Kingsport News from Kingsport, Tennessee (2024)

TENNESSEE TODAY CHATTANOOGA: deadline delayed Chancellor Ray Brock Friday granted a petition delaying the deadline for appealing a ruling he made which would allow the city of Chattanooga to annex the Mountain Creek area along the eastern foot of Signal Mountain. The ruling by Brock set the deadline for filing an appeal from July 12 until midnight of Aug. 9. Brock had earlier ordered the city could annex the area over the objections of some of the residents of the area. KNOXVILLE; poker game ends in death A 41-year-old bricklayer was shot to death Thursday night at the end of a "friendly poker game" and police arrested Harmon Thurmer, 56, in connection with the slaying.

Burl L. Houser died of a 38-caliber pistol wound in the chest. Two hours later, was arrested at his home. Arrested as an accessory in the case was Carl Scales, at whose home the poker game was held. NASHVILLE: indicted in coin theft The Davidson County Grand Jury Friday indicted Joseph Miller Oalvert in connection with a $20,000 coin theft in Bordeaux May 6.

Oalvert, 24, presently has nine criminal cases pending against him. Attorneys for Calvert asked Judge John L. Draper to set him free on bond. The judge has made no decision on the request. According to court records Calvert has posted $23,500 in bonds.

CHATTANOOGA: optometrist files suit Dr. Ben Morris, an optometrist, has filed suit in circuit court against the Cobbie Division ot Singer Co. and American Optical Co. asking for $500,000 Morris seeks $100,000 in damages to his professional $300,000 in treble damages under a state law that permits such collections procuring breach of contract, and $100,000 punitive damages. The suit concerns a contract with Morris for examination of employes needing corrective safety eyeglasses.

NASHVILLE: police, fire layoffs Nashville's fire and police chiefs announced Friday that 100 fire department employes and 75 police personnel will be ladd off in the Immediate future. Fire Chief William Mclntyre and Police Chief Hubert 0. Kemp said the layoffs the result of recent budget cuts in tteir departments. by the metro council. The council slashed more than $10 million from Mayor Beverly Briley's $105 million budget forcing cutbacks in many departments.

Both men said the layoffs were the last resort. MILAN: head-on smashup kills 2 Two persons died and eight others were injured, two of them critically, Friday when two cars slammed on rain-wet U. S. 45E four miles south of town. State Trooper Melvin Bruce said Mr.

and Mrs. Harding Ainley of Palmerville, were driving south when another car, carrying three persons from Jackson, met them head-on. Both Ainley, 45, and his wife, Opan, 42, were dead on arrival at the hospital here. NASHVILLE: powers are questioned State Atty. Gen.

George McCanless has been asked for an opinion on the powers and authority of the General Assembly's Committee on Committees. Rep. Charles Galbreath; D-Nashville, asked for the legal opinion after a disagreement on operating rules for the standing legislative committees. The Committee on Committees voted Thursday to require both chairmen of a committee to agree before a meeting can be called between legislative sessions. NASHVILLE: Vanderbilt professor dies Dr.

Herbert Charles Sanborn, professor emeritus at Vanderbilt University, died Friday at a Williamson County Hospital. He was 91 Sanborn was the head of the Vanderbilt philosophy department when he retired in 1942. A respected scholar who attempted to relate philosophy and psychology, Sanborn had been on the Vanderbilt faculty since 1911. TEREE HAUTE: 2 held in check case Ronald Dwight Welsh, Rnoxville, and Florence K. Novak, 48, Wyandotte, were held in Vigo County Jail in Terre Haute, Friday in an investigation of a.

frudulent check ring believed responsible for the loss of thousands of dollars by merchants in Indiana, Wisconsin and Tennessee. Welsh and Mrs. Novak were arrested at Kendallville, Monday night in a car which State Trooper John Siegel stopped for a traffic violation. CHATTANOOGA: trucking firms warned State Sen. Tom Harris, said Friday the Senate Highways and Safety Committee had advised trucking irms against buying new equipment until the state legislature acts on a new bill.

Harris said the- truckers' organization had been notified by a letter signed by Committee Chairman Joe Kelly of Columbia that truckers should refrain from purchasing longer trailers until a matter centering around a "fifth wheel" is resolved. CHATTANOOGA: Itospital is sued Two civil suits totaling $380,000 were filed in federal court Friday against Memorial Hospital for damages resulting from alleged improper diagnosis and treatment of a young boy's injured arm. James K. Glenn filed suits for $65,000 and $315,000 in behalf of his son, Richard Campbell Glenn. The suits named Nazareth Literacy and Benevolent Institution, a Catholic corporation which administers Memorial Hospital, as defendants.

'Sing Praises Unto The Lord 9 By CLARA REBER Times-News Correspondent CHURCH HILL They came from all over as far away as Lawrence and White Counties 250 to 300 strong just to listen and sing. Harmony, melody and rhythm furnished the setting for the gospel message with spirited singing by the group, trios, and quartets. It was the first Tri-Counly Singing Convention held recently at Church Hill Elementary School. W. C.

Christian is the president of the Hawkins singing group. He's a big man and likes the ring of his last name because it's sort of a calling card wherever he goes. It not only tells people who he is but what he is. And Sunday Christian was happier because his group was host to the convention. "The sole purpose of this convention is'to voice our praises in the name of the Lord," he said, adding, "We don't believe in putting on a show with gospel music." And then everyone in the audience got a song book and started singing.

It was "one of those "you-join-in" occasions. But it's not all group singing. The Vaughn family from Cleveland, Tenn. took their places behind the piano. While the pianist ran her fingers up and down the keyboard, the quartet picked up the pitch and came out with a barber-shop quartet styled "Oh How I Love Jesus." It went that way all afternoon.

The group would join in and then maybe a solo, a few Amens and a few tears from some of the old timers who got a blessing out of just singing about the Lord. While eating chicken legs and drinking iced tea on the lawn, some of the old timers talked about the "good old sings" and revivals conducted in the brush arbor. W. C. Taylor, president of the Sullivan County singers, was there and "just wanted everyone to gel a blessing." There are "little" sings held every summer month.

It's not unusual to be driving along a country road and run across one. But this was the first big sing and enthusiasts are expecting to make it an annual event. Criminal Court Docket Sounded BLOUNTVILLE The docket was sounded in Sullivan County Criminal Court here Friday, with cases set for trial for the next four months. Non-jury oases will be heard next Monday and Tuesday, and jury trials will i Wednesday. Court will run continuously throughout July, adjourning Aug.

3. It will convene again Aug. 21 and continue until Sept. on Sept. 25, court willmeet again and last until Oct.

2. Since the next term begins Nov. 6, court will thus be in session every month for the rest of the year. The lengthy sessions are an attempt to clear up the crowded docket. The grand jury, which had been at work since Wednesday, was dismissed Friday but can be recalled at any tune during this term.

The jury returned a large number of secret indictments Friday afternoon; the names of those indicted were not disclosed since they were not in custody. I i released included: Rudy C. Bacon and Grover D. Potter, charged with receiving and concealing a stolen auto belonging to Mrs. Mabel Sliome in Blountville on July Paul Britt of Kingsport, forgery of the name "Mack Ray" to a $900 check; Robert Lynn Lawson, i forgery of checks for $25 and $10 under the name "Cordie Green;" and Richard Trivett Long Island, a morals offense involving a 14-year-old THE DOCKET: Cases to be set: Eugene Allen, JM Fann John Carl Baker, false pretense; Don Dingus, possessing drugs; Ira Meade, petty larceny; Pete Colgate, robbery; Robert Dorton, robbery; James Frailer, petty larceny; Alfred Bishop and Jas.

Frazier, larceny; Roy Clinton Turner, forgery (4 cases); Jerry Wayne Morrison, larceny and forgery; Bobby G. Carter and William H. Hawkins, larceny; Alfred F. Doling, bond forfeiture Gen. Sessions Court; Fred Allen Cole and Jack Harrlgan, robbery; Belty Jean Ferguson, arson and murder; Olen C.

Edens, Sr. and burglary; Howard A. Kurd, bad checks (3 cases); Robert Beatty, false pretense (3); Tommy Harkleroad, possessing drugs; Don Dingus, possessing drugs; William Wilson, felonious assault; Jackie Fay Kiser, forgery; Alice Marie Sturgill Nix James Palmer, James Kenneth Smith and Clarence Sturgill, armed Bill Clark, petition for writ of certtori; Earl McGuIre, assault and battery George Lfnebaugh, possessing beer for sale; Bobby W. Carberry. felonious assault; William A.

Dorian, petit larceny Robert B. Gibson, foraery; C. Hartsock, possessing whiskey; Charles William Jones, receiving and concealing stolen property; Robert Lynn Lawson forgery and forged Instrument (2 cases) Mrs. Gwendolyn Mason, bad check (4 cases); Mrs. Clyde Stanley, bad check (2 cases); Mrs.

Clyde (Mary) Stanley fraudulent removal of property; Billy Loyd Tanner, felonious assault; Con ley R. Carrier, selling shlskey and possessing Bill Jackson, burglary; Shields Graham assault and battery; Ben Gross, selling whiskey; Ben Gross and Margaret Gross selling whiskey; Jerry Virgil Grass selling whiskey; Margaret selling whiskey; Coy Stapleton, selling liquor, Calvin Taylor, selling Intoxicating beverages; Mrs. John Yakley, selling liquor; selling whiskey (2 cases); Phyllis Sutherland, selling liquor; Melvin Crawford, possessing whiskey and selling liquor; Roscoe Crawford, selling liquor Walter P. Haynes, bad check; Waltei Haynes, Jr, bad check; Marlon Milton selling liquor; Paul Hall, child molesting Mrs. George Linebaugh, selling beer.

Ransom Bishop, selling liquor; Larry Ellis, selling drugs without prescription, George Hodge, selling liquor (2 cases); Ode selling drugs withou prescription; Wilbur auto larceny and burglary; Robert Dorton, burglary, Clarence Forbes, selling liquor; George Leonard, Jr. and Roger Carter, petty larceny; Charles Pickle, selling liquor Roy Ford, selling liquor; Mrs. Trixie selling whiskey; Mrs. Ray "Nip" Dykes selling whiskey; Mrs. Ray Nip Dykes selling liquor; Clarence Forbes, selling whiskey; Mrs.

Ray "Nip" Dykes, selllni whiskey; Bernard Mack Harr, malicious shooting and carrying weapon; James H. Simonton, taking vehicle withou permission; Richard Haynes, trespassing appealed from Sessions Court; Harold Martin, forgery (5 cases); David Palmer burglary (2 cases). MONDAY, JULY 10 Clayton Turner, forgery; Homer Cox burglary; Wllmer James Wallen, assau, and battery. TUESDAY, JULY 11 Tommy Willis vs. Lake F.

Russell habeas corpus; Jimmy Lee Terry vs Lake F. Russell, habeas corpus. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 Heinz Jergan Wall, breaking nrv entering; Ronald Tittle, foy riding; Ralp Junior Roller, forgerfy (2 cases); Norman Hunt, grand larceny; Charlie Hlllard escape; John Thomas Williams, sellinj Intoxicating beverages. THURSDAY, JULY 13 James Ronald Wolfinftarger, recelvlnj stolen property and grand larceny; Odei Hale, forgery (7 cases); Jessie James Rogers, burglary; Rickey Wayne Helton armed robbery. FRIDAY, JULY Kenneth Russell, burglary; Garland Ray Russ, grand larceny; Dennis Lee Snodgrass, receiving and concealing stolen property.

MONDAY, JULY 17 Kenneth Hurt, auto larceny; Georgi COMING EVENTS The Public Is Invited CAK WASH The Methodist Youth Fellowship of Mountain View Methodist Church will sponsor a car wash today at Mountain View on Orebank Road in Preston Woods. Inside and outside of the car will be cleaned. Rummage Sale The WSCS of St. Matthew Methodist Church will sponsor a rummage sale today from 9 to 12 a.m. at 728 E.

Center St. Club Calendar MONDAY The American i Auxiliary, 8 p.m., July 10, at he Post Home for the first neeting of the new year, invention reports will be the opic for the evening. Home Gardeners Club, 8 p.m., July 10, with Mrs. Fred Grills, .640 Pineola Ave. Exhibit: 3 arade of Roses (an arrangement of roses in glass or silver container).

Specimen: Petunia, Mock Orange, Rose. Rosewood Garden Club, 6 p.m., July 10, at the home of Mrs. Willard Norris, 107 Freemont Drive for a family picnic. Members bring picnic food for family. Mrs.

Douglas Midkiff is co-hostess. TOESDAY Fairvlew Chapter No. 80, OES, 7:30 p.m., July 11, at Church Hill. Members urged to attend. 'Massive Zoning' To Be Explained At 2 Meetings The Kingsport Board of Realtors will be explaining its recommendations on massive city zoning to representatives of city government and merchants in two meetings soon.

Board spokesman Jimmy Walker said Friday, sessions have been arranged with the Kingsport Planning Commission, tentatively in August, and with the Kingsport Chamber of Commerce on Sept, 4. Board members will tell tho groups of tlieir plan to ask the city for massive zoning of commercial areas as soon as long-range study of tho city's future growth potential Is completed, The Board announced during It endorses the massive zoning suggestion because ot a lack of commercial land sites DOW available to the city. QUICK SILVER ALUMINUM PAINT $375 SCRUBBABLE WALL PAINT apply, quick 1o dry, In dtco- rator "Quality PlutStrvk." PAINT SERVICE CENTER 405E.Mark.tSr. PHONE 247-2141 3" NYLON BRUSH REG. $2.62 SALE PRICE Childress and Richard Frazier, burglary, first degree; Richard L.

Frailer, burglary; Waller P. bad check. TUESDAY, JULY 18 Mack Jones, DWI, revoked licenses, voluntary manslaughter. WEDNESDAY, JULY Clarence Afton Sensabaugh, selling whiskey; Billy Joe Moore, selling Intoxicating beverages. THURSDAY, JULY 20 Dennis M.

Mai one, murder (2 cases), DWI FRIDAY, JUL YZ1 Hugh Housewrlght, contributing to delinquency of minor; Frank Gentry, transporting whiskey; Kay Templeton, larceny. MONDAY, JULY 24 Roger William Bare, murder. TUESDAY, JULY 25 James Williams, murder. WEDNESDAY inert Jones, assault with intent to rape, John C. Lane, forgery.

THURSDAY, JULY S7 Lois Ann Cross, fraudulent breach of trust. FRIDAY, JULY 28 Paul Leonard Ferguson, receiving, possessing, and disposing of stolen property; Tommy Stout, receiving, possessing and disposing of stolen properly; Vernon Otis Wallen, felonious assault; Parlck Greer, grand larceny; W. T. LIvesay, possessing beer for sale and selling; James Lee Dykes, selling whiskey and possessing whiskey. MONDAY, JULY 31 William Preston Weeks, robbery; Jimmy Garland Bowcn, robbery; Ransom M.

Ketron, bribery of peace officer; Oils Lee Collier, bribery of peace officer. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 John Benjamin Johnson, armed robbery; Billy Fred Robinson, bribery of peace officer; Donnie Bowman, bribery of peace officer. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 Robert Lewis Hockelt, murder, DWI, leaving scene. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 Elaine Johnson, burglary; Dale Absher, burglary; Vernon Webb, burglary. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 Jmaes W.

Jones, larceny; Jimmy Bowen, felonious assault (3 cases); David M. Payne, receiving and concealing stolei property. MONDAY, AUGUST 21 Paul Bishop, burglary (2 cases); Alfred Bishop burglary (2 cases); Leaonard Edward Bristol, burglary; Herber Murray, burglary; H. P. Hlckman, burglary; Alfred T.

Lady, aulo larceny; Richard Lee Trivetfe, Sr, escape. TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 Luther Flack, receiving stolen property; Jerry Lynn Almany, carnal knowledge of child under 12; Jerry Frank Bradley, burglary. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 Merle Max English, arson; Rufus T. Franklin, grand larceny; Richard Lee Trivett, Incest, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 Leroy Sutherland, felonious assault; C. Dykes, attempting to commit elony felonious assault; Jerry L.

WeCracken, assault with Intent to commit mayhem. FRIDAY, AUGUST 35 Detols June Hutch ins, arson; Walter 3ene Phillips, burglary; Tom Bellamy, elonious assault with Intent to kill, carrying arms; Dennie Phlpps, burglary, irst degree. MONDAY, AUGUST 23 Harry Young, grand larceny; Cllmmon Jolomon, forgery (4 cases); Howard Ward, burglary. TUESDAY, AUGUST David L. Dockery, Involuntary manslaughter.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 Ruth Kindle, felonious assault with ntent to murder; Raymond L. Frye, felonious assault. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 Harry Sutherland, petty larceny; Eddie Joseph Slaughter, felonious assult and arms; Lee Edward Taylor, 'elonious assault; Roby Banner alias Robbie Banner, forgery. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Virginia B. Kilgore, misapplication of contract; Lacy Skeens, felonious assault; David M.

Payne, possessing stolen roperty; Robert Gail Harr and Robert Baker, possessing stolen property .1 counts); Joseph David Hatcher and Robert Lee Baker, grand larceny (2 counts); Joseph David Hatcher and Robert Lee Baker, breaking Into vehicle, counts); Joseph David Hatcher and Robert Lee Baker, burglary; Joseph David Hatcher, breaking Into vehicle; Robert Lee Baker, receiving and assessing stolen property; Robert Lee Joker, burglary; Bobby Baker, grand larceny; Joseph David Hatcher, burglary; Joseph David Hatcher, auto burglary; Robert Wayne Barker, receiving stolen property; William Allen Earhart receiving and concealing stolen property. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Dennis Franklin Harris, burglary, third degree. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Joseph D. Fleenor, murder, DWI. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Ralph Nelson Roy W.

Winlnger bribery. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Ted Norman Collins, murder; Jame Barnes, child molesting; Howard Hughes, attempting to negotiat a forged check. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Roy Wlninger, embracery (2 Ralph Nelson, embezzlement. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 Brent Gross, petty larceny; Paul Britt Forgery and negotiating forget instrument. Saturday, July 8, 1967 KINGSPORT NEWS 7 Kiwanis Stages Annual Rogersville Horse Show ROGERSVILLE Two icrformances in one day eaturing 22 classes are on the agenda for the ninth annual lawkins County Horse Show Saturday at the Rogersville High School athletic field.

Sponsored by the Rogersville (iwanis Club, the show will egin at 2 p.m. when only local lorses will be shown. The night event gets underway at 7 p.m. with David Walkey of Knoxville as master of ceremonies. Judges will be Wink Groover of Etowah and Richard Wilt of Chattanooga.

Sam Lawson, Rogersville, and Tommy King, Kingsport, will ringmasters. Charles Hale will serve as arrier and Dr. Thomas S. Slaughter, both of Rogersville, vill be the show veterinarian. Mrs.

Robert M. May of Jonesboro, organist, will furnish music for the show. Serving as ribbon marshals vill be Mary Ann Newberry, Miss Hawkins Community Club Queen;" Hilda Cavin, Bennie Sue Williams, Jarolyn Moore and Mary Lou ilcAvoy, all Community Club Coliseum Prospects Report Set A report on the prospects for he Tri-City Coliseum will robab)y be ready this fall, jerald Cassell, chairman of an ndependent committee studying he project said Friday. A target date for completion of the study had been set for June, but was postpone! jecause some work still remains be done on reports. The report is designed to show the cost of building a coliseum somewhere in the Tri-City area and the cost of operation.

Such a coliseum could offe a site for drama, arts and sport events. Included in the repor will bs a look at operation Knoxville's Civic Auditorium Cassell said. Recommendations of the group will be turned over the governments of Suilivan County, Kingsport, Johnson City and the two Bristols. eens from Hawkins County. Frederick Ryan is president the Kiwanis and show airman.

Nat Shortt is cretary-treasurer, Byron D. )gc is show manager. prizes and ribbons will awarded in each class except lead line where trophies will presented. Presbyterian Dr rama Troupe Due To Appear The Preebyterian Drama oupe of East Tennessee State niversily will present a rkshop class and a play today another play Sunday at the rst Presbyterian Church, hurch Circle. Workshop classes in set ilding and lighting wiM be Id from 3 until 7 p.m.

lowed at 7:30 by a one-act ay, "He Came Seeing." A scussion of the play with cast embers will be held at 8. Sunday evening, a service of orship through drama, entitled The Circle Beyond Fear," will held at 8. This play is based a story of Cain. Amazing New Insect Control NO- Insecticide, Strip tills flies and mosquitoes ike magic lasts 3 months No work! No mess! No odor! AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR AREA SHELL; DEALERS The Comfort Twins bring you flameless HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING in ONE LOW-COST PACKAGE Cwnert Your Warn ilir Heating Sjtten to heat wiOi i heat pimp and Get Air ConditiqiMg a a bourn, sinco both heals and calls. Installs to Mtt fjjt Diet Suttmt ConwrskB quick with vary Blllo BOSS or Irs.

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Kingsport News from Kingsport, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.