ARKANSAS CITY TRAVELER, From April 26, 1876, through June 21, 1876. (2024)

[From April 26, 1876, through June 21, 1876.]


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Decision of the United States SupremeCourt.
[From the Chicago Inter-Ocean.]

WASHINGTON, April 10. The Supreme Court todayrendered a very important decision in the Osage land case, in which is involvedthe title to 960,000 acres of land in Kansas. This is the largest and perhapsmost important land case ever presented for adjudication. Under certainacts of Congress passed in March, 1863, and July, 1866, grants of land inKansas were made in the usual form in aid of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas,and the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Companies. At the timethese grants were made, the Osage Indians held a large tract of rich andvaluable land in Kansas known as the Osage Reservation. The Osages


by a treaty proclaimed Jan. 21, 1866, the Governmentundertaking to sell that portion known as the Osage treaty land, about 960,000acres, the proceeds to be applied to the general civili zation of the Indians.Another portion of the land was called the Osage trust land, and this wasto be sold for the benefit of the Osages themselves. A third portion wascalled the diminished reservation, which remained in possession of the Osagesuntil recently, when, by an arrangement with the tribe, this diminishedportion was also sold, and the Osages went to the Indian Territory. On April10, 1869, Congress passed an act authorizing the sale of the Osage cededlands to actual settlers at $1.25 per acre, and under this act settlersentered the ceded lands. The railroad then set up a claim that these landsbelonged to them by virtue of the act of March, 1863, and July 1866. Theyclaim that, although when the acts were passed these lands did not passunder the grant, that the grant attached when the Indian title was extinguished.Attorney General Williams, at the instance of Congressman Lawrence, of Ohio,


in the name of the United States against therailroad companies, to adjudge that they were not entitled to the lands.

The case was decided by Justice Miller, of theSupreme Court, and Judge Dillon, of the Kansas District Court, January,1874, the decision being against the railroad and in favor of the settlers,to protect whom the suit was brought by the Government. The railroads appealedthe case to the Supreme Court, before which it was argued last October byJudge Black and Mr. Lawrence for the settlers and Colonel Phillips and SenatorEdmunds for the railroad companies.

There are on these ceded lands a populationof at least 15,000 people, possessing schools, churches, and various industrialestablishments. The decision, which was read by Justice Davis, affirmedthe judgment of the lower court in favor of the settlers. Politicians sayJudge Davis' opinion in this case is a good campaign argument for him asa Presidential candidate.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

I, Frederick Brown, was born in Vermillion County,Illinois, in the year 1827. My mother died when I was very young. My father'sname was William. I had two brothers: one by the name of Eli, and one bythe name of Washington. As near as my recollection serves me, I also hadtwo sisters: the name of one, I think, was Elizabeth, though I was so youngI may be mistaken in the names given.

My father gave me away to Robert Osborn andhis wife, Mary, four years after the death of my mother, and moved Eastwith the other four children. Robert Osborn moved to Bates County, Missouri,in 1838, where he now sleeps. There I lived thirty-four years, and finallymoved to Cowley County, Kansas, where I now live.

If any person has any record or knowledge ofthe above named people, they would confer a favor by giving me notice. Myaddress is Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. All papers in this and otherStates are requested to copy this notice once, and oblige



Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Dear Traveler:

We were up before the dawn yesterday, to spenda day in the mountains among the trout. There were four of us, includingtwo businessmen of San Francisco. We had driven fifteen miles before 8 o'clock,and found ourselves at the opening of a mountain gorge, out of which floweda foaming torrent. Here we left our team, and started on foot up the pass.

It was a wild landscape: Our path was alongthe stream, under the granite cliffs which rose abruptly one and two thousandfeet above. In every available spot the great pines and redwoods were growing.The largest standing trees were inaccessible, and I was unable to get exactmeasurements; but I stood by new stumps more than ten feet in diameter,and was assured that many of the trees in sight upon the slopes were overtwo hundred feet high. However, such are not "big trees" accordingto California standards. There was a wonderful variety of ferns and floweringplants, and, all in all, it was a landscape hard to describe by one accustomedonly to the plains of Kansas. The great clouds were pouring over the mountainsfrom the Pacific, wrapping and hiding the tops of the cliffs. At their footflowed such a stream as I have sometimes dreamed of, but hardly expectedever to see: a clear, cold, crystal torrent, whirling around great boulders,pouring in waterfalls over granite ledges, sometimes forming deep poolswhere great salmon were lying.

We clambered some miles up the pass, in orthodoxsportsman's rig, the most important feature of which was the leg long rubberboot for wading. We at last stepped into the water, and began our work,fishing as we waded down stream. I had soon stepped into the deep water,and was carrying several gallons of the icy fluid in my huge boots. Thefish lay in the swift, shallow waters; not a bite could we get in the deeppools. The salmon gave no heed to our bait, and the trout were all on the"riffles." The rain soon came down heavily, but couldn't makeus any wetter; so we fished on philosophically. It was hard, chilly, excitingwork, but we had soon bagged over a hundred trout: each one a live jewel.Above and below us, men were killing fifteen pound salmon with spears, butwe stuck to our little trout, and were content.

Lunch, dry clothing, and the drive home followedin due course. I am sorry to add to this a bad cold and stiff joints fora few days; nevertheless, it was a novel and pleasing experi ence, whichI feel like repeating before long.

Deer are still numerous in the Coast Range,and our sportsmen are occasionally hunted by grizzlies. The amount of redwoodand pine in these inaccessible mountains is enormous, but there is littleor no grass, and the soil is rocky and sterile.

All goes well with me, and mine. My life isvery busy, but health and prospects are good. With kind remembrance, H.B. NORTON.

SAN JOSE, CAL., April 8, 1876.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY, April 19, 1876.

Called meeting. Present, S. P. Channell, Mayor;H. D. Kellogg, J. A. Loomis, J. I. Mitchell, Councilmen.

Moved and seconded that Dr. J. A. Loomis beelected President of the Council; carried.

I. H. Bonsall was recommended as City Clerkby S. P. Channell, and confirmed by unanimous vote of Council.

E. D. Eddy was elected Treasurer by a unanimousvote.

The following committees were appointed.

Finance Committee: T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth.

Committee on Ways and Means: Dr. Kellogg, J.I. Mitchell, J. A. Loomis.

Committee on Public Improvements: T. H. McLaughlin,Dr. H. D. Kellogg, J. I. Mitchell.

Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock Thursday evening,April 20th, to receive report on sidewalks from Committee on Public Improvements,and all other business of a general nature that may be brought forward.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Why Franklin Used Simple Language.
[American Bibliopolist.]

Tradition has it that years ago, when BenjaminFranklin was a lad, he began to study philosophy, and soon became fond ofapplying technical names to common objects.

One evening when he mentioned to his fatherthat he had swallowed some acephalous mollusks, the old man was much alarmed,and suddenly seizing him called loudly for help. Mrs. Franklin came withwarm water, and the hired man rushed in with the garden pump. They forcedhalf a gallon down Benjamin's throat, then held him over the edge of theporch and shook him, while the old man said: "If we don't get themout of Benny, he will be pizened, sure."

When they were out, and Benjamin explained thatthe articles alluded to were oysters, his father fondled him for an hourwith a trunk strap for scaring the family. After this Franklin's languagewas simple.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

A man will not see in Paris a raving drunkardon the streets once a week. It may be from better police relationsso muchthe better that the ruinous example is restrained; but we believe that whiledrinking is more general, weaker stimulants are taken, and less of them.Certainly no such shocking exhibitions are seen, unless it be in Britain.But we are in a fair way to lose all sense of decency here. The city ofthe centennial teems with it; the park is literally girdled by run houses;and there seems no one to speak or act for the weak when tempted. Our statutebooks are loaded with enactments, which are of no more restraining powerthan a dam of straws. We blush for our national jubilee when we think ofthe shocking exhibit of our servitude.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Mr. Hoyt writes from Plainfield, Ohio, to C.R. Mitchell that the Arkansas River boat will be completed and landed atthis place by the first of June.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Judge Waters, attorney for the A. T. & S.F. Railroad, in a recent conversation with Rev. B. C. Swarts, said thatit was the intention of the Santa Fe Company to extend their line down theArkansas to this place within the next eighteen months.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Nothing of much importance has occurred in Congressduring the last ten days, except the investigations of defrauding parties.

The bill to open the Indian Territory meetswith considerable favor in the House, but could not pass the Senate.

In reference to the Black Hills, Senator Morrill,of Maine, submitted a resolution directing the Secretary of the Interiorto communicate to the Senate any information in relation to the situationand disturbances on the Sioux reservation; and whether the military forceshave been interposed therein, and if so, if it was by the authority of theDepartment of the Interior, and the reason for such interposition, whichwas agreed to. Much time has been consumed on the question of transferringthe Indians to the War Department, and it is believed the motion will finallyprevail. It is said they could be maintained at an expense of one and onehalf million less than the present plan.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

So much sugar has been sent through the mailsfrom Vermont since the opening of the season that the department has hadto issue an order directing postmasters to refuse to receive any more.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Wichita District Conference, held at ArkansasCity, Kansas, April 19, A. D. 1876, was opened by Brother Wrenn by readingand prayer. Brother Wingar, at 10-1/2 o'clock, moved that, in the absenceof Rev. Buckner, Brother Oakly be appointed temporary chairman, and M. C.Green, secretary; carried.

Rev. S. B. Fleming, of the First PresbyterianChurch; Rev. David Thompson, of United Presbyterian Church; C. M. Scott,and Rev. P. W. Matthew were introduced to the Conference.


There are but two organized classes on the Dextercharge: one at Dexter, and one at Maple from Rev. R. R. Brady.There are 68 names on the two class books, about 18 of which will be strickenoff, as they have already left the county. This will leave 50 members, some8 or 10 of whom are still on probation.


WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Conferencethat the interests of Methodism in Arkansas City demand the practical sympathyand cooperation of the Presiding Elder and ministers of the Wichita District;therefore, be it

Resolved, Thatthe Conference Board of Church Extension be earnestly requested to use itsinfluence toward promptly securing from the Parent Board a donation of $200and a loan of $400 towards building a Methodist church in this city.

Resolved,That the members of the District Conference of the Wichita District, nowin session at Arkansas City, do hereby tender their thanks to Mr. C. M.Scott, editor and publisher of the Arkansas City TRAVELER, for favors shownto the members of this conference in publishing notices of this assembly,offering them free use of his sanctum during their stay, and his effortsgenerally to make their sojourn pleasant. May he ever prosper in his usefulenterprise.

Resolved,That we appreciate the Christian courtesy of Rev. Mr. Fleming, pastor ofthe First Presbyterian Church, in granting this Conference the use of theirchurch in which to hold its sessions, and we heartily thank him for thesame.

Resolved, Thatwe are laid under renewed obligation to Rev. J. J. Wingar for the courteousmanner in which he has received and provided for us during the Conferencesessions.

Resolved, Thatwe present our thanks to the choir for the excellent music rendered duringthe Conference.

Resolved, Thatwe, the members of the Wichita District Conference, do return our heartythanks to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity for their kindnessin caring for our temporal wants during our sojourn among them. M. C. GREEN,Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

PLEASANT VALLEY, April 24, 1876.

The Union Sabbath School was reorganized atthe Holland schoolhouse Sunday, April 16. Rev. Mason was chosen to act inthe capacity of Superintendent; Mr. Al. Hon was elected

librarian, and Mrs. Amy Chapin, treasurer.

Mr. W. R. Constant met with a severe loss lastThursday morningthe destruction of his house and nearly the entire contentsby fire. A defective stove pipe was the cause of the fire, which was notperceived until too late to stay the flames.

Peter Retherford and Samuel Waugh have purchaseda two-thirds interest in the Vibrator threshing machine owned and run lastseason by Messrs. Frederick and Hays. Art Holland has ordered a Battle CreekVibrator from Kansas City, and intends to try the virtue of the machineon Mr. T. A. Wilkinson's farm about the 15th of June. Mr. Holtby, Mr. White,and Mr. Huff talk of buying harvesters this season.

Last Friday evening, about 7 o'clock, our townshipwas visited by a severe hail storm, but on account of the mild wind whichaccompanied it, there was no great damage done.

Mr. Frank Chapin is building a very good residenceone mile south of Holland school- house. It is to be 16 x 20 feet, and madeof pine lumber.

It is understood that 'Squire Forbes, on Sunday,April 22, at his residence, bound in the bonds of matrimony Miss MaizieSmalley, of Beaver Township, and Mr. William Eckles, of Pleasant Valley.The happy couple have the congratulations of a host of friends.

Will. Hostetler and Will. Seeley contemplatestarting to Washington Territory in a few days. Success to them. C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Washington, April 19. The Committee on Expendituresin the War Department today heard A. E. Reynolds, of the firm of Lee &Reynolds, post-traders at Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Reynolds testifiedthat he secured the appointment through Gen. Hedrick, and paid him $4,500.Witness never paid a dollar to General Babco*ck or his brother.

Mr. Geo. W. Bregs, of Geo. W. Cowles & Co.,read a statement in regard to their processes for the preservation of tentsand clothing for the War Department. Gen. Meags favored the process, butthe Secretary of War opposed it. They had paid nobody to work for them exceptCol. Don Piatt, editor of the Washington Capitol. Witness thinksthe contract with Piatt was for 5 percent of gross proceeds of the workin 1874. Col. Piatt put in a claim against Cowles & Co. for $11,000or $12,000, but the company refused to pay him on the ground that he hadbeen paid in full for his services. Piatt then threatened to have theirwork stopped. Piatt has been employed to use his influence with the Secretaryof War. The 19th July, 1874, work of Cowles & Co. was stopped throughPiatt's efforts. Witness went to see the Secretary of War and asked fora copy of the charges against Cowles & Co.; the Secretary gave him nosatisfaction and said that he would be d_____d if he would gratify his request;witness then went to Long Branch to see the President; was not acquaintedwith either the President or General Babco*ck; saw General Babco*ck and toldhis story; witness was told that there must be some mistake, that the Secretaryof War would be there in a few days, and he had better wait till Gen. Belknapcame before going to see the President. Witness did wait, and a few daysafterward received a copy of the charges through Gen. Babco*ck. The amountof money paid to the company was about $400,000. The company put in an answerto the charges.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Omaha, April 19. An official telegram to Gen.Crook from Fort Laramie yesterday, conveys that no Indians have left eitherRed Cloud or Spotted Tail agencies with their families. Some fighting withCrazy Horse on Powder River. A few men went out to bring in their own peopleand some of them have returned accompanied by northern Sioux. The Cheyennesat Red Cloud are alarmed and talk of going south. Indications are that thethrashing given Crazy Horse has affected the Oglala so favorably that theywill likely keep quiet. Maj. Jordan is of the opinion that three hundredOglala would go with the expedition against the northern Indians, if theywere allowed to keep what they captured. The Northern Sioux have stolentheir stock lately. The Indians at the agencies are remarkably docile. Afew miners have been killed near Hill's lately.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Trees in bloom.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Cherry trees are in bloom.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Plows are going on almost every farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Township Assessors are busy with their reports.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

HENRY WORK is assisting the barber at Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Strangers and new faces appear on our streetsevery day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

JAMES I. MITCHELL received a new lot of oaktan leather last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

BORN. Saturday, April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. P.B. Andrews, a 9 lb. girl.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Only printed matter can be sent in open envelopesfor one cent postage.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

JOHN BROWN has a field of barley headed out,and will be ready to cut in three weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

PURCHASED. Dr. Houston has purchased D. J. Bright'sfarm on the Arkansas 1-1/2 miles from town for $2,800.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

An arrangement has been made for the mail togo out Monday morning now. There will be no mail Sunday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

HAIL. On Friday evening at 7-1/2 o'clock a showerof rain fell at this place, accompa nied with hail as large as hazel nuts.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


A new burying ground has been laid out on theeast side of the Walnut which will be known as "Prairie View Cemetery."

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

We publish a communication from Prof. Norton,of California.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


Mr. Wm. R. Sheen, is taking orders today forrubber hand stamps. They are not the old gum stamp, but of a quality thatwill last.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

We noticed two wagon loads of new furniturecoming in last Saturday for L. McLaughlin. He can furnish a full outfitof parlor and kitchen furniture.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

A. O. PORTER sold his blacksmith shop to Mr.Henry Franklin, late of Muscatine, Iowa. Mr. Franklin comes well recommendedas a workman and sho*r.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


Last Thursday Mr. H. Constant, living aboutsix miles north of town, lost his house and property by fire. The fire originatedfrom the stove pipe.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

A SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized on Sunday lastin School District 32, which will meet every Sabbath hereafter in the Parkerschoolhouse at 3 o'clock p.m. C. M. Henshaw was elected Superintendent.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

MR. T. C. BIRD has some rye on his farm eastof town that is eighteen inches in height and completely headed out. Healso has several apple trees that are in full blossom notwithstanding therecent storms.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


Mr. D. J. Bright, having sold his farm on theArkansas, will dispose of the following property at auction May 6, 1876,at his residence: 1 cow, 2 yearlings, farming implements, and householdfurniture. Terms, one year with approved security.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


Messrs. Hoffmaster and Franklin have boughtout Mr. A. O. Porter's blacksmith shop, which they will hereafter run asa blacksmith, wagon, and shoeing shop. The above are practical workmen andguarantee satisfaction. See their ad in this issue.



Are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITH,WAGON & PLOW WORK. Special attention paid to Machinery. -ALSO- HORSESHOEING.All work warranted to give satisfaction before leaving the shop. At K. F.Smith's Old Stand.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


More new houses are under construction in thisplace now than we have seen since the second year of its settlement.

NEWMAN and CHANNELL & HAYWOOD are buildingtwo two-story store rooms, with fifty feet front by 100 feet deep, of brick.

S. C. WINTIN: A two-story cut stone house.

J. W. HUTCHINSON: A brick residence.

REV. FLEMING: A two-story brick dwelling.

O. P. HOUGHTON: A two-story brick.

Thompson and Rexford, a commodious frame dwelling.

A. C. WELLS: small frame.

P. J. DAVIS: a small frame.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


One of the heaviest hail storms ever known inthis section passed over a portion of this county last Friday evening, doingconsiderable damage to windows.

Near Salt City, Henry and Alfred Pruden hadover fifty glasses broken out, and many of the neighbors suffered similarlosses. One man lost six calves, and others pigs and chickens. Quite oftenprairie chickens and small birds were found dead. All agree the hail stonesto be as large as walnuts.

At this place the fall was much lighter, andfew stones were found to exceed a hazelnut in size.

The roaring of the storm could be heard somedistance; yet the wind was not so very strong.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


We were pleased to entertain a call from Mr.Beede, Agent of the Osage and Kaw Indians, and Mr. Gay, of Osage Agency.Many persons of this place were happy to meet Mr. Beede, whom they foundto be a practical, sensible, and efficient man. He assumed control of theaffairs of the Agency under embarrassing circ*mstances, caused by the blundersof the former Agent; yet beneath all has proven himself a man equal to theresponsible position he has been appointed to fill. The wives of Mr. Beedeand Mr. Gay accompanied them to this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Most members of the Conference made many friendswhile at this place that will cherish their memory. Everything passed offvery pleasantly, and we believe from the expression of many of the ministersthat they were well entertained and favorably impressed with our peopleand the community. After the adjournment of the Conference, a visit to theKaw Agency was participated in to the general enjoyment of all who attendedit.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

MRS. FITCH wishes to inform the ladies of ArkansasCity and vicinity that she has just opened a large stock of millinery goodsat her old stand, at the north end of Summit street. She wishes the ladiesto call and examine them.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

The ladies of the First Presbyterian SocialSociety will meet at the house of O. P. Houghton, at 2 o'clock p.m., today.All are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

THE BAND BOYS are requested to meet at Pearson'sHall, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, as business of importance is to betransacted.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

See the card of Hoffmaster & Franklin, blacksmith's.They can be found at the shop at east Summit Street, always ready for work.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

A letter was received at the Governor's officeyesterday from residents of Sappa, Decatur County. A delegation was sentfrom that place to Leota, Norton County, to meet Gov. Osborn, but he hadleft that place before they reached there; and so they made out a statementand forwarded it here. They state that a number of parties of Indians areprowling about the country, and evince no desire to communicate with thewhites, and that the settlers are uneasy. They wish to be furnished witharms and ammunition. Decatur is an unorganized County lying west of NortonCounty.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


I have four or five sets of new harness I willtrade for breaking. JAS. I. MITCHELL.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.


The contract for laying the plank on the northhalf of the Arkansas River Bridge, will be let to the lowest bidder. Bidsreceived until May 15th. WILL MOWRY, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

HOUSE TO RENT, and one acre of ground. A. A.DAVIS.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

The President has signed the bill authorizingthe sale of the Pawnee reservation.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Cowley County has twenty church organizationsor one to every 480 inhabitants.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

Extending the railroad west from Independenceto Arkansas City is being much talked of by those interested.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.

The United States Treasury order for the exchangeof the fractional paper currency for silver coin was issued on Monday last.

Bushels of silver dimes, quarters, and halfdollars are being shipped out from Washington daily, to take the place ofthe fractional currency now in circulation.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876. Front Page.

Mr. Milligan, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, whoarrived at Fort Laramie, April 20, says that while coming in on the morningof the 16th, his party were attacked by Indians in the Rio Canon, near theCheyenne River Ranche, about fifty miles from Custer. A few of the partyescaped to the ranche. Mr. and Mrs. Metz, of Laramie City, were killed;a colored woman was taken prisoner; a man named Simpson was also killed.The bodies were buried next day. Mrs. Metz had been ravished. Three menwere wounded: Grisham, from Missouri, mortally; Felton, from Missouri, andC. W. Bergesser, from Virginia City, Nevada, seriously wounded. The menare at Cheyenne River Ranche.

A party from the Black Hills today says thatabout five days ago three wagons were found at the entrance to Buffalo Gapon the Yankton road destroyed and the stock gone. Signs of a fight werenumerous. Indians had undoubtedly attacked and destroyed the entire outfit.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876. Front Page.

Proceedings of a Railroad MeetingHeld
At Canola, April, 1876.

The meeting was organized by the election ofMr. Fleming, of Arkansas City, Chairman.

The object of the meeting having been stated,a committee of three was appointed, consisting of N. B. Cartmell and M.S. Manwell, of Elk County, and Mr. Platter, of Cowley, to examine credentialsof directors.

The following directors were present.

Longton: N. B. Cartmell and J. C. Pinney.

Elk City: Mr. Wm. Wright.

Elk Falls: R. R. Roberts and L. J. Johnson.

Wild Cat: H. E. Hitchinson.

Greenfield: A. A. Toby.

Lazette: Mr. Fall.

Tisdale: Mr. Young.

Winfield: Messrs Robinson and Platter.

Arkansas City: Messrs. Fleming and Sleeth.

On motion, a committee of three was appointedto draft a charter. The committee consisted of N. B. Cartmell, L. J. Johnson,and Mr. Platter.

After careful consideration the charter as reportedwas adopted and signed by the directors and forwarded to the Secretary ofState for record.

The company is to be known as the "Parsons,Walnut Valley & South-Western Railway Company." The points to betraversed in Elk County are the Townships of Longton, Elk Falls, Wild Catand Greenfield. The objective points are Arkansas City, via Lazette, Tisdale,and Winfield in Cowley County.

The prospects for the early construction ofthe road are considered by the directors to be very flattering.

We are indebted to Mr. L. J. Johnson for theabove. We shall probably have a more lengthy report from the Secretary forpublication next week. Elk County Ledger.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

MAJOR SLEETH and Rev. Fleming attended a meetingof the Parsons, Elk River and Walnut Valley railroad Co. at Tisdale yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

The Centennial Exhibition opens May 10th. Aspace has been assigned in the pavilion for Newspaper Exhibition, and eachpaper is placed on file, as it is received, and given a number. The numbergiven the TRAVELER is 2,228. Parties in the city desiring to see the paperwill have to give the number.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Are we going to the Centennial? You bet! Youwon't find a Buckeye newspaper man in Kansas but what intends going. Itwas the custom, among the clay hills of Ohio, for boys to get up at threeo'clock in the morning, walk five miles to the highest hill, climb the highesttree, and look for the elephant, when a show was coming to town; and thesame desire lingers with them still, and will cause them to seek Philadelphiaand the big elephant.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.


We did not make a report of our recent tripto the Territory, as Rev. Green promises to write it for our next. We foundeverything about as we expected, except the additions that had been madeof a mill and a large stone barn. The Indians too, were doing more workon their farms, and have taken claims up the Arkansas, almost to the Stateline. The school is progressing under the directorship of Barclay Ratcliff,and matters generally about the Agency evince a spirit of enterprise. Ourcompany was cordially entertained, and partook of the hospitality by Dr.Hunt and his good wife. It is a pleasant place to visit and generally attendedwith considerable information.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

We notice with pleasure the proceedings of ameeting held at Lawrence a few days ago, by the friends of the L., L. &G. railroad, with a view to the extension of that road westward. There canbe no doubt but the movement of the people of Arkansas City and Cowley County,to have an outlet for our surplus grain and produce, opened the eyes ofthe managers and operators of the L., L. & G. R. R. to the necessityof extending their line from Independence westward to this place. We arepleased to see such an unanimity of response from the editors and publishersall along the road in favor of the new movement. Although not at presenton the line of that road, we hope soon to be able to give the movement ourhearty support, and should the company be able to complete the gap betweenIndependence and Arkansas City this fall, we would insure them a millionbushels of wheat alone for transportation east. There are now three roadsaiming to tap this place: one from the east, one from the north, and onefrom the northwest. It does not require a philosopher to tell which of thethree is our best outlet; but an outlet we must and will have, and ere long.So railroad managers, take due notice. C.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

DEXTER, April 27, 1876.

Dexter is going in on her muscle more than usual,now having three good stores here. Mr. John Harden has just set up a newstock of goods in Will Merydith's building; McDorman is fitting up the DexterHouse in grand style, and will be ready to move his stock in within tendays. F. Henrion has just received a large supply of dry goods, clothing,etc., from New York and Boston, and by the way he is having his store repairedand painted up, one would think he meant business.

Service and Darts have bought the Dexter mills,and those who have been fasting so long, on account of not getting theirgrists ground, have assumed more cheerful countenances. When such substantialbusinessmen as Service & Darst take hold of such an enterprise, we haveroom to rejoice. They will commence grinding on Monday. Come on, farmers;you needn't be afraid of losing your sacks now.

The new blacksmith shop is running two fires.Mr. Day, the proprietor, says he has more work than he can do, while Johnnie,the old reliable, is as busy as ever. We haven't got the spreading chestnuttree, but Oh, my! how the anvils ring and the bellows roar!

J. A. Bryan is building an addition to his dwelling,and several others are preparing to build.

The wheat looks splendidly, both on the bottomand upland. The year will decide the question whether the uplands will bevaluable or not. Some of the lowlanders tuck their heads a little when theycast their eyes over the broad acres of the splendid wheat of the highlanders.Some of the farmers are a little behind with corn planting, because of thewet spring.

Our worthy citizen, Mr. T. Henrion, has startedon a trip to Europe. We just received the intelligence that the steamerhad arrived safe at Plymouth. He will return in July. Mrs. Darst startedyesterday to visit her friends in Illinois. H. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

I find while visiting other portions of thecountry that many have a great antipathy towards Caldwell, on account ofits being, as they say, a den of thieves.

A few weeks ago a couple of gentlemen were ontheir way to this place with the intention of engaging in the cattle business,but before reaching here they were accosted by a man who lives not far fromWichita, who said it would be impossible for them to keep horses or cattlewith any safety in the vicinity of Caldwell, as the town was infested withthieves who were always on the alert for an opportunity to steal.

This so startled and discouraged the emigrantsthat the next morning they left to seek a location elsewhere.

Now, while I do not deny the fact that in Caldwelltwo saloons are daily blazing with the flames of vice and corruption, whichscorch and wither the hopes and prospects of many who once bid fair to becomeuseful members of society, I do claim that Caldwell is not by any meansa rendezvous of thieves and robbers. I have been living in this vicinityabout four years, during which time I have heard of only four horses andtwo mules being stolen within twenty miles of Caldwell, and they were allrecovered but one. And I have not heard of any cattle being stolen, withthe exception of a few head which were run off by the Indians. I have traveledmuch through this region on horse backnot only through the State, but alongthe border of the Territoryand have often left my horse during the nightin the most suspicious looking places, more than once tied to a sun-flowerstalk; and at the present time, I consider my horse as safe at or near Caldwellas in any other part of Southern Kansas. I have no idea that a gang of horsethieves would be harbored or tolerated in this place any more than in ArkansasCity or Wellington, and if the time ever was when horse thieves had theirheadquarters at Caldwell, that time has most assuredly passed. R.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.


Our township was favored with a copious showerlast night, which was very acceptable among our farmers. The prospects fora good wheat crop are so favorable that our farmers expect to harvest fortybushels per acre.

The summer term of school in District No. 10was called to order this morning by Miss Moore, who bears the reputationof being a well qualified and energetic teacher.

I had the pleasure of attending a neck-tie Sociable,at Odessa schoolhouse, given by the Sabbath school of that vicinity. Itwas well attended and conducted in such a manner that all who were presentenjoyed themselves splendidly. The proceeds of the evening were about $23,which are to be expended for a Sabbath school library.

Rev. Wingar delivered an eloquent sermon toa large and attentive congregation last Sabbath evening. Mr. Wingar hasbeen preaching to us more than a year, in which time he has gained the confidenceof many friends. Revs. Reese and McDonald, the ministers who were to preachfor us some time ago, passed the neighborhood last week, on their way toSumner County. They said they would be back and hold a protracted meetingwith us in two or three weeks. We would rather see them than to hear fromthem.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Andres Eising, the Indian scout and interpreter,who loafed around the saloons of Wichita during the winter, was arrestedon the 12th inst. at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, and will be here in thecourse of a day or so to appear and answer to the charge of stealing a horse.He stole the horse in the upper end of town some six weeks since, and asaddle and bridle belonging to Sheriff Dunning, then started for that thiefharbor, the Territory. He traded the horse for a pony, in Wellington, andwas recognized by some of the citizens who had some suspicion that the horsewas stolen. J. O. Kincaid has been on his track and captured his man onthe above date. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

The Iola well is 736 feet deep.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Arkansas City folks are eating new potatoes.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Three feet of snow fell during the month ofMarch.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

One Cherokee outfit sold 1,603 kegs of beerlast year.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Kansas wheat crop this year will be worth $9,500,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

There are thirty-three lodges of colored Masonsin Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Independence is bored with a lot of dirty, sneaking,begging, stealing Indians.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Wirt W. Walton, of the Winfield Courier,and Dornblaster will make a match of it yet.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Chicago, April 27. A dispatch was received byGen. Sheridan from Gen. Crook, which says: The Indians at Red Cloud areon the verge of starving, owing to neglect in forwarding supplies. Unlessimmediate steps are taken to supply them, they will all leave the reservation.Fears are entertained that in their present temper, they will make a raidon the whites.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Blacksmith and Wagon Shop.

On south end of Summit Street. The first buildingon the east side of the street as you enter town from the Arkansas Riverbridge. Work warranted.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.


Are on hand with the Largest Stock of Stapleand Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Stoneware, etc., you have seen in the City.

Tobaccos and Teas a Specialty!

Our stock of Teas is the largest ever broughtto this market, and will be sold lower than ever before, and cheaper thanany house in the Valley. Drop in and see us.

Store at J. H. Sherburne's old stand, onedoor south of City Hotel, and opposite the Cowley County Bank.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

Three fully grown centipedes were found underthe carpet at Agent Beede's residence the other day.

Indian Odd Fellows will have a public demonstrationat Caddo, Indian Territory, on the 26th inst.

The Osage Indian doctor never makes a chargefor his professional services, but accepts whatever is given him.

Judge Murdock, a student of Indian antiquities,will construct facsimiles of the work of mound builders at the Centennial.

On Thursday of last week friend Larson, theshoemaker, mistook poke root for parsnip and came near losing his life inconsequence.

Osage men of physic never treat a case for alonger time than four days. The patient, if not cured, is then left to wrestlewith death unaided.

Agent Beede was out looking over the Agencywheat field Thursday morning. R. W. Hopkins, his clerk, was out on the sameoccasion.

The Pawnees and Osages are now on friendly termswith each other, and Pawnees are frequently visitors here. They talk withOsages by signs.

The House passed the bill to transfer the IndianBureau to the War Department, on the 21st inst., by the large vote of 139yeas to 64 nays.

The stipulated fees for the lawyers employedby the Osage settlers in that great land suit were $40,000, and of thissum Governor Shannon will receive $13,000.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

The bill to transfer the Indian Bureau to theWar Department was then taken up.

Mr. Hunton moved an amendment allowing officerson the retired list to be employed as Indian agents. Adopted.

Mr. Sparks offered an additional section providingfor the admission to the United States citizenship of any Indian who mayprove to the satisfaction of any court nearest to the reservation of histribe or nation, that he is sufficiently intelligent and prudent to conducthis own affairs and interests, and that he has adopted the habits of civilization,and has for five years been able to support himself and family; but suchIndian shall not, on that account, forfeit his interest in the propertyof the tribe. Adopted.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

An Indian massacre took place on the flat betweenthe Prairie Dog and the north fork of the Solomon, some time last winter.Last November Newton Lyle, of Jewell Centre, camped on the spot, which bythe way, is an old camping ground for buffalo hunters, and there was noevidence of any trouble ever having taken place there. Two weeks ago hecamped on the same ground with a gentleman by the name of George Beauchampfrom Jewell Centre, and they found the skeletons of ten men and the charredremains of two wagons. Besides these there were quite a number of carbinecartridge shells scattered all around over the ground, the barrels of twocarbines, several frying pans and skillets, and two mules running looseover the prairie with rope halters or lariats attached to their necks, andevery indication that a bloody conflict of some kind had taken place there.The bodies were perfectly nude, and there were no books or papers to befound to indicate who the unfortunate men were or where they were from.This story, as improbable as it may seem, can be substantiated by DavidBlank and George Beauchamp, of Jewell Centre, Kansas; and yet some folkssay it is all nonsense and buncombe to arm the frontier settlers againstthe Indians.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.

The Kansas City Price Current publishes furtheradvices regarding the coming season's drive of Texas cattle. Seventy seventhousand head are added to the number previously reported, making a totalof 335,000 head. Probably one fourth of these cattle will stop in northernTexas, some for shipping, but the largest portion will go to stock the newranches. The other three fourths will go to Wichita, Dodge City, Hays City,and the Platte River. The bulk of this vast herd is composed of cows, yearlings,two-year old steers, and heifers. The proportion of the three and four yearold steers is excessively small.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876. Front Page.

SIDNEY, April 29, 1876.

Old Traveler:

Here we are at last at the last railroad point.We have been expecting to leave the railroad at every point since leavingPlum Creek. Everything is lovely, "and the goose hangs high" incamp. Every day we meet Black Hillers on the return, and everyone "bested."One man will call you aside and tell you of the trials and difficultiesof life in the Hillstelling you not to go; while another will button-holeyou, and with apparently as much sincerity tell you what he knows, and adviseyou to go on. It is needless to say we always take the latter advice, becauseit suits us. Indian stories are all the go here, but "we boys"have seen one or two "Injuns."

From six men and one wagon, our crowd has grownto sixteen wagons and forty-eight men. We have had a very pleasant trip,with but two stormy days in all. It is 169 miles from this point to CusterCity. Everything in the outfitting line is cheap here: flour, $2.90 forthe best; bacon, 50 cents, etc. Our old friend Berkey has been elected Captainof this outfit. Joe Reckle shot himself through the hand, but is all O.K. now. In two weeks we will be in the Hills, there to try for ourselvesif there is any gold.

The boys all bid me say they are "mightyworse," and bound for the Hills.

I am, truly, etc. CHARLIE.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876. Front Page.

April 28, 1876.

Editor Traveler:

DEAR SIR: Thinking that perhaps the readersof your paper would like to hear from this section, I send the following.

Last Fall, Mayberry, Drirkill, and Lackeridge,Texas cattle men, went into camp near me with 6,100 cattle, where they werewintered. Day before yesterday they left their winter quarters and startedfor Kansas. At their count on the morning of starting, they were "out"but about 300 head, dead and missing. Perhaps 100 of the strays may yetbe found. They consider it a small loss. These are the first cattle thathave passed up the trail. Through cattle will be at this place tomorrow.It is estimated the drive will be a large one.

Have you seen spring yet? Here the woods andprairies are green; countless millions of wild flowers are in bloom, andbirds whose colors are as varied asasas, I don't know what, are singing,and I suppose are happy.

Can everybody go to the Centennial, and whoruns the concern? What if Bill Hackney did thresh Folks? A lot of us boysused to get black eyes every few weeks, over there in Wellington, but theynever called us bullies through the papers.

Success to the R. R. and boat.

Will write again if anything is invented. FREIGHTER.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Omaha, April 29. Governor Thayer, of Wyoming,has arrived to confer with General Crook, relative to military protectionto be afforded to the Black Hill stage line. He wants some of the stationson the route thoroughly protected, especially Red Canon and Hot Creek. Theformer is very deep, and when travelers pass through it, the Indians crawlup its sides and shoot down or throw down rocks upon them. The General haspromised all the protection possible, and an order has been issued todayto that effect.

A traveler from the west today says it is currentlyreported about Cheyenne that H. E. Brown was not shot by Indians, but bysome persons he had put out of the train, and who revenged themselves byambushing and shooting at the train, which resulted in the killing of Brown.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876. Front Page.

Marriageable parties have but little to say,and in fact, not half of those who marry ever converse with each other previousto the performance of the marriage ceremony. Osage parents raise their childrenwith great care, and feel that no member of the tribe can upon just groundsobject to the union of his daughter to another's son, or his son to another'sdaughter. Such being the case, the parents, or whoever else may have thecare of children, feel it obligatory upon them to make selections most desirableand without regard to the feelings of the parties to be united.

The girls are brought up with the same carethat is given their brothers, and the selections of husbands are nearlyas frequent as the selections of wives, and the rule that governs the oneregulates the other.

After the parents have determined upon the womanwho shall be a wife of their son, a large quantity of the choicest buffalo,elk, antelope, bear, or other fresh meatfood for the savageis prepared aftertheir most inviting manner and taken to the wigwam of the girl's parentswhere the object of the visit is made known and if it meets their approbationthey are feasted upon the richest and most sought articles of food whichnourishes the aboriginal race. But if the girl has a brother or sister whois absent, or some valued friend in the distance, the food is not accepted,but the projectors of the marriage scheme are advised to return home, wherethe food is kept until the girl's most intimate friends have arrived ather residence, when and where the before mentioned delicacies, in conjunctionwith a number of ponies are again presented, and if the proposed marriagemeets the approbation of the parties, the food is then accepted and thefeast enjoyed.

After the feast is over a distribution of theponies among the woman's relatives and friends takes place. This occurrenceis invariably in the latter part of the day. The proceed- ings now stopuntil the afternoon of the following day when she is attired in all thegaudy colors of which they have commanded, and placed upon the finest steedof which her brother may be possessed. Her father's sister, we-che-mein the Osage language, acts the part of bride's maid, and by the lariatleads the pony from the home of her childhood. Her brother accompanies themwith a loaded rifle a distance from the lodge and fires a signal, when theyoung man's mother and sisters advance and upon a new red blanket stretchedfrom its four corners, receive the woman from the back of the proud buffalohorse.

While the young woman's soon-to-be father-in-lawtakes possession of the horse and rifle, she is carried into the young man'slodge, where she is redressed. After the rearrange ments in her costumeare announced, the "Town crier" or "Kettle-tender" callsthe young man from a neighboring bush or lodge, and he is seated besideher in the presence of two or more clans of their people assembled for theoccasion.

They now partake of luxuries prepared for theoccasion and then comes a performance on the part of the elders of clansassembled, and the exercises for the day now close.

Early in the morning of the next day all thegoods owned by the young husband are packed and transported to the lodgeof the bride's father, where they are distributed by her mother among thoseof her friends who failed to get horses in the beginning of the ceremony.The young couple are also mounted upon a pair of the best horses to be commandedand escorted to the home of the bride by clans that participated in theceremonies of the day before. The bridegroom is now redressed, and thislodge is made the home of the newly married warrior. He is accorded privilegesthat no other of the family is allowed to enjoy. If his newly made wifehas sisters, they too, become wives of him as they arrive at the age ofmaturity. Osage New Year's Gift.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

A general cry is now made for the County toput up and sustain bridges across the Walnut, Dutch, and Grouse Creeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Thousands of acres of land can be had in CowleyCounty by actual settlement, and paying the Government $1.25 per acre.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Railroad Meeting held at Tisdale, last week,was well attended, and the delegates entertained by the people without charge.Tisdale will become noted for its hospitality.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

We have just received word from Hon. W. R. Brown,saying that he expects to get the Cherokee Strip lands brought into market,to actual settlers only, soon. We shall hear from him again, and will knowthe result before many weeks. They will probably be brought in as before,at $1.50 and $1.25 per acre.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Many papers of the State express surprise atthe border people speaking in high terms of Indian Agent Beede. The peopleof the border are always fair in their expressions, and had the former Agenttreated them with half-way civility and respect, they would never have acquiredthe hatred heretofore manifested.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The following questions are asked us by a younglawyer, just graduated, at Lebanon, Tennessee, and may prove beneficialto others.

1. How many lawyers are there in your place?Three.

2. Is there much litigation in your County?A great deal more than there should be.

3. Is the place healthy? Emphatically, yes.We have less sickness in Arkansas City than in any other town we know of,of the same size.

4. Is the price of living cheap or high? Boardcan be obtained at first-class hotels for $5 per week. If you are a marriedman your living expenses need not exceed $5 per week for two persons.

5. If you do not think Arkansas City and CowleyCounty a good place to locate at, can you direct me to a better place wherethe prospects are better? We have, like most printers, traveled overthe greater portion of the United States and Territories, and a portionof Canada; over Kansas from the north line of the State to the Indian Territory,and from the east line to Coloradoand are free to say that if a workingman cannot find a location to suit him here, he will be ready to complainif he ever reaches the golden shore.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Pursuant to adjournment, the Directors of theabove road met at Tisdale on the 2nd inst. All present but Mr. Platter andMr. Posten. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fleming, and proceededto perfect the organization by the election of officers. An informal ballotwas taken, after which the following were unanimously elected: President,James E. Platter; Vice President, S. B. Fleming; Secretary, W. D. Wright;Treasurer, S. M. Fall. The officers were then sworn in by Judge Gans, andprovision made for procuring the necessary company books. The President,Secretary, and Judge Cartmell were then appointed a committee to visit KansasCity, and interview railroad men in the interest of this road, and report.The local organization is now completed, and ready to accept or make propositionsrelative to the building and operating of the proposed line.

The meeting was harmonious and enthusiastic,and from the interest manifested by those along the line of the road, itis fair to infer that they are in earnest on the railroad question,and when an opportunity is offered they will contribute their support tothe speedy construction of a road through this rich and, as yet, untraversedregion of Southern Kansas

W. M. S.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Grand Jury of the District of Columbia haveagreed to return an indictment against Belknap for bribery. When Mrs. Marshwas looked for to give her testimony she was non est.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Six men, Arrow Wilson, a full blooded negro;Gibson Ishladubkee, Isham Sealy, and McGhee, full blooded Choctaws; O. Sanders,full blooded Cherokee, and W. Leach, a white man, were hung at Fort Smithon the 21st of April. They were all sentenced at the late term of the UnitedStates Court for the Western District of Arkansas, on the 3rd of Septemberlast. Six others were hung there and these six were executed on the samescaffold.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Plant your Centennial tree.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Where are the May parties?

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

JOHN GOOCH lost one of his horses this weekby colic.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

WIND or rain don't stop the work on the newbrick block.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

A very heavy rain fall took place here on lastSaturday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

A small boat has been constructed at the WaterMills to cross the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

NEW GOODS this week at Houghton & McLaughlin'sand A. A. Newman's.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The big show will be in town tomorrow. Be carefulhow you bet, boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The water at Winfield took the board walk betweenthe courthouse and town.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Beethoven meets at the First Church nextSaturday evening. Bear it in mind.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

WATER one foot in depth flowed in the streetsof Winfield during the late flood.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

BENEDICT & CO., make the new patent coltand calf weaning bit. It is a success.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The M. E. social was held at the parsonage,last Monday evening, and was well attended.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Thompson's and Rexford's new house is almostcompleted. It is large and commodious.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

DOGS that are taken up on account of the taxnot being paid are put in the calaboose.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The demand for horses and mules is growing moreand more. Wichita is the only market.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Delegate Convention for this RepresentativeDistrict will be held at Dexter next Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

L. J. WEBB, of Winfield, is a prominent officerin the Good Templar's Lodge and member of church.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Ladies' Society of the Presbyterian Churchwill meet at Mr. A. A. Newman's this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

R. HOFFMASTER announces himself ready to feed,care for, and hire stock at his stable on West Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

We measured a twelve-inch growth of a sprigof a maple tree, and a twenty-inch growth of this year's alfalfa.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

We saw on the town site, last Monday evening,five jack rabbits. The lowlands were probably too moist for them.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

MR. ELDRIDGE, of Coffeyville, passed throughthis place last Saturday, on his way to the San Juan mines of Colorado.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

SPECIMENS of grain, root crops, fruit, etc.,left at this office will be forwarded to the Centennial. Bring them in,friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The west wing of the mill dam on the Walnutnear this place was partially washed away. It was only that portion thatwas built of logs.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

As most are aware, Castello's Double Circusand Zoological Aggregation will give two exhibitions at this place tomorrow,at 1 o'clock p.m., and at 7 in the evening. The troupe is recommended asa first-class circus, with a collection of wild animals accompanying it.The price of admission is 50 cents for adults, and 25 cents for children.

An additional feature of the show on Thursdaywill be a number of Kaw and Pawnee Indians, who will be on hand with bowsand arrows to sell.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

REV. SWARTS and part of his family departedfor Hutchinson this week. Cal. and Charley will remain to work the farm.The best wishes of the community go with him.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.


By request of several parties, Dr. Hughes obtainedsome new virus, and has inoculated a number of persons. Parties visitingthe Centennial should take the precaution.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

MASTER WILLIAM SCOTT, of Melissa, Collin County,Texas, son of Col. Thomas A. Scott, has passed a successful examinationand been admitted as a cadet to West Point Military Academy. We congratulatethe parents on the progress of their son.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

MISS MATTIE H. THOMPSON, daughter of Rev. DavidThompson, has arrived from Ohio, with the design of residing with her parents.His son, Rev. R. J. Thompson, of Halsey, Oregon, has lately found a helpmeetfor himself. May this prove a happy union.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.


The house of Dr. Alexander, of this place, wasstruck by lightning during the storm last Friday night. The flash followeddown the stove pipe, passing through the floor into the cellar, and setfire to an old umbrella. No material damage was done.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The post office of Walnut, Butler County, hasbeen discontinued; also, Park City, Sedgwick County. Peace, in Rice County,has had its name changed to Sterling. They lost the County seat and wantsomething more than Peace, now. Mrs. Mahala T. Covert, of this County, hasbeen appointed postmistress of Little Dutch.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

WHETHER the report is true or not, we cannotsay, but it is generally reported that houses for half a mile on each sideof Rock Creek, this County, were swept away by the late flood. The amountof water was fearful. On the bottom lands east of town on Harmon's farm,in some places, it compelled cattle to swim.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

MR. JAMES E. FOSTER, a commercial travelingman, who was at this place but a short time ago, was thrown from his buggyand killed, near Eureka, not long since. Mr. J. C. Bennett was with himat the time, and both had stopped and got out of their buggies to kill asnake. Upon entering the buggy, Mr. Foster cracked his whip, at which thehorses took fright and ran before he was thoroughly seated, throwing himout, his head striking a fence, and fracturing his skull. He lingered afew hours, unconscious, and died. The Traveling Association of St. Joseph,of which he was a member, passed a number of resolutions upon his tragicdeath.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.




















Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

JIBBER JABBER. It raineth as the farmer wishesth.

A. O. Hoyt and wife board at the Central Avenue.

Cuss the Marshal, now, and put in a cut at thePolice Judge, for the dorg tax must be paid.

No one drunk for a coon's age.

The boys go swimming now.

Marriages slacking up.

Work on the brick block is lively.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

One man in Arkansas City paints. It'sGeorge Allen.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Frank Speer is going to have a running horse.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Fresh ingins now.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

H. P. Standley has a "farm" near Grouse.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

There will be animals at the show, so that churchmembers can go. They needn't stay for the funny part.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Crops Under Water.

The greatest rise of the Walnut River ever knownby the residents of this place was last Saturday afternoon and night. Itis asserted by those who watched it that the river rose four feet in onehour, and the amount of drift wood, saw logs, rails, etc., carried downwas immense. Not until late in the day was any danger apprehended to thebridge at the Water Mills, but Sunday morning brought the news that thebridge had been washed away. The loss will be greatly felt, as it is doubtfulwhether another will replace it soon. It cost this township $4,500 onlythree years ago, besides the additional expense of repairs since and intereston the bonds. The abutments remain, however, and to replace it now wouldnot cost more than one-half what it did before.

Particles of the structure lodged on Callahan'sfarm and on the island at the mouth of the Walnut, but we do not know whatcondition they are in. The bottoms from the east edge of the town site nearlyto the river are under water, and the water in the woods at the mill wouldswim a horse. In many places large patches of wheat are entirely submerged,and fences, wood, and lumber have been washed away.

At Winfield we learn the lower bridge acrossthe Walnut was taken down the stream; also, the bridge across Dutch Creek.The fall of rain at this place was but three and one-half inches, but ithad the appearance of being much more up the Walnut.

Near Salt City they experienced another hailstorm, entirely destroying two fields of wheat. We have not heard from GrouseCreek and other localities, but expect the damage will be considerable.It seems as though the bridge across the Walnut at this place cannot bedispensed with, as nearly one-fourth of the year the river is not fordable,yet there is a strong prejudice against bonding the township for any purpose.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The United States Courtroom was filled thismorning to witness the trial of the lottery cases. Five of the AtchisonLottery men have been indicted, among whom are Hon. J. M. Price, Hon. G.W. Glick, S. M. Strickler, and Luther Challiss. There are three counts inthe indictment. The first alleges substantially that the defendants sentletters and advertisem*nts of an illegal lottery through the U. S. mail.The second, that they sent letters, circulars, etc., of a certain Gift Enterprise,similar to an illegal lottery through the mails. The third, that they advertisedthrough the U. S. mails, a scheme to distribute certain real estate purportingto belong to the Kansas Land and Immigration Association, of which theywere managers, while said association did not own a foot of land.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

For Sale or Trade Cheap. A good second-handreaper and mower. J. T. SHEPARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

Strayed or Stolen. One blazed-face, spottedhorse pony, 2 years old; white feet and white eyes. Also one spotted marepony, blazed-faced; white feet; supposed to be about 6 years old; lump onback, caused by saddle. Anyone returning the same, or giving informationthat will lead to their recovery, will be liberally rewarded.



Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876. [From Indian Herald.]

Lewis Grayblanket, a young full blood Osage,was arrested in this place on Tuesday last. He was charged with theft, and,though for some time after his arrest his manner was somewhat defiant, heat last comprehended an odd reality, when he confessed having stolen a jacket,a smoothing iron, shoes, etc., from the school, and a revolver, leather,whetstone, etc., from the shoe-shop. These confessions gave his troubledheart so much relief that it was hard for him to resist the temptation totell more, so he acknowledged having stolen a $10 note from a Mexican inthe tribe, John Twogiver, which he said had been spent at the stores, exceptingfifty cents, which he claimed had been returned. He next put on a coat,when at the school, and wore it away; but he says the Osage boys took itfrom him, thus showing that others of the tribe may at times enjoy a naturesimilar to his own.

He says that he also stole a comb, but inasmuchas he had nothing but a "roach" on his head it was of but littleuse to him, so he lost it. When speaking of his last theft, he said thathe went into the mill building through the "saw-dust hole" andgot Hard Rope's flour, and that it was natural for him to lie, and thatit accorded with no one's advice, which facts leave Louis lone responsiblefor this much-to-be deplored habit. The young man was before a jury of Osagechiefs and counselors, who realize that in matters of this kind it is follyto be Indians any longer. From the subjoined paragraph the reader will learnhow hard these Indians are trying to imitate their white brothers in theexecution of a civil custom of law, and this, too, be it remembered, isnot being done within a hundred miles of a soldier of the United States.


Resolved, Thatthe chiefs and counselors of the Osage Nation earnestly pray our Agent,Cyrus Beede, to sentence Louis Grayblanket to thirty days' hard labor, andnot to exceed thirty days unless he, our Agent, in his judgment, thinksthat justice demands it. Blackhorse will have charge of prisoner, and willbe paid one dollar per day for his service as guard.

A. CAPTAIN, Chairman.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Creeks constitute one of the largest tribesin the Territory, and are located south and contiguous to the Osages. Nearlytwenty-five years ago a missionary, a Mr. Lockridge, succeeded in writingtheir language and ours, together and at the same time, in twenty-four districtsand two high schools. About seven hundred are now in school, and about onehundred and sixty, males and females, attend the two academies. Many ofthe district schools are conducted by Indians themselves, though one languageis not taught to the exclusion of the other, and when a Creek pupil canread one language, he is expected to be able to read the other also. Aboutone half of the tribe talk English, and one-third read the same, with theirown, though a child brought up and familiarized alike with both languageswill, if left to itself, read Creek first.

About one half of the tribe are now membersof some religious nomination, and they have about fifty itinerant preacherswho superintend the various "camp meetings" for religious worship,in the autumn of each year. A goodly number of Presbyterians, Methodists,and Baptists may here be found, and from the manner in which the Lord'spraises are shouted, white visitors would believe most of the tribe to bereligiously inclined.

The three religious denominations above mentionedare so enthusiastic in the christianizing of these people that their missionarylaborers are yet kept in the field, and kept, too, at the expense of thechurches, instead of making it an expense to be paid out of Indian funds.Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

The Governor, yesterday, commissioned J. N.Campbell, captain, P. E. Bacon, first lieutenant, and G. W. Watson secondlieutenant of the Norton County militia.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.

John Roe, the young man who stole Samuel Endicott'smare, was convicted and sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary.Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876. Front Page.

The storm on Friday night was the most terrificever known in this place. The constant flash of lightning, together withthe successive peals of thunder, made the night one long to be remembered.About 2 o'clock the air was so full of water that to one looking out ofa window it resembled an old fashioned snow storm. At daylight the littlebranch east of town in many places was more than a quarter of a mile wide.It was a grand old sight to see the water flowing through the green branchesof large cottonwood trees. Gardens and fields were several feet under water,and in some cases are very much damaged. Several families were compelledto leave their houses, which fortunately were not swept away, but the floorswere washed without mop or brush. How is that for drouthy Kansas?

Sain's new drug store is a great improvementto Caldwell.

J. A. Blair & Co. have purchased the oldlog store formerly occupied by C. H. Stone. The old logs have become new,except the roof and floor.

Several claims have been taken recently, andstill there is room; plenty of vacant land within three miles of town. R.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

May 8, 1876.

We have a surplus of rain here. The ground willbe too wet to plow for several days. Very little corn planted; wheat andoats doing finely; clover and grass the same.

A good deal of hedging and forest tree plantinghas been done, and several large peach and apple orchards set out.

Several breaking teams are running, and haveall the work engaged they can do this season. According to present indications,the area of wheat in this township will be increased one half this fall.An early harvest is certain, and some farmers are already engaging help.Harvest hands will be in demand at good wages.

The schoolhouse in District No. 72, which hashung fire so long, is in process of construction, and will probably be completedin time to be named Centennial. Prof. T. A. Wilkinson has the contract,and is putting it through with a rush.

The general health is good.

The population of this township was increasedone recently. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Gould are happy in entertaining the newcomer. It is a girl. RED BUD.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Judge Foster, of the U. S. District Court, ina case tried before him last week at Topeka, has decided that it is no violationof the United States law to sell liquor to Indians when off their reservations.This is quite an important decision, and will shut out nearly all the Indianwhiskey cases which consumes so much of the time in the court, as nearlyall of them are prosecutions for selling to Indians when off their reservations.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876. Front Page.

A Ride Outside the United States.

On the morning of the 24th day of April last,the Arkansas City session of the Wichita District Conference of the M. E.Church having closed, its members, accompanied by a hospitable and intelligentcompany of citizens, started on a trip to the Kaw Agency, taking the ridgeroad.

The citizens consisted of Rev. J. J. Wingar,Rev. B. C. Swarts and lady, Rev. Rawson, C. M. Scott, Miss Eva Swarts, Mrs.C. R. Mitchell, Mrs. Jas. I. Mitchell, and Miss T. Bowersall comfortablyseated in buggies, with a number of well filled baskets. The first eightmiles of the way presented to the eye the most delightful landscape sceneryI ever beheld, comprising hills and vales, and the rock edged ravines ofthe Arkansas River. Reaching Grouse creek at noon, we halted and partookof an excellent dinner, such as only the Arkansas City ladies can prepare,and which was decidedly the best meal I ever enjoyed upon the banks of theGrouse.

We gathered up the fragments that remained,and after climbing a limestone hill some 75 feet above the river bed, wesoon reached the Indian country, passing over, as a general thing, a verygood quality of land, with small ravines and running water, and occasionallya high narrow ridge or peak, covered with magnesian limestone. Mile aftermile we passed along, with the "TRAVELER" disappearing in thedistance, doubtlessly feeling that

"_______ I am the chief of Uliva's Isle,

And this Lord Ullin's daughter."

Reaching the last summit, we unexpectedly beheldthree stone buildings, surrounded by beautiful oak timber. My companion,Miss B_____, upon having her attention called to the fact that we were fastnearing our destination, manifested considerable "surprise" (notto say timidity). Discovering the "daughter" at the first building,we halted, and being informed by her that our lodging had been engaged there,we alighted, the Indian boys assisting in caring for our teams. Someoneplaced a "nickel" in the bark off a tree and told a little four-year-oldto shoot for it. He began to shoot, when they would put him nearer and nearer,until he finally conceived the idea of certainty, and placing his drawnarrow upon the money, let go, to his own joy and the entertainment of thecompany.

Dr. Hunt called us to supper, where we wereas well entertained as in the States. At 7 o'clock the collection bell calledthe Indian children to a room in the Industrial Mission boarding house,where also were Cyrus Beede and lady, Mr. Spray, Jr., and lady, of Indianapolis,and our own party. Mr. Beede is Agent for the Kaws and Osages. The Superintendent,Mr. Spray, Sr., read a part of the fifth chapter of Matthew, including theLord's Prayer, which the children repeated with him, when they sang "Holdthe Fort." The Superintendent then invited us to talk to the children.Rev. J. J. Wingar talked with them to the edification of all present, whenthey sang "All to Christ I owe." The Superintendent made a fewremarks, after which the services were closed with a prayer by Mrs. Spray.The children filed into the hall and then upstairs to their sleeping rooms.We were invited into the parlor, where we spent the evening very pleasantly,conversing and singing.

The morning dawned brightly, and partaking ofa good breakfast, we were ready to pay our bills, after which we visitedsome of the villages. It was amusing to see with what nicety and precisionthe ladies of our party adjusted each ribbon before entering those wigwams.Returning, we visited the school of nine girls and eighteen boys, from fourto sixteen years of age. Upon being asked if they ever felt like fighting,they blushed and said it was wrong.

One of our party asked them if they had heardof Jesus, and received a quiet "Yes, sir," for an answer. The"TRAVELER" also made a good speech. Most of the school can readand write. Quite a number aspire to teach school, to make money, and dogood. In their opinion, the Bible is a good book, and good children go toheaven and vice versa. Mr. Barclay Ratliff, the teacher, understandsthe peculiarities of his scholars, and has good control over them in everyrespect. In their out-door amusem*nts he makes himself one of them, butin the school room preserves law and order. After the usual Quaker farewellsalutations, we started for our mother country, with many kindly remembrances,and hoping to meet again.

The buildings of this Agency are located onsecond bottom land, about one mile north of the Arkansas river, on the westbank of a small branch. Approaching from the north, the first building isthe sub-Agent's, a two-story stone, occupied by Dr. Hunt and lady. The Doctor'sduties are to issue the provisions to the various Indian families aboutonce each week, and superintend their farming. The tribe is divided intodifferent lodges, each having their chief and wigwam village. Each lodge,or collection of families, farms together, but separate from other lodges.They have 1,200 acres in cultivation, 550 of which were broken last year.They have 27 breaking plows and teams, and $1,700 of available appropriationfor the year 1876. Everyone wants a team, but there is not a sufficientnumber of teams to cultivate the broken ground, hence some will have nocorn. It looks as though the Kaws would do some good if they could havemoney and supervision a few years.

The broken lands are generally fenced with rails,of which they have 75,000, all split by themselves. They have a mill, andgrind corn for bread. Some of the squaws have white husbands, and live inlog houses. Most of the Indians are dressed in shirts, muslin pants, andmoccasins, with a large blanket thrown around them, while some adopt thewhite man's uniform. Some speak our language, and will greet you with a"How!" if they meet you on foot anywhere near the buildings; theyneed no introduction. A furnishing store, council room, and blacksmith shopare also here.

The Mission comprises three stone buildings,the first being the Mission boarding house, three stories high besides thebasem*nt. It is occupied by the Superintendent, Uriah Spray, by whom thechildren are boarded and lodged, and called together every evening for Biblereading and worship. The second is a school room, some 30 x 40 feet, wellseated.

The third building is the barn, three storieshigh, and built upon a side hill. The stables are in the basem*nt, fivehorse stalls and ten cow troughs, where the Indian boys tie the cows everyevening and milk them. There are three sheet iron lined grain bins, witha capacity of 2,000 bushels each; hay shoots and pullies for filling themows; in fact, all the modern improvements, making the best barn I eversay.

The Mission has separate farming lands: 100acres fenced as a pasture, besides cultivating lands; has twenty head ofcattle, and about the same of hogs.

We left the Agency at about half past 10, takingthe river road. The gradually rising uplands are covered with a varietyof oak timber, 12 to 24 inches in diameter, and one to three rail cuts inlength. The river timber is black walnut, hickory, sycamore, ash, hackberry,and cottonwood, some of the trees being three feet in diameter. Sometimesthe upland makes a near approach to the river, and presents a 150 feet perpendicularrock face, near the top of which are to be seen beautiful cedars, and underneath,the water gushing forth in the western sunlight, following its mossy, rockcovered course to the river.

As the other teams drove on, our individualparty, consisting of Miss B_____, Revs. Wingar and Rawson, and myself, wasgradually left in the rear. Presently, we passed into a wood, through whicha stream ran with steep banks on either side. We passed down the hill intoa narrow channel, and turned abruptly to the right upon the sideling ofthe river bank. The left bolt in the spring bar being broken, and the seatnot being fastened to the bed, I was in consequence thereof gently depositedhead foremost into two feet of water, while Miss B____ and Rev. Rawson quicklyfell into line. Bro. Wingar was lost: said he didn't know where he was.Miss B. gasped for breath, and looked as disconsolate as one well couldlook. Bro. Wingar had by this time found himself, and promptly came to therescue by leading the team out of the way. Bro. Rawson now came up withthe relics, and seeing the result to be only a good ducking, and that noone was hurt, his exuberant spirits found vent in a succession of shouts,in which we were disposed to join. Bro. Swarts' acute ear having caughtour notes of joy, returned to learn the cause of this unseemly levity. Noone knew, but our dripping garments betrayed us, and while we hung ourselvesup to dry, he made a fire from the only match in the company, it, too, havingshared our fate in being dipped. After administering to the wants of ourinner selves, we were much refreshed, and hitching up were again on ourway, passing over the timber covered upland, adapted to the pasturage ofall kinds of stock.

We were soon passing along the banks of Osagecreek, which have a height of some fifteen feet until we reached the almostbankless, rock bottom ford, just below which is a fall of about six feetover and under huge rocks of several tons weight. They doubtless once formedthe bed of the river, until the water moved the earth beneath, leaving themedged one upon another, forming various little lakes or pools. These, withthe twenty-feet projection of the unfallen bed from several points below,present quite a novel and interesting view. We spent some time in gatheringpetrified moss, shells, ferns, etc.

Feeling rested, we pursued our homeward way,arriving in the evening, and feeling well paid for our time. And I wishto take this opportunity to tender my kindest regards to my acquaintancesin Arkansas City for their most generous hospitality. M. C. GREEN.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

C. M. McIntire has assumed entire control ofthe Cowley County Democrat, and will be alone responsible for itsaction hereafter.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The delegates from Creswell, Pleasant Valley,and other townships, were prevented from attending the Convention at Dexter,on account of high water, and no bridge across the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.


W. M. Sleeth received a letter from Mr. Hoyt,written at Zanesville, Ohio, in which he stated he had been detained longerthan he expected, and would not be ready to start again before two weeks.The boat was built at Plainfield, and had to be taken to Zanesville forfinal completion. It is 90 feet long, 30 feet beam, and has 19 feet deck,and three foot hole. It draws from eight to nine inches of water, and iscapable of carrying fifty tons on two feet of water. The first cargo broughtup will probably be salt and lumber.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Coal in Cowley County.

Mr. Todd, formerly of this city, but for someyears a resident of Wichita, has been boring for coal at Salt City, CowleyCounty, for about eighteen months. Week before last, at the depth of fourhundred feet, he struck a good vein. This is within four feet of the depththat geologists have stated that coal would be found in that region. Itis supposed that the vein struck is the same as the one discovered on theCanadian River in the Indian Territory. If so, it will be about four feetsix inches.

Mr. Todd keeps the thickness of the vein tohimself. He has shut up the hole and is at Wichita making arrangements formining. It is said that he is offered a large price for an interest in themine. If it proves that there is such a vein, it is of great importance.It is in the immediate vicinity of the salt wells. It is also in a sectionof the State that has no coal, except this. Every month seems to open upsomething new and rich for southwestern Kansas. What helps one part of theState helps all parts. Commonwealth.

The above cannot be altogether credited.The hole has been drilled; but our information is they have not struck coalyet.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Notice of Equalization.

Notice is hereby given that the board of Commissionersof Cowley County, Kansas, will meet at the office of the County Clerk inthe city of Winfield on Monday the 5th day of June, 1876, as a County Boardof Equalization, at which time and place all persons feeling themselvesaggrieved can appear and have all errors in the assessors' returns corrected.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

PLEASANT VALLEY, May 15, 1876.

Revs. McDonald and Reese have arrived, and havebeen holding a series of meetings at the Holland schoolhouse.

The Union Sabbath School is progressing finely,being composed of one superintendent, five teachers, and about eighty students.

Mr. R. Holcomb sold to J. L. Hon 80 acres ofland for $350. Judging from the arrangements now being made, it looks asif Jim was to be the next lucky man.

Mr. Frank Bott, late of Iowa, is having thesod turned at a rapid rate. Mr. Bott is an energetic man, and says he isgoing to have his whole farm broken and sown in wheat this fall.

Mr. Teeters has built an addition to his house,which is evidence of his being tired of living in close quarters.

The school in District No. 10 is progressingfinely under the supervision of Miss Moore.

The circus at Winfield last Saturday was a grandhumbug, with two gambling side shows connected with it. C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY, COWLEY CO., April 29th,1876.

DEAR STANDARD: Of late I have been somewhatremiss in giving you items from this section of the State. In fact, therewas but little to write about, and items of news are like cat feathers,few and far between.

Our town is decidedly dull; you can scarcelysee a farmer in town, and when they do come, all the talk is about wheatharvesters, reapers, droppers, headers, and such like.

Our merchants are doing little, except Channell& Haywood, and the Benedict Brothers, agricultural implement dealers.They seem busy putting up machinery for the farmers. Our streets are blockedup with great big things that look like walking wind mills, but there willbe a demand for them all. You can have no conception of the enormous amountof wheat to be cut in this county, besides rye and barley. I have no doubtbut that hundreds of men and machines from the northern parts of the Statecould find profitable employment during the harvest in this county. Theremust and will be a scarcity of hands and machines, there is so much to cutand so little time to do it in.

Our weather is now very warm and grain comingon rapidly. Rye, barley, and wheat are now heading out. The rye and barleywill be ready to cut in three weeks from this time, and wheat from the 1stto the 10th of June. In riding over the country, you will see wheat in allstages of height, from eighteen inches to four feet. A better prospect fora full crop was never seen in Southern Kansas than at present.

I meet a farmer, asking him how much wheat hehas in this year, his answer is, "Well, I have only about 120 acresmyself, but my neighbor A has 170 acres, and B., just east of me, 150 acres,and a man across the creek has over 200 acres all looking splendid."

One man on the Walnut has 430 acres in wheat,old Mr. Holmes. How is that for high in a five year old county? JAMES CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Corn four inches high.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Wanted. Harvest hands.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

D. J. BRIGHT starts for the Centennial thisweek.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

HARVESTING will be in full vogue in three weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

There are three Grangers in the Cherokee Nation.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

E. P. KINNE and wife paid this place a visitlast week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Rev. Fleming has probably seen Philadelphiaby this time.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The Zoological Aggravation did not come lastThursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The Centennial pins at H. & Mc. are thepride and comfort of all the ladies.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

J. L. STUBBS and Miss Amelia Mowry returnedlast week from their visits.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

JOURNEYMEN saddlers could find employment atthe shops in this county.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

One man broke 23 acres of sod in five days witha Deere gang plow. Who can beat it?

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

MR. AND MRS. CHANNELL will rusticate this summerin the East. Also, Mrs. Newman.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The show fulfilled its appointment at Winfieldlast Saturday, and dodged its bills here.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Now the question arises shall the bridge bebuilt east of town or put up on the old piers?

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

FOOT BALL has broken out again. It makes funfor the boys and work for the shoemakers.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We noticed some volunteer corn eight inchesin length from the ground to the tip of the blade.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

THE CITY MEAT MARKET at this place will keepfresh meat on hand at all times during the summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

In Iowa they have just sown their spring wheat.Capt. Bird expects to cut his in two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

W. W. WALTON has been taking his bed and boardat the Central Avenue for two or three days past.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

JUDGE GANS will preach at the Parker schoolhousenext Saturday night, "at early candle light."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

NEARLY fifty prairie hens' nests were burnedon one acre of ground, across the Arkansas, last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

A $2.50 glass was knocked out of H. & Mc'swindow by the foot ball on "show day," by the small boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

CARPENTERS must be growing scarce. We noticedtwo ladies nailing the boards on an addition last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

GROUSE Creek post office, in this County, hasbeen discontinued. It was in the northern part of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

BORN to Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark, Saturday, May13th, a daughter. Dr. Alexander took charge of the situation.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The members of the Stock Protective Union willmeet at Benedict's Hall, Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

HARVEST hands will be in great demand in thiscounty. Fully 1,000 men could find employment during the season.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

DR. HOUSTON and son, Milt., have located attheir new home, on the farm recently purchased of David Bright.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Rev. John Blevins is to start a paper at Oxford.Will Leonard will have charge of the mechanical part of the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

A mouse got into a drawer at this office, inwhich was kept some currency, and came near destroying ten dollars' worth.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

A. F. & A. M. Members of Crescent Lodge,No. 133, will find entertainment at the Lodge room every evening this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The enlarged edition of the Indian Herald,published at the Osage Agency, has reached us. It has grown in interestas well as size.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

See the card of the "Old Reliable"Blacksmith shop, K. F. Smith, proprietor. It is hardly worth while to introducehim, as everybody knows Kendall.


E. F. SMITH, Proprietor.

Shop opposite the Central Avenue Hotel..

Come along friends. I am ready for you again,with new tools, new forge, and new shop.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

RELIGIOUS INTEREST AT SALT CITY. For severalweeks past one Rev. McDonald, of Chanute, Kansas, has been holding religiousexercises at the Salt City schoolhouse, with an interested audience. Mr.McDonald belongs to the denomination calling themselves "Followersof Christ," and believes in and preaches miracles. If our informanthas told the truth, Mr. McDonald claims to be ordained to preach the gospel;has raised one person from the dead, and can cure the sick and heal theafflicted. Several persons are to be baptized by him at Salt City next Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.


A young girl of sweet sixteen was seen runningup and down the banks of the Walnut in a frantic manner last Saturday, exclaiming"I'd give five dollars to see that show." The river was up andthe bridge down; she on one side of the raging Walnut while her sweetnesswas on the other. Her efforts were finally crowned with success by securingthe aid of a boat, but lo, when they arrived in town to their moral horrorthey found the show was at Winfield, and again she gave vent to: "I'dgive five dollars to see that show."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The store room of A. A. Newman is crowded tooverflowing with his new stock of goods, and the tongues and heels of theproprietor and three clerks are almost constantly in motion. They have everythingin the dry goods line, at prices lower than ever, new hats, new shoes, newdress patterns, new clothing, and all the new spring and summer goods arepiled up to the ceiling. Call in before the goods are put on the shelvesor stowed under the counter if you want to see a model stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We had the pleasure of listening to an ablywritten sermon, last Sunday evening, from Rev. Rideout, of Caldwell, whofilled Rev. Fleming's place. Mr. Rideout delivered his sermon laboring underthe disadvantage of extreme poor health, yet it was listened to with eagerness,and generally appreciated. Our readers have all been familiar with the gentleman'swritings, as he has been a correspondent of the TRAVELER for many months,under the signature of "R."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

LAUDWICK MARICLE, of Webster County, Iowa, recentlypurchased 1,040 acres of land west of the Arkansas River, and intends breaking800 acres of it. He purchased Wm. Gross' farm, horses, hogs, and everything,except part of his furniture, an old horse, and his chickens. Gross is workingfor Maricle now, after receiving $4,600 for his place. Mr. Maricle was oneof the first settlers of Iowa.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

FURTHER reports from the flood are to the effectthat whole fields of corn were washed away on the Walnut and Grouse, andthe loss of 300 bushels of old wheat by one man on Grouse. The wheat wasin a bin, which the water surrounded, and in twenty-four hours it had sprouted.Other parties were compelled to move out of their houses, and in two orthree instances the houses were carried from their foundations.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN's new goods have beencoming in for the past week by the wagon load, and they now have their countersand shelves full of the late styles of prints, calicoes, and fine dressgoods; with an elaborate display of fancy laces, trimmings, and notions.Their stock of clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, as usual is verylarge and will be sold at fair prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The following is the Centennial style of announcingone's self for matrimony:

"Notice to Women of Means, of any Pedigree!Charles Harry Augustus Mellowtongue, Esquire, at Louisville, bachelor andgentleman, the pride and delight of fashionable tailors, offers himselfto the highest bidder, spinster or widow, under fifty years."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

HON. W. P. HACKNEY returned from Topeka thisweek, where he attended a meeting of the A. T. & S. F. Co. He says ifthe people of Cowley want a road, and are willing to go to work, they canhave one before the next snow falls. All we want to know now is what workdo you want performed.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

See the card of R. Hoffmaster, proprietor ofthe City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Mr. Hoffmaster has put in a new stockof horses, purchased buggies, and is prepared to turn out good conveyanceson short notice and reasonable rates. Stable one block west of the CentralAvenue Hotel.






Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We received a friendly note from Mr. A. H. Barnard,of the Valley House, of Wellington, stating that since his return to hisold home he has been doing exceedingly well. Barnard is a popular hotelman in the Southwest, and when you go to Wellington, give him a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

See the card of Mr. Silas Parker, carpenterand builder, late of Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Parker is a good workman,and will work to suit the times. He can erect a claim shanty or a fine mansionas quick and reasonable as anyone in the County. Try him.


Houses, graineries, bridges, and all kinds ofcarpenter's work done on short notice and reasonable terms. Leave ordersat the Central Avenue Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

MR. CARDER has some wheat on his place fourfeet high. Wheat will be taller this year than many have thought. The ruleis that it will lengthen one-third after it has headed. If this rule holdsgood, it will be a good length, after all.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

HARRINGTON and Pat Curry, the boys who werewith old Mr. Campbell from this county to the Black Hills, have returned.They thought the gold inducement would not justify the risk of losing theirlives by Indians.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The band boys expect to make the night air melodiousthis summer, and be ready to attend all calls for music from political meetingsand public gatherings. They understand themselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We have heard it reported that Billy Anderson,formerly of Winfield, was hung in Texas last winter, for being found withsome parties that had stolen cattle. We have nothing positive to substantiatethe rumor.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Considerable lumber and iron belonging to theWalnut Bridge has been found along the stream. Probably one-third of thelumber. The piers remain permanent.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

REAPER FOR SALE. I will sell or trade a newimproved 4-horse McCormick reaper, good as new and capable of cutting 20acres per day, on time, with security.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

GO TO JACKSON & CO., WICHITA, for the ChampionMachine. The best in the market, and will be sold cheaper for cash or goodnotes than any other machine.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Butter scarce at 25 cents a pound.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

W. P. Hackney has gone to Topeka.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Walter Demen has been appointed marshal.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Our public school closes next Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Wirt W. Walton, of the Courier, has returned.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The Union Sabbath School has a $250 library.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The saloons have again been granted licensefor another year.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Wheat harvest will commence by the first ofnext month.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We understand T. H. Henderson, formerly of theLagonda House, is very low with pneumonia.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

James Kelly is fitting up the post office building,and intends putting in a large stock of stationery.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Mrs. Rev. Platter and mother have gone to Philadelphiato spend the summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Died. Thursday, May 4th, an infant child ofMr. and Mrs. J. A. Foults.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The bridge at Bliss' mill is said to be in abad condition. The abutments on both sides of the river are cracked.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, of the Winfield drug store,desires the papers to say that he and his son, Harold have gone to Europe.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

We learn from the Elk County Ledger,that Messrs. Allen and Livingstone of Elk Falls intend starting a picturegallery in Dexter this county.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

The salt works at Salt City are now turningout salt at the rate of a thousand pounds a day. May it soon be able tosupply the whole county.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

A Sad Accident. A little girl of John Easton's,aged about three years, was playing around a wagon with some other children,and climbed upon the wheel, when the team started, throwing her underneathand running over her chest, crushing her lungs and ribs badly. She got upand walked home, about a hundred yards distant, and told her mother shewas hurt and wanted to go to bed. Her mother put her in bed and Dr. Blackwas immediately summoned, but there was no help for her. She died in aboutone hour. We hope this may be a warning to some of those little boys whoplay around wagons on the street.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The iron bridge across the Elk at Elk City gotit* back broke and fell into the river.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Geo. F. Howell has been appointed postmasterat the Pawnee Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Miss Lizzie L. Hiatt, daughter of J. M. Hiatt,has been appointed postmistress at Osage Agency.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876. Front Page.

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE WROTE AN ARTICLE ABOUTSTREAMS IN KANSAS, MENTIONING ONLY THE KANSAS, NEOSHO, REPUBLICAN, SOLOMON,SMOKY HILL, AND THE SALINE. "Kansas can be made one of our foremostmanufactur ing States. Not one west of Massachusetts equals it in permanentand valuable water powers, and in addition to its water power it has a soilof unsurpassed fertility, a salubrious climate, and railroads stretchingfar out in all directions."


Is it not strange that a paper of the generalintelligence of the New York Tribune should overlook the fact thatthe Arkansas River (with many of its chief tributaries) is also one of therivers of Kansas, and the largest in the State? It affords at this point,Arkansas City, more water than all the above mentioned streams put together.The main Arkansas River at this place could be made one of the finest waterpowers in the western country. The Little Arkansas, the Walnut, Grouse,Shawkaska, and Nennescahall offer excellent water privileges, if the capitalwas here to utilize them. I look for the day when 20 mills will be run bythe water power of the Big Arkansas. Arkansas City is bound to be the greatflour manufacturing city of the Western States. She has the wheat producingcountry and the water power; time will bring the capital and enterprise.During the late freshet, when the Walnut overflowed its banks and the lowbottoms looked like a large lake, you could stand on Summit street and seethe water in the Arkansas River, three fourths of a mile west, apparentlybut about ten or twelve feet below you; but the Walnut, three-fourths ofa mile east, seemed at least forty feet beneath youso that there must beat least a fall of twenty feet from the one river to the other. That, onemile and a half of canal could effect. I make the prediction that some dayit will be accomplished. CHRISTIAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The Governor offers $500 reward for the arrestand conviction of the Baxter Springs bank robbers.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Contracts are to be let at Fort Leavenworth,on the 10th day of June, for wagon transportation from Caddo to Fort Sill,Indian Territory; Wichita, Kansas, to Fort Reno, I. T.; Dodge City, or FortDodge, Kansas, to Camp Supply, I. T.; Dodge City, or Fort Dodge, Kansas,to Fort Elliot, Texas, and a number of other points farther west.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

In regard to the scheme for navigating the Arkansasriver, the Chautauqua News of the 29th, ult., says: Mr. Graverockpassed through here last week on his way to St. Louis for the purpose ofsecuring boats to run on the Arkansas River from its mouth as far up asWichita or Arkansas City at least. If this can be accomplished, it willbe a grand thing for all the country bordering upon that river. The immenseamount of wheat growing in that country would then have a cheap outlet tothe best markets in the world, and build up a trade rarely equaled anywhere.This would make Arkansas City an important, and soon a very large city.Elk Ledger.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Indian Territory News.
[From the Commonwealth.]

This place was thrown into considerable excitementon Sunday evening, by the arrival of a courier with word that some six armedwhite men had collected together some 200 head of cattle at the ranch ofJohn Whisker, some 15 miles south of this place and driven them off, indefiance of the herder's protest and what little resistance he could offer.

What few whites live here, some nine in number,armed themselves and started in pursuit. About 8 o'clock Monday morning,they came upon the supposed cattle thieves and found some 60 or 70 headof cows and ponies, being driven by an Indian, a squaw, and some children,said Indian said he knew nothing of any more cattle, but on close observation,a fresh trail was discovered ahead, which was followed for some six or eightmiles, when a herd of some 80 or 100 head of steers were found, being drivenon a run by an Indian and two white men. The parties were called upon tosurrender, but the white men fled and left the Indian with the cattle. TheIndian got down from his horse and made for Francis Olsmith, one of theparties in pursuit from this place, with a butcher knife, and inflictedsome serious wounds, but none of them fatal, he would have killed him however,had not help been close. The Indian was killed outright by a timely shotor two from the pursuers.

Papers found on the dead man go to show thatthe Indian's name was David Blue or Ballou, a noted Cherokee outlaw andcattle thief, and the murderer of some six or eight men. The two escapedwhite men, from the description, are supposed to be Charlie Willetts, andLong John, two desperate characters and the terror of the Nation. The cattlewere brought to this place and await an owner, as they do not belong toWhisker as at first supposed. The brands and marks answer the descriptionof some cattle stolen from Childers in February last, by Charlie Willettsand Long John.

The Territory at this time, is infested witha desperate set of cutthroats and horse thieves and the people, both Indiansand white, have to rely on themselves for protection, and in the future,summary justice be meted out to such that come this way, by Col. Colt.

It is only a few weeks ago, that the store atthis place, owned by Rankin & Gibbs, was robbed in the presence of theclerks, by three armed desperadoes, while the United States Marshall's deputiesare lounging around such places as Muskogee and Vinita.



Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The Republican Convention of the 89th RepresentativeDistrict assembled at Dexter, May 24th, 1876, and organized by electingJ. B. Callison, of Spring Creek Township, temporary chairman, and T. H.Aley, of Otter Township, temporary secretary.

On motion, the following committees were appointed:On credentials, L. Lippmann, T. H. Aley, and James McDermott. On permanentorganization, Jas. McDermott, James England, and A. A. Wiley.

The committee on permanent organization reportedthe name of Hon. Thos. R. Bryan for permanent chairman and T. H. Aley forpermanent secretary.

The Convention then proceeded to the electionof two delegates and two alternates to represent the 89th RepresentativeDistrict in the State Convention to be held at Topeka May 24th, with thefollowing result. Delegates, S. M. Fall, of Windsor; and S. P. Channell,of Creswell. Alternates, A. A. Wiley, of Spring Creek, and F. Brown, ofBeaver.

Central committee for the district: Jas. McDermott,of Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, of Creswell; C. W. Jones, of Windsor; T. H. Aley,of Otter, and C. J. Brane, of Pleasant Valley.

THOS. R. BRYAN, Chairman.

T. H. ALEY, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Pursuant to call the Republican delegates fromthe townships of the 88th Representative District met in convention at theCourthouse in Winfield last Saturday.

On motion, W. B. Norman, of Maple, was chosenchairman, and Wm. White, Secretary of the meeting.

After the usual formalities were disposed of,the delegates present proceeded to vote for two delegates and two alternatesto represent this district in the State Convention May 24, 1876. The choicefell upon D. A. Millington and E. P. Kinne, with respective alternates,as follows: Charles Eagen, of Rock, and J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.

District Republican central committee chosen:L. J. Webb, B. Shriver, and W. B. Norman. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

LAZETTE, KAS., May 19, 1876.

Our farmers of the Grouse Valley are just finishingplanting their corn, as the flood of the 6th inst. washed up their firstplanting. On that morning Old Grouse was seen to be on a general "high,"the water rising five feet higher than it was ever known by the earliestwhite settlers, and carrying everything with it to a general destruction.The water in many places extended from bluff to bluff, and washed away thesoil as deep as it was plowed, together with a great deal of fencing.

H. D. Wilkins suffered some considerable loss,as the turbid waters carried off his fencing, stables, corn cribs, granaries,etc. B. H. Clover was damaged to the extent of nearly $1,000. Many werecompelled to abandon their houses, and seek more secure positions on higherground with their little ones. The fencing and out buildings of Mr. Wilkinswere carried on Mr. Clover's place, and Mr. Wilkins was only allowed toremove the lumber of his out buildings. Benderville was entirely submerged,women and children being compelled to seek the second stories of their dwellings.

Costello's great circus exhibited here on the15th. The animals failed to put in an appearance, and the circus performancewas barely tolerable. The side shows seemed to be made up of blacklegs,cutthroats, and dead beats. A more rascally set of swindlers never enteredour town. Some of our citizens took considerable stock in the three cardmonte bank, making deposits of $20, $30, and even $70. It was trying tosee how some of the stockhold ers in the bank would make deposits withouta possibility of even getting their interest.

Yesterday the Directors of the Parsons &Walnut Valley Railroad met here, but nothing definite was learned. RUSTYCUSS.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Government Troops for Decatur County,
Kansas. Gen. Pope's Orders.

In answer to the petition of the settlers inDecatur County, asking for a small Military Post to be established on thehead waters of Sappa creek, General Pope has issued the following order.


Commanding Officer, Fort Hays, Kansas.

SIR: The Department Commander directs that yousend out as soon as possible one company of cavalry equipped for field service,to scout slowly by the way of the Saline and Solomon Rivers to the headof Sappa Creeks, following these streams down to their mouths and visitingall the settlements along them.

This expedition is for the purpose of observingthe movements of Indians and affording any necessary assistance of the settlers.

When the first company returns, you are to sendanother one out for the same purpose, and, in short, are to keep one companyout scouting through the region named during the summer.

If you think proper you may send supplies (forageand rations) to Buffalo station under the charge of an officer or suitablenon commissioned officer, and a small detachment for the use of the companyin the field, which can send its wagons to that point from the Sappa Creeks.

This sub depot at Buffalo is to be kept up aslong as scouting is going on.

A medical officer should accompany the scoutingcompany.

At several times within the last two weeks,reports have come in from various sources, of the presence of roving bandsof Indians in the section of country referred to. So far these bands haveseemed to be peaceful, but their presence is a cause of alarm to the settlerswho cannot be sure but they may at any time commit depredations.

In case any of these bands are met, they mustbe warned to leave the country, as their presence there is in violationof their treaty stipulations, and while away from their reservations theyare liable to be considered hostile, and to be attacked at any time.

If anything important occurs, it can be telegraphedfrom Buffalo station.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant.

(Signed) E. R. PLATT, Assistant AdjutantGeneral.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

On the Trail.
[Special to the Price Current.]

I met the first cattle May 5, eight miles northof Salt Fork.

D. R. Fant, two herds, containing 1,850 each.Destination Ellis, Kansas.

Capt. Millett, 850 wintered cattle. DestinationRussell Kas.

At Salt Fork I have met:

J. L. Driskill 2,500 wintered cattle. DestinationRussell, Kas.

Benj. Sheidley, 1,850 through cattle. DestinationEllis, Kas.

G. W. Littlefield, 1,650 through cattle. DestinationEllis, Kas.

Bennett & Adana, 1,150 through cattle. DestinationEllis, Kas.

Millett's, Mabry's, Driskill's & Sheidley'sare all beeves; Fant's, Littlefields and Bennett & Adana's cattle aremixed. Grass is good and the through cattle are coming up in fine fix.

Wintered cattle are not looking so well. Thebulk of the drive is coming the old trail. Some herds are striking westat Salt Fork and others at Bluff Creek. They seem to be undecided as towhich is the best route for this western trail, as no pilot has been furnishedthem through.



Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The newspapers are making war on railroad faresto the centennial. Let the war grow hotter till reason prevails, and halffare is reached.

The Republicans of Silver Dale Township selectedfor central committee the following gentlemen: L. Lippmann, chairman; JohnTipton, secretary, and William Herbert, treasurer

all good, active men.

An incident of the high water in the GrouseValley, near Dexter, was the refuge taken by fifteen persons, two mules,and three horses upon a straw stack, to which they were driven, the waterrising four feet `round the base.

Sheridan Township comes to the front with 2,500acres of wheat, 2,575 acres of corn. These "figures won't lie,"as they were taken from the returns of Hank Clay, the "worthy and wellqualified" township assessor. This is pretty good for Sheridan, consideringthe fact that it is one of the smallest townships in the County.

The farmers of Grouse Valley suffered a greatdeal of damage by the flood two weeks ago. The principal harm arises fromthe loss of plowed soil and planted corn. In many cases the current of highwater swept across farms and carried away whole fields of soil down to unplowedsoil.

BIG GAINS. The assessment rolls are not allin, but we have seen a few of them. A very marked increase in the developmentof the county is shown over last year, however. In the matter of winterwheat breadth the largest gain is shown.

In Rock, 4,435 against 2,051 in 1875.

In Richland, 1,728 against 764 in 1875.

In Otter, 1,519 against 904 in 1875.

In Beaver, 2,333 against 1,434 in 1875.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

On last Thursday evening Mrs. Amos Smith, ofPleasant Valley Township, lost one thousand bushels of corn, a cheap stable,and a lot of rails by fire. The fire originated by a lighted match thata young child put in the hay nearby. It is a serious loss and comes at atrying time with her. The next day we met Capt. Nipp on his way to her housewith a load of corn as a present.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

What might have been a serious accident, butfortunately did not, happened last night to J. B. Lynn, of this city, andDick Wilson and Mr. Huffman, two well known "drummers," as theywere crossing the Walnut on their return from Arkansas City. It seems thatthe west side of the ford is in bad condition, having been washed out bythe late flood, and in the effort to avoid the bad place, drove into a worse,upsetting the buggy right on top of the party, in some three feet of water.There was no help near, and but for the fact that the current was strongand swift, our friends must surely have drowned, but the force of the waterturned the buggy off of them and they scrambled out, little the worse fortheir narrow escape.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Fine rains.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Delightful showers.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Strawberries are ripe.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

E. D. Eddy returned Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Many farmers are plowing their corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Immigrants are coming in by colonies.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

John Brown will cut his barley this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

MATTERS in the Black Hills are quiet lately.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

THOMAS BAKER has returned and will open a barbershop.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The Swiss Bell Ringers are to be at EmporiaJune 10th.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

NEWMAN & CO. sold $500 dollars worth ofgoods last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

ARMY officers are at Emporia, buying horsesfor the cavalry service.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

FRANK LORRY expects to harvest 3,000 bushelsof wheat this summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

A ditch is to be dug to run the water from theroad east of Dr. Hughes.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

A number of teams from the Pawnee Agency wereup last week after corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The whites and Osages are to have a picnic atOsage Agency, on the 24th inst.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

We have a specimen of wheat from J. C. Topliff'sfarm four feet and nine inches high.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

MRS. SMALL received a severe fall as she wasgetting out of a wagon, last week, while in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

We have blue grass in some gardens on the townsite ten inches high, and several plats of clover.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The Ladies' Society of the Presbyterian Churchwill meet at Prof. Hulse's this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The ford near the Walnut Bridge has washed outso much that teams have to cross at Harmon's ford.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

There will be a social of the M. E. Societythis evening at the residence of A. Davis. All are invited.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

MR. CARDER will burn two kilns of brick thissummer, of 150,000 each. They are busy at work on them now.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

A breaking plow was sold at auction on the street,last Saturday, for eight dollars, and a bird dog for one dollar.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

MR. G. W. HAMER, of Marion, Indiana, was hereyesterday, looking out a location for several Indiana families.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The report of Mr. Hamilton being married lastweek was entirely false, and without any foundation whatever.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The back water east of town will be drainedoff by Saturday, when enough fish will be caught to supply the town fora week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

C. R. MITCHELL is at Topeka, attending the narrowgauge railroad meeting. He is also a delegate to the State Delegate Convention.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

MASTODON. It is claimed that the bones of amastodon have been discovered near South Haven, one tooth of which weighsfive pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The time is drawing near when preparations forthe celebration of the 4th of July should be made, if we expect to celebrateit.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

PRAYER meeting at the M. E. Church, Thursdayevening. Social at Mr. A. A. Davis' tonight, one door south of the CityBakery.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

BRIDGE. Mr. Chamberlain, Trustee of CreswellTownship, informs us he has recovered two-thirds of the Walnut River Bridgetimber.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

CLOCKS. Houghton & Mc. have a fine assortmentof wooded and metal frame clocks, which are curiosities as well as ornamentsand valuable time pieces.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

CLAIM TAKING on the Cherokee Strip continueswith its usual activity. Good farming land at $1.25 per acre cannot alwaysbe had in this county, and now is the time to take advantage of the opportunity.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

GRANGERS' PICNIC. A picnic will be held at Pruden'sGrove, near Salt City, on the first Saturday in June, by the Grangers ofBolton Township and vicinity. All are requested to come with well filledbaskets.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

JUDGE CHRISTIAN has rented the "NortonStore" building opposite the Central Avenue Hotel, and will removehis office thereto this week. He has improved the property considerablyby putting in south doors and windows.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Y. P. C. A.

The Young People's Christian Association havethe following programme for next Friday evening. All are invited. Music,prayer, roll call and response, minutes of previous meeting, song, essay,recitation, duet. Discussion: "Resolved, That the work of theteacher affords a better field for usefulness than the work of the preacher."Affirmative, J. C. McMullen, W. H. Harrison; negative, J. T. Shepard, F.B. Hutchinson. Volunteers will then be invited to speak, after which therewill be a quartette, select reading, declamation, followed by adjournment.E. W. HULSE, Pres.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

BASE BALL. At the game of base ball, last Saturdayafternoon, Prof. Hulse's nine proved too much for their opponents, defeatingthem by a score of twelve to nine. Some good playing was done on both sides,and with a little practice a nine can be formed that will equal the "Racks"of 1873. Another game is expected next Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock.All lovers of the game are requested to be on hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

SHERIFF WALKER, J. P. Short, Cliff Wood, BurtCovert, and Mr. Tansey stopped at the Central Avenue last Monday, and ateenough to fill a bed tick. Dick's health is improving since he is married.J. P. Short enjoys a clear conscience and ruddy countenance. Cliff is asportly as usual. Burt still backs that charming moustache, and Mr. Tanseyretains his natural good qualities.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

We took a ride over Bolton Township last Mondaywith a gentleman who had come out to see the country, and had the pleasureof seeing the best land we ever saw, and crops growing in splendid condition.Many farmers have built new houses, planted hedges, and now and then havegood stables. All seemed well satisfied and in high spirits.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

THE DAM AT NEWMAN'S MILL has been washed aroundon the west side so that the whole current of the river passes through thebreak. They are at work on it, and expect to have it repaired soon. Withthe bridge being gone, things look desolate about the mill at present.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

A meeting of the Stock Protective Union washeld at Benedict's Hall last Saturday, and resolutions adopted. Considerablethieving has been going on lately in other parts, and some right at home,and it would be policy to be prepared to follow the thieves.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

W. E. C. LYONS, formerly of Baxter Springs,and editor of the Cherokee Sentinel is stopping a short time withMr. Logan. Mr. Lyons is a Kansas man, but at present is serving the goodpeople of Centralia, Illinois, as City Attorney.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The steamboat for this place leaves Zanesville,Ohio, June 29th. It will take three weeks or more to make the trip. Preparationsare being made to ship corn and potatoes during the summer, and hay andflour in the fall.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Mr. Withington says that a late census of theKaw Indians shows but 482. In the fall of 1848 they numbered 1,534. TheSac & Foxes came to Kansas in 1846, two thousand seven hundred and thirtystrong. They now number a little over six hundred. Civilization and badwhiskey have been fatal to these once powerful and warlike tribes.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, was at theOccidental last Sunday. He seems to be enjoying health and peace of mindnotwithstanding the terrible "rackett" he received from the indignantpress of the State. Before we became acquainted we imagined him a giantabout eight feet high and weighing something less than a thousand pounds.Beacon.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

A News' special from Browneville says: Capt.McNelly, who has been stationed for some time with a command of Texas rangersat Santa Maria, forty miles from here, on yesterday broke camp and left,it is said, with orders to report at Laredo, Texas. Last night, while nearEdinburg, he struck a band of cattle thieves, as they were in the act ofcrossing the Rio Grande with some stolen cattle, killed two and woundedone, also captured some horses and cattle.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Our Oxford correspondent, writing on the 8thsays: Friday night and Saturday morning the big rain fell. It was betweensix and eight inches on the level. Usually quiet little ravines arose toa depth of fifteen feet in a few hours and swept bridges, culverts, androads. Lightning killed two horses for Mr. Houser, two miles south of town.Two mules standing in the stable at the same time escaped unhurt. The stable,with fifteen bushels of wheat, also plows, harrows, and other farming implements,were consumed by the fire. Mr. Kelly, living two miles southwest of town,had a mule killed by lightning. The wheat is not injured to any extent.Corn will b late in consequence of the heavy rain. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

Half breed Pawnees wear long hair.

W. S. Marsden has been confirmed Agent of the"Five civilized tribes."

The Chickasaw Nation has corn enough on handto do another year without making any at all this season. Star.

W. L. Boyd is a candidate for the office ofgovernor in the Chickasaw Nation.

The Post Office at Caddo, Chickasaw Nation,is soon to be a money order office.

Editor Scott, of the Arkansas Traveler,has our thanks for a supply of roller composition.

R. W. Hopkins has our thanks for the head ofa fish, probably a gar, that is so long that in the hands of an infuriatedsavage, it would render efficient service as a war club.

W. W. Burgess, our Nebraska printer, can writeeditorials for a daily before breakfast, stand at the news case until sunset,and, with melody from the king of instruments, break your heart before midnight.

Osages have manuscript written in Spanish onparchment that is one hundred and thirty- nine years old, and it is nowin a fair state of preservation. Several of their ancient documents weredated at New Orleans.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

IF YOU WANT a reaper or mower repaired, callon K. F. Smith.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

STRAYED, STOLE, or vas gone avay mit hisselfvonplack cow mit a proken horn vat vas about 7 or 6 years olt, und hat a vhiteshpot on the hint side mit her vest ear. Uf the gow vas find somepody, undhe vas pring itself py my house, I vould trade him a good McGormick reaperfor a yoke of oxen vat I vas not run more ash 6 year. Enquire mit Sleitzenhimeer,apout 5 or 4 miles to the Bost Office. Uf the gow vat somepody fint hafone eye proke out, dat is my gow.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

THREE PONIES FOR SALE. One 5-year old, $35;one 6-year old, $35; one 3-year old horse, $30all in good condition. Inquireof C. M. Scott.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.

The bridge over the North Platte River, betweenSidney, Nebraska, and Custer City, was completed and opened for travel onthe 13th. This throws open what is claimed to be the shortest road to theBlack Hills.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876. Front Page.

SOUTH HAVEN, May 20, 1876.

Editor Traveler:

One of the "world's wonders has just beenunearthed at South Haven, in the shape of a gigantic skeleton, which issupposed to have once supported the body of one of those pre- historic monstersthat roamed over the plains and through the forests long before there wasa man to till the ground.

The thing was exhumed from its ancient sepulcheron last Friday, in the presence of a large number of spectators, who unanimouslypronounced it a "mastodon;" but the name did not convey to mymind any idea of the immensity of its size until after I had seen and handledthe several ponderous masses of its bony structure. How shall I describewhat I saw without presuming upon the credulity of your readers? To saythat it was huge, would only mean that it was larger than that stupid elephantthat could not cross the Walnut to get to our "big show." In fact,the world does not afford any living organism with which to compare thisfossilated relic of antiquity.

However, you may form some faint conceptionof its magnitude when I tell you that one of its teeth, the smallest organsof the skeleton, weighed just five pounds! Now take one of the largegrinders from the mouth of an adult horse, and if it weighs one ounce, youwill have an exact proportion, the ratio of which will be as one to eighty,and which may be reduced to this startling equation: the South Haven "whatis it?" equal to eighty horses! What an engine he would be to breakprairie with! Why, sir, Walker's livery stable "chuck full" ofelephants would be but a side show compared with this pre-Adamite quadruped.His legs resemble four inverted pyramids swinging pendulous from a bony-archedsky. Do you suppose a little shower up the Walnut would stop him? He coulddrink down the gushing Grouse at a single gulp, wade the Winfield marshes,and leap the "unbridgeable" Walnut at a bound. But if you willpardon this digression, I will return to the bones.

They are in a semi-petrified condition, thoughin a tolerably good state of preservation. The petrifying process seemsto have been prematurely arrested, with slight decomposition at the articulationsas a result. The shafts of the "long bones" are solid stone, andas heavy as iron. The dentine or ivory of the teeth is the hardest and heaviestportion of the skeleton.

Mr. Sain, of Caldwell, informed me that oneof the teeth weighed five pounds. Now if the number corresponds with thatof man, the whole dental composition would weigh 160 poundsequal to theweight of an average sized man. . . .

But to "the bones." If anyone doubtsthe bona fide existence of these relics, let him, or her, go to SouthHaven and see the bones. They are, for the most part, distributed amongthe citizens, who prize them very highly. Through the kindness of Mr. Musgrove,the merchant of South Haven, I procured a small fragment of one of the "flatbones." It shows the vast thickness of the bones of this class, andcan be seen at my office at any time. But

"Cui Bono."


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

There is no material question of more importanceto the people of this valley than that of cheap fuel. "Have you discoveredcoal yet?" is the stereotyped question of a majority of prospectors.Upon the satisfactory settlement of this question depends much. Withoutcheap fuel the manufacturing interest of this valley will never attain tothat importance that they otherwise would. Our water powers, for the mostpart, remain undeveloped and untested.

But two or three systematic efforts have everbeen made in this vicinity to settle the question. One of them was abandonedwhen the drill had reached only 150 feet. Another, the McCampbell shaft,which we have often noticed, and which is being sunk five miles east oftown [Wichita], is still being put down. Messrs. Todd & Royal, formerlymerchants of this city, both of whom yet reside and do business here, andwho are the proprietors of Salt City, Sumner County, have been boring forcoal at the latter point for over a year back. Word was received here theother day that the "black diamonds" had been struck sure enough,at a depth of four hundred feet. The shaft is within a few rods of the famoussalt springs and the deposit found only varied four feet in depth from theestimate made by the geologist. It is supposed to be the same vein discoveredon the Canadian River in the Indian Territory, which has over four feetof a workable face. The Commonwealth in speaking of it says, truly,that "every month seems to open up something new and rich for SouthwesternKansas." We talked with Mr. Todd the other day about the matter andhe assured us that as soon as he could he would give us a reliable dataconnected with this important discovery, when we will gladly lay the factsbefore our readers. There is one thing certain, if a paying vein of coalexists at Salt City, it exists here also, for the geological formationsare identical. If such vein is the Canadian vein, and it does not dip ata greater angle to the north between this point and that, then it is justas certain that we can reach it at Wichita at a depth of from 600 to 700feet. Upon the other hand, if the dip should be to the south, that is, ifthe deposit should rise faster than the surface of the country, then lessthan 400 feet would reach the same vein here. We shall await, anxiously,further developments touching the Salt City vein. . . .

Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876. Front Page.

Cheyenne, May 19. The last two companies ofthe Second Cavalry for Crook's expedition left Fort Russell this forenoon.They will cross the river at Laramie City, marching up the north side toFetterman, to be joined by troops which leave the railroad at Medicine Bow,the whole force reaching Fetterman Wednesday forenoon. At this point, Col.Royal, of the 3rd Cavalry, will take command, under Gen. Crook, of the entireforce.

At the halting place last night some five desertionsoccurred, the men taking their horses and equipments with them.

The latest arrivals from the Black Hills, EldermanNeal and J. D. Way, of this city, report that they met Raymond's outfiton Indian Creek. They were then engaged in a hot fight with the Indians,and succeeded in capturing about thirty-five head of stock, and drivingoff the red skins.

They also met about four hundred people witheighty wagons, northward bound, at Hot Creek. They rode into Fort Laramieunmolested.

These gentlemen are reliable authority, andstate that on White Wood and Dead Wood Creeks, claims are being successfullyworked, yielding ten to twenty dollars to the man; but beyond this district,the hostility and oft repeated attacks of the Indians on prospectors havealmost paralyzed the efforts of the miners.

Gov. Thayer departed eastward today, to secure,if possible, additional troops to protect the frontier during the absenceof the garrison forces in the Big Horn country; or, failing in this, atleast to procure arms and ammunition for a militia organization.

A fire today on Green River, Wyoming, destroyed$7,000 worth of property.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876. Front Page.

We see by Elk Falls Ledger that J. C.Pinney, of Longton Township, had his house and all that was in it burnedlast week, his loss being fully $3,000. The house was a large two- storybuilding and had just been completed. Mr. Pinney served three years in thearmy in the same company with us, and we are certainly sorry to learn ofhis misfortune. He was the best "square holt" wrestler we eversaw, and in 1863 he threw the champion of Colorado, the best three in five,for quite a sum of money. During that year the Colorado 2nd Cavalry wasordered from Denver to Fort Hallock, where we were stationed. They broughtall the fast horses, the best jumper, the best wrestler, the fastest footracer, and fifteen or twenty of the best gamblers they could rake and scrapeup with them, knowing that we had been in the mountains two years and hadplenty of money. John Pearson, of Lawrence, owned the horse that got awaywith their Denver horse. C. C. Watson, a merchant in Cottonwood Falls, jumpeda foot further at a standing jump than their champion. J. C. Pinney dustedthe backs of their square hold wrestlers. We "bust" their montebanks. Lieutenant Rab Madden of Bazaar, Chase County, drank all their officersdrunk and put them to bed, and at the end of two days the Colorado 2nd hadn'tenough money left to buy a whiskey co*cktail. They didn't get away with theKansas outfit worth a cent. All this is brought to our mind by reading theaccount of Mr. Pinney's loss of property. Walnut Valley Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

What Cowley County is to the State, Bolton Townshipis to Cowley County, the banner wheat raising district. Unless a farmerhas over sixty acres of wheat in his field, it is called a "patch."A. A. Newman & Co. will harvest 200 acres; Reuben Bowers, 187; HenryPruden, 165; Frank Lorry, 150; E. B. Kager, 150; Oscar Palmer, 150; theBeard Bros., 100; and we don't know how many farmers 50 and 75 acre fieldsof the best wheat in the State. The majority of the farmers will use "Headers,"thus saving the expense of binding and shocking the grain. Of course, Boltonwants a railroad. We were told by one of her leading citizens that the townshipwould not cast three dissenting votes to any railroad bond propositionthat the Commissioners might submit, whether east, west, north, or south,it matters not to them, they all want a railroad. Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

From Capt. Thomas Scott, of Texas, we learnthat unbroken mules of a good size can be purchased for $70 each; also thatthe wheat crop of Texas this year is only about half a crop. All other cropsare remarkably good.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Last Monday was the day for the Arkansas Cityboat to leave Zanesville, Ohio. It will probably take four weeks to makethe trip, going via the Ohio to Cairo, then down the Mississippi to themouth of the Arkansas, then up the Arkansas: a total distance of probably3,000 miles.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The offer the L., L. & G. company has tomake to Elk and Cowley counties is, in a nutshell: "You grade, bridge,tie, and iron the road, and we will put on the rolling stock and operateit." That day has gone by, gentlemen. We don't propose to build a millrace to give you the use of the water.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

A meeting was held in District No. 33 (eastof the Walnut), last week, at which it was resolved that the people of thatsection were opposed to voting bonds for bridges, and calling on the Countyto erect one. There is no denying that the Townships east and west reapa great benefit from the bridges of this Township, yet if the County refusesto build the bridge, do the people propose to do without it? We could notask the County to bridge the Walnut at this place without favoring the oneor both, at Winfield; and if they build these, then Lazette and Silverdalewill want the Grouse bridged. If the distribution could be made equal throughoutthe County, we should favor County bridges.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.


"If all our newcomers and citizens wouldtake as active a part in writing to their friends east, north, and south,and in circulating the TRAVELER, our population would double itself withinthe next twelve months." EDITOR SCOTT THANKED JUDGE CHRISTIAN FOR HISLETTERS.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

WICHITA, KAN., May 27, 1876.

C. M. Scott, Esq.:

SIR: In reply to your letter of the 25th inst.,would say I wrote to the Commissioner for an abstract of Cherokee landssold under sealed bids, and received his reply under recent date, that hewould forward list as soon as one could be made up. I will try to rememberyour request, and send you a list as soon as received from the Department.

Very Respectfully, H. L. TAYLOR, Register.

We will endeavor to obtain a list of allthe land sold, and give what information we can to have the vacant tractssettled, and the land brought into market to actual settlers as soon aspossible. Scott.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The blacksmiths are all busy.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Commissioners meet next Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Beautiful flowers all over the prairies.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Dog slaying began Monday morning by the Marshal.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

H. P. Farrar went to Kansas City this week onbusiness.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Mr. Bowers caught a forty-pound cat fish inthe Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Mrs. Sherburne and daughter are to go East intwo weeks, on a visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

A ferry across the Walnut at Newman's Mill orHarmon's ford would pay.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Mrs. Williams, of Winfield, has a $10 per weekboarding house at Philadelphia.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

We have a sprig of a peach tree measuring twenty-oneinches, grown this spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

If all go that expect to, there will be twenty-fivecitizens absent this summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The Ladies' Society of the Presbyterian Churchwill meet at Mr. Wm. Newton's, June 7th, at 2 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

R. C. Haywood has been wrestling with an attackof rheumatism, or something similar thereto.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

A number of persons leave Winfield next weekto attend the Centennial. Rev. Platter, among others.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

Geo. Allen has painted the Peoples Drug Storesign, and made a new one for Kendall Smith and Hoffmaster's livery.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

A petition for the opening of the Cherokee Stripto actual settlers has been left at the Post Office, and all interestedare requested to sign it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

How about that Walnut bridge? We should liketo have the farmers express themselves, as they are in the majority, andwill determine any proposition.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

REMOVED. The barber shop of Prof. Harrison hasbeen removed to the first building south of E. D. Eddy's, where he willbe glad to shave anyone who comes in.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The boat started from Zanesville, Ohio, lastMonday, if nothing interfered. The types made us say the start was to bein June, last week, when it should have been May.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

HOLLOWAY contracted to move a house for E. B.Kager for eight dollars. We saw him, and a half dozen helping him, at worka day and a half, with three teams, and during the time broke several timbersand the axle of one wagon.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

THAT HOLE. There is a hole back of the TRAVELERbuilding. It don't belong to, neither has it any claims upon the property;nevertheless, it is there. It should not be. If we could, we'd blame iton Jim Allen. He is generally accountable for this. Mowry's pig, Joe Sherburne'sdog, and finally our favorite and cherished $35 pony, know that hole isthere. The last mentioned saw the bottom of it on Monday, May the 29th,A. D. 1876the Centennial year of American independence. It was too bad,but it couldn't be helped, and for consolation we now sit with the backdoor open waiting to see the next poor being interred without ceremony.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

CONSIDERABLE confusion has been made on theCherokee Strip Lands by parties settling on land that has been sold by theGovernment under sealed bids. We expect to have in a few days a completelist of all that was sold and will give what information we can. A petitionshould be circulated and sent to our Representatives urging them to re-openthe lands to actual settlement. It is their choice to have them opened tothe settlers, but a good petition would show the spirit of the people andencourage the movement.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

LETTERS remaining in the P. O. at Arkansas City,June 1st, 1876: Castello, Geo. Dild, John. Francis, Mrs. Elijah. Golleo,S. H. Thompson, Mrs. P. A. Thorpe, Robert. Stevenson, Geo. W.

Persons calling for any of the above will pleasesay advertised.

C. M. SCOTT, Postmaster.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The back water on Harmon's ford will not beoff before Saturday. A deep ditch has been made from the river, and it willtake several days for the water to run off. Some of the largest fish fromthe Walnut have been seen in the pond, and a jolly time is expected whenthe water is low enough to catch them.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

MARE STOLEN. Someone stole a white faced, blackmare, with two or three white feet, from J. B. Callerson, of Dexter, lastSunday night. The mare was a seven-year old, and was traced toward thisplace. Keep a lookout.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

The House Committee on Indian Affairs reviewedthe Indian appropriation bill, and decided to report amendments increasingits amount by $600,000. It appears that Randall took the bill in hand andreduced it on his own responsibility about $1,500,000 below the estimates.He then submitted it to the committee as being substantially in accordancewith the view of the Indian Bureau, and on this assurance it was passed.When the real facts became known, the committee gave the bill a closer inspection,with the result above stated.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

FOR RENT. 100 acres of wheat ground; 1/2 oldground, 1/2 broken this season. Will rent for cash, or a share of the crops.Inquire of J. H. Sherburne.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

2 yoke of Work Cattle for sale by Thos. Parvin.Inquire at the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

If you want a first-class job of stairs or housecarpenter work, go to A. H. HYDE.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876. Front Page.

We regret to learn that a mourning party ofOsage young men, who still cling to their ancient religion under what theyconceive to be strong provocations, have crossed the Arkansas River, andare heading toward the Salt Plains. This movement was in open oppositionto the earnest entreaties of the chiefs and headmen of the tribe. We willsay more of this next week.

[Later: They have returned.]

The above is taken from the Indian Herald, and is the first intimation we have ever heard fromthat quarter of any approaching danger. Before the information, all intentionsof depredations were as closely concealed by the whites as by the Indians,and that, in a great measure, was the cause of the greater part of the troubleon the border.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876. Front Page.

Omaha, Neb., May 29. A citizen of this place,just arrived from Custer City, says that on the 19th, that place was attackedby Indians, who burned the ammunition house, in the center of the city,which, in blowing up, destroyed several houses. His party, numbering 96persons, left at daylight on the next morning, and cannot give the particulars.He buried John Shenck, of Yankton, who had been shot eight miles from BuffaloGap, on the north side of the Platte, between Red Cloud and Sidney. He foundthe body of T. P. Hermann, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, who had $7,500 inchecks and $21 in greenbacks with him. The Indians left these, but strippedhim of everything else and ran off his stock. He took the body to Sidney,and from there forwarded it home. The money was placed in the hands of Mr.Moore, a citizen of Sidney.

On the 17th, the Indians attacked a miner'scabin at midnight, at Rose Bud, between Custer and Dead Wood, and surprisedand killed all the occupants, literally hacking them to pieces.

About four thousand people are in Custer intwelve hundred houses. Nothing can be done on account of the Indians. Ifa man goes a mile from camp alone, he loses his scalp.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876. Front Page.

Mr. Frank Chapin has moved into his new residenceon the Winfield and Arkansas City road, and is enrolled among many othersas a "bull whacker."

Mr. Crouch has just completed a fifty-five acrejob of breaking for Mr. Bott.

The sound of J. L. Hon's whip and "whoa!haw!" are heard from morning until night on his farm, where he is expectedsoon to reside with a "better half."

The wheat harvest is near at hand. Mr. Beechexpects to harvest his wheat this week.

Mr. Fowler is having 160 acres of prairie brokenthis season, and is going to have it sown in wheat this fall. D. Holland,John Hawkins, Woods Retherford, and others are still turning the sod.

Rev. Wingar preaches at the Holland schoolhouseevery alternate Sabbath. The Union Sabbath school is one of the best andmost interesting schools in Cowley County. Mr. Mason is determined to havea library, which will add greatly to the interest of the school.

A party of youngsters met at Mr. Ed. Chapin'slast Sunday evening for a social sing.

The bewitching features of the fair sex in thiscommunity have so completely charmed Mike Markcum that he has abandonedthe idea of going to the Centennial this year. He thinks he will be readyto attend the next one with me.

Russ. Cowles got stuck in the mud in Posey Creeklast week, while coming from Wichita with a load of hardware. Where is ourroad supervisor? C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

We have a bunch of wheat measuring five feetand seven inches from the Kaw Agency farm. The Indian boys helped to plantit, and will do their share of eating it when it is served up as bread.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

We have received information from Hon. W. R.Brown, stating that the bill to bring in the Cherokee Strip Lands is nowbefore the Committee, and has every indication of being carried through.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

CEDAR TP., June 3, 1876.

Weather cloudy and cool. Wheat looks well, andharvest is near at hand. In traveling from Otto to Winfield on the 29thof last month, I counted twenty-one teams turning over the prairie sod.Corn looks well in general. Health good, and prospects flattering for bettertimes, "and still we have no railroad." SELDOM.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

On last Wednesday while J. W. McDonald and familywere passing from Wellington to Winfield, in crossing one of the tributariesof the Avon, thinking to lighten the load, he gave the lines to his wifeand got out to walk. When the horses found the place to be rather deep andmuddy, they gave a lunge, breaking the buggy, and throwing out Mrs. McDonaldand child. The horses became frightened and ran away, dragging Mrs. McDonaldand child some twenty-five rods, bruising them up considerably, but otherwisethey were uninjured.

The buggy was broken all to pieces. Mr. McDonaldsucceeded in getting a wagon and team and came on to Oxford, obtained abuggy from Mr. Hoosick's stable, and passed on to Winfield. This verifieswhat we said last week, that somebody would get hurt unless those bridgeswere fixed. We ask again that they may be repaired. Oxford Independent.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

[Special Correspondence of the PriceCurrent.]
RED FORK IND. TER., May 24, 1876.

The following herds have passed since my last.

May 16. Capt. King, four herds, 7,400 mixed.Destination, Ellis, Kansas.

May 20. Kingsberry & Holmsley, 1,577 mixed.Destination, Dodge City, Kan. Quinlan & Shepard, 1,200 mixed. Destinationundecided. Hughes & Hood, four herds, 7,000 mixed. Destination undecided.

May 21. J. L. Driskill, two herds, 4,200 mixed.Destination, Ellis, Kan.

May 22. J. W. L. Slavens, 2,100 mixed. Destination,River Bend, Colorado.

The Hughes & Hood cattle started to drivethrough on the western trail, but were ordered to the old trail below thispoint by the commandant at Fort Sill. A. CONKLE.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.


The following herds have passed since May 4.

A. M. Walker, 1,815; A. R. Adair, 1,100; H.C. Boyce, 1,850; D. J. McKinney, 1,810; Lyon & Jennings, 1,500. Thedestination of these herds is Dodge City, Kansas.

Sam. Vance, 1,500; W. Humphreys, 1,650; Destination,Ellis, Kansas.

Caruthers & Taylor, 2,800 for Plum Creek,Kansas.

C. R. Walker, 2,500 for the Red Cloud Agency.

J. B. Blocker, 1,430 for Hays City, Kansas.

W. J. Wishard, 1,750; King, 7,400; Hughes &Hood, 7,100; Kingsberry & Holmsley, 1,700; C. C. Quinland, 1,190. Destinationnot known. J. C. HOPKINS.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The States of Missouri and Arkansas were onceterritory belonging to the Osages, and some of the tribe who lived in 1847were born where now is the city of Jefferson, and also along the Osage River,Missouri. They had a school near Pappinsville, in Bates County. In 1847several half-breeds of the tribe had still farms on Mormento River, nearFort Scott. The tribe had now come to Kansas, and numbered 5,500, wherewhiskey did much harm among all classes. The Great George White Hair hada double log house for a dwelling place on a large farm, and owned a sawand grist mill five miles from Missiontown. This property the Osages destroyedby fire as it did not pay expenses. The White Hair band was kept withina few miles of the Mission school, and during the summer months the youngmen were always ready to work on the farm, and to split rails or firewoodin the winter. Clammoretown was then where now is the town of Coffeyville,on the Verdigris River. Black Dog and Wolf towns were only three miles distant.The Big Hills were located ten or more miles away, sometimes north and atother times south of the Verdigris.

The Little Osages came formerly from Missouriand had joined the Great Osages and in 1847 were living south of the NeoshoRiver. The owl family, however, pushed a few miles away and up Big Creek.In 1850 the number of Osage children began greatly to increase, and in 1852fell victims to disease and 800 died of measles. Scurvey, a disease whichis more generally thought to belong to sailors and those whose lives arespent upon the seas, then appeared with its train of alarming effects, andof the 400 who lived near the Mission, forty died of this disease withinone month. The tribe was also visited by small pox, some even sufferingthe third attack. In 1860 health and hope again prevailed; the Little Osagescommenced raising corn and beans. The White Hair band fenced large fields,built houses, and raised cattle and hogs. The civil war that followed sosoon destroyed their fields, houses, cattle, and other stock, and blastedeven their hopes.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

Mr. J. P. Woodyard, of the Arkansas City WaterMills, lost last Saturday on the road from the mouth of Grouse to Winfield,a large pocket book containing some valuable papers. The finder will beliberally rewarded by leaving it at this office.

The ford across the Walnut near Moore's Millis in a very bad condition, and should be attended to immediately. It isunsafe for loaded teams to cross, and quite a number of buggies have alreadybeen upset and the occupants thrown into the river by attempting to cross.

There are two families of Gipsies camped acrossthe Walnut near Bliss' Mill. They are in town every day, going from houseto house and telling fortunes. They have come all the way from Texas throughthe Indian Territory by wagon, and are going from here to Arizona.

A. J. Pyburn, our County attorney, met withquite a sad accident last Sunday. He was opening a bottle when the neckof the bottle broke off, and a piece of the glass cut a gash in his righthand almost to the bone. Dr. Davis dressed the wound, and it is gettingalong as well as could be expected, but he will probably be unable to usehis hand for several weeks.

He should call in a friend when he wants toopen a bottle, or send it down to Wirt Walton, if he wants it neatly opened.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

More furniture at L. Mc's.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

TEN-CENT-ENIAL cigars at Eddy's.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

DR. HUGHES' sod wheat is in the shock.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The County Commissioners have adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

JAMES HEADLEY has corn three feet high on hisfarm.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

Iron kettles, big enough to boil a hog in, atBenedict's.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The Grange met at Benedict's Hall Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

MR. MARICLE is prospecting for coal on Capt.Nipp's farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

260 POUNDS is what Currier's two months' calfweighs.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

There is a package of seeds at the post officefor Mrs. C. C. Turner.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

A crib has been put in at Newman's mill, andthey will grind soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The crossing is bad and dangerous at the fordat Newman's mill. We know it.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

C. R. SIPES makes a tasty flower pot out ofoyster cans, for the reasonable recompense of ten cents each.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

C. J. BECK is ahead on tall wheat. He left somemeasuring five feet seven inches in height.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

THREE stony claims, five miles northeast ofthis place, were taken and settled upon last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The invitations to the marriage of Guy L. Kennedyand Miss Lillian Norton were given for this evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

HON. T. R. BRYAN came down with his wife tobuy goods at a low price, last week. He got what he wanted.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

REV. CROCO delivered his first sermon at thisplace, last Sunday to a good audience. It was well received.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

PROF. HULSE, wife, and babies go to Wisconsinsoon, to make a comparison with Southern Kansas. They expect to remain fourmonths.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

EXTENSIVE preparations are being made to celebratethe fourth of July at Winfield, and a general invitation has been extendedto the whole county.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

A. O. PORTER publishes a card this week, announcinghimself ready for the work on machines and general repairing. His shop onSummit street is very neat and commodious.


Corner of Summit Street and Second Avenue.

I am now prepared to do all kinds of work inmy line. Thankful for past patronage I hope, by strict attention to businessand fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the same. If your machines wantrepairing, try me. A. O. PORTER.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

NEW LEGS. James L. Huey has just returned fromSt. Louis, where he has been to purchase a set of new legs. Jim could generallyget away with most any one with his old ones.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

Six games of billiards for one dollar at theSouthwestern Billiard Hall, by buying a dollar ticket. If you want to entertaina friend, you will find an orderly and well conducted house at Currier's.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.


An accident which might have been serious ifnot fatal in its results happened to Messrs. Gifford and Hamilton, of Parsons,and C. M. Scott, of this place, while out buggy riding on Monday last. Thetrio had been on a tour of inspection to Cave Springs, and upon their return,as they were coming down the river bank in order to cross the ford at Newman'smill, the team shied, bringing the buggy wheel in contact with a stump,and capsizing the entire outfit, passengers, buggy, and horses, down thebank, a distance of about ten feet. Mr. Hamilton, however, stuck to thehorses, and though knocked down twice by the buggy, held them in check,while Gifford was testing the depth of water in the Walnut, and C. M. Scottwas trying to regain his breath, which had been knocked out of him in consequenceof his attempt to force a passage through a rock.

Luckily, however, no serious damage was done,and a few bruises, coupled with a feeling of general "shookupedness,"are the only souvenirs of their adventure that the gentlemen retain.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

MARRIED. On Sunday, June 4, 1876, at the residenceof the bride's father, by Rev. J. B. Herbert, Mr. Edgar M. Bird to MissE. A. Small.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The Oxford Independent is fortunate inhaving secured the services of Will. Leonard, an accomplished printer, agraduate of the Arkansas City TRAVELER office, and a good fellow generally.Wellington Press.

We'll bet on the TRAVELER office boys everytime.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

SUNDAY, June 18th, a basket picnic will be heldnear Gassoway's, on the west side of the Arkansas. Revs. Gans and Irvinwill conduct the religious exercises. In the evening of the same day a meetingwill be held at Parker's schoolhouse.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

The hide of a double headed calf was broughtin town last week from Grouse Creek. It had two mouths, three ears, andwas otherwise perfectly formed. The owner killed it because its head wasso heavy it could not hold it up.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

Cowley County has 60,864 bearing peach trees.

The returns show 362 acres of flax growing inCowley County.

It is time something was being done aboutreplacing the bridges across the Walnut river and Timber Creek.

Cowley County has over 400,000 fruit trees setout into orchards. Somebody has been busy during the past five years.

S. M. Fall and P. M. Pickering walked into theCourier ranche to chat over what "might have been" on railroads,and to say that Windsor was red hot for anything to break the present unpleasantness.

GONE TO P. Quite a delegation from Winfieldthis week for the Centennial. On Wednesday M. L. Read and wife, M. L. Robinsonand wife, Frank Williams, Mrs. Maris and granddaughter, Mrs. Powers, Mrs.Boyer, Mrs. Mullin, and J. C. Franklin lit out.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876. Front Page.

Omaha, June 5. Three herders were killed byIndians 25 miles south of Sidney, in this State, on Saturday last.

A dispatch received at headquarters today, datedthe 4th, states that a courier arrived from Red Cloud this morning, saysYellow Robe arrived at the agency six days ago from a hostile camp of 1,806lodges, on the Rose, but they were about to leave for Powder River, belowthe point of Crazy Horse's fight. The Indians say they will fight, and havethree thousand warriors.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

Topeka, Kansas, June 5. News was received inthis city, today, that a courier came into Fort Hays, last night, from adetachment of the Fifth U. S. Cavalry, from which he had been scouting upthe Solomon for the past two weeks.

The courier brings a report from Company D,to the commander at Fort Hays, for reinforcements.

The company had met and skirmished sometimewith 200 Indians at a point 75 miles northwest of Hays, but had not enoughtroops to hold or capture them. Times.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.


Major Sleeth has just heard from Mr. Hoyt again,on the steamboat question. The letter was dated Parkersburg, West Virginia,June 5th, and stated they were coming along all right, until near Gallipolis,Ohio, where the wheel received some injury, and they were compelled to stopsix days for repairs. They expect to reach Little Rock, Arkansas, by July1st, or within the next two weeks. Boats run to Little Rock and Fort Smith,without difficulty, and the only experiment will be from those points tothis place, during low waters. When the river is full, a boat of any ordinarysize could run on the Arkansas. This enterprise offers the only outlet forour immense grain crop, and is looked forward to with great anxiety by all.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

Crab Creek.

We had occasion to make a flying trip to CrabCreek one day this week, and felt well paid for the journey. For the benefitof those who are not familiar with its locality, we will state that it isa small stream emptying into the Grouse, from the east, about seven milesbelow Dexter. The bottom lands average one-half mile wide, and timber nowand then skirts the stream. It is a good locality, especially for thosewho desire to farm and raise stock, as wide ranges remain unoccupied botheast and west of the stream.

Dexter and Cabin Valley are the nearest postoffices; the former being three miles distant, and the latter within a mileof the mouth of the creek, on the west side of Grouse.

About half way from the mouth to the head ofthe creek, a beautiful little schoolhouse has been erected and named Fairview.It is in school district No. 54.

Going up the creek we noticed a number of newsettlers since our former visit. Among others, Mr. Bleakmore, a thoroughfarmer, and respected resident, from Henry Co., Iowa. On the bluff westof Mr. Elliott's house, we could see the wheat fields of Wm. Moore, whohas 40 acres; Mr. Hightower, 20 acres; Mr. Elliott, 80 acres; Mr. Bleakmore,20 acres; Hamel & Harrison, 100 acres. The wheat was looking fine, butthe sod wheat is light. All in all, Crab Creek is a desirable place to locate;but however fond we might be of the locality, it would take some time tobecome reconciled to the name of Crab.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

From Ellis.
[Special Dispatch to the Commonwealth.]
ELLIS, June 7, 1876.

Captain Price has just returned from a twentydays' scout on the head waters of the Solomon and Sappa. He authorizes meto say that there is no truth in the dispatch about his being attacked bytwo hundred Indians, and sending a courier to Hays for reinforcements. Hewas out three weeks, marched three hundred miles, and never saw or heardof any Indians, except about one hundred and fifty women and children, whowere en route for the Cheyenne Agency. His company, D of the FifthCavalry, are in their quarters at Fort Hays waiting orders. Four other companiesof the same regiment are en route for the Black Hills. Pioneer.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

PHILADELPHIA, June 1, 1876.

Editor Traveler:

This letter must begin, progress, and end in"Centennial," and yet say but little more than a lady I saw andheard on the Centennial grounds today. As the beauties and wonders of onelittle annexation of the Art Gallery burst upon her, she raised her handsaloft, and with an awful depth of meaning, ejacul*ted: "Oh,my!" So I can say little more with regard to the Centennial than, Oh,my! It is said that it will require five months to go over the grounds andview every article, spending one-half a minute in surveying each article,and I believe it to be true.

This being the case, you need not expect mydescriptive powers to enlighten you much on the Centennial.


This was a great day in Philadelphia. Between7,000 and 10,000 Knights Templar paraded the streets in grand procession.I never saw anything so imposing in all my life. All were dressed in blackbroadcloth, with suitable regalia. There were at least fifty brass bandsin the procession. You can imagine the rest.


The first requisite in visiting the Expositionis to have either a half dollar in silver or currency: nothing else willbe taken at the entrance. The object is to avoid the necessity of makingchange. The next thing is to provide yourself with a guide book, of whichthere is an abundance. After this get on the steam cars and ride aroundthe grounds, and see what is before youwhat you have to go through beforeyou see the elephant. If the outside alone does not discourage you, then,thengo inside. As I have but a short time to stay, I expect to spend most ofmy time in the Art Gallery. This is beyond all question the largest, best,and most wonderful collection of art the world has ever seen. The very bestproductions of the best artists in the world are on exhibition here. Forme to begin to enumerate, would be folly. There are so many, and of sucha variety, that a volume would be required to tell half.

Come and see if you want to know, is all I cansay. S. B. F. [REV. FLEMING.]


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

Those who are interested in attracting emigrantsto the Black Hills are again sending out their big stories about the "richdiggings" just discovered in some district by a company of prospectorsfrom somewhere, and the enormous sums that have been washed out "tothe pan." Let all these yarns be received with the customary degreeof allowance, and let all those who may be tempted to go, consider the chancesof losing their scalps as well as the chances of finding bags full of goldandthere are a great many more chances of the former than of the latter.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

Denver, June 6. Eight companies of the Fifthcavalry, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Carr, passed through here today,en route to join General Crook's expedition.

Hunters from the headquarters of the Republicansay that the Cheyennes and Arapahos are leaving in large numbers, boundnorth. It is supposed they are going to join the Sioux.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 14, 1876.

The Grangers have new potatoes.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A Sunday school picnic will be held at thisplace July 4th.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

MR. VANSTON and Jim Alexander are back to theirold homes.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The ponies didn't get away from Mr. Mott withthe new wagon.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The water of the Walnut River is warm and delightfulfor swimming.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A great many harvest hands have come into thissection. No more are needed.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

Only one solitary Pawnee Indian wandered infrom the Territory this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A. H. BARNARD, one of Southern Kansas' livehotel men, graced our abode last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

HON. M. M. MURDOCK bade his friends "goodbye" and left for the Centennial last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The name of Osage Agency has been changed toPaw-hus-ka, and means "White Hair."

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The click of the reaping machines can be heardin every neighborhood in this land of wheat and plenty.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The heavy wind storm of Saturday evening tookoff the roof of L. H. Gardner's house, north of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

GONE EAST. Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Haywood, and S.P. Channell and wife left for oriental quarters this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A light hail storm fell at this place on lastWednesday night. On Grouse Creek it caused considerable damage.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A. A. DAVIS received a severe kick on the armand in the face from his horse, when he was looking at its foot.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

One Leavenworth commercial man hung out at aprivate residence on the divide, Wednesday night, during the storm.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A wagon load of fish was left on dry land whenthe bank washed out from the dam at Newman's mill, last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

MRS. MARY PEED, of Saybrook, Illinois, withher son, has come out to live with her sons, C. R. and James I. Mitchell.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

HEAVY damages are reported, in different sectionsof the County, of the destruction of wheat by the recent hail storm.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

IMMIGRANTS are arriving every day, and yet thereare thousands of acres of unoccupied lands ten miles east of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

G. S. MANSOR, the well known real estate agentat Winfield, came down last week with two men from Guernsey County, Ohio.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

MR. NEWMAN has charge of the Water Mills onthe Walnut once more, and will see that all who come with grists are accommodated.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

JUDGE CHRISTIAN will take charge of the expressmatter after July 1st, and the office will be at his law office, oppositethe Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

L. H. GARDNER's house was struck by lightninglast Wednesday night, making a six-foot sweep through the roof and woodwork.No one hurt.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The annual commencement exercises of the EmporiaNormal School begin today. Addison Stubbs is to make the oration. We acknowledgean invitation.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The fishermen "lariat" their fishin the Arkansas when they catch more than they want to use at one time,thereby keeping them alive until they want them.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

We call the attention of the Road Overseer tothe small bridge north of town near L. C. Norton's. Col. McMullen's horsegot one leg through it last week, and others are complaining.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The steamboat for this place left Zanesville,Ohio, June 3rd, and is now on the way. The name of the boat is "Gen.G. F. Wiles," named for a prominent boat builder of Zanesville.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

MR. BURGESS, Agent of the Pawnee Indians, madethis place a short visit last week. By his genial manner and cordial treatment,Mr. Burgess has made many friends along the border.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The next regular meeting of the Board of CountyCommissioners will be held the first Monday in July. The meeting of lastweek was only to equalize taxation. No other business was attended to.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

REV. FLEMING returned last Thursday eveningfrom the Brooklyn Synod and the "big show" of Philadelphia. Hewas accompanied by Miss McCoy, of Pennsylvania, who expects to remain afew months on a visit for her health.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

S. P. CHANNELL left last Monday in charge ofhis wife and baby, two ladies, one child, four Saratoga trunks, three band-boxesand baskets, besides parasols, shawls, etc. We sympathize with him at thetimes of changing cars, and when the demands for cold tea, hot coffee, andthe numerous little wants are made known.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.


A meeting of the voters of School District No.2 will be held at the schoolhouse in Arkansas City, Tuesday, June 20th,at 4-1/2 o'clock, for the purpose of determining the Principalship of theschool for the coming year. The Directors have endeavored to secure thebest teacher for the least money, and will have several propositions forthe meeting to act on, and there should be a full attendance. We believein reducing our taxes as much as possible, yet, in the choice of a teacher,careful discretion should be used, and no experiments resorted to. We havehad occasion to visit the school several times during the past year, andseveral times expressed ourselves well pleased with its management.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The marriage ceremony of Mr. Kennedy and MissNorton was performed by Rev. J. E. Platter, last Wednesday evening, at theresidence of Mr. L. C. Norton, and was highly complimented by the competentjudges who were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis,E. D. Eddy, Miss Sherburne, Mr. Kennedy's brother, J. H. Sherburne, Mr.and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Sherburne, and Mr. Burgess, constituted the party,with the parents and members of the family of the bride.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

MARRIED. On Sunday, June 10th, by Rev. Fleming,at the residence of L. McLaughlin, in Arkansas City, Mr. Henry Peters andMiss Hattie Clifton.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

JUDGE McINTIRE has the tax list for Creswell,Bolton, Beaver, Pleasant Valley, and Silverdale Townships. He will receiveand pay taxes for anyone in the above Townships.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The Ladies' Society of the Presbyterian Churchwill meet at Dr. Kellogg's, Wednesday, June 21st, at 2 o'clock.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A young man by the name of Perry Barnhart, whoformerly lived at Dexter, but of late has been running a saloon at Wichita,sold out some time ago, and it is thought run through with his money. Atany rate, he came back to Dexter last week and acted very strangely. Hesecreted himself in the canons about there, and remained for several daysundiscovered, but at last he was seen by one of the citizens prowling aroundafter night near some horses. In a few days several horses were found tobe missing. They were diligently searched for but to no avail.

This Barnhart was finally believed to have somethingto do with the taking of the horses, and a few of the citizens got togetherand started in search of him. After several hours of diligent search, hewas finally found in a canon near Crab Creek. He was ordered to surrender;instead of giving himself up, he drew his revolver, and commenced firingat the party, who finally returned the fire and shot him through the leg,and after a few more shots were exchanged, he gave himself up, and was takento Dexter and turned over to the authorities. We failed to learn what wasdone with him afterwards, but probably he will be taken care of. Democrat.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A vein of coal crops out on the banks of a streamnear the Pawnee Agency. The coal is said to be good.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

The Osages oppose the bill before Congress makinga new provision for the sale of their Kansas lands.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

It may not be generally known, but it is neverthelesstrue that the oldest son of Black Hawk, the famous Indian Chief, is buriedon the banks of the Walnut, a short distance south of Eldorado.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 21, 1876.


The damage to the wheel was repaired at Gallipolis,and the boat is on the way again. Mr. Samuel Hoyt is the Captain, and isdetermined to bring it through if it takes all summer. At Gallipolis hewas arrested and fined $55 for not registering the boat, according to law.Being new men at the business, they were not aware of the rules. July 15this the time set for the arrival of the "Gen. G. F. Wiles" at thisplace. It should be renamed "Samuel Hoyt," "Arkansas Traveler,""Wash-a-wa ha" (the Osage meaning for "brave white man,")or the "Relief," from the fact that the boat is to relieve usof the burden of hauling our products fifty miles to market. The presentname has no meaning to us.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY, June 17, 1876.

A railroad meeting was called at E. B. Kager'soffice to receive the members of the Kansas City Board of Trade and friendsaccompanying them. Judge Christian was elected Chairman and I. H. Bonsall,Secretary.

Col. Hunt addressed the meeting in a few pointedremarks, showing the great need of railroad facilities for the farmers ofCowley County, and also the importance of securing connection with KansasCity as a shipping point, and expressed surprise and pleasure with our country,pronouncing it the best winter wheat country in the United States.

Mr. Reynolds, of Kansas City, addressed themeeting and advocated the interests of Kansas City as a shipping point forour products, as wheat and corn were shipped from Kansas City to the pineriesof Maine direct, and as wheat there was worth $1.33 per bushel, our interestswere identical. He also stated that $4,000 per mile would undoubtedly securethe road to Independence.

Mr. N. B. Cartmell, of Longton, Elk County,followed with remarks of the same tenor.

E. B. Kager moved that we pledge ourselves toraise money enough to pay our share of a preliminary survey. The surveywould cost about $600. Motion amended and seconded by C. M. Scott, providedthe local company deemed the survey best. Amendment accepted by E. B. Kager,and motion as amended carried.

Moved by C. M. Scott that a vote of thanks bereturned to the members of the Board of Trade of Kansas City and friendsaccompanying them; seconded and carried unanimously.

On motion, adjourned. JAS. CHRISTIAN, CHAIRMAN.

I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.


OLD TRAVELER: As today is my lay-off day, andtimes are dull without any company, I will write you a few notes in regardto the land of gold. On the 16th we arrived in Custer City, and found athriving town, nearly all the houses being of logs. On the 17th we startedfor this place, and now we are located on Castle Creek, forty miles fromCuster.

The weather is warm, and we all have good health.The miners' law allows 300 feet for a claim, but we have claimed only 100feet each. We have prospected but very little, but found gold at every pan.Today we start a ditch for a sluice. This creek is quite large, and hasa fall of 55 feet to the mile. There are now but two sluices on Castle Creek.

It will, in my opinion, take quite a time todevelop this part, but when it does come, it will be all right. As in allnew places, provisions are high. Flour is worth $15 to $20 per 100; bacon,35 cents; potatoes, 15 to 20 cents per pound, and everything else in proportion.

Grass is good, and horses doing finely. Woolsey,Reckle, and Purdy have gone to Dead Wood; also Gard Kennedy and Jake Cregor,from Sumner County, and Ellert Hedrick, formerly of Winfield.

Gold taken from this gulch is worth twenty dollarsper ounce, while that from Dead Wood brings fifteen to eighteen dollarsonly.

I would not advise anyone to come to the Hillswith the expectation of finding gold on every bush, but I do say that Ithink there is a fair prospect. Send us a TRAVELER and we will be happy.Truly, etc. CHARLIE.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Exposition Matters.

DEAR TRAVELER: When I wrote my last letter toyou, I was on the Centennial grounds, and feeling very tired, consequentlyI made it briefer than I otherwise would have done. I shall write of theCentennial in general terms in this letter, promising next week to giveyou a short description of what Kansas is doing to uphold her credit there.

Philadelphia is all Centennialfrom IndependenceHall, Girard College, and the U. S. Mint, down to the dram shops and baby'stoy balloon. The U. S. flag either floats over or is wrapped around everything,and the streets are gay with flags. The stores have "Centennial"marked on their goods; street cars, omnibuses, and all manner of vehicles,are also very old: i.e., centenarians. On the grounds you see a flowingtide of very intelligent, substantial looking people; there is not muchdisplay of fashion. The wealthy do not display their good clothes and finecarriages as they do in Central Park, New York. In fact, it is no placeto make obeisance to the goddess of fashion. Almost all the ladies on theground are dressed in neat and comfortable traveling suits, which are muchbetter adapted to the heat, dust, and throng of the grounds than silks andsatins. With the gentlemen, "Ulsters" are above par.


These pests of the civil community are reapinga rich harvest. Many a poor and honest man loses his hard earned money becauseof the delicate fingers of these gentlemen. Especially do they ply theircraft in the street cars, as they pass to the grounds in the morning andfrom them in the evening, each car being thronged by those who visit thegrounds. One conductor told me that he frequently crowded over one hundredpeople into his car, which ought under no circ*mstances contain more thanfifty. The safest plan to pursue is to not carry any money with you morethan is necessary to bear the expenses of the day. Make a deposit of itin a secure place, and do not risk depending upon your own vigilance forits safe keeping.


There does not seem to be any great difficultyin securing proper food and lodging. Most of the hotels charge ordinaryrates, and boarding house people are willing to afford accommodations onreasonable terms. In a day or two after the opening they learned exorbitantrates would not win, and good accommodations can be had at from $1.00 to$2.00 per day and upward. For a quiet and pleasant retreat, I could recommendanyone to a family residing at 4007 Haverford St., West Philadelphia, withinten minutes' walk of the exhibition buildings.


I hope no one will be so foolish as to think,when I speak of the Centennial buildings, I expect to give anything likea detailed account of them or their contents. I simply want to give thosewho do not intend visiting the Exposition something like an outline of theprincipal buildings.

The Main Building is 1,880 feet long by 464wide, and cost $1,600,000. Machinery Hall is 402 x 360 feet, and cost $792,000.The United States Building covers two acres of ground, and cost $62,000.Horticultural Hall is 383 x 193 feet, and cost $251,937. Agricultural Hallis 820 x 540 feet, and cost $300,000. Memorial Hall is 365 x 193 feet, andcost $1,500,000. Besides these, there are numerous State buildings and thoseerected by foreign countries. In these main buildings are collected thefinest specimens of the mechanism, the art, the science, the minerals, theagricultural and horticultural productions, and of all the varied industriesof all lands, arranged in the most attractive style. The United States andEngland lead off. France and Germany fall below the general expectation,while Spain, Italy, Portugal, Canada, Australia, Egypt, Norway, Sweden,Brazil and all the South American States are far in advance of what wasanticipated. Let me say to any of your readers who expect to attend theExposition that one very inviting field for exploration is the Governmentbuilding, where the Patent Office and Smithsonian Institute are on exhibition.

Somewhat of Kansas showing next. S. B. F.

Arkansas City, June 19.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

The Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band has beenengaged for the Fourth at Wellington, for both day and evening. This isone of the best bands in the State, and we congratulate the committee uponhaving secured its services for the occasion. Wellington Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Rev. Fleming and John Curns, the two delegatesto the recent Presbyterian Assembly from this locality, parted in Brooklyn,New York, agreeing to meet at the gate of the Centennial Exhibition andview the show together. It happened that there were 161 gates and they nevergot together. Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

The attendance of foreigners at the Centennialhas not been large enough to effect total of steamship travel.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Everybody busy.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Half the boys in town possess "flippers."

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

CHRISTY and Stevens have a new steam threshingmachine.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

AGENT SPRAY'S son got his thumb cut off whilesetting a saw.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

The ladies of the M. E. Society meet at Mrs.Alexander's Thursday afternoon.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

I. H. BONSALL has corn "in the silk,"and will have "roasting ears" next Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Rev. Fleming has been requested to deliver the4th of July oration at Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

HOUGHTON & Mc. want the man who borrowedtheir scoop shovel to bring it back.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

YESTERDAY was the last day to pay tax beforethe second five percent penalty was added.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

GAUDILY attired nomads of aborigine origin propup the sign posts about town lately.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

J. A. STAFFORD, of Wichita Agency, is here,fat and happy. The Territory agrees with him.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Rev. Croco will fill the place of Rev. Platterat Winfield during his absence at the Centennial.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

The stage boys bring astounding tales of thenew animals they are to have at the El Paso stable.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

County warrants are paid every three monthsby the County Treasurer, dollar for dollar. Do not sell them at a discount.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

A number of Pawnee Indians passed through thisplace on horseback, last Saturday, going north, to work as harvesters.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

DIED. On Tuesday morning, June 20th, GeorgeFrederick, son of James A. and Martha Ann Penton. Aged six months and twenty-fivedays. Cause: diarrhea.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

MRS. SHERBURNE and daughter took their departurefor Phillips, Maine, last Monday, where they expect to remain some time.They leave many warm friends at this place, who regret their absence.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

We take pleasure in calling the attention ofthe people of this vicinity to the set of Abstract Records kept at the ArkansasCity Bank. We have personally examined these books, and find the simplicityand thoroughness of the system commend them to the judgment of all businessmen.They are kept up at an expense of not less than one dollar per day, andshould be patronized by all having this kind of business to do, insteadof paying their money elsewhere for someone to hastily look through twentysets of larger books at the County seat, which necessarily must be veryimperfect, unless time and great pains are taken. But in the set of booksreferred to, the history of each quarter section and town lot has a certainplace devoted to it, hence at a glance all the transfers may be seen. Aset of books of this kind is indispensable in a town so far from the Registrar'soffice, and parties interested in this town and vicinity should obtain abstractsof all lands bought and sold, and show that they appreciate a home institution.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

Mr. J. A. Stafford left Wichita Agency on the15th and arrived here on the evening of the 19th, the entire distance being180 miles, as follows: from the Agency to Fort Reno, on the south side ofNorth Fork Canadian, 40 miles; to Dan Jones' Ranche, on the Cimarron, 40miles; to Skeleton Creek, 35 miles, to Caldwell, 46 miles, to Arkansas City,35 miles. Mr. Stafford says the trail is almost continually flocked withcattle. Agent Miles succeeded in capturing the Arapaho Indian who murderedDr. Hollaway's son, two years ago, also Big Mouth, chief of the Arapahos,who was implicated in the murder. Buffalo are very numerous on the plains,and can be found as near as twenty-five miles west of the Salt Fork, feedingsouthwest. The Pawnees were out last week and killed a number. Dan Jonesis doing well and making money.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

From Mr. Reynolds, who was here last Saturday,we learn that old Mr. Sweet, formerly of this place, is comfortably situatedwith him, and says he is happy as he ever was in his life. This will begratifying to his many friends here. The history of the old gentleman wouldmake a volume worth reading. Beginning as a poor boy, he worked his wayup until he became one of the substantial and wealthy men of Milwaukee,Wisconsin, and at one time was a heavy contractor with the Government. Heis comparatively a well read man, and one of extended experience. Some monthsago we expected to write his obituary as a poor, deserted father, left todie alone, but the friendship shown to Mr. Reynolds when he was a boy wasnot forgotten, and now, when he most needs it, comes to his relief and makeshim a happy home.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

There is a beautiful "spring cave,"on the road from the west bridge of Winfield to this place. A German livesclose by in a stone house, who takes pleasure in showing strangers throughit. To add to the beauty of it, a billy goat, and other attractions arekept there. We have heard it said that most of the residents of this placemake it a point to call as they go by, and always enjoy it. If you haveany hops or barley to sell, you can find a purchaser there, also.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

A gentleman riding by Harbough's place, on theroad to Winfield, asked "What will that man take for this place?"The driver told him $4,000. "He had better not say $4,000 to me."Just then they saw Harbough, and the stranger hailed him. "What willyou take for your farm?" "$4,000." "I'll take it."The next day he came down to pay the money, but Harbough had to back water.It is one of the neatest and best farms in the County.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

LAMPHEAR H. SCOTT, son of J. W. Scott, Esq.,of this city, started Monday for Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is to enteras a student that ancient and celebrated institution of learning, HarvardCollege. Cadiz Sentinel.

We predict for "Tobe" a successfulcourse, as he has always been a hard student and apt scholar.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

LARGE EGGS. Mr. Reuben Bowers brought to ouroffice three eggs, laid by a very large hen, the largest weighing four andone-half ounces, measuring eight and one-fourth inches around the end, andseven inches in circumference. The next largest weighed four and one- fourth,and the smallest four ounces.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

QUITE an animated discussion was held at theschoolhouse yesterday afternoon, to determine who should be employed toteach during the coming year. The motion to make a change of the principalitywas lost, and the meeting adjourned. Prof. Hulse has since withdrawn hisapplication altogether, and will teach elsewhere.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

At a meeting of the County Central Committee,held Monday, June 19th, Prof. Lemmon was chosen Chairman of the DistrictJudicial Committee. Present: Esquire Morris, of Beaver, L. J. Webb, of Winfield,R. L. Walker, of Nenescah, A. B. Lemmon, of Winfield, C. M. Scott, of Creswell.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

WANTED. A No. 1 Miller, and a man with teamto haul logs, at Steam Flouring Mill, Arkansas City. W. H. SPEERS.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

WE WISH TO STATE to the public that we havethoroughly revised and corrected the set of Abstract Books prepared by Messrs.Meigs & Kinne. We have carefully compared each Instrument on recordin the Recorder's office twice, each time by a different person, and knowour books to be correct. We have also prepared, at much cost and labor,a complete list of all lands sold for taxes since the county was organized.Parties procuring abstracts of us get the benefit of this history of taxsales in this county. Our system of Abstracting is as thorough and completeas the system of book-keeping; mistakes are almost impossible. These booksare in charge of Mr. A. W. Berkey, who will devote all his time in the futureto the Real Estate business. Any parties having land for sale can leavethe same with him, and parties wishing to purchase will do well to givehim a call before purchasing elsewhere.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

FOR SALE. Four thoroughbred and grade Devonand Short-horn bulls, yearlings, and two-year-olds, fit for service, atDean's farm on the Walnut, 5 miles north of town. Young cattle taken inexchange.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1876.

A Car Load of Choice Horses BurnedAlive
On a Freight Train.

For more than a month past the government hasbeen purchasing cavalry horses in Kansas City for use in the Crook Expeditionagainst the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians.

A few days ago a number of these fine, fat animalswere shipped westward over the Kansas Pacific, destined for Cheyenne andthe military posts further north. The horses fared well, and were beingrapidly borne westward over the plains in cattle cars at the rate of atleast 15 miles per hour, when on Tuesday morning the accident below describedoccurred.

The train had just left Wild Horse Station,when a fire broke out in the loose hay in or near a car load of horses.The alarm was given at once, and the train stopped on the main track andan attempt was made to get the now frantic and suffering horses out of theirfiery prison. But this was impossible. The car soon became one mass of fire,flame, and smoke. The cries and screams of the struggling animals are describedas harrowing and horrible in the extreme. Kansas City Times.

ARKANSAS CITY TRAVELER, From April 26, 1876, through June 21, 1876. (2024)


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