Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 January 14 (2024)


iL B. JACKS oN Director _

sued [Weekly
> Each Tae ey


ae Entered sane. ee Pobhiey 15 1992, at ae Postoftice at paste Gerais. piles Ge ae of Sune 6, 1900.
cee ae _ Accepted for mailing at special rate if: postage provided for in section 1108, Act of October 3, 1917 ee ed

| be ie you dere

All pciices of Market Bulletin sheald Pea

in mind that no AD will be repeated unless sent in each week.
fe Bulletin: goes to press es riday | noon, | 2

ae copy. Our services are entirely FREE. Ee


Atlanta, Ga., December 31, 1925.
ais eae of Markets, ca - & le.

_ State Capitol, :
Atlanta, Georgia. Oe

_ Dear Sirs: ea a me ee <2

ae aE am gi lasine a copy oF our Ia wat Crop Suaware which will probably answer your Bee
quiry concerning the. outturn of the peanut erop in middle Georgia. - : Se ee es

As stated in the release, exceptionally low yields were re ealized in peabacatly all Suances

0 the nenhen half of the State. Especially was this true in the counties near Jaspernamely,
a yore Morgan, Putnam, Butts, Henry, and other counties in the Piedmont area that have been grow- |
Ee peanuts on & commercial scale during the past few years. Abandonment of ae reuse in this terri: te

: LOT Te WES eee as. a cee os was not worth ee ce a : ee =


Yours: very truly, es .-

Bye Childs, . Ep
ee Agricultural Statiscian in Charge.

ete sate Ra ae


: lf its were tot for the heavy importation of Chinese peanuts we would
now be getting a = price. ee a


_erices below are ae which wholesalers were paying. F.. O. B. these consuming centers, the day this Bulletin A |

Irish er new, No. oe 150 Ib. Sack
: Cabbage (Green crated) 5

Black Eye Peas ._._. : ee

Addes ait ae ae BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capital, Atlanta, Coors ee

SF ce 3 THESE = NOT aca sn oe coe



2.25 -Cwt.


SOs Owe.


ee J0 ent ;
7.50 a aaa ; We
4, 5 Crate 4,.00Crate -3.50Crate 4.00Crate ~


61,2 Eb o . 6145 Lb. . 642 sige eects 616 Lb. <


230 Cat :


es 2.25-Cwt.
: TOs

Peas Mixed ke dele a = NONE

ee: Fresh ceudied
a Stags ens

it and Broilers aS 46 to 2 Pe nase

aa ae aes

45 be ;

= 24D!


15 Lb.
"336 ob.
135 Lb.

= 2a Lb:

43 Doz.

oe LR
.24 Lb.
=o: Eh:
== 20 Ea.
4 o



85 Gal.

AS. 00

: 27.00 Tok aes ,

(342 Doz.


122 Lika

tS Lb:

a0 Eb.

oS: Eb:
12 te ae
-30: Lb:

52 20-4


25 Lb,

~ 41,0845

45 Dez.
2 e22e Lb.

= Soe Eh. =

oo EP.
: 25

ea eee ee aes Se

= 26. 00 Ton

oo dpapers "
ra from fine. aie

oy : coat Piet cow Sash in; ney young heifer same
oo "breed reasonable, Bees
2 WwW: No Blacksyell - eee Ga 2 sdersey | cows
mAcyr old freshen in Mch now giving milk $26
..@a; 1- Jersey old. from .4.eal. cow
: fine condtiian | $12 >. 1 Holstein and Jersey}
aE ~ heifer 8 mo old. $10; exc for? sacked. corn .
; : BL. Seott Coneord Ga 1 male. derey . ealt4

Hickory Grove. Farm Hartwel> Ga Reg:
Jersey bull. calves 7 mo old out = good: stock
$25 ea z
B. Crow Car weevil Ga 1% pure.
heifer 16 mo old from good mnilKers $16"
J M Swint Chipley Ga Reg Shorthorn bull!


: ...Jpargain. or. exe. for. any... beef (keen:
: from inbreeding.
Eo J 8 MarvisonR2 Carrollton Ga Good reg.
*S 2 Jersey cow with inate calf. 21-2 mo old; 1
sextra ~2ood grade devsey heifer freshen in
April ; write for information

C M Compton Jackson Ga 16> godd grade:
cows bred to freshen Feb and Mch to . pure
bred Guernsey bull; write or see them
Spew McAllister. Raana Vista Ga 20 Here-|
. ford, cows pvith sueking calyes $1000 ; BO
Hereford cows feeders or Saspauid to calve
iaiy $1200

H Franklin R vA Sandersville Ga 3.
BC heifers, 1 bull, 3-4 Guernsey, one halt
> ss iQuernsey, fram fine Jersey. LONG 3 mo old
= ~ ox$lb ea
ai a Wilbanks: mt Sidaee: Ga $ wersey
i heifer 2 yr old exc for oe pigs of any
breed or seed oats

EH Henderson Felton Ga 30 head calves
ee 6 wks to 4 mo old, $6.50 fob Mech Ist del =
Beye 2 oo '-Mrs Jas A Wylie. R 1 Suwanee. Ga Red}
English 3 1-2 gal cow 5 yr old freshen Apr
patst $25 or exc for any kind chickens except
\ Bantams? 1 1-2-Red English 1 +2 Jersey heifer
2 yr old in, May fresh in summer jgood con-
dition Sell cheap or exe for chickens or
standard make incubator 140 egg or more in
good shape i ;
J Wellborn R 1 LaFayette Ga
yr. old reg bull 1050 Ibs exe for sheep; 1 2 1-2
yr old Reg Jersey bull $59: Ibs, exe for reg
Jersey heifers 6 mo to - yr old, both bulls
are Jerseys f
WF Price Hawaaevine:
AvT-2. yr old $25 Ue wee
C M Brennan Columbus Ga Highly. bred
; reg ~ Holstein cows bull and heifers bar-.
>< gain prices

One 3 1-2)

Ga. 1. Jersey. bull

A A M Young R 3 Ball Ground Ga Tenses
Nos heifer freshen in June $25
pe Mrs J H Grantham. Pineview, Ga Milk cow

$25- or exe

C T)HallmanR 1, Dovptenidie Ga One 16)


~mo.old Jersey bull with reg papers $40 ;
6 mo. old. Jersey buil with reg papers $20. 8
A J Jones R 4 Lawrenceville Ga 1 -Hols-
tein: milk cow rossed with Jersey fresh with
- 4th calf gives 3 gals milk per day $60
. I Boyd, Douglasville -Ga-. 1 reg.
cow and heifer -eaHl cow nearly 6 yrs.
-t mo of heayy milker $100 for both
Lewie M Cason: R_-1 Warrenton Ga
grade Guernsey milk cow calf me days old $50 ;
I Guernsey bull 2: 1-2 yr old $
PORE S Anderson, RB 1 Shienait Ca Gistonoan
all Jersey cow 6 yr old with young calf 2)
--wks- old $35 ee t my
MS Me Cheek Hapeville Ga Sell or trade
- milk cows located at ttawkiys vite Gas
for information .
. Fairyicw Farm Palmetto Ga 2 very fine
young Jersey bulls, 3 Angus beef type (GBs,
pened: Angus. cows and heifers. ~ :
H Prenntlin R 4. Lawrenceville Ga 1
* atk eow. most Hee kent fresh in with second
ealf $70.
LB AW ition: Ddlips< Gay Jersey COW.
fresh in calf 2 wks. old Src 3. to B42, gal
per day j 7
Mrs ML Biukedsic R Norwood Ga 1)
fine pure bred .black Jersey bull. calf 2 mo
old exe for four pure bred M ey Parkes 3
hens and 1: tom - ay
AF McClure, Woodstock, Ge at young cow
fresh bargain
: Essie Kemsey Cornelia: Ga 1 pure - dues
Guernsey bull calf. sell or exe for pure. peed
pigs or purebred. ay a old. R T Red, Br or Wh]
Leghorn: shens
.J.T Carpenter. R 6 Biberton. Ga Jersey ball
16 mo_old reg price reasonable
Jay & Mason Madison.Ga Reg. Jersey. bull
calves all ages. at reasonable | prices, write | fou?
information Paes :
4M; C. Blackwell . Fawar_ aie a Tersey
: at TB yr ola eee in. Mch. #ood eonditio

cel Base
ye: eal fa


write |



af Bee: boar 2 yr old

POW, wt
$18. pair, pedigree: furnished, or exe for. Otoo- |

~4 mo old $25 with papers $20 without papers |

where $70 for both;

J-less lots ;

: tee ey. hook ieiso: 2 co ua ae
i heap or exe for poultry.
elas Ga 1 reg Jersey ng 15:


f . OW alse Monticello. Ga Ree

5 heifer. 8 mo old. also heifer vealf 3 -mo =e
- titled jto ree.)

J: BR Adams Noreross Ga iG ond: giade her.

Cag sey dairy cows 3 fresh 3 to & mal, ea per day |
mad tO freshen soon. =


bie bone Black - Poland China brood sow. 2..yr

Miss Ellen Murphy Matthews Ga Pair are
Bone PC: Shoats $25, 75 Ibs ea: pol
J O Ross R- A. Tifton Ga 50 fine young

the 4s 50 to.60 lbs, make best offer =
Homer. W Stevens: Demorest Ga Several:

_ Hampshire pigs now geod. to wean $6 ea < |,
Mrs.A M Young R 3. Ball Ground Ga 1

= ky 3 mo ale Jersey Red 310 or exc. for 10
-W Roek or B Rock hens. Ress
Barksdale 1] mae et Norwood Ga Lee SO
3 L-Qayr ald = Sto 1 P gilt 9 mo old, bred
Peds te aPC boar 9 1-2
: 5 Ot all- prize winners, rege papers with each
+ ZL, Stott-Cencord Ga tee: Duroe ~Pigs{
Wks old with pedigre papers $5 ea eae
LT. Harrell Hazlehurst. Ga A Duroc boat

> Dr E B Cado Washington Ga Hampshire |
pigs onl ya fw. left ~ a
WF: Price; Dawsonville Ga 1 pure bted

old weigh about 800 Ibs $380 a a

mo-old: 40, ox $150 for
| corn $1

NM Warthen. Warthen Gee 1 Duroc, Ser

-C. Kendrick, RC. Griffin Ga 1 reg Essex
250 or B00. lbs 15 lb, pigs$10 ea or


faz: beans or peas |

SG oe Hart: R 1 Pitts Ga

8 mo old {$15 "
Burchhayen. Farm. Eastman Ga

1 Black

Pure bred f

spotted P-C hoxs, sell or exe for Ga ~ cane
syrup s is a

CG W Jones R 2 McRae Ga @ spotted P-C
sows about 2 422- yr old, one with 7 pigs,

other with 6, farrowed Dee 3rd and 23rd re-
spectively, pure - bred pigs. $40 ea
pigs or $75 for both fob Mian Ga. AL extra
for crating

Fairview Farm Painietts Ga
rez Berkshire sows, exe
ghum oats mee

M-M Mitchell Culloden Ga 3 P C gilts with
pigs old_ entitled to. reg, steasonable. ~

-E Hunt Young Cane Ga - pure bred spotted

Extra. large
_ for - corn or oe

; PC Sow 16 mo old good condition $25

W EF Steed Washington Ga 1. big bone

Guinea spotted gilt age 4 mo wt 100 $15; 1:

male big bone guinea, black, 2 yr old, $30.
Winnie Miller R 1 Denton Ga 7 little bone:
Guinea pigs at abdut 45 or, 50 Ibs ea $20

pair, or $66 for lot: algo 1 big bone Guina
male wt about 40 or 45 Ibs, exe for black

| Essex boar shoat pug nose stock |

Mrs. Ered . Cowart,

Gas 3
thrifty pigs 8

R 2 Summit

heifer calf
H.W. Law ataneh. Ga. Large type black

P-C pigs 4>mo old $15 ree in buyers name,

$14 with pedigree furnished |

(Dr We AW <i Woshin star Ga Png bred

PC pigs.

JM Brown McRae Ga Few Sine SPve eilte

and boars ready ~ for


Mrs Burke Whitehurst-R 4 Cochran Ga
bay saddle and bugey horse
O A Andrews Jackson Ga. | Heres mule 10
old wt about 1000 Ibs $100
M H Morris, Raleigh a 1. Mare mule 12
yr old wt 1000 lbs $75 1 \horse mule 12 yr.
old wt 900 Ibsy $50
Mrs Dollie Mae Radios)

service, sell cheap or



R 5 Conyers Ga

ek good mule around . ey yr old wt 900 to 1000: |

lbs pert and sound $30, or exc

S L. Brooks Washington Ga 2 good medium
size mare. mules 12 and 13 yr eld work any
2 extra size mare mules
fine for logging or OAYX, draft, guaranteed
everyway >

LM Carson, R 1 Warrenton Ga oh mule;
exc for gaots\

J R Ivie. R/1 Willard: Ga"
900 to 1000 Ibs ea

ae npdiit pebble wt
5 and 6 yr old $150 ea;

41 pair plug mules P cheep wt 850 to 900 Ibs ea

M Mashburn, Cumming Ga Shetland. pony
46 yr old. wt 165 lbs}> broke to vide and drive.
H W Stenhens R 1 Adairsville Ga Shet-;
Jand pony $40 cash or exe for corn or oats


HA Petty Bronwood Ga 2 rams $8 ea, we
ewes bred $7 en

J FE Dye.Smyrna Ga 1 pure bred: Nubia.
buek 86-in tall} 4 does, all reg, due to freshen
ain 3 weeks, must sell ?
S*R Eltineton, Oxford > Ga ~ Pure Steal
Shropshire ram and 2-ewes 18 mo as: $25 for
lot fob Covington Ga =

W D Wilbanks Rt Ramhurst Ga 1 pure
byed Shropshire buek 200 fbs prize winner
$50. or exe for reg spotted | PoC sow. or ait:
bred to a reg boar

Mrs W A Bennett Adairsville Ga 2 young
goats doe and buck \ half Nubian 3-8 Toggen-!
berg from 4 qt dam, 5 mo, extra large for
age, $35 for both ; 3

GC. Pirkle R-2 Flowery Branch Se i billy
goat. about 5 5 mo, od $2 i

: sat
Beverly Moultrie Ga 1 white: sity. broke

4 t0 work B35. Se young billies . broke, : BZ. eA.

MATS, avatpat, Ae AND WAY.
* (Per > gol Adee he eit)
C.W Clenney Edison. Gas

lots aRlie, ton - fob. 10 tons. to

nut hie $16 fob. Cordele. gee
RC. Roberts Setferson | Ga Nice
baled- Bermuda. pay. $22, 50. ton. car lots, $25. in.


Vern non. Brabbam Peanut

r lots:

Pain. Trading Co,

5..bu bags. 90c bu.
Moultrie Mil &: Elevator Gare Moultrie Ga

1 New. crop peanut hay: car ace 10. _tons, write


Macon. Ga.

Edison Ga Pulgham RO,

eam a

eG Y Voontets: Vidalia Ga 1925 crop: wus
Shelled: popeorn 8e Ib fob

J Van Ward R B Cordele, Ga
pepeorn shelled 10c lb del or exe
J W Lang Omee
car lots 90 bu of 80 lbs fob ; small lot shelled
corn $1 in sacks,

W F Dewberry R 2 Bremen Ga
ings Prolific seed: corn $2.75 bu



1 be yellow

JP Carter Co Naylor Ga. 2 or 3 cars in
shuck'-80,lbs to bu. 90 fob) =y 4. >: Be
W M Shurline: Wrightsville Gay Shelled

corn in ear lots or less
-H Scott, R A Jesup Ga. 25 but slip shuek
corn $1.15 bu del at Jesup or Cdum
Vernon eeloe: Macon Ga Hay corn car
tare x
GH Hart: ae 1 Pitts Ga
shuck corn \$1 bu fob. Pitts
JH Metts, Statesboro- et Sound. alivehuce!

105. ie goqd slip

PC boar |
y 2 s fob


mo. old) Duroe and Hampshire |
jcrossed 2 gilts 1 male to exc for pure Je ie

L Mrs DF) Mince R 3 Monroe Ga

Vibe ab. del

Peanut - Dee: Sear :
JK Luck Cordele Ga. 20 fons. bright. pen at

bright We


. wagon.
a Ga Slip shuek ear corn ~

10 bu Hast-

Slipshiiek: ais corn: RO Abs
det prie Sdeked shelled core
bu fob; also bulk: shelled axhite corn re car :
lots, write for=del price! i

CzPs McMilan< ROS Gainesville, Gas Sasa ee ae
Martboro pone Seed corn mere pe 3. 50. on Marlboro . oe

Het, Binirmbalow Muidistin: Ga Whatley pro- soiton seed -from specials seed- pateh:
hifie seed corn amecial: hand eee #1 pk ae bu WT Cunningham: Midland. Ga Set ct Put
del ie sot cotton Seed Bi bu any. quan
W'G: Stanley. Due. Ga 50 bu corn new: erop,
pause best offer... a

: JM: Spivey Adrian Ra Sparks. prolific. need
corn $l. pk $3.50: ba..

Excel waternielon seed B25 6 +4
Hickory. Grove Farm Hartwell
: namakers Cleveland big boll-cotton seed p

} st SE sound recleaned $1.25. bu'or exe for
POPATOES POR SALE JV Cochran & Son Matietta: Ga ir

L E Tomlin R 8% Lyons Ga. 600. bu pure jn One big bol) - wilt resistant cotton +s
vine grown. state inspected Big Stem. sJemey $2. 50. iy from: oviginators 3 ik
slip: Sweet potatoes. $2 bu fob - eS 4 RC. Couch: Turin Ga~ Wannamaker big.

O D Halli. Hawkinsville -Ga Big. Stem Jer. cotton seed 20c bu 20 bu or
sey? potatoes dry cured for seed purposes What! eys prolifte \seed corn $3.58" ba ue

Vaughn Sperry Manassas Ga Gev insp. Big: Mrs WB Broadfield Dennis Ga Colelge Ne
Stem. Jersey: seed potatoes vine grown $2 bu j cotton seed $1 bu, or more 90-bu_

oF J Payne> Jesup Ga 10 or more cars Porta Mrs J D Barnes Sylvester Ga-
Rica potatoes in bu hampers or baskets. also heavy bearing small white bunch butte
bulk seed 30 1b

{Burdhhaven Farm eae Ga T LG Bailey . Chickamaugh | Ga 20 4
Jersey. seed potatoes $2 bu {College No 1 cotton seed $1.51

T-G.W Merriman, Elza Ga Big. Stem 4 fef=! yy since ordered. *

sey potatoes for bedding. purposes, care ruil y L Law R 6 Eastman Ga 2.qts Adal :
baa ee write for prices. _bearly English seedj 1 gal swhite: mnultiplyin:

BF Purcell, Groveland Ga 100 bu Big onions; sweet honey | peach seed $1 lb, 3 do
Stem Jersey seed potatoes grown from-~ vine, BBe. :
state insp $2.50 bu or $2.25 for lot !

J..F Cargile Ocilia Ga 150 bu Big Stem fy
Jersey sweet potato seed Ie fap Ocilla_ 55 Ibs | heavy fruiter mixed $1 bu
to_bu ws | B B Strange, RS Savaieebans: Ga_

Be Clifton. & FR. Habun R 3. Lyons Ga namaker. cotton seed 1 to 5 bu 90e; 5 to
100 bu Bigi Stem Jersey sweet potatoes SrOown $y R5c: 19 to 100 bu 8c Ho ss
from vine, state inspeeted Mis Jennie Lackey R 1 Hiram Ca: Willets

W G Dickerson Lyons Ga

Big Sie

Ww Browns Helena das

er cotton seed $2 bu; half and

Big Stem Jersey | wonder English peas, exe for tender
seed potatoes: grown from. the vine, sell or Geld beans or sell at 122 ib: for 400 :
exe for corm. orshay\ 0 es | Dw eC. Alien Hoschton Ge ~ Hates
| HD MeGill R 2. Vidalia Ga 50 bu Big proved We d\coniker Cleveland cotton
Stem Jersey seed potatoes $1.50 bu i field selected, recleaned, exe for 90. day sp

T W Kemp, Claxton Ga_ Big Stem Jersey , led velvet beans \o
seed pereioe vine grown $3 bu |


Mrs Sectt Davis Hogansville Ga

| J M Spivey Adrian Ga 500 bu Jersey Big Piedmont Cleycland cotton seed $1 bu, 01
Stem seed. sweet potatoes grown from. vines | Murphy & Palmer en derail ie ve
Gov insp $2.50 bu of 55 lbs; Early ee

Sua e by < for corn; Salsbury cotton seed $1.50. b

price. ! : f | namaker Cleveland and Early King Im

d cotton seed, graded, recleaned, grow

Mrs J L Fortson R 1 Danielsville Ga Sun- dateage per ee our ate S|
| died peaches clear of worms in 10 Ib sacks leys. Pi lifie seed corn, hand pick
hitan tok Ee or exe same for good G21) shucked and graded, well ma
|. Barks dale Market Norwood Ga " Blberta pk, $3 bu, 3 bu or over $2.50 bu f :

ton, sample on on
. t :
peaches at. gles jars, sweet peach piekle q RL Littlefield 7H Hismies:
glass \ jars, doz. Y

honey drip syrup cane Beets $3 bu

J 0 Strom R1.Milan Gas Half and
cotton seed $1 bu fob- Milan or exc fo
day velvet bean seed or a a
igagd condition and cheap. :

RA Shearer Siyerly Ga Recleaned nllex
ae 1 cotton seed $1 bu fob Lyerly, o
Whip or Brab cow peas, or Pulley fo
son tractor and cut off saw ; Hastings rolifi
seed ecorn(. pure and sound, $2 bu, or fo:
peas 5. Early, Yreasting ear seed corn 0
gentleman variety 10 lb del.

Mrs Idus Robertson Manchester: te
Bank Account cotton seed. pure ae
380 lbs. $2,10 bu or: over $

is 1 Norris: Se ns

10 Ibs
freh. dried peaches +
} W. MeL. -Edson, R 1 Tiger. Sate) Hind picled
sprayed apples packages in standard bushel
boxes fob Yates St 45 sand 7 $2,. Perry: 732;
Shockley $1.75, Arkansas Black $2. 25
~A AN Gambrell R 1. Cornelia Ga Yates and
Terry appjes $1. 45: drops slightly cracked 65

rs SS oF .Garner, Dacula Ga Nice bright
~ sundried plum peaches - 20 lb, postage extra
|. Loyd Law R 6-Eastman Ga 1 bu nice dried
apples free from peel and core -

W C Tumilin, Gainesville Ga
$7 75 and \ 32 fob \

Mrs J A Wood, Bowersville Ga 1 bu nice
dried. peaches 12 1- 2e Yb, or exc for 1 bu of
dried apples -

J J Mooney, Quill Ga Sica brigie
apples. peeled. 15 .lb -del Px

Delia Boney Quill:Ga Nice dned! apples
peeled Lt Sac, Tb der eash with order.

A J Collins; Mt Airy Ga Terry: oe ee
apples, small sizes $1.25, ahaa in bu boxes, }.
teash with order ,
1 eMrs, JO Gay, Rr a Waleska : Ga Good
dried peaches 7 Tbs* for. #1 gah

Mrs. Martin Lang

Vates apples

d ried

a EF Gavia R 2 Renaee ke 4
select melon seed 7? Ti yy
Mrs J oM Fordham R ae Reader Ga 300: Ibs

3 a

Gar 10 lbs nice thee apples 1 c 1b;

nice dried peaches. 8e..1b. &* S

Major Crows Plant fs

_Braneh Ga" Sundried apples: free of worms


iS ie


: p F Bruce Martin Ga Wasttamuker.
ae ecottonsseed $1-bu, 10 bu-or moresde per ie
bu sacked tb Martin. co $1. mE a

it. JQ. M Brown MeRue fia Best: dace : : =
re a cotton seed ST or exc for =A horse, A S Coffey, Blairsville iGe.
, Variety peach seed $1 c 0 d-

Geo W Heard Box 136 Atlanta Ga Tee cidneds BF Bruce, Martin Ga
bearded barley 2 1-2 bu bags $1.24 per bu, Gteveland big boll cotton
J O Anderson Weat Point Ga 30 bu College bu, larger quantities 95 bu,
No: 1 cottonseed $1.25 bus iS. hu sound - peas, or 5 bu for: aM e ey or

W M Tyson R 2 Sycamore Ga Seed popcorn Wakefield. cabbage plants

15e gt del: parcel post. SES up We Co Prat tin, Gainesville Ga
MH Morris Raleigh Ga 75 bu College No Improved cotton seed extra nearly 45 Bee cent
1 cotton seed $1.50. bu fob ; hint: $2" bu: fob

Burchhaven Farm Masuda) Ga. a
Petty-Toole cotton seed. attractive
W Jones. i McRae Ga Salsbu
bu. seed $1.25 bu fob Milam eash with

EK F Dean Jr, Folkston Ga ~Hi
riee 6 1-2c) Tb in: zones pices
per Coe. :

HH W Abercrombie Culloden | Ga Pure
Whatieys Prolific. seed. corn field selected and
nubbed direet from originator $4 bu

eM. Galloway R 1 Woolsey Ga Few
pure Whatleys prolific seed corm first yr from
State College $2.50 bu fob or: exe 2 bu for 5
bu pedigreed Piedmont Cleveland cotton seed }
not grown eaves et Te from - CriSSTRAOE

y ket Q (

MPORTA iT a This paulicieat willie: issued
mont il only be sent to those who request
No Ad will be repeated ach

Full deserivtion shauld be vate and price must we given, = :
either Sale or Rent, otherwise not clligible.

{collar d,
jsu25 del ys

. price :

plants $1.25

nd as large lots

WW G.. Tumilin;
proof abbaue plants
beet and. onion plants
$1. M: exp collect.
Frost. pvOOE. cabbage
{plants $1M, 10M* lots 90, collard plants same:

E Bower Dixie Ga

Plant Co

20 hun

sd 20e postage. per sthouss



yellow b


Surges Farms Pembroke Ga

Gainesville Gas
leading. ve rieties, also.

Valdosta Ga
Wakefield and: Chas Wakefield and Sucesion
cabbage plants, $1 M;



Ne ive frost

500 1M


rmuda onion

Early) Jersey

QV. ing ty
oR L-Cormelia Ga

Rercacetanaere 20 inches t#lb-2 for $1.
Mrs 3G Eades, R % Gainesville, G or
fashion blaek .walnut. trees 10 ed: old fashion:
peach trees 0c ea: ready rooted) Japanese rose
Weeds old fashion summer *
ples trees: 10e ea. ey
5 J? OM Andercon > West-' peta Ga 5) varieties
peach trees }6c e&; plums 50 ea extra. large:

pecan, trees nice igetect trees 1 ea; hdee
MSF per hun: Bbxwo6d for pots: $l easowill-exe
for. sorghum seed, Sudan grass> seed, weter=
Tielon: seed, okra sced, velvet. beans.

MrsS PP Reed R-2 Varnell-Ga 2 yr ont

budded J H. Hale: and Elberta peach trees extra
large: and very fine 15 and 20c ea del, or ea


Liniber twig ap-"





{ Wakefield cabbage 1.25 M del for , , A
MBER. we. have no. permanent mailing lise: for this Mullis Plant Co, ee: Ga Ae ost pnaot hoc aaatenreoe ots Bird 0
ent Peete must be made for- EACH. ae a esas me o-Betae Ge Gatuine A ee
"erystal. white: bermuda onion plants $1.50\ M Bs ; oer ee speach Sin ne ae pace
< del Sde for 500 - a : Vine elas ce
a ac i eo room @ 2 cleiie Go tue oe ee Sere eee
a : Paes a "'| crtia) dewberry plants $1.25 .hun del, or exe} "Gy Glover, R-1 Odum Ga 4000. Schley!
SEED FOR SALE: e Bailey R 1 Harlm Ga Wannamaker (fo white pest onions, chickens peanuts, peas) 4649 Stewart and 40@A Mobile pee: ai aes air
Spann Ga 90 day cottonseed Cleveland cotton sd gin on private gin $1! Or syrup . Mars. -Julias Porter % Nee
ates Ay at cent lint se 75 bu. | bu $3 per hun 1bs ; Be oe JW Toole R 2 Recon Gas Well rooted 21 trees 25c, 50e ces white ae i te
~ $165 bu : Y P Wooten Tignali Ga Picdmont. Cleve- | 2nd 3 yr old Kudzu plants '24 for $1, $3 bun, } ang $1 ea; Watermelon pink crepe myrtle 25
WE Smith, Jr, Caralion Ga 200. bu old | land cotton seed as 5 $25 M: McDonald blackberry $1.50 han, $12.59) ea: hich bush blue huclieberek. Bushes 30
< fashion Cleveland bie boll: cotton seed five E li Duke; ft Valley Seed cane Ie stalk M; Lucretia dewberry $1.25 hun, $10.50 M; doz: lily bulbs 20c. and 25. ea: sag ata
Jock eetton, recleaned $1.25 bu fob Temple. Ga A S Coffey Blairsville Ga 1 bu good vari- drought resisting strawberry 54 M + W A Moon R 2 Writes: Ga Erbin eee
or exe for any kind soy beans or peas; honey] ety peach: seed $1 c. 0, a, Mrs D H Vocke Valdosta Ga Cabbage | fio< bushes 10c ea: $1 doz: os fens seehoetwct
drip cane seed $2 bu orSexc J G Bullard, Rd Lithia Springs Gai Sor-| Plants $1.25M or 5M for $5 vine 10 ea $f doz: sage pianite Aaa 406 alae:
AY Jd: Grant, Dallas Ga Wannamaker Cle-| ghum cane seed nice and clean 5 Ib Bek; Chinas> Broxton. .Ga Kudzus plant] .qq 10 postage pak acts ghee \ ee
veland cotton seed grown form selected seed Dorin Cash, Flowety Branch Mammoth | reoted $10M $25 for 8M J R Baxter Carrollton Ga Mogul clearseed
i eapetalty picked and ginned $1.25 bu long pod okra seed cupful 30, Ib 50, pre-} (Rev LD Rolader, R6 Box 257 Atlanta Ga pluincsibe~ ead Wild--poose Olt aus : Sia
GM Lowry, R 4 LaFayette Ga Pure Gol} Paid ~ : -Biowers, ambrosia, early harvest, eldorado well aaotad Soipesenone See Ine Be on
-jege No 4 and Collins Cleveland cotton seed J D Cash, Flowery Branch Ga Pure un-/} blackberries 5c ea, 50e doz; running Hima- WEE comme btaiie 7 AOR ee eae
from first pick ing SY and $1.50 bu_reepectively | mixed Dixie Watermelon seed $2 lb prepaid; Java and haw 5c-ea 50, doz;. Cory thornless Reb Cato Cameaville Gace 3 vou cvaes
J T Brannan, R 1b Duluth Ga Rueker cot+| write for prices large quantitis "/25e en; Lueretia, gardener dewberries 5 e283} Rinnards Choice and Wek aha Black nate
font seed $1 bu fob Duluth made 45 per cent | C & Brooks, R_ 1 Monroe Ga 38 lbs ecorn- doz; red vaspberries 5 ea. 50c doz; grape), yayds Choice and TAOINaPRH. 2s ae waetee
lint, in 1925 = field bean seed slichtly mixed 30c iby 2% bu} Vines 15 ea; prolifte muscadine 25 ea trees 30e ed; prepaid; 8 yr old. Geo i Baltes?
: Box 101 I\voxton Ga Opry cotton. seed} cane seed early variety $3 bu; seed; corn $2 J N McKinley; Seville Ga Charleston) ang Elberta peach ashe \igetes suewaed i sen
ao 50 bu: of 30 Ibs - SNe bu in eay or $2.50 bu shelled, fob. Wakefield cabbage $1.25M; erystal was beY-1 org grape vine 2 yr old Weis waeie wane eh
Boyd | L, Jones Sylvester Ga Thurmond Grey Mrs Alice Garner, Palmetta Ga Nice seed/| muda, onions $1.50M prenatal forse Sees
watermelon seed 28 to 49 hos aver aze, infor- | Jing peach seed for planting, 12 varieties $2.25 Mrs DM Hughey, R 1 Ranger, Ga Cham- Gals ae Rachmisn Gat spat hie cite
mation on request A M Hannah R { Temple Ga Thurmond, Pion Market extta early everbearing sitaw-| } aged pecan trees. all sizes reasonable o
Swanson & Son Fairburn Ga Potistecd Grey watermelon seed 75c Ib or exe for perry plants 25e hun, or exe for early Jersey OD. Buchavians Q 1 acu Gu Old tine
"- Wannamaker Cleveland cctton seed $1.50 bu ebickens or corn or Chas Wakefield: cabbage plants. or tender} poyce apple: aree 206: en; Mav ieee *
Gh : Xcel Seed Farm Montezuma, Ga Heavy | cornfield bean seed or white half vanner har- Sphowtsieee eas on axe dor ay ole nies a
aye A Chauneey Screven Ga . Priyately g@in- |. yielder Petty-Toole and Piedmont Big Boil} den bean seed : or Barred: Rock oe Los : Sy
ned eotton seed sSpecially selected Cleveland ic seed, privately cinned and tested 95 Seville Plant Co Pitts Ga Frestproof cab- SW iemdetias Tatbow oh cueascot Otoat: a. bean
Big Boll vedierced $2 bufob; 20 M Ibs green| ber cent vermination, $1.25 bu; Whatleys pro-; bage, Jersey and Chas Wakefield, Stecssiow | .ccq or 90 day bean seed or peas a
cane seed 1 1-2c stans fob any quantity ; 300)} lifie peed corn from 50 bu are yield $2.50 buiand Flat Dutch, Bermuda onion, $2M_ post- Griffin Nurseries Griffin Ga Fruit trees
-Igs good Watson melon seed, center cuts, Boog T G White R 2 Stockbridge Ga Broad-}paid, $1,50 M exp collect : of all kinds for, home orchards, also. roses,
stock, 15 Ib ae any quantity wells early cotton seed $1.25. bu fob Roy McRae, Meigs Ga . Frostproof: WakesN| avoyerens and: thet outoinidhtadss ion hone
J Mercer 6 Fitzgrald ~ Ga Ga - Prids H G Phagin, Flowery Branch Ga Allens | field and Dutch | cabbage, white Bermuda gardens, write*sfor Eicad: ae 3
vafermelon oo 75e lb: 25 lbs yard peas 15;| improved prolific seed corn $1 pk del shelled} onion, 500 5c, EM $1.20, prepaid and prompt Woodlawn Nursriesy R 3 Greenville Ga Im-
peck running butter bean seed z5 Ib Mrs I S Hope Ludowici Ga 7 or 8 Ths | shipments proyed Bldorado. blackberry plants and lucre--
Mis W H Smith R3 Baxley Ga 20) bu Nc} fresh Ga collard seed 56 Ib, or exe for blue} Gus. Reinhardt, Ashur Ga Warly Jersey tia, dewberry plants $2 pate pins ear Chero-

a wilt resistant cotton sed $1.25 bu, exe for
meat of lard at. 20 Ib :
Mrs- Ww SecA Beekwith, Baxley Ga. 20 Tbs

garden peas 25 qt; cantaloupe sed 12 142
We Ee Wight, R 4 Ellijay Ga 25 or 30 bu
nice syrup cane seed $1.75 bwiin5 bu or more
cach with order

M Byyant Rol Ellijay Ga Old fash-
ion ikershaWw seed 20c cup; tender white corn-
R $i a bee ae a, eatly BOG tb; old lane

_ Miatnatiokeer

foe in 5 bir tots; 90!

: nit Ga Good ae ak

ot GU 50 ba

- s eo Ga

Stewwe we Ae Cares ite
rkford cotton |: 82
urnett RD Griffin Ga
{ton seed aoene No ts stitelly. 90:

f i 6 yrs eee

om breeders age: bus. Fults and New
: oats $1 bu

~ Madison Ga 100 bu ' Collace a 1
eed) private ginned and pure sll or
ceane syrup :

- J D McIntyre Ousley Ga 20 Ibs Hast. |
speckle: bunch butter Seats seed 25 Ib;
5 Ybs- tor 5. ibs white bunch. butter
eetf, cr all for 5 bu sound: eced peanuts
He a Brantley, ae Ga por bu genuine aly

i Steinheimer: Pecks Gal Imp. CB B
fon seed andy Marlboro sed corm, or exe

ox PineEsGs 3 Hens drip. cane:

GR Waseet Bs Waekiawin Ga

5 Store: Mtn watermelon seed and
cream watermelon seed, snuff box
tS feat Oe 4b "3503 1-2. Ibi bbe.

ea Woolsey Ga 10% Th.

we Cc Wilkans, Poets tere annamaker
veland cotton sed,. recleaned and. culled
-25 bu, $4 per hun Ibs, $70 ton fob ; - white
aby lima bush beans poe 1h, 4 Tbs $1 del 100
bs $20 ob; Lared soy" beans same price;
tproot ngtish peas 40e 1h, 8 Ibs SI, dl
P Holcomb, R 1 Calhoun Ga Piedmont
land cotton seed planted 2 sr $}.50 but
Rucker cotton seed $1 fob, all ve ecleaned ;
Mane beans $1.25 gal fob

Griffin; Douglas. Ga Petty * Foote
abs seat $1 bu; \balt and halef $1; Sal =
- Piedmont Cleveland: Big Belk $1.75
tags ait ee ree watermelon seed}

a "oF, Warne

C Cave.

250 bw. Imp:

is Surehead, Dut A cabbawe plants postpaid: $1. 10)

| field: genbagey
| prepaid -

Liwelt rooted : eee ee es 20e hun $1. ers


/cabbaw plants immediate delivery

cabbage plants

| globe onion, plants.

speekled guineas pullets this yr hateh at: 50 |

oe Cousins R3 Greene ille Ga Lueretia dew-
beriy plants ide ea $1.25 hun; phage ber ry
plants 15 ca $1.25 hin.
Mrs MJ Stokes Fitzgerald Ga Barhnida on-
ion plants mow ready $1.25. M del; heading }.
variety collard plants $1. M-del prompt ship-
ment; frostproof cabbage plants extra early
Jersey and Chas Wakefield: from Long Island
seed $1" M de! prompt shipment.
SMe Re. Loyd Nichols Ga: Lady. Thompson |
and, Kilondyke strawberry plants, $1.25 M.
ts J EB Harris Fitzgerald: Gar Early Je

M. fob;




sy, t Powe Fitugelald Ga" J , Wakerieta, |

Island seed $1 Mi del,
pcollard plants same price, prompt shipmen

G T Waldrip, R1 Flowery Branch Ga

-also:heading: . wariet

frostproof cabbage, plants now ready $1 M,

en mest etown \ 5M $3.50 fob \
: - W oO Waldrip Flowery Braneh Ga Frost-
PLANTS FOR SALE * | proof, eabbage Charleston Wakefield and
EY Stokes R38 Maon Ga Frostproof cab- | Harly Jersey $1.25 M prepaids 5M collect $5.
baer Karly Jrsey and Charleston Wakefield! McEver Plant Farm, Braselton Ga , Early
: Retcbetne 5 Jersey and Charleston Wakefield cabbage

plants from Lang Island seed $1.50M del or $t
also yellow. and crystal white Bex-
muda onion plants same price, prompt ship-.


ibage plants\ now ready, $1.25 M- postpaid, 5M
collect $5, Wakefield and Jersey
Croom Onion Plant Co Sville Ga Cab- |.
bage plants leading. varieties and collard
| plants $1,25 M: del en? oi
Stokes Plant Farm, Fitzgerald Extra:
early Jersey and: Chas Wakefield. .frem Longs

Stivecssion,- Dutch, :Copenhagen-Mkt cabbage
| Sees postpaid $1.10 M, 65 for 500. -
Emerald: KarmseMeigs Gx Frostproof plants
Dutch, Harly. Jersey and- Chartestan'. rakes
white! Serirtod a" onion $1: 25M?

| NE

CG MM Grannen colut Ga a and 3 fc t
old: Kudzu roots $20 -N fe
Ars Wm N Brown; R 3 Hartwall Ga | Nice fea: 10 for.

Me fob- i
Maleom: Bros; Ty! Ga Early ire: sey,
Char Teston Wakefield, Fiat -Dutch; Lo
$1.25'M 5 M.$4, 10 M a 50, hae post ships}
mnts 25M extra.
By N Pike, Rt Matk Gat Emeyetio: dewrbety



prompt shipment *
5 Ingram: Phillips, Re
wood: everrreens averasit
21-2. fi Aeross*tep) w. ite or see thew

Hi RP Claxton Bart tow Gai Dewberry plants
$1 hun fob.

WG Kelley, Forest Dobe: ce Buneh pro-
lifiey blakberry and Barly harvest 50 doz, 3
hun, $20M- prepaid, exe; for IM good- variety
strawberry or onion planis :

Mrs _N N Maleom, Ty Ty Ga. Those nes a
cabbage plants Charleston. Wakefield ond Flat
Duteh 1be hin, $1 M, ;

arbor vital

ee pox

Major Crow Plant Fath - Flowexy Branch
Gaes Frostnron? Cabbage. plants: leading
varieties now wady 24 hun, Sve 360, The 560.
$1.25 M postpaid, express. collect SIM, 10M
$9; heading varieties Rolere: plants ' same
price i & Bisaee,

Clark Plant Co THombsvill: Ga |. Cabbate'|

and onion plants $1 M, 5 for 500

Mrs: Lillie Stokes, Fitzgerald Ga - Frostproof
cabbage plants: now ey Sl) M,-65 for 500

Pitts Plant Cae Hitzeerdla Gadd Frostproof
Bermuda onion $115

F O Martin Jakinm Ga ie
M del prompt shipment . e
W Cc. Clary Odum Ga
cabbage $1.25 M postpaid
| Schroet Plant Farms Valdosta Ga.
SL.Q5M, SM ec$5:;
Jettuce plants & $2 M
I M* Hill Manassas Ga are: snow: white
20 hun; $ MM del oe
Rob Binks Ft Vahey a Asparagus crowns
$3" Moo ges -
Re Kent pe@eron Ga. - Barly Jers

. Barly Flat Duteh\

| Califor nia i

Awa bermuda -enion, es

Wat field cabbage, stray

. Amoor River privet 1 to 4y yy.
ornamentals, gladiolas bulbs ete'>
Gov insp. and acclimated, Can us some paled |
sound ot stfaw, oat hay, peavine hay, corn,
pure lard and well cured meat, acid phosphate}:
_kainit, C S Meal,

C Lamar
and fall apple trees Land 2
safe well rooted 5 ea;

shade trees}


$1; well rooted sa

ea; add postage. :

T W Kemp Claxton Ga ~Budded pecan trees}
Sehley> Stuarat and Frotschrs, i
a Rumph Nurseries Tennille Ga: Special prices:
for January on buddd Schley and Stuart pe-"
berries, - apples, Figs, asparagus ; Early Harvest


i can trees, pineapple par 3, Japan
plants purebred well rooted $2 hun? S15M | piwekberties, raspberries, ros bushes abelia,

, Arizona -eypitess;

serap, etc.

yr o
figs: 10.

A B Woodruff R.3 Greenville Ga Lucretia}.
dewherry plants -$1. hun: det;
well. rooted 6 plants. del.
forepe myrtle trees-s0 del. ete
Heaton R-3 Hartwell Ga A and. 2 y
Leld peach trees, old fashion yellow clingy The

bhoxwood- plants

twos deep, pink

ge plants, 10

peaches, mul

Trish juniper:
eld, hedgings,

R.2 Felton Oe Several summer

Id, 10 i also

Slums, Japan |

| kee white running rooted roses 75 doz; crepe
myrtle trees $3 doz: Rooted uaieies plants
6 to 22 inches high doz, $12 hun, all orders
sent prepaid He aS a

JH Gifardeau, McRae Ga Budded. pecan,
budded peach, Japan plum, Japan per simnmion, -
plight proof pindapele pear, apple, figs, grape,
scuppernongs, Satsuma: frostproof orange and-
full line fruit trees, nursery grown,
-spected and priced. elose; also,
shrubs; evergrens, hedge = plam'ts,. budded |
roses, a- nice line of ornamental plants, nut
serv grown, state inspected, priced LOWES KES

Georgia Pecan Nursery. Ft Valley Ga Pedi-
veneed pecan yess budded from: extra heavy:

BE Brakefiel@: Shiloh. Ga

sie yr old Belle Oe

Georgia, Farly . Rose; Elberta, Hiley. Belle,

ito 5. ft, first claae stock, 25: trees for $4, del
in Ga by parel post Ris eas
Agr Me Kennedy .Collins Ga "State inebected
Chudied Schley pecan ines. Pineapple pear

trees, Japan walnut trees and Kudiu plant
at reasonable: prices, will, exe fort sor ound; ee
Tee POLS (

Towaliga wareck ies ' Gopeae ak Gia, Bade
"ded peach trees; Mayflowel, Carmen, -Hiley -
V Belle, Gove Hows, Elberta Sunimer- Queer. |
Lemon ~Cling,- Chinese Cling, Whit Enivlish.

Stinson, Get 8. to 4 ft high, 200 iene
Pay seelling: peat

seedling, pedeh trees.1 and 2 yr old sell o
exe for dried apples or pes
peanuts 3
J FP. Snel, Gra; macnn Ga Toy, China: tune
soils trees enough for 1 acre ; :
Mrs Joe W Croft R. 8 | Hariwell 4


the lot fo
Ty insiey

and: Hmbed; 80 $1, for
Mis Scott Davis Hogansville Ga:
leans trees .2 -y old. 25e fob 5
lade 15e or 2 for 25

Ses Jobnson ak Shelloneh Ga Budde
pecan trees, state insps Stuart, Schley, Money.
Maker, and a few. other varieties from. Betork
Pi+2 ft 50e to bea : ; i


Many users of the Nisbkice Bulletin Ree ship of dant eae: %

other goods by Parcel Post seem unaware of the fact that for an ad-"
ditional penny a receipt for every Parcel Post shipment can be had.

In view of the fact that: occasionally we have complaint: of Par-.

having made shipment.
receipt will peerert your sene ee to re shipments

On the

cel Bout shipment not being received we urge that every one dict!
the method of obtaisiing a receipt; in order that in the adjustment
such complaints your receipt will be conclusive evidence of your

other hand your failure to obtain


state ins.
Howering? 2

Cc T .Miller Lea Ga
treba $)ahune'>
WA Gorden, debecon Ge S White - Enelish SAM

pecans -or Bae





B Jack Walnut sprouts 3 or 4 ft high, well root-

double panrple ae


: from
- $15 hun, Mch and Apr del,

; _ apples, |

- Anconas laying or ready to lay..

-Eges, $1.50 per 17.

Yotyoor Sivea. 5

ee eae 1925 hatch, By, 25~-ea;

~ del,

Kinnard, 2}
STAVE : rhe. ea 510 hun;

e, postpaid :

Luella Pe Well vooted grape

Virginia, Gothe, Moores Karly

Captain, - 10 ea, $1- doz .

=O Brooks: ROA Monroe ae
yee Gum, ae Valk,

: y 250" Cas
leer ee postage ~ se
Mirs Clyde Poole: be Be Buiter - Ga
Cherry sprouts and Himalaya berry plants to
exe: for cabbage plants and velvet. peans >

Smith Farm, Rt Newton Ga Stuart and-
Schley pecan Lees 2 toe6 Fat: high, exe for

Wh Leghorn hens, R. el Reds or hogs; best
stock in the market -

INLs Edwards, Bitchoae ae Me sista trees
8 ft high and higher mossed-and wrapped ie
oe $1 ea or i2 trees for $10 fob. me

- J Anderson, Blue Ridge Ga St Rewis or
everbearing and Cuthbert red raspberry plants
50c doz, $3 hun, $25M;
Cherry scions, Short stem ce and old:
ard June 10c ca x

HOI Dover Nurseries R- 2 Bilijay, Gav Fs

duced prices: on small or large lots Tanck
pears, cherries, Brapes, plums, roses
and shade. trees y R
Mrs R EF Terrell R 3 Greenville Ge
yocted dwarf boxwood plants $1. del

Mrs EJ3 Robinson Jr R Greenville
200 nice boxwood plants well rooted $15 del

KN Sharp, Commerce Ga



Stuart pecan

--trees 2c per--inch height with quantity dis-

counts ; also California pr vet pushes 4 yr old
$1.50 bun del ;
R: Celment Rigeacrias Ciesla Ga
trees, lading varieties,
OentralGa Nurseries, R 5 Macon Ga Road
Nea Mayfiower, Uneeda, Se Early Rose, Car--
men, Hailey Belle. Hiberta, J.
--20cea, -$2 doz, $10 hun fob; budddd six weeks !
Red June, Abundance Botan, Green |


ed pecan 65e to $1 ea; black walnut 35e ea;
gmat ies tn - Wakefield fabbare Soe $1. 50 M
del, s

P one Rhodes & Son, salawin= Ga - Apple
-and peach trees leading varieties at lowest.

prices send fox- hist > Bets

S C White Leghorns ~

_. Mrs Geo A Mallory, Meansville Ga 18 pul-

Jets and 1 cotkerel, Mech hatch, $22 50 for lot,

-or $1.19 ea, Tancred strain. - z:
Mys C W Curry, Jr Stockton Ga 10 pullets,

} eockerel, 8 mos old, pullets laying, $11 for

fot or exe for same no of dark sheppard strain

J P Williams, RC, Griffin Ga 10 or 15
pullets, $1 ea, or exe for peas, peanuts or meat
or Jard., ~

Mrs Fred. Cowart, R Dy
Tanered heavy laying strain, closely
eulled, $1.50 per setting, $6 hun, baby chicks
now booking or-


ders $15 per cnt ee
C T MeMilian, R,8 Gaeeiie: Ga Tanered
$7.50 hun. nee
Mrs CW Clenney, Edison Ga 50 hens, eres
train, Apjr hatch 1924 and: 5 co*cks $50. for

eee Norcross,

Same price: aS above, ei
ks after Feb. 15 appl 50 ber setting. Le: dp ns
2 Mrs. GR Emery, R 3, Buferd Ga. 16: hens, ad
Himalaya plants Be. ea, 4

Mayes old hen and 1 co*ck. unrelated, ernie. anc
ah: OL Parr, R by Valdosta: Ga = 8: Or. 9 pullets:

Sage bushes 20e ea, i
ne layin; 3
a eggs $5 $16 and S15 per he



5 to 12 1-2. ee

H. Hale peers

Gage |
plums 25e ea, $2.50 doz, $12.50 hun fob; budd--

Sanumet Ga Eggs, |

- $10 for lot or exe for 4 does and) 1 back |

Glsok Farm, Sao |

el : 19 mos old Hee

hens, :

= cork oe Soeies.
Mrs W Vi Shenres, Ravle Ga.
oe Pishel SErean isa

cae _ Ferris

ew Page, Box 52

fine coeks, 6 mos: aia Rortan efi: a
also. 1255 . Kerlin _ strain,

9 mos old, laying, $1.25 fob- Buford
Mrs Resa Kell, T' 4 Ranger Ga - 10. Ore

Po eee strain, $15 for- all SS ee

Mrs* Lillian Davidson, Shady Hae Ga. 250 A

purebred hens -and. pullets, Ferris strain, $14
ea, also. 15. nee TONER: Fence. pbs
$l ea. ;

S16 del -

SEEN ices. Helina Ga S cocci. 418 mos

I ond, 1 rooster, 9 mos old, thorobreds $1.50 ea |

or $4 for the 3: or exe for 3 Thorobred Owen

strain last Spring. pullets ~~ : y
Ae Poultry Yd, Cordele-Ga

Mrs C W Clenney, Edison Ga
-ApY hatch Ferris _ strain hens, D co*cks sat Si
1 ea, S50. for: Jot? :
Pineview | Poultry Farm, Mebotcen a.
'puilets. 10 wks old, Ferm es pirain- $1.25 ea". del
Mrs) Ao Sint: SR 3, Baxley Ga a1 nd,

5: hd or $50: fer lot =
Mrs Daisy Williams, Emerson a a2 foe
bey American strain pullets, 1 co*ckrel, 6 mos
old, some laying ; $14 for Jot fob See

Mrs. 360) Aal, Atlanta Gasa ) hens


30 Meh and |

a #5

ee G x ee
dark red Smith strain,
}Apr hatch, $15" for tot.
a EA. Orr, ne
son strain. $35= for Tot
oS Oo P Henry, 4
yrs old, Donaldson strai

Mrs M- io boean: ak
Tompkins strain eggs, S13
dei, Setaiteed fresh

strain $1.25 ea *
Tuessie Meeks, R 1, Caceres Park, Sa
Ferris strain hens, i Toostery STO. for lot, cas
Apr hatch / re
Ira Meeks. Rt Korman Park os pe roosters |
Apr hatch, Ferris strain $1 @a_

Mrs PW Maddox, Monticello Ga 13 pul}

lets and -1- rooster, oN Strain, -$1-ea or
$42.50 for lot, also hens,
strain 85. ea or "$5 for lot -
i E Ethridge, Forsyth Ga <Unieseaes # wks,
old 20c ea
Mrs Mabel Reynolds, - Sivas Ga
chicks, Tancred strain, Feb, Meh &. Apr del}
Trimble _Farm~ Hatchery, Adairsville
Baby chicks, $17 per 100 :
Miss. lL M Davis,
Apr hatch pullets, Ferris strain $1-ea
Mrs E H Burell, RB 6, Saree Ga 16 hens
and 1 rooster; $15
JE Carter, R38 Comer Ga 100 hens;
co*cks, Ferris heavy laying strain, $1. 40-ea-
R A Sosby, Carnesy ille Ga Eggs for
ing, Wycoff strain $1.50 per Tou

iy &

M A Ramsey, Quitman Ga Youn: hens; :

$1.50 eg =) 3
WH Kinney, R 1 Gartotenn ee
strain, baby chicks,


W H Clough, Blackshear Ga Hohe unc
Carroll Hayes, R 3, Palmetto Ga- 6 pullets.
Apr hatched, 1 co*ckrel, 3 hens, 18 mos old,

Rufus Reds or New Zeland Reds _
Coflins Chick Hatchery, Avondale ~ Sees
Ga Baby. chicks, ready for Se oO

Mrs Cw Jones, R2 McRae Ga 120. hens. or

several roostersy SL ea, cash

swith order, FOB.

Coy. Morgan, Vienna Ge 200 Have ae, {

Ferris strain, carefully culled, ohare. ime
plot Jordan, Lilburn Ga Hens, exe for R

Red Hill Poultry Farm, Martin: Ca Hees for

: hstching; $1 per 15, $6 per hun, - few .cho ige 1h i
ey, noe old pullets, $2 ea,

M @ Biackwell, Farrar Ga 3. Wiens Gi ea.

Pion ae a Ma hSwieg 1 oe Barnesville Ga G2
hens $1 ea.

de EL e Beasley, Lavonia Ga
Send 1-4 with order es
baby- chicks, $16 shun del, 1-4 cash, bal re
DE Bruce, Martin Ga Eggs for hatching,
1 for 15 or $6. for 100, Wyekoft
hoice pullets; Feb- 1925; *hateh- $2 ea, ci ickerels
ame age $2 to $5.-ca
R W Blanton, Talbotton Ga 30 Siykoot

hens, 1 1-2 yrs old, $1 ea, several co*cks. +=

Mrs EP Bass, Albany Ga 122 eusenrea
hens, 1. co*ck, Ferris strain, hen $1.25
co*cks $2, all under yr old, some have laid.


JO King; Ri Aususta Ga 30 puilets, 410,

gos old, Wykoff strain, $1.25 ea, now laying,
20 hens. Barron strain, 18 mos oid,
4 2B Gilbert, Garfield Ga 50
er rear Straitiy st: aoe old, now laying,

TW Rogers; R- 8 Cochran Ga

$1 2a
$1 a:
20 pullets,
: -2. coekerels, same
wre $1.25" ea, Kerlins. quality, best laying
strain, 10 hens 1924 hatch, same strain, $1 ea
Mrs PR Denby, :R- 6, Pitt on Ga 40 pullets,
Barron strain, March & Apr hateh, $1.25 ca
J. Bebarerel, 'Pifton Gr Rs ba 3- pullets,
Barron strain, March & Apr hatch, $1.25- ea.
~~ Pineview Poultry Farm, McDonough Ga
BB: Pees, 10 wks old, Ferris strain Si. 25 ea
Ww. Ke Mapuieer. ae ein Ga

(B22. for 15: del eee

strain: hatching: exes


Youngs American strain, $1-ea or en-|
tire Jot for $110,

Ze Barron strain.

Utility strain}

strain, few 2

_-breding >

slaying: strain,

i ome eo

Monday and Thursday, write ~
Mrs Douglas Weems, LueHa Ga 3 purebred |
hens, exe for 6 hens: and a2 co*cks -of any large
i breed ; a
eda A Rios Waits Ga "500 ets and- pul-
lata. Week strain, all culled, laying, write [|

Mrs T T Sinimons, Lakeland Ga 6 <co*cks,
$1. ae ea.
Apr hatch: <2.

ee HB Roach, : R a Royston oot 100 pure. |

ed: hens $1en :
aes R Mobley, R ~ Decatur: Ge Bacon
ae bred to lay hatchine- eses,- St: 50.for
$8 hun, del, day old chicks S18 hun, Jan,
Feb and: Meh del,

=H H Chambers, Re 4 Ball
Sie EES, gL. 50 pers tang,

Mrs- We. ae ean Re 2 Enigma Gav
strain baby. chicks, Tc ea to be del an Feb. or.
Meoh Also: Dex Foosters, Ferris. strain
Thea # ee

Ground Ge Hatch

z ; SS C Baten Leghorns 5
et S Dykes, R, 6 Cochran Ga 1- oe aoe

ig purebred Byerlay Siain,: exe for. a

strain, not. over: 2 TR veld, 9 prevent -

Emerson Ga a
2 pullets; Apr hatched, one
$12 for J top setting: Coes $1
per setting Ss

Hamby* Plant Co. Re Vaildost a Ca. Hens
from: 12=to-18 mos old = ea, pullets, laying,
$1.50-a; from Reg a day~ Strain os Na Hoobs
Hatchery a,

Mrs: JO Moss, Tifton aR.
laying, 1 or 2 roosters, $12
=. - Mrs BD Burpitt, Bllabelle Ga
Yoosters, Meh 1926 .hatch= for?
_ drake : ; :

HG Brock: Rea Bowdo on Junction Ga
Purebred: hens and 2--eorkerels: $25 for
Mrs WiC Puckett, 2 bs Cordele 4
young hens, $P2oe r06% ters, Sl ens tee

Mrs Daisy Williams,
-1924 - hatched,



White: oe


Heyl old. English |
Sulver Creek Ga R fee


all for $8 Mech and M

Pee, chicks $14]

| Ferris $

2 Owens sttai
fea, eESS,. SL25 for. L

= ay ae ie Lei
- Chickens bred. co
ich, eges from. pen
Ti 10, 299 for 30, bab
co*cks for sale- si
Zanie Miller,
a, Be
for -

strain ae
oJ H Beasley, &

Baby | @

Pineview Poultry Fa
D maldson stram, $2.5
Sox Blackworth, Be xley Ga

Ise ea, 20 per cent of ee
order must be paid when given pa

purebred, $2 ea, or
peanuts S

WG Smith, Toccoa Ga
| pullets, 8 mos. old,

) putieis Sh
strain ee =o dark ped 1925 co*ckvels,

1+$2.50 for both

- Mrs BE G Siow: aby Poe Titton Ga- Siena
Butts. strain co*ckerels, Apr 1925 hateh, $i
ae Strain 13 3

sf 0 for 15: haby ae
Trumble Rarm %
Baby Ghieks, S *

Mes: 3 Harby, White Plains
and Owen strain eEES,. POLLOL
baby ch


ara e =
Bae dark co*ckerels,

Dae Ca

oday oid. chi cks 16e | ea
del tidied x

Mis = PoP. Patrick, Locust. Grove. Ga
ae baby chicks atid = ye

I last Apr no o1 vder f F Bain 2 Shame

ogee for Setting, $502 fro del pe

Ww A- Gordon, jefferson, Ga- 1 fine eockerel,
Mech hat hed, $1.25 or=exe' for dried Peaches.
or apples. Z
Mes C= Goalshe
bred el, Apr hatch, Donaldson: strain |
very O ors exc, forN:; C runner oe


R ae : cia. Ga

1s :
Gace? roosters,
or exc, Donaldson: SULBINy dark red - 3 :
Mys oT 3. Ray; Ro dG> Stone Moitniain: Gal
Eges from: Pure stiain Donaldson Reds, Bie 50
POR eine. booking: orders for baby. chicks
Wess is, R 6, Cedar Town-Ga ~
| Caban. couk. about 4-422 lbs; Apr one
mE for OP wks old big, ae with

Sena fob ;


ae aie

nice - Size;
strain, Sy 25 :

De 0 ea or et
strain 78 mo. old

arm Hatchery
PI ivmoueh Rook baby: chil
Mrs. Nel :

ee ira aig

from ae tock, Cook train:
3, $2.50, $16 for Tot.

Ws higeten Ga ot
O: White Leghorns:

Vienna a Several eco*ckerels 1 and

le: cheap.

Farm Hatchery, Adairsville es One :

kerels, | baby chicks, $17 Her: RBe ee

_ Walters, Seas Tee Ga: 2
wh leghorn: Se 8 ADE hated,

oSh2a- ea
=) Miss. Hazel eines R 2, SBatord iGa 62)
roosters, Zs brown, -t- wane leghorn,
P1925, 50 ea or Sk, D5 fer alts 2 Bee ae
fey ds Buffington, Iv, Gillsville Ga 2 prs ban-


tams, $2_ or exe for 2 eee Leghorn 2
tee 2s Bene an

: ~ Robt we yg Maton Ca Getter Searache:
/Cochins, exhibition: mere ous pr ee $0

: eueae
| amixed colors, ermal: size, ee

ing SY, 50!
Mrs SW ec R te Chhbaws Ga t 6 Gold
fen Seabright -hens_ Ge "co*ckrel, $1.25 a.

Mrs ot oo e 35 Washington G

oF esh white ees

at hetching

: 18, ca :

1 EOB:

: eee

| spring > hatched yoosters ; $2 ea OF exc
plete: es ae or strawberry. plants

raised |

|, [trained to carry chickens,

31 yooster,

eA Black Langshangs =e Aa : :
Mis ay G Burden, R 9, Elberton Ga Weee |:
Sis 50. for setting of ros postpaid mg redone


Soreey Black Giants :

day old chicks, 25 ea del,

soca prices on incubator. lets.
red ee Bove Ga ee a3


Es S aS i a aoe Gab. Soiehor
land 1 valiet Apr hatch, oie Oa, eash with order

Mrs Cw Boling, Cornelia a
$5 7

~ Mrs Willie Waison, SWwosdbaes ee

1 eockrel; of hens, 2 pullets, $8 fer lot fob.

See Ss <<.

= rooster, 2

fies: Mae Bomar,
pred: ae rooster and 3 sats $


Fach ony che oe

Nellie. Puckett, Rb, Cordele Cas 2 Nice

for -pul-

: see Campines ae eS
Rk. we Kirkpatries, Z ae Bes Rd, Atlanta
(Ca 40. ee : 5 ey eon

White Face Black hoa ee

; - oT Ve Mann; Mee games e Ga 2 hens, L pallet,

all for ba OUT ie se

pe ce ges

Omaha Ga_

Ses Ww M Grimes, 15 hens ; $1
ea fob Omaha

Pivoli Poultry Yd,- Saree C= R e Reds.
| White Leghorns, Buff Rocks, Hatching eges
and) baby SS, few. choice: red eenen ae.
to $b ea :


Richard B Crowden, ne Sunny -


ineview Sopite, Bare. McDonotai: Gat

id} 100 Broilers, 1 1-4 to 1 4-2 Ibs 45e Ib. fob}
5|shipping point

I. J. Cleveland, R Ee Hartwell Ga : 10 Ape
/hateh pullets, $15 :
W oN Blackwell, poe Gan aeons 806 eae
J T Crawford, Barnesville Ga -T 1-2 capon;}
$3 FOR also: 8 tb

capons trained as above, $3.ea FOB.

Mrs -Blanchard, Appling Ga 20. mixed
hens, good | layers Aas s :

WH Byrom, B. rom ville Ga Ae s and eo
improv ae
Casi eberry, SeTes Adel. er, 24 doz
per wk. One crate e


COZ. :
= Crawford - and Str n rier Athens Ga
Box 746 BZaby ebticks: se Bure bred tested
and selected flocks: :

Ct McMillan, ne
chs ks* from poe floe
eb ee and Avr del. :

Ga. Say
yao hun Up;
CUSTOM. IL vrei Ss

i 0 ees
| $85 50 Oe Write

for pric
Sie per 2OES,

a ba by hicks.

in i Sn5, lets of Ae

Hantin, Ga aks M B hen,
2 yrss cold, fine for


toni to exe for traine

ie drake of ndian:

Golena th. aie

1 and hens, purebred

Np Norris, W%

| Goldbank Bronze hens

toms, 21 to 23. lbs; $8
<0: A. Andrews, Jackson Ga
journ red Apr. ~hatched tom
$4, 1 two yr old hen $
HA Petty, Bronwood | a
$6 eag Apr hatch i)
Same hreed

Apr hatch, 2

Pip i aw ek aN Stipe: ee Perry Ga s% ye
MB tom, $5 fob

Mrs GR Durden, Stilmore Ga t MB pur
bred then Goldbank= strain, 1924 hatch OR

Mis Geo A Mallory. Mean: exw
spines M Be toms, $10, hens

-~ Mrs Linton. G, Banks, we ry Stelesbors

Haan Hatchery, ~Canton Ga Marey strain, |
jive arrival suar-
anteed,. eges. for. hatehing, $1.25 epee B- del, 7,

ieee fob a

2 Jay
1. roos-|-

Roe adaye ette oa pure: te

Dawson:.G -Eges set weekly, ;

onyers. Ga Custom |

-Ga- tas Braies z

vorebres, pedigreed stock, Apr
o24- es eu, _hens, CEES

Giant Bronze,
hatch* toms. 20 ~

igo: ae oe 1 ae
+4 drake Indian -runner, $1 ea =:

Mrs. Lillian Wise, R Bee Statesboro. Ga- P
Purebread heavy Jayers White Endian runner
$3.50 or-trie= 2 Hens, i drake $5; prize win
also. Penciled Indian Tent
$3.50 > trio oe hens I drake, - BD: cheavy
Sy prize. w Hnners :

AUS. Coffey, Blairs
fons, acks,* 1. drake,
Soe County Poultry. arm, -
We Pekin. ducks e
ar. W HeSmi th, a
i. drake, young a $45
Mrs WoC. Black, R
White Pel eee Apy

LA Evans, es Ss Glennwood Ga.
feese, tiie Cee
- Marcus - Mashburn) Co hinne Ga ie" meee:
Hsell OF XC. for peas Or. beans = ssn De :

Ophelia J Blissit, Luella-Ga 5. _ Biue Spe

Hers 5 LY

ie Gas Bul? Orphing
sood Jayers: $1 ea
Alto Ga



$4 for lot, FOR Luella.

Mrs J A Wilson, Mariin Ga 10. Blue Speckle
hens and f rooster, 50 a or exe for 5 lee
Minorea hens. - :

eM 2S Harrigon> Whigham Be
hd, frying size $10 for lot = >

ND: Nerris, Wrishtsville Ga:
Australian, - $1.50 ea or trio for
SS OG te


Enima Knight, RES oe

ae a} White SUBOR cs rooster, 3 hens Be
Hens, fat, about 5 Ibs - eas AL ea fob Sunny
+ Odes ic

Mrs W H Walters, R ae yecstia Ga
speckle hens yr old eo. ie fOr lot.


potion Pepe 1 ea
Walter West, Rockmart Ca
bits $2.50 for lot fob
Mrs Cordie Seott 820 Ist St
Hartz Mountain -lound singing ca
ers: $7.50 - to- $8. hens. $2)
roHers and Golden ers
-hens $2-and- $250.5 shes
age =-6,-1 6 apar tment. chee
single breedine cage $2.
| Mrs. Dean - By ents Bosley
a ds
3 Buen Riverdale. Ga
bred Roe Zealand Reds and whit
tS: $3- pair :
tiie. * Hillae
s 30, males aes

es Ga. Guir

eo lak

trio: $3.75



birds; mated ps ;
Soe Bo Crowden: gies

aie 400 land: Ave,

ee Sy! tested female

ae 7
Stanley Du
aiso few bu;

cas a

a Been. ei Se ;
ips. and cl

W. uips
Wii ixed,

ag aay fob.

$4 bu

2 Roberts: ees. a
- derstn bunch lim bean for seed): also seed
_ Mong. beans

OW: WE - Shurling Wrightevilte:
epeuniad: velvet beans even wt 2 1-2: pu sacks,
fer immediate shipment.
W Murphy Sahdersville Ga Sound -re-
cae ag aie early speckled seed velvet beans $3

Early speckled

~J HH Palmer Tennille Ga
- geek velvet beans $3 bu, velvet!

bu ;
Re ao Paniier R 1 Senitenevities Ga
bu Laredo beans $6 bu

Ser 16

- cf
E P Mason Rl Lithonia Ga 20 bu Laredo A

beans $7,50 bu fob
; Ho M Carter R C Griffin Ga 12 bu Whip
peas. pure bright and clean $4.50 bu fob-

R D Hall Oglethorpe Ga 5 bu Ivon peas 36
ipa fob Ideal Ga ;

J G Satis Lake Park Gs 3 bu little yel-
low two crop: seed peas $3.50 bu Si pk fob ~
~J HH Archer Sparta-Ga. 8 or 10 bu: good!
elay peas $5 bu fob; about 2 bu each speckled
and New Era peas $4.50 fob

Dowdy Bros White Plains Ga
ham peas $5.50 bu fob

3-H Palmer Tenille Ga Straight Brab peas,
$5. bu, .Clay and Whip $4.50; mixed $4.25

Jae oe Re? Summit Ga Red hull Java

55 bu
reer, R 6 Fitzgerald Ga
Ib; large yellow crowder
gpctial erowder peas 25 lb Seif

Mrs G H Hays Flippen.Ga>- Nicely hand
picked cleaned Laredo. bans, make bst offer: .

Vernon Brabham, Macon Ga Sby beans
and velvet beans; field peas.

W & Ballard, RC. Griffin;

: beans $10 bu

G P Craig, R 1 Morganton Ga Field peas ;

write for prices :

- Ralph Griffin Douglas Ga Ga Yurner pea-
nuts 5 Ib; N C grown runners 8c; White
Spanish 4 Ib; 3600 ibsseediing pecans lic for
Jot fob Dougias.

E C Floyd Rex Ga White Spanish peanuts |.
6c Ib or exe for feeder shoats at 10c Ib.

Lee Jenes Collins Ga 34 lbs seedling pecans
20e lb or exe for 2 1-2 a fancy apples.

G W Williams R 2 Oglethorpe Ga: Medium:
size sound seedling pecans 10 Ibs: or more 17c



19 bu Brab-

Black crowder
peas 25

Gas) Gtootan

Migs Matilda* Briddy R 1. Mitchell Ga 301:
or 35 good seedling petans for best offer
W M Shurling Wrightsville Gay 50
White Spanish peanuts. for seed :
Mrs: W B Broadfield Dennis Ga?

_ chtce petans $28 fob:

J.P Carter Co Naylor Ga: Farniers stock
canner sed peanuts car lots? 4e> lb, smallei
aoentity 3 ib fob .

in tots: of 25 ihe* or mere by Express collect,
smaller. jots 15 p paid, send. cheek ; Runnet
gn Spanish peanuts for seu xr parching be
Bb et press collect, send

JS Ws Lash Bogart Ga


50 tbs

hite Spanish peas

: muti for pwn tings sorrel rometings Be lb fon} }

~ -Jbs Mobile pevatis well filed; ee oe bi

Surnith half wiewts arth pietes to suit your)

wish, any quantity

} Miss= L.-Aten Dawson Ga

pecams sedlings 15c, 39 8-4 lbs medium size
. 18e, 85 Vass YES fob

J Be Rountrees Boston Ga No, 1 runner or |.

N peanuts 66 Tbs fol :
Mis J. N Todd Mitchell Ga*
pind Stuart paper shell pecans 48 Yb; 25 1bs4
smell size paper shells 15 tb.
E Bower, Dixie Ga Select Ga runner seed*
peanuts be ib; White Spanish same pricey
1000" ibs: select, medium size seedling: pecans
16. Te

CoG Oliver R-2- Bainesville. Ge Stuart and*}.

Mobile. paper shell pecans 28 to 58c lb fob,
36) ibs and upy del.
. Sunnybrook: Farms, Abbeville Ga
ner clea hdy Be lb fob
D Taylor R 1 Rochelle Ga Spanish pea- |
Saad 8 Ib or exe for. garden seed or dried 4
~ ene oF apples, peach: or. pineapple pear |
Wr: Amos. Edison Gay 100 ibs or more good
squmd. Sehley pecans 45c Ib: fob :
J oe Newborn Adel: Ga Ga, runner see
peanuts 5 1-2c Ib fob
, Be C- Brooks: Barwick? Gz
good ve paper shell, pecans, Stuarts 300 His


er mi ire, Pabst 300 Ibs oF mote, Vandmon

300 Ths | or little less ; Write for satiples and -


Moultrie Mill & Elevator. Co Moultrie Ga
Vee in. gal and: half gal cans.

' Dotgias Oi) & Fertilizer Co Dotgias Ga
259-gals new syrup in fgak and half gal cans
also one 58 gal bbl $1 gal fob here,

LG Johns R 1 Winokur Ga 100 cals pure

Nic& tot ies. =

Ga* FBarly<

ng Omeyax Ga Sniail! petwns 18 Iby

5a 1+2 Tbs Jarge :

2 ibs large 5

Ga Run-
chp shingle mill Woodruff make, few 6. inch.


988: Ibs well ANGAL

ers care syrup in 10 Ib cans $1.25 gal fob.
TOR Zittraucr Marlow Ga New crop Ga cane.
. in 85 gal eypress bbls T5e gat fob.
; w Lane Omega Ga New sugar cane
ee in 6 ib cans, prepared especially for.
tarbhe use, $1 can pocked 6 cans to case, send
eheck' it
Rocky Hill Farms R B Stateshors Ga Pure |
sugnr cane syrup bright and thiek packed in
10 los cams 6 to crate, $6.75. erate fob.
2 EC Nease Marhow Ga: Ga ane syrup in

' J Carter Box 173 Gainesville Ga

Nese | Clary Odum rg 35 gal kebt thick
Gi. cere ee #25: fol

qua ew

age 35 eae to bbT 63e out foe in 1) Tb ec

6* cans _ to case 86 per case fob cacti
eae Co; Maror Ga? Po

i bbls anit up; 650 te aiid? 2 bbts; No:

80c eX 5 Ib eats 456 ea? case lots an
Ti 1-2, 5 1b. cans 42: 1-2 in. lots et: 190 or
*yhore; ar net cash fob. Manor , :

Doms Bros White Plains. Ga 1 aghres: in good
shape with pole: and shafts cheap for cash

C ' Miller Lea Ga 38 horse Chattanoota
rev dise plow good: condition with new disc
$10 or exe for $10 Vulean plow

C M Brennen Columbus: Ga Large sub
steel dairy bottle and can sterilizer $30:

M H Morris, Raleigh Ga. 1 Woodruff 2 row
eotton duster used 1 season good condition
$46 fob; 1 Peerless dust gun 2 row used part
4 season $10;

sed 1 season $8 good condition; one 2. horse
ee and bodies $12 ;

J F Weltborn LaFayette Ga Dandy separa=
ter practically new exe for chickens:

R J: Kirk R 2 Felton Ga Colt carbide light
plant with 6 lamps piping ete complete $75)
fob or exc for Donaldson str-R: I Red chickens
or any large breed pure | bred hens
ea; also 12 double spring steel traps No 2
$3.50" or exe for. yellow mammoth soy beans
at reasonzble price

Zs-J W Johnson Gough Ga Vacuum ba
ing mac hine with directions $10 fob cost $22
ured 8 mo, or exe for 10 hens any breed

John Blackmar 13386 Third Ave Columbus
Ga Ciosed cafriagse rubber tires; good pole,

brass mounted double har-

' lamps both sides,
pess $50 cash for both

B H Gilbert R 1 Cumming Ga 1 Old Trusty ;
incubator 250 egg in good condition $15 fob

J J Jones Hillsboro Ga 1 new Williams '
grist mil] and 1 International gas engine 8 hp
all first class shape for use, complete for $200.

W J Hitt Nelson Ga 1 grist mill new with
Williams vocks only 75 bu corn ground on it,
Gl ineh rocks; $5; or:-exc for 75 BY less
horn hens last Apr hatch Tormohlen str

Mrs E Livingston Preston Ga Kelley du+}-

Dlex feed mill No. 4 $25; planer and matcher
size 6x]5 with flooring and: shiplap heads $20;
Tom Huston peanut. sheller, velvet bean and:
peanut attachments $35 ;

8 ft 25 teeth $40; 4 horse Superior grain @rill
mG JP ok
and windstacker with belts
peanut picker $100; new buggy fs $2.59
-MeCormick-Deering cream separator
Deering New Ideal binder used two sxsons

JV Hart R 2: Ville Riea Gas 1 set: biaek-
esmith tools; 1 Olivet R horse. waking culti-"
svator 2 wooden. beam polwstotks ; Kinney: fet-
tilizer distributor and. other tools; also. two
shorse wagen and 1 pair mules BF and Wy
pee wt xbout 875 ahd. 1028, att in a

Relchef Morven Ga is

$750; ' Benthalt }:


r Nesbitt 584 Whitelvail St At

ee Severe Black ead Buster mos: chap
RS Pirsley RH 2 Chickaniaure Gar

Red Hen" brooder pbod* condition all for? 8,

exe size :

Jw Ken: Modoc Ga One ola: fxshion forty:

two inch Grist: mill: complete ;
T.W Summerhill RJ Datlas Ga* 1 hot! wat

copper tank 148 ete: size Ironclad in

and: 140 chick size box broodet with

instructions, only set three times? $15 or exes

for 17 Everlay str Br Leehorns1 yr old hes |

cant: 1 rooster or any other good:- rend of

1-H Pitts & Sons Waverlg. Hall Ga 2a.

Ap gasdline engine first class condition; sell t

or exe for 10hp |
A A Brock Hoschton Ga* Galloway. eng 6
ee helt atid saws, ail in- good shane, $125
oe 'B Ponder. Rutledge. Ga.
steel: cab and . body,.
corn del- Rutledge
WJ Morgan R 3 Stillmore Ga -
eultivatar Avery make $46.
~R, H Scott, Dover Aaa

1925: Tord truck>
- exe, for 400 bu: good:

Grover . Heaton Re ' Hantwell Gav Riding:
cultivator. International good as: news cheap
ae Wallace Bowdon Janetion Ga Soly Hot
-hrooders: old and new $5 to $20 prepaid. .

/ HF SeayR 1 Conley Ga 3 hp Witte was.
-envine: good condition: $50 or exe for good
penente, corn at market prices fob your:
station > ;

Vv oles Rabun Gap ee
ter 400 ege cap, hot water system, good con-*
dition $25. fob Mountain Gity

CL Brown .R: b Hartwell Ga
tractor parts, slightiy used, sell at halt Price
$300 worth: in all;
epg if good eondit tion; one No 4 Dixie pea
_huller; one gin outfit complete with two sixty
saw gins, pneumatic double box press, ai
complete with 25 hp boile and ens, arse
ce condition, bargain or exe

C lL. York Lumpkin Ga Old style ested
-pewer grist mill. needs some repairs,: bargain
~ WR Palmer R 1 Cornelia Ga One mans
folding saw, sell or exe

Qiteen- incubat j

hp boiler, one 35 Atlas: eng, cue 06d:

mike. best offer

1 soda erusher latest model }

at $1.25"

uC McCormick mower |;
5; MeCormick-Deering self dump hay rake.

Case grain separator, self feedets"}:


Condition cheap or ee for SC Wt: hens
e- Ga

=| breed:

a ridi: ng

1s Boon: open. bugey

1 30 hp Faitbanks~ deisel
> Hlete,

One: 40}

od naneics. Bt: 50 del,
andles ee good corn. paskets $1. 50
ea; cotton baskets: $125. ea, cotton seed or
bu baskets $1 eh alt fobs
\ Mt W Bryan Smithville Gav
pine shigales~
Pe & W. Bolton Robinson Ga.
sacks 10 exe for corn or
feed {
WG Fuller Box 724 Elberton Ga
plow lines 36 .ft ere each $1 prepaid -

No 1

feed |


good black walnuts $2 |

Mrs W.= Scarbrough Souk beds Ga
doz hatf gal jars Elberta peaches - 4 doz glasses
home made jelly

wh Elliston R 1 Rupert Ga
nut meats rapped in. sanitary
fresh and clean: 75e lb or 50e pt ~

R L Roberts Dahlonega Ga
axe handles crooked and
bit; first grade $6 crt of 2 doz; pick $6 crate,
sledge hammer $4.80, claw hammer $2.40
| Gainesville, 40c for sample . o2 d.-
Mrs L S Have- Ludowici Ga 2. rolis poul-
try owire 2: in mesh; 6 ft
tion, used 1 seasorg $9 roll or $17 for all;
also 1 1-2 Ibs staples 35 lb or 60c for all, gli
fob eash with order :

Mrs. W D Wisdom, R 2 Chipley Ga
International hover 100 ehick.-eap. $10

JD Taylor, RE Rochelle Ga -
mick mower $50, cr exe for fine rege Jersey
calves or ree P C pigs, or field peas

Mrs J E Moncrief, Penfield Ga 1 model Cy-
phers incubator 250 ege cap; good as new,
seel cheap for cash *

Mrs J P Baker, Siiper Ga

* Black: owal-
wax paper,


1 new

Incubator 250

Ww D Sectt 820 Ist St Macon Ga
egg Bohn incubator hot water $25-
W N Blackwell, Farrar. Ga
and Harness in geod: condition $25 or exe for
Leghorn > pullets early hatch
Box 101 Broxton Ga:
turn plow. good aS new except point, $10%
Yone Avery 2 hodyse turn plow, good> condition:

Gne 400


BL. JotieS Sylvester Gar
separator, prattieally new, SQ or exe: Buck-"
eye incubator 600 capacity: $O5.
Mires We AD Bennett - Adairsville Ga
soft -heat.. incubator. 185 < egg: caparitye ee
ondition~ instructions included>.
1. M Cason, RB. 1 Warrenton Gav:
- kerosene eng Fairbank Morse;
> fresh water. tank >

Texe for peas,.corn, oats.

S: Lo Brooks- Wash*tivten: Gat iane- 2 hor

oo fair: condition: pea and top frame $15
Baye or

Mrs: DM Miladox: Re. $ Conyers Ga

1 solid
4ron' cultivator: spring: tooth cost $6. 50,

seH -

for $3256, -oF ext; also one* $7 size.18 horse

: collar. $3" or eRe - for 4 Rood re ahy good:

> Fairview: Fane Palmetto. Ge-I2 het 6;
gas engine mdtinted $150. P.-& O 3 dise trac-
tor plow * fine. condition | $60: exe for. peas,
corn, beans ar Fulghum oats. -
. Mrs J H Grantham, Pineview Ga Large)
timber cart.-exe for smatiet

-R H Kent; Dawson Ga- Two 110 Ba
lincubators, new tank, good codition $17.

F T Chapnian Lavonia Ga One 52
canopy blue fizine brooder, used. onec,;
tically good as new $15.50: one Avery. joy rider
; cultivator with oes shovels and sweeps:
used very little; kept undsr shelter $50

Parker & Turner. Point Peter Ga* 190 gal!
fundergrotind gas tank good: condition $30 fob
D E MDaniel Luxomni Ga eed
| reversible riding disc plow, sell. or:

H ue Orr, Calhoun Ga One 250 Petal
Lelectri incubator, used One season, euarant
satisfact? On $25: -one 250 Simplex brooder good
ws new S15 fob

Mist D Cochran Griffin Ga Gis Bell Cite
jincubator 140 ege can; one blue flame oil!
brooder 250 chick cap: cheap for cash

Nelson Kea, Adrian: Ga One Queen ineut
bator and breader 600 cee cap; used one time: |
;Cne Letz feed grinder used very, little.

-'T P Wooten Ticnall Ga Hay press;-mower.
mae grain .drill, seed cleaner, feed mill, rid-
[ing cultivator pump: and engine, 600 ft 2 inch!

50 e:


other farming tools at bargain prices~

Youngs Lerhorn Farm, Tennille Ga Buck-""
eye. coal burning broeders 500- chick eapacity
cheap for eash

Laws. Leghorn Farm, Savannah Ga Taro |
No 80 Buekeye > coal - burning brooders, cones
1200% chick eap, $17 ea;-two Keopper
coal. burning brooders 1000: chick CoD GES ener
Two Wishbone kerosine: Sarnine brooders 500?
ehick cap-$12%ea.. -
sl ngle mill $109 <cost $200- secondhand: hav

: used sh ae. aes good | condition


any. kind chicken |
2 pair a
Miss Ruth Garner R 2- Menlo oe iba extra


Mtn hickory
straight and double}.


high; good condi-

1 .McCor-|:

egg cap in perfect condition $18, Bohn make :
1 top bugey
One NO* 13 2. horse}.

except Wing and point: $5 or exe: for middle.

Deliaval: No. 12 ee

One 6. hp!

_ automatic. pump: . s
small: log cart Ko0d) condition: RACeE wea

ckepe +

ie Ane |

bbe SHS 150:


Pps fresh
b- ae


ae sc Wallis,
fresh country butter -2 ue oO

Tb, 1 th 45 del:
and: No

G A Coleman R 1 She
colonies bees in one story frame hy
21 Hives bees in old fashion box: Hives a
$30. at my palce Hl % ay

W. EF King 82 Peachtree. Ave :
5 metal teps and hottoms, _Jumb smo
bee veil and gloves, reasonable; 15
bee boxes, all painted bok a o.
wax starters

Mrs Z2M Story, oy Ga
more than ioyr oal15=
cured 30c Ib: sweet pee pickle
sweetened canned peaches ; blackbe
Ade at. ;

ee 0 #8 Britt, Res Easireh
4 color bush honeysuckle 3 3. FOr.
busres l5e dz; Xmas cactus cu ing
pow budding to bloom 15e / cutting;
cactus cutting rooted lde; bleeding | he
genia rooted 10 to 12 in tall 25 ea
Mrs, J B Gentry, as ~Buehana
Cherry sprouts $1 dz
le low Jonquil and daf
and blue and pink
pink and white ra
Mrs. Cc A> Foster, :
"Japonica well rooted: tte
shun ; gladioli- 40 dz; orang
amar yilis bulbs ae ea;

Se ea. 50e. dz; large- plume pamipus- ee
rooted 10. plant. 8 for 24 Stee
cutting 5- ea 3 fer We;

| rose euttine 5, ea 3..for

seedling pete trees: 80e to 60e-ea rages
2 Menlo Ga Dahli

bulbs. Oe ae 1
j iris, blue 25e das 7
rooted geranium 15;
4 5e ea; lilae bushes: 15
bushes 15c ea; ad

Mrs" Jo 1 Kilgore, .
White wisteria 1 yr old; B
j white iris roots} 5
bydrangia, peony roots,
Hes or Anthony ee
bey Mrs M V Goolsby, R
White yellos w center narci
15 de $; Pink and pur
,ear 5 for SL dl;> Vegetal
for preserves 106. tabieenoons
Mrs S Powell,
Epalm 413 large ke faeate
jeaf fern $t; Taree py
rich Plume fern $1;
i Jarpe. crange geraniim 3 ;
Biel ap Ue BOC ea; cxt fo
VMs Li Coe: Eastanolle
cream iris and red and yellow lad
20 dz or exe for tulip, a of milk
wine or Magic lilies: 3 ee we
Miss Margie White, R-3 T.
| bushes $2. dz: Cape Jessamine "
biu. ivis li bulbs and
" jorquil> 25e dx. 2 pink monthly - xo.

_ Lincoln ie
sus bulbs 25

Rendedn: galy pipe, 400 ft 3-4 in galv pipe; and many velvet roses-ise; w

cream pinks 20 dz: Dusty Mil

violets 15e ag: ;
Mrs HB Ford, Thieonis Ga:

{xedge 3uyr old 30c . sea; 1 dz

50e ea; ail colers: @

ea: pink exalts

be ea well rooted

cS P. Boss, Atbany Gxt 1. Perkins automatic: t

attiane the ea;
oe yerda

ei heonee

plants blue, pink jand -white 2. dz BOE;
! ants: -T5e; ;
. | shipment .
Ma's WoL Carter, ARS A: McDonough Ga White
| Narcissus :bulbs 2 San os a
; a Robinson, Ri ee Greenville Ga 1000
yell. rooted - dwarf. box wood plants. pretty -and:
)green 2850. del or 500. for $30, $125 dz sell:
well rooted from 6 to 10 in height; Deep pink -
crepe. myrtle. trees rooted :25c ea 5 for $1 dels,
Cape Jessamine lilac rooted -30 dz ;- lucretia.
!'dewberry plants hardy - and. well rooted 30ce dz
1$1225 <hun~del a ;

Wood Lawn Nursery, Greenville Ga 200
rooted boxwood plants $15 del; Lucretia dew-
hberry plants $1.20 chun, $9.85 -M all del
SCH Chambers, R 4 Ball Ground Ga Red
white, pink and mixed gladelia bulbs 50
dz, 3 dz -$1.20 or $250 hun .

Mrs S A--Miller, R~3 Finleyson Ga Tree
knight blooming -alligator tail cangor cuttings
De; Maidenhair running lace rose, Baby Bos-
ton, Spengeria ferns 25c ea; lemon lillies 6}
for 25; white flag lillies 25e dz, Hastings
dbl tuberose 3 for 20c or -85 -for 6; xe for
cactus the old man rail fence; devil walking.
stock or aS

Mrs J. S Jirkle> R 3 Cumming .Ga Blue
flag lillies 20 dz; Jonquils 15 dz; purple:
hyacintrs and asparagus 25 dz

Mrs W C Daily, R 38> McDonough Ga Blue
sweet violets 25c dz: Varigated eannas 50c
dz; Yellow jonquils 40;. Dorothy Perkins.
rose bushes -20 ea Purple lilac 25 ea ;

Mrs A Tuck, R 2 Talking Rock Ga Weeping
mary 10c; Dbl yellow Japonica small size
3 for 15: larger 20 ea; pink flowering. al-
mond 10 ea; Dark purple iris 15 dz; jon=
quils l5e dz; Birdeye -bush\ 10c ea; purple
sweet lilac 20c ea; pink crepe myrtle 15c ea;-
pink~ hardy phlox 20e dz

Mrs J M Hall, Calhoun Ga Sword. lillies.
creamy white blooms 50c dz; Leopard * lillies
pink flowers with red spots 25 dz; jonquils:
50c chun everbloominge wistria 3 for -25e

Jessie Abercrombie, Loving Ga Dark vel-
vet Tose, walnut sprouts -20c ea; Trailing ab-
butus 25 dz: Mtn Laurens and Mtn gay eT
eo; Pink and yellow azeleas 25c ea; Daffodil}.
bulbs 35 dz; lemon lillies 50c dz; pink rose.
1 lic.ea; silver. moss and Hartease 15e dz; 10
\ferns plants 60c- crabapple sprouts and. Huc-:
kleberry 15 ea; goose berry 20 ea ; yellow,
rose dc .ea.
Mrs H Cy Cruge, .R 4 Lawrenceville Ga z
well-rooted .Loganberry and thornless red rasp!
berry plants 10c .ea or exc for Lady sehombs
son or. everbearing strawberry plants

aL 3M Woodruff, Grechville Ga ae
plants 4 and .5 yr old $2 .dz $10 hun; Crepe
myrtle trees rooted deep pink -25e ea 5 for
SL; Cape jessamine lilac rooted 30c. cea; lemo:
lilies 50c dz; weeping .willow -trees avell .root-
sed 50 .ea; sLuctetia. Dewberry plants well
rooted - $1.50 -hun ; sete Rear ie

Mrs T J Robinson Jr. R38 Greenville Ga:
-1000 -green boxwood plants, dwarf variety!
| well rooted 6 to 10-in in. height $50 M or $30
|-for 500 del; Lucretia dewherry - plants: well:
| rooted $10-M del

Dala Woodruff, R.3 Greenville Gg. 300

eontenl strong - boxywood- plants 20 del
H. Chambers, R 4 Ball Ground - Ga
r > cial and umixed wladioli

A$2.50 chun 252;

Mrs Ella Smith, R A Talking Roek Ga
ed tow - Japonica . swell rooted 25 Snowball 1
oe pptings dacs. ed _montrly rose . eM: al
| Peach tree rose rooted 25 vea 5 <
2b dz: Blue- violets 50c. dz... - :
et Pauline: Baldwin, - Ro4> ae Ga ee
a lacs. Yellow thornless roses. 20c =ea ; Peat
ms foses 1We. Blo as 2he dz; white:


early. Spring - blooming, _Promp

aes vines Ape ee
ds lilies with hloonts:
ns Ade ea; ferns: 10
iexd collee-
daffodils, ~ -narcissus, Japanese,
Star Bethlehem, Chinese Sacred Lilly
and Hyacinths 2 dz bulbs 35c del; 4 roots or
30; 6 rooted -plants blue Boxvine 30c; all del
eyes of white and green striped ribbon grass
- Mrs W. R Murphy, Ball Ground Ga R 5.
White peonies A0e ea; dbl yellow jonquils or
daffodils 15- dz. G different color cannas- and
dbl dahlias 5c ea; dbl -yellow - kerria Japonica
.l5e> eS; pink and white hydrangia 10e ea;
mixed colors dbl fringe poppy seed Se table-
spoon :
Miss Srcailahs Byrd, R 29 Cammerce Ga Well
rooted pink running roses lic White lilac 20
ea: Cape jessamine well rooted ec ; ever-
green boxwood rooted 1l5; variety gveraniums
cu sg ones rose cuttings. 5e ;
Roek Ga
a ae iris ey butterfly- Tis
2 -for Qe; Aue nate *25e; red, white and pink
monthly % rose cuttings lic ea: Bride Bouquet
Japonica well rooted.25c;- ferns lie fob
Sy Hefner, KR 4 sTalkine -Roek Ga
ng heart, golden bell, blue iris, Aug
s, Bride Bouquet, Japonica <25 eas Lilac,
Bride rath, rose ponte ane ares 15 ea
aS -Hima-
pond ey pros 30c ae u pigs 10e dz;
yellow and -blue Jilies, Star -Betrlehem -10 dz;
1oyr old walnut trees. 50 ea; -one 3 yr
>; Jew 6 for 10 hollyhock 20 dz; conk
ep eooted een eat ie; mistletoe,

u $1-for 50; extra large jonquil
blue anr purple Pdapan . iris 50}
eet scented single blue hyacinths

XC 1 dz tulip bulbs- any color ;
: spre uts exe for \Damson plum!
$ Old | fashion _ blue fall pinks <30c dz
ong ene ee
Beeland, R- Reynolds
tbe dz, 6 dz 200: Ww

aehite: rambler

Boe a: Bods ee greet ee
ees eure yellow cannas: Dubbs


aulbs :


~Kown RT White Ga Blue: damson
pink | ghite - dorothy.

fd cuttings | rooted ; oa

we AN Sand agi whit pie eae: for. sweet: ee sour

fas on

a Min Laurel, Mtn ee Mrs OB Parker, 315 8th ave EK Cotdele Ga,

ftn Sue black | or yellow pine 25 ea rs | Cuttings of iris rose something new, rooted:
i dmere Farms, Chamblee Ga -Hollyhoek! 1 plants 35; cuttings 25c; or exe for. fewesage)
Privet Hedge 2 yr $1 hun; Iris buibs plants rooted < .

colors; Caliopsis .and Gariopsis ; Old} Mrs -G T hens, Butler Ga Miced colors
ashi no mrender and other shrubbery; sell or -frostproof petunia plants well rooted 40c dz:
: ee white poppy. with yellow center 35

. oe bridal arene ee oa grass Cr See am ste. We: aiak yer
Miss. s. Fowler, R ig Ravatort Ga ae

s! {purple wisteria,

Mrs T Cc Floyd. R 2. Chipley. Ga of rooted | pyi
dblue vine plants 30c;

LEC inese Sacred | Lilly poe. all. de}

-43 nut $1--del

se well rooted ;

jesgsamine "28
Ise; sblue

bena <5 to -15c;- mixed -hibiscus mallow 1
oMrs: JA. Griffin, 512 16th ave FE: Cordele Gai

hite. pink, rosy -purple;. Spireas, Van Houti.
dbl -white : Forsythias, tall weeping, sem dbl =
Philadelphus ; ae crepe myrtle; Euonimus.

white figs, ornamental vart-
gated - pomegranite 0c ea; any 4 for $1.16
Armour river hedge plants $1.50 dz> wAbe:
lias 35e ea, 6 for $1. 10;
oleanders 35cea. f

Mrs 0. W Puckett, .R B ,Cordele. Ga Hima-*
jaya, china umbrella, honeysuckle vines, sev-.
eval colors monthly rose cuttings, crepe myr-.
f tle, cape jessamine,
2Lrass ; exc for plants of raspberry, Sage, crer-
ry, shellots or any kind pot flowers ~

Mrs A J. Owens, Canon Ga White Iris,
ragged , robin, larkspur,
englow, al 125 dz del
< Mrs J oJ Cravey, R21 Milan Ga Walnut,
cedars and umbrella hina trees and crepe}
myrtle, goldenbells, also cuttings or SeUDBErS
nong grape :

Mrs H H Matthews, caiteden Ga 1 Poni
rosa lemon bush 4 {t high with lemons on
bush; sell or exc ~ :

Mrs Belle Godard, Coggansville Ga Cannas
large kind and different colors 50 dz; Sev-.
eral kinds: lillies 50 dz; Amaryllis 20 ea;
milk and wine 10 ea; jonquils, doffodils and
putter and e gsgmixed 25 dz; Delphimus |
plants, poppy and annual phlox plants ready |
15e dz; snap drazon 25 dz; himalaya hlack=


ea; rooted evergreen hedge $1 a2. ; rooted
monthly roses 15 to - Sat

Miss -Clara Jones, 3. Marietta Ga Large
flowering single ace Saari see all colors.
and shades except yellow, some vari-colored.
edges and centers ie teaspoon; Pink Mam-.
mon Cochet; white mammon cochet and buff
Mar hineal rose cuttings unrooted 35c; del

Mrs -F .O Rowell, Buchanan .Ga Several.
run well rooted yellow and white -honeysuck-.
le vines mixed colors 10c ea or less in hun
lots; several well rooted Kmas vines .or bush,
variety fine hedge red. blooms 25c ea; cape
Jessamine -bush euttings well jointed 25 few,
.one yx. old rooted 50c ea; green foilage all
year, awhite blooms, 2 well rooted snowball
bushes. 3.t shigh $1 .ea ;

Mrs M M Gentry. R Talking Rock Ga- 2,
yr old well rooted db! -yellaw japonica. 25 eas:
daffodils 20c -dz; jonquils 20 dz; crepe anyrtle
deep red and. hike A0 ea ; velvet roses 5c 2 =]
deep red seven sisters ross 8 for -$1; well
rooted peach tree roses hc.ea; goldenbells 15"
a; weeping. willow l5 cutting; pink crimson;
Yambler roses 25c; silver maple. 50c ea <3 for]
$1: -well rooted.

B K Pierce, 605 East Pt. Ave Hast Point.
Ga Dbl red poppy -seed 0c spoonful; jon-'
quil bulbs .well reoted 25c ea; Thrift 25 dz}
Shasta Daisies 30 dz; dahlia bulbs 81 dz: 4
Himalaya berry vines well rooted 40 dz

Bertha -Grizzle, R 2 Cumming Ga J 1-2 tb
Hasting dbl sweet williams seed smixed cols,
ors 25e tablespoon $5 for lot or exc |

Mrs ; Julia M Brown, Garfield .Ga Umbrella.
china trees 1 to -8-ft high -20c ea ; Oak chydran |
ia well rooted; snow drop Spizea; Dorothy
-Perkins rose; Kudzu vine 20 8; add Pos-




A bulbs or
white and green ribbon -grass 30; 2 dz. mixed
collection Bulbs - daffodils, jonquils, marcisgus:
Star. Bethlehem, hyacinths, Japanese Ty
RZ Alma Ga Milk and)

3 red and yellow - eann.

sed velvet roses 3. well rooted 25e.

-A-2 ea ;.. siveet pomegranite Be. for
952. Ga ees plants xneady for shipping,

Or-4.$1 M-exe for any of above- for garden seed of

any kind .or -dried fruit
Mrs : -W . Yates, Barwick Ga - Weeping - Lan-
ama nice Jaige plants<.also nice dagge. 2
ld- Dorothy ~Perkins.. tose -bushes, evergreen |

i Atabis. Jessamine -vine; exe 1 plant for 12}
cuttings of geraniums not rooted, gall > differ
so 5 cone -year old~ trees. of. Black Waele:

Mrs WM Wickers,

Sileam Ga Monthly4

Os) 4

$3.50 dz; Dbi re
yard. canes or Striped,

scarlet. verbena, gol: Ay

| Purple Ge plants 50c ea dek Menkes
Mi:s Maude Roner, .R 1 Dawsonville Ga Or- BL

| cissus

berry plants 10c ea; May herry sprouts 20E |:


veyes of tall? yay,

ple Se ise 3 for
109, Oleanders, white red, dbl -pink; AlHheas dblt A : :

250 aa

HH Hackle, Lake Bui Ga Yellow day. {ilies
43 for ane -white and black. grape. vine Bae eas

ink - neh anna bulbs lic ea 3 for BSc;
a ted Canna bulbs $8e dz; onange Canps
bulbs. 6c dz; Javender and white: poupsns 3es
dz; Jarge white chryszanthemums 83c dz; pink
oe Be dz butbs Magnolia trees 25c ant 0c

Mrs Genie Porter, Lake - Peaks fa Pink
Oxalis 25 (tz; scartet . red cannas -60 ate ; -or-
ange .color cannas .60 aa: pink ~ crepe Anyrtie
Se ea; spoupons Javender and white 35c az;
white magnolia trees 25 and -50c .ea: large
white ehrysanthemums 356 az; white and
dlack aaa vines 2 yr old 25s ea

Mrs G A Mallory, Meansville Ga 1 yr old

namental orange trees has oranges just like
real ones only smaller, grow anywhere 25 ea
Mrs.C .C Pope, _ Middleton Ga Red spider
lillies .25 dz}. Jonquils $1 hun; butter and
eggs $1. hun; extra large paper white nar-
0c dz; single blue hyacinths 25 dz
Mrs .W Burch, R 1 Helen Ga White and
red Dorothy Perkins roses rooted any size 15
to 50c ea; 2 rooted Yucas 50c ea; dark crepe
myrtle any size and quantity 15 to 50c; pin-_
cushion, pear leaf, erab, devil wayking stick
-eactus 5 to lide
Ruth Hadden, Hiawassee Ga Dahlia bulbs.
red and varigated 3 for 25c; Daffodils 25e
dz; red raspberry plants 8c ea yellow cannas
25e fob i
Mrs J B- Bramlett Margaret Ga
cuttings 10 or 12 in high $5 M
Mrs.L -D Spriggs. Rockmart Ga Lavender
Plants 5c ea; sage plants 5c ea Himalaya ber-
ry plants 25 dz; Lanzy plants 25 dz, all fob
Miss Mollie Recce, R 4 Ball Bround Ga
Mareh flowers dbl or sgl yeHow Jonquils
white 0c bulb or 75e dz; rainbow moss 10~
or .exc :for tuberose bulbs dbl or sgl
Mrs | R Haleomhe 129 Emerson Ave Decatur
Ga oa old field rown roses 20-teadine: va-
rieties 50c ea or $5 dz; Small size $2.50 dz;
Larkspur 50c dz rooted -yerbena all colors 60c
az; giladioli bulbs 50c dz; all kinds bedding

Boxwood ~

| Plants im_ season:

Ella Weaver, Marion Ga Spruce pine, holly
wiite pine 10 to 15 in high 25c sea del

Miss SS I Albrecht, 912 Fourth Aye Golum-
bus Ga 8 .dbl giant fringe red and Rink pop-
spy seed for fall planting 25c pkg ea color;
Queen Wreath or Coral Vine seed 25< pkg >
Chinese sponge seed 10 pkg: 3 color dbl mar-
igold seed 10c ea color pke postage extra;

seed @

A B Woodruff, R 3 Grnville -Ga -Lueretia
dewherry plants 3@c dz $1 chun del; ~Quinds
Sprouts. Abe ea. box wood. plants weel *
for $12. 50 del; Pink crepe myttle trees "2 for
5O0c del: red and white pirea 2 for 25e del

Mts ,Loula Micheal, Apalachee Ga Lucre-
tia -dewberry plants, umbrella china seed,
hoxwood . euttigies from :boxwood 10 ft high,
fig bushes, currant sprouts > Sexe for horse ap-
ple trees

Mrs S F Hefner, . R we Talking Rock Ga
Line; Rieeding heant eee iden pelt DBE is

ride, (Wreath 5c: Blue Aris 30c,: butterfly
200: Aug. lillies 25Gs A gui i 25e; >
Everblogming rose cuttings med. 3 J
pink l5c; Bride ,Bouquet. Japonica ell poot-
ed 25e ea; eRe rage 80c ; Garden. Bare

Ge 20: sdeadix fet :
roses $5. dz 18 apnieties 2 yr. old $2. ee aes
call -colets
~Miss .Cuha . Carter, Lake Park Ga (Hant .
pink and red Amaryllig bulbs- aS
- Extra large . white. msenei
ea 6 for $5 ::amaller size Ghe 2a; 3B

j ted Magic a wef japan yh

eee ee Te oe
quantity $1 :-eld- fashion -stgat - plam- aha 2 GES
oq extra darge 35 sma.

amon .cochet ; :Golden- yellaw- Marchinetl Bae

5. for - fl; Yellow and. Narigated | dbl dah
jas. 50c dz; .whitesrasta: -qaisies eyoe az:
weeping. hedge plants purple blooms $1 dz:
King Humbert canna bronze fol-
jage color orange, red and salmon pink 50

Miss ce M Davis, R 1 Silver Creek; Ga Jon-
quil bulbs, Apr narcissus, yellow June lillie:
snowdrops all for licudz 90 hun; Blue flage
lilly bulbs 25c dz; goldenbells flowering al-j
wmond, Dorothy Perkins roses yellow thorniess:
roses 15c ea: conk begonia pink and white, }
Rev Begonia Blue flowering box vine 10c ea.

tose : plants 2 yr old sizeewell - rooted - color pink.

Jaran bulhs $1 dz:

Mrs. H EB Carter, diake Park Ga ? Tpasten; ac
Sword..and *Roosevelt- ferns 85c.ea 8 for $1;
fancy <leat. caladium bulbs | Dbe ca $258 dx >
dJarge -elephant ear bubbs 26c sea $2 das A
Magnolia -trees $1 a a: for #$5.; Spires Var

*} Houti, Forsythia and pink. peachblow Bac. ea

3 for $1; pinkcrepe myrtle 25c #2 -$2 dz;
pink, white -and yellow oxalis 3. for 25e:

| orange scarlet Haster litly..bulhe $1 dz: pink ae ae

and gwhite -amaryllis -bulbs 46c ea

iMiss -Grace Carter, ake Park Ga Spanish
Bayonet palms 50c ea; umbreHa palms 30 ea?
-goldenhell rooted 835e ea; extra large white
spider lilly bulbs 85c ea; red Magic hilty of
purple grane hyacinth

exe poppy seed for db}. all color touch me not ~

; Mrs J- Cc ian -601 .Eleventh Ave Cor-
Jonquils 106) alz ; canna bulbs 20. dz

p E-suton,
. large red cannas 50 dz fob
Culpepper, Cordele Ga. Chrysan-

Adair, sville Ga ~ Late ge

winners, red bronze extra-
Pink Betsy oo Yel-
: ye


; dbl lemon lilly 50 dz; small yellow clus-.

ee sweet scented narcissus bulbs 30 dz
Mrs J WM ee, Knoxville.Ga Shrubs and
seedling peach trees, lilac sprouts, flowering
almond, pride wreath 10c ea; dbl pink olean-
der, white oleander rooted Qe - ea; pink Dor-

perkins yoses rooted. 20c 3

Mrs A D-Williams, R 1 Reynolds Ga 2 yr
ae Red Dorothy Perkins rose bushes 30c
-ea mixed canna bulbs 30c dz; large Spengeria:
[canna ge Ss ee dz; large Smary-

Monthly rose cuttings,

running roses 50 cuttings 35e del;

lot for $2.25 del; 3 moss roses 30c del
Miss Anna L Malphus, Tusculum : Ga Brigh

well. rooted plants 10c; red verbena larg
flower with write eye well rooted plants 10c:
white - ea Chrysanthemums with
3 > white shasta daisies 10c;

jessamine. vine buneh 25; avy vine punch BDC
12 rooted monthly tose bushes 25 ea or the

yellow , ball sprouts: 15 ea;
white sprouts . 10 ea; red gladioli bulbs
rooted plants ~t5e- Farly Moy eer plants 20e hun 6

Miss Ophelia Phillips, R 4 Fairburn Ga bulbs. 35c dz; varigated gladioli bulbs bloom-
Bush Marchineal and
others 25 .euttings 30c or. 55 -for 50c ; spring dz;
yellow. ; Jeaf elephant ear 20 ea;

ing size bulbs 40c dz: pink oxalis bulbs 30
pink crepe myrtle rooted-30c ea; large
white jonquil bulbs
25e dz

Mrs G E. Fullerton. R- Monticello . Ga
Large flowring canna Si red, lemon, yel-
t low and variegated 50e dz: well rooted pur-

pink larc> flowering -verbenia rapid grower! ple. Jilaes white, pink and blue hydrangias 25e

Celestial ere fis sprouts 25 ea
Mrs J W Roper, R 7 Gainesville Ga Snow-
so ysonthly dbf rose
ae ea 5

i $17


verbena larze
oted - plants Ge

white Dice. Perkins pe eae Cee
DC a ; Jarge purple. sweet oe $1.59
_comk begonia cuttings 5 aoe See caer ee ges ee ae Gladi oer eG ws yore = om: ui =, Ne Se
ae fons. peay v, > Seer os we , Pickens, Newn
Rake: Fae West Pond . = Cherokee Soret ee x eke et i a a i a as small incubator, > Black
treliis, hedge. ete $1. dz; Amarylli SP eas ate ee eet S eres = Bone : - Le ioe :
ylet with cream Peete ANC Soe 7 LS. ? : ; aie, ee Z Gee Ke Te td er furs fort
eo Hed. giadioli pink and- yellow Mixed 2n6 Bast sa we ie R 3 Hor same; or i Gincene & Golden oe Roots f
and. wine lillies 2be ea: Giant size 5c Ae 4: eee es ? a : gee ea ; Rea re } poses :
en: pink striped ilies BOE ea; snowdrop bulbs* Moultrie Mill an : ; ve : Mie Zeta aes spun as ocr NTS 5 c Wallis, R 2 Temple
ene ie 4 ei Shi ake: Ga New crop 4 d Pitta, wbaled bore are = = wal cream can & 2 10 gal | loc
nor cream with yel shucks, carlots, write price ye ee ee ee aes eee t RSs
mixed affodil butter | eae ie ens Ga. Soy. be: * Cem Wao -G
ss , oe ise z : z ambers, a
s Mes 6 ae cae Crawford Ga Yellow | DS OW } S specialy | Ginat ns cand | sia bs ite dard, quote price: yok
s dz del x : hesier Cae R z Surhmit Ga pRt = ae E Bo whi : @ 0 is te

Cane fain: Moreton: Gh "Trail: nice abbag plants, ~
aroutus 20 dz Tiger lilly bulbs 30 dz: | selected. Tanered
een plants. 30 dz; 6+ different ferns, culled flock, for same,
Black _ pine, white ee. ; Sas er n}pea seed, EXC: nice SARS.
cs mtn ivy. ? md HatcRing for same 2 ;
; Law's Leghori Farm Srsacay re Buda
and em and white peujenciic: tig eS | ecan trees, T ed strain baby
God roots de. ea; honeysuckle vine 25 dz 5 chicks for same :
purple iris lilly bulbs 40ce dz: blue iris tills | A S Jackson, Huchings Ga ge peaeh-
bulbs, 20 dz; wild. geranium 300 Oe tee trees _
Vrs Tucy 4 Wilson, Morganton ee. Mtn A J He Ellis, Fiachine: Ga Apple scion of3
T.avse's 20 ea; Red and yellow Azaleas 20} Terry winter yates and horse apple
ea 6 for $1; Maple and dogwood sprouts 20} Mrs E F Ingram, Young Cane. Ga 1 ee ae ae pare Mga or preset peas, | ees anole price
ea 6 for $1; holly bushes 20 ea; evergreen | Irish Gray or Gleckley Sweet Watermelon} Le pe ae is Z ee Hall, Ge ir d ee
aa medium. size Si ea; winter ferns large seed, exe 2 Ibs dried apples for same { ee are i ch a a eae ale o :
Sey ie ea: Tiger Wily bulbs $1 hun: Crab- Ee oO fa*gala, Newnon Ga Rhubarb roots, ee Warr = ne St eee a
ae apple sprouts 10c ea; wild hydrangia bushes state variety, size. and price So ies fee Sine Le
Sc ea: large box holly-and mistle $1. =o Alien: > Williams, Ri Athens Ga Orange)
- Miss Lela Byers, Morganton Ga Large box} sprout or tree, also Privett plants for hedge |
evergreen for Xmas $lea; white pine 5 te 6 @ W & O B Ingram, Barnesville Ga To
et suitable for Xmas trees $1 ea; holly bu shes | leuse for, 10 yrs 10 to 1% a healthy bearing:
20 ea; evergreen cedars 50c ea; white _pine peach trees Roe |
Se ca; Cherokee rose bushes 25 dz; Huckle-|. Oa ig Spr fnafield Ga 1000 cab-
berry bushes 25e dz: Tiger lilly Jushes Bends bage plants larg =
white deswood 15 ea; Mtn Laurel 245 ea; a of = kinds. oe ex in even weight |
oo ae Ree ne a want G age } CHICKENS: AN Dp EGGS W. ANTED . Jfarmers Supply Ree ira: Sereray
sem*n Set te) rey cn et tema, eB
pernne i - ie 2 : J ae ld and 1 Mech or Apr hatch young turkey | Varieties, fob ~your shipping point...
maple, crab apple, holly, dogwood bushes all Fe oe BORO ok Nelsen Kean sariaa G All ti mat t
have good roots 15ccea. 8 for $1; Trailing ar- | 7eRS. must weigh 15 Ibs-or more, and breed R = See a esse AES V C1Ve
7 batas 20. dz 3 blue iris lillybulbs 2 5 dz; pur- WJ Edenfield, Graymont Ga 140 pure Beans and peas
; Ws Ne hatha daa. -dz steer le -bukbs ete oe eS from - hens aye only. short 3 & SP "Sandersville Ga c
200 de: 6 different kinds ferns 0c; wild gera- | "me, food tertile OE RE oes 4 iF
yum s0 dz: mistletoe 50c dz; walnuts $2 bu} Paul Keith, Ro 5 a = tta Ga 2 pr peas?

ih x * Z ellow honeysuckle. fowns, state price. ; : a1: )
ee Fae ego vine 25 ie : i R Bailey, Kt, Haven Ga -Muscovey | : velvet beans in ee fob Dieand ee ee

ad ducks 3 or 4 hes: C4 drake, reasonable ~ |. J H Clark, 966 Highland koe Atlanta Ga
cot Anus erent att a echo | ct Gogdm. Pini Gyan 23 6 wr aot Te Ye
ic aes oe fe 30: a ee Gontea Anes Leghorn Mch or Apr 1925 hatched pullets, | oS avublin Seed Co, iield. pe:
oi Ge eee ft atts Sunene, Larice, Jaying, no culls, state aera _weight . and | ao set beanst 1 in coe
alin d aehite. pasy purnle, pink oleanders: ce ts
abl pink, - single red white spireas, Ben = t : is
Hout. db) waite Jessamine, Star, Oe Lyi Vandives, ae eee
Grand Duke, Fo gk oren a yee: Wyekot! strain ~ White Leghorn eres fo
Euonimus, purple Wisteria, varigated pome- Ths Ee eer :
- a. es Hy Se ay. ees z oe soe Mrs. Henry - Eller, 3 Dedlcin Rook. Ga. x: ane ;
ra J eae BS
MES HM Penland. Athens Ga patsie a Sing Bie Bon Ge aa
sorta Ar oT ag cy ho ee see
LP i any pure ree: ~ : ia No 1. peanuts, exe sae ay
; ae JM Hart, College Fare Gx Sree Pp FE Rhodes -& Son, Baldwin Ga 25 Ran cane oe for, coors = me s
as . eS e eiesy f bashes: 30 ea/$3 di; g Rocks, state price or will exe - Laredo. = os
Pa et Serene A eee . 5g beans or fruit trees for same

flowering locust 50 ea: red raspberry Soy Be va ne oe eee

- hun $15 M: white Hilae Le ean 2 for 25 or exe eke N_ Kain, Gen Del, Lakeland Fla 20. to = 4 toa & Cor

for mules 3 Sob Se W.Leghorn young hens or pullets, loos exe Tool Wilt resistant, Looe -seed good houses, eed
Mrs DM. Hughey, R 1 Ranger. Ga nck ood strain, write details and price, also 50 to) ror same bu for bu ; z PE A Terry, Ellaville |

hte 4 yr old extra large. 50e ea uavender good dand oe how

ees 5
oe i ield cone any <vati- |
: eo day and

- Griffin: Douglas Ca: 300 bu pearly
speckle velvet beans >
See Bullard R-1 Lithia Springs. Ga_ 38
osceola. yelvets. sound and not mixed a
W J Morgan R- 3 Stillmere Ga 10. bu | 100
day velvet beans send sample~and quote price state price =
eget Ratelif! & Son, Blackshear | Ga Tron | Central Ga Amariee a

good Tron. cow peas $3.75 bu fob oe
ak Phaegins R 2 Flowery Basak Ga oe
bu. goed peas fre from weevil, buy or exe axe
handles for same 1 doz- handles for 1 bu peas
JM Reece Cartecay Ga. 1 bu sugar. crow-
der peas for seed, send sample and price
Nelson Kea Adrian Ga Velvet beans | and:

100 chicks S W Leghorns, Anconas, bias ~ : ; Boe 1926,

color sultabas 15 ea; daisy chrysanthemums a oe aoe ae Spee 41 White H geo SYRUP WwW ANTED By Sct eS os | school
~20 dz; honeysuckle vines for fences, walls") pe vee ed ee he oe ol} Fain Trading Co Edison Ga Ga cane syrup. JO Strom, R L Milan, :
and arbors 2. for 15c; Hasting Royal blue. esa ES eR OL eter same. a = obls, will exc: bkulghum- seed- oats or. $15, straight time | 3,
violets 15. dz; fountain ferns extra large 25e : Shelled, corn ~ A aye: AG
ea; all well rooted Cannas golden yellow, dbl OM ana Holton oe a0 oy r 2 uineas Be W Poole; Pelion Ss C. New rop. sugar Truck. garde ae manage oe
blooms 25 for 6 bulbs; extra, Taree bronze young, also black Minorea pullets _ eane syrup in bbls or fans; oS price and Pb A in regi og
foilawe cannas. 15e for a rose cuttings | yel- WT. Kersey, Zebulon Gin 25s White. Leg- | send samples i in first letter -
Jow Mavchineal and others 2 GN be ~ horn pullets, Ferris strain, Feb or Mch- hatch es >
Mrs EM Butler, Armuchee Ga 2 kinds _M_N Dalton, 501 Cable Bldg, Atlanta Ga SECOND HAND: MACHINERY
white. spirea,. English dogwood, purple lilac Pure bred Barred Rocks, R I Reds and other | - WANTED.
$1.15 dz: Buropean spindle tree 25c; peren- breeds. eggs suitable for commercial hatehine | Ww op a Zebulon Ga Gee qa} M i
nial Jacob Ladder, Gaillardia, lavender 50c "Mrs Sadie Ball, Horse Cave Ky Purebred; pow viding cultivator pivot axle spring tip, family to
dz taree white hibiscus 2 for 25; white Apr Beurbon Red & Narragansett turkey ges- good condition with all Attachments and cheap thing eenished: must be sober and ho:
Hlooming nareissus Giants snowdrops, yellow Mrs JnoSaye; Newborn Ga Chicks to raise; tor cash Pp Oo Box 1508, Sav ninth Ga Man an
cluster, sweet ycented narci=sus 25 dz: wild on halves, to $ wks old, any breed ee R Davis SSoberton Ga Hiternatian sl ie
Azaleas $1.60 dz; Trailing arbutus: 2e de; Leghorns, Barred Rocks preferred - ~~ 3 ping cultivator in new condition with al Iparts sa
Ap oa) on plum sprouts $115 dz. | Mrs FR Vincent, Fruitland Ga 25 or 30) 3 H Beasley Lavonia Ga ,1 Hreuies 9 hp Tun 2 ore. farm on shares or
pee P Hunt. Margaret Ga Rooted box- Ancona hens, yorld, exe for same srosene cng good condition, 40 ft 8 in rubber J C Keree, R 1 Kingston a $s
ae ese Te dz; unrooted eutting $5 M * 0 Boyd, R 4 Villa Rica -Ga_ 500 or 1000 belt $150 sfob, or exe one ?6 hp - Fairbanks % work on farm, seh good charact
aby chicks to- raise on halves to 10 wks old, _type kerosene eng good condition $100 fob; tomary wages
SATTL E W. ANTED de A 222-3TS experience, prefer. Ss C Bulk Orphingtons one Sol Hot. oil burning A4 An 500: % hace (Box 99 Gap 2 Sarlests Male
JM Neltiower, mmpore Ga 1 large steer or Will take any large Breeds | prooder $17.50; one 32 in 300 chiek $i4,-both man, 40 to 55 16 live in home
pull to mateh Holstein. Seer weighing 1900 or $S D Kealer, R-1 Mize Ga Warhorse game practically new | ; , horse farm, ood character: and able
2000 Ibs. - : : pepe or shares or buy. Beas y exc! sickens Dr EB B Cade- Wrais Gha: Ga aA Internat: terms arranged :
Sa cp oe Ree aneee Sohaeis Ga Lot 0 Feo. ght sg Gonal Harvester power hay press peas WH Biantley: : BE
et pn ce ro? salw hice Mies OW OW: Sherrer, Rayle- Ga_ 100. i kind 10 to 20 bu } ee 2 a erie with = fea ae
Mrs Sas A Wylie, R 1 Suwanee Ga: fresh Chicks by stein raise on halves to 8. wks Gober Murphy Jasper Ga R 2 Small cas will furnish horse & cattle and

in youns mitk cow, not over 5 yrs old. will old, prefer Rf. Pere. ee ng with magneto ignition and cut off saw crop
consider heifer with young calf p ee Boho |, Robinson Ga. 100 babe nace be good ondition ~~ PB Sheridan, West; Point: eee is
P UO ox 1509, Savanah Ga t-red Poll chiel , any laree breed to raise on p halves. to E A Blanchard Thomson Ga 1 Buckeye 250 experienced farm hands, state vee
Bala t.2 stone ors sold : es : 8 wks old : 4 or 300 eggs intubator fully equipped, will exe ed for Ist 3. mos.
~ ~- es Ze Mis Lilli. Wise, 2 by Statesboro sGa dee: pure Br Leghorn hens and co*ck for same Phe Pines Dairy, Amerirus a:
HOLS WANTED Sarn er Minorca -eges. Will- exe several W D Etheridge R 2 Statham Ga Slipon tied man to raise feed and-hel
lL. Massey, R 18, Commerce Ga. Several kinds sound garden seed for same es truck body for Ford, state condition. and best dairy farm, pay $40 mo a
shipments of DOES, 6 or -& ea shipment, 40 to WC Clary) Odum Ga 506 9 G) OE Reds: DUIEO ee --- must be honest and capable, no
OF wo tap ane need except 3 Hampshires, baby chicks; 500 Barred Rocks, baby chicks, MW Bryan Smithville Ga 20 or ee ae contract considered
prices reasonable : eo oie > also. 500 baby chicks S C Buff Orphingtons | team eng and firebox boiler and slab ee : P Carithers, Autreyville G
Re AE Con Sea 2G Cia ae 2. pigs, any g@ood- Gordon Jefferson,- Adel Ga 20 R J Red complete. and cheap = A a to -share crop, have good hou
meat breed, exc 8 young. hens for saa pure- hens, not over 2 yrs old, will EXC refrigerator [oa Nease Marlow Ga 1 Secondhand Blanet? land, a g
~ pred Owens strain ae stor sume {dr 2 horse cultivator must he good condition if nece:
Me Ae Jordoa, Bal Ground Gn! 2 Suen Jersey Ino E Knight 289 Bcicatey. ity Atlanta Ga and cheap for cash . W-H-Ru Soe R
mate shoats, about 40 to 75 Ibs ea, cheap An varieties, hens, not over yr old, Leghorns | J J Outen, 2 Manis Ga Motor: inate either Shz
Mas WE WaAtson,. Glennweod Ga 1 Spotted a Send prices : setter, exe or pay cash. Iso double seetion
Palond: ehina sow, about tyr old. N Mrs A> Gordon, 289 Cramley St, Atlanta Ga harrow, 50 or 60- tooth, c-eorn, cotto ,
acc D sGasho Mt Airy rae 2S: Poe. brood ae for table use, Send prices as or pay cash : Be Hea eae
sows: to: farrow by. Mech Ast, give wt & price: ~. Mrs AM Young, R 3, Ball Grow Gt

'B E i ey, Benevolence Ga "Btack P: c Gilt. [wie old; any. ood breed

bred a pehres, about. 50 Ibs will pay 15e Ib JR Baxter, Carrollton :
R 4,.Montrose Ga, 3 pigs, and 100 S C Brown ~ Leghorns, O
wee Sad: annie, not related es state price & strain, 25 Ligh Brahma
: i : t

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 January 14 (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.