The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 A THE DAILY. PROGRESS. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA TUESDAY AFTERNOON MARCH 15, 1932 PAGE THREE WOMAN TESTIFIES AGAINST PASTOR Immorality and Improper Conduct Alleged By Witness DANVILLE, March 15-(AP) the defendant. tartided today Ira. Edward Halley, a neighbor of agalast J.

Arthur Winn, former pastor of Mosely Memorial Church, before jury of Are la him corporation with court bare, chargias. immorality an Improper conduct. The Tormer pastor ted yesterday of similar charges brought against bim by Bertha Mabes, a member of the congregation of the Mosely church. and the hearing, beld to day le na the second of three Als tinct charges lodged against him. Mrs.

Halley tastided today 'that the former minister often came to her bome. and that last July while in her bome made improper advances. Under cross-examination, the defense sought to show that Mrs. Halley had been warned from. the Winn home by Mrs.

Winn. This the witness denied. She denied, under questinalas rom the co'ense attorney, that she was to the Wins Same almost every day. The detendant was accompaaled la court by his wife and brother, Dr. John B.

Wina. The court was cleared of spectators. State Golfers To Meet In Richmond RICHMOND, Mar, 15-(AP) The Virginia State Golf Associa tica will bold its anaual meeting here April 9, two weeks later than sual, it was announced today. The association will the course and dates for the men's and women's amateur champios. ships, as well as the open.

The two courses at Hot the Cascades 'for and the Homestead for women, are probable choices for the amateur events, and the of July 4 la probable date. The open is expected ta so to al nost aDy club or city which tools can arrange for the purses. There possibility that the amateur will go to Ira year it was staged in Charlottes Virgiola this year, since rille. Nection of to also der al. the masting.

MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS RICHMOND, Mar. 1 (AP)-Oncials of the Division of Motor Vebicies today were study Ing the provisions of the tomobile drivers permit though the permits. wrill not mandatory until July 1, The experience of. other states will go into the Virginia system which is to be made as simple for the publio possible. Machinery for the of many of the other the motor vehicle laws which obscome elective 10 days or about the middle of June.

these are the regulations including an arbitrary speed umi of 45 miles per bour, the dew common carrier ruck regulation measures, with some exceptions, which require radical changes, and the new ulations for gasoline tax control. BOTH STILL HOLDS OUT ST. PETERSBURG, FLA, Mar. 15-(AP) -Babe Ruth and Colonel Jacob Ruppert, owner of the Yanks, agala falled today, to de cide on the Home Run King's 1803 salary. They agreed however, to meet again Ruth's at hotel 11 A and M.

make a tomorrow Anal at tempt to iron out their differences. MES. 'POLLARD ILL RICHMOND, Mar. 15-(AP) Mrs. John Garland Pollard, wife Governor Pollard, la in crittcal condition, and Is attended four nurses at the executive man sion.

Mrs. Pollard, for many years semi-invalid from arthritis, has been confined to her bad fut weeks and her condition lately bass given ber friends great anxiety. WHEAT DEPORT INCREASED PARIS. Mar. 15-(AP)- The ministry of agriculture today in creased the amount of foreign wheat permitted to enter the from 25 per cent to country cent of the total amouat used per In bread making.

LEPER AUXILIARY 1 There' will ba important St. meeting Paul's of Parish House, Wednes the Leper Auxiliary to. day, March 16 at 8:80 P. Light travels 186.000 miles travels per scond, while the earth on Its 19 miles second ply puraty around the Donati' and Comet October, 1850. It was visible aptember idus to retura after 2,000 Clever Scheme Nets' Robbers $100,000 CLINTON, IA, Mar.

15. After binding 88 employes and cus tomers la a rear room, die men to of an amount a estimated at 00.000 day robled the City National Bank The men met Clyde Willetts, Jan Itor, when he opened a barred door to fire the furnace at 6:30 'A. M. 'Willets was set at work around the office to allay susp'el: of One of the rang stationed him elf behind front door and sach employe entered be was order ed to hold up his bands. The ployes were bound and held la Hrectors' room.

At 8:30 A. M. the time lock was classed on the vault The robbers untied Castler C. P. Petty, Jobs Nissen.

and H. Cramer, and forced them to cper 'he vault, The money, all in currency, stuffed late pillow case, and the men departed through a rear door Police ware told they entered parked roadster believed to hrs carried Keatucky I'cean. PROPOSES VIGILANTES WASHINGTON. Mar. (AP) volunteer organization of vig llantes to prevent the 1 Criminal assaults la Hawall.

wa proposed Victor 8 K. Houston, Hawaiian delegate in the House. He made the suggestion in a men In sage to Gov: Lawrence Judd Hawall. "I don't propose a punitive organ but merely preventive one," Houston sold. "Its purpose would be to patrol the streets or something of the sort to prevent further attacks of women." DIES OF INJURIES MOUNT AIRY, N.

Mar. (AP)-Rudolph Worrell, 17, of Hills ville, Va, lafured when bis. auto mobile overturned near here yes tarday, died about last midnight in hospital here. VIRGINIA ART MUSEUM RICHMOND, Mar. Pollard announced today that April 7 has been sat time for the art commission to re calve proposals for the site of the Virgiala Art Mussum, toward which John Barton Payne has contributed 100,000 Judge Payne, to offering the fund the State, remarked that In the meat no utisfactory alte is offered the buliding bould be placed the Las Camp Soldiers Home prop erty, which la owned by the State The General Assembly accepted the Payne gift, and it was stated by.

sponsors of the soceptance bill that further donations toward the building were expected. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS NEW YORK. Mar. 15-(AP)-. The Fordham- University miamo grapic station reported today it had recorded last night two earthquake shocks: of modern 'latensity, 2310 miles away from New York City la the direction Central America.The Arit abock recorded at 5:54:40 M.

EST. YOUR BURNED TO DEATH JEFFERSON, IOWA, Mar. 15- (AP)- Jorman, 31, a coal ainer, his wife. and their two young were burned to death warty today in a Are which destroy ed their home at the nearby County Coal Company mice. RAILROAD WORKERS MEET WASHINGTON, MAr.

15- (AP) Executives of 21 rafiroad labor ganizations met today to discuss the employment situation and other natters affecting railroad workers. The meeting which is held quar erty, had for principal subject discussion the effect on employ meat of the onesear reduction in pay agreed to by presidents of priacipal rallroads of the country and the Brotherhoods. Countv Davsicians Fight. Dinhtheri- commitee of of the Albemarle County Medice' Society will meet today to further camerica of protecting the 'community aminst diphtheria. The committee la com nosed he following doctors: Chairman Percy Harris.

R. T. Ergenbright T. H. Daniel.

H. L. Baptist sad L. -D. Jr.

The physicians ware appolated by Dr. Cothbert Tunstall, prest dent of the society, to consider ways and means of protecting shudres la the city and county. The work is being carried on in conjunction with a State wide campaign sponsored by Dr. J. C.

Flippla, president of the Virginia Medical Society, and Dr, Warren F. Draper, State health commis sipper. At a meeting week ago the discussed. plans to have every child between the ages of six months and ate years immuntsed and to bare all susceptible rebool children There were, 'la Albemarie County and Charlottes 110 cases of months diph- the past Members of the committee pointed out that all of these cases could have been prevented if the chit drya bed Aids Daughter t. I ca After the Lindbergh baby Mre.

Dwight W. Morrow mother of Mrs. Lindbergh, took aver the management of the sergh household. Along with her other duties she waite en tables and makes the beds, Includina extra cote, used by state troopers. 14 3 FIGURE (Continued From First Page) dress have.

been withheld by police, was the subject yesterday of a conference of high police om cials in West Side prison. Police at the Lindbergh home communicated today with the per lice Schenectady, the message appearing. on the Inter-State police teletype. The message read: "William H. Funston of Schenectady, N.

Y. "Harry C. Fairbanks. alias Har. ry arrested July 18, 1929, at Fall River, and turned over to your department In connection with the kidnaping of Alexander elz years old; also Stanley.

G. Crandall, lolleged to be with Fairbanks Jell. at. of kidnapiag. is stin In.

Advise It men are still in cus Borg. Yacht. Visited There was report that' Smith was to be taken from the elpal bullding to come polat In New Jersey, possibly Detectives visited the Berg yacht Asore at a pier in Jamaica Bay today to Investigate repart of child being there. They found It was three -year-old boy Mrs. Berg was taking care of temporarily for friends.

Berg was not on board when -the detectives reached the yacht, but Mrs. Berg was and said she and' her wore living on the boat; Berg faded out. of the news ter the Phillips affair until 1920 when he was charged by George U. Harvey w'th baving offered $10,000 bribe in connection with sewer contract. He and another man were convicted, but the conviction was reversed and the In dictment quashed.

(Copyright by the Associat ed Proms) NEW YORK, Mar. 15-(AP)When, two weeks ago tonight, the nurse Betty Gow 'cried out to Col. Charles A Wadbergh, "The baby la gone," his Arst act was to his and rush! into the Sourland thickets In search of the kidnapers. A detailed account of the hours after Charles Augustua Lindbergh, was snatched from his crib by abductors. was made known to day, Mre Lindbergh, the former Anne Morrow, was one of the three persons most clotely lavolr la the events of that night.

The were her busband and the beby's nurse. Mrs Lindbergh's story, learned from trustworthy source follows: On Saturday Feb. 17, -be and the haby arrived for; weekend weeks' at H- absence. powell after Although he Lindberghs had made fro week-end tr'ps to Hope ell. they bad stayed at the Nor.

home on the previous two reek ends. Col. 'red later that day. Baby Develops Cold In the evening the baby dere oped a cold, which grew worse the next two days. Wheatley.

butler. was sent to drug tore for medicine and chatted rith the clerk, who said be bed 'milar ness at Later he vent to the store to buy a ther nometer," telling whoever walted him it was to take 1 child's On Tuesday morning, when the told still lingered. Mrs. Lindhergh summoned Betty Gow from Englewood and she arrived, about 1:80 P. with Betty attending the child, the mother went for walk In the afternoon, and returned P.

M. Betty sewed an extra flannel birt for the child and be was put 'o bed about 7:30 P. M. when he snugly tucked In, Mrs. Lindbergh eft bis room before, Betty.

The rindow had not yet. been opened the lights were still About ball sa hour later, while Mrs. Lindbergh was sitting at ber TAX RELIEF TOTAL PUT AT BRIEFS AND WARMER Tater weather still Lingers a section. Early cloud yesterday formed aft. to black Fat and at 1 o'clock there quite Burry The of mow, storm's drives dura was high short, however, and nose wind flakes stuck on the ground parimum temperature was degrees; minimum.

o'clock this morning, 2. on of the wind. northwest. Arty algbt was the second cold cloudy. of the winter.

A nial Last sight of 10 degrees recorded. March 10th. and bot quite so cold to is the Weather Bureau fore Wednesday, fair and warm nach warmer Thursday. MARITAL NOTES a R. Monday, of Somerset, la Mar was prated on 1 for tonalitie today.

Jefferson Hospital 1. P. Marshall. of 108 Monticell Was operated on for Jefferson In Martha Jupital yesterday. His condition a mported improving.

YARD. CONVENTIONS voters of the city will tonight at o'clock th respective wards for the electing delegates city convention which meets 1 to nominate candidates for vacancies on the City. Com-. The meetings will be held at the places: First Ward, Secoad Ward. Gles.

Hotel: Third Ward, Mire Fourth Ward. Tenth and Main Streets. ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harmon the birth son, FredGardner, in Now Tork.

la son of Mre. Harmon of this city, maployed on the Associated New York, VALLEY CLUB A J. Howard: and John Farle, of Kiwanis Cod, attended the regular meet at the Staunton Kiwanis club The use of sigaboards on high my and approaches to cities of state, was the theme before Valley Club, the program as in charge of the Augusta tea Club. GETS FINE AND SENTENCE I. D.

Blue of Street, natenced Police Justice Brooks this morning to: sixty days a al and to pay a Are of $100 for of ardent spirits, De inctire O. M. Wood and Omcers Adama A. B. Roberts and J.

E. aught Blue Sunday morning with tr and gallons of liquor. CALL IS ISSUED BY HOOVER WASHINGTON, Mar. 15-(AP)Tiratened with a haustion of funds to carry on contracts for important nterway and harbor construction huident Hoover has made a hurry al co Congress for apropriation. The money normally would have provided in the War Depart appropriation bill, as it covers projects previoualy authorized and ow under way.

The bill, however, became tangled in the Issues of die armament and poonomy and laid aside temporarily by the House, 80 its passage may not come until toward the end of the session. la a special memage sent to the House late yesterday the Chief 1 ecutive asserted not only disloca tha of the construction work but would result unless the funds were made available. It is the normal practice for the wament to make contracts covering work that will run through several years as soon as the amount needed is authorized. The mcney is only appropriated, however, year by year Congress takes up current needs. FEAR VESSEL LOST MEXICO CITY, Mar.

15-(AP)Dispatches from Vera Crus today' mid fear, was held tor the safety of, the Panama freighter, which left Tampa, Florida March 7 for Vera Crus with a lumber cargo and has not been heard from. The number of the crew was learned. The Vera Crus harbor mar ter has asked all port captains for any information regarding the freighter. CUP MATCHES SET LONDON, Mar. 15-(AP)- The Wightman Cup matches between teams of American and English women tennis players will be tested at Wimbledon June 10 and 11, it was announced today by the Lawn Tennis Associatiog.

The Wightman Cup matches were initiated In 1923 and have been won Ave times by United players and four times, by the English. The United States team headed by: Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, OD last st Forest Fills. Estimate Follows Study of County Road Levies In 1931 RICHMOND, March relief to localitica under the Byrd rosu plan tarouga abo.ition of road taxes, will amount to State tax Mcials said toay. atter a study of the county levies in 1031.

The ngurea tuday are the Drat to the ex at waving, ance 18.0 were used when the plan was fret advanced during the legislative session. The of local road levies in 1920 was $3.048,816. Dr. Willians H. Stauffer.

(cono mitt of the tax deparument, who announced the county road levy igures today, said also that counin 1831. cut real and tangible! 1 This 1.000,000. Indicates that the counties sill pay in local tante at least less in the next year than did in 1930. Too recent session of the Gen eral Assembly provided $400,008 additional for schools, to ba dis tributed on the of school pop ulation. and likewise an additional for school a This also is form of I.

cal tx liet through additional State aid to schools of $900,000. SMITH GETS NEW TRIAL RICHMOND, March 15. (AP)-A new trial was granted today by the Supreme Court of Appeals to Ger land Amith. North Carolina youth, twice convicted of murder In the ambush slaying of two prohibition desk in the living room downstairs, Betty stopped on ber way to the kitchen to say that. the child bad gone.

to Hoard Car In Driveway Writing and listening for the sound of Col. Lindbergh's car. Lindbergh once thought sbe beard car wheels turn on the gravel driveway outside. Bbe No tened, and concluded 'she was mistaken, for It was not unty 30 minutes or so later that 'she beard his car really approach. They bad dinner, sat by the living room Are for a short time, thes Mrs.

Lindbergh weat to ber room and the Colonel settled down to read. Getting ready for bed, Mrs. Lindbergh found she ba dieft her tooth poirder in the baby's bathroom. She went and got la without switching the light. About 10:30 Betty ran lato her mistress' room and asked if Col Lindbergh had taken the baby Finding that Mrs.

Lindbergh a't know, she ran out and sought the Colonel. The mother, follow 'ng, met her husband coming up stairs. you take- baby?" abe asked. The Colonel, his face crim made no answer. Miss Oow bad atready toid him the awful news Running to a closet, he stand hie rifle and disappeared la the dark.

ness outs'de the bouse. Dressing frantically, ble wife started search of the house. Tbere was do sign of the baby. Once abe fancied abe heard near woodpile, but found nust bave been only the wind. OLDS doubly dangerous now the season when pneumonia takes its heaviest toll: Don't take chances.

Double your defense against colds Use Together VICKS Nose Jhroat, DROPS VAPOR for BETTER CONTROL OF COLDS If You Must Wear GLASSES DISCRIMINATION In tog the sbape and style of your glasses can make them becoming. We're painstaklag tp readering such service. 4 VIRGINIA 104 OPTICAL Co W. MAIN St OBITUARY FUNERAL RITEN FOR HR siARLOW Funeral rites for 8 Harlow were beld at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from tbe residence on East Main Street the service bring cubducted by the Rev Elwin 8 Sweeney pastor of the Christian church Interment was In Riverview cemetery. the sep vice being in charge of the Jr: o.

A. M. The acue pall bearers were A. Wingneld, T. H.

Tuman. 3 Tilman, Haggard. F. Pritchett. Spencer and P.

W. Thomas The flower bearers were Mann Haggard Wiogdeld R. Holloway: 0 It Belloney, 3 Amies, C. Spencer and la Cub- all mem: hers of the Jr. 0 U.

A FUNERAL BITES FOR. JOHN F. HARMAN Funeral rites for John P. Her. man were beld at 4 30 o'clork terday afternoon from 'hie let residence, 843 West Stain Street.

the service bring condurted by Rev. C. C. Bell, pastor of the First Methodist Churcb: The active pall Emmett Olearna. Bradley ton, A.

T. Jameson, Harmon Diawiddle Dr. Cutbbert Tut stall, Willie Waddell, Jack ton and Guy Via Honorary pall-bearers were Htevens Dr. Nef Allan Perkins Dr Stephen Watts Henry Lyman John 8. White Dr Flippin Dr Res and Prof Dunnington.

BURIED IN PI. The funeral of John Stokes was held at 2 o'clock Sunday ternoon at Bybee Church Fluand 3 county, the service being ronducted by the Rev Sir Brooks cemetery Interment was in the church, The pall-bearers were 1 Loving. F. loving. 11 1: Loving Crutchneld flashier and D.

Payne J. C. MATTHEWS Stra. Battle Matthew wilt. J.

C. Matthewa, retired business man, died at 7 o'clock this morn lug at her home, 801 Ridge Street. She suffered a stroke of paralysis Touraday of Itat work and never regained consciousness. The tuarsal will tie bell the at 3 v'clurk tomor. row afternoon, the servire 10 ha conducted by her former pastor, Dr.

Cecil 1' Cook, now of Farm. ville, sheisted by the Rev. C. C. Bell.

pastor of the First Methodist church Interment will he In Maplewani cemetery, Are Matthews was Miss Mottle. Clemson, daughter of the late John and Marthe Gleason, who 'came to Charlottesville from Rockbridge county. Besides ber husband, the survived by slater, Mire John Thomsraon, of this city. Matthew's had born and member of the .4 First church wince early lite.

FUNERAL. OF Funeral services for Mira. J. Campbell. who died Saturday, wore held reaterday morning 10-30 from the residence of her ton.

n. Campbell, South First Street. The services mere conducted by' Rev. c. C.

Dell, af the Stethodlet Church. Her children and grandchildren acted as pill and flowerbearers The Interment inade Cemetery, La burg orlock. Mr. 8m: fb partor Crotegary Church. a Lie 131 the committal pervicre.

Meetings CT. U. Mating All members of the Charioting villa Women's Chritino Temper. once l'pion are requested to meet with the Clare Martin W. at the house of Mrs.

C. V. Thicker. 213 Aron Street. at 8 v'elock 1 burndsy A matter of importance to bath unions all ibe discursed at, th' aceting "The Price is the Thing" The N.W.

PUGH CO. 5 4 4 Warm Weather Ahead! And Here Are The New Fabrics 3 That Are Destined For A Prominent Niche. In 'The Smartest Summer Wardrobes! Fashen Cord Belle Shang Pango Crepes 79c 69c 49c delightfully feminine 1s an silk pongee You will dore the rich creped pique of the Sneet ray sport fabric in a wonderful ture of this rayon and cotton: on. Smart printed patterns ta variety of lovely printed pat- fabric. Shown in a large glorious colorings.

toros. Fast. and washable. lectton of patterns andMarvlo Crepe Challenge Swiss 4,.. Casino Pique.

84c 49c 29c: 'rich subtly draping A delatier fabric you ill Rose, blue, green and maize This is winning new never sec. -the popular colors for Sheer dotted wire rayon crepe sew variety of neat printed mer. to "wide wale friends desigas in dally, rich colorings. Attractive effects, pique and also comes in, printad effects. Marello Prints La Muslin Seed Dimity 1 39c 44c 3 very due pique printed to the sport motifs The sbeerest and softest of There are dainty pastel The 'smirt' corded effect mucin fabrica, Tailored mAD- Inge of pink, blue, green and this dainty fabric makes it otone priates copied from old maize.

unusually attractive: Choose, English, pottery chinta from gay printed Broadcloths Indian Head Fast Color 25c 34c 19c: Close wren weave Lady Pep Guaranteed colors perell broadcloths lovely patterns to more and Just received over thirty of Rose, blue. creep, taize. You than Atty the newest and most be will love this fabric for day gorgeous color combinations. patterns. Splendid quality.

tian frocks. Pugh's Male Inches wide. 4..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.