Sorozat / Tini Nindzsa Teknőcök / Szobrok
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Art Scale Statue 1/10 Michelangelo 25 cm
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Ár: 120790 Ft
Házhoz / Csomagpontra / AutomatábaVárható kiszállítási idő:6-11 munkanap
Gondos csomagolás
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Always optimistic and with a large smile on his face, the most joyful, playful, and carefree member of the Ninja Turtles holds his Nunchakus, placed and ready for action on his skilled hands. On a pedestal in the shape of a large and cubic box from the sewers of New York, with a suggestive pizza box, his favorite delicacy, fallen by his feet, Iron Studios present their statue "Michelangelo BDS - TMNT - Art Scale 1/10", with the youngest member of the group, and usually the most innocent and childish, but always extremely loyal and affectionate. Using an orange mask as identification, he was nicknamed Mike or Mikey by his brothers, but his real name comes from the Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Hidden from society, jumping from the skyscraper's roofs, or sneaking in New York's sewer galleries, four young brothers wage a tireless fight against evil in all of its forms, defending the city from the threat of small criminals, facing an ancestral ninja clan corrupted by crime, and even stopping alien invasions, always concealed from the public knowledge. Created in the comics by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), became a huge success in the 1980s, expanding into a multimedia franchise, conquering a legion of fans in the entire world. Formed by four young mutant turtles with human-like features, genetically altered by a viscous substance called Mutagen or Ooze, the brothers, members of the group, got their father figure and Sensei master in the shape of an anthropomorphic rat named Splinter, that baptized them with the name of Italian Renaissance artists. Acting in New York City, their home and base of operations is on the network of sewers where they remain hidden during the day, and only get out for their missions at night. Their greatest arch-enemy is Shredder, the leader of the criminal ninja group known as Foot Clan.
Size: 25 x 18 x 14 cm
Állapot: | Bontatlan |
EAN: | 618231950430 |
Kategória: | Sorozat |
Alkategória: | Tini Nindzsa Teknőcök |
Termék típusa: | Szobrok |
Márka: | Iron Studios |
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