Wicked World - Chapter 29 - LostGirl1428 (2024)

Chapter Text

Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene

"Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh." Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene; Hozier

One week.

One week since the discovery of Jack’s newfound heritage.

One week since Jack had told Stephen that she loves him.

One week of unnerving peace.

Since that day, things seemed to have died down a bit for Jack and Stephen in terms of excitement. Other than Jack’s training and learning, as the duo try to grapple with her new found heritage, trying to gauge what she may or may not be capable of, things have been fairly tame…well as tame as it can be for the Sorcerer Supreme and his partner that is.

With Brendan and Cormac in custody, Jack feels free, like a heavy weight has been lifted off of her. While she isn’t with Stephen, training, or otherwise, she’s been happily managing The Den alongside a relieved Liam, who seems to have a newfound look of optimism in his eyes since Brendan and Cormac were taken away.

Today is one of those days. Jack lazily mans the bar while Liam saunters around the quiet Den on a Thursday evening, cleaning up after the few regulars who had spent their evening there. Jack watches him quietly, a small smile on her face as she sees him, functional, happy almost. She recalls when he’d be constantly strung out on dope, looking like the dead walking.

“Ever tell you I’m proud of you? We all are,” Jack speaks up suddenly.

Liam lifts his head and turns to face Jack, his face brightening with a genuine smile, a rare sight in the past. "Thanks, Jack. It means a lot, coming from you." He leans the broom against the wall and walks over to the bar. "Just happy to have a clear head for once, you know? Can’t remember the last time I felt… sober…alive, functioning… since mom died. And…seeing the damage my actions have caused to you—”

“No…” Jack cuts him off. “I don’t want to hear sh*t about sh*t on that, got it? You didn’t put your hands on me. They did.” Jack runs a hand through her hair, untangling the slowly growing ash-brown threads. “I don’t want you to blame yourself… look, Sean knew…well, most of it, anyway. There’s a reason the rest of you didn’t. I didn’t want any of you to know…I didn’t…” Jack trails off for a moment, looking down before huffing a sigh. “I stayed there, and I stayed silent. Like you said, not all vices are substances.”

“Jack…” Liam steps towards her, a concerned look on his face. “Don’t do that to yourself… don’t put it on yourself, please.”

Jack looks down, shaking her head. “Why did I stay…” she mumbles quietly to herself before turning around and pouring herself a glass of whiskey. “Why the f*ck…” she groans in annoyance. “Why the f*ck did I stay? I could have left, I could have said something, spoke up about it. f*ckin’ Hell, it got to a point where I was looking to start sh*t just so I could feel their f*ckin’ hands on me. Why?”

Liam winces slightly at Jack’s candid words; the unpleasant imagery they invoke is nauseating. "Hey, don't go down that path, Jack. You can't blame yourself for what those sick bastards did. Abuse messes with your head, makes you think and feel things that aren't right or rational. It's not your fault. None of it was. You were just a kid."

Jack takes a long swig of whiskey, grimacing as it burns down her throat. She slams the glass down harder than intended. "Stephen said the same sh*t…” Jack huffs. “And for the record… eighteen isn’t exactly a kid.”

The heavy silence that follows is punctuated only by the clinking of glasses and the low hum of neon signs. The Den's atmosphere feels heavier, the air thick with unspoken words and aching memories. Liam, though less adept at handling such emotional heaviness, can't help but feel a fierce protectiveness flare up within him.

"You're right," Liam concedes grimly. "Eighteen isn't a kid, but it doesn't make the sh*t they pulled any more acceptable." His jaw sets in a hard line. "They used their power over us all, Jack. It was all about control with Brendan and Cormac. They took what they wanted, when they wanted, because they could," Liam says bitterly. "Brendan with his mind games and Cormac with his fists. Or worse. They made us all feel powerless in our own ways."

Jack nods slowly, her eyes vacant as memories flash unbidden through her mind. The feeling of rough hands, the sound of drunken laughter, the sickening combination of shame and twisted desire. She shudders.

"I let it happen for so long," Jack whispers. Jack shakes her head, her voice low and pained. "Part of me thought I deserved it. That I asked for it somehow. f*ck, I even... I even started to crave it in some sick way. Their attention, their touch, even when it hurt. Especially when it hurt." She looks up at Liam, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

Liam reaches out, gently grasping Jack's shoulders. "Nothing is wrong with you, Jack. Nothing. Those bastards, they twisted everything up, made you question yourself. But it was never your fault, you hear me? Never."

Jack looks into Liam's eyes, seeing the fierce sincerity there. She wants so badly to believe him, to absolve herself of the gnawing guilt and self-loathing. But it's not that easy. The scars Brendan and Cormac left are more than skin deep.

"I just..." Jack's voice cracks

“No.” Liam cuts her off. “Those sick f*cks had been abusing and manipulating you for years at that point. It warps your sense of self, makes you doubt your own thoughts and feelings. Trust me…I know how addiction makes you chase the very things destroying you, too." He pauses, letting his words sink, but before he can continue, he’s cut off by the sound of the door opening. Liam turns, a small smile on his face as he sees Stephen entering The Den. “But if you won’t take my word for it, I’m sure your Doctor Wizard boyfriend will sure as sh*t magic that sh*t into your psyche if he has to.”

“And what exactly am I ‘magicking’ into her psyche?” Stephen quirks a brow as he walks over to the bar. A small frown crosses his features as he takes in the heavy atmosphere between the two siblings.

“That I’m not f*cked in the head,” Jack mumbles, taking a sip from her drink.

Liam huffs out a laugh. “I never said that, sis. You are f*cked in the head. But in several different and….endearing ways…”

Stephen walks around the bar and approaches Jack. He gently takes the glass from her hand and sets it aside, his fingers lightly brushing against hers. "You're not 'f*cked in the head,' Jack. You're a survivor, dealing with immense trauma inflicted by those who should have protected you."

He cups her face tenderly, his thumb caressing her cheek. "It's not your fault. None of it. The guilt, the shame, the warped sense of self-worth - those are all lies your abusers planted in your mind.”

Liam sighs, watching the interaction. “I told her…she won’t listen…stubborn like that.”

Stephen gazes into Jack's eyes with an intensity that makes her breath catch. "Then I'll tell you as many times as it takes until you believe it. You are not broken, Jack. You are not disgusting or unworthy of love. What happened to you was not your fault, and it does not define you."

Jack leans into his touch, a soft smile on her face as she lets out a heavy sigh. “f*ck damnit, why are all the men in my life suddenly supportive as hell,” Jack huffs out an awkward laugh as she peers over her shoulder at Liam. “I think I preferred it when we punched the sh*t out of each other for funsies.”

Liam chuckles and shakes his head. "Hey, we can still punch the sh*t out of each other whenever you want, sis. But maybe now we can hug it out afterward, too." He grins playfully at Jack.

Jack rolls her eyes but can't help smiling back. "Ugh, don't push it. Hugging is strictly reserved for life or death situations only."

Stephen watches the two siblings banter with an amused expression. "Well, if your sibling throw-downs are as competitive as your drink-offs, I fear to see just how intense they get."

"Oh, you have no idea, Doc," Liam says with a smirk. "One time, Jack and I were going at it so hard, we ended up crashing through the wall of the gym. Scared the sh*t out of everyone inside."

Jack huffs a laugh. "Yeah, the trip to the hospital was just a treat. You with your concussion and thirteen stitches, and me with my broken ribs and dislocated shoulder. We looked like we'd been hit by a truck."

Stephen shakes his head, an amused yet exasperated expression on his face. "You two are going to be the death of me, I swear. As a doctor, I should be lecturing you on the dangers of such reckless behavior..."

"But as my boyfriend, you know that kind of reckless behavior is just part of my charm, right?" Jack grins cheekily at Stephen, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Stephen chuckles and shakes his head. "How could I forget? Especially when you're so adamant about terrorizing me with your new fae abilities of yours every chance you get."

Jack's eyes widen in mock innocence. "Me? Terrorize you? I would never!" She bats her eyelashes at him. "I'm just trying to keep things interesting in our relationship. You know, spice things up a little."

"Oh, I think our relationship has plenty of spice already, don't you?" Stephen quirks an eyebrow at her suggestively.

Jack snorts and rolls her eyes playfully. "You're one to talk, Mr. Magic Hands. I seem to recall you using some rather...creative spells in the bedroom lately." She smirks and traces a finger down the front of his robes.

Stephen captures her hand, bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. "Guilty as charged," he murmurs against her skin, his eyes darkening with desire. "Though I don't hear you complaining."

"Aaaand that's my cue to leave before this gets any more nauseating," Liam announces, making exaggerated gagging sounds. "Liam stands up from his barstool. "Seriously though, I'm glad you two found each other. Even if it means I have to witness your revolting displays of affection." He sticks his tongue out at them teasingly.

Jack flips him off good-naturedly. "Yeah, yeah, get out of here before I decide to traumatize you with the juicy details of our sex life."

"Ugh, I'm going, I'm going!" Liam throws his hands up in surrender and heads for the door. "See you later, lovebirds. And remember, safe words are a healthy part of any relationship!"

"Oh my f*ck, get out!" Jack grabs a nearby bar rag and chucks it at Liam's head. He ducks, laughing as he makes his way towards the door.

"Love you too, sis! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Liam calls over his shoulder before exiting the bar.

“I have to admit,” Stephen chuckles. “The way you are with your brothers is…adorable.”

Jack smirks, narrowing her eyes in mock offense. “I’m not adorable.”

Stephen smiles lovingly at Jack's faux indigence. "Oh really? Because from where I'm standing, you're pretty damn adorable. Especially when you scrunch your nose up like that." He taps her nose playfully.

Jack huffs. “I’d watch it, Doc. Even the cutest pups can bite.”

Stephen grins, sliding his arms around Jack's waist to pull her close. "Oh, I know very well how sharp your teeth can be, little coyote," he murmurs, voice low and teasing. "But lucky for you, I happen to like it when you bite."

Jack smirks up at him, eyes glinting with challenge. "Is that so? Well then..." She rises up on her tiptoes to nip playfully at his jaw. "I guess it's a good thing I like to bite."

Stephen inhales sharply, his fingers tightening on Jack's hips. "Behave," he warns in a low voice, though there's no real bite to it. His eyes are dark with desire.

Jack grins wickedly up at him, delighting in getting a rise out of her usually composed boyfriend. "Or what, Doc? You gonna punish me?" She bites her lower lip and looks at him through lowered lashes, the picture of faux innocence.

Stephen growls, the sound rumbling through his chest. In one swift move, he's lifted Jack onto the bar, stepping between her thighs. Jack gasps as Stephen's hands grip her hips firmly.

"Careful what you wish for, little coyote," Stephen murmurs, his voice low and rough with desire. "Or I just might have to teach you a lesson about being a good girl."

Jack shivers at his words, arousal pooling low in her belly. “No, fair; you can’t just go around saying those two words to me. That’s a weaponization of my praise kink!” she pouts, squirming slightly as a small whimper escapes her throat.

Stephen chuckles darkly, grip tightening on Jack's hips. He leans in close, lips brushing the shell of her ear. "Oh but you make it so tempting, little coyote. The way you shiver and whimper so sweetly for me when I call you a good girl."

Jack can't suppress the full body shudder that runs through her at his words, breath hitching. "Stephen..." she whines softly, pressing closer.

"Shh, I've got you," he soothes, one hand sliding up her back while the other remains firmly on Jack's hip, grounding her. "My good girl," Stephen praises softly, nuzzling into her neck. His lips find her pulse point, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to the sensitive skin.

“f*ck,” Jack sighs, squirming impatiently against him and letting out a low whine. “Jackass, I still need to close down the bar,” she whimpers.

“Don’t worry about it,” Stephen mumbles against her neck, and with a simple flick of his wrist, Jack hears the front door to The Den lock, and the lights flicker off.

“Show off,” Jack murmurs. “But convenient, I guess… you gonna f*ck me over the bar, Doc?”

Stephen smirks against Jack's neck, her words sending a jolt of heat through him. "Tempting..." He nips lightly at her throat. "But I think I'd rather take my time with you tonight. Lay you out on my bed and worship every inch of your beautiful body until you're trembling and desperate for me."

Jack whimpers, arching into his touch. "Please, Stephen..."

He chuckles, the sound low and dark. "So eager, little coyote. But I need you to be patient for me. Can you do that? Be a good girl for me.”

“I make no promises. I am a very impatient woman,” Jack huffs teasingly.

Stephen tuts, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Hmm, I suppose I'll just have to work on teaching you patience then, won't I?" His hand slides from her hip to grip her thigh possessively.

With that promise hanging in the charged air between them, Stephen steps back and helps Jack hop down from the bar. He keeps an arm wrapped around her waist as he opens a portal directly into his bedroom at the Sanctum.

As the portal closes behind them, Stephen turns Jack to face him. His eyes roam over her hungrily before he leans in to capture her lips in a searing kiss. Jack melts into him, hands gripping his shirt as she parts her lips to allow him to deepen the kiss. Stephen's tongue sweeps into her mouth, claiming her thoroughly.

When they finally part for air, both are panting lightly. Stephen's hands trail down Jack's sides, teasing at the hem of her shirt. "Arms up," he commands softly. Jack obeys, and Stephen strips the garment off, tossing it to the side.

Stephen's eyes darken as they roam over Jack's newly bared skin. "Beautiful," he murmurs reverently, hands skimming up her sides to cup her lace-covered breasts. Jack arches into his touch with a soft moan.

"Stephen, please..." she whimpers impatiently, fingers fumbling with the fabric of his shirt. He chuckles, gently batting her hands away.

“Ah, ah. Patience, little coyote,” he murmurs softly as he leads her over to the bed. He gently pushes her to lie down, and in an instant, Jack finds herself secured to the bed with ropes of sorcery in a starfish position.

Jack inhales sharply as the magical ropes wind around her wrists and ankles, spreading her out for Stephen's hungry gaze. A thrill runs through her at being so exposed and vulnerable before him, completely at his mercy. Stephen trails a finger lightly down her sternum, smirking as goosebumps erupt across her skin. As he reaches the hem of her pants, they simply dissolve away from her body.

Stephen gazes hungrily at Jack's nearly naked body, laid out before him like an offering. Her black lace underwear is the only scrap of fabric left. He trails teasing fingers along the edge of the lace."Look at you, all tied up, so pretty for me," he purrs appreciatively. "My good girl, so willing and obedient. I'm going to take my time with you. Let’s see how many times I can make you come before you beg for me to stop." His words are both a vow and a challenge. “What’s your safe word,” Stephen reminds her, making sure that despite the intense play, her comfort and consent remain paramount.

“Dormammu,” Jack breathes out with a hint of a laugh.

Stephen huffs a laugh, recalling the unconventional safeword she had chosen at the start of their relationship. “Good girl,” he praises, leaning down to brush his lips against hers in a featherlight kiss. “Remember, you’re in control, even when you're bound like this. The moment you say the word, everything stops."

Jack nods, her chest rising and falling with anticipation. “I trust you…always.”

Stephen's heart swells at the trust shining in Jack's eyes. It is a gift he cherishes, knowing the demons of her past and how hard it is for her to relinquish control. He trails reverent fingers along her jawline before capturing her lips in a deep, consuming kiss that leaves them both breathless.

"I will never betray that trust, Jack," he vows against her lips before beginning a sensual descent down her body. His hands skim over her curves, mapping every dip and swell, committing them to memory.

Stephen lavishes attention on Jack's breasts, teasing the sensitive peaks through the thin lace of her bra. Jack arches into his touch, a breathy moan escaping her lips as sparks of pleasure shoot through her body. Stephen smirks against her skin, pleased with her responsiveness.

"So sensitive," he murmurs appreciatively. With a thought, the lace bra dissolves, leaving her bare to his hungry gaze. "Perfect."

Stephen takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud. His teeth graze the sensitive flesh, making Jack gasp and writhe against her restraints. His hand massages her other breast, pinching and rolling the nipple between skilled fingers. Jack is lost to the sensations, her mind hazing with pleasure as Stephen expertly plays her body.

Having lavished his attention on Jack's chest, Stephen takes a moment to retreat, his gaze ascending to meet Jack's. A roguish smirk plays at the corners of Stephen's lips. With an effortless flick of his wrist, something metallic and cool materializes in the air between them. The object hovers momentarily before settling into Stephen's waiting hand: a pair of delicately crafted nipple clamps.

Jack's eyes widen at the sight of the clamps, her breath hitching in anticipation. Stephen dangles them teasingly, letting the metal catch the light.

"I think these will look lovely on you, don't you agree?" he purrs, his voice low and seductive.

Jack can only nod quietly but enthusiastically, her mind already in a haze of pleasure and stimulation. Stephen trails the cool metal clamps over Jack's heated skin, enjoying the way her breath stutters and muscles quiver at the sensation. He circles each pink nipple with the clamps before allowing them to close, applying a delicious pressure. Jack gasps, her back arching off the bed as the pleasure-pain zings through her nerves.

"Beautiful," Stephen murmurs appreciatively, giving the chain connecting the clamps a light tug. Jack whimpers, the slight pain only heightening her arousal. "You're being such a good girl for me."

Stephen's praise washes over Jack, warming her from the inside out. She basks in his approval, craving more of his skilled touch and commanding presence.

"Please..." she breathes out, straining lightly against the bonds holding her. "I need..."

"Shh, I know what you need," Stephen soothes, trailing his fingers down her quivering abdomen. "And I plan to give it to you. Over and over until you're spent and satisfied."

His fingertips dance along the edge of her lacy panties, teasing her sensitive skin. Jack whimpers, squirming slightly in anticipation. A soft gasp escapes her lips as he trails a finger directly down the middle of the fabric as it dissolves in the same manner her bra had. Stephen hums approvingly as he reveals Jack's glistening folds, evidence of her arousal plain to see. He traces a single finger through her wetness, relishing the needy whine that catches in her throat.

"So wet for me already," he praises, circling her cl*t with a featherlight touch that has her hips canting upwards, seeking more.

Jack whimpers, her hips trying to squirm against him, pleading for more. A low whine escapes her as Stephen places a kiss on her inner thigh, his hands grabbing around her hips and firmly grasping her rear. She lets out a quiet gasp and a soft moan before speaking up. “Do you think…can…” Jack begins to stutter out, her mind in a haze as she tries to speak her request.

But Stephen knows her all too well, and with another firm grasp of her rear, pulling her cheeks apart slightly, the moan he receives from her is all he needs to know exactly what she’s asking for. “You want me to plug you up again, my little coyote?”

Jack nods eagerly, her cheeks flushing at the intensity of her desire. "Please," she breathes out.

Stephen smiles at her honesty, always appreciative of how open she is with her needs and desires. With a thought, a smooth glass plug and a bottle of lube appear in his hands. He releases her ankles from their binds for a moment, positioning her knees up against her chest,

Stephen gently massages around Jack's tight rear entrance, helping her relax as he coats his fingers in lube. "That's it, just breathe for me," he soothes as he slowly works a finger inside, moving in gentle circles to stretch her.

Jack moans softly, relishing the intimate touch. Stephen takes his time, not wanting to rush, carefully working her open. When she's ready, he removes his fingers and picks up the glass plug, coating it generously in lube. He positions the tapered tip of the plug against Jack's slick entrance, applying gentle pressure. Jack exhales slowly, willing her body to relax and accept the smooth intrusion. The plug slips inside inch by pleasurable inch as Stephen carefully works it in, murmuring praise and encouragement the whole time.

"You're doing so well, taking it so beautifully for me," he coos softly as the widest part stretches her open before her body draws the rest inside, settling the plug firmly in place. Jack lets out a shuddering moan at the intensity of the sensation, feeling incredibly full and stimulated.

"Good girl," Stephen murmurs approvingly, giving the base a gentle tap that sends sparks of pleasure radiating through Jack's core. "All nice and full for me."

He secures her ankles back in their restraints, leaving her splayed open and vulnerable to his ministrations. He returns to his previous position, placing teasing kisses against her inner thigh, as he reaches a hand up to gently tug on the chained nipple clamps.

Jack arches her back and moans at the combination of sensations - the tug on her sensitive nipples, the fullness of the plug stretching her, and Stephen's teasing kisses on her inner thighs. Her arousal is ramping up rapidly, her hips squirming with need.

"Please... I need you..." she pants out desperately. Stephen chuckles, his warm breath ghosting over her wet folds and making her shiver.

“Patience, Jack,” Stephen murmurs against her thigh. “I told you, I’ll be taking my time with you tonight…before you can get my co*ck, I need you to come for me at least five times.”

“Five!?” Jack's eyes widen at Stephen's words.

"Yes, five," Stephen confirms with a wicked grin. "I want you desperate and shaking for me by the time I finally sink into your needy c*nt."

Jack whimpers at his filthy words, a fresh gush of arousal coating her folds. Stephen notices and hums approvingly. "So responsive," he praises. "Let's see how long you last..."

With that, Stephen lowers his mouth to Jack's dripping sex, licking a long stripe up her slit. Jack cries out at the sensation, her hips bucking involuntarily against the restraints. Stephen holds her hips down firmly as he begins to feast on her, his skilled tongue parting her folds and circling her cl*t with devastating precision.

Stephen focuses all his attention on Jack's sensitive cl*t, alternating between flicking it rapidly with the tip of his tongue and sucking it between his lips. Jack writhes and moans desperately, the intense stimulation quickly building her toward a peak.

"Oh f*ck… Stephen," she cries out, panting heavily. Her fingers grip the sheets as the pleasure coils tighter and tighter inside her. Stephen doubles his efforts, determined to make her come undone.

He brings two fingers to her soaked entrance and slides them in easily, curling them to rub against her G-spot.

With the plug stretching her rear and Stephen's fingers and tongue skillfully pleasuring her most sensitive spots, it doesn't take long before Jack is teetering on the brink.

"Come for me, Jack. Let go," Stephen commands, the dominance in his voice sending shivers through her.

Unable to hold back any longer, Jack surrenders to the overwhelming sensations. Her inner walls clench rhythmically around Stephen's pumping fingers as the org*sm crashes over her in intense waves. She cries out Stephen's name over and over as her body shakes and writhes against the restraints.

Stephen works Jack through her intense org*sm, not letting up his ministrations as she shakes and cries out in ecstasy. He keeps licking and fingering her sensitive flesh, prolonging her peak until she's trembling and whimpering from the overstimulation.

Finally, he relents, withdrawing his fingers. He laps gently at her quivering sex, soothing her through the aftershocks. "That's one," he murmurs against her skin. “Four more to go, then you can come around my co*ck.”

Jack's breath comes in ragged gasps as she tries to gather her scattered senses, the damp strands of her hair clinging to her forehead. Stephen watches her with an intensity that's both predatory and protective, his eyes glinting with satisfaction at the undone state he's brought her to.

"Look at you," Stephen says, his voice low and laced with desire as he observes the flush that’s spread over her skin. "So beautiful when you're unraveled like this." He brushes a thumb gently over her swollen cl*t, eliciting a loud whine from Jack.

“Stephen…” Jack’s voice trembles, edged with a mix of pleasure and desperation. Stephen smiles at her with an affection that belies the sternness in his actions. With every touch, he honors the trust she places in him, the surrender of control that binds them closer than any magic spell could.

He leans forward, kissing her forehead softly, before his lips trail a path down her body, lingering at the hollow of her throat. "We have all night, my coyote," he whispers against her pulse point, "and I intend to savor every second."

Stephen kisses down Jack's trembling body, worshipping her flushed skin with his lips and tongue. He pauses to suckle at her sensitive nipples, feeling them pebble under his ministrations.

"You're being such a good girl for me," Stephen praises, tugging gently on the nipple clamps as he moves lower, nipping at the tender flesh of her inner thigh. One of his hands snakes under her rear, pushing and pulling on the plug inside her, making her gasp and arch off the bed.

Stephen continues his sensual torment of Jack's body, alternating between licks, nips, and kisses as he explores her sensitive spots. His fingers keep toying with the plug, twisting and thrusting it shallowly to provide constant stimulation. Jack whimpers and squirms against his movements, pulling slightly at the restraints as she feels the plug pump in and out of her tight entrance.

“Do you like it when I play with your tight little ass?” He teases, his motions becoming slightly more firm but not less deliberate, keeping her on the edge of pleasure and discomfort. Jack’s response is a heady mix of a moan and a nod, her eyes fluttering closed as she loses herself to the sensations Stephen elicits.

“Such a good girl for me,” Stephen murmurs, kissing her inner thigh gently. “Letting me use all of your holes. You trust me so much, don't you?" His words are a mix of praise and power, acknowledging the depth of their bond and the dynamic they share. Jack nods again, her voice but a broken whisper.

"Yes, Stephen... Always," she manages to reply, her chest heaving with each ragged breath.

Stephen's fingers find their way back to Jack's slick folds, easily sliding two digits deep inside her while his thumb circles her sensitive nub. His other hand continues working the plug in her rear, the dual stimulation making Jack mewl and writhe against the restraints.

“You ready to come for me again?” Stephen increases the pace and pressure of his fingers pumping inside Jack's wet heat while he increases the pressure with his thumb. At the same time, he continues to work the plug deeper into her tight rear entrance, the dual stimulation quickly building her towards another intense peak.

"Oh f*ck, Stephen, yes!" Jack cries out, her inner walls starting to flutter and clench around his plunging digits as he brings her right to the edge.

"That’s it. Come for me, my good girl," Stephen commands, curling his fingers to stroke her G-spot.

Jack's body arches off the bed as the intense pleasure crashes over her, crying out Stephen's name. Her inner walls clench and spasm around his plunging fingers in rhythmic pulses as the org*sm rips through her. Stephen works her through it, praising her submission as his thumb continues to rub her swollen cl*t, prolonging her peak.

"Good girl, that's two," he murmurs approvingly. "You're doing so well for me." He slows his motions, letting her catch her breath but not removing his fingers, keeping her stuffed full. His other hand continues its motions with the plug, increasing his ministrations as he fully pulls it out and pushes it back in.

Jack trembles and gasps as the aftershocks of her org*sm continue to course through her body, still sensitive and on edge from Stephen's relentless stimulation. Her inner walls flutter around his fingers buried deep inside her slick heat while the plug stretches and fills her tight rear entrance.

“Please, Stephen…” She whimpers. “Please f*ck my ass.”

Stephen smirks at Jack's breathy plea, his eyes dark with lust and dominance. “I’ll tell you what. You come for me two more times first. Then I’ll shove my co*ck in this pretty little c*nt of yours. And once you give me that fifth org*sm, I’ll reward you by taking your ass.” His voice is low and predatory, each word a promise that sends shivers down Jack's spine.

Stephen withdraws his fingers from Jack's fluttering heat, making her whimper at the sudden emptiness. But he quickly replaces them with his tongue, lapping at her sensitive folds and swirling around her throbbing cl*t. At the same time, he increases the pace of the plug pumping in and out of her rear entrance.

"Oh f*ck, Stephen!" Jack cries out, her back arching off the bed as the intense dual stimulation sends shockwaves of pleasure through her trembling body. Her thighs quiver and strain against the restraints as Stephen devours her.

Stephen's skilled tongue laps and swirls relentlessly against Jack's sensitive folds, devouring her slick essence. He alternates between flicking over her throbbing cl*t and plunging deep inside her fluttering channel, savoring her unique flavor. At the same time, he works the plug harder and faster into her other hole, the dual stimulation rapidly building her towards another shattering climax.

"Mmm, you taste so good, my little coyote," Stephen growls against her heated flesh and within mere moments, Stephen sends her over the edge once more, her third org*sm tearing through her.

Jack's body convulses and shudders as the intense org*sm rips through her, her inner walls clenching erratically around Stephen's thrusting tongue. She throws her head back and screams his name, her cries of ecstasy echoing off the walls. Her fingers grip the sheets in a white-knuckle hold as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her.

Stephen groans in satisfaction at Jack's intense response, lapping up her sweet release as he works her through the peak. Stephen doesn't relent in his intense stimulation, keeping Jack teetering on the edge as her org*sm continues to ripple through her spasming body. Even as the aftershocks start to ebb, he plunges two fingers back into her fluttering heat while his lips wrap around her throbbing cl*t, sucking hard. At the same time, he works the plug faster in her, thrusting it deep.

"Stephen!" Jack cries out, her over-sensitized body jerking against the restraints as he rapidly builds her toward a fourth peak. Her inner walls clench tightly around his plunging fingers as he mercilessly drives her toward another climax. Jack thrashes her head from side to side, her hair fanning out across the pillow. Sweat glistens on her flushed skin as she pants and whimpers, completely at Stephen's mercy.

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, Stephen!” Jack's desperate cries fill the room as Stephen relentlessly drives her toward a fourth shattering org*sm. His skilled fingers plunge deep into her soaked channel, curling to stroke that sensitive spot inside her while his tongue lashes her swollen cl*t mercilessly. The plug pumps rapidly in her tight rear entrance, stretching and filling her.

"Come for me, Jack," Stephen commands against her throbbing flesh. "Give me one more before I f*ck this sweet c*nt."

His filthy words, combined with the intense stimulation, prove too much. With a keening cry, Jack falls over the edge again, her fourth org*sm ripping through her.

"That's my good girl," Stephen praises as Jack comes undone beneath him once more, her inner walls clamping down on his thrusting fingers. He works her through the intense peak, his tongue lashing her cl*t to prolong her pleasure.

Jack writhes and trembles, her body wracked by the forceful spasms. Tears leak from the corners of her eyes as she rides out the overwhelming sensations, babbling incoherently. Her toes curl, and her hands fist the sheets as the climax seems to go on and on.

Stephen crawls back up her body, peppering soothing kisses across her face as he allows her a brief respite from the continuous waves of pleasure. But the moment doesn’t last long as he gently pulls and tugs at the nipple clamps, making Jack gasp and arch into his touch. The sharp bursts of pain-pleasure shoot straight to her throbbing core. Stephen captures her lips in a deep, possessive kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth to tangle with hers. Jack moans into the kiss, tasting herself on his lips and tongue.

Breaking away, Stephen gazes down at her with dark, lust-filled eyes. "You're being such a good girl for me. Taking everything I give you so beautifully,” he murmurs softly against her skin. He then gently releases her ankles from their mystic restraints.

“Just one more, my good girl, then I’ll make sure all your pretty holes get the attention they deserve,” Stephen purrs.

With her ankles freed, Stephen pushes Jack's knees back towards her chest, spreading her wide open for him. She flushes at being so exposed and vulnerable before his heated gaze. Stephen positions the head of his thick co*ck at her dripping entrance, teasing her slick folds with the swollen tip. Stephen slowly sinks into Jack's wet heat inch by inch, stretching and filling her completely. They both moan at the exquisite sensation of being so intimately joined. Jack's inner walls flutter and clench around his thick length as he bottoms out inside her.

"You feel incredible wrapped around my co*ck," Stephen groans. "So hot and slick for me."

He gives her a moment to adjust before starting a slow, deep rhythm. Rolling his hips, Stephen pulls nearly all the way out before plunging back into the hilt, burying himself deep inside her welcoming body. Jack gasps and arches under him, meeting each powerful thrust. Her knees pinned back against her chest as he continues to drive into her again and again. Stephen increases his pace, pistoning into her. The obscene sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, mingling with their moans and cries of pleasure. He drives into her with deep, forceful strokes that have the headboard slamming against the wall.

"Yes, yes, f*ck, Stephen,” Jack cries out, her head thrown back as she pants in pleasure. She tugs and squirms against the bindings that continue to pin her wrists to the bed as Stephen pounds into her harder and harder.

“That’s it, give me one more, Jack, come around my co*ck like a good girl,” Stephen urges as he gives a harsh tug on the chain of the nipple clamps and reaches his other hand around her waist to firmly push on the plug in her rear all while continuing his relentless pace.

The combination of stimuli overwhelms Jack's senses - the sharp tug on her nipples, the increased pressure of the plug stretching her rear, and Stephen's thick length pounding into her sensitive core. It's almost too much pleasure to bear.

With a scream of ecstasy, Jack shatters apart. Her inner muscles clamp down on Stephen's thrusting co*ck as the most intense org*sm yet rips through her trembling body. Waves of mind-numbing pleasure radiate out from her core, making her toes curl and back arch off the bed.

"f*ck, Jack, you're squeezing me so tight," Stephen grunts, fighting to maintain his rhythm as her fluttering walls grip him like a vice. He continues to pound into her through her peak, drawing out her climax. Jack pants heavily as the overwhelming sensations consume her, reduced to primal cries and whimpers. Her body shakes and writhes beneath Stephen, lost to the intense pleasure coursing through her veins.

Stephen progressively slows his rhythm down, peppering light kisses along Jack's jaw and neck as she comes down from her intense high. Her inner muscles still clench and flutter around his thick length buried deep inside her. Jack whimpers and trembles from the aftershocks, still rippling through her over-sensitive body.

"Shh, I've got you," Stephen soothes, stroking her sweat-dampened hair back from her face. "Think you can give me one more?” he asks, his hand gently putting pressure against the plug again. “Do you still want me buried in that tight ass of yours?”

Jack nods weakly, still foggy with bliss from her intense climax. "Yes...please, Stephen, I want to feel you there too," she pants, her voice raspy.

Stephen carefully pulls out of her dripping core, making them both groan at the loss. He releases Jack fully from her mystic bindings. Gently, he rolls her over onto her stomach, guiding her to bend her knees and pull them towards her chest. Her arms reach out in front of her, palms down on the sheets, her forehead resting comfortably on the bed. He pulls her hips up slightly, creating a comfortable natural arch in her back.

With Jack now in position, her rear vulnerably presented to him, Stephen takes a moment to admire the sight. The flared base of the plug nestles between her shapely cheeks. He traces a finger around the stretched rim, feeling how the muscle flutters at his light touch.

"Look at you, all stretched and ready for me," Stephen murmurs appreciatively. "You've done so well taking this plug for me. Never met a woman so eager to have her ass filled."

Stephen knows Jack's desire for fullness, for being claimed in all ways possible. He retrieves a toy, a sleek and curved silicone dild* designed to hit all the right spots. Gently, he teases the tip of the toy against her damp, swollen front entrance. “Just to keep you nice and full for me.” Stephen smiles down at Jack, who nods in agreement, a low moan escaping her lips. He slides the toy into her with deliberate slowness, savoring the way she stretches around it. Her breath catches in her throat as he pushes it deeper, inch by tantalizing inch, until it's nestled snugly inside her.

With the same care, he then extracts the plug from her rear, making sure to do so slowly, his actions gentle as he cares for her already overstimulated body. Stephen lets the plug slip free and sets it aside, pausing to caress and massage the smooth globes of Jack's rear, allowing her sensitive rim to adjust. She whimpers and presses back into his touch, silently begging for more.

"Patience, my good girl," Stephen chides gently, delivering a light swat to one cheek. "I'll give you what you need."

He reaches for the lube, slicking his length generously. Tossing the bottle aside, he lines himself up, the blunt head of his co*ck nudging against her stretched hole. With exquisite slowness, Stephen pushes into Jack's yielding entrance, his thick length gradually sinking into her tight heat. Jack gasps at the intense stretch, her fingers curling into the sheets. Even after the plug, he feels impossibly big as he spreads her open.

"Breathe, Jack. Relax for me," Stephen instructs, his hands massaging soothing circles on her lower back. He holds himself still, letting her adjust to the intrusion.

Jack focuses on the sensation of fullness, the delicious burn as her body accommodates Stephen's impressive girth. She breathes deeply, willing herself to relax around him. Stephen waits patiently, gently caressing her hips and thighs, until he feels her inner muscles loosen slightly.

"That's it, good girl," he praises, slowly beginning to move. He sets a languid pace at first, allowing Jack to feel every thick inch of him as he slides in and out of her tight rear channel. The toy nestled in her core amplifies the sensations as his movements cause the nipple clamps to tug against the fabric sheets with each thrust, making her whimper.

Stephen gradually increases his pace, thrusting deeper into Jack's welcoming tightness. The obscene slap of flesh against flesh echoes in the room, mingling with their impassioned moans and gasps. Jack rocks back to meet his thrusts, lost in the exquisite stretch and fullness consuming her body and mind.

"So good for me, Jack," Stephen groans, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as he drives into her. "Taking me so well."

Jack can only whimper in response, incoherent words escaping her as Stephen's thrusts grow more forceful, claiming Jack's willing body with primal intensity. He reaches around to toy with the sensitive bud at the apex of her thighs, his skilled fingers circling and teasing. Jack cries out sharply, her inner muscles clenching around the thick length plundering her rear and the silicone toy firmly pressed into her core.

“Stephen, please," Jack gasps out, her voice desperate with need. The stimulation is overwhelming - the heavy fullness stretching her in both holes, the clamps tugging at her sensitive nipples with each thrust, Stephen's fingers dancing over her most intimate places. It's almost too much to take, the pleasure bordering on pain, but she craves it, needs it. Needs him to take her apart and put her back together again.

"I've got you," Stephen assures her, his voice strained with his own building pleasure. "Let go for me, Jack. Come on my co*ck like a good girl."

His words, low and commanding, send Jack spiraling toward the edge. Stephen pinches her sensitive nub just as he drives deep, grinding his hips against her rear. The intense stimulation ignites her climax, her inner muscles clamping down around him as ecstasy crashes through her body in powerful waves.

"Stephen!" Jack cries out, his name a desperate prayer on her lips as she comes undone. Jack shakes and writhes beneath Stephen as her org*sm crashes through her, inner muscles clenching rhythmically around his thick length buried deep in her rear. He groans at the exquisite sensation, his own release rapidly building. Stephen continues thrusting through her climax, drawing out her pleasure.

"That's it, come for me," he encourages roughly, feeling her body tremble and quake.

Jack moans brokenly, barely registering his words as she drowns in sensation. The intensity borders on too much, but she revels in it, craving the overwhelming stimulation only Stephen can provide. She's completely at his mercy, surrendering control as he uses her pliant body for their mutual pleasure.

With a low growl, Stephen's hips stutter and then still, buried to the hilt inside Jack's fluttering channel. Hot ropes of his release paint her inner walls as he finds his own powerful climax. Jack whimpers at the sensation of his thick co*ck throbbing and twitching deep within her.

They remain locked together for a long moment, both catching their breath. Stephen drapes himself over Jack's back, surrounding her with his warmth as their hearts pound in tandem. He presses gentle kisses along her spine, murmuring words of praise into her sweat-dampened skin.

"You did so well, Jack. I'm proud of you," Stephen breathes reverently. "Such a good girl for me."

Jack hums contentedly, basking in the afterglow and his gentle affection. She feels cherished, protected, wholly possessed by her sorcerer in the most delicious ways. The intensity of their shared pleasure has left her pleasantly fuzzy, her mind blissfully blank.

Carefully, Stephen eases himself out of Jack's still quivering body, soothing her whimper of protest with gentle caresses. He removes the toy and nipple clamps with the same tender care, setting them aside before gathering Jack into his strong arms.

Still floating in subspace, Jack curls into Stephen's warm embrace, seeking his grounding presence. He strokes her hair and back with long, calming motions as he holds her close, whispering words of praise and devotion against her temple.

"I've got you, my good girl. You're safe. I'm here," he continues to murmur. Jack clings to him, her breathing slowly returning to normal as she soaks in the safety and serenity of his presence.

Stephen holds Jack close as she slowly comes back to herself, her breathing evening out and the pleasant haze of subspace gradually lifting. He keeps up the soothing touches and gentle praise, grounding her with his solid presence.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Stephen murmurs, brushing a tender kiss to her temple.

Jack blinks up at him, her eyes heavy-lidded and sated. "Mmm, amazing. Floaty,” she murmurs, her brain still clouded with that post-org*smic haze.

Stephen smiles warmly at Jack's blissed out expression, his heart full of affection for the beautiful fae woman in his arms. "Good," he says, his voice both satisfied and tender. "Just relax. I've got you."

Jack preens under the gentle words, nuzzling into his touch with a soft sigh. She loves this - the way Stephen takes such good care of her, holding and reassuring her as she floats back down from the intense high of submission and pleasure. It makes her feel cherished, protected.

“Never had a guy throw me so deeply into subspace like that,” Jack admits, her voice slightly slurred.

Stephen chuckles softly at Jack's candid admission. “And I’ve genuinely never seen a woman be so into anal, though I suspect it's not just the act itself but who you're with that makes a difference," Stephen replies with a teasing glint in his eye. He traces delicate patterns along Jack's forearm, grounding her further with each soft touch.

Jack lets out a low laugh, a warm flush creeping across her cheeks. "Yeah, definitely the who," she concedes, tilting her head to look at Stephen more fully. “Takes a special kinda trust to get me to relax like that, especially for a co*ck as big as yours. And I mean holy f*ckin’ sh*t…good thing you’re a doctor because I thought you were gonna land my ass in the hospital first time we did that…literally…”

Stephen's rich chuckle rumbles through his chest at Jack's colorful commentary. "I would never put your lovely ass in the hospital, sweetheart. Unless it was for a very thorough, hands-on examination," he quips with a playful smirk.

Jack snorts and swats lightly at his chest. "Mmmhmm, I just bet you'd love to play doctor with me, huh?…can’t say I’ve ever contemplated a medical kink but…." She grins, her eyes sparkling with mirth and mischief.

Stephen grins, his eyes dancing with a playful suggestion. "Well, I do have the credentials. And I'm very...thorough in my examinations." His voice dips low, smooth like aged whiskey.

Jack shivers, his velvety baritone igniting tiny sparks under her skin despite her satiated state. "Yeah, that sounds hot as f*ck."

Stephen's fond smile turns into a soft laugh, a sound that wraps around her like the finest silk. "I'll keep that in mind for next time," he promises, the promise in his voice sending a shiver of anticipation down Jack's spine.

He caresses the curve of her hip possessively, marveling at how perfectly she fits against him, in all ways. Jack shivers at his touch, leaning into it like a flower seeking the sun. She is so responsive, so eager for his affection and praise. Her mind drifts as she leans into his every touch, contemplating their unique dynamic.

“For the record,” Jack begins, nuzzling into him. “I’d smack the f*ck outta any other man who’d get possessive on me…but it’s hot as f*ck when you do it.”

Stephen preens a bit at that, feeling a swell of pride and possessiveness. He loves that Jack trusts him enough to let go and be vulnerable like this, allowing him to take control and lavish her with pleasure and praise.

“It’s weird…” Jack continues. “different…because… I think…I think it’s because what we have… it’s based on mutual respect, as much as it is me submitting to you. You somehow manage to maintain a hold on me while keeping my autonomy intact.”

Stephen's expression softens at Jack's words, his thumb caressing her cheek tenderly. "Of course, sweetheart. Submission is a gift, one I never take for granted. I respect the trust you place in me immensely."

He brushes a featherlight kiss on her forehead. "What we have is special. It's not about me dominating you, but about creating a space where you feel safe enough to let go and just be—to know that I'll be here to catch you and put you back together again."

“And that right there is how you manage to fit that horse co*ck of yours in my ass,” Jack chuckles, the crude humor lightening the emotional weight of the moment. Stephen just shakes his head with an amused smile, well used to Jack's irreverent wit by now.

"You are utterly incorrigible, you know that?" he teases fondly, giving her hip a playful squeeze.

"Part of my charm," Jack quips back with a shameless grin. "Besides, you love me for it."

Stephen nods, his eyes warm with affection as he gazes at her."That I do."

Wicked World - Chapter 29 - LostGirl1428 (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.