Systems, command or installation unique systems, standalone systems maintained in theoffice environment, and Web–based systems.

b. Functional proponents and information managers must—(1) Define electronic record information disposition instructions during the need justification phase, milestone A,

and review in the revalidation phase of each milestone in the life cycle management of the system. This would be agood time to review the office’s business process also.

(2) Evaluate potential systems to determine the record information needed for business purposes and validate theretention periods of that information according to the disposition instructions identified in the ARIMS RRS–A. Anynew, revised, or rescinded requirements will be coordinated with the agency records officer, who will notify theARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860. The information needed to establishrecordkeeping requirements and retention periods for records can also serve as a catalyst for answering manymanagement questions that should be addressed when designing or updating an information system—

(a) What is the system’s purpose? Does it serve different purposes for different users? Do the different purposesreflect different needs for retaining data?

(b) What inputs are needed and how long should they be retained? Are they needed for legal or audit purposes?(c) How long does information need to be kept on line? Are on–line retention requirements directly mapped onto

unit records or data sets?(d) If the organization no longer needs data on line, does it need to retain it off line? For how long?(e) Can requirements for retention and disposition of data be integrated with system design and operations, for

example, with update procedures, regular backup operations, transfer to AEA, and create history files, subset files, andpublic use data sets?

(f) What will be done with the reports, either on paper or computer output microfilm, generated by the system? Willthe reports be maintained on the system? For how long?

(g) Are multiple copies of the data needed? If so, in what media? In what locations? Do all media need to bemaintained for the same length of time? What will happen to the different media, and when? How will the integrity andauthority of the data be ensured?

(h) Is the information subject to the provisions of the PA? How do PA requirements for maintenance of timely,complete, relevant, and accurate information and limitation on access affect the agency’s estimate of how long datashould be kept?

(i) Is the information in the system part of the agency’s vital records program? If so, what provisions must be madeto ensure availability of the information in emergency situations?

(j) Who is responsible for maintaining up–to–date, authoritative documentation of the system and the data itcontains? Where will the documentation be maintained?

(k) Which medium containing the data must be given special care to ensure data preservation for long–termoperational needs or for archival purposes?

c. Determining the record information of an IS may be accomplished by reviewing the mission and functionsstatement of the office or offices supported by the system and evaluating its administrative, legal, or fiscal value. Areview of similar information already scheduled and identified in the ARIMS RRS–A may also be useful. Within an IS,the record information may consist of the data records of individual transactions or data records of the final results ofmany transactions. Where there are no systematic data outputs, a periodic snapshot of an entire database may serve asthe record. Depending on the architecture of the system, the records may be collected and preserved in on–line,near–line, or off–line storage while awaiting disposal or transfer to the AEA. Records designated as T records that arecomplete may be transferred to the AEA immediately upon creation or collected in the IS and transferred periodically.Alternatively, these records may be retained and preserved within the IS for their entire life cycle, provided that theyare identified in the master index of records in ARIMS.

d. Documentation on all IS that produce, use, or store electronic records will be kept current according to applicabletechnical bulletins and standards. This means that program managers and information managers must—

(1) Ensure that all electronic records are accompanied by documentation sufficient to ensure that the information isaccessible and usable. Minimum documentation consists of identifying the software programs and operating systemsused to create the documents to the extent that technical specification, file arrangement, contents, coding, anddisposition requirements of the files can be determined. Program and system documentation must be maintained for aslong as the related information is kept.

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(2) Ensure that documentation, to include a copy (or mirror image) of the software program, for IS containing orgenerating T records is transferred along with the related electronic records sent to the AEA, unless a prior transfer ofthe same information occurred and no changes were made. However, a statement to that effect will be included withthe subsequent transfers to ensure that the information may be accessed and used.

(3) Ensure that documentation—(a) Specifies all technical characteristics necessary to read or process the records adequately.(b) Identifies all inputs and outputs of the system.(c) Provides an audit trail of changed or deleted information and the correct disposition of the information content

and use.(d) Defines the contents of the files and records.(e) States clearly the purpose(s) and function(s) of the system.

3–17. Automated office applicationsThe final version of records created using office application software (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and so on) must alsobe maintained for the length of time indicated on the approved Army schedule. Whether they are maintained inelectronic or hardcopy form is dependent on the record application and available electronic storage. For example, if adocument might become part of a case file that exists only in hardcopy form, it would be logical to print out a copyand place it with the rest of the file. In this instance, the electronic copy would be deleted within a specified time frameafter the recordkeeping copy has been produced. In no instance will a reference copy maintained on the PC be keptlonger than the official record copy.

3–18. Image (bit–mapped) filesImage files are created by processing hardcopy records through a scanner which digitizes and converts the informationto bit–mapped images of the records. Bit–map is defined as a pattern of small pieces of computer data that forms animage. In an imaging system, digitized documents are stored as bit maps rather than individual characters such asASCII characters.

a. Image files are normally written to optical media (laser disk, optical disk, optical card, optical tape, compact disk(CD), digital video disk (DVD)) and magnetic media (such as hard disks, tapes, diskettes), but some are placed onmicrofilm.

b. When combined with effective indexing, converting the files to images can shorten information retrieval time andallow access by multiple users. Without special software, computers generally cannot use the informational content of araw image file to search for or retrieve a specific image. Search and retrieval normally depends on some form ofindexing, which assigns specific metadata to each document, such as author, date, title, and keywords. The index canbe simple or sophisticated and is typically an electronic database that is linked to the images. Prior thought andplanning should be put into the indexing before any imaging begins. Indexing is the most time–consuming portion ofconverting to an imaging system and many applications have failed because users did not consider the time andpersonnel needed to complete this task.

c. Images of textual records can be converted to searchable electronic text using optical character recognition (OCR)technology. The OCR is accomplished by a software application that reads the images and produces text based on therecognized patterns in those images. The electronic text created by the OCR can be stored in computer–readable formfor search and retrieval purposes. Not all records are good candidates for OCR though. Documents containinghandwriting, poor contrast, unusual type fonts, forms or mixed text/image documents are among those that are not goodcandidates. Even good quality originals will require some form of clean–up of raw OCR text that was unreadable.

d. Do not convert to an imaging system without good justification. The decision should be based on increasedproductivity and efficiency or quality of service. Costs include more than the initial purchase of the imaging system.You almost always need a maintenance contract on the system which will involve a yearly cost. You may also incurmigration costs if the information has to be retained for periods longer than 5 to 10 years.

e. Advantages to implementing an imaging system are—(1) Increased storage capacity.(2) Elimination of out–of–file problems.(3) Shortened retrieval times.(4) Improved retrieval by multiple users.(5) Ease of information dissemination.f. Disadvantages to implementing an imaging system are—(1) Expensive hardware and resource–intensive indexing requirements.(2) Rapid technological changes that require frequent upgrades of hardware and software.(3) Migration and conversion of records in imaged format may also be needed to protect the information in records

not yet eligible for disposal.(4) Digital images are not human–readable without computer equipment.

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g. In addition to cost factors, other factors that should be considered when determining whether to image documentsinclude—

(1) Volume of records. Imaging is generally used for large volumes of records.(2) Reference use. Imaging is most effective on highly referenced collections where a short retrieval time is

important or where there are multiple users accessing the same records. Combined with effective indexing, imagingrecords can facilitate retrieval.

(3) Relationship to records in other media. Consider whether the records to be imaged have to be used with recordson other media.

(4) Records and information usage. Consider how the information is used and how long the record is needed.Required retention periods are specified in records schedules.

(5) Legal acceptability. Following established procedures and maintaining the documentation of audit trails andother business practices will ensure that information is retained to document record authenticity and reliability.

(6) Ease of maintenance. Balance storage costs and capacity with indexing, conversion, quality control and migra-tion costs.

(7) Staffing requirements. Increased imaging and indexing of records and quality control procedures may requireadditional staff training.

(8) Work process and information flow. Would imaging facilitate the work process? Considerations include howrecords are routed, how information is added to records or files, and when records (finals or drafts) need to becaptured.

(9) Verification of signatures. If signature verification is a requirement, consider that forensic analysis of signaturesis not possible with imaged records.

(10) Document preparation. Determine how much work needs to be done to make the files ready for imaging.Document preparation for voluminous files may be significant.

(11) Quality control (QC) issues. The QC procedures must be instituted both while preparing documents forimaging and while verifying and validating imaged information.

(12) Condition of original records. The condition of the records will affect their handling during imaging as well asthe quality of the imaged record that can be produced. This will particularly be a factor for records that are damaged,faded or oversized.

(13) In–house versus contracting out. The feasibility of in–house operation versus contracting operations with aservice bureau.

(14) Image requirements. Resolution, compression, headers, and so on will vary depending on how the images willbe used.

(15) Indexing. Indexing requirements and metadata fields are determined by established standards and analyzinghow users will access images.

(16) Conversion requirements. The necessity of converting permanent records to an acceptable format prior totransfer to The National Archives of the United States.

h. Image files incur the same disposition as the hardcopy from which they are derived. Normally, the hardcopy filesare disposed of after verification that the image file is a true representation of the hardcopy file. Permanent sourcerecords; however, may not be destroyed without NARA approval.

3–19. Web pagesWeb pages vary in content and sources. If the information contained and/or displayed on a Web page qualifies asrecord material, then the owner or managing organization of that Web page is responsible for ensuring the recordinformation has a record copy identified and preserved according to the retention requirements in the Army recordsschedules.

a. Documentary materials. The documentary materials agencies accumulate in connection with the transaction ofofficial business are Federal records. Since agency Web sites are used to carry out agency business, the related recordsmeet this definition and like all other records must be managed and disposed of in accordance with Army dispositionschedules. The schedule should cover Web content records that document the information on the site itself, as well asinclude Web site management and operations records, which provide the site’s context and structure.

(1) Web content records include—(a) The content pages that comprise the site, inclusive of the hypertext markup language (HTML).(b) Images of Web pages created to document Web site content, if an agency chooses to document its site by

creating such records.(c) Listings of the uniform resource locator (URL) referenced by site’s hyperlinks.(d) Records generated when a user interacts with the site.(2) Web management and operations records that provide context to the site include—(a) Web site design records.

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(b) Records that specify an agency’s Web policies and procedures by addressing such matters as how records areselected for the site and when and how they may be removed.

(c) Records documenting the use of copyrighted material on a site.(d) Records relating to the software applications used to operate the site.(e) Records that document user access and when pages are placed on the site, updated, and/or removed.(3) Web management and operations records that provide structure related to the site include—(a) Site maps that show the directory structure into which content pages are organized, and(b) Commercial off the shelf software configuration files used to operate the site and establish its look and feel,

including server environment configuration specifications.b. Records management risks associated with a Web site. There are 2 basic records management risks associated

with a Web site. If these risks are not mitigated, an agency may be unable to document and/or validate transactions thatoccurred via a Web front end interface, or it may not be able to show what was on a site at a given point in time andwho put materials onto the site, and when they were modified or removed. As a result, program operations could beimpaired, citizens’ rights compromised, negative publicity might be generated among agency stakeholders, the media,and/or the public at large, and, in some instances, the agency could be exposed to costly litigation. The 2 risks are asfollows:

(1) Failures to create records that are needed to ensure that the site is trustworthy.(2) Failures to maintain records for an adequate period of time.c. Web snapshots. Business needs and the need to lessen risk determine whether or not such snapshots are warranted

and their frequency. In determining whether or not snapshots should be taken, the agency should also consider thefrequency with which the information on a site changes. Other things being equal, the more frequent the site undergoeschange, the more frequently should snapshots be taken.

d. Retention periods for Web records. When determining retention periods, the agency needs to assess how long theinformation is needed to satisfy business needs and mitigate risk, taking into account Government accountability andthe protection of legal rights. In the case of Web content that is available in other places in addition to the Web,records would more than likely take on the same retention period and would use the already in place schedule as therecords disposition authority. However, in the case of information unique to the Web site, the Web version would bethe only recordkeeping copy and would need scheduling.

(1) In many cases, particularly where the risk is low, the Web content and the related site management andoperation records should be assigned a retention period that allows disposal as soon as records are NLN in the conductof agency business.

(2) In instances where risk levels are higher, Web content and the related Web management and operations recordswould probably warrant retention for a period of time that exceeds the time needed to satisfy all business requirements.The extra time needed in order to mitigate risk ought not to be more than 3 to 5 years beyond the retention periodmandated by business needs alone. However, the mitigation of risk may require an even longer retention period inselected instances.

e. Scheduling. As with other agency records, most Web records do not warrant permanent.f. Scheduling point of contact. The ARMDA will be contacted for assistance in getting agency Web site records


3–20. Judicial use of electronic recordsa. Electronic records may be admitted in evidence to Federal courts for use in court proceedings (Federal Rules of

Evidence 803(8)) if trustworthiness is established by thoroughly documenting the recordkeeping system’s operation andthe controls imposed upon it.

b. To enhance the legal admissibility of electronic records, implement procedures that—(1) Document that similar kinds of records generated and stored electronically are created by the same processes

each time and have a standardized retrieval approach.(2) Substantiate that security procedures prevent unauthorized addition, modification, or deletion of a record and

ensure system protection against such problems as power interruptions.(3) Identify the electronic media on which records are stored throughout their life cycles, the maximum time span

that records remain on each storage medium and the NARA–approved disposition of all records according to AR25–400–2.

c. Coordinate all of the above with local legal staff and senior information and records management staff.

3–21. Managing records on electronic mediaa. Information created within the Army may be recorded on media in machine–readable format. Approved Army

disposition schedules apply to all Army recorded information, regardless of the medium upon which recorded. In orderto protect the rights and interests of the Army and its members, keep costs to a minimum and serve the study ofhistory, storage media for long–term records must be selected to best serve the operational needs of the Army and meet

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statutory scheduling requirements. These decisions are vital considerations in the design state of information life cyclemanagement.

b. Electronic records require the same levels of protection as any other media. Proper management provides foreconomic, efficient, and reliable maintenance, retrieval, preservation, storage, and scheduled disposition of the informa-tion. All personnel must comply with the Army records disposition schedules in RRS–A when disposing or erasingmedia that stores the only copy or the official copy of the record.

c. Media and systems selected to store and manage electronic records throughout their life cycle must meet therequirements of Department of Defense (DOD) 5015.2–STD.

(1) The ARIMS meets the requirements of DOD 5015.2–STD for storing, maintaining, and transferring or disposingof all electronic T records.

(2) Copies of T records stored in or generated by an AIS or other automation source that are completed should besent to ARIMS as soon as practical for secure long–term storage in the AEA.

(3) Specific instructions for sending records to the AEA are in chapter 6, below.

3–22. LabelingElectronic labeling may consist of anything from the naming of shared agency folders or separately managed folders onan individual PC to a detailed index of single documents that provide references or links to associated material for acomplete record.

a. External labels.(1) Labels used on disks (floppies, CD–ROM, and so on) should include the disposition code, RN(s)/titles, begin

and end dates, PA number (if applicable), software used to create the records and classification if classified (see fig3–13, below, for sample external label for disks).

(2) Labels on magnetic tape containers should include the volume/serial number, name of the program officesponsoring the data, and data set names.

(3) Access restrictions should be included on any external label if applicable.b. Internal labels.(1) Internal labeling, document, file, and directory naming conventions should be easily understandable and stand-

ardized so authors and their colleagues or successors can find stored information and maintain and dispose of recordson schedule.

(2) Labeling, naming, and filing conventions should be simple. One method is to file like documents in the samedirectory.

(3) Indexing is another way to find electronic documents. When used, the system should require the documentcreator to indicate the name of the document, the addressee, the date, and the identifier of the disk or server on which itis stored.

(4) Any access restrictions should be controlled by the software application.

Figure 3–13. External disk label

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3–23. Use of optical mediaa. Activities may transfer to CD–ROMs, TP records that include fielded data files or text files for eventual

preservation by The National Archives that comply with the technical and documentation requirements specified in 36CFR 1228.270 that, for example—

(1) Conform to the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9660 standard.(2) Comply with the ASCII standard.(3) Are not dependent on control characters or codes not defined in the ASCII character set.(4) Are not compressed unless the software to decompress files is provided.(5) Are individually addressable.b. When permanently valuable electronic records on CD–ROM exist on other media such as magnetic tape, the

organization retiring the records will coordinate with the ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria,VA 22315–3860 to determine which medium is more appropriate for transfer of the records to The National Archives.

c. The National Archives will accept audio CDs and analog videodisks that typically contain photographs, providedthey do not require interactive software or nonstandard equipment to view. Original photographs appraised as perma-nent and copied onto videodisks will be scheduled for transfer to The National Archives along with the copy of thevideodisk.

d. Records contained on CD–ROM for transfer will be labeled and documented in accordance with AR 25–400–2and this pamphlet.

e. Army organizations may use optical disk systems for storing and retrieving permanent records while the recordsremain in their legal custody; however, approval to destroy the hardcopy source documents must be obtained from theARMDA who will do the necessary coordination with NARA.

f. Permanent records on optical media other than on CD–ROMs are not currently being accepted by NARA. At thetime of scheduled transfer to The National Archives, information will have to be copied to a medium acceptable byNARA at the time of the transfer.

g. In order to be acceptable by The National Archives, the files on CD–ROMs must comply with the format anddocumentation requirements specified below—

(1) Formats. The organization may not transfer to The National Archives electronic records that are in a formatdependent on specific hardware and/or software. The records must be written in ASCII or EBCDIC with all controlcharacters and other non–data characters removed (except as specified in paragraphs g(1)(a), (b), and (c) of thissection). The records must not be compressed unless NARA has approved the transfer in the compressed form inadvance. In such cases, NARA may require the organization to provide the software to decompress the records.

(a) Data files and databases. Data files and databases must be transferred to The National Archives as flat files oras rectangular tables (for example, as 2–dimensional arrays, lists, or tables). All records (within the context of thecomputer program, as opposed to a Federal record) or tuples, (for example, ordered collections of data items, within afile or table should have the same logical format). Each data element within a record should contain only 1 data value.A record should not contain nested repeating groups of data items. The file should not contain extraneous controlcharacters, except record length indicators for variable length records, or marks delimiting a data element, field, record,or file. If records or data elements in different files need to be linked or combined, then each record must contain 1 ormore data elements that constitute primary and/or foreign keys enabling valid linkages between the related records inseparate files.

(b) Textual documents. Electronic textual documents must be transferred as plain ASCII files; however, such filesmay contain standard generalized markup language (SGML) tags.

(c) Digital spatial data files. Digital spatial data files must be transferred to NARA in accordance with the SpatialData Transfer Standard (SDTS) as defined in the Federal Information Processing Standard 173–1 (June 10, 1994)which is incorporated by reference. Digital geospatial data files created on systems procured prior to February 1994which do not have a SDTS capability are exempt from this requirement. Agencies should consult with NARA forguidance on transferring noncompliant digital geospatial data files created between February 1, 1994 and the effectivedate of this paragraph. The standard cited in this paragraph is available from the National Technical InformationService, Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. When ordering, cite FIPSPUB 173–1, Spatial DataTransfer Standard (SDTS). This standard is also available for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Directorof the Federal Register in accordance with 5 USC 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. These materials are incorporated byreference as they exist on the date of approval and a notice of any change in these materials will be published in theFederal Register.

(d) Other formats (PDF, e–mail, scanned images, and so on). The NARA is continually expanding its guidance fortransfer of permanent electronic records to The National Archives by supplementing current requirements in 36 CFR

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1228.270. See for the latest guidance on these additionalformats.

(2) Documentation. Documentation adequate to identify, service, and interpret electronic records that have beendesignated for preservation by NARA must be transferred with the records. This documentation must include com-pleted NARA Form 14097 (Technical Description for Transfer of Electronic Records) and a completed NARA Form14028 (Information System Description Form) or their equivalents. Where possible, organizations should submitrequired documentation in an electronic form that conforms to the provisions of this section.

(a) Data files. Documentation for data files and data bases must include record layouts, data element definitions, andcode translation tables (codebooks) for coded data. Data element definitions, codes used to represent data values andinterpretations of these codes must match the actual format and codes as transferred.

(b) Digital spatial data files. Digital spatial data files must include the documentation specified in paragraph (g)(2)of this section. In addition, documentation for digital spatial data files may include metadata that conforms to theFederal Geographic Data Committee’s Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, as specified in ExecutiveOrder 12906 of April 11, 1994 (3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 882).

(c) Documents containing SGML tags. Documentation for electronic files containing textual documents with SGMLtags must include a table for interpreting the SGML tags, when appropriate.

Chapter 4Applying Disposition Instructions

4–1. DispositionFederal records need to be distinguished from non–record materials and personal papers for disposition purposes.Disposition is a comprehensive term that includes destruction as well as other actions, such as the transfer ofpermanent records to The National Archives. Non–record information requires only agency approval for dispositionand the individual owner determines the disposition of personal files. Disposition of Federal records; however, isauthorized only when an agency has received NARA’s approval. All RNs listed on the ARIMS RRS–A with theexception of those marked to be decided (TBD) have received NARA’s approval. The TBD RNs have a working SF115 (Request for Records Disposition Authority) at NARA. Submission of an SF 115 to NARA is restricted toARMDA (see chap 5, below).

4–2. Records valueAll records have value to the agency creating or receiving them or to oversight or other agencies. Some records alsohave permanent value and warrant preservation by The National Archives after the agency no longer needs them toconduct regular current business.

a. Administrative value. All records have administrative value because they are necessary to conduct the agency’scurrent business. They can be short–term or long–term records depending on what they document.

b. Fiscal value. Along with general administrative value, some records (such as budget records, accounting records)have fiscal value. The retention of these records is usually based on a statutory requirement.

c. Legal value. In addition to administrative and fiscal value, some records have legal value. Examples of recordswith legal value include formal decisions and legal opinions; documents containing evidence of actions in particularcases, such as claims papers and legal dockets; and documents involving legal agreements, such as leases, titles, andcontracts. The length of retentions on such records is usually based on statutes of limitation or regulations. Specialconcern for legal value applies only to temporary records, because if permanent they will always be available to protectlegal rights.

4–3. Retention periodsAlthough Army commands recommend retention periods, only NARA can determine and approve final disposition.The NARA works with agencies to ensure that the retention periods for temporary records are adequate, but notexcessive, for agency needs and for the protection of individuals. The NARA also ensures that disposition instructionsmeet the requirements of other agencies having an interest in certain categories of records; for example, the Office ofPersonnel Management in civilian personnel records and the General Accounting Office in program and financialrecords.

a. Permanent records. The NARA designates records as permanent if they have sufficient historical or other valueto warrant their continued preservation by the Government relatively few records are considered permanent.

(1) All records that NARA designates as permanent must be transferred to The National Archives when they areNLN for business purposes. Normally, when records are scheduled, transfer instructions are included in the dispositionand the records are transferred according to the schedule.

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(2) Permanent records should be transferred within 30 years of the cutoff for paper records, with a much shortertime frame for electronic, microfilm, or audiovisual.

(3) Records may be held for a specific time in the AEA, an Army RHA, or a NARA FRC pending transfer.(4) When records are transferred into The National Archives, the agency also transfers legal custody of the records.

The National Archives takes conservation measures needed to preserve the records and also provides reference service,including service to the creating agency. Service to the creating agency for transferred records is provided at no charge.

(5) Types of records normally appraised by NARA for permanent, or archival, retention are:(a) Organization and functions. Records on organization and functions, such as organizational charts which show a

detailed description of the arrangement and administrative structure of the functional unit of agency, reorganizationstudies conducted to design an efficient organizational framework to carry out the agency’s programs, and formallyprepared functional statements showing the responsibilities assigned to agency officials at the division level and above.

(b) Formal minutes of boards and commissions. These document substantive policy and procedural decisions,especially when a board or commission rather than an individual appointee gives an agency executive direction.

(c) Records of internal agency, interagency, and non–Federal committees. Included are minutes, agenda, proposalssubmitted for review, and final recommendations of meetings of ad hoc committees as well as more formallyestablished councils, conferences, task forces, and study groups attended by senior agency officials.

(d) Legal opinions and comments on legislation. These are memoranda prepared by an agency’s legal counsel orprogram officials on interpretations of existing laws and regulations, or the effects of proposed laws and regulationsgoverning the agency or having a direct affect on its operations.

(e) Formal directives, procedural issuances, and operating manuals relating to program functions. Formal directivesare distributed as orders, regulations, circulars, or manuals announcing major changes in the agency’s policies andprocedures.

(f) Selected evaluations of internal operations. These are studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of theprocedures adopted to achieve established policy goals.

(g) Analytical research studies and periodic reports. This category includes analytical research studies and periodicreports prepared by the agency, by private organizations, or individuals under contract to the agency or in receipt of agrant from the agency.

(h) Agency histories and selected background materials. This category usually consists of narrative agency historiesand histories of agency programs, including oral history projects completed by agency historians, public affairs officers,or private historians under agency contract.

(i) Briefing materials. These consist of statistical and narrative reports and other summaries, including audiovisualmaterials, created to inform agency heads and their senior advisers of the agency’s current status or of major issuesconfronting the agency.

(j) Public relations records. These include speeches, addresses, and comments made at formal ceremonies andduring interviews by agency heads or their senior assistants concerning agency programs and activities and newsreleases regarding significant events such as adoption of new agency programs, termination of old programs, majorshifts in policy, and changes in senior agency personnel.

(k) Publications. This category consists of formal publications printed or issued by the Government Printing Office,the national Technical Information Service, and outside contractor, or the agency itself. Examples include annualreports to Congress; studies conducted by the agency or under contract for the agency; and procedural brochures,pamphlets, and handbooks distributed for guidance to other Federal agencies, State and local governments, and privateorganizations and citizens.

(l) Selected audiovisual and graphic records. These consist of agency–originated motion pictures, still photographs,posters, audio and video recordings, cartographic materials, and architectural drawings created to record substantiveevents or information that cannot be or normally is not recorded in written form, along with related records needed toidentify and facilitate the use of such records.

(m) Records documenting substantive agency programs. These records include correspondence with the Presidentand the Executive Office of the President, members of Congress and congressional committees, other Federal agencies,and private organizations and individuals; internal agency memoranda; narrative and statistical reports; budget esti-mates and justifications; and other records documenting all of the agency’s substantive program functions.

(n) Electronic records. Electronic records replacing paper or microform records, such as reports and indexes, alreadyscheduled as permanent on non–electronic media.

(o) Indexes. Automated indexes to permanent records.(p) Management information. Management information having Government–wide coverage or significance.(q) Socioeconomic information. Socioeconomic information on topics such as trade, education, health, or behavior.(r) Natural resources information. Natural resources information related to land, water, minerals, or wildlife.(s) Military or civilian operations information. Information documenting military or civilian operations during times

of war, civil emergency, or natural disaster.

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(t) Political or judicial information. Political or judicial information related to such topics as elections, specialinvestigation, or court proceedings.

(u) Digital cartographic information. Digital cartographic information used to map the earth’s surface and atmos-phere, other planets, and planetary satellites.

(v) Digital architectural and engineering information. Digital architectural and engineering information used to planand construct selected buildings or other structures, complete major public works projects, and produce significantweapons and machines.

(w) National security and international relations information. National security and international relations informa-tion documenting such activities as strategic or foreign policy assessments, intelligence collection, foreign publicopinion, or international negotiations.

(x) Selected case files. Case files for most series or systems are scheduled as disposable; however, sometimesNARA designates all within a series or system for permanent retention, especially when they are electronic master datafiles and occasionally selects only a few of those within a series or system as permanent. Individual case files may bechosen because the case meets 1 or more of the following criteria:

1. It establishes a precedent and results in a major policy or procedural change.2. It involves extensive litigation.3. It receives widespread attention from the news media.4. It is widely recognized for its uniqueness by specialists or authorities outside the Government.5. It is reviewed at length in the agency’s annual report to the Congress.6. It constitutes a significant accumulation of documentary material and information on a particular subject.7. It is selected to document agency procedures rather than capture information on the subject or the individual file.(y) Selected information. Examples of this type information includes scientific and technical information resulting

from observations of natural events or phenomena or from controlled laboratory or field experiments and social andeconomic micro information such as unsummarized information collected for input into periodic and 1–time studiesand statistical reports.

b. Temporary records. All records not designated permanent are considered temporary, meaning at some fixedperiod of time in the future they can be disposed of when that time is met. The period of time may range from severalmonths to many years. Most Federal records are temporary.

4–4. Record cutoffsRecord cutoffs are needed before disposition instructions can be applied because retention periods usually begin withthe cutoff, not with the creation or receipt of the record. Cutoffs usually happen at regular intervals to permit theirdisposal or transfer in complete blocks if they will be transferred outside the CFA. Normally, correspondence typerecords are cutoff at the end of the year (fiscal or calendar). Once a record has been cutoff, documents are no longeradded to that period or year, and new folders are set up for the new documents. Case files are normally cutoff at theend of the year (fiscal or calendar) in which final action is taken.

4–5. Disposition instructionsa. Disposition instructions for all Army record titles/numbers that have been approved by NARA are contained in

the ARIMS RRS–A. All Army records are managed and disposed of in accordance with the disposition instructionslisted for each RN.

b. There are 3 types of disposition instructions in ARIMS based on time, event, and time–event. Example disposi-tion and label entries are at figure 4–1, below.

(1) With a time disposition, a record is cutoff at the end of the month for a 30–day disposition, at the end of thequarter for a 3–month disposition, semiannually for a 6–month disposition, or at the end of the year for a 1–year ormore disposition, held for the specified period, and then destroyed. All such records, which accumulate during thecourse of the year in which the records are developed, are cutoff at the end of the month, quarter, or year, and then thespecified retention period begins.

(2) With an event disposition, the records are destroyed upon or immediately after the specified event occur. Thereis no waiting period, as with the time disposition. As an example, consider the disposition instruction, "Event is afterall corrections have been made and processed. Keep in the CFA until event occurs, then destroy." When all correctionshave been made and processed, the record can be deleted or destroyed.

(3) With a combination time–event disposition, a record is disposed of a certain period of time after an event takesplace. For example, destroy 3 years after case is closed. This disposition requires management of the record in itsactive state (prior to the event occurring) and the inactive state (after the event occurs). This requires the creation of 2folder labels; 1 for active which would be created upon creation/receipt of the record, with the second label createdupon occurrence of the event. The active folder label does not show a year because the retention period does not beginuntil the event occurs and there would be no purpose for it. The inactive folder label would show a year because theinformation is now in the time phase. The occurrence of the event starts the time phase and triggers the inactive state(see fig 4–2, below, for example folder labels).

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c. New disposition instructions for temporary long–term records should propose specific retention periods andshould contain the term destroy (or delete if referring to electronic media such as magnetic media (hard disks, tapes, ordiskettes) and optical media (laser disk, optical disks/cards/tapes, CDs, and DVDs)). Retention periods can beexpressed in 2 ways—

(1) A fixed period after records in the series or system are created (for example, destroy when 10–years–old).(2) A fixed period after an event occurs (for example, destroy 10 years after revision). In some cases, the retention

periods may be based on the likelihood that 2 different future events may affect a series of records. For example, anevent may be "when property is sold or vacated, whichever is later" or another might be "when superseded by revisedplan or when building is sold, whichever is sooner."

d. Records proposed as permanent need to include the following elements in the instructions; the word permanent,cutoff instructions, instructions for retiring to an RHA, AEA, or FRC and instructions for transferring the records toThe National Archives, including both timing and blocking. The timing should be based on the length of time after thecutoff, although it may be expressed either as "transfer xx years after cutoff" or "transfer when xx years old." Blockingmeans the chronological grouping of records consisting of 1 or more segments of cutoff records that belong to thesame series and are dealt with as a unit for purposes of their efficient transfer (for example, transfer in 5–year blocks).

Figure 4–1. Sample time and event dispositions

Figure 4–2. Sample time–event dispositions

4–6. Records created during mobilizationa. A distinction is made between retention periods in peacetime and during mobilization or the conduct of military

operations. Many records that may be considered temporary during peacetime, take on a permanent retention when theyare created during conflicts or wartime.

b. Records created by deployed units are collected monthly and sent to designated transfer locations as directed by apre–positioned message from the Pentagon Army Operations Center (AOC). Deployed units will be provided copies ofthe quick reference guide (QRG) outlining requirements for specific and minimum records creation, preservation,collection, and transfer. See the ARIMS Web site, for the latest QRG and chapter 12,below.

4–7. Recommended changes to record descriptions, record numbers and disposition instructionsSometimes retention periods, record descriptions, and RNs for Army records change because of statutory, legal,

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f i n a n c i a l a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e r e q u i r e m e n t s ; p r o g r a m c h a n g e s ; o r b e c a u s e p r e s c r i b i n g d i r e c t i v e s a r e r e s c i n d e d o rsuperseded.

a. Send recommended changes to record description and disposition instructions to ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860 or by e–mail to ARMDA at [emailprotected] stating therationale or justification for the recommended change. The proposed change can be sent on a DA 2028 or on plainpaper with data arranged in DA 2028 format.

b. When a prescribing directive is rescinded or superseded, the proponent should notify ARMDA at the aboveaddress and provide guidance on what to do with the RNs based on that directive. Generally, guidance is to rescind theRN if the directive is rescinded or change the numbers to reflect the new prescribing directive if the directive issuperseded by another directive. For either option, the proponent’s concurrence is required.

c. When a change increases the retention period (for example, from 7 years to 10 years), the new retention periodwill be used for all records, both active and inactive under that RN, no matter when the records were created or wherethey are maintained (CFA, RHA, FRC, or AEA).

d. When a change decreases the retention period (for example, from 8 years to 7) or changes from a permanent to atemporary period (for example, from permanent to 15 years), the new retention period will be used for all current yearrecords except that existing permanent records will remain as permanent. Efficiency and cost effectiveness should beconsidered when applying a decreased retention period to inactive records (prior years). For example, if the volume ofrecords involved would require a considerable amount of time and effort to sort through and dispose of and storagespace is not an issue, the records should be kept for the longer (former) retention period. If space is an issue or recordvolume is low, inactive records will be disposed of using the shorter (new) retention period.

Chapter 5Scheduling Records

5–1. SchedulingThe ARMDA is charged with the responsibility of scheduling records on behalf of the Army proponents. All recordsmust have an approved disposition schedule from NARA. The schedule provides mandatory instructions for what to dowith records when they are NLN for current Government business. This approval is obtained from NARA using theSF115 (Request for Records Disposition Authority) which is initiated within the Army by ARMDA.

5–2. Scheduling processa. An Army command/individual identifies unscheduled records (records that cannot be filed under 1 of the ARIMS

RNs) and requests assistance through his/her servicing records officer from ARMDA in establishing a new RN.b. The ARMDA (working with the owner of the records and the proponent of the prescribing directive that caused

these records to be created) initiates action to get the records scheduled. This involves review of the business process,determining how the records are used; the records location; legal, financial, and other rights involved; volumes; howlong the records must be kept to meet business needs, statutory or regulatory needs; and proposed description anddisposition, and so on

c. After all issues have been resolved between ARMDA, the owner of the records, and the proponent of theprescribing directive and the proposed description and disposition have been developed, an SF 115 is drafted. The draftSF 115 is staffed with the proponent who in turn staffs it internally with their servicing Staff Judge Advocate to ensurethat the proposed retention period meet all legal requirements.

d. When all coordination has been finalized, the SF 115 is prepared in final and sent to NARA.e. Upon receipt, NARA date stamps the SF 115, performs an initial review to ensure all required information is

included, registers it in its tracking system, and acknowledges receipt to ARMDA.f. The length of NARA’s appraisal process depends on the type of record being appraised. The appraisal process

requires an understanding of the agency’s functions, business process, documentation practices, and record andinformation policies, procedures, and systems. The NARA may need to consult with agency officials and either seesamples of the records or examine them at the agency or an FRC. The appraisal archivist prepares a draft appraisalreport upon completion of the appraisal, and reviews and concurrences are obtained from internal stakeholders atNARA.

g. All requests for disposal of records must by law (44 USC 3303a(a)) be published in the Federal Register. Thepublication of these notices allows interested persons to submit written comments on the records to NARA beforedisposal is approved or else re–approved with a shorter retention period. Approximately 20 days are needed by NARAto prepare/route the Federal Register notice to be signed and get it published in the Federal Register. Another 45 daysare allowed for interested persons to request a copy of the schedule and appraisal report, 30 days for requester tosubmit comments on the schedule/appraisal and approximately 15 days for NARA to review comments.

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h. After the Federal Register process is completed, the SF 115 is assembled and submitted for approval by theArchivist of the United States.

i. When the disposition is approved, copies are made and sent to ARMDA.j. Upon receipt by ARMDA, the applicable RNs on the ARIMS retention tables at the RRS–A module are updated

to reflect the approved retention periods. This normally occurs within several days of receipt from NARA.

5–3. General records schedulesa. General records schedules (GRS) are issued by the Archivist of the United States to provide disposal authoriza-

tion for temporary (disposable) records common to several or all agencies of the Federal Government. When establish-ing records number instructions for the Army, the ARMDA first reviews the GRS to determine if the unscheduledrecords can be covered by an existing GRS item (see para 5–3b, below).

(1) Use of the GRS is mandatory.(2) It does not cover all records of an agency.(3) It is not used to schedule permanent records.(4) It is not used to schedule records dealing with the military pay and military personnel.(5) GRS items cover only record copies.b. Implementation of the disposition instructions in the GRS do not require further approval from NARA, with the

exception that most records created before 1 January 1921 must first be offered to NARA for appraisal. However,Army organizations may not implement a GRS instruction that is not shown in the ARIMS RRS–A as authorization fordisposal of Army records.

c. If the Army wishes to apply a different retention period for any series of records included in the GRS, an SF 115must be submitted to NARA by ARMDA on behalf of the proponent, providing justification for the requesteddeviation.

5–4. Web recordsThere are 2 options available for scheduling Web records.

a. Option 1– single item schedule. This option would be to schedule the Web content records along with the relatedrecords that pertain to site management and operations. This option would be appropriate if all of the records related tothe site warrant the same retention period in order to meet business needs and mitigate risks.

b. Option 2– multiple item schedule. Under this option, the Web content records and the Web site management andoperations records would be scheduled separately. This option would be appropriate if business needs and themitigation of risk mandate different retention periods for the site content records and the management and operationsrecords.

Chapter 6The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS) Web Site

6–1. Generala. The ARIMS technology is available to support the redesign of the Army recordkeeping methodology. The

ARIMS provides a suite of Web–based tools to simplify and improve the management of the Army’s records. Some ofthese tools allow for the identification of what records are to be created, how long the records should be kept, whatdisposition instruction is appropriate for a particular record, and the ability to produce on–demand printing of folderlabels. Other tools allow the sending of e–records to ARIMS AEA via e–mail where the record is the e–mail or anattachment to the e–mail. This capability is extended to include the ability to send records from within typical officeautomation applications (Microsoft office (MS) products, spreadsheets, and so on). Records sent to the ARIMS AEAare stored in read–only mode and can be accessed via the ARIMS master index. The master index also containsinformation on hardcopy records physically stored in an RHA. Operators of RHA facilities are provided the necessarytools to index hardcopy records and manage their physical location within the RHA.

b. The ARIMS is managed and operated by the ARMDA and is available for use by Records Administrators, RMs,RHAMs, and Records Coordinators. To ensure flexibility and reduce administrative workloads, ARIMS is alsoavailable to civilian and military AOs.

c. To use most of the records management features of ARIMS, a user must be registered in ARIMS. Users registerwith ARIMS using their Army Knowledge Online (AKO) credentials (username and password). Non–registered userscan access some ARIMS features, such as the RRS–A and a number of links located on the ARIMS homepage.

d. This chapter contains the latest information on the ARIMS software application at the time of publication. Sincethe application is continually improved and upgraded, see the ARIMS Web site for the most up to date information anduser guide.

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6–2. System componentsBasic components/modules consist of home, RRS–A, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, help/downloads,and login/registration. Advanced tools include, RM–Assist, Records Input Processing System (RIPS), master index,system administration, and help/downloads.

6–3. System requirementsMinimum requirements for the basic ARIMS components are MS Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.6.The advanced tools require MS Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher to function properly.

6–4. SecurityThe ARIMS is designed to preserve the security and access to official records to prevent unauthorized access tosensitive or PA information. Security is determined by the user’s role in ARIMS. Each user in ARIMS is assigned 1 of6 possible roles. The AO level is automatically assigned at the time one registers in ARIMS. Any other level requiresthat the user’s RM/administrator notify ARIMS with the designated user level.

a. AO. An individual who creates and/or receives official records on behalf of the Army. The AO—(1) Has access to the RRS–A.(2) Can create, modify and use an ORL for each office symbol within his/her organization.(3) Can submit records to a designated records holding facility.(4) Can search for and request records via the ARIMS master index.(5) Can access those electronic records he/she transferred.b. RC. An RC serves 1 or more offices/units and usually acts as liaison between the office/unit and the servicing

RM and/or RHAM. The RC—(1) Prepares ORLs.(2) Coordinates the transfer of long–term/permanent records to the AEA/RHA.(3) Resolves indexing problems.(4) Serves as POC for access and release of the office/unit records stored in the system for which he/she is

responsible.c. RM. A RM is appointed in writing and serves at the Army staff, subordinate command level, or on the installation

garrison staff with command–wide or garrison–wide records management responsibilities. The RM—(1) Can create/approve ORLs on behalf of a unit or organization it supports, capture and index AO folder

information for entry into the master index, define record locations within a holding facility, approve/deny recordrequests submitted to the RM, and track records that have been transmitted from a holding facility.

(2) Can view all records of units or organizations he/she supports and receives and processes all requests forhardcopy official records and/or access to electronic records.

(3) Is responsible for the transfer of permanent records for his/her supporting units from ARIMS to NARA.d. RHAM. An RHAM manages and directs the operations of an RHA facility. An RHAM may also perform the

same duties and have the same access privileges as an RM if he/she is approved by the ACOM, ASCC, or DRU RA.e. RA. The RA is appointed in writing and serves on the ACOM, ASCC, DRU, or IMCOM region level with

command–wide records management responsibility and issues instructions and guidance to the installation/unit RMswithin his/her area of responsibility (AOR). The RA—

(1) Has the ability to create, modify, and approve ORLS for all units within the agency he/she supports. However,RAs should not perform these duties for subunits unless a local RM has not been assigned.

(2) Can, when necessary, process all requests for hardcopy official records and/or access to electronic records underhis/her responsible area.

(3) Can view all records for every unit within the agency.f. SA. An SA provides user account support, updating of reference data used for ARIMS interface, and other

miscellaneous activities to maintain ARIMS. This level of access is reserved for ARMDA/system contractors only.

6–5. Army Records Information Management System components/modulesDetailed information about how the modules work is not contained in this pamphlet because as with all software, it issubject to frequent changes and updates. See current detailed instructions in the user’s guide at the ARIMS Web site.

6–6. Home page introductionThe ARIMS home page provides users with introductory information about ARIMS and the public–only modules. Thehome page is available from all modules and can be accessed by clicking on the "home" tab at the top left side of thescreen.

6–7. Records Retention Schedule–ArmyThe RRS–A module is the official site for the Army’s record retention schedules (RNs). All have been approved by

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NARA with the exception of those indicated by a TBD in the disposition authority column, which are pending NARAapproval.

a. The RRS–A can be accessed by anyone accessing the ARIMS Web site at Information can be obtained on each of the RN instructions by entering a keyword search; by typing in the

number of the prescribing directive (AR, DA pamphlet, and so on); by selecting the type of record, whether event ornonevent, permanent or non–permanent, or transfer or keep; or the user can browse by record (functional) category.

c. For the keyword search, it should be noted that the exact spelling of the word as it appears in the RRS–A must beentered in order to get a hit. The keyword search looks at the title as well as other text within the record instruction.Caution, the lack of a fuzzy search capability for this feature may result in the false indication that there is no suchrecord series. This issue is being addressed for future software versions.

d. Typing in the number for the prescribing directive will bring up all records based on that directive. For example,typing in 25–400–2 will list all RNs based on AR 25–400–2.

e. When a record category is selected under Browse by record category, all the RNs under that category will bedisplayed. A user might want to select this way of searching if the functional category is known, but not theprescribing directive or RN.

f. Once the search has been completed and the search results are displayed, a user can perform and search within theresults, obtain additional information about the individual search results or change the order in which they aredisplayed. To search within a search, simply type an additional key word and select go.

g. To obtain additional information about any of the RN instructions on the search results screen, click on thehighlighted area under the "Rec. Category" column and detailed information about that instruction will be displayed.To view the detailed information about the next item on the search list, simply click on the next button above the titlebar.

h. To sort any of the columns, click on the header title in the title bar. For example, to sort by RN, click on "Rec.Num." in the title bar.

i. The ARIMS offers an advanced search option for when specific information about the subject being searched foris known. For example, a user might know the PA number. This will result in only the records meeting the user’scriteria being displayed.

j. Users may print the search results list or the detailed instruction screens by clicking on the print link at the top ofthe page.

6–8. RegistrationUsers enter their AKO username and password when first registering with ARIMS by selecting the new user toARIMS? link or the login/registration tab on the homepage. The AKO provides ARIMS with much of the users’ profileinformation, including what category of user they are and to which unit/organization they are officially assigned. TheAKO also notifies ARIMS when a user transfers to another unit within or separates from the Army.

6–9. Records management–assistanceThe RM–Assist sub–system consists of 2 major components, RRS–A and the ORL These 2 modules are linked togetherbecause the ORL pulls data from the record schedules to populate the ORL. The RRS–A data is also displayed to theuser to assist in preparing the ORL.

a. The ORL contains all the RN instructions that an office uses.b. Only 1 ORL may be created per office symbol, per year.c. The ORL may be created by unit personnel, RCs, RMs, or RAs. Use of the ORL is mandatory. The file and

barcode labeling feature linked to the ORL cannot be used without first creating an ORL.d. After the ORL is created, the approval authority is notified that it exists and it remains in a proposed status until

it has been reviewed and approved by the responsible individual. The approval authority will have a note displayed ontheir computer screen that an ORL awaits approval. Each record instruction on the list will show a P in the status blockon the screen.

e. While in a proposed status, record instructions may be added or deleted; however, once the ORL has beenapproved, instructions cannot be deleted since they may be already linked to records stored in the AEA or an RHA.This also applies to an ORL. If there is a valid reason to delete an instruction or an ORL, a request must be submittedthrough or by the records management officer to the ARIMS technical support office at ARMDA IT help desk to haveit removed. Instructions may be added as needed using the update ORL feature.

f. Once created, the ORL must be approved before use. If an AO or unit creates the ORL, the organization RM mustapprove it. The status column will show an A for each record instruction approved.

g. To print the ORL, click the print ORL button. To print the file and barcode labels, click on print label. Thebarcode label and the file label will both be printed at the same time for T records. A barcode label is not printed for Krecords. The barcode label is a unique number used to track the folder through its life cycle. It can help ARIMSdetermine where records were created, when they were created (within a particular calendar year (CY)), what type ofrecord is being submitted, when it was submitted, and so on. Both labels go on the folder in clear view. Labels are

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formatted for Avery 5161 or equivalent labels. The RIPS uses the barcodes to streamline the hardcopy indexingprocess.

h. The ORLs may be created for the following year on or about the end of December of the current year by copyingthe existing ORL using the copy ORL button. User will then be prompted to change the ORL name (if desired) andselect the new ORL year. Once the correct year is selected, click on save. After the new ORL has been created andsaved, it will retain the approved status unless file numbers are added. If new file numbers are added, the ORL returnsto a proposed status and will need to be approved by the user’s records management official. However, only the new(added) RNs require approval. If the agency mission changes, the ORL copy function should not be used sincepreviously approved record instructions cannot be deleted. The current ORL will remain active until midnight, 31December. Both ORLs, as well as any future ones, will be displayed under the office symbol, denoted by theappropriate year, and a user will still be able to view and print prior years, but they will no longer be active and userwill no longer be able to store records against them. The retention period for fiscal year (FY) records saved to the ORLwill be calculated as of 1 October each year.

i. If an organization needs to submit records created in a year whose ORL is no longer active, ARIMS provides thecapability to upload and index records as a back file operation.

6–10. Records Input Processing Systema. The RIPS module serves as the entry point for all hardcopy folders and an alternate entry point to using the ECS

for all electronic records being tracked within ARIMS. The RIPS is divided into the following sub–modules:(1) Hardcopy records. This sub–module is used to index and manage hardcopy records in the RHAs. Although this

module can be accessed by RMs and RAs, its purpose is to assist RHAMs to index hardcopy records into ARIMS andmanage them in their warehouses. This module supports backfile indexing of hardcopy records created since 2003.

(2) Electronic records. This sub–module is used to index electronic records and submit them to the AEA. Thismodule supports backfile indexing of electronic records created since 2003. This module can be used by any registereduser within ARIMS including AOs.

(3) Collections. This sub–module allows the creation of special collections of records whether hardcopy or electron-ic. A special collection is a group of records that has a historical significance to the Army, such as Operation DesertStorm. This module can be used by any registered user within ARIMS; however, only ARMDA has the authority toadd to, or modify, the special collection list.

b. RIPS processing for hardcopy records include 4 main phases—(1) Process batch phase. In this phase, unit hardcopy records are received by RMs and the barcoded folders are

scanned.(2) AO folder phase. In this phase, the record folders are added to the system and additional information about the

folder is added by the RHAM.(3) Create box phase. In this phase, unique barcoded labels are generated for the storage containers (boxes) used for

placement in a designated record storage area. See table 6–1, below, for a description of container types and their uses,table 6–2, below, for a guide to storage capacities, and table 6–3, below, for conversion factors from linear feet tocubic feet.

(4) Folder assignment phase. In this phase, the indexed folders are placed in boxes containing either the same ordifferent dispositions.

c. RIPS processing for electronic records involve 2 main steps—(1) Unit selection. This step gives the user the ability to search and select the appropriate unit that owns the record

being submitted or create a new one if that unit is not listed.(2) Record indexing. This step allows the user to specify the location of the electronic record being submitted and

also apply the appropriate RN to it.d. RIPS processing for Special Collections involve 3 main options—(1) Create/edit collection. This option allows creation/editing of special collections. Creation of special collection is

restricted to an authorized user.(2) Process existing collection. Under this option existing special collections can be modified and deleted.(3) View collection cart. This option allows users to generate a report showing a list of collections and the number

of records associated with that collection.

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Table 6–1Container types and usesStandard Standard-size record box for legal or letter-size files (15"x12"x10").

Half Size Half-size special purpose box (15"x10"x5"). Sometimes used for cassettes, cartridges, etc.

Small and Large Tab Used in open shelf filing system within records center.

Bundles Used for large format records, aerial photos, and similar type records which are bound by nylon strappingor other means.

Flat O/S Flat oversize storage two-piece box for documents that cannot be rolled or folded.

Transfile A 24x12x10 corrugated box that will hold contents of an entire file drawer.

Volumes Ledgers, bookings and similar type records.

Hollinger Gray acid-free fiberboard box available in various sizes to accommodate different types of records.

Rolls Small or large tube cartons used for rolled maps, blueprints, plans, and drawings or loose rolls of thesetype documents.

Other Other size containers used for documents that are not of normal size/height/width such as large magnetictape boxes.

Table 6–2Storage capacities for hardcopy recordsSIZE CUBIC FEET DOCUMENTS

1 Letter-size file drawer 1 1/2 4,500

2–Drawer letter-size file cabinet 3 9,000

3- Drawer letter-size file cabinet 4 1/2 13,500

4–Drawer letter-size file cabinet 6 18,000

5–Drawer letter-size file cabinet 7 1/2 22,500

1 legal-size file drawer 2 6,000

2–Drawer legal-size file cabinet 4 12,000

3–Drawer legal-size file cabinet 6 18,000

4–Drawer legal-size file cabinet 8 24,000

5–Drawer legal-size file cabinet 10 30,000

1 full-size box (12"x10"x15") 1 3,000

2 1/2-size boxes (tab cards) 1 10,000

5 1/4-size boxes (tab cards) 1 10,000

1 1/4-size box (tab cards) 1/5 2,000

Table 6–3Conversion factors from linear feet to cubic feetType Linear Feet Cubic Feet

Letter size 1.25 1

Legal size 1.0 1

Ledger size .6 1

Document size 3.7 1

Tab cards and checks 6.0 1

5 x 8 cards 3.6 1

4 x 6 cards 6.0 1

3 x 5 cards 10.0 1

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6–11. Master indexThe master index contains information about all the hardcopy records that have been retired to the Army recordholding facilities as well as information on electronic records that have been transferred to the AEA from various Armyagencies/installations worldwide.

a. It provides authorized ARIMS users with search capabilities, allowing immediate retrieval of electronic recordsfrom the AEA and the option for requesting hardcopy records from the record holding facilities. It should be noted,that you can only retrieve records that you or your office retired. You may, however, make a request for records thatare not yours and upon approval by the owner, they will be made available.

b. The master index makes access to retired Army records easier by supporting the following capabilities:(1) Search using query by example. This provides authorized users the ability to search for official Army records

and view or retrieve them from an RHA.(2) Online standard reports. This capability provides authorized users the ability to create online printable reports

such as ORL status reports, records location reports, and container/RHA box inventory lists.(3) Records destruction notification. This capability provides records officials and record owner’s information on

what records are eligible for destruction and the scheduled destruction date, as well as reports of records that weredestroyed.

6–12. Electronic capture and storea. The ECS enables ARIMS users to assign records retention instructions to electronic records using MS Outlook,

making it easy to transfer them as ordinary e–mail or e–mail attachments. In addition, ECS integrates Microsoft Office(MS–Office) applications with ARIMS functionality.

b. The ECS communicates with the ARIMS server through a Web service to retrieve both the CY and FY recordsinstructions from a user’s current year ORL.

6–13. Backfile indexingBackfile indexing is used to input hardcopy and electronic records from 2003 to the present FY or CY into ARIMS.

Chapter 7Records Transfer and Retirement

7–1. GeneralOnly records designated as T records are transferred out of the CFA. Records designated as K records are managed anddestroyed within the CFA. The T records are retired to an RHA, the AEA, or an FRC when they are NLN forday–to–day operations within the office; there is no set time they must be retained within the CFA.

7–2. When to retirea. Generally, most records are not needed for reference purposes past 2 years, so a general guideline would be to

retire hardcopy T records after that time; however, if it is known specific records will not be needed in the CFA thatlong, they should be transferred earlier. If the record is needed for conducting business the entire retention period, itmay be disposed of in the CFA with approval from the local RM. Money should not be expended to transfer T recordseligible for disposal.

b. Electronic T records should be transferred as soon as all action on them is complete. Action is considered to becomplete when all issues/decisions have been made and no further action is required. A copy can be kept within theCFA for reference purposes; however, the reference copy should be deleted as soon as it is NLN for reference and inno case should it be kept longer than the record copy.

c. If the electronic record copy needs to be kept on site past the time action has been completed, a request forexception will be forwarded to the ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860 andwill include a point of contact (name, address, and telephone number) for coordinating and completing the informationthat will be entered to the master index of records in ARIMS.

7–3. Hardcopy recordsOffices will provide hardcopy T records to activity RMs upon request. Installation RMs will periodically visit tenantunits and installation staff organizations while in garrison to collect these records; deployed units will transmit theserecords monthly and at the end of the deployment.

a. Temporary T records with retention periods of 7 years or less will be retired to the RHA when NLN for businessand will be maintained and disposed of in the RHA. For example, for records with a 6–year, 3–month retention, andusing 2 years as a general transfer guideline, the records would be transferred at the end of the 2 years, held in theRHA until the end of the retention period (4 years, 3 months), and then be destroyed.

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b. Temporary T records with retention periods longer than 7 years (but not permanent) will be retired to the RHAwhen NLN for conducting business and will be held in the RHA until they are 7 years old and then retired to an FRCwhere they will be managed and disposed of at the end of their life cycle by the FRC. For example, for records with a10–year retention, and using 2 years as a general transfer guideline, the records would be transferred at the end of the 2years, held in the RHA until they are 7 years old (5 years), then be transferred to the FRC where they would bedisposed of at the end of the 10 years.

c. Permanent T records will be retired to the RHA when NLN for conducting business and will be held for 1 yearand then transferred to an FRC where they will be managed until they are transferred to The National Archivesaccording to the specific time stated in the disposition instructions.

7–4. Electronic recordsElectronic T records are transferred to the ARIMS AEA by originating offices or units as soon as they are complete.This is accomplished using the ECS feature in ARIMS. The ECS may be downloaded directly from ARIMS and willinstall in all MS–Office applications. In Outlook, ECS will prompt users sending e–mail messages with the option tosend a copy of the message to the AEA. Outlook ECS also allows for the easy transfer of records as attachments to anordinary e–mail. Users sending records to the AEA will receive a message acknowledging the receipt of those recordsusually within 24 hours of delivery to the AEA. Once the ECS is installed, records are sent using the followingprocedures. The following is the latest information in the ECS application at the time of publication. Since theapplication is continually improved and upgraded, see the ARIMS Web site for the most up–to–date information anduser’s guide.

a. E–mail messages. After the e–mail record is complete and it is ready for distribution, the user clicks on the sendbutton. If the ECS feature is installed, a dialog box will open allowing the user to select archive if they want to sendthe document to records storage and do not archive if they do not want to send the document to records storage. If adocument needs to be archived, the user can also select a disposition instruction to categorize the record(s) from a dropdown menu. This menu is made up of the T RNs from the user’s ORL. Selecting the appropriate disposition instructionactivates the transfer of the record to the AEA. The user will receive a message acknowledging receipt. The archivebutton must be used if the document is a record.

b. Other electronic records.(1) Electronic records created by MS–Office applications such as Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint are sent to

the AEA with the same ECS applet program. To submit a record from 1 of the applications, the user would select theSend to Army Electronic Archive option in the file drop down menu. A dialog box will open allowing the user toselect a disposition instruction to categorize the record. The list of instructions is made up of the T RNs from the user’sORL. Selecting the appropriate disposition instruction activates the transfer of the record to the AEA.

(2) Electronic records created from applications other than MS–Office can be sent to the AEA in 2 ways. As anattachment to an Outlook e–mail, or with proper access privileges, by using the backfile indexing function (locatedunder the RIPS module). Examples of these types of applications are Adobe Acrobat records (file extension .pdf),image records (file extensions .gif, .jpeg, .tif, and so on), video records (file extension .mov, and so on) sound records(file extension .wav), and so on. If sending as an attachment to an Outlook e–mail that has no intended addressee, theuser may send the e–mail to himself/herself so that the ECS dialog box will open. In this case, Outlook is merely beingused as a transfer vehicle for the attached records.

(3) Electronic T records that are stored in or generated by an information system or other automated source or thatare stored or managed by DOD 5015.2–STD certified products, can be sent to the AEA using middleware software.Requests for middleware software interface specifications to transfer those records should be sent to the ARMDA andinclude a point of contact (name, address, and telephone number) for coordinating any technical matters.

c. Alternatives to using ECS.(1) The ARIMS tools were Web enabled to ensure the widest possible access for Army users. However in some rare

cases, ARIMS and/or some of its components my not be available to all users. At the time of this writing, there areonly 2 alternatives (to ECS) to get T records into the AEA—

(a) Using the RIPS backfile process (see ARIMS users guide for procedures).(b) Sending records directly to the following address: [emailprotected]. This alternative is not recommended

since the records are not indexed. When records are sent directly to the AEA, additional steps to index them must betaken using the RIPS AEA records classification function. Although indexing unidentified records may be accom-plished at any time, it is recommend that indexing be done in a timely manner since organization and/or personnelchanges will likely make the task more difficult later on.

(2) The ARMDA is also working on 2 methods of uploading electronic records in batches. One is an FTP type ofrecords transfer where multiple records (with same RN and year of creation) can be selected and uploaded at once. Thesecond is a middleware solution that allows ARIMS to interface with another system to transfer records from system tosystem.

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7–5. Preparing hardcopy records for transfer or retirementa. Organization and installation RMs or designated coordinators will organize, pack, receipt, and send records to the

servicing RHAs on a periodic basis. When an office has records to retire that are not part of a scheduled pickup, theorganization’s records official should be notified.

b. If records officials are not available to an organization to pack and transfer the records, the office that created therecords is responsible for doing so.

c. Records will be retired to the RHA using the SF 135 (Records Transmittal and Receipt) or ARIMS RIPS module.(1) The SF 135 is the transmittal and tracking document for records sent out of the office files area. It accompanies

records until they are destroyed or sent to The National Archives. The SF 135 may be used to send records that will bedestroyed in the RHA. It must be used for records that will be transferred to an FRC. The SF 135 can serve as areceiving document, as a receipt returned to the creating office, as an inventory tool showing where the records arelocated in the RHA if an automated tool is not used, as an input source for the master index, and to retire the records toan FRC. Copies will be retained by all offices concerned during the life cycle of the pertinent records.

(2) See chapter 6, above, for information on using ARIMS RIPS for creating the records list and receipt for retiredrecords.

d. Prior to packing the records, the files should be reviewed and purged of unnecessary documents such asduplicates and non–records.

e. Do not transfer or retire records that are subject to the PA unless they are covered by a system notice in DA Pam25–51.

(1) This DA Pam identifies the PA systems notice number applicable to RNs for records requiring protection. Citethe PA system notice number on the SF 135.

(2) If the PA system notice number associated with an ARIMS RN is incorrect, or newly created recordkeepingrequirements lack PA protection, promptly notify ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA22315–3860.

f. The originating office or unit remains the legal custodian of the records even when they are retired to an FRC andwill provide input or review of the SF 135s when requested to enable retrieval of these records if needed at a futuredate. For example, if the originating office receives a FOIA request for records that were transferred or retired, thatoffice is responsible for locating the records and retrieving them for review.

g. Agency or command RMs or designated coordinators will consolidate records transfers from the different officeswithin their organizations. Installation RMs will consolidate records transfers from units and installation staff organiza-tions while in garrison. Records transfers from deployed units will be handled as expeditiously as possible after theirreceipt, monthly and at the end of the deployment.

h. The maximum length of time that permanent (TP and TEP) Army records can be legally kept in Army custody is30 years. If permanent records are needed on site for longer than 30 years, a request for exception is forwarded toARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860.

i. Permanent records are offered to The National Archives according to the time period specified in the dispositioninstructions for the specific records. This is normally when hardcopy records are 20 to 25 years old, with a muchshorter time frame for electronic records. Permanent records may only be offered to The National Archives byARMDA, as the designated agency for the OAASA (see AR 25–1). Permanent records are transferred to The NationalArchives using the SF 258 (Agreement to Transfer Records to The National Archives of the United States). The SF258 is prepared by the FRC or RHA holding the records and is then sent to ARMDA for signature and forwarding toThe National Archives.

j. Do not retire records for which the disposition is dependent on some future event occurring. The holding facilitywould have no way of knowing when to dispose of these records.

k. Generally, U records may not be retired; however, an exception has been made in those cases where a largevolume of records are being created and there is simply not enough room to maintain the files in the office space or therecords are of a complex nature and the scheduling process is taking an unduly long time. However, NARA (NWML)must be notified in writing prior to the transfer. Offices having unscheduled records to transfer to an FRC will firstnotify ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860, who will coordinate the actionwith NARA (see fig 7–1, below, for a sample SF 135 transferring unscheduled records).

l. Do not include more than 1 permanent records series on the SF 135. Each series should be transferred as aseparate accession.

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Figure 7–1. Sample SF 135 transferring unscheduled records

7–6. Classified recordsa. Agency security managers must be consulted before transferring classified records and actions initiated, as

specified in AR 380–5, paragraph 6–27. The RHAs should only accept classified documents that are properly marked.Classified information will not be disclosed on the SF 135; only the unclassified title may be used to identify therecords. Agency security managers should be consulted for specific information.

b. Top secret records will not be retired until downgraded to a lower classification, except those in overseascommands and those which are to be deposited with the Defense Investigative Service and in the U.S. ArmyIntelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) records center (see 7–6c and d, below). When top secret records mustbe retired, transmission and accountability will be in accordance with AR 380–5 and other applicable securitymanagement instructions.

c. Instructions for listing, receipting, and packing material with secret and confidential classifications are the same asthose for unclassified, except that unclassified titles will be used on the SF 135 to list the records. In addition, otherreceipts may be needed such as DA Form 3964 (Classified Document Accountability Record). Wrapping and shipping

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material with these classifications will be in accordance with AR 380–5, chapter 8; AR 25–400–2; and applicablesections of this DA Pam.

d. Special intelligence documents, including top secret, will be retired only to the INSCOM records center (see AR25–400–2, table 10–1 for the mailing address.)

e. Regardless of classification, restricted data and formerly restricted data will not be intermingled with otherinformation when being transferred to an RHA or FRC.

7–7. For Official Use Only recordsRecords with the FOUO protective marking will be packed as prescribed in this chapter for unclassified records.

7–8. Transferring records to other organizationsThe procedures for packing records and preparing and distributing records transmittal lists when transferring records toorganizations other than RHAs or FRCs are the same as those described above.

7–9. Preparing the SF 135a. An electronic copy of the SF 135 is located in the ARIMS master index module which can be used to transfer

records to individuals requesting them; however, this feature is not yet available for use when retiring records to theRHA or FRC. The NARA provides an electronic copy at, whichcan be used for transferring records.

b. The SF 135 will describe records in enough detail to permit future location of the records contained in theshipment.

c. A separate SF 135 should be created for each records shipment.d. Requirements when transferring records to an FRC—(1) Accessions (transfers) must be at least 1 records box; unboxed folders are not accepted under any circ*mstances.(2) Accessions may contain only 1 records series (RN) per accession. Exception example, if the accession consists

of only 1 box, multiple series can be placed in the same box; however, they must be all permanent or all temporary;the 2 types of dispositions cannot be placed in the same box. When the box does consist of a mixed series, ensure thateach RN is listed on the SF 135 with complete dates and disposition authority.

(3) While multiple series in 1 accession are not normally accepted, multiple years of records are accepted (forexample, 1993, 1994, 1995 records under the same RN).

(4) SF 135s for all permanent records must have complete and accurate box and folder listings before the SF 135 isapproved. These listings may be placed on plain bond paper (see fig 7–2, below).

(5) Any national security classification pertaining to the records must be noted on the SF 135. Do not mix differentlevels of classification if at all possible. Do not include any classified information on the SF 135 or box list itself.Remember that while the records are not public information, the SF 135 and any box and folder lists are publicinformation. Also, be sensitive to any personal information that might be on the box list. A folder list of individual’snames, for instance, should not include social security numbers, even if they are on the folders themselves.

(6) Do not substantially change the contents of the records accession after submitting the SF 135 to the FRC forapproval. Do not add or subtract the number of boxes, change the RN(s), or dates of records. For permanent records,any change at all in the contents requires a change in the box and folder list. If a change must be made in the shipment,contact the FRC prior to altering or canceling the SF 135 before the records are shipped.

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Figure 7–2. Sample detailed folder listing

e. Instructions for completing the SF 135—(1) Item 1. Enter the complete address for the records center serving your area.(2) Item 2. Enter the name and title for the person authorizing the transfer. The date will be entered at the time the

transferring official signs the block.(3) Item 3. Provide the name, office, office symbol, and commercial telephone number, including area code, of the

person to contact concerning the records. An e–mail address shall also be included.(4) Item 4. This block is completed by the records center upon receipt of the records.(5) Item 5. Give the transferring office’s name and complete mailing address.(6) Items 6(a) and (b). For (a) the NARA record group number assigned to the records of the organization making

the transfer and (b) the last 2 digits of the current FY.(7) Item 6(c). In most records centers, the staff assigns a sequential number in this column. At the Washington

National Records Center (WNRC), agency records officers typically control and assign transfer numbers.(8) Item 6(d). Enter the volume of records in the shipment. For transfer and billing purposes, a standard–size box

equals 1 cubic foot.(9) Item 6(e). Show the inclusive box numbers for each series of records being transferred. Each carton is numbered

sequentially as follows: 1 of 25, 2 of 25, 3 of 25, and so on (each new series of records should begin with cartonnumber 1). To facilitate control of the records and future reference service, the agency also shall mark each containerwith the assigned accession number prior to shipment.

(10) Item 6(f). Provide a detailed description of the records in the shipment.(a) Include the record series title, inclusive dates, filing order (for example, filed numerically, alphabetically by

subject, and so on), organizational component when different from that shown in item 5, detailed folder listing for eachbox, and indicate whether the series of records is subject to the PA. Do not include information subject to the PA onthe SF 135 because SF 135s are public records.

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(b) Also include, if applicable, the statement Government Accounting Office (GAO) site audit if records have beenso designated by GAO and indicate whether they do or do not pertain to American Indians; if non–paper based recordssuch as microfilm, engineering drawing, and so on; the format; and if the records belong to a special records collection(for example, John F. Kennedy records), please indicate under this item.

(11) Item 6(g). Complete this section using 1 of the codes in table 7–1, below, to show a restriction on use of therecords. Restrictions other than (or in addition to) security classifications, such as limiting access to certain agencyofficials, are to be specified by a statement in the series description column (f).

(12) Item 6(h). Cite the RN for each record title.(13) Item 6(i). Enter the date records may be destroyed based on the disposition instructions for the specific RN.

The date consists of the month and year the records may be destroyed. For permanent records, no month is shownsince records are offered to NARA on an annual basis. Place a P after the offer year.

(14) Items 6(j), (k), (l) and (m). These items are completed by the records center.f. When completed, forward the original SF 135 and a copy to the RHA or FRC (as appropriate). Maintain a copy in

the office suspense files to follow–up with in the event a response is not received from the RHA or center withinapproximately 10 working days.

g. If acceptable by the RHA or records center, a copy of the SF 135 will be returned authorizing shipment of theboxes. This copy is placed in box 1 of the shipment before the records are sent to the center.

h. After the records have been received by the center, another copy of the SF 135 will be returned by the RHA orFRC (as applicable), annotated with a location number, as a receipt after the records have been shelved.

i. A copy of each finalized SF 135 transferring records to an FRC will be provided ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860.

Table 7–1Restriction codesCode Restriction

Q Q security classification

T Top Secret security classification

S Secret security classification

C Confidential security classification

R Restricted use - witnessed disposal not required (specify in column (f))

W Restricted use - witnessed disposal required (specify in column (f))

N No restrictions

7–10. Packing the boxesa. Use the proper box size when packing the records. See figure 7–3, below, for types of boxes to use in shipping

records. For legal and letter–size material, use standard–size boxes. Use half–size or other boxes only for microfilm,index cards, or other odd–size material. Contact the records center for assistance in selecting the proper container forodd–size materials. Do not use boxes that are damaged or have information obscuring the accession number blocks orreuse boxes that have stick on labels as they are subject to falling off after several years in storage.

b. For instructions on assembling the standard–size box, go to Place letter–size records in the box with labels facing the numbered end. The numbered end will be opposite the

stapled end. Place legal–size records in the box so that the labels face the left of the box as you face the numbered end.Leave approximately 1 inch of space in each box for working the files (more if interfiles will be added later). Guidesand tabs may be left in the records if they will help the records center personnel service the records.

d. Do not over pack the boxes. Never add additional material on the bottom, side, or top of the records in the box.

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Figure 7–3. Types of boxes and supplies required for records transfer

7–11. Numbering boxes for shipmenta. Before the boxes are shipped to the records center, write the transfer number (formerly referred to as the

accession number) and the box number in the designated printed blocks on each box at least 1.5 inches high.b. For boxes without the printed blocks, write the transfer number in the upper left corner and the Army organiza-

tion box number in the upper right corner of each box at least 1.5 inches high. Begin with box number 1, and includethe total number in the transfer, such as 1/10 (1 of 10), 2/10, 3/10, and so on. The sides of the boxes may be used towrite any information concerning box content.

c. Do not use labels other than the barcode label to supply additional identifying information. No standard methodof affixing labels is effective in long–term storage.

d. Do not write on sealing tape. Do not place tape over transfer or box numbers.

7–12. Shipment of boxesa. Records must be shipped to the RHA or records center within 90 days after receipt of the approved SF 135. If the

transfer cannot be made within this period, promptly advise the RHA or records center. Unexplained delays of morethan 90 days will result in the RHA or records center canceling the transfer number and returning the SF 135. If thishappens, the organization will then be required to resubmit the transfer paperwork, obtain approval for the shipment,and renumber the containers with a new transfer number.

b. In most instances, especially commercial transportation or shipment via the U.S. Postal Service, the boxes mustbe sealed with tape. Do not tape over the transfer number or the box number. For questions concerning shippingmethods and costs, contact GSA’s regional traffic and travel service offices.

c. Records may be sent by mail, commercial carrier, or common carrier on pallets (portable wooden platformswithout wheels). See for recommended stacking order of boxes on pallets. Some recordscenters will pick up agency records. Check with your local center for scheduling and fees. For shipments of less than

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20 boxes, agencies will find it more economical to mail them to the records center or ship them via commercial carrier.Using a commercial carrier has the advantage of automatic registration and tracking.

d. For shipments over 20 boxes, make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that boxes arrive at the recordscenter in numerical order so that Box 1, with a copy of the SF 135 included, is the first box unloaded. If shipments of20 boxes or more must be mailed, they may be sent in a postal container or by bulk mail.

e. Organizations shipping their boxes on pallets using a commercial carrier should complete a TransportationServices Order. Go to for the transportation services order form.

f. For shipments of 100 or more boxes to an FRC, call the records center to schedule a shipping date, and instructcommercial carriers to contact the records center 24 hours before delivery.

g. Shipments arriving at a FRC out of order, in oversize boxes, improperly taped, or improperly marked, mayrequire extensive remedial effort and increased costs. These costs are the responsibility of the shipping organization.

7–13. Preparing the SF 258a. This form may be initiated by the transferring agency or the NARA. A separate SF 258 is prepared for each

series or SF 115 item being transferred.b. When initiated by the transferring agency, the agency completes blocks 4 through 14 using the instructions below.

Blocks 2a and b will be completed at ARMDA. Send the original to ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road,Alexandria, VA 22315–3860, 60 days before the records are to be transferred to The National Archives.

c. When initiated by the NARA, the NARA will complete blocks 1 and 4 through 14 and send the original toARMDA. The ARMDA completes block 2b and signs block 2a as indicated in 7–13b, above.

d. The ARMDA will send the completed form to either the following address or the appropriate National Archivesregional archives: Accessions Control Staff (NN–E), Office of The National Archives, National Archives and RecordsA d m i n i s t r a t i o n , 8 6 0 1 A d e l p h i R o a d , C o l l e g e P a r k , M D 2 0 7 4 0 – 6 0 0 1 . C o n t a c t t h e A c c e s s i o n s C o n t r o l S t a f f a t301–713–6655 for address of regional archives.

e. All SF 258s for transfer of records directly from an Army organization must be accompanied by a folder title listof the box contents or equivalent detailed records descriptions.

(1) For electronic records, this requirement is satisfied by providing the documentation and indexes specified in 36CFR 1234.32 and by following the technical standards in 36 CFR 1228.270, and where appropriate, NARA guidanceon transfers of new formats of electronic and digital records.

(2) For other records, the detailed list may be provided in hardcopy or electronic format (word processing, spreadsheet, database, or PDF).

f. Instructions for each block on the SF 258—(1) Item 1– interim control number. Leave blank, NARA will fill in.(2) Items 2a and b– agency approval. See 7–13b, above.(3) Items 3a and b— NARA approval. When a proposal to transfer records to The National Archives of the United

States is approved, the appropriate NARA official completes 3a and b.(4) Items 4a and b– records series title/date span of series. The information provided should include a records series

title, a statement of how the records are arranged, dates of coverage, and sufficient detail to describe the body ofrecords being transferred. If access to the records is gained or facilitated through an index, box list, or other findingaid, include it with the records being transferred. Indicate the appropriate disposition authority number if the index isscheduled separately. If the records are in a FRC, attach each applicable SF 135. For electronic records, describe anyrelated documentation.

(5) Items 5a through e– agency information. Fully identify the unit (5d) that created or organized the records.Usually this is not the agency’s records management office. Place the creating unit within its organization hierarchy(5a–c). For example, the responsible unit is a branch (5d), within a division (minor subdivision) (5c), within an office(major subdivision) (5b), and within the agency or major component of a department (5a). Block 5a should be theofficial or legal name of the agency or bureau as published in the U.S. Government Manual. In block 5e, include thename and telephone number (including area code) of a person who should be contacted if NARA has any questionsabout the records. f the originating agency no longer exists, provide the name of the contact person at the successoragency.

(6) Item 6– disposition authority. This citation must be included. It can be either the item number assigned to therecords within a records disposition schedule (SF 115) approved by NARA or the item number (ARIMS RN) assignedto the records within an agency records disposition manual based on a NARA–approved SF 115. If the agency manualnumber is used, attach a copy of the pertinent pages from the agency manual.

(7) Item 7– is security classified information present. If the records contain security classified information, checkyes and indicate the highest level of classification present. Indicate any additional applicable national security speciala c c e s s r e s t r i c t i o n s ( f o r e x a m p l e , S e n s i t i v e C o m p a r t m e n t e d I n f o r m a t i o n o r N o r t h A t l a n t i c T r e a t y O r g a n i z a t i o n(NATO)). Restricted data and formerly restricted data refers to information subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.Check segregated to indicate that security classified record has been segregated from unclassified records or informa-tion subject to special access restrictions has been segregated from other classified information. Check declassified to

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indicate whether any records have been declassified and provide both the authority for declassification and a descrip-tion of the declassified records.

(8) Items 8, 8a and b– current location of records. Check the appropriate box for the current location of the records.If the records currently are in an FRC, complete 8b by providing the records center name, accession and containernumber(s) and the record center location. If the records are located in the transferring agency or other location, providea complete address in 8a.

(9) Item 9– physical form(s). Check all the boxes that apply to the records included in the transfer.(10) Item 10– volume. Include both the cubic feet (CF) of the records and the number and type of containers holding

the records. For example: CF 15: Number 15: Type FRC boxes. Provide separate volume figures for each physical typeof records, continuing on a separate sheet as necessary.

(11) Item 11– date records eligible for transfer to the archives. Indicate the date the records are eligible for depositin The National Archives. This date is determined by the disposition instructions for each RN in the RRS–A.

(12) Item 12– are the records fully available for public use? If the records are exempt from release pursuant to theFOIA, 5 USC 552(b)91)–(9) and (c) (1)–(3), this must be fully justified. List all exemptions that apply. If exemption(b)(1) is cited, complete block 7 accordingly. If (b)(3) is cited, include the full citation for the relevant statute. If therecords are subject to copyright, identify affected items and the copyright holder.

(13) Item 13– are these records subject to the PA? The National Archives is required to notify the public, throughthe Federal Register, when it takes custody of records subject to the provisions of the PA, 5 USC 552a. The originatingagency should use this block to indicate whether the records covered by this SF 258 are part of a PA System ofRecords and include a citation to a copy of the PA notice published by the agency for the system. The NARA will usethe transferring agency’s notice to inform the public through the Federal Register, that the records have beentransferred to The National Archives and that no further modification of them is possible.

(14) Item 14– attachments. Check the appropriate box(es) and indicate the attachment(s) being submitted with thisform.

(15) Item 15– shipping instructions to agencies/remarks regarding disposition. The NARA uses this space toprovide shipping instructions relating to transfers.

(16) Item 16– records accepted into The National Archives of the United States. The appropriate NARA representa-tive signs block 16 after the record have been received at a NARA facility and NARA has confirmed that the recordsreceived are the records described in block 4. Transfers to NARA are not final until NARA has signed block 16. TheNARA sends the ARMDA a copy of the completed form.

(17) Item 17– National Archives accession no. The NARA assigns this unique, permanent control number to eachtransfer of records.

Chapter 8Reference Procedures and Services

8–1. Army Records Information Management System master index of retired recordsa. When fully implemented, the ARIMS master index will list all records maintained at RHAs worldwide, FRCs,

and the AEA. All records sent to the RHAs, FRCs, and the AEA are processed through the RIPS in ARIMS by RHAand AEA personnel, or in the case of Army organizations, such as HQDA staff elements and any Army organizationnot residing on an Army installation, by the organization’s RA, RM, or RC. Additionally, information on electronic Trecords that are maintained in an agency information system with an approved exception (see para 7–2c, above), areincluded in the index.

b. Hardcopy records stored in RHAs are indexed to the folder level and may be searched by subject, location, date,organization, and/or file code.

c. Electronic records stored in the AEA are indexed to the document level and may be searched by keyword, phrase,subject, date, file size, and/or organization.

d. Unless otherwise authorized, no record, record report, or list of records is made available to persons ororganizations that are not the creator/owner of the record or responsible for its maintenance or disposition. Third partyrequests for records (for example, FOIA/PA, or congressional requests) will be forwarded through the proper agencychannels for action as needed.

8–2. Records retrievala. The search tool located in the ARIMS master index is used to seek, locate, request, and retrieve records stored in

the AEA and RHAs. The search tool is also used to locate records stored in an FRC, but the request for the recordscannot be made via ARIMS.

(1) Electronic records in the AEA are retrieved online by selecting directly from the master index or from a list ofrecords searched and completing a short request form that is automatically generated. Requests for electronic T records

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being maintained in an agency information system should be directed to the individual or organization listed on theindex for those records and should include the purpose and scope for requesting the information (for example, the last3 annual reports for research, to respond to a Congressional, and so on).

(2) Records stored at RHAs may be retrieved by selecting from the master index or from a list of records searchedand completing a transmittal form which is automatically generated and then sent to the proper RHA staff forprocessing.

(3) Requests for records stored at FRCs are made by submitting a request to the records center via the CentersInformation Processing Systems (CIPS), U.S. Postal Service, commercial courier, e–mail, fax, or telephone.

b. Prior approval from the ARMDA must be received before requesting records that are needed for special projectsor additional requirements resulting from congressional, judicial, or other higher authority mandates. Payment forreference services to meet non–Army business or operational requirements is funded separately and will be chargedaccordingly.

8–3. Records holding area records reference servicesThe following procedures may be implemented by HQDA, ACOM, ASCC, or DRU approved RHAs to provide rapidand efficient records reference services. These procedures may be adapted to organize records retrieval in any sizeoffice or large file room operation.

a. Requests to charge out records may be in memorandum format, on the forms listed in paragraph 8–3b, below, orequivalent, such as an electronic check–out/–in database used for tracking records actions. Information generallyneeded to locate and charge–out records material includes:

(1) Identification of material and record classification, if known.(2) Name of writer (organization or individual).(3) Date of the document (specific or approximate).(4) Requester’s name, organization, location, telephone number, and e–mail address.b. A charge–out record may be made and substituted for documents removed from a file for reference purposes.

Charge–out forms and their recommended use are as follows:(1) DA Form 543 (Request for Records) is used for documents charged out when the suspense control is needed.

The original should be attached to the record material to serve as a routing form and cover sheet and a copy placed in afollow–up or suspense file. A copy of the completed form may also be attached to an operational form (OF) 23(Charge–out Record) or OF 24 (Shelf File Charge–out Record) and placed in the location from which the material isremoved. These DA forms are available at .

(2) OF 23 or OF 24 may be used for documents charged out when suspense control is not desired.(3) A charge–out system using DA Form 543 involves a suspense and follow–up procedure to control loaned

records. A uniform follow–up time (usually 5 to 10 days) for charged out material should be established. The suspensefile should consist of a copy of each of these forms representing charged out documents for use in tracing the recordsthat were charged out from the files area.

8–4. Requesting reference service from Federal records centersa. Requesting records via the CIPS. The CIPS program establishes an electronic link between record centers and

customer agencies. Both Web access and dial–up modem access to CIPS is available. Recalling records via CIPS is themost cost effective and quickest method because it decreases mail time and NARA’s processing time for retrieval. TheCIPS reduces the cost of transacting Government business by sorting requests received into location order for promptservicing, and it provides tracking capability for the requesting agency as well as the records center on individualrequests.

(1) To apply for access to CIPS, complete both the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Form 9957 ( and the CIPS Registration Form NA Form13166 ( Send thecompleted forms to the CIPS SA at the records center that services your records. These forms can be found on therecords center program’s Web site. (The VA is the records center programs contractor for mainframe applications.)

(2) A user ID and password will be issued to each user once forms are received. Organizations will need to specifytheir record group numbers and any other records center for which access is requested.

b. Requesting records by e–mail or commercial carrier.(1) If CIPS is not used, use OF 11, Reference Request–Federal Records Center. The OF 11 should be sent to the

records center. See for the OF 11 form.(a) Use a separate OF 11 or appropriate agency request form for each folder or box requested. Two or more

contiguous file items, folders or cartons may be treated as 1 item and be requested on 1 OF 11.(b) When completing the OF 11, you must furnish the transfer number, agency box number, and the records center

location number of the first box of the transfer.(c) The OF 11 is a 3–part form. The first part (white) of the OF 11 is used by the records center to service the

request and remains with the file until it is returned for refiling. The second part (pink) is retained by the requesting

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agency for track and control purposes. The third part (tan) is used by the records center as a charge out for the file/boxuntil it is returned from the agency for refiling. Requests for classified records should include all 3 copies of the OF 11.

(d) Contact GSA’s customer supply service to order OF 11 forms.(2) Use SF 127 (Request for Official Personnel Folder) Separated employee to request the return of official

personnel folders (civilian) from the National Personnel Records Center.(3) Use SF 180 (Request Pertaining to Military Records) to request the return of retired official military personnel

folders from the National Personnel Records Center. See for a SF 180.c. Requesting records by e–mail. Organizations can e–mail requests by completing the forms and sending them

directly to the appropriate records center at the designated e–mail address listed for each center.d. Requesting records by Fax and telephone. Agencies may fax emergency requests requiring immediate pick up to

the records center. Be sure to identify the pick–up time. Emergency requests are accepted by telephone if fax capabilityis not available.

e. Delivery of requested records. Both USPS and UPS are the standard methods of delivering requested records toorganizations. If an organization wishes to have records delivered by overnight express courier, an account numbermust be provided.

f. Emergency requests. Emergency situations are those that require same day pick–up by the agency or use ofovernight express courier. When employing this method, agencies must provide the name of the overnight expresscourier along with a billing account number or the name of the organization’s messenger who will be picking up thefile and approximate time of pick–up in the remarks section of the OF 11. Messengers will be required to providephoto ID and agency affiliation when arriving at the records center to pick up requested files. Emergency requests arebilled at a higher rate than regular requests.

g. Refiles.(1) Organizations should send requested files back to the records center when NLN. Write the word refile on the

white copy of the OF 11 or CIPS request form that accompanied the requested file and return it to the records center. Ifthe OF 11 is no longer attached, specify the refile action in a brief note or cover letter and attach it to the file beingreturned.

(2) Agencies are required to complete and submit a classified refile manifest when returning folders and boxes forrefile. The manifest serves 2 purposes, accountability of records and as an audit trail. In lieu of the manifest, the Armywas granted approval to continue to submit a DA Form 3964 when returning boxes for refile. The DA Form 3964should also include the courier’s name and phone number of the person who prepared the shipment. See for a DA Form 3964.

h. Refoldering/reboxing. Do not refolder or rebox records drawn back from the records center. Unless some priorarrangement has been agreed to, records must be returned in the original folders or containers to allow accuraterefiling. If the box or folder is unusable for shipment, copy the transfer number and location to the front of itsreplacement.

i. Interfiles. Organizations can send documents or folders that were never included in the original transfer to therecords center. The organization must provide the transfer number, box number, and file designation where the interfileshould be filed.

8–5. Relocation of records within a Federal records centerOccasionally, it becomes necessary to move records within an FRC. When this happens, the Army will be notified ofthe relocation. A Notice of Accession Location Change, NA Form 13016, is mailed following the relocation. See for an NA Form 13016.

8–6. Other services offered by Federal records centersa. Fastpack. Many records centers offer help in preparing records for shipment to the nearest records center. As

agencies confront downsizing and early retirement situations, they often need extra help in ensuring their programactivities are properly documented. The NARA’s records centers can provide help in determining which steps need tobe taken and can sometimes offer reimbursable staff time. Contact the Office of Regional Records Services in CollegePark, MD, at 301–837–2950 for more information. This service must be funded by the requesting organization andapproved by their HQDA, ACOM, ASCC, or DRU.

b. Microfilm. Microfilming services are offered at several records center facilities. Contact the Office of RegionalRecords Services microfilm coordinator for more information. This service must be funded by the requesting organiza-tion and approved by their HQDA, ACOM, ASCC, or DRU.

c. Metro courier service. Courier service for pick up and delivery of reference requests to Federal agencies isoffered in selected metropolitan areas. The service can be provided each business day or as needed for the Federalcustomer. The centers operate a fleet of minivans to provide this customer service. Each Federal agency on the deliveryschedule is assigned a customer service representative who is familiar with his agency’s unique needs and filingarrangement. This service is offered on a reimbursable basis. Charges are based on urgency of request. This service is

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presently offered in the Philadelphia; Washington, DC; Atlanta; and Chicago areas. This service must be funded by therequesting organization and approved by their HQDA, ACOM, ASCC, or DRU.

d. Special projects. Each records center can provide a number of records–related special projects, such as screen-ings, inventories, data entry, and so on. More information can be obtained from the appropriate regional records centerdirector.

Chapter 9Records Disposition

9–1. DispositionThe final stage of the records life cycle is disposition. Records disposition includes transfer to Army RHAs or FRCs,transfer from 1 agency to another, transfer of permanent records to The National Archives, and disposal of temporaryrecords. Temporary records are disposed of in accordance with the disposition instructions that were developed whenthe records were scheduled. This usually consists of destruction or deletion, but may be by donation, sale or recycling.

9–2. Records disposala. Unclassified records authorized for destruction will be disposed of as follows:(1) Hardcopy records will be—(a) Processed through property disposal channels for sale or recycling.(b) Destroyed in accordance with local policy if they cannot be economically sold.(c) Disposed of under the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program when in the form of exposed x–ray film, motion

picture film, and certain microfilm that contains precious metals.(d) Unidentified x–ray films and those in advanced stages of decomposition that can neither be interpreted nor

copied should be destroyed since acetate and nitrate in advanced stages of decomposition can damage nearby records ingood condition, and since decomposing nitrate poses a fire hazard. Prior approval from ARMDA is required. TheARMDA will report the destruction to the Archivist of the United States (36 CFR 1229.92(B)).

(2) Electronic records will be deleted if on tape or updatable media; otherwise, the location (index) information willbe deleted so that the records cannot be retrieved. Due to personal health risk, agencies will not destroy CD–ROMs/optical disks by burning, pulverizing, or shredding. They will be stored pending development of final dispositioninstructions. If the volume of stored disks becomes a storage or security concern, the manufacturer should be contactedto seek assurance that the product does not contain toxic substances. With manufacturer assurance relating to specificdisk products, excess disks may be smelted.

b. Destroy unclassified records with access restrictions such as FOUO or subject to the PA by shredding or burning.c. Destroy classified records in accordance with AR 380–5.d. Unclassified records authorized for destruction may be donated to an eligible person, organization, institution,

corporation, or Government if donation is approved by the OAASA. Process requests through local records manage-ment channels to ARMDA. Specify the name and address of the records custodian, the name and address of theproposed recipient, a complete description, ARIMS RN and title, and inclusive dates of the records.

9–3. Records freezes or moratoriumsa. Records freezes, preservation orders, or moratoriums are exceptions to disposition instructions. Records freezes or

moratoriums refer to a court or agency–imposed requirement to keep the record until disputes or litigation and allappeals are resolved.

b. The ARMDA receives notification of the requirement to suspend disposition from HQDA information propo-nents, DOD and Army General Counsel, or the Department of Justice.

c. The ARMDA notifies the NARA, DA staff principals, ACOMs, ASCCs, DRUs, and combatant commanders tosuspend regular disposition of the affected records and when the freeze or moratorium is lifted. Each organization orinstallation notifies its subordinate or supported activities that a freeze exists or has been lifted.

d. Records affected by a freeze cannot be destroyed on schedule and must be held until the freeze is lifted beforenormal disposition can be continued. The RHA and AEA managers are accountable for the frozen records in thephysical custody of their respective facilities. Records held in the CFA or an automated information system are alsoaffected by a freeze and the burden is on the individual office/system’s manager to ensure records affected by a freezeare not destroyed until the freeze is lifted. When a freeze is lifted, the records disposition is carried out from theoriginal date of the record and not the end of the freeze. For instance, a record with a 7 year disposition is frozen afterthe third year of its life cycle and the freeze lasts 10 years. These records are eligible for destruction immediately. Youdo not have to hold them for the remaining 4 years that were left on the disposition prior to the freeze.

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9–4. Deviations from disposition instructionsThe Archivist of the United States must approve deviations from disposition instruction in the ARIMS RRS–A.Requests for deviations will be sent through records management channels for evaluation at the ACOM, ASCC, DRU,or HQDA level to determine whether an exception is warranted or if the disposition instructions should be changed.V a l i d r e q u e s t s w i l l b e f o r w a r d e d t h r o u g h t h e p r o p o n e n t o f t h e p r e s c r i b i n g d i r e c t i v e t o t h e A R M D A , A T T N :JDRP–RDR–R, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860 and will include—

a. The record title, number, and brief description of the records involved.b. Justification for the deviation, consisting of evidence of specific need for the records and information on their

continuing administrative, legal, or fiscal value to the Government.c. The physical location of the records, including information on whether the records were or will be transferred to

an RHA or to the AEA.

9–5. Disposition of records on change of statusa. The term change of status refers to—(1) Redesignation or reorganization.(2) Transfer of functions.(3) Discontinuance.(4) Movement.b. The following rules apply when the status of an Army organization or agency changes:(1) Redesignation or reorganization. On redesignation or reorganization without a transfer of functions, continue

records retention, cutoff, and disposition as if no change had occurred.(2) Transfer of functions. When a function is transferred from 1 Army organization to another, transfer the current

records relating to the transferred functions to the gaining organization. Transfer inactive records to the designatedRHA or overseas command records holding area (OCRHA). A list of the records transferred to the gaining organizationand a copy of the SF 135, listing the inactive records transferred or retired, will be given to the records managementofficials of the gaining organization and the next higher headquarters.

(3) Discontinuance of any Army organization with a transfer of functions. Follow instructions in paragraph b(2),above.

(4) Discontinuance of an Army organization without a transfer of functions. Transfer records not eligible forimmediate disposal to the RHA. When the organization is not served by an RHA or in cases where RHA is alsodiscontinued, retire records not eligible for disposal to the appropriate records centers. Send a copy of the SF 135listing the records transferred or retired, to the records management official in the next higher headquarters.

(5) Discontinuance of an installation and placement of the installation in an inactive or standby status. Keeprecords required for continued maintenance of the installation until they are eligible for disposition under AR25–400–2. Dispose of other records in accordance with b(2) and b(4), above.

(6) Movement of continental United States (CONUS) units preparing for oversea movement. Immediately prior tooversea movement, destroy records eligible for destruction; prepare records prescribed for retention by the unit forshipment; and transfer other records promptly to the RHA of the last permanent station.

(7) Movement of Army organizations in CONUS. If the movement is without personnel and equipment, cut offrecords as of the date of the transfer and send immediately to the RHA of the losing installation. Records that areessential to the operation of the unit at its new location may be obtained upon request to the losing installation.

(8) Movement with personnel and equipment. The records go with the unit.(9) Movement of Army units in oversea commands. Current records will go with the unit. Transfer other records not

required for future actions to the appropriate OCRHA.(10) Movement of Army units from oversea to CONUS. If the movement is made with personnel, the records will go

with the unit. If the movement is made without personnel, the records will be transferred to the appropriate OCRHA;records that are found to be essential to operation of the unit in CONUS may be requested from the OCRHA.

c. If there are questions about how to handle electronic records under the above scenarios, please contact ARMDAfor guidance.

9–6. Unauthorized destruction, damage, or removal of records or accidental destructionIn cases of accidental loss or destruction of records by fire, hurricane, or other cause, the custodian of the recordswill—

a. Reconstruct as much of the lost or destroyed records as possible. Records can often be reconstructed from othercopies of the information maintained in other elements of the Army. Reconstructed records should be documented withcross–referenced material to aid in identifying their original content.

b. A list of the records that cannot be reconstructed should be provided to the records officer. The records officerwill record these records on an SF 135 or equivalent, at the time that records of the same period are transferred to the

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RHA or AEA. An SF 135 or equivalent will be forwarded to the FRC by RHA or AEA personnel, at the time therecords would have been retired if they still existed.

c. The maximum penalty for the willful and unlawful destruction, damage, removal, or alienation of Federal recordsis a fine, 3 years in prison, or both (18 USC 2071).

9–7. Destruction as result of international armed conflict or threatened wara. During an international armed conflict between the U.S. and any other nation or when hostile action by a foreign

power appears imminent, records in the custody of the Army outside the territorial limits of the CONUS may bedestroyed if it is determined that—

(1) Their retention would be prejudicial to the interest of the U.S.(2) They occupy space urgently needed for military purposes and are without sufficient administrative, legal,

research, or other value (44 USC 3311).b. Within 6 months of the destruction, forward the following information through agency records channels to the

ARMDA, ATTN: JDRP–RDR–R, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860, for notification to the NARA:(1) Description of the records.(2) When and where the destruction was accomplished.(3) Method of destruction.

9–8. Disposition of records that are a menace to human life, health, or propertyFor early disposal of records that are a menace to human life, health, or property—

a. Contact local fire officials if the records have nitrocellulose base film that has deteriorated to the extent that it isemitting a noxious odor, contains gas bubbles, or has retrograded into an acrid powder and then immediately notify theARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860. If records are in stable condition,contact ARMDA prior to taking any actions. Thought should also be given to converting these type records to a safetyfilm.

b. For records of other menace, notify the ARMDA (JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA22315–3860, to obtain authority for disposing of records. Provide the RN and title, description of records, volume,location, and nature of the menace.

9–9. Notification of pending dispositionArmy organizations are notified when records reach the end of their life cycle and are ready for disposition by theARIMS or by the FRCs.

a. Records in ARIMS AEA. The records disposition report available from the records disposition module under themaster index, lists all records within a unit that will reach their disposition date as of the end of the FY or CY. In thismodule, users can—

(1) Approve disposal of the records listed.(2) Request their continued retention when written justification is provided such as for audit, legal, or other pertinent

issues.(3) Request their return to the originating/gaining organization or its higher proponent organizations.b. Records in FRCs. Organizations are notified of the pending disposition of records with 1 of 3 forms—(1) Notice of Eligibility for Disposal, NA Form 13001, is mailed via certified mail 90 days before scheduled

destruction to ARMDA who in turn sends it to the ACOM, ASCC, or DRU of the organization that created the records.Upon return of the disposal notice and a positive concurrence, or a signed statement that destruction is authorized, therecords will be destroyed as scheduled. Go to for an NA Form 13001. Since the recordscenter must receive a written, positive concurrence before disposition takes place, a timely review of the disposalnotice must be done. If the organization does not concur with the disposal, a signed and dated justification fornon–concurrence must be returned to ARMDA.

(2) Agency Review for Contingent Disposal, NA Form 13000, is mailed during October of each year to ARMDAwho in turn mails it to the appropriate ACOM, ASCC, DRU, or HQDA staff agency. The Army organization must signand return the form, indicating approval of the disposal before the records can be destroyed. If the records cannot bedestroyed, the form should be signed, dated, and returned, indicating a new review date. Please reply promptly; if aresponse is not received within 90 days, the records center will be instructed to return the records to owner (36 CFR1228.164(b)). Go to for an NA Form 13000.

(3) A partially completed Agreement to Transfer Records to The National Archives of the United States, SF 258, isforwarded to ARMDA when permanent records stored at an FRC are scheduled for transfer into The NationalArchives. The SF 258 is used to document the change in legal custody of the records and to state terms of the transfer.

9–10. Disaster recovery of recordsa. Emergencies can damage property and/or hinder or disrupt the operations of an organization. They can occur at

any time and range from small localized problems such as a broken water pipe, to devastating destruction, such as

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hurricanes or tornadoes. They can be caused by accidents, such as inadvertently hitting the delete key, or maliciously,such as intentional destruction by disgruntled employees, criminals, and terrorists.

b. Emergency preparedness plans are designed to reduce the risk of property damage caused by an emergency ordisaster, and to mitigate the impact if one occurs. A disaster plan for records should be part of an organization’s overallemergency management program. Practicing the plan increases the benefits of having one, as does scheduled reviewsand updates.

c. The first phase of an emergency preparedness plan is to reduce the risk of loss through prevention. Determinewhat the hazards are and list ways to remove or reduce them (for example, install fire detection and suppressionequipment, do not store records in a basem*nt subject to flooding, backup electronic files regularly.) Conduct acomprehensive records inventory to identify what records are vital to your organization (such as those that yourorganization must have to continue operations and those that are considered rights and interests records (for example,financial records, personnel records)). Vital records are the most valuable to your organization and need to have themost resources dedicated to protecting them. The easiest way to reduce risk of record loss is duplicating them andstoring them in a separate geographical place of lower risk or not subject to the same risks as the original location. Inthe case of paper documents containing signatures, it may be preferred to store the originals offsite and keeping theduplicates for everyday use.

d. The second phase of a plan should include a list of responses to be taken before, during, and after an emergencyoccurs. These include such activities as securing the physical area, removing records from the area, protecting recordsfrom further physical damage, reconstructing records that have been damaged or lost.

e. The third phase includes restoring and reconstituting your original site once the emergency has passed (ifpossible), or returning to normal operations at a new site.

9–11. Damaged recordsIt is important to take care of damaged records within 24–48 hours.

a. When records are water damaged.(1) Many record materials will respond well to simple air drying as long as minor physical distortion is acceptable.

Small quantities may be spread out on top of clean blotting material (paper toweling, and so on) in a cool, dry locationwith plenty of air circulation. As long as materials are not too densely packed and active drying conditions aremaintained, mold growth should be mitigated. While high heat and harsh sunlight will dry records quickly, they maypermanently damage record materials and should be avoided. Quantities too large to handle within the first 48 hoursshould be frozen either for defrosting and air drying at a later date, or for referral to a commercial drying vendor orpreservation professional. For response and recovery guidelines see: Federal Emergency Management Agency Re-sponse and Recovery at for salvage instructions. Also, see A Primer onDisaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper–Based Materials ( and Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Collections by Betty Walsh, Conser-vator Provincial Archives of British Columbia (–2/wn10–202.html)

(2) Some record materials will dry more satisfactorily than others; and metal, plate glass, some photographs andfurniture may be exceptions to freezing. Questions about the treatment of particularly valuable wet records should bereferred to a preservation professional immediately. For a referral, see American Institute for Conservation’s (AIC)Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator at

b. When records have bugs.(1) There are many types of pests that are attracted to paper. Contact your local agricultural extension service or an

entomologist for accurate identification. Chemical treatment (fumigation) may permanently damage record materialsand should be avoided. Instead, attempt to address the source of the infestation, seal all possible entry points; promptlyremove or seal up pest lures, such as food or trash; keep temperature and RH low; and keep the area clean anddust–free.

(2) If the infestation affects only part of a collection, isolate the materials in a tightly sealed plastic bag and consulta preservation professional. Pests found in records are most commonly the types attracted to damp conditions. If theinfestation is widespread, it is likely there is excess moisture present that must be located and the resulting high RHeliminated. Spread the records out in a cool, dry location with plenty of air circulation. This should drive the pestsaway. As long as proper conditions are maintained, any eggs left behind will not hatch and offspring will either notsurvive or move on to a more hospitable environment.

c. When records have mold growing on them.(1) Mold grows in areas with high temperature, high RH, and low air circulation. Isolate moldy record materials in a

cool, dry location, with plenty of air circulation so they will not contaminate nearby items; do not return the records totheir original location until the conditions causing the mold growth are addressed.

(2) Once record materials are removed to a less hospitable environment, the mold will become loose and powdery asthe substrate dries and the mold turns dormant. It may then be gently brushed off the record materials. Because themold is merely dormant, if it remains on the record materials or is distributed throughout the space and onto otherobjects, it will grow whenever environmental conditions are favorable again. Mold should, therefore, be removed either

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outdoors or into a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter; regular vacuum cleaners will merely exhaust andre–circulate mold back into the room.

(3) Ideally, the faster record materials are dried the better. However, some record materials may distort physically ifdried too quickly. Contact a preservation professional for advice on how to handle moldy record materials of highvalue. For a referral see AIC guidelines for selecting a conservator, paragraph 9–11a(2), above.

(4) Many people are sensitive to mold and some mold species are toxic. Moldy items should, therefore, be handledwith extreme care. Do not proceed with any treatment once any negative health effects are observed, no matter howminor they appear.

9–12. Deleted/lost electronic recordsa. Loss of power is 1 source of losing data. This can be eliminated by the use of power protection such as surge

suppressors and battery packs.b. Information can also be lost due to hard disk crashes caused by contaminated systems due to hair, snack food,

cigarette smoke, and so on. Measures should be taken to ensure a clean environment.c. While it might appear that deleted or lost data has disappeared, in many instances the information may be

recovered. If the information is important and it cannot be easily duplicated, there are many companies that specializein recovering such data. The names and contacts for such companies should be readily at hand should the need arise.

Chapter 10Records Holding Areas and Federal Records Centers

10–1. Regional and overseas records holding areasa. Installation RHAs and FRCs will be used to store inactive hardcopy records. Optimal use of these facilities will

provide for the most efficient and economical management of agency records.b. An OCRHA will be maintained in each major outside continental United States (OCONUS) command. The

commander of each major OCONUS command will notify ARMDA of the activation, change, or discontinuance andthe new address of any OCRHA within his or her command jurisdiction. See AR 25–400–2, table 10–1 for a listing ofthe current OCRHAs and addresses.

10–2. Establishing records holding areasa. Installations or agencies may establish or maintain a local RHA if the need is justified and cost effective.b. Approval to establish an RHA must be obtained from the ACOM, ASCC, DRU, IMCOM, or agency RA who

will report the establishment to ARMDA, ATTN: JDRP–RDR–R), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860within 30 days of its establishment.

c. When approved, space for RHA use will be limited to the minimum required for records holding. The spaceselected, must comply with the facility standards in 36 CFR, Part 1228, Subpart K, Facility Standards for RecordStorage Facilities, 1228.228 through 1228.232. Steel shelving of the type manufactured by the Federal PrisonsIndustries, Incorporate (National Stock Number 7125–00–550–6015, Open Type "E," Class III, Metal Storage andDisplay Shelving) should be used.

(1) Offices of HQDA. The RHAs may be established within offices of HQDA where space is available and such anoperation is cost effective.

(2) Installations and off–post activities. If justified and approved, an RHA may be established, and if warranted,would serve all activities located within the same geographical area.

10–3. Operation of records holding areasa. Records will be identified in accordance with procedures outlined in this pamphlet.b. The RHAs will not be used simply as a dumping site for boxes of records that have not been identified as to their

content and that do not contain an accurate SF 135 listing their contents.c. The RHA operators will ensure that eligible records are retired or destroyed at the proper time and that access to

stored records is available. They will—(1) Ensure that all records are indexed in the ARIMS master index down to the folder level.(2) Ensure that records are placed within the storage facility in a manner that assures their rapid retrieval when

needed. Establish a locator and disposition file. This file has copies of SF 135s prepared by offices placing records inthe RHA or when records are retired to the FRCs. This file makes it easier to locate records in the RHA and to retrieverecords from an FRC.

(3) Ensure that records removed from the RHA for reference or other actions are returned within a reasonable timeframe. Use DA Form 543 or equivalent as a charge–out suspense system for this purpose.

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10–4. Discontinuance of records holding areasa. When the records storage requirements of organizations being serviced by an RHA drop below 100 linear feet

annually, the RHA should be discontinued. Exceptions are permitted if this is not practical or cost effective.b. When the decision is made to close an RHA, the RHA RM must inform the RHA customers of the date the RHA

will close, dispose of records eligible for destruction, provide customers a list of their records that are not eligible forretirement to a FRC, and ask them if they want the remaining records returned to them or shipped to another approvedlocation.

c. An audit trail of the records must be maintained by the closing RHA RM. The original SF 135 should be attachedto the new SF 135 transferring the records to the FRC or to the office of origin. A copy of the SF 135 will also beforwarded to ARMDA, ATTN: JDRP–RDR–R, 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860 and the masterindex will be updated with the new location of the records.

10–5. Army records centersThere are 3 Army records centers for intelligence and criminal investigative records. These centers are listed in AR25–400–2, table 10–1.

10–6. National Archives and Records Administration Federal records centersa. The NARA records centers listed in AR 25–400–2, table 10–1 have been established in CONUS to receive and

maintain records with long–term or permanent value, pending their ultimate destruction or accession into The NationalArchives. This table also specifies what records can be sent to each facility and by whom.

b. Installations and activities not serviced by an installation RHA (such as HQDA staff elements and Armyorganizations not residing on an Army installation) may use the NARA facilities for storing their long–term orpermanent value records. The primary FRC for non–Corps of Engineers Army agencies is the WNRC.

c. The NARA runs its services on a reimbursable basis. The ARMDA centrally funds the basic services (storagefees and referencing costs). Other services must be funded by the organization owning the records and be approved bytheir HQDA, ACOM, ASCC, or DRU.

d. Chapter 8, above, provides detailed instructions on requesting reference services from the NARA facilities.

Chapter 11Records Management Program Evaluations

11–1. Generala. In order to ensure that good recordkeeping practices have been implemented within the different Army organiza-

tions and that all recordkeeping requirements are being met, evaluations must be performed periodically. See AR 25–1for requirements for a survey and appraisal of the records management program at least once every 3 years. Thissurvey is performed by the organization’s records management official.

b. The recordkeeping program evaluation is conducted as part of the records management program evaluation.

11–2. Evaluation objectivesa. To determine the level of compliance with ARs governing the related program elements.b. To assess the effectiveness of the recordkeeping program.c. To provide on–the–spot advice and assistance as may be needed to improve the efficiency of program operations.d. To advise the commander of the organization visited, in writing, of the general and specific findings and to offer

recommendations for correction of noted deficiencies.

11–3. Scheduling the evaluationDevelop/update a 3–year program evaluation cycle of all organizations to be evaluated in accordance with therequirements of AR 25–1 and coordinate with each of the organizations to be evaluated.

11–4. Notificationa. Three months prior to a visit, telephone the organization’s RC and confirm the dates of the visit.b. After confirming dates for the visit, send a formal notification addressed to the commander of the organization to

be visited so that it will arrive 2 months prior to the scheduled evaluation date. In the notification, include the name,security clearance of the person(s) doing the evaluation, program elements to be evaluated, a proposed itinerary, and arequest for information needed both prior to and during the visit. Entrance and exit interviews should also beaddressed.

c. One month prior to the visit, review information provided by the organization and confirm the itinerary.

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11–5. Entrance briefingBrief the commander of the organization being evaluated or a designated representative. The form of the briefing isnormally set by the organization visited (for example, it may be as formal or informal as they desire). The organizationvisited may elect to provide an overview of the functions and structure of their organization. Unique situations orspecific problem areas may be identified requiring a heavier concentration of effort in these areas and an altering of theproposed itinerary.

11–6. Evaluation processA considerable amount of time will inevitably be spent in addressing unforeseen problem areas or issues surfacedduring the visit. The effectiveness of the following program operations is essential and must be addressed as aminimum:

a. General.(1) Supplementation of DA directives and other published or written guidance affecting program elements.(2) Training program(s) for both the headquarters and major subordinate commands.(3) Periodic internal command–wide evaluation of the records management programs relating to the identification of

record information, maintenance and use, and records disposition.b. Recordkeeping systems management.(1) ARIMS Web tools, including registration and approved ORLs.(2) Identification of records (all media) under ARIMS.(3) Records transfer procedures.(4) Records holding area operations.(5) AEA.c. Correspondence management.(1) Application of AR 25–50.(2) Measures taken within the organization to supervise and manage correspondence.(3) Delegation of authority or authority line.d. Official mail and distribution program management.(1) Application of AR 25–51.(2) Local directives establishing the mail management program.(3) Official mail manager appointments and official mail and distribution centers security clearances prescribed in

AR 25–51.(4) Procedures to reduce postage cost for official mail.(5) Annual inspection of official mail distribution centers.e. PA.(1) PA program.(2) PA Officer appointments.(3) Processing PA requests.(4) Procedures for submitting newly altered and/or amended systems of records notices.(5) PA electronic systems.(6) Forms requesting personal information.(7) Adequacy of PA training.(8) Responsibilities of personnel to protect personal information being collected.(9) Adequacy of maintaining records for PA program reporting requirements.f. FOIA.(1) FOIA program.(2) FOIA Officer appointments.(3) Required response times for FOIA requests and appeals.(4) Recordkeeping practices for annual reporting procedures (for example, Freedom of Information and PAs Case

Tracking System requirement).(5) Appropriate handling of responses that deny any or all requested records/documents.(a) Advise requester of appeal rights.(b) Appropriate use of exemptions.(c) Proper use of "No Records Certificate".(d) Ensure proper referral to initial denial authority for denials.(6) Collection of fees.(7) Adequacy of FOIA training.(8) Identify compliance with reading room requirements.

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g. Information technology systems and storage media. Review plans and actions to implement the use of documentimagery and electronic record systems to manage information.

11–7. Exit briefingBrief the commander or designated representative. Normally, individuals of the organization who are responsible foradministering the program areas evaluated also attend the exit briefing. Address general and specific findings that willbe included in the written report, there should be no surprises.

11–8. Written report of findings and recommendationsa. Submit a written report to the first level of supervision within 7 working days after traveler returns to duty. The

report should include a trip report and memo forwarding a report of findings and recommendations to the organizationvisited.

b. Forward a report of findings and recommendation to the organization visited no later than 12 working days afterreturn to duty.

c. Address the report to the commander or head of the organization visited.d. For reports of Joint and unified commands, also forward a copy to, ATTN: Office Secretary of Defense Records

Administrator, Suite 501, Crystal Gateway North, 1111 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.e. Forward a copy of corrective action(s) taken by the organization to the survey team leader.

11–9. Evaluation questionsThe sample evaluation questions attached at appendix B, below, shall be used in evaluating the different components ofthe records management program. These evaluation questions have been staffed with all the component programs underthe records management program.

Chapter 12Contingency Operation Record Collection and Preservation

12–1. Backgrounda. Recordkeeping requirements during a CONOP are governed by the same laws and regulations as recordkeeping

during peacetime or while in garrison. However, the nature of a CONOP makes good recordkeeping even more critical.Without properly documenting CONOPs, the Army, as an institution, risks losing important portions of its history, canlose the ability to formulate lessons learned and most importantly can fail to protect the rights and interests of theindividual Soldiers and civilians deployed.

b. Missing records during Operation Desert Storm resulted in Army spending millions of dollars for recordreconstruction. This record reconstruction was to try and pinpoint unit/individual locations during specific times duringthe conflict. The information was used to substantiate claims for and to try and determine the cause of Gulf WarSyndrome suffered by many deployed Soldiers.

12–2. Explanation of responsibilitiesa. AR 25–1, paragraph 2–12i states, “The Deputy Chief of Staff, G–3 will: Ensure that support is included in Army

operational planning documents for the collection and transfer of records created by deployed units in contingencyoperations per AR 25–400–2.”

b. AR 25–1, paragraph 2–24g states, “Commanders of the Army Component Combatant Commands will: Integraterecords management support into operational plans for the collection and transfer of records created by deployed unitsin contingency operations per AR 25–400–2.”

c. AR 25–400–2, paragraph 1–4f states, “ Commanders of Army Components operating under a joint command willensure, through a designated contact, that records are created and preserved throughout the Army component inaccordance with the records procedures in paragraph 1–7f. The designated contact will establish the processes for thecollection and transfer of unit records.”

d. AR 25–400–2, paragraph 1–7f states, “Records created by deployed units in CONOPs are collected monthly andsent to designated transfer locations as directed by a pre–positioned message from the Pentagon AOC. Deployed unitswill be provided copies of the Quick Reference guide outlining requirements for specific and minimum recordscreation, preservation, collection and transfer.”

e. A reminder of these responsibilities is dispatched via message from the AOC at the beginning of a CONOP.

12–3. Collection guidanceProcedures and processes for collecting records during a CONOP are the combatant commander’s responsibility andgenerally left to their direction. However, for guidance purposes, the following procedures have been extracted fromthe successful collection processes used by U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for records created during the operations

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in Bosnia and Kosovo. In that AOR, the combatant commanders realized the importance of documenting operations.They supported and directed the effort through all staff elements and through the ranks, down to the unit level. For thepurposes of this DA Pam, the USAREUR guidance has been modified to provide recommended procedures for allCONOPS records collection and preservation. To ensure records from the AOR are collected and properly prepared fortransfer to CONUS facilities, resources should be provided to create a records holding/staging area within the AOR.This area should be staffed and equipped to process both electronic and hardcopy records received from units downrange.

a. Commanders of units down to separate company level that are deployed in CONOPs will manage and superviseoperational recordkeeping systems in their commands. These commanders will—

(1) Develop supporting plans for maintaining and transferring operational records according to this DA Pam.(2) Appoint operational RCs to carry out the CONOP recordkeeping requirements.(3) Maintain a daily staff journal or duty officer’s log (DA Form 1594) during CONOPs according to AR 220–15.(4) Ensure that their operational records are transferred each month according to paragraph d(5), below, and the

instructions provided by this DA Pam. Commanders will also ensure that operational records of subordinate activitiesassigned or attached to their commands during the operation are included in the unit’s monthly submissions.

(5) Ensure remaining records are transferred after the CONOPS mission is completed.(6) When different units rotate in and out of the same area of the operation, the outgoing unit will thoroughly brief

the incoming unit on its records collection and transfer processes before the transfer of authority.b. The requirement applies to all forms of unit–generated records, whether produced on paper or in electronic format

(e–mail, diskette, posted on Web sites, CD). The most common unit–generated operational records include command-ers’ assessments, daily staff journals, Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs), intelligence reports, operation plans (OPLANs),operation orders (OPORDs), personnel and logistics reports, serious incident reports, situation reports (SITREPs), spotreports, and reports generated to describe the occurrence of a particular event. Medical records will be collected andpreserved through these procedures only if the situation does not allow for their return through existing procedures forturning in medical records.

c. Table 12–1, below, lists some of the most common types of operational records. At appendix C, below, is theARMDA QRG to Documenting Operations for Deployed units of the Army. The QRG provides additional records tothe list below and also provides specific guidance on where to send these records.

Table 12–1Operational records1

Functional area requirement Record number Description Prescribing publication2

Army information 360–5b News media and releases AR 360–1

360–5d Public inquires AR 360–1

Field organizations 220–15a1 Daily journal, staff journal, andtactical operations center (TOC)logs

AR 220–15

Medical services 40–5d Command health reports AR 40–5

200–1c Hazardous material manage-ment files

AR 200–1

Military operations 525a1 Command reports AR 525–1

525a1 Commander’s assessmentreports

AR 525–1

525a1 SITREPs AR 525–1

525a1 Spot reports AR 525–1

525a1 Daily, weekly, and monthly sta-tus reports

AR 525–1

525n1 Operations planning files andOPLANs

AR 525–1

525p1 Operating procedures files AR 525–1

525p1 OPORDs AR 525–1

525p1 FRAGOs AR 525–1

525p1 Warning orders (WARNOs) AR 525–1

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Table 12–1Operational records1—Continued

Personnel 600–8b Personnel information systemreports

AR 600–8

Safety 385–10f Accident and incident cases AR 385–10

11–9i Radiation reports AR 11–9

11–9j Radiation incident cases AR 11–9

Security 381–3a Military intelligence operationalmanagement files

Notes:1 This table does not list all files that units should maintain. Files not listed in this table that document unit activities will also be preserved.2 Prescribing Publications:

Defense Intelligence Agency Manual 58–13, (S/NOFORN) Defense Human Resources Intelligence Collection Procedures (U)

AR 11–9, The Army Radiation Safety Program

AR 25–1, Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology Management

AR 25–400–2, Army Record Information Management System

AR 40–5, Preventive Medicine

AR 200–1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement

AR 220–15, Journals and Journal Files

AR 360–1, The Army Public Affairs Program

AR 385–10, The Army Safety Program

AR 525–1, The Department of the Army Command and Control System (DACCS)

AR 600–8, Military Personnel Management

d. Procedures—(1) General.(a) This DA Pam provides guidance and procedures for collecting, preparing, transferring, and preserving opera-

tional records. To avoid loss or destruction of these documents, operational records will be transferred each month.(b) Designated RCs for each unit are responsible for collecting, preparing, and transferring records. Unit RCs will

transfer records each month. The closing date for records preparation is the last calendar day of the month. Recordsshould be transferred within 10 business days after the closing date.

(c) Submitting records electronically is encouraged. Most records a unit creates are in electronic format and can betransferred for storage to the ARMDA office in the ARIMS electronic archive. Units can store the records on diskettes,zip–disks, or CDs and mail them to ARMDA, or they can forward them to ARMDA as attachments and zip–fileattachments to e–mail messages. Mailing instructions and e–mail addresses are provided in subparagraph 12–3d(5),below.

(2) Identifying records. Operational records are documents that record the location and activities of units andSoldiers involved in CONOPS. AR 220–15 requires that DA Form 1594, Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log, bemaintained when units are deployed to support a CONOPS mission. DA Form 1594 may be provided in electronic orpaper format. Other unit–generated records in electronic or paper format will be included with the unit’s monthlysubmission.

(3) Collecting records.

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( a ) O p e r a t i o n a l R C s r e c e i v e r e c o r d s f r o m s u b o r d i n a t e a c t i v i t i e s a n d p r e p a r e t h e m f o r t r a n s f e r t o d e s i g n a t e drepositories.

(b) Original records are required for records in paper format. The unit should keep a copy of every record requiredfor future operations. Units will not give information–gathering activities, such as history and lessons learned detach-ments, original record copies. If appropriate, these activities should be provided a copy.

(4) Preparing records.(a) Electronic records transferred by diskette, zip–disk, or CD should be packed in small boxes or envelopes

according to official mail instructions.(b) Paper records should be packed in official record containers (national stock number 8115–00–117–8249). If

official record containers are not readily available, units may use a box or envelope.(c) Unit RCs will document shipments using SF 135 or DA Form 3964 (for classified shipments) as appropriate.

The originator of the records will keep 1 copy of the shipping document and put 1 copy in the record container. TheRCs are responsible for completing the SF 135 and forwarding it with the records. The SF 135 will be completed andforwarded according to AR 25–400–2 and the following instructions (see fig 12–1, below, for sample SF 135 fortransferring CONOP records). SF 135s are available as fillable forms in both .pdf and .doc (MS Word) formats on theNARA Web site at If it is impossible to create an SF 135, a plainsheet of paper can be used (legibly handwritten or typed). However, the same information required on the SF 135should be placed on the plain sheet of paper.

1. Item 1. Enter the address of the designated collection point. See appendix C, TAG QRG.2. Item 2. Enter the name of the organization RC.3. Item 3. Enter the name and telephone number of the RC.4. Item 4. Leave blank.5. Item 5. Enter the full unit address and include the unit identification code (UIC), name of the task force and the

operation.(d) Electronic records transferred on diskettes, zip–disks, CDs, and other formats for transferring electronic records

will be labeled with the unit name, type of records, month and year, and software application (for example, 1/99 InfBn, Daily SITREPs, Feb 03, MS Word 00). The corresponding SF 135 should also describe the software and theversion.

(e) Records will be separated and shipped according to subparagraph (5), below.(5) Transferring records. There are a number of designated collection points for specific types of records. See the

ARMDA QRG at appendix C for address information on each specific collection point.(a) Electronic records may be transferred as e–mail attachments to the following e–mail addresses, as applicable:1. Unclassified records: [emailprotected]. Classified records: [emailprotected].(b) Hardcopy records (paper, maps, overlays, microfiche, microfilm, and so on) and electronic records on electronic

media (diskettes, zip–disks, CDs, and so on) may be mailed through the Military Postal System.(c) Classified records, hardcopy or electronic that are to be shipped, will be sent by registered DOD official mail

according to the instructions for handling classified material in AR 380–5.(d) Many organizations communicate and pass record information through Web information centers (WICs). In the

WIC environment, very few paper records or records on removable media (diskettes, CD) exist.1. Record information posted on a WIC must be captured and preserved routinely; however, the collection process

must not place an additional burden on the owning unit. To prevent this burden, Web masters should incorporatecollection and preservation procedures to these Web sites as they are built. For instance, copies of SITREPS,OPORDS, FRAGOs, and so on posted on these sites should be automatically saved to a separate drive/directory. Therecords on these drives/directories would then be transmitted (or downloaded and mailed on media) to the appropriatecollection point for preservation on a regularly scheduled (monthly) basis.

2. Organization information management officers at the corps/division/brigade/battalion level, and area supportgroup directors of information management will coordinate directly with corps/division/brigade/battalion level opera-tions and plans and intelligence officers to establish the procedures for the monthly collection of record information.

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Figure 12–1. Sample SF 135 of transferring CONOPs records

12–4. Unit assistanceUnits that have questions about this chapter of the DA Pam may call ARMDA at DSN 328–6298 or contact viaN I P R n e t a t i n f o @ r m d a . b e l v o i r . a r m y . m i l o r S I P R n e t a t i n f o @ r m d a . b e l v o i r . a r m y . s m i l . m i l . F u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n o nrecordkeeping can be found at the ARMDA Web site at or the ARIMS Website at

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Appendix AReferences

Section IRequired Publications

AR 25–1Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology Management. (Cited in paras 1–6, 3–12, 3–14c, 7–5i,11–1a, 11–3, 11–6d(1), 11–6d(3), 12–2a, 12–2b, and C–1).)

AR 25–400–2The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS). (Cited in paras 1–1, 1–4, 1–5, 1–6, 1–6d(1), 1–6e(2),1–8a, 1–10c, 2–12b, 3–15b, 3–15f(1), 3–15f(3), 3–20b(3), 3–23d, 6–7d, 7–6c, 7–6d, 9–5b(5), 10–1b, 10–5, 10–6a,12–2a, 12–2b, 12–2c, 12–2d, 12–3c(4)(c), C–4, and C–5.)

AR 340–21The Army Privacy Program. (Cited in paras 1–6c, 3–5b, 3–15f(1), and C–1.)

AR 380–5Department of the Army Information Security Program. (Cited in paras 3–4c, 3–6b, 3–6c, 7–6a, 7–6b, 7–6c, 9–2c, and12–3d(5)(c)).)

AR 500–3U.S. Army Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program. (Cited in para 2–4 and 2–4a.)

AR 550–51International Agreements. (Cited in para 1–7b(1).)

DA Pam 25–51The Army Privacy Program–System of Records Notices and Exemption Rules. (Cited in para 3–5d and 7–5e.)

DOD 5015.2–STDDesign Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Software Applications. (Cited in paras 3–15d(1), 3–21c,3–21c(1), 7–4b(3), and C–1.) (Available at

Section IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand thispublication.

AR 11–9The Army Radiation Safety Program

AR 25–30The Army Publishing Program

AR 25–50Preparing and Managing Correspondence

AR 25–51Official Mail and Distribution Management

AR 25–55The Department of the Army FOIA Program

AR 40–5Preventive Medicine

AR 40–66Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation

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AR 200–1Environmental Protection and Enhancement

AR 220–15Journals and Journal Files

AR 335–15Management Information Control System

AR 360–1The Army Public Affairs Program

AR 385–10The Army Safety Program

AR 525–1The Department of the Army Command and Control System (DACCS)

AR 600–8Military Personnel Management

DA Pam 25–1–1Information Technology Support and Services

DA Pam 25–30Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms

DA Pam 25–91Visual Information Procedures

A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management, and Response: Paper–Based MaterialsAvailable at

American Institute for Conservations (AIC) Guidelines for Selecting a ConservatorAvailable at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS1–1996Recommended Practice for Alphanumeric Computer–Output Microforms–Operational Practices for Inspection andQuality Control. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS5–1992(R1998)Microfiche. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS14–1988(R1996)Specifications for 16mm and 35mm Roll Microfilm. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS19–1993Recommended Practice for Identification of Microforms. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS23–1998Standard Recommended Practice–Production, Inspection, and Quality Control of First Generation Silver-GelatinMicrofilm of Documents. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS32–1996Microrecording of Engineering Source Documents on 35mm Microfilm. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS41–1996Dimensions of Unitized Microfilm Carriers and Apertures (Aperture, Camera, Copy, and Image Cards. (Available at

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ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM 43–1998Operational Procedures/Inspection and Quality Control of duplicate Microforms of Documents and from COM.(Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/AIIM MS45–1990Recommended Practice for Inspection of Stored Silver Gelatin Microforms for Evidence of Deterioration. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/NAPM IT2.18–1996Photography–Density Measurements–Part 3: Spectral Conditions. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/NAPM IT2.19–1994American National Standard for Photography–Density Measurements–Part 2: Geometric Conditions for TransmissionDensity. (Available at htto://

ANSI Code ANSI/NAPM IT9.1–1996Imaging Materials–Processed Silver–Gelatin Type Black–and–White Film–Specifications for Stability. (Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/PIMA IT9.2–1996Imaging Media–Photographic Processed Films, Plates, and Papers–Filing Enclosures and Storage Containers.(Available at

ANSI Code ANSI/NAPM IT9.11–1998Imaging Materials - Processed Safety Photographic Film - Storage. (Available at

ANSI Standards IT9.16For Imaging Media- Photographic Activity Test. (Available at

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 5760.01Records Management Policy for the Joint Staff and Combatant Commands. (Available at

Defense Intelligence Agecny Manul 58–13Defense Human Resources Intelligence Collection Procedures. (Available at

DODI 4525.08DOD Official Mail Management. (Available at

DOD 4525.8–MDOD Official Mail Manual. (Available at

Executive Order 12906Coordinating geographic data acquisition and access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure. (Available at

Federal Information Processing Standard 173–1Available at–1.pdf.

Federal Rules of Evidence 803(8)Public Records and Reports. (Available at

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Response and RecoveryAvailable at

International Standards Organization 9660 StandardInformation Processing–Volume and File Structure of CD–ROM for Information Interchange. (Available at

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NFPA–40Standard for Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Film. (Available at

Photography–Density Measurements–Part 2: Geometric Conditions for Transmission(Available at

Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Collections by Betty Walsh, Conservator Provincial Archives of BritishColumbiaAvailable at–2/wn10–202.html.

1 CFR 51Office of the Federal Register; Incorporation by Reference. (Available at

3 CFRThe President. (Available at

36 CFR, Chapter XIINational Archives and Records Administration. (Available at

41 CFR, Chapter 102Federal Management Regulation. (Available at

49 CFR 172Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information,and training requirements. (Available at

49 CFR 173Shippers- general requirements for shipments and packages. (Available at

5 USC 552Public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and proceedings. (Available at

18 USC, Part I, Chapter 101, Section 2071Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally. (Available at

44 USC 3105Safeguards. (Available at

44 USC, Chapter 33, Sections 3301–3314Disposal of Records. (Available at

Section IIIPrescribed FormsThe following forms are available at the APD Web site ( unless otherwise stated. DD formsare available from the Office of the Secretary of Defense Web site ( Standard Forms (SF) are available from the General Service Administration (GSA) Web site(

DA Form 543Request for Records. (Prescribed in paras 8–3b(1), 8–3b(3), 10–3b(3).)

OF 11Reference Request-Federal Records Centers. (Available at (Prescribed in paras 8–4f,8–4b(1)(a).)

OF 23Chargeout Record. (Available through normal forms supply channels.) (Prescribed in paras 8–3b(1), 8–3b(2).)

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OF 24Shelf File Chargeout Record. (Available through normal forms supply channels.) (Prescribed in paras 8–3b(1),8–3b(2).)

SF 115Request for Records Disposition Authority. (Available through normal forms supply channels.) (Prescribed in paras4–1, 5–1, 5–2c, 5–3c, 7–5k, 7–13e(6), 7–13e(11).)

SF 127Request for Official Personnel Folder Separated Employee. (Available through normal forms supply channels.)(Prescribed in para 8–4.)

SF 135Records Transmittal and Receipt. (Available at (Prescribed in paras 6–13b(3), 7–5f,7–5c, 7–6a, 7–9a, 7–12a, 7–13e(4), 9–5b(2), 8–6b, 10–4c, 12–3c(4)(c).)

SF 258Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives of the United States. (Available through normal forms supplychannels.) (Prescribed in paras 7–13e, 7–13a.)

Section IVReferenced Forms

DA Form 1594Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officers Log

DA Form 2028Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms

DA Form 3964Classified Document Accountability Record.

NA Form 13000Agency Review for Contingent Disposal (available at )

NA Form 13001Notice of Eligibility for Disposal (available at )

NA Form 13016Notice of Accession Location Change (available at )

NA Form 13166CIPS Registration Form (available at )

SF 180Request Pertaining to Military Records.

SF 703TOP SECRET Cover Sheet. (Available through normal forms supply channels.)

SF 704SECRET Cover Sheet. (Available through normal forms supply channels.)

SF 705CONFIDENTIAL Cover Sheet. (Available through normal forms supply channels.

VA Form 9957Timesharing User Access Request (available at )

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Appendix BRecords Management Program Evaluation

B–1. Prescribing directivesThese directives require the completion of a program evaluation for each component of the Records ManagementProgram—

a. AR 25–1, Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology.b. AR 25–50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence.c. AR 25–51, Official Mail and Distribution Management.d. AR 25–55, The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program.e. AR 25–400–2, The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS).f. AR 335–15, Management Information Control System.g. AR 340–21, The Army Privacy Program.h. DA Pam 25–1–1, Information Technology Support and Services.i. DODD 5015.2, Department of Defense Records Management Program.

B–2. StatutesThese Federal statutes are the statutory authority for the Army records management programs being evaluated—

a. Federal Records Act of 1950, as amendedb. Privacy Act of 1974, as amendedc. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 as amended by Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995d. The Freedom of Information Act of 1996e. Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, as amendedf. E–Government Act of 2002 (codified in Title 44, chap 36)

B–3. Sample program evaluation questionsThese questions are intended as a guideline for performing a program evaluation. They are not all inclusive and/or maybe expanded on.

a. General.(1) Is a records management program established in your organization? If so, where in the organization are the

records management responsibilities placed?(2) Is the office responsible for your records management program sufficiently staffed to operate the program

effectively?(3) Has an organizational records manager been appointed with the responsibility for records management functions

in the organization? Has a copy been provided ARMDA? Are RCs designated at sub–element level to help withprogram execution?

(4) Does the RM have additional functions?(a) If so, what?(b) If so, what percentage of time is spent on records management functions?(5) Are RMs included in the planning process for new or replacement IT systems?(6) Does RM have a working relationship with the legal advisor, IT security officer, and SA?(7) Is training offered to serviced/supported activities in the following records management program elements?(a) Records identification, maintenance, and disposition, including electronic (ARIMS)?(b) Official mail and distribution?(c) Privacy Act?(d) Freedom of Information Act?(8) Are records management reviews of commands conducted at least once every 3 years?(9) Are all elements of records management covered during the evaluations? Is this checklist used for the evalua-

tions? Are past evaluations available?(10) Are the evaluations documented with findings, actions to be taken to correct deficiencies, and forwarded to the

evaluated element?(11) Do evaluation reports identify accomplishments as well as deficiencies?(12) Are follow–up visits/reports made to ensure that recommendations have been implemented?b. Recordkeeping (AR 25–400–2).(1) Is the organizational RM or RC registered on the ARIMS Web site?(2) Have records officials obtained training in ARIMS?(3) Is AR 25–400–2 and RRS–A used as the legal authority for identifying, maintaining, and archiving or destroying


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(4) Have current files been established and set up in accordance with ARIMS? Are minimum labeling requirementsbeing met?

(5) Are official records kept separate from personal records in a consistent and readily identified manner?(6) Are inactive files being maintained separately from active ones?(7) Does the recordkeeping management program include all records regardless of media (electronic and e–mails,

paper, audiovisual, cartographic, and so on)?(8) Are ORLs prepared using ARIMS RM–Assist and approved by the servicing records management official?(9) Are information custodianship responsibilities understood and clearly designated?(10) Does everyone in the organization know the storage location(s) of its hardcopy and electronic records?(11) Are records stored in a centralized records area or repository? If so, where is the area or repository located?(12) Do all units identify their records with K or T dispositions, regardless of the media (for example, network or

hard drive, 3.5–inch diskette, CD, paper) and year of creation?(13) Are the following controls in place to safeguard and maintain required system documentation, hardware, and

software to allow the management of electronic records throughout their life cycle?(a) Are precautions being taken to ensure that appropriate software and hardware will be available to read electronic

records?(b) Is periodic maintenance or recopying of long–term electronic records being conducted during their life cycles?(c) Is a routine being followed to backup record information? Describe routine.(d) Is the backup routine included in the system documentation?(14) If a system or equipment is used for FOUO or PA information, have proper safeguards been established? Do

computer printouts have appropriate markings?(15) Are controls being used to prevent the unauthorized alteration or deletion of electronic records? If so, describe

the controls.(16) Do records created on an electronic system have enough data entered to help identify, protect, retrieve, and

dispose/transfer the records?(17) Are procedures in place to ensure that digitized records are kept only as long as needed? If so, describe the

procedures.(18) Are electronic records, digitized images, or microforms stored under environmentally controlled conditions,

periodically inspected to detect deterioration, and recopied when appropriate to meet the minimum scheduled retention?(19) Are storage media such as disks, file drawers, and folders labeled to facilitate quick identification, access, and

disposition of record information?(20) Are any organizations within your command still microfilming?(21) Are system managers aware of degree of protection to be afforded records stored and used electronically in

accordance with classification, releasability, FOIA, and PA?(22) Are safeguards in place against the removal or loss of official records in accordance with 44 USC 3105?(23) Are all command unique filing requirements being met?(24) Is a pre–file check performed to assure that each item belongs in the files, records are complete, and if required

by the command, file authority is present?(25) Are files arranged in order (for example, date, number, alphabetical, subject, name, organization, and so on)?(26) Are files cutoff and new files created for current year per disposition instructions?(27) Has a distinction been made between retention periods (for example, peacetime, mobilization, or the conduct of

military operations) where they apply?(28) Are all unidentified files brought to the attention of the RM?(29) Is the documentation required for unidentified files forwarded through command channels for approval? Is a

copy maintained by the RM?(30) Do organization personnel know the standards for storage of security–classified documents?(31) Are procedures established for staff to follow when they use records?(32) Is classified material stored in accordance with security regulations? Are classified and unclassified records

handled separately?(33) Does the organization create records with a permanent or long–term retention period (T records)?(34) Are T e–mail records and other electronic records being sent to the AEA via the ECS or middleware software,

as applicable?(35) Are records destroyed or retired as required?(36) Are K records being destroyed in accordance with disposition instructions and not kept past the business need?(37) Have all eligible records been transferred to the RHA or AEA, as applicable?(38) Are records authorized for destruction processed through property disposal channels for sale or recycling when


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(39) Are exposed x–ray film, motion picture film, and certain microforms that contain precious metals disposed ofunder the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program?

(40) Does the organization know the location and purpose of the RHA?(41) Is the RHA accessible only to authorized personnel?(42) Does the organization transfer records to the RHA? Which types of records?(43) Is the SF 135 or equivalent prepared in an acceptable manner for records to be retired or transferred to the

RHA?(44) Are RMs ensuring that no records subject to the PA are being transferred unless they are covered by a systems

notice?(45) Are T records eligible for transfer/retirement being processed in a timely manner?(46) Is each box accepted into the RHA labeled correctly and the corresponding number annotated on applicable SF

135?(47) Do all accepted records have an SF 135?(48) Is SF 135 being completed correctly?(49) Are copies of the SF 135 on file for stored and transferred records?(50) Has RN 25–400–2a been established in staff office to maintain the SFs 135?(51) Have procedures for submission of requests for records, charge out procedures, and suspense controls been

established?(52) Does the organization have a method for tracking documents that are removed from the files?(53) Does the RHA meet the NARA facility standards set forth in 36 CFR, Part 1228, Subpart K, 1228.228 through

1228.232?c. Correspondence Management (AR 25–50).(1) Has the organization developed a correspondence quality control program?(2) Are training opportunities provided all Army writers within the organization?(3) Are established procedures in place to ensure timeliness of replies for both suspense and non–suspense actions?(4) Is the correspondence containing classified information marked and safeguarded as prescribed in AR 25–50,

chap 8 and AR 380–5?(5) Are delegation of signature authority and authority lines exercised in accordance with AR 25–50, chap 6?d. Official Mail and Distribution Management (AR 25–51) (ACOMs, ASCCs, or DRUs inspecting installation mail

and distribution centers will use the checklist in the DOD Official Mail Manual).(1) Has the official mail manager taken steps to ensure that carry over funds for postage meters do not exceed 30

days at the end of the FY?(2) Do personnel in the organization receive training in the preparation of mail and the cost effective use of the

official mail system?(3) Has the organization developed procedures limiting the use of special services (for example, registered, certified,

and so on)?(4) Is outgoing mail properly prepared and not subject to surcharges for size or weight?(5) Are safeguards in place to guard against the loss, misuse, or theft of official mail postage?(6) Are personnel instructed to have personal mail sent to their home and not to their duty station?(7) Are mailings to common addresses consolidated?(8) Are alternatives to hardcopy mailings considered (for example, electronic transfer or facsimile)?(9) Has an official mail manager been appointed in writing?e. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program (AR 25–55).(1) Has the organization established educational/training programs to provide staff members and FOIA officials a

thorough understanding of regulatory procedures?(2) Are FOIA and PA requests logged or imported into the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Case Tracking

System?(3) Are FOIA requests responded to within 20 working days of receipt?(4) Is a request denied only when it falls under 1 or more of the 9 FOIA exemptions?(5) Are requests that deny any or all of the information forwarded to the appropriate initial denial authority?(6) Are requesters advised of their appeal rights of denied information or no records?(7) Are fees waived if under $15 or when the request is in the public interest?f. Privacy Act Program (AR 340–21).(1) Have PA officials been designated?(2) Are all PA requests responded to within 10 working days of receipt by the proper system manager or record

custodian?(3) Are privacy statements included on forms and questionnaires seeking information from an individual?

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(4) Is only record information covered by a PA System Notice retrievable by personal identifier, regardless of themedia?

(5) Do all units identify their record information covered by a PA System Notice as such and include the PASystems Notice number in the labeling information, regardless of the media (network or hard drive, 3.5–inch diskette,CD, paper)?

(6) Is written consent of the individual being obtained for disclosures made other than those authorized by AR340–21, chap 3?

(7) Is an accounting of disclosure maintained whenever a record from an Army system of records is disclosed tosomeone other than those described in AR 340–21?

(8) Have procedures been developed to allow individual to request amendment of their records as described in AR340–21, para 2–10?

g. Management Information Control (Reports Control) (AR 335–15).(1) Has a management information control officer been designated?(2) Are records maintained for the control of all report requirements over which the organization has jurisdiction?(3) Are automatic data processing products controlled and assigned product control numbers?(4) Has approval been obtained from the Office of Management and Budget for all information collections from the

public sector, affecting 10 or more individuals?(5) Are periodic reviews of management information requirements and automatic data processing products con-

ducted in accordance with AR 335–15, chap 6?h. Vital Records Program management.(1) Does your organization have a vital records program?(2) Are your vital records that are in electronic form (e–mail, tape, disk, microfiche, optical digital imaging)

accompanied by textual documentation and, if necessary, by essential software?

Appendix CQuick Reference Guide to Documenting Operations for Deployed Units of the Army

C–1. ApplicabilityThis guide applies to all Army forces that are deployed or engaged in operational missions. The guide providesinstructions for the creation and preservation of records in units and parts of units deployed for combat, emergency,and special operations both singly and as part of a task force. The records specified in this guide provide importantrights and interest information for Soldiers and veterans. The Army must be able to research the location and activitiesof units and Soldiers involved in combat or CONOPs. Destruction or loss of Army records is a violation of Federal lawand must not occur.

C–2. ResponsibilitiesCommanders of deployed units will designate a point of contact for the monthly collection and transfer of recordscreated in their units in accordance with processes to be established by the commander directing the overall operation.Records shipped by mail, either hardcopy or electronic records on removable media, should be accompanied by acompleted SF 135. If this is not possible, a simple cover sheet can be used (legibly handwritten or typed) giving theunit’s full name and address, UIC, unit POC info, name of task force, name of operation, inclusive dates of the recordsand a list of the records in the shipment. Note: Records sent to the WNRC will only be accepted if all transferprocedures are properly followed. The following link will take you to these procedures and provide all necessaryforms,

C–3. Applicable recordsThis guide applies to all records regardless of media, (for example, paper, computer disks and tapes, microform,photographic film, e–mail, and other electronic formats). Electronic records (received or transmitted) will be providedin the format in which they were saved. Transmit unclassified e–mail to be preserved as a record [emailprotected]. Other unclassified records may be attached to an e-mail and sent to the same address. Put thename of the operation in the subject line. Classified records may be attached to an e–mail and sent (via SIPRNET) [emailprotected]. Do not mix classified and unclassified records on electronic media.

C–4. Records preservationAnnex A contains a list of specific records to be created, maintained and transferred. Specific record descriptions foreach of these file numbers can be found on the ARIMS Web site ( under the RRS–A tab.

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The list of file numbers in figure C-1 is not all-inclusive. Any records that document operations of the unit will bepreserved per this instruction and AR 25–400–2.

C–5. Copies of records provided other organizationsFrom time to time organizations such as Center for Army Lessons Learned and Military History Detachments will visitdeployed units to collect copies of records. Do not give these organizations the record copy of information to bepreserved. The record copy will be handled in accordance with these instructions and AR 25–400–2.

C–6. Emergency disposal of recordsArmy records may be destroyed only if capture by a foreign power appears imminent. Destruction for any other reasonis not authorized. If emergency destruction of records is performed, a list of those records and the inclusive dates ofe a c h w i l l b e c o m p i l e d , t o t h e e x t e n t p o s s i b l e , a n d s e n t t o A R M D A , R e c o r d s M a n a g e m e n t D i v i s i o n , A T T N :AHRC–PDD–RR, 7701 Telegraph Road, Casey Building. Room 102, Alexandria, VA 22315–3860. (See

C–7. Classification of recordsDo not over–classify records. Follow the classification guides in Army Security Regulations and/or the OPLAN for theoperation. Ensure declassification instructions accompany all classified records, including electronic records, prior totransferring them. Mail classified records (double wrapped) by registered official mail.

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Figure C–1. Records preservation list

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Figure C–1. Records preservation list—Continued

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GlossarySection IAbbreviations

ACOMArmy command

AEAArmy electronic archives

AICAmerican Institute for Conservation

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute

AOaction officer

AOCArmy operations center

AORarea of responsibility

ARArmy regulation

ARIMSArmy Records Information Management System

ARMDAArmy Records Management and Declassification Agency

ASCCArmy Service Component Command

CFcubic foot

CFAcurrent files area

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

CDcompact disk

CD–ROMcompact disc-read only memory

CIPSCenters Information Processing Systems

COMcomputer output microform

CONOPScontingency operations

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CYcalendar year

DADepartment of the Army

DODDepartment of Defense

DRUDirect Reporting Unit

DVDdigital video disk


ECSelectronic capture and store

E-mailelectronic mail

FOIAFreedom of Information Act

FOUOFor Official Use Only

FRAGOfragmentary order

FRCFederal records center

FYfiscal year

GRSGeneral Records Schedule

HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army

HTMLhypertext markup language

IMCOMUnited States Army Installation Management Command

INSCOMU.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

ISinformation system

ISOInternational Standards Organization

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ITinformation technology


KEkeep event

KENkeep event no longer needed

KNkeep no longer needed

MS–OfficeMicrosoft Office

NARANational Archives and Records Administration

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization

NFPANational Fire Protection Association

NLNno longer needed

NTEnot to exceed

OAASAOffice of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

OCRoptical character recognition

OCRHAoverseas command records holding area

OCONUSoutside continental United States

OFoptional form

OPLANoperation plan

OPORDoperation order

ORLoffice records list

PAPrivacy Act

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QCquality control

QRGQuick Reference Guide

RArecords administrator

RCrecords coordinator

RHrelative humidity

RHArecords holding area

RHAMrecords holding area manager

RIPSRecords Input Processing System

RMrecords manager

RMArecords management application

RNrecord number

RRS–ARecords Retention Schedule - Army

RM–AssistRecords Management-Assistance

SAsystem administrator

SDTSspatial data transfer standard

SFstandard form

SGMLstandard generalized markup language

SITREPsituation report


TEPtransfer event permanent

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TOCtactical operation center

TPtransfer permanent


UICunit identification code

URLuniversal resource locator

USAEURU.S. Army, Europe

USCUnited States Code

VAVeterans Affairs

WICWeb information center

WNRCWashington National Records Center

Section IITerms

AccessionThe act and procedures involved in transferring legal title and physical custody of records from Department of theArmy to the National Archives.

Action officerAny individual who creates official records on behalf of the Army.

Administrative recordsRecords relating to budget, personnel, supply and similar housekeeping, or facilitative, functions common to mostagencies, in contrast to program records.

Administrative valueThe usefulness of records in conducting an agency’s current business; includes fiscal value and legal value.

Alphabetic arrangementArranging records in alphabetical order by name or subject.

Alphanumeric arrangementArranging records in order by a combination of words and numbers.

Architectural recordsGraphic records that depict the proposed and the actual construction of stationary structures, such as building, bridges,and canals, and movable objects, such as ships, aircraft, vehicles, weapons, machinery, and equipment.

Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)A system for identifying, arranging, and retrieving Army records for reference and disposition according to thedirective, usually an AR or DA pamphlet, which prescribes their creation, maintenance and use.

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Cartographic recordsGraphic representations drawn to scale of selected cultural and physical features of the surface of the earth, otherplanetary bodies and of the atmosphere.

Classified recordsOfficial records or information requiring protection against unauthorized disclosure. The degree of protection isspecified by 1 of the following: top secret, secret, confidential.

Computer output microform (COM)Microforms (microfiche, microfilm) containing data produced by a recorder from computer generated signals. Aprocess of converting data from magnetic tape to human readable images on film.

CopyA reproduction or duplication of an original record. Copies identified by their function include action copy, file orrecord copy, reading copy, reference copy, and official copy. Copies identified by method of creation include carbon,electrostatic, offset, diazo, and vesicular. In electronic records, the action or result of reading data from a source,leaving the source data unchanged, and writing the same data elsewhere on a medium that may differ from the source.

Current recordsRecords necessary for doing the current business or operations of an office or unit.

CutoffBreaking, or ending, files at regular intervals, usually at the close of a FY or CY, to permit their disposal or transfer incomplete blocks.

Date arrangementArranging records chronologically with the newest record at the front of the file.

DeclassificationThe determination that security classified information no longer requires, in the interest of national security, protectionagainst unauthorized disclosure. Removal or cancellation of the security information markings is normally involved.

DiscontinuanceThe placing of an organization in an inactive status or in surplus status when all military functions have ceased. Whenthis term is used, it also includes inactivation, disbandment, and reduction to 0 strength.

DispositionThe actions taken with non–current records. These include transfer to a RHA, retirement to a NARA records centerfacility, authorized donations, destruction, and accessioning into the National Archives.

Disposition authorityLegal approval empowering an agency to transfer permanent records to The National Archives or carry out the disposalof temporary records.

Disposition instructionsPrecise instructions specifying the time or event for transfer, retirement, or destruction of records.

Disposition scheduleA document governing, on a continuing basis, the retention and disposition of the recurring record series of anorganization or agency.

Documentary materialA collective term used to refer to all media on which information is recorded, regardless of the nature of the mediumor the method or circ*mstances of recording.

DonationThe transfer of Army records (which are eligible for destruction) to a qualified agency, organization, institution, orperson.

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Duration periodThe period of time a scheduled record must be kept before its disposition. Synonymous with retention period.

Electronic recordsRecords stored in a form that only a computer can process.

Emergency operating recordsRecords that are essential to the continued functioning and reconstitution of an organization before, during, and after anational security emergency, or under emergency or disaster conditions. Emergency operating records are 1 of 2 typesof vital records; the other type being rights and interests records.

EventWhen used as part of the records disposition, the event represents the occurrence that must happen to start the retentionperiod. (Examples, close of case; supersession; obsolescence.)

FileAn accumulation of records maintained in a predetermined physical arrangement or to place documents in a predeter-mined location according to an overall plan of classification.

File numberThe number assigned under ARIMS to a specific series of records. The number is based on the prescribing directivespecifying they be created. Synonymous with RN.

Fiscal valueThe usefulness of records in documenting an agency’s financial transactions and obligations.

For Official Use OnlyA classification for information not needing the full protection warranted by classified records but which should beprotected from unauthorized disclosure based on a privileged or confidential basis because of its content. See AR25–55 for types of information that may be categorized as FOUO.

Fuzzy searchFuzzy is another way of saying inexact. One common use of this word is in the term fuzzy search. This is a feature insome software programs that allows you to search for text that is similar to, but not necessarily exactly the same aswhat you tell it to look for. For example, you might type in something like phonics, and the fuzzy search might findphonics or telephone or Phoenicia, or even corn pone.

Hardcopy recordsRecords created on paper or some other durable surface, such microfilm.

Housekeeping filesRecords accumulated or generated in an office that document the internal administrative functions of the office asopposed to those that document the primary missions of the office.

Imaged filesFiles created by processing hardcopy records through a scanner which digitizes and converts the information tobit–mapped images of the records.

Information systemThe organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with definedprocedures, whether automated or manual. Often used as a synonym for a digitized or electronic records system.

Keep recordsRecords classified as K records which are usually short–term temporary records that have no value beyond the businessprocess. They can have retention periods from 1 day up to and including 6 years.

Keep event recordsRecords classified as KE records which are usually short–term temporary records that have no value beyond thebusiness process. hey can have retention periods from 1 day up to and including 6 years; however, the retention period

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does not start until the event occurs. They may be further classified as KEN (keep until event occurs and then until nolonger needed) or KE1, KE3, and so on (keep for 1 year after event occurs, 3 years after event occurs, and so on).

Legal valueThe usefulness of records in documenting legally enforceable rights or obligations.

Library copyReference copy of a record maintained as part of a library collection or manuscript collection; not an official recordcopy.

Life cycle of recordsThe management concept that records pass through 3 states, creation, maintenance and use, and disposition.

Master indexIn ARIMS, the index for all hardcopy records retired to Army record holding facilities and for electronic records thathave been transferred to the Army electronic archives.

MicroficheA card–sized transparent sheet of film with miniaturized images arranged in a grid pattern.

Micrographic recordsRecords placed on microfilm by reducing and recording images photographically or by recording directly onto filmusing a computer.

Museum copyReference copy of a record maintained as part of a museum collection or manuscript collection; not an official recordcopy.

Non-current recordsRecords no longer required for current business or operations; inactive records.

Non-recordsDocuments excluded from the legal definition of records according to 44 USC 3301.

Numeric arrangementArranging records in sequence by number.

OfficeAny place where records are created, maintained, or used, excluding RHAs, records centers, and so on.

Office record listList of record titles/RNs used within a specific office.

Official record copyThat copy of a record kept by the agency, office, or element directly responsible for the function to which the recordrelates which has been identified as the copy to be maintained to document the action taken or business transacted.Record copies of incoming or outgoing communications may be in a variety of forms. These include electronic copy,paper copy, handwritten items, specific media, microforms, and so on. It does not include reading file copies or copiesheld for convenience or reference. Synonymous with record copy.

Permanent recordsThe designation applied to records worthy of permanent retention by the U.S. and accessioned into The NationalArchives.

Program recordsRecords documenting the unique, substantive functions for which an agency is responsible, in contrast to administrativerecords.

Personal papersDocumentary materials belonging to an individual that are not used to conduct agency business.

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PreservationSpecific measures, individual and collective, taken for the repair, maintenance, restoration, or protection of informationstorage media.

Record copyThat copy of a record kept by the agency, office, or element directly responsible for the function to which the recordrelates which has been identified as the copy to be maintained to document the action taken or business transacted.Record copies of incoming or outgoing communications may be in a variety of forms. These include electronic copy,paper copy, handwritten items, specific media, microforms, and so on. It does not include reading file copies or copiesheld for convenience or reference. Synonymous with official record copy.

Record numberThe number assigned under ARIMS to a specific series of records. The number is based on the prescribing directivespecifying they be created. Synonymous with file number.

Recordkeeping requirementsStatements in laws, regulations or agency directives providing general and specific guidance on particular records to becreated and maintained by an agency.

RecordsAll books, papers, maps, photographs, digitized record information, or other documentary materials regardless ofphysical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the U.S. Government under Federal law or inconnection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or itslegitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or otheractivities of the Government or because of the informational value of the data in them. Library and museum materialmade or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved onlyfor convenience of reference, and stocks of publications and of processed documents are not included.

Records administratorRecords official who serves on the ACOM staff and has command–wide records management responsibility throughoutsubordinate units and activities.

Records centerA facility that is designed and constructed for low–cost and efficient storage of records, and for reference service onsemi–current records, pending their ultimate disposition. NARA FRCs serving the Army are operated by GSA.

Records inventoryA detailed listing that could include the types, locations, dates, volumes, equipment, classification systems, and usagedata of an organization’s records.

Records management officialsA collective term used to refer to RAs, RMs, and RCs.

Records coordinatorRecords official designated at a sub–element as necessary for records management program execution.

Records holding areaA facility established to collect and maintain cutoff hardcopy records until they are either eligible for destruction orretirement to a NARA FRC or other records depository. When located outside of the CONUS, these facilities arereferred to as OCRHAs.

Records managerRecords official who generally serves at the major subordinate command level, field operating agency, DRU, separatelyauthorized activities, tenant organizations, satellite organizations, U.S. Army Installation Management Agency regionallevels, RHAs, and on installation garrison staff with command–wide or organization–wide records managementresponsibilities.

Retention periodThe length of time that a record must be kept before it is destroyed. Records not authorized for destruction have aretention period of permanent.

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Retention scheduleA document providing mandatory instructions for what to do with records (and non–record materials) no longer neededfor current Government business, with provision of authority for the final disposition of recurring or nonrecurringrecords. Also called records disposition schedule, records retention schedule, records retention and disposition schedule,or schedule. The Army records schedules are contained in the ARIMS RRS–A.

RetireThe movement of records from an office, unit, or RHA into a NARA Records Center Facility.

Rights and interests recordsRecords essential to the preservation of the legal rights and interests of individual citizens (including service members)and the Army. These records include, accounts receivable records, social security records, payroll records, retirementrecords, insurance records, contract records, and so on. Rights and interests records are 1 of 2 types of vital records; theother type being emergency operating records.

Roll microformMicroform consisting of microfilm on reels, cartridges, or cassettes.

Source documentsDocuments containing images and/or data entered into a microform or electronic records system.

Special records collectionsA group of records that may or may not fall under the same series but which are considered to make up a collectionbased on common characteristics (for example, John F. Kennedy records collection).

Temporary recordsRecords approved by NARA for disposal, either immediately or after a specified retention period.

Transfer recordsRecords classified as T records which are long–term records with retention periods over 6 years and up throughpermanent. T records are transferred out of the CFA when no longer needed for business purposes.

TuplesA data object that holds several objects, such objects are also known as a record.

Unscheduled recordsRecords that have not been formally appraised by NARA for disposition.

Working papersDocuments such as rough drafts, calculations, or drafts that are assembled or created and used in the preparation oranalysis of other documents. These documents are also considered records and are filed under the appropriate ARIMSRN.

Section IIISpecial Abbreviations and TermsThis section contains no entries.

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What is the difference between an army regulation and a DA pamphlet? ›

In short, an AR tells you what the rules are, and the DA PAM tells you how to comply with the rules.

What is army pam? ›

PAM is an interactive, Army-wide procurement knowledge management portal – your go-to source for acquisition-related news, templates, learning tools, and more. With PAM, you'll have ready access to acquisition policies, standard business processes and operating procedures, and updates to critical programs and systems.

Where can I find my Arims record number? ›

Detailed information for all related record numbers, forms, and reports are located in the Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)/RRS–A at

What army wide policy governs army records? ›

AR-25-400-2 requires that Army commanders ensure that wartime and CONOPS records are created and preserved to document operational activities and protect the rights and interests of soldiers and civilians.

Can a sergeant date a staff sergeant? ›

This policy letter serves as an official order to state that, in addition to Page 3 MAPS-C SUBJECT: Policy Letter #10 Inappropriate Relationships and Fraternization commissioned and warrant officers, Senior NCOS (SFC and above), NCOs (SSG, SGT and CPL), and enlisted (SPC and below) will not fraternize between their ...

Which website would you use to access Army pamphlets and circulars? ›

For a complete listing of Army publications and forms, please visit

What do you call someone who leaves the Army without permission? ›

Desertion typically involves the intent to leave one's unit or place of duty permanently, but an offender who is AWOL for 30 days automatically is considered to have deserted his or her post (without proof of intent).

What does PTE mean in Army? ›

Once recruits complete their Basic Military Training (BMT) or Basic Rescue Training (BRT), they attain the rank of private (PTE). Privates do not wear ranks on their rank holder. PTEs who performed well are promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal (LCP).

What does AR stand for in the Army? ›

modern sporting rifle. • The AR in "AR-15" rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in. the 1950s. "AR" does NOT stand for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle."

What is the 25-50 regulation? ›

The Army Regulation (AR) 25-50 Preparing and Managing Correspondence is the United States Army's administrative regulation that "establishes three forms of correspondence authorized for use within the Army: a letter, a memorandum, and a message."

How do I get detailed military records? ›

If you are a veteran or next-of-kin of a deceased veteran, you may now use to order a copy of your military records. For all others, your request is best made using a Standard Form 180. It includes complete instructions for preparing and submitting requests.

What is ar 25 1? ›

It provides policy for the planning, budgeting, governance, acquisition, and management of Army IT, personnel, equipment, funds, IT resources and supporting infrastructure, and services. Army organizations must adhere to basic principles throughout the information resource management (IRM) process.

Who can see my military records? ›

You will need written consent from the veteran or their next of kin to access their full records. You can still access limited information about a veteran without their consent.

What does iPERMS stand for? ›

Type - Acronym. Description: Integrated Personnel Electronic Records Management System.

How many years for destroying federal records? ›

Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United ...

What is a military regulation? ›

These laws organize the Department of Defense, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force. They regulate military pay grades, enlistments, commissions, promotions, and retirements.

What is the difference between FM and ADP? ›

ADPs are the capstone resources to the Field Manuals (FMs). These are intended to be short, comprised readings to cover only the most pertinent information.

What is doctrinal template in military? ›

A doctrinal template depicts the threat doctrinal deployment for various types of operations without the constraints imposed by weather and terrain. Threat doctrinal templates depict doctrinal deployment for various types of operations without constraints imposed by the environment.

What is a DOD regulation? ›

DOD issuances contain the various policies and procedures the govern and regulate activities and missions across the defense enterprise. They take the form of formal directives, instructions, publications and manuals, administrative instructions, and directive-type memorandums.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.