COWLEY COUNTY DEMOCRAT, FEB. 24, 1876 to AUGUST 17, 1876. (2024)

BEGINNING FEB. 24, 1876.

Cowley County Democrat, February 24, 1876.

This newspaper appeared to be a renaming of the Plow and Anvil. It ispublished by Amos Walton and C. M. McIntire.


Cowley County Democrat, March 6, 1876.

The Winfield public schools will reopen September 6, 1876. During thetall term a normal class will be sustained which will offer Superior Advantagesto all who wish to fit themselves for the Teacher's work.

Non-resident students will be received by paying tuition fee as follows:

Normal and High School department, per month $2.00

Intermediate department, per month $1.25

Primary department, per month $1.00

Good boarding can secured at from $3.50 to $5.00 per week; or by studentsrenting rooms and boarding themselves, the expense can be reduced to $1.50per week.

For further information apply to Allen B. Lemmon, Principal, or G. S.Manser, District Clerk.

Cowley County Democrat, March 28, 1876.

Arkansas City Item.

The Central Avenue is the only house in the city now, the City Hotelhaving closed, but the Central Avenue is up to business and we can stilloffer as good hotel accommodations as can be found in the Southwest.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

Messrs. J. W. Torrance and G. M. Reece write to Mr. W. Retherford thatthey cannot, on account of the weather, be among the folks as they expected.They are ministers.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

Judge McIntire is our agent at Arkansas City. He has a list of our subscribers,and parties desiring to pay their subscriptions, can leave the amount withhim, and can also subscribe for the paper.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

The parties boring for coal at Salt City claim to be close to the mineral.They now have everything in shape to push right along and according to Prof.Norton's prediction, have but a few feet to go. They are down 380 feet.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

The papers are stating that Judge Campbell turned the Iowa bank robberHarrington loose last spring, which is not exactly the fact. The Judge remandedhim to the custody of the officer until the detective could furnish furtherproof of his identity. The detective went away and did not return, and theman was turned loose.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


A. J. PYBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office in Court House, Winfield,Kansas.

D. A. MILLINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC.Office atWinfield Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

CURNS & MANSER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS.Negotiate loans and makecollections. Have a complete set of Abstract Books for Cowley County, andthe City of Winfield.

ADAMS, ENGLISH & RUGGLES [M. S. Adams, Geo H. English, H. G. Ruggles],ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW.Will practice in all the courts of the13th Judicial District of Kansas. Office No. 95, Main street, Wichita, Kansas.

CHS. WILLSIE. ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office on east side of Sumner Avenue.Oxford, Kansas.



JAMES CHRISTIAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNCELOR AT LAW.Arkansas City,Kansas. (Formerly of Lawrence.)

E. C. MANNING, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC.Office in Courieroffice. Business before the U. S. Land Office a specialty. Land and townlots for sale. Winfield, Kansas.

LELAND J. WEBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW.Two doors north of Myton's HardwareStore, upstairs, Winfield, Kansas.

J. O. HOUX, DENTAL SURGEON.All work warranted to give satisfaction.Office one door south of Bliss & Co's., Winfield, Kansas.

DR. JOHN ALEXANDER, DENTAL SURGEON.Arkansas City, Kansas. Officeon Summit Street, Opposite the Central Avenue Hotel.

PRYOR, KAGER & PRYOR [S. D. PRYOR, WINFIELD/E. B. KAGER/ARKANSASCITY/J. D. PRYOR/WINFIELD], ATTORNEYS AT LAW.Office in Brick Bank building,Winfield, Kansas, and at Arkansas City, Kansas.

C. C. HOLLAND, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.Dr. Holland is locatedone mile northwest of Thomasville, and will practice in all branches ofthe profession.

GRAHAM & HARE, DENTISTS.Office opposite the Lagonda House.

JOHN E. ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office in Land Office building,east side of Main St., Winfield, Kansas.

A. H. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW,Winfield, Kansas.

T. J. JONES. PRACTICAL PAINTER.Painting, Graining, Paper Hangingand Kelsomining. Sign writing a specialty. All orders promptly attendedto and satisfaction Guaranteed. Office in W. H. South's store, West sideof Main St.

T. BAKER, BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER.Neatest Room in the City. Theoldest and most reliable workman in the West. Special attention given toLadies' Hair-Dressing. Corner of 8 Avenue and Main streets, Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


LAGONDA HOUSE. WINFIELD, KANSAS.Only first-class house in thecity. Stages arrive and depart daily from all points north and west. Cornerof Main Street and Seventh Avenue. T. H. HENDERSON, Prop'r.

CITY HOTEL.WINFIELD, KANSAS.The best house in the city. Stagesarrive and depart daily for all points north and west. Special accommodationsfor travelers.

S. S. MAJOR, Prop.

RICHEY HOUSE. [W. A. RICHEY, J. C. RICHEY] RICHEY BROS., WICHITA.Notransfer, no bus fare at the depot; have refitted, refurnished, and reducedfare to $1.50 per day. Good stable accommodations in connection with thehouse.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, FRAZIER & LAMB, PROP'S.The only brick housein the city, and everything new. Corner Main and Second sts., Wichita, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


J. B. LYNN & CO., DEALER IN DRY GOODS. Groceries, Hats, Caps,Queensware, etc. Store West side of Main street corner of Eighth Avenue.

GRAGG & SEARL, BUTCHER SHOP.We are one door south of Baldwin'sDrug Store, and are now ready to supply customers on short notice.

W. L. MULLEN. EXCLUSIVE DEALER.In Groceries and Provisions. Keepsa large and complete stock of groceries. Buys Hides and Furs at highestcash prices. WINFIELD, KAN.

N. FISHER, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.Repairing promptly attendedto. Winfield, Kansas.


DARRAH & WILSON. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE.Good stock and vehiclesalways on hand. Transient patronage solicited.

J. H. HILL, BUTCHER.Fresh Beef and Pork always on hand at BedRock Prices. Two doors south of Read's Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Attention! Farmers!
The Old Reliable
Arkansas City Water Mills
J. P. WOODYARD, Proprietor.
Custom Grinding a specialty
Highest Cash Price Paid for
All of Our Flour Warranted.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


East Main street, WINFIELD, KAN

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

GIBBS & HYDE, Contractors and Builders.

Will contract for all kinds of work.


Furnished Cheaper than any contractors in the Southwest.

A Specialty made of Building and Furnishing SCHOOL HOUSES.

Being prepared to give bonds for faithful compliance with our contracts.We ask those who anticipate building TO GIVE US A CALL. Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

BARTLETT & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GRAIN AND General CommissionMerchants, East and opposite Depot, WICHITA, KANSAS.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

SPEERS & BRO., Proprietr's

Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Pays interest on time deposits, loans money on Real Estate security.Parties wishing loans on long time, secured on improved farms, can be accommodated.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Mr. Editors:

According to promise I will send you a few lines again from this township.Health is good as a general thing. Winter setting in has put a stop to theplowing in which the farmers have been so busily engaged.

Some of our young men are victims to the Black Hills fever; some havestarted and others are getting ready to start, amongst whom we might mentionthe name of W. G. Scott. It is thought by some that Scott is contemplatinga double blessedness instead.

There was quite a sensation at Tisdale the other day. The officers ofthe law caught a bird in D. B. Creek's store; his crime is supposed to be"unknown here."

Tisdale and Sheridan's baseball clubs played a match game last week,in which the Sheridan boys came out victorious. Just like Tisdale, alwaysbehind.

Tisdale has a new grocery store. It still needs men with capital to engagein the mercantile business.

Politics are growing more lively every day in this vicinity. If the rottennessof the Republican party is mentioned, Grant's pets will at once cite yourattention to Pendleton, Hendricks and Randall. Accusing Democrats to divertattention from radical rascality, is a poor make-shift to save a scuttledhulk. In common with the majority of Democrats, I take pleasure and occasionto support and show devotion to the national currency. I likewise give voiceto my desire for the repeal of the resumption act. These salutary doctrinessucceeding, our country will once more be blessed with its former prosperity.It is sad indeed to contemplate the present condition of affairs. . . .

Respectfully, C. T. J.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.


Mr. Editors:

Thinking you and your numerous readers would like to know how this partof Gods Democratic vineyard is getting along, I take the liberty of writingyou. The Democrats are on the increase and in the best of spirits, for theybegin to realize that the next election will vanquish the little ring thatencircles the sun, (that is if the little joker, from which all lesser lightsget their supply, is the sun.) If all other townships in the county willpoll as large a Democratic majority as we will this fall, there will beno fears as to the result.

French & Slater are soon to move their saw mill on Gardenhire's place,where they expect to accommodate all their old customers and all otherswho wish to deal with live energetic men.

The Democrats of this vicinity intend to have an old fashioned barbecuein Gardenhire's timber, on the next 4th of July. There will be present someof the ablest orators in the State.

Before I close I will say there is a young lady in this vicinity so politethat she says "table limbs" for table legs. For further information,ask George Walker of Winfield, he knows how it is. A. DEMOCRAT.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.



Does a General Banking Business.


Interest allowed on time deposits.

Collections promptly attended to.

Money always on hand to loan on approved paper.

Winfield, Kas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

J. B. LYNN & CO,

Are now receiving the Largest Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and QueenswareEver brought in to this Valley. Also a full line of Carpets.


The finest Stock and Largest Assortment of Tobacco ever brought intothe market. Also the Long John Cigar, three for 25 cents, the cheapest cigarin town.

And a New Device in
Shirt Fronts
Now is the time for anything in this line.
We Cant be Undersold.
Goods Delivered in Any Part of the City Free of Charge.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


This Stock is New and Fresh, but must make room for our Spring Stock.

A Full Line of
Thankful for past favors, we ask a continuance of the same.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Call, get prices and examine the quality of Lumber before going tothe RAILROAD.

Yard at the old Stand,

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Farmers will find Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, Hungarian, and MilletSeed, Also a New Variety, AND ALFALFA, THE CLOVER OF CALIFORNIA.

Garden Seed,

Fresh and New, For Sale by the Paper, Ounce, Pound, Quart, or Bushel,Onion Sets, Sweet Potatoes, Early Rose and White Mechanic Potatoes.

We also Keep on Hand Farming Implements. The Ottawa Clipper Plows,Riding and Walking Cultivators, Gang and Sulky Plows and Monroe Harrows.

(One Door North of Curns & Manser's)
Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Public Sale.

The undersigned, Surviving partner of the firm of Darrah & Wilsonwill, on SATURDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1876, At the City of Winfield, sell at publicsale, or at any time previous at private sale, the following described personalproperty to wit.

Ten head of horses,

One two seated Spring wagon with top,

One open road wagon,

Three top buggies,

together with harnesses, saddles, bridles, etc.

Said property being the complete Livery stock, belonging to said firm.

A. G. Wilson.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Look out for the Harter Brothers new stock, it is coming in every day.Dry goods, Groceries, Boots, and Shoes at Charley Black's old stand.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

MRS. KENNEDY is constantly receiving NEW MILLINERY GOODS, TIES, RIBBONS,etc. Call and see them. Four doors south of Read's Bank, Winfield, Ks.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

To all those who are going to attend CourtGo and stop at Jim Hill's andget a good bed and a square meal for one dollar a day. Jim Hill is againselling meals for 25 cents.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

In consequence of the unprecedented demand for the Remington Sewing Machine,the agents here have been unable to meet the demand, but they can now sayto the public, that they have a sufficient number of machines on the wayto meet all demands.

R. Courtright. G. W. Childers. Agents.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

Gunsmith Shop.

J. Easton, Gunsmith and Machinist, is now prepared to supply the wantsof the people of Cowley County, in the shape of repairing and remodelingsewing machines, guns, revolvers, clocks, and all kinds of machinery. Allwork warranted. Office two doors south of old Post Office.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Native Lumber.

Ward & Smiley keep constantly on hand at their mill at Lazette, allkinds of native lumber, and can fill bills at lowest going prices. Try usonce.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Prof. T. J. Jones

Can paint a buggy in first class stylevery reasonable. Also House paintingtwocoats for fifteen cents per yard.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

County Surveyor Walton, now has the U. S. field notes for the Township,in your section of the county. And now is the time to have your lines established.Don't forget or neglect to have it done this spring.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

Judge McDonald can be found in my office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, andThursdays of each week, after January 15th, 1876. W. P. HACKNEY.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

The Winfield Grange meeting has been changed to the 2nd and 4th Fridaynight in each month.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Mr. Crow, of Tisdale, gave us a call the other day.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Gardenhire, More, Hightower, and a host of Arkansas City and Bolton Townshipfolks have dropped in on us this week.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Mr. Hoyt has started from Arkansas City to make a purchase of a steamboatto navigate the Arkansas River. This looks like business.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Messrs. Hightower and More, of Dexter, spent a couple of days with usthis week. They report Dexter Township flourishing; wheat prospects splendid.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Messrs. Hill & Christy have changed the location of their butchershop once more, and are now in the old Miller and Hill stand, next doorto Brotherton & Silver.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

It is stated that W. J. Hobson of Wichita, the gentleman who built ourbridges here, failed in the dry goods trade; if so, we are sorry, as Mr.Hobson was a live energetic man.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

To show the inefficiency of our police, we will state that a dog wentsailing down the sidewalk on Main street the other day, with a tea kettletied to his tail, making a horrid racket, and yet nobody arrested him.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Mr. Pratt, a newcomer in our county, has brought with him two of thefinest horses for breeding purposes that have ever been in Cowley County.One is Canadian and the other a Morgan. They will be in Winfield and weask every farmer to take a look at them.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

The Winfield city election resulted in the election of Mr. Millingtonfor Mayor over his Democratic competitor by one vote. J. W. Curns, Democrat,elected Police Judge; and Council, Republican, by from eight to twelve majority.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

We have had some soaking rains, and our springs and streams are now filledup as they have not been for over a year. The Walnut, although not quiteso high as it has been at one time before, seriously threatened the milldam at the stone mill, but Mr. Bliss was fortunate enough, by timely exertion,to save it.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

The following is the result of the vote cast at the city election heldin Winfield last Monday.



For Mayor, D. A. Millington .................... 81

For Police Judge, Linus S. Webb ............. 75

For Councilman, A. B. Lemmon .............. 86

For Councilman, C. A. Bliss .................... 81

For Councilman, T. B. Myers ................... 84

For Councilman, H. Brotherton ................ 88

For Councilman, M. G. Troup .................. 91


For Mayor. H. S. Silver ........................ 80

For Police Judge, J. W. Curns .............. 81

For Councilman, N. Roberson ............ 71

For Councilman, A. G. Wilson ............ 76

For Councilman, N. M. Powers ........... 70

For Councilman, W. L. Mullen ............. 57

For Councilman, Frank Williams .......... 76

SCATTERING:J. P. McMillen received twenty votes, C. C. Black, 1, andJ. P. Short, 3, for Councilmen.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.

Arkansas City Items.

The school is having a vacation, and Prof. Hulse and pupils are havinga few weeks recreation.

The Arkansas River is higher than it has ever been since the white mansettled in its valleys. In some places it only lacks a few feet of runningover its banks, and is still rising. It is thought if it rises much more,the bridge south of town will be materially damaged.

After some little excitement, caused by the whiskey ring of this place,the following officers were elected to the respective offices.

Mayor: S. P. Channell.

Councilmen: T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, H. D. Kellogg, Dr. J. A.Loomis, J. I. Mitchell.

Police Judge: Judge Christian.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

The district court opened on Monday; Judge Campbell on the bench. Attorneyspresent: A. J. McDonald of Wellington; C. R. Mitchell and James Christianof Arkansas City; James McDermott of Dexter; Mr. Ruggles of Wichita; ByronSherry of Leavenworth; J. M. Alexander, A. H. Green, L. J. Webb, D. A. Millington,A. J. Pyburn, T. H. Suits, W. P. Hackney, E. C. Manning, John Allen, Wm.Boyer, S. D. Pryor, W. M. Boyer, and Amos Walton of Winfield.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Mr. Shenneman, who has been on an exploring trip toward the Indian Territory,has returned, but nobody can find out whether he struck a bonanza or not.Mr. Shenneman and Mr. Requa, another prominent citizen, left about the sametime, but so far, although his friends have had great anxiety to hear fromhim, no tidings of Mr. Requa come to hand, but we are fortunate to saveMr. Shenneman anyway.

Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.


At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. F. W. Nance, Mr. Wm.E. Merydith, and Miss M'Callister.

On April 2d, 1876, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. M. V. B. George, of Winfield,and Miss Augusta A. Moses, of Tisdale, Cowley County.

Mr. Perry Woodyard of Arkansas City, to Miss Eva Jones of Sumner County.

On Sabbath evening April 2nd at the Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. E.Platter, Mr. James A. Simpson, to Miss Hester E. Fowler, all of Cowley County.

On Sunday, April 2nd, at the residence of the bride's father, by JudgeGans, Mr. Sylvester Bishop, to Miss Esther Chancey, all of Cowley County.

At Lazette, at the residence of Mr. H. Ramage, by A. J. Pickering, J.P., Mr. D. W. Ramage, to Miss Ettie Gardner, all of Cowley County.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


To Philena Darrah, and Sylvia M. Mary, and Frank Darrah, Applicationwill be made by M. G. Troup, Administrator of said Estate to the ProbateCourt of said county on the 24th day of March, A. D., 1876, at one o'clockp.m. of said sell real estate: The undivided one-half of the SouthwestFourth of the Northeast Fourth, and the Northwest Fourth of the NortheastFourth, and the Northeast Fourth of the Northeast Fourth of Section Twenty,Township Thirty-three, Range Four East.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.


Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Removed to Hudson's Hall
On the Corner South of the Lagonda House,
and are Now Receiving the
Ever brought to this Market which we are selling

We intend to sell every pair of Boots and Shoes in the County if theLOWEST PRICES Will do it.


And if Our Prices are not Lower on the same article than any other Housein the WALNUT VALLEY! We will not ask you to PURCHASE OF US.

Winfield, Ks. T. E. GILLELAND

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Breaking Plows,
Wheat Drills, also Buckeye Drill for
A full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Arkansas City, Kas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.

Blacksmith and Horse Sho*r.
Plow Sharpening a Specialty.
Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 13, 1876. Page 2.

Hon. W. P. Hackney.

Anticipating a howl upon the "brutal assault" as pictured byMr. Folks of the Sumner County Press, wherein Mr. Hackney will beportrayed as a ruffian of the lowest character, and holding him as we do,as one of the citizens of our county whose good name it is our duty to guardwhen wrongfully assailed, as much as any other, we propose to have our sayin the interest of justice and right, in good season.

Our readers will remember that we are a political opponent of Mr. Hackney,and also that we do not fully agree with the action of the Legislature inregard to the Normal schools, and that we claim the right of criticizingthe action of that body, or any member of it in a fair and honest manner,as we shall see fit, and remember also, that so far as Mr. Folks is concerned,he has treated us with gentlemanly courtesy when we have met him, and thatwe entertain nothing but the most kindly feelings towards him as a man anda gentleman; but at the same time, we must characterize the assault uponMr. Hackney, as brutal and unkind, and as a wrong in journalism which sadlyneeds a cure.

There are but three points in this case. Did Mr. Folks say anything bad,what did he say, and was he justified in saying what he did.

First, he re-published from the Peabody Gazette. Law and commonsense says that he made the language his own, and should be held responsiblefor it, adding to it the fact that he was conveying to his own people theidea that Mr. Hackney was held in detestation abroad. Now let us see ifthe words twice published are insulting, and we shall publish nothing writtenby Mr. Folks after the recent trouble when he might be supposed to writein anger, but publish only what he coolly and deliberately published ofa member of his own party when there was no strife, and they were apparentlyon the best of terms. There now, so that you can see them together, we copyfrom the Gazette article, which Mr. Folks makes his own. Of the Legislaturehe says:

"Certainly if ever there was a body of men who merited the scornand contempt of a decent and intelligent people, it is that horde of infidels,ignoramuses, and third class politicians who have been for fifty days coveringthe name of Kansas with shame."

Now then, again he brings this home specially to Mr. Hackney; witnessthis further, from the same article.

"Foremost among the miserable rabble, that vied with each otherin insulting and disgracing the decent people of the State, was a contemptibledemagogue from Cowley County, a forty second rate lawyer, by the name ofHackney."

A little malice in that again.

"This blatant saphead, who could not be nominated by any conventionof the people of his county, but while in the Legislature by chance becausea better man declined to run after being nominated. We quote:

`If to oppose every wise and wholesome measure that came up in the Legislaturethis winter as this miserable, shameless demagogue has done.'"


"We believe the farmer's of Cowley County will repudiate this bawlingblatherskite and bury him so deep that he will never be heard of anymore.It is an unmitigated disgrace to Cowley to be represented by this heathennuisance. She owes it to herself to testify at the first possible momentagainst the course of this saloon bummer, through her journalists, her granges,and her conventions."

Now you have it: "Infidel," "Ignoramus," "Thirdclass Politician," "contemptible dema- gogue," "fortysecond rate Lawyer,." "blatant saphead," "miserable,shameless demagogue," "Blatherskite Heathen nuisance."

Here is an attack on Mr. Hackney in his profession, an appeal againsthim to religious folks, an appeal to temperance folks, an appeal to Grangers;couched in language of utter scorn and contempt.

Now then we ask, is there one word in what we have quoted that arguesin respect to Mr. Hackney's scourge in the Legislature to comment fairlyand honestly on his course as a Representative. Did it need one single wordof the vindictive utterance? If not, who can justify it; and again can youexpect that a man of spirit and honor, who has done his duty faithfullyand honestly, will permit himself to be held up to public scorn and contemptwithout any show of resentment. This is too much to ask of human nature.

In regard to Mr. Hackney's method of redress, there are two opinions.We have only this to say, the man who runs a press, if he desires to useBillingsgate and to be a blackguard, has the advantage. Week after week,if he chooses to divert a newspaper from its proper channel, he can be-slimehis neighbor, who may not have access to the same weapon, and eventuallyruin his fair name in spite of his utmost efforts to save himself.

Where the line should be drawn, we will have to leave it to the publicin the future as in the past. Once in awhile an editor will get wrongfullythrashed, and we will all be sorry for him.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 13, 1876 - Page 2.

One of the most exciting and interesting cases ever brought before acourt in Cowley County, was decided by the verdict of a jury on Tuesdaylast. We refer to the case of E. C. Manning against W. M. Allison. The arrayof legal talent on both sides was very heavy, and the law and evidence werefully brought out, defining the rights of the press in making publications,and the guards necessary to protect citizens.

The verdict was for one cent damage to go to Mr. Manning for his grievance,and it was also a declaration that the matter was libelous, and was notjustified by the proof of the defendant. It places Mr. Allison in the lightthat if he had made the publication against certain parties, he might havehad to pay a large sum, that having made it against Mr. Manning, only onecent was due. It shows too, that the public will hold newspapers to account,and also that there must be something to damage before any damage can bedone. The matters brought out will probably be matters of controversy hereafter,and we prefer to leave them for the present.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Amos Walton sold his interest in the newspaper to C. M. McIntire.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Abraham Land, who was one of the first settlers in Cowley County, andfather of the first white child ever born in Cowley, and who has been inIllinois for the past four years, returned to this city Tuesday with theintention of locating here.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, May 18, 1876.

Rail Road.

W. P. Hackney went to Topeka last week for the purpose of looking afterour Rail Road interests, and to represent Cowley County at the meeting ofthe owners and Directors of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road,which was held in Topeka on the 12th ult. On last Saturday morning, underarrangements previously made to that effect by the company, a meeting washad between them and Mr. Hackney, who represented Cowley County, and a committeeconsisting of Gen. Ellet and Hon. T. B. Murdock from Butler County.

It was then and there proposed by the Santa Fe people, that if Cowleyand Butler counties would secure the right-of-way, the necessary depot grounds,present and prospective, and pay them $3,100.00 per mile in cash, that theyin consideration thereof, would construct a Standard Gauge Rail Road fromFlorence on this line to this city and Arkansas City at once, and to becomplete this year and in time to move our crops.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Arkansas City Items.

Mr. Hoyt says that the boat has moved down to Jaynesville to put in themachinery, and will be along in June. He says a boat shall come up the riverto Arkansas City, and when old man Hoyt says anything, he means it.

Newman, Channell, and Haywood's brick buildings swarm with workmen andare rising every day.

Houghton & McLaughlin, and Newman are rolling in a big stock of goods,and the people are taking them off right along. They propose to duplicateWichita or any other prices.

Five blacksmith shops in running order shows that the farmers are atwork.

Assessment of Taxable property in Creswell Township for 1876:

Personal Property $ 54,692

Real Estate $111,383

Lots in Arkansas City $49,604

Total: $215,679

Increase since 1875: $13,863.

Mr. Hoffmaster has just opened a livery stable in the barn formerly occupiedby Mr. Woolsey. He has good stock, good yards, and the very best of accommodationsfor the traveling public. When you go to Arkansas City, give him a call.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Bolton Items.

Mr. Memcle, a newcomer, proposes to break up eight hundred acres, andMr. Norton is running three plows and will turn over about four hundredacres of sod.

They are still after that coal at Salt City, and Goff's evaporators areturning out salt right along.

The farmers are buying harvesters and headers almost altogether, andthe combined machines are no go.

We intend to make Bolton the banner township for wheat.

This week Mr. Amos Walton, so long the editor of the "DEMOCRAT,"of this place, retired from that paperhaving sold his interest in the officeto his former partner, C. M. McIntire. Although we have had some spats withfriend Amos, we entertain the kindliest feelings for him and regret to losehim from the newspaper circle of the county. Wherever he may anchor, andin whatever business he may engage, he will have the best wishes of theTelegram for his prosperity and welfare. Telegram.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Messrs. A. J. Pyburn and Amos Walton started yesterday morning for Topeka,to attend the Democratic State Convention. Mr. Walton goes from there tothe Centennial, where he will spend the summer. We wish him a pleasant trip,and a good time generally, and may he find friends wherever he may locatethat esteem him as highly as we do.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

The storm of last week did a great deal of damage to farmers living onGrouse Creek; in some places washing out the corn, and washing away thesoil as far down as plowed. In some places the water stood three feet deepover fields of wheat, but did not injure it in the least.

Dick Wilson and another commercial man, while crossing the river yesterdayat the ford, were upset and thrown into the water, spoiling all their samplesand breaking the buggy top.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, May 18, 1876.

Railroad talk runs high.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

M. L. Read has the most showy sign in town on his bank.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

J. O. Wilkinson and Ed. Greer, are in the rubber stamp business.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Daily thousands of pounds of fish are being caught at Bliss' mill dam.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

The mills are running day and night and are turning out an excellentquality of flour.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Miss Kate Hawkins of Arkansas City is visiting her sister, Mrs. JamesL. Huey, of this city.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

T. K. Johnston has for sale the best and cheapest croquet sets ever broughtto Cowley County.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Considerable sickness is reported on the low lands along the streams,caused by the overflow.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

We notice that quite a number of neat little dwellings are being putup in the south part of town.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Mr. Manser sports the best baby wagon in town. It was ordered by T. K.Johnston from Chicago.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Bolton Township shows an acreage of over four thousand acres of wheatlooking splendid and soon ripe for the harvest.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Mr. Johnston, our furniture man, is receiving new goods every day, andwill soon have the largest stock ever brought to Cowley.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

The number of dogs in this county is estimated at about 3,000, and ifthe taxes are collected on each dog, it will amount to about $3,000.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Fourteen teams containing families from "Arkansaw" passed throughtown Tuesday, on their way to Sumner County, where they intend locating.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Geo. Green of Silver Dale, passed through town yesterday morning withone thousand bushels of wheat. He intends shipping it to the Chicago market.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Our fellow townsman, Mr. Frank Williams, has shipped one carload of flourto Philadelphia, so the Arkansas City Water Mill will be represented atthe Centennial, and J. P. Woodyard says he will equal the best.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Mr. R. B. Pratt, at the north end of Main street, is buying and sellinghorses. Parties wanting to purchase or sell, will do well to call on him.Mr. Pratt is keeping two of the finest stallions that have ever been inthe county.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Mr. John Blevins, former pastor of the Christian church of this place,has gone to Oxford to start a paper. Mr. Blevins has had some experiencein that line, and we predict he will make it a success. Sumner County oughtto support two papers well.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Mr. S. C. Smith, formerly of this place, but late of California, hasreturned to this city to visit his old friends and look after business matters.Mr. Smith was one of the first settlers in the county, and the first Mayorof Winfield, and has many friends who welcome him back.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

THE SHOW.The show last Saturday was well attended. It was estimated thatthere were in the neighborhood of six hundred people in attendance. Everythingpassed off quietly with the exception of a little knock down between twoof the circus men. Some of the country boys got swindled out of a few dollarsby three card monte men, as is usually the case. We hope that after awhile,everybody will get thoroughly acquainted with such tricks, and learn notto bet on another man's game. With these exceptions, everyone seemed tobe well pleased with the show.


Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Livery Feed & Sale Stable.

West Central Ave., Arkansas City, Ks.

R. HOFFMASTER, Proprietor.

Good Rigs, gentle teams, and careful drivers. Horses boarded by day orweek. Good yards in connection with the stable.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

Horses Wanted.

I am now prepared to buy all good horses brought in the Winfield marketfor which I will pay the highest cash price.

J. F. Miles.
City Hotel.

Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday,July 13, 1876.

[VOL. 2, NO. 34.]
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield,Kansas.


On a beautiful morning in July, in the year 1776, the iron tongued bellin the old State House of Philadelphia, rang out to a few thousand weariedsouls the joyous tidings of a nation's birthday.

To-day, from the thousands of villages and hamlets throughout the lengthand breadth of our land; from the Great Lakes of Michigan to the evergladesof Florida; from the rock bound coast of New England to the golden sandsof Oregon, there swells up in one grand acclaim, the voice of forty millionsof grateful people, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of that event.

To-day, wherever there is a band of Americans, whether they be in inlandport or on foreign sea; whether scaling the frozen Andes, or crossing theburning desert of Sahara, that starry banner, mid the booming of guns andthe shouts of a liberty loving people, will be unfurled to the breeze.

To-day, proud young Kansas, with her six hundred thousand happy people,sends a kindly greeting to old Pennsylvania, the mother of our Magna Charta,the Declaration of Independence.

To-day, the people of Cowley County, laying aside the duties and caresof a busy life, have come up from the office, the shop, and the field, tojoin together in celebrating this, the most glorious day of all the years.

In conformity with the (implied) wish of the President of the UnitedStates, as will be seen by his proclamation of May 25th, and in accordancewith the spirit of a joint resolution passed by Congress at its presentsession, which reads as follows:

"Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it be and is herebyrecommended by the Senate and House of Representatives to the people ofthe several States that they assemble in their several counties or townson the approaching Centennial anniversary of our National Independence,and that they cause to have delivered on such day a historical sketch ofsaid county or town from its formation, and that a copy of said sketch maybe filed in print or manuscript in the clerk's office of said county, andan additional copy in print or manuscript be filed in the office of theLibrarian of Congress, to the intent that a complete record may thus beobtained of the progress of our institutions during the first century oftheir existence."

But more particularly in compliance with the "printed bills"and "mammoth posters" circulated by the "Fourth of July Committee,"do I appear before you to-day, to attempt the delivery of a historical sketchof Cowley County.

Had I been informed that I was expected to write a thesis on theColeoptera of the moon, or prepare a lecture demonstrating the DarwinianTheory of Development, I could not have been more surprised than when notifiedby the committee of the appointment. In either case it might have been lessembarrassing. I might have found a precedent for the former, and drawn uponmy friends, the Winfield Bazique Club, for the latter. As it was I was ata loss to know what to do. I asked the Committee what would be acceptable.They didn't know. I rushed frantically to a friend and inquired. He said:"Never mind the truth, give us something flowery, something characteristic."I turned to another (he was an old settler and wanted to be mentioned inthe history); and he said: "Give `em the facts, young man, dry facts:tell them that when I came to this county it was a wilderness; that formonths I lay upon the borders of civilization, with mother earth for a bedand the blue vault of Heaven for a coverlet; that for weeks and weeks Iwas nightly lulled to sleep by the wicked shriek of the terrible coyoteand waked to morn again by the wild war-whoop of the bloody Indians. Tellthem that I have fought, bled, and died to secure them the peace they enjoyto-day. That I ask no recompense at their hands. They have no gift to bestowthat would sufficiently reward me for the privations I have enduredunless,perchance," he added in an undertone, "they would elect me tothe position of Probate Judge, an office to which I have long aspired."

I grew discouraged and resolved to fall back upon my own resources, coupledwith the information I might gain from the less ambitious of the "oldsettlers." I quitted the "field of fact" and reluctantlyturned to the mouldering archives of antiquity.

From the dim traditions of the past, then, I learn that a few thousandyears ago the fertile valleys of the Arkansas and its tributaries, was thehome of a mighty people. Not such a live, rushing people as dwell here to-day,but a happy, contented people. A people who "fed their cattle on athousand hills" and lazily watched the birth and death of centuries.Their names we know not and even their origin is veiled in the abyss ofthe great unknown past. This we do know, however: they were a people wellversed in the arts and sciences and stood far in advance of the savage tribesthat occupied this beautiful land, when the continent was first discoveredby Columbus. The time-worn mounds and aqueducts of the aborigines stillstanding, from the Mississippi to the Colorado in the west, speaks in alanguage not to be misunderstood, of the wealth and industrial power ofthese pre-historic people. A people who caught the torrents from the mountaintops and carried them down an easy prey to fertilize the plains below.

Coming down a few years we learn that in the year 1492, when Judge Ross,old Nump- ka-walla, Col. Manning, Judge McIntire, Chetopa, Cliff Wood, anda few others left Spain, passed up the Mediterranean, out by Gibraltar andinto the unknown seas to find the New World; that after enduring the heatof a tropical sun by day and storms by night, finally landed safe on Alexander'smound near Winfield, where they found that one Christopher Columbus, witha band of half-breed followers, was occupying this lovely valley under theoriginal "Homestead Act."

Being peaceful sort of fellows these newcomers set sail, followed downBlack Crook and thence by the Walnut to its confluence with the ArkansasRiver, and there, upon a sightly eminence pitched their tents again. Herethey found they were too late again. The original "Arkansaw Traveler"had filed on that particular quarter, named it Creswell, and was runningit for the county seat. By way of parenthesis, I might say that the ArkansasTraveler has been running it ever since. Judge McIntire remained there,"stood in" with the Traveler, and was finally elected chief(representative) of the tribe. Manning, Ross, Chetopa, and the rest returned,swapped some ponies to Mr. Columbus for his interest in this valley, andstarted a town of their own. (This eventually became the county seat ofCowley.)

Nump-ka-walla lived to see Manning in the legislature; Ross, ProbateJudge; Cliff Wood, a government stone contractor; and Chetopa at the headof a gang of Osage Indian horse thieves. And as he could not bear to seehis comrades thus disgraced, he gave up his Kinnekenick and passed to thespirit land. He was buried with Indian (summer) ceremonies. Dr. Graham,Dr. Mansfield, Will Hackney, and James McDermott were the pall bearers.James Renfro, J. P. Short, E. G. Nichols, J. B. Fairbank, Frank Hunt, W.D. Roberts, A. T. Stewart, and J. D. Cochran were the chief mourners. Theymourned because it wasn't the last Indian on earth that they were calledto bury. This mourning party was led by Dick Walker and the Tisdale stringband, and accompanied by the Patrons of Husbandry in full regalia. Thiswas the first high toned funeral in the county.

About fifty years afterwards, in the Summer of 1542, Francis Vasquezde Coronado, in company with Jimmie Simpson and Frank Gallotti, three Spaniardsof royal blood, started on an exploring expedition from Old Mexico to thenorthward, in search of gold and silver. They traversed the western portionof Kansas and reported finding "many crooked backed oxen (meaning buffalo),and grapes and mulberries in abundance. On reaching this county, they likedit so well that they had about concluded to stay, and grow up with the country;but on learning that men here loaned money that didn't pay taxes, that thenewspapers fought each other like "kilkenny cats," that Tisdaleand Arkansas City were both striving for the county seat, and lastly, thatwe had no railroad, they became disgusted, returned to Mexico, and untilquite recently this country was not known to the outside world.

So ends the traditionary history of Cowley county. Now for the "dryfacts."


Twenty-two years ago the Kansas of to-day was unknown. Previous to thattime geographers noted it as the "Great American Desert." Thisterritory, stretching from the 37th to the 40th degree of north latitude,and from the Missouri River to the base of the Rocky Mountains, was thehome of the nomadic savage and the no less wild buffalo. This was Kansasin 1854. Soon the tide of immigration set to the west and a stream of hardypioneers came pouring in. Among the early Kansans there were as many elementsof discord as there were eastern localities represented. The laws whichto a great extent governed the inhabitants were unwritten. Force was repelledby force, and while the good and orderly were desirous to see a reign ofpeace, yet it was impossible by reason of the numerical strength of thedisorderly.

The call by the United States in her hour of need for volunteers wasanswered by thousands from our young state, and no better records of braveryor pure devotion to the cause of liberty was ever made than by the Kansassoldiery, and for every six of her population one fought in the civil war.At the close of the war in 1865, Kansas had less than one hundred thousandpopulation. But now peace was hovering under the governmental wand. Thesoldier had replaced the civilian's garb. In the east a quarter of a millionof boys who had been with the "tried and true" returned to theranks of peace and had to be supplied with homes. The high price of landsin the east out counted the cash of a soldier's savings and west they came.Thus it was that Kansas was populated with a brave, energetic people andalthough she has passed through enough to overwhelm a people of less "grit,"still she has prospered, and like the products of her soil has beaten theworld in her growth.


This county was born in the usual way, of "poor but honest parents,"viz: the Kansas Senate and House of Representatives in old ConstitutionHall at Topeka, on the 3rd day of March, 1867. Governor J. S. Crawford stoodsponsor and named it Cowley, in honor of Lieut. Mathew Cowley, a soldierof the 9th Kansas Regiment.

At that time and up to July 12, 1870, the land embraced within its bordersbelonged to the primitive red men, the Osage and Cherokee Indians. The Osagesused it as a neutral strip from which they made many raids into the countrysouth of us, stealing from the Texans and Indians their horses and cattle.These they sold to white border ruffians, who met them here and drove thestock further north into the older portions of the state.

From this class of whites the early settlers first gained their knowledgeof Cowley's beautiful prairies, rich bottoms, and swift running streams.

Attracted by these reports a party of persons, consisting of James Renfroand sons, Judge T. B. Ross and sons, Shep Sayers, and Frank Hunt, crossingthe sombre, stony hills of old Butler, followed down the Walnut River onthe 1st day of January, 1869, and "took claims" in the bottomjust above the mouth of Timber Creek. In August, 1868, N. J. Thompson builta log house near the Butler County line. This was the first house in thecounty. Wm. Quimby and family, and a Mr. Sales settled on the Walnut belowThompson's place about the same time. They were the first actual settlersin Cowley County.

Sometime in the month of June, 1869, C. M. Wood brought some groceriesdown from Chase County to sell to the Indians and settlers. He kept themat the house of Renfro and erected a small shanty, by setting puncheonsin the ground, located a few rods east of where Bliss & Co.'s mill nowstands. Into this shanty he moved his goods during the month of July. TheOsage Indians made several futile attempts to steal them. Fearing an attackwhen not prepared, Mr. Wood moved his stock back to the house of Mr. Renfrofor safety. Afterward, in the month of August, when all the settlers wereordered out of the valley by the Indians, the goods were taken up to theButler County line. After the goods were removed, the brave Osage warriorsburned the house to the ground.

Judge T. B. Ross was the only pioneer that did not obey the orders ofMr. "Lo." They couldn't scare him. He came to stay and he hasstayed.

In June, 1869, E. C. Manning assisted P. Y. Becker to erect a claim cabinin the bend of the Walnut about two miles below Winfield. This was the firstbuilding South and West of the river. On the same day they found encampedat the mouth of Posey Creek, a Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and two or three men.Mrs. Bridges is the first white woman that is known to have crossed theWalnut River in this county. She corresponded for some eastern paper atthe time, and afterwards wrote the "CARRIERS ADDRESS" and otherpolitical effusions for the Traveler.

On June 11th, aided by Becker, Mr. Manning laid a claim foundation forhimself upon the present town site of Winfield. The fear of Indians havingsomewhat subsided, several families during the month of September creptdown along the valley and settled on claims on the beautiful prairie whereWinfield now stands. These settlers each paid to the Osage chief, Chetopa,five dollars for the privilege of remaining in peace. These early pioneerswere C. M. Wood and wife (Mrs. Florence Wood, who was the first white womanto settle on the Walnut, south of Timber, then known as Dutch Creek.), PrettymanKnowles, J. H. Land, J. G. Monforte, and their families.

Dr. W. G. Graham, and family, who came the last week in October and settledon the east bank of Dutch Creek, two miles above its mouth, were the firstsettlers on that stream. During the Winter of 1869, Alonzo Howland, W. W.Andrews, Joel Mack, H. C. Loomis, A. Meanor, and others took the claimsupon which the most of them reside. Mr. Howland built the first frame housein the countyhis present residencewhich was considered at the time a herculeantask, having to haul the lumber over 100 miles without the sign of a road.About this time E. C. Manning erected a small log building on the claimsouth of C. M. Wood's. In this Baker & Manning kept a small stock ofgoods, which they sold to the settlers and traded to the Indians.

At this time the land was neither surveyed nor subject to entry. Claimcorners were designated by stakes, and the claim holders' intentions setforth on a shingle with letters of charcoal, often in about the followingstyle.


"This klaim was taken by me on the 20th day of January 1869. I amgone after my family. Anybody who dairs to squat on my claim while I amgone will git a load of buckshot when I get back. Plenty of good klaimsnot taken just south of me.

Yours truly, JOHN SMITH."

Claim disputes were settled by tribunals called "Settlers Unions"or by public meetings before whom the respective claimants presented theircases.

In March, April, and May, 1869, H. C. Endicott, Sr., Geo. Harmon, W.Johnson, Ed Chapin, Pad Endicott, Pat Somers, and J. K. Rodgers, took claimsalong the Walnut above its junction with the Arkansas River. H. C. Endicottbuilt the first house in that part of the county. In the following September,Z. K. Rodgers died at his house. This was the first death in the county.


On the 9th day of January, a party of 15 men under the lead of ThomasCoats took claims along the Grouse Valley. Their names were John Coats,Wm. Coats, Joseph Reynolds, Gilbert Branson, Henry Branson, Winton Phenis,J. H. Phenis, H. Haywood, L. B. Bullington, J. T. Raybell, D. T. Walters,S. S. Severson, John Nichols, and O. J. Phenis.

About the 10th day of January, 1870, the initiatory steps were takenfor the organization of a town company, and the starting of a town on theclaim of E. C. Manning, which lay adjoining C. M. Wood on the south.

On the last day of December, 1869, Judge W. R. Brown (our present congressman),H. G. Norton, T. A. Wilkin, H. D. Kellogg, John Brown, and G. H. Nortondrove into camp near Wood's residence as members of the Walnut City TownCompany, a few leading citizens of Emporia, among the number. C. V. Eskridge,P. B. Plumb, J. Stotler, L. B. Kellogg, H. B. Norton, Judge Brown, and H.L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls, had organized a town company and sent theparty mentioned, down into the Walnut Valley to locate a town at the junctionof the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. The map of Kansas at that time showedthat the junction was about the center of Cowley County. After some conferencewith the settlers, the new- comers took five claims adjoining Manning'sclaim, east south east and south with the intention of making this the locationof the proposed town. In a day or two upon examination of the county below,the party concluded to locate this town at the present town site of ArkansasCity. On January 1, 1870, T. A. Wilkinson, John Brown, G. H. Norton, andJohn Strain staked out and claimed the four claims upon which Arkansas Citynow stands, as the location of the new town. H. B. Norton took a claim adjoiningthe town site on the north. H. B. Kellogg took a claim south of the townsite. When this party arrived at the mouth of the Walnut, they found thebottom and timber claims taken by H. Endicott, and his son, Pad, and GeorgeHarmon, Ed Chapin, Pat Somers, Mr. Carr, Mr. Hughes, and one or two others.

The Walnut City Town Company consisted of fifteen members and the fourclaim holders mentioned were of the members, and were to hold the claimsand enter them for the company. On their way down the valley, the partydiscovered a Walnut City in Butler County, and concluded to change the nameof their company to Delphi. On their return to Emporia, the name was againchanged to Creswell, and by this name the town was known for some months.On applying for a post office, the P M department informed Senator Ross,who made the application, that there was a Creswell in Labette County, Kansas,and that no two offices of the same name would be located in the same state,and at Ross' suggestion, it was called Arkansas City. When the commissioncame to G. H. Norton, who was the postmaster named, the town was named ArkansasCity. This was April 1870.

The Winfield enterprise took form in January of 1870, as did that ofArkansas City. From the start the two parties interested in the two prospectivetowns were shaping events to secure the county seat of Cowley County wheneverit should be organized. In February of 1870 a bill was introduced in theSenate of Kansas entitled "An Act to Organize the County of Cowley,"and making Creswell the county seat. As soon as the news arrived at Winfield,James H. Land, A. A. Jackson, and C. M. Wood traversed the county in threedays and took the census of over six hundred population, and reported atDouglass, in Butler County (the nearest place where any officer could befound to administer an oath), on the 23rd of February.

At that time the necessary papers were made out and E. C. Manning tookthem to Topeka and presented them to the Governor, who thereupon issuedthe order organizing Cowley County, designating Winfield as the temporarycounty seat, and W. W. Andrews of Winfield, G. H. Norton of Creswell, andS. F. Graham of Dexter as county commissioners. This was made February 28,1870. E. P. Hickok was appointed county clerk at the same time by the sameauthority. The first meeting of the county board was held March 23, 1870,at the house of W. W. Andrews, at which time W. W. Andrews was chosen chairman.

Their first official acts were the division of the county into threetownships, viz, Rock, Winfield, and Creswell, and their issuing a call foran election to be held on the second day of May, 1870. This election washeld for the purpose of choosing a permanent county seat and to elect acomplete set of county officers. The result of that election was as follows:For county seat Winfield 108 and Arkansas City 55 votes. The officers electedwere commissioners T. A. Blanchard, Morgan Willett, and G. H. Norton; countyclerk, H. C. Loomis; Treasurer, John Devore; district clerk, E. P. Hickok;probate judge, T. B. Ross; register of deeds, W. E. Cook; sheriff, FrankHunt; coroner, W. G. Graham; and surveyor, F. S. Graham. This ticket waselected without any opposition. Such a millennium for office seekers neveroccurred before, nor is likely to occur in this county again. On the 5thof September, W. R. Brown, Judge of the 9th judicial district (of whichCowley was a part), appointed T. H. Johnson county attorney. On July 6thLoomis appointed W. Q. Mansfield his deputy county clerk, and John Devoreappointed J. P. Short deputy treasurer. At the fall election G. B. Greenwas elected treasurer, but failing to give bond, Devore held the officetill 1872. The officers succeeding them will be given in the order of theirrespective terms, some of whom have been appointed, but the greater majorityhave been elected.

County commissioners have been T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E.Simpson, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer; R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry,and John Manly, and the present incumbents, R. F. Burden, Wm. White, andW. M. Sleeth.

County ClerksA. A. Jackson and M. G. Troup; TreasurersG. B. Green, E.B. Kager, and T. R. Bryan; Probate JudgeT. B. Ross, L. H. Coon, T. H. Johnson,and H. D. Gans; SheriffJ. M. Patison, James Parker, and R. L. Walker; Registerof DeedsW. B. Smith, J. F. Paul, N. C. McCulloch, and E. P. Kinne; DistrictClerk, E. P. Hickok, James Kelly, E. S. Bedilion; SurveyorH. L. Barker,D. A. Millington, M. Hemenway, and Wirt W. Walton; CoronersH. B. Kellogg,G. P. Wagner, S. S. Moore, and J. Hedricks; Supt. of Pub. Inst.; L. B. Walmsly,A. S. Blanchard, E. P. Hickok, and T. A. Wilkinson. Our representativesin the state legislature have been in 1871, Col. E. C. Manning; in 1872,Judge T. McIntire; in 1873, Capt. Jas. McDermott; in 1874, Rev. Wm. Martin;in 1875, Hon. Thos. R. Bryan; and in 1876, Hon. W. P. Hackney.

The first political gathering in the county took place at the raisingof the "old log store" (now the Winfield Courier and PostOffice) on the 1st day of April, 1870. This was a citizen's meeting andwas held to nominate candidates to be voted for on the 2nd day of May.

On the 13th day of June, 1870, the first coach arrived with the UnitedStates mail at Winfield. Previous to that time all mail matter was broughtby private hands from Douglass and distributed among the settlers. Therewere no mail routes, roads, nor bridges up to this time. The people in thevarious localities amused themselves by taking sides with Winfield and ArkansasCity in their county seat, and "Manning and Norton war." Theyhad nothing else to do but brag about the county, eat beans and dried apples,and draw on their friends in the east for more money. The land was not surveyed,hence they did not know where to make their improvements. The bitter localfeeling that was engendered in those days has long since been a theme ofthe past.

With the exception of a few would-be-leaders in the various towns ofthe county, who are continually kicking up strife in their own immediateneighborhood (simply because they are not able to kick up anything else),the citizens of Cowley County are to-day a unit on any measure or propositionthat tends toward the general advancement of their interests as a people.

During the summer, fall, and winter of 1870, the tide of immigrationkept flowing into the county. The valleys of the large streams were allsettled upon and still they continued coming, until the settlement extendedacross the rich prairie into the smaller valleys beyond. There was a certainsocial, or equality, feeling that existed in those good old days among thesettlers that would be termed improper and imprudent by the people hereto-day. Away from home and friends, out on the verge of civilization almostwithin sound of the bloody war whoop, and always within hearing of the prowlingcoyote, it is no wonder that at times they overstepped the bounds of easternetiquette. By the flickering light of some settler's dip lamp, many fleeinghours were chased into merry morn, by the flying feet of Cowley's pioneers.People would go miles and miles to join in such festivities. The violinalways precedes the evidence of a better civilization. This era did notcontinue long; it soon gave way to school and church exercises, and themore refined and christian like enjoyments.

In January, 1871, a surveying party under O. F. Short, began the surveyof the county. They were followed industriously by claim-hunters, who hopedthe survey would develop unoccupied tracts. The settlers were on the alert,and many lines were run just in front of the deputy surveyor by them. Fiftydollars, and often a less sum, would so influence the magnetic needle ofthis United States official, that a line would be run cutting the originalsettler off his particular claim, and leaving it for these unscrupulousland banditti following him. In consequence, the lines of the original surveyare very crooked.

On July 12th Congress passed a law allowing actual settlers to enterfrom 40 to 160 acres of these Osage lands at $1.25 per acre. On March 2,1871, the town site laws of the U. S. were extended to these lands, andon May 11, 1872, Congress passed a law allowing actual settlers to enterthe Cherokee lands. The terms were similar to those of the Osage lands,except that all lands east of the Arkansas River were sold at $1.50 peracre, and all west at $2.00 per acre.

Having given an account of the early settlements of the county at large,I will now attempt a short sketch of her various towns, societies, and organizations,beginning, of course, with Winfield, the county seat.


The oldest house in Winfield is the one immediately north of the stagebarn, in block 108. It was built by E. C. Manning in January, 1870, andfirst occupied by himself and family as a claim house, on the 10th day ofMarch, following.

The Winfield Town Company was organized January 13, 1870, "withpower to lay out a town site upon the open prairie, east of the Walnut Riverand south of Dutch Creek, in Cowley County, Kansas." E. C. Manningwas its President; W. W. Andrews, Vice President; C. M. Wood, Treasurer;W. G. Graham, Secretary; and E. C. Manning, J. H. Land, A. A. Jackson, W.G. Graham, and J. C. Monforte, Directors.

The question of a name for the new town puzzled its fathers for severaldays. A minority wanted it called "Lagonda," but the majoritydecided to honor Winfield Scott's christened name. He was at that time theminister in charge of the Baptist church, in Leavenworth. Within the nextfour months, following the organization, forty acres of Manning's claimwas converted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys. The old log storewas built by Manning, which was occupied, in part, by Dr. Mansfield as adrug store, and by Baker and Manning with their goods. Soon Max Shoeb arrived,built a log cabin where Read's bank now stands, and opened a blacksmithshop. On August 20th J. C. Fuller and D. A. Millington bought A. A. Jackson'sclaim and proceeded, with Manning, to lay out that part of the town lyingeast of Main street. July 4, 1870, was a glorious day for Winfield. Thefirst celebration in the county was held on that day, under an arbor inthe rear of the old log store. Prof. E. P. Hickok was the orator of theoccasion. From that time up to the present, Winfield has so rapidly increasedin population that it is impossible, in this short sketch, to give evena synopsis of her growth; but I will endeavor, however, to name the firstwho engaged in the different branches of business.

E. C. Manning was the first settler and merchant; Max Shoeb, the firstblacksmith; Frank Hunt, the first hardware dealer; W. Q. Mansfield, thefirst druggist and physician; J. P. Short, the first hotel keeper; A. J.Thompson, the first feed store keeper; B. H. Dunlap, the first livery man;T. H. Johnson, the first lawyer; D. A. Millington, the first engineer andsurveyor; J. C. Fuller, the first banker; M. L. Palmer, the first tinner;C. A. Bliss & Co., the first mercantile firm; J. C. Monforte, the firstpainter.

Mrs. Delphine Manning was the first woman in town; and her son, Fred,was the first child born on the town site. Rev. A. Tousey was the firstresident minister, but Judge Ross preached the first sermon. Miss A. Markstaught the first school.

On the 10th day of July, 1871, Judge T. B. Ross entered the town siteof Winfield at the Augusta land office, under the town site laws. At thattime there were eighty buildings in town.

The city of Winfield was incorporated February 22, 1873. The first cityelection was held March 7, 1873, at which W. H. H. Maris was elected Mayor;A. A. Jackson, police judge; and O. F. Boyle, C. A. Bliss, J. D. Cochran,H. S. Silver and S. C. Smith as councilmen.

The council chose S. C. Smith its president; J. W. Curns, clerk; M. L.Robinson, treasurer; C. W. Richmond, marshal; and J. M. Alexander, attorney.

The first annual election was held April 7, 1873, and the same personswere re-elected, with the exception of Mr. Bliss, who was succeeded by SamuelDarrah.

The second annual election, held April 8, 1874, resulted as follows:S. C. Smith, mayor; N. H. Wood, police judge; and J. D. Cochran, H. S. Silver,R. B. Saffold, and J. P. McMillen, councilmen.

J. W. Curns and M. L. Robinson were re-appointed clerk and treasurer.T. H. Suits was appointed attorney, and Z. T. Swigart, marshal. On November16th Messrs. Wood and Suits resigned. T. H. Johnson and W. P. Hackney wereappointed to fill their offices.

The third annual election, held April 5, 1875, resulted in the electionof D. A. Millington, mayor; W. M. Boyer, police judge; and M. G. Troup,N. M. Powers, J. Newman, and Chas. C. Black as councilmen. B. F. Baldwinwas appointed clerk; E. R. Evans, marshal; J. E. Allen, attorney; and J.C. Fuller, treasurer.

At the last annual election, held April 4, 1876, D. A. Millington waselected mayor; J. W. Curns, police judge; and A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup,C. A. Bliss, T. B. Myers, and H. Brotherton, councilmen. The same officerswere re-appointed by the council, with the exception of Evans, who was supersededby Walter Denning.

The postmasters of Winfield have been, successively, E. C. Manning, Rev.Tousey, T. K. Johnston, and James Kelly.

The Methodist was the first regularly organized church in Winfield. Itperfected its organization in May, 1870. The Baptist organized in the followingOctober, and the Congregationalist in January, 1871, with J. B. Fairbankand A. Howland as deacons. The Christian church was also organized in 1871.The Presbyterian completed its "beginning" in January, 1873. TheCatholics have a mission established, but no regularly constituted churchin Winfield.

A. F. AND A. M.

On the 20th day of October, 1870, a dispensation was granted to J. S.Hunt, A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, and eight others, for a lodge at Winfield.J. S. Hunt was appointed W. M.; A. H. Green, S. W., and Enoch Maris J. W.On the 17th day of October, 1872, the lodge obtained a charter under thename of Adelphi, No. 110, with the following charter members: J. S. Hunt,A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, C. A. Bliss, A. A. Jackson, W. M. Boyer, H. Shaughness,I. L. Comfort, E. Adams, Thomas Hart, W. S. Huff, S. H. Revis, T. A. Rice,and J. Traxler. The same officers were installed under the charter and heldtheir offices until January 1, 1873, when Enoch Maris was elected W. M.;W. M. Boyer, S. W., and T. A. Rice, J. W. On January 1, 1874, Enoch Mariswas re-elected W. M.; T. A. Rice, S. W.; and W. G. Graham, J. W. On January1, 1875, L. J. Webb was elected W. M.; W. G. Graham, S. W.; and J. E. Saint,J. W. For the present year J. S. Hunt was elected W. M.; J. E. Saint, S.W.; and A. B. Lemmon, J. W. The lodge now has 50 members and is in a healthycondition, morally and financially.

R. A. M.

On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H.P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland,P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1stV.; A. A. Newman, member. On October 19th a charter was issued to them underthe name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 29th of the samemonth, the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. This branchof Masonry here is in good working order and in a healthy condition, financially.

I. O. O. F.

Winfield Lodge, No. 101, was organized by P. S. M., W. A. Shannon, ofAugusta, Kansas, February 18, 1873. The charter members were J. J. Williams,S. A. Weir, C. W. Richmond, C. G. Stephens, and A. S. Williams. The lodgehas steadily increased in number until it now contains about 40 members.

I. O. G. T.

Winfield Lodge was organized in March, 1874, N. K. Jeffries, D. G. W.T. On the evening of the organization, Rev. J. McQuiston was chosen W. C.T. and Mrs. A. Gordon, V. T. The lodge was organized with twenty chartermembers. It now contains nearly 100 members in good standing.


On January 1, 1870, the first stake was driven in the town of ArkansasCity by the town company. On March 1st G. H. Norton built the first houseon the town site. It was occupied as a residence and store. G. H. Norton,appointed in April, 1870, was the first postmaster.

During the year of 1870 the following enterprises were established, beingthe first of the kind in the city.

Sleeth & Bro's saw mill; C. R. Sipe's hardware store; Richard Woolsey,hotel; Newman & Houghton, clothing house; Paul Beck, blacksmith shop;E. D. Bowen, grocery store; Keith & Eddy, drug store; J. I. Mitchell,harness shop; T. A. Wilkinson, restaurant; Wm. Speers, the first ferry acrossthe Arkansas River.

The first temperance meeting was held February 21, 1871. W. P. Hackneywas the first lawyer; Dr. John Alexander, the first physician; Mrs. S. P.Channell opened the first millinery store. The first Sunday school was organizedin Rev. B. C. Swarts' cabin, with T. A. Wilkinson as superintendent. CreswellGrote was the first child born in Arkansas City. The date is October 5,1870. The town company magnanimously deeded the little native a lot. Onthe 20th day of July, 1871, the town site was entered at the Augusta landoffice. On June 10, 1872, it was incorporated as a city of the third class.At the first election, held July 1, 1872, A. D. Keith was chosen mayor andAmos Walton police judge. The office of mayor has been successively filledby A. D. Keith, H. O. Meigs, and S. P. Channell. Judge Timothy McIntirehas been police Judge almost continuously since April 1873.

Mrs. H. B. Norton made the first American flag in Cowley County. It wasused at Arkansas City, July 4, 1870.

Some time during the fall of 1871, a dispensation was granted the Masonsat Arkansas City and a lodge organized. In due time they received a charterunder the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. C. Smith as W. M.; andE. B. Kager, S. W. The Crescent now has over thirty members, and is prospering.


Under a charter bearing the date, June 13, 1871, with A. D. Keith aspresident and C. R. Mitchell as secretary, the Tisdale Town Company laidout the town of Tisdale in the month of June, 1871. S. S. Moore, Geo. W.Foughty, Sid Moses, and M. Elinger were the first settlers. Mart Elingererected the first house, Sam Williston, the first blacksmith shop; and J.A. McGuire, the first store in town. J. A. McGuire was the first, and stillis the postmaster. The town site was purchased from the government in June,1876. Mrs. G. W. Foughty taught the first school.


The "Dexter Town Company" was organized by leading citizensof Emporia sometime in July 1870. C. B. Bacheller, Geo. W. Frederick, andL. W. Robinson, of Emporia, and Alex Stevens and Thos. Manning of GrouseCreek, Cowley County, were its incorporators. After obtaining a charternothing more was done by the company. The first house built on the Dextertown site was erected by James McDermott, who moved into it June 25, 1871.In September, 1870, the Dexter post office was established with I. B. Toddas postmaster, and in March, 1871, the first mail carrier arrived from Eureka.Previous to this time the mail for the settlers was brought down in thepockets of travelers and distributed. In February, 1874, Dexter Lodge ofA. F. & A. M., under a dispensation began its work. On the 18th dayof November following, it received a charter bearing number 156. It is nowin a flourishing condition.

On October 21, 1875, the Dexter Town Association was incorporated; andin November following, the land purchased by it was laid out into lots andblocks by Wirt W. Walton, county surveyor.


The first settler in this part of the county was J. W. Tull, who builtthe first house (in November, 1869), raised the first crop, and taught thefirst school (in 1870) in the valley. Elder Wm. Gans preached the firstsermon. John Thonburgh was the first to settle here. Dr. T. J. Raybell openedthe first store in 1870 and was the first postmaster. The same year EdwardSutton erected a blacksmith shop and saw and grist mill. The first marriageDecember 25, 1870, was Richard Miller to Flora Dudley, by E. Simpson, thefirst justice of the peace.

The town of Lazette was laid out in 1871 by H. D. Wilkins and S. M. Fall.H. D. Gans was the proprietor of the first hotel (the Black Bear); Thos.Walch, the first blacksmith shop; and B. H. Clover, the steam saw mill.M. Hemenway was the first merchant, and R. C. Story the first attorney atlaw.


Maple City is a village of half a dozen houses, situated on the beautifulprairie in Spring Creek Township, sixteen miles east of Arkansas City.


The Cowley County Agricultural Society was organized August 19, 1871.Its first officers were M. M. Jewett, president; A. T. Stewart, vice president;D. N. Egbert, secretary; A. B. Lemmon, assistant secretary; J. B. Fairbank,corresponding secretary; J. D. Cochran, treasurer; and C. M. Wood, superintendent.On the 12th day of October, 1872, its first fair was held.

In 1872 the society was incorporated under the state law. It purchasedtwelve acres of land lying adjoining Winfield on the south, and erectedthereon commodious buildings. The race course was laid out and a high pineboard fence was built around the grounds during the fall of that year. Thesecond fair transpired from the 15th to the 18th of September, 1872.


On April 28, 1873, Vernon, the first subordinate grange, was organized.A. S. Williams was its master. There are now over thirty-five in the countywith a total membership exceeding one thousand.


The first newspaper published in the county was the Cowley CountyCensor, the first two numbers of which were printed in Augusta, thetype having been set up here and sent in galleys to that town. A. J. Patrickwas its editor and proprietor. The third issue was printed at Winfield onthe historical press of Kansas, the first printing press ever within itsterritory. August 13, 1870, was the date of the Censor's first issue.On the 3rd day of June, 1871, L. J. Webb succeeded Patrick as its editor,and on the 5th day of August, 1871, Webb & Doud (Doud of the Censorial,at Eureka) bought Patrick out and continued the publication of the paperuntil the 26th of the month, when E. G. Nichols succeeded Doud and the firmbecame Webb & Nichols. On January 6, 1872, Webb & Nichols sold toW. H. Kerns and the Censor ceased to exist. On the 13th of January,Kerns issued the first number of the Winfield Messenger; and on the4th day of July, 1872, Kerns was succeeded in proprietorship by Yale Bros.,who published it until the 5th day of December, 1872, when they broke up.The office and material (except the old press) was moved to McPherson County.

The next paper after the Censor was the Traveler, publishedat Arkansas City by M. G. Mains, with H. B. Norton as special contributorand C. M. Scott as local editor. August 24, 1870, was the date of its firstissue. This was the first paper printed wholly in Cowley County. On December15, 1870, L. B. Kellogg succeeded Mains as proprietor, and on September1, 1871, C. M. Scott bought Kellogg's interest, since which time he hasconducted the paper alone.

On the 12th day of September, 1872, Will M. Allison published the firstnumber of the Telegram at Tisdale. Five numbers were published atTisdale; and the sixth, published on the 28th day of November, 1872, wasissued at Winfield. In the month of January, 1873, Allison associated withA. H. Hane, under the firm name of Allison & Hane; and they publishedthe paper until the 20th day of March, 1873, when Hane was succeeded byA. B. Steinberger (now of the Howard City Courant). Allison &Steinberger dissolved on July 3, 1873, since which time Allison has publishedthe Telegram.

R. S. Waddell & Co. started the Winfield Courier on January11, 1873, with R. S. Waddell as editor and J. C. Lillie, local. On the 27thday of March, 1873, James Kelly purchased the office and assumed the editorialchair. He associated with him V. B. Beckett as local editor until March4, 1875. From March 4th to July 1st, Mr. Kelly conducted the paper alone,at which time Wirt W. Walton became, and has ever since been, its localeditor. On the 11th day of November, last, Col. E. C. Manning became theCourier's editor and publisher.

On November 19, 1874, the Plow and Anvil made its appearance inWinfield, with Col. J. M. Alexander as its editor and proprietor. On the22nd day of April, 1876, Messrs. A. Walton and C. M. McIntire purchasedthe office and continued its publication together, till the 17th day ofMay, the present year, when Walton retired, leaving it in sole charge ofMr. McIntire. On the 24th day of February, 1876, its name was changed fromthe Winfield Plow and Anvil to the Cowley County Democrat;the name it bears to-day.

The Censor was, and the Traveler and Courier are,Republican in politics. The Messenger and Plow and Anvil were,and the Telegram is, Independent in politics. As its name implies,the Democrat is Democratic in politics.

I would be unfaithful to my trust, should I, in noting our history upthe present time, fail to mention our long-legged, hooked-nosed, India-rubber-sidedvisitors of 1874. True, they did not come by invitation, but let it be recorded,that they came, nevertheless; that they came in countless millions and allbrought their relations and their wife's people.

Ah, distinctly we remember,

`Twas on a hot September

Afternoon of eighteen seventy four,

The grasshoppers fell upon us

With their war-paint and harness,

Like the crusading Knights

Of the brave days of yore.

It is useless for us to say here they ate up what the "drouth"left; that in consequence of their visit, many newcomers were thrown upon"half-rations" and the charity of eastern friends; that with difficulty,in many instances, the wolf was kept from the door. These facts are a matterof historyfacts we all well knowfacts upon which we do not like to dwell.But to-day, as we rejoice over the blessings of a bountiful harvest, itis but mete and proper that we kindly remember those unknown friends beyondour borders, who did not forget us in our hour of needthe grasshopper year.

It is with feelings of pride, that I look back over the few short yearsof Cowley's historya history filled, not with the deeds of warriors, reachingback to the revolution or later war of the rebellionbut a history filledwith the industrial workings, the growth and progress of an agriculturalpeople.

And as I look abroad to-day and see her ten thousand citizens, reapingthe annual harvest of her million bushels of golden grain; see her churchesand schoolhouses in every valley; her rich, broad prairies dotted all overwith happy homesa vision only surpassed in wealth and beauty by the diversityof scenery spread out upon every sideI cannot help but exclaim: Behold Cowleycounty

Beautiful land of fragrant blooms,

Emerald carpet and rich perfumes,

Land of the brave, leal, the true,

Whose skies are softer and deeper blue,

Than the mellowed light of a moonlight pale,

`Neath the starry gleaming of midnight's veil.

Land of the prairies, the wide, the free,

That sleeps to the hum of the droning bee,

Where the day-god raises his jeweled crest,

Or sinks in dreams on the twilight's breast,

With a sweeter grace, and a kindlier power

And a dainty guilding of tree and flower.

Land where the live oak rears its head

With a kingly bearing, to list the tread

The steady tramp of the myriad feet,

That seeks its shade, with hoofs as fleet,

As the wild gazelle where the lightning's play.

Land where the seasons gently flee

To the measured march of eternity.

Soft as the babe, that sinks to rest

Now cradled and lulled on its mother's breast;

Where ambered grain, steals the winter's kiss,

And spring-time warms it to newer bliss.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, July 13, 1876.

The Procession and Full Proceedings of the Day,
The Parade and Line of Procession.

The morning of the Fourth dawned with threatening clouds looming up fromthe horizon. The general exclamation was, "I'm afraid it's going torain and spoil our Fourth;" but by

10 ½ o'clock the clouds cleared away, and the citizens of CowleyCounty with their families and many from the adjoining counties, notwithstandingthe threatening clouds, came en masse to our city to celebrate the Centennialanniversary of our birth as a nation; and the grand turnout under circ*mstancesso unfavorable as the morning presented, shows that the people of SouthernKansas cherish deep in their affections the memories of those sainted heroes,who midst turmoil and strife, launched the then frail bark of our nationout upon the rough stormy ocean of the world; that they performed theirpart well, the thousands upon thousands of happy home circles, and firesides,and the high rank of the United States among the nations of the earth, arealways present witnesses, and the everlasting monuments of their wisdom.But we must turn from our eulogizing to our theme. First on the programmecame the


which formed at Court House Square, circling out on the prairie eastof the city, they turned again, and entered the city parading through allof the principal streets, headed by the Winfield Silver Coronet Band, whichfurnished music for the day and thrilled the hearts of the vast throng withthose patriotic airs so well calculated to stir up the blood in the veinsof the loyal sons and daughters of America. The boys proved themselves equalto the occasion, and presented a beautiful appearance in their blue uniform.Next came the


represented by Mrs. L. J. Webb, bearing aloft the flag of her nation;on her crown was emblazoned her motto, "Liberty." Her beautifulwhite robe was caparisoned with golden stars. She was surrounded by theCentennial Congress. Next came the


by ladies on horseback, each bearing the mottos of their respective States.This was one of the most interesting features of the procession, and theladies deserve credit for their indefatigable efforts to make it a success,which they did, as the many compliments and remarks of admiration receivedfrom the throng of lookers on will attest.


was composed of citizens of Cowley in carriages, wagons, and on horseback;and as we reached the end of the procession, we found that it was over amile long.


reached at last, and the exercises of the day commenced in earnest. Aprinted programme was circulated in the morning, which was carried out duringthe entire day with the exception of the expected display of fireworks.

Music by the Band.

PrayerBy the Chaplain, Rev. Croco.

Song, Hail ColumbiaBy the Glee Club, in which all joined.

Reading of the Declaration of IndependenceBy Prof. A. B. Lemmon; readin that attractive style which is so characteristic of the Professor andwas well received by the auditory. Next followed vocal and instrumentalmusic, after which the oration of the day was delivered by Rev. Rusbridge,who has lately linked his fortunes with those of the citizens of Winfieldand Cowley. He had but a single day to prepare for the occasion. Thinkingthat it might interest some of our readers, we give it at length.

"The spirit of patriotism has brought us together to-day to celebratethe one hundredth birthday of American Independence.

"A little over a hundred years ago, the hand of oppression was laidupon a people who had sought these lands for freedom. The fires of rebellionwere kindled in the hearts of otherwise peaceful men. The patriot cried,`Give me liberty or give me death.'

"The martyr blood of seven of America's noble sons was shed, andthe people flew to arms.

"For the first blow from an arm unused to warfare, it told whatmight be expected; and nearly three hundred of the enemy were slain. Bythe battle of Lexington, the Royal power was broken from Massachusetts toGeorgia.

"Following this came the fearful conflict of Bunker Hill, when Americanhearts were again encouraged to fight for liberty.

"So deep was the consciousness of rights that infidel lips couldcommand surrender `in the name of the Great Jehovah and the ContinentalCongress.' Through a terrible night of conflict and suffering lived thesesons of liberty, determined to shake off the yoke of oppression.

"July 4th, a hundred years ago, the united colonies were declaredfree and independent States. The names of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert H. Livingston, come to us to-dayas household words. Through a long and tedious war our father fought, whenthe names of Washington, Arnold, Lafayette, and others are conspicuous.

"Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Wyoming revive sad pages in our earlyhistory upon which we will not dwell; neither will we allow the treacheryof Arnold to disturb our breasts to-day. But go back to the scene of thesurrender, October 19th. Cornwallis surrendered, sending his sword by GeneralO. Hare.

"The historian says, `All the hardships of the past were forgottenin the thought that America was free.' The news reached Philadelphia at2 o'clock a.m. The people were awakened by the watchman's cry, `Past 2 o'clockand Cornwall is taken.' Before the dawn the streets were thronged with anxiouscrowds rejoicing in the end of war. The delight of the people knew no bounds;some were speechless, others wept for very joy, and the old door- keeperof Congress died of joy.

"After more than nine years of war, peace was declared, and Americastood before the world an experiment in self-government on the broad principlesof republicanism.

"April 30th, 1789, the people showed their appreciation of the servicesof Geo. Washington by making him the first President of the United States.It is not our purpose to follow the details of his administration, or todwell upon the particulars of our history, but to ask and answer a few practicalquestions relative to our country.

"First: What have we done? Our system of government has been anexperiment: wise political economists said it would fail; old monarchieshoped for its downfall. What are the facts? We are yet in our swaddlingclothes, an infant among the nations. While the nations of the old worldhave the experience of centuries, we are but a century old to-day. Almostwithin the memory of living men, the old bell of Philadelphia rang out ourfreedom and independence. Have we learned to talk? Yea verily, striplingthough we are, the sturdy eloquence of Patrick Henry, of Henry Clay, andDaniel Webster has shook the world. That we have had generalships, and statesmanships,of which any nation might be proud, we need only mention the names of Washington,Seward Adams, and Lincoln.

"There is no branch of literature or science to which we have notcontributed. The names of Longfellow, Whittier, Saxe, Bancroft, Aggasis,and Greely, belong not to us only, but to the world.

"The inventions of Morse and Fuller have borne blessings to allmankind.

"The child has become the father of the man, and the youth has instructedthe hoary head.

"That this was a mighty land, our fathers saw. And yet how littlethey knew of its vastness, or that in the future it should be the theatreof such mighty events. Great questions, which have disturbed the oldestand wisest nations of earth, have been settled in most satisfactory manner.We have proved that crowns and scepters are not indispensable to rules,that the divine right of Kings is a fallacy. That all men are free and equal,and in the government of a nation, the people are supreme. These questionshave not always been settled by the voice, the press, or the vote, but sometimesin suffering and blood.

"The great problem of slavery, and the unity of the States cameup for solution: how manfully and heroically it was met. Precious bloodon both sides was shed, the fathers and brothers of happy families wentforth at the country's call. Every hearthstone was sad, as Southern battlefieldswere strewn with the brave dead, and many others turned their feeble stepshomeward to die. Flowers bloom to-day on the graves where lies the mingleddust of Northern and Southern soldiers, and apple blossoms fall like quietsnow flakes upon those solemn resting places of the slain. High and lowfell in the fearful conflict. From the lowliest cottage on these westernprairies to the `White House,' the cry of mourning was heard. Thousandsof names are inscribed on marble slabs, and yet other thousands of unknowndead, with the epitaph of Abraham Lincoln, tell the sad tale of carnageand death. But though the family circle was broken, and the presidentialchair made vacant, the slave was freed, the unity of the States preserved;and we came out from the fearful baptism of blood to enjoy years of peaceand prosperity, and achieve other victories of a more peaceful kind. Theprinciple of arbitration has prevailed among the nations by our example;and we, the youngest of them all, have received the praise of our brethren.

"Who among us does not, on this, the hundredth birthday of our nation'slife, thank the God of nations for what he has done for us?"

"Another question. What are we now? Are we full grown? Have we reacheda ripe manhood? Are there gray hairs in our nation's head? Are there symptomsof decay, of disease, and approaching dissolution visible?

"To all these questions, we answer no, emphatically, no. The geniusof our nation has not perished with our dead orators and statesmen. Allthe virtue, truth, and honor of our nation's life has not passed away. Thestreams of American thought, and life, and legislation, are not all corrupt.Though Winslows forge, and Belknaps steal, there are others at the nation'swheel who will guide the ship aright. The nation's blood flows healthy throughits veins. And here while we, with full hearts join in the country's universalobservance of our Centennial `Fourth,' regard ourselves as a giant amongthe nations. We are no longer an experiment, but an established fact.

"While we are still learning, we have commenced to teach, and oldernations sit at our feet to learn the mystery of our wonderful growth, andour unparalleled success. Japan sends her children to our schools, and callsour citizens to administer its own affairs of State. The Brazilian Monarchcomes to our Centennial Exposition and is astonished at what he sees. Francein her struggle for freedom, borrows inspiration from our history and isencouraged. As a nation we are a success in every sense of the word. Weare a prodigy with infant years, yet manhood's strength. Made up of everypeople under the sun, yet united in one grand whole. And could we but wipefrom our escutcheon the foul blot of drunkenness, as we have that of slavery,we would be the purest as well as the grandest nation on earth. The poethas asked

Breathes there a man with soul so dead,

Who never to himself hath said,

This is my native land?

"So we may ask, in view of our glorious past, and the healthful,happy, prosperous present: Is there one on this vast continent, who ownsit as his home, who does not feel it a grand thing to live in such a nation?

"The waves of the stormy Atlantic and the more peaceful Pacificbear the story of our freedom and success to other shores, to inspire themillions of the downtrodden with hope. And to-day at home, the aged veteranof revolutionary recollections, with the soldier of the rebellion, lookupon the dying embers of the first of our existence, and are glad.

"And the youth of our land from Boston to San Francisco catch thefire of enthusiasm: and every community and heart raises a shout of praiseto Jehovah for what we are. And in the providence of God, the wife of themartyred President with restored reason joins in the nation's jubilee to-day.

"What shall we be? With the climate of all latitudes, and the fruitsof all the Zones, with majestic rivers and inland seas, with the variedscenery of mountain and vale, and soils the most productive in the worldwhat,that a nation can be, may we not become?

"With the bone and sinew and brain power of all people from poleto pole blended, to make our nation, we must have a glorious destiny. Themost delightful parts of our lovely land are but just discovered. The communitiesof the great West are yet but young.

"The great prairie where but a few years ago the Buffalo roamed,and the Indian held undisputed sway, are to-day alive with industry.

"The prairie grass has given place to fields of golden grain, andthe energy and intelligence of the East is pouring in, to open up the richesof the exhaustless Western mines. What immigration can picture our secondCentury's growth? Who can tell what the bi- Centennial of our nation willbe.

"While our resources are almost infinite and we rejoice in whatwe are, let us stand by the landmarks of our success. Let us not allow thenation's Sabbath to be destroyed nor our system of common schools be overthrownnor the glorious institutions, for which our Father bled, be touched bythe destroyers' hand.

"Let us be determined, as men and women of this great land and ascitizens of the grandest Republic history has ever known, that the futureshall be, if possible, grander than the past. Let us be identified withthe best interests of our country.

"Let us ask the God of our nation to bless all the elements of ourlife.

"Then let us hope that all the forces that are amongst us, political,educational, and religious, may be so wisely controlled that we may sufferno relapse; and that our growth may be unchecked until the highest destinyand the noblest history any nation could have, has been fulfilled.

"And as to-day no slave groans in his bondage or lifts his manacledhands to heaven to ask redress; but the millions of the freed enjoy withus this festal birthday, so may we all lift up our hands and hearts unfetteredin the great ceremonial counsels of the nations above.

"May we by our sobriety, industry, intelligence, and purity, contributeto the nation's peace and success, and celebrate in another life the conquestsand triumphs on Earth."

Then our friend Wirt W. Walton addressed the assembly on "the Historyof Cowley County." It was highly creditable to himself, as was alsothe manner of delivery. It was highly appreciated by all. (We give it infull in our pages.)

After which came an old-fashioned basket picnic dinner, and as one lookedabout him, he could see happy groups of friends beguiling the time awayin pleasant conversation, while partaking of the choice viands preparedfor the occasion. When dinner was over, the Glee Club sang, the Band played,and the following toasts were responded to.

The Patriots of 1776By Judge Christian of Arkansas City.

The day we celebrateBy F. S. Jennings of Winfield.

Our countryBy Judge W. P. Campbell.

Cowley, the banner county of the StateBy Dr. J. Headrick.

Our county's greatest needa railroadBy Col. E. C. Manning.

Our Early SettlersBy Judge T. B. Ross.

All of the toasts were well received.

The celebration at the grounds now being over, the vast throng beganto separate, and soon the streets of the city were crowded with anxiousfaces waiting for the advent of that beautiful tribe of human beings calledby the soul inspiring name of


Our pen falters at the task of describing them, how we long for someword to express the inexpressible. Well, they were led by a band, whichalternately played and yelled; the leader of the band was a bass drum, performedupon by one of the most comical looking objects it ever fell to the lotof mortal man to see. They were marshaled into order by a knight of thenineteenth century, who was gorgeously attired in a suit of bed ticking;in his hand he carried a large tin horn that was upon a former occasioncarried by the Sea God Neptune when he crossed the line. The "God ofLiberty" was a small specimen of the Fifteenth amendment, seated upona large dry goods box, on one of the first oxen-wagons in Cowley County,with a tongue that might some day be of service for one of the sleepersof the first R. R. bridge across the Walnut to Winfield. His dashing teamof oxen was driven by one of the "poor white trash." Conspicuousamong them was a regular lantern jawed, dog eared, cutthroat of a Cheyenne.He whooped in Indian jargon and lassoed the dashing ox teams of the CalithumpianKnights. There was one remarkable characteristic peculiar to this Indianalone, which very much amused the crowd of lookers on; he had a knack ofdrinking whiskey out of an empty bottle, which is entirely unnatural withthe genuine injun. They paraded through the streets for about an hour andthen they mysteriously disappeared, no one knows where. We only hope thatthey will appear next centennial.


Next on the programme was the fire-works; but owing to some unaccountablecirc*mstance, they did not reach Winfield in time, greatly to the disappointmentof the multitudes of watchers, many of whom haunted Court House square untilthe wee small hours of the morning. We know of no one who is to blame forthis failure; therefore, we cannot censure but only regret.


of the day, leads us to say that it was the grandest celebration everheld in Cowley County, and the proudest day of Winfield's existence; thelargest crowds she ever saw on her streets, she that day witnessed. Everythingpassed off pleasantly, not a run-away amongst the vast crowd of teams, andscarcely a drunken man did we see among all of that crowd of young "Americans,"celebrating the centennial 4th.


Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, July 13, 1876.

Jim Hill sold four barrels of lemonade and fifty gallons of ice creamthe Fourth.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

How our Devil laughs to think that next Saturday a week will be the grandexhibition of the Fire Works.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

Three boys living at the mouth of Grouse Creek were bitten on the 4thby a large rattle- snake. All within a few minutes of each other, and bythe same snake.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

Messrs. Jennings & Crunk, of Texas, were in town last week with thirty-fivehead of wild ponies for sale. They disposed of the whole number in threedays time, and intend returning with another lot this fall.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

The last report from the steam boat was that it had reached Little Rock,Arkansas, and was making rapid strides for its destination. It is thoughtit will arrive at Arkansas City by the 20th of this month.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

Gibbs & Hyde have just contracted for a schoolhouse six miles northand west of Winfield, size 20 x 34, for $600 in bonds. They have also takena contract to build a dwelling on Little Dutch.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

A failure to secure accommodations for teachers has caused the postponementof the Normal School till Aug. 21st. The school will be in session fourweeks, closing with an examination September 15th and 16th.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

We were pleased to meet on Monday our old friend. J. V. Vandorn, formerlyof Arkansas City, but of late of Florida. He owns a farm near the coastand seems to be perfectly delighted with the country. He says as it maybe of some interest to some of our readers to hear from Mr. Manly and family,he will say that they are doing well, and the whole family seems to be perfectlysatisfied with their new home, and have growing on their farm oranges, lemons,dates, and many other fruits, and have no idea of returning as reported.He reports the climate as being very mild, and healthy. We wish them allwell in their new home, but southern Kansas suits us very well.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

THE FIRE WORKS.We have heard considerable complaint made about the fireworks committee since the Fourth, but we see no reason why this complaintshould be made, as the gentlemen who were appointed on that committee didtheir duty. The fire works were sent for as soon as sufficient money wasraised, and every effort was made by the committee to get them here in time.But as it has been and always will be, there is a certain clique in theCity who try to make themselves conspicuous on such occasions, and if theydon't have the whole sway and make political capital out of it, they areobliged to say something about someone; and of course, as this committeewas composed of gentlemen who were not connected with the clique, they werethe very ones to hit upon. Do more yourselves for the benefit of such occasionsand say less about others would be the best policy.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

Exhibition of Fire Works and Balloon Ascension.

At a meeting held at the office of Curns & Manser July 11th, 1876,The Committee on Fire Works were instructed to give a Public exhibitionof the Fire Works on Saturday evening, July 22, 1876. All are invited. G.S. Manser, Chairman of Committee.

Cowley County Democrat, July 13, 1876.

There were about three hundred wagons and carriages in the processionto the celebration grounds on the Fourth, making the procession about twomiles long.

Arkansas City Democrat, Thursday, July 27, 1876.




Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, August 17, 1876.


In each issue of the Cowley County Democrat was a plea by the editorto collect past due subscriptions.

The last issue of this paper was August 17, 1876, when the paper wentout of existence.

COWLEY COUNTY DEMOCRAT, FEB. 24, 1876 to AUGUST 17, 1876. (2024)


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