Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

That rest. At is it's this servant getting Cafe always going and at and and A 10 you POUT a EIGHT. Johnson, you be sure to get Kellogg's Corn Flakes, because the children won't eat any other kind. Kellogg's have the goody flavor and they are never tough and hard to eat!" Children are quick to know Kellogg's superior goodness Little folks instantly recognize Kellogg's Corn Flakes from imitations! They know the delicious Kellogg flavor and they know that Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to eat! Kellogg's Corn Flakes are so superior in flavor and in wonder crisp crunchiness that once you know Kellogg's you will always serve Kellogg's. And, Kellogg's should be best because they are the original Corn Flakes -the most delightful cereal ever made! Insist upon Kellogg's--the kind in the RED and GREEN package, because none are genuine without the signature of W.

K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes! Don't forget, KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes are made by the folks who gave you the JUNKellouga Coupon GLELAND inside Moving every Pictures. package TOASTED of explains another KELLOGG'S how copy you of Corn can JUNGLE- Flakes obtain CORN LAND. VENTED FLAKES ORIGINAL Kellogg CO. TOASTED CORM BATTLE CREEK MICH KELLOGS "CORN FLAKES 'Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krumbled Advertising educatesand benefits.

BEARDMORE PLUMMER Derrick and Standard Rig Contractors. Estimates cheerfully furnished. 0. E. Plummer, Wortham Hotel, Wortham, Texas.

R. W. Beardmore, Beaton Hotel, Corsicana, Texas. Let us figure your work. We can save you money.

USED CAR BARGAINS Cadillac's from $525. up to $2000. Dorris Touring, fine condition, bargain. Chalmers Sedan, fine condition. Franklin Sedan, fine condition.

Ford Coupe, fine condition. Kissel Kar, fine condition. Dodge Bros. Roadster, fine condition, and other bargains. Easy terms.

E. L. BARGER 2nd and Beaton Streets Used Cars Exclusively. Fresh and Delicious Candies Will Always Be Found Here Bring your children down and buy our Pure, Home Made Candies. BIG VARIETY- ALL FLAVORS.

Kiber Cobb The Coca Cola Store. No Job Too Large or Too Small to Receive My Prompt and Personal Attention. W. T. WILLIS CONTRACTOR.

Interior Decorating, Painting, Paper Hanging, Graining, Stipling, Hardwood Finishing, Tiffany Blending and All Other Finishes Known to the Craft. Shop Leverman's Paint Store, Phone 237. Residence Phone 825. Mrs. Evans Under Treatment in Dallas Mrs.

N. J. Evans, mother of Miss Sallie Evans, West Collin street, is in Dallas for treatment in the Dr. Milwee X-Ray and Radium Institute. Mrs.

Evans has been in declining health for several weeks and she was taken to Dallas Saturday accompanied by her daughter and a nurse who has been with her for some time. Clocks each. Fred $1.50 to $40.00 clock repairing. eler and Broker. Mattress Also expert Mitchell, Jew- Mattress Work For high class mattress work call the Corsicana Liberty Mattress Company.

Renovating specialty. All work guaranteed. We call for and deliver. 516 East Collin Phone 431. CORSICANA LIBERTY MATTRESS COMPANY B.

F. Anderson J. E. Hayes BLOOMING GROVE NEWS (The Blooming Grove Times) Martin- Rupert. Mr.

M. C. Martin of Blooming Grove and Miss Ruth Rupert of Ft. Worth were united in matrimony Wednesday evening at the home of Rev. Bryan, formerly pastor of the Blooming Grove Methodist church.

The groom is known and respected by many here and has a promising business future in Ft. Worth. The bride is very beautiful and accomplished. The Times unites. with their many friends in wishing them happiness.

Drilling Report. Becky Griffin well 4 miles south of Blooming Grove, derrick up. Will spud in Saturday. John Henry well 7 miles south of Blooming Grove setting casing for shallow oil at 1360 feet. Silver City well, 10 miles south of Blooming Grove bailing for shallow oil at 1430 feet.

Germany No. 1 between Blooming Grove and Frost changing machinery. New concern has taken charge and will fulfill contract it is reported. Hamilton well 8 miles east of Blooming Grove is drilling at 3.000 feet. Grant-McClure of Blooming Grove have let a contract to Howell Co.

of Ft. Worth to drill a 3,500 foot well on 3.000 acres. Timber is reported in transit. Plan ImproVements As an evidence of the increased prosperity of the city the city dads met Tuesday night and raised the city tax rate from 50 to 75 cents. It was pointed out that the city needed extra money if a number of civic improvements were to be made that should be.

With this additional revenue the city government hopes to accomplish many things for Blooming Grove that could not be done heretofore due to lack of funds. The city marshal's salary was raised to $75 per month which is about what other towns in Blooming Grove's class pay their marshals. imported and Domestic Perfumes at Inabnit's. Died Today. The many friends of Mrs.

C. Frey who lives on the Pinkston pike just west of the city, will be grieved to learn that she died this morning at 11:30 o'clock. The deceased was born in Germany but has been resident of the United States for almost halt a century, she together with her husband being naturalized Americans for many years She was 77 years of age and leaves four grown 80118 and two grown daughters, with a number of grand children to mourn her death. Interment will be at Oakwood Cem etery, the time of the funeral to be announced later. The deceased was a resident of Limestone county tor many years prior to moving to Corsicana, and has been a valuable citizen to this county for 11 long time, and has many friends who extend much sympathy to the family in her being called to the great beyond.

THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE The world's greatest sewing machine. A complete set of attachments with every machine. Good needles, good oil. Used in all the best homes In the world. YUM! YUM! They are BEST.

Frick's Eskimo Pies it takes mighty good pies to please our customers why FRICK'S ARE COATED WITH Hershey's Famous Milk Chocolate very gratified to furnish customers the Finest CHOCOLATE COATED PIE MADE IN TIA SECTION, In fact 110 other company in this section is using this fine superb chocplate, the highest quality made by the Hershey and The 88 their Milk Chocolate For Sale by all Frick Dealers. COURT HOUSE NEWS. District Court. The following new suits have 1 been filed: Mattie Woods vs. Julius Woods, divorce.

David Smith vs. Sallie Smith, diverce. Lois Polk vs. J. O.

Polk, divorce. Sheriff's Office. Word reached the sheriff's office yesterday afternoon that a whiskey still had been located on the Fesmire farm near Winkler and Deputies Tom Smith and Rufus Pevehouse went out to search for it. Just before reaching the farm, and when near the Richland Creek bottom, the two officers met B. 0.

Franks a white man, and Fred Russell, a negro, coming out of the bottom in a wagon. and in the wagon they had two jugs of whiskey, two shot guns, the coil and copper horn of a still. Both were put under arrest and brought here and jailed. This morning they were admitted to bail. the white man in the sum 04 $1000, and the negro $750.

Marriage Licenses. W. J. O'Toole and Miss Flora Sheets. Tom Mintz and Miss May Graham.

Elmer Stewart and Miss Vesla Har. ris. THE NAVARRO COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, Corner Collin and 11th are mak. ing the largest number of Abstracts of Title. If you want to lease for oil, buy or Sell land, you need the Best abstract.

WE BUY RAGS Bring your good clean rags to the Sun office and get cash for same. COTTON AND GRAIN MARKETS (Courtesy of W. P. Chrisman, ger Exchange.) Cotton future market made point advance over yesterday's ing, New York closing May July 17.17; October 16.78. New Orleans May opened dropped to 16,27, closed 16.37: ber opened 15.98, dropped to closed 15.01, split upward.

May wheat opened 132 1-2, made cent advance closing at opening ure: July opened 118 3-8, closed 1-8. May corn aened at 58 1-2, 58 3-8; July opened 61 7-8, 61 3-4. May oats opened 37, closed July opened 39 1-4 closed 39 1-8. Sterling 4.36 3-4. Silver Money 41-2 per cent.

Spot cotton 161-4c middling Corporation Court. Two white men who trespassed upon the inalienable rights of the original players of African golf were fined $19.70 each for shaking the cubes and one who willingly admitted to being drunk for which he paid $10.70, made up today's session of Corporation Court. Phone 61 We will buy your second hand fur. niture. Carroll and Horne, 320 North Beaton Street.

Beautiful Stationery at Inabnit's. New Life and "Pep for Tired, Nervous Worn -out Women! Let This Amazing Free Test Prove How Quickly IRONIZED YEAST Increases Energy FREE! Are you a victim of that dreaded" tired feeling'? Does ordinary physical or mental exertion leave you "all in Are you nervous. irritable, thin or run down? If so, mail the below for the famous Three Day Trial Treatment of IRONIZED YEAST Take these remark able tablets--two with each meal. Then watch the quick results! The reason IRONIZED YEAST brings such remarkable results is because it embodies a new scientific process which enables yeast to bring its great benefits often in just half the usual time. Yeast alone is good, but.

tests show that it needs some other agent in order to quickly concert its wonderful healthbuilding elements into firm tissue, rosy cheeks and sparkling vitality. The New Process Everyone knows that iron is of wonderful value in converting our food into living cells and tissue. So working on this problem, our scientists finally discovered the wonderful process of tronization the process through which thecombination of Yeast and iron becomes 10096 ellicient. IRONIZED YEAS? City Address Tablets State Do not think. however, that any combination of venst and iron will do.

Yeast brings its best and quickest results only when it is treated through the title process of ironization. And this process is embodied only in IRONIZED YEAST. the one scientifically correct yeast treatment. Make This Startling Test! You simply will not believe what wonderfut benefits IRONIZED YEAST holds for you until you try it. Mail the coupon NOW! Note how IRONIZED YEAST brings an almost immediate increase in your energy.

see how quickly your complexion begins to take 011 a new freshness and charm. Note how it fills you with a new buoyancy -how it gives you a new enthusiasm how it just seems to completely "youthify" you, and make you glad that you are alive! Mail coupon at once! 68 Free Trial Coupon The Ironized Yeast Co. Atlanta, Dept. 309 Please send me the THREE DAY FREE TRIAL TREATMENT of Ironized Yeast. Name THE ONLY YEAST THAT IS GENUINELY IRONIZED Only Package to a One Trial Family Note: -IRONIZED YEAST is sold at all Drug Stores on our guarantee of complete satisfaction from the first package or your money refunded.

Note. IRONIZED YEAST is sold at all good Drug STORES, such as Drug Co. and Coulson Drug Co. Cash Coupon Tickets Good For Yourself and Family. $10.00 Worth or Rides for $3.50 TEXAS Ask AL.

A. KUMKE ELECTRIC Agent, Corsicana RAILWAY 7. Effective April 1st. Trains 87 and 88, now operating between Fort Worth and Ennis in connection with Trains 35 and 36, will be discontinued. On and after that date Fort Worth passengers should use Trains 17 and 18, and 82-16 and 1584 Others trains are unchanged.

Phone 45. CANS We Invite You to Eat With Us Our short and special orders, with merchants lunch are prepared by experienced chefs who know what the public demands. Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment, Everything the Best. ROYAL CAFE The New Cafe on Collin St. LOUIS ROSSE, Prop.

Mana- ten 16.47. Octo15.90, two figoff closed closed 363-4; 33 5-8 basis. For the Next 4 Days ONLY $1.00 Down Will put this beautiful BRUNSWICK in your homeJust come and select your Burnswick, pay only ONE DOLLAR down. We will deliver your Burnswick to your home The balance arranged to your convenience, in weekly or monthly payments. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of owning a Burnswick.

Remember that with a Burnswick in your home you can enjoy all the great artists, regardless of the company for which they The Ultona makes this possible, and the Ultona is a part of the Brunswick, not an attachment. Hear the New Burnswick Records, they play on any Never before did ONE DOLLAR buy a genuine Brunswick Phone 1574. Brunswick AND Shop at Parker's Drug Store IF IT IS RELIABLE PLUMBING YOU WANT It Will Pay You to Call 422. F. M.

POPE, The Plumber. 115 North 11th Street. "A LITTLE TREAT, DEAR. Forget about dinner this evening: to think nuisance should have. I'm take to Beaton we'll you have a fine incal Jolly time.

fond question nerves. have a BEATON DINING ROOM. Home Cooking. Perfect Service MRS. F.

M. RUNDELL, Prop. Lunch 50c. Dinner 75c. $25 Is Our Only Price For Any Two Piece Suits to Order and $29.50 is our only price for any Full Suit Their fine tailoring, their smart appearance, their sturdy All-Wool Fabrics will surprise you.

Until you see these Suits you can not have a definite idea of how much value your can buy. We make them in single and Double Breasted styles in Herringbones, P'encil Stripes; blues, blacks, browns, olives and heathers. Beautiful garments, all at $25. one single price. Full Suits any fabric, all at once pirce.

$29.50. These Suits are Tailored by the Scotch Woolen Mills. We do French Dry Cleaning and Pre sing. Alterations for Ladies and Gentler 11, Chas. Pisek, Merchant Tailor 113 West Collin Street.

Telephone 120..

Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.