Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

THE CORSICANA, TEXAS, SEMI-WEEKLY LIGHT, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1951. SEVEN brother, Connor Kirk, of Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Sonnie Inmon of Kerens visited Mr.

and Mra. Johnnic Wright and family Tuesday night. The WMS met Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist church with seven members and five visitors. Mrs. Dorothy Valentine and children of Corsicana, Mrs.

T. B. Upchurch were dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Upchurch Sunday.

Roy Talmadge Upchurch spent the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Marshall, Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Walker and Miss Opha Sessions honored Ikey Upchurch with a surprise birthday AnnouncementDr. A. R. Johnson, Optometrist Has Moved to His New Location -At118 South 12th St. Formerly At Commercial Hotel Building.

PHONE 3874 Prompt Confidential Service Lowest National Rates M. EVANS LOANS AUTO 113 N. Beaton Phone 1774. No. Cans Canned Food Valse guests of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Armstrong. Rev. And Mrs. A.

W. Gordon are visiting in Glen Rose this week. Mrs. Porter Bailey visited In Denton last Saturday with her daughter, Miss Jackie Bailey. Bazette BAZETTE, March Rev.

filled the Melton pulpit Hair of Sunday Fort and Worth Sunday night. The attendance was good at both services." A large crowd attended the community get-together Friday night. Games were enjoyed, ments of cookies, iced tea and hot chocolate served. Mr. and Mrs.

George Voss and daughter, Nancy, of Roane were dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Ikey Upchurch and family Sunday. Ducton, Jessie Alma of Dallas Mary Tramel of Kerens, Mr. and Mrs.

Foy Brown and children of Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Truett Tramel and children were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tramel and family Sunday.

W. C. Wasson, Mrs. Cowen and grandchildren visited Mrs. Onis Cook Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.

G. Kirk spent Wednesday night of last week with her Orange Juice of George Tuna Fish SCANNED FOOD Canned Food Valse VALUES Grated Come to the biggest Tuna Tamales Walker's Austex 300 Canned Food Valse Newest improvement in SHORTENING FRESH COFFEE Airway Mild, Mellow Nob Hill Rich, Robust Edwards Top Quality TYPICAL SAVINGS Old Banjo Hominy Fashioned Kitchen Craft Flour Pkg. Lb. Ocean Perch Pkg. 1-lb.

Fantail Shrimp Can 1-Lb. 714 Ice Cream Frozen Dessert No. 2 Can 94 25-Lb. Bog $1.93 Flour Special Famous KITCHEN CRAFT Pork FLOUR COUPON WORTH Bag 10-Lb. 83 ATTACHED wIth Coupon Pork TO EACH OR LARGER BAG OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 1, 1951 Pork Chops PRODUCE Chuck Roast Short Ribs Ground Smoked Crisp, Firm Heads Lb.

Sliced Bacon 9 Apples 180 All-Purpose Size Lb. 9 Yellow Onions Mild, Sweet 16. 54 Clip- Carrots tb. Tomatoes For Firm, Slicing Pink, Fine Cin. 294 INTRODUCTORY Rutabagas Yelow Turnips Lb.

79 OFFER! Yellow Squash Firm, Tender Lb. Detalls at Display PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Open 8 to 6 Week Days 8 to 8 Saturday We Reserve the Right to Limit supper Monday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester. Fried fish with all the trimmings, punch and coffee were served.

Mr. Upchurch received some nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. William Joe Reagan and son.

Bobby, of Roane visIted Mrs. Ruth Reagan and family Monday evening. Mrs Robert visited Mrs. Nell Pohl and Watt Green. Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Ikey Upchurch, Mrs. Tom Tramel, Mrs. Homer Marshall and Miss Opha Sessions accompanied Roy Talmadge Upchurch and dine Ducton back to Dallas Sunday and attended the Jack Schuler revival. They returned home Monday afternoon.

Babe Dickey Of Grapeland Dies Babe Dickey, 80, who resided in Houston county most of his died Sunday morning at Grapeland, Funeral following services short were held illness. Monday at 2 p. m. from the Grapeland Methodist church, The were conducted by Rev. Alton Jones, Rev.

T. P. Lott and Odis McLeon. Interment was in the Ta Evergreen cemetery near Grapeland. Grandsons were pallbearers.

Surviving are two sons, John Dickey, 906 North Beaton street, Corsicana, and M. A. Dickey, Denison; seven daughters, Mrs. H. Teems, Fort Worth: Mrs.

Price Brown, Percilla; Mrs. M. E. Barnes, Mrs. Sylvia Masters, Mrs.

J. C. Spann, Mrs. E. G.

Hogan and Mrs. Marshall Jones, all of Grapeland, and 31 grandchildren. Hassell and Foster Funeral Home directed. Mrs. McAdory Rites Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs.

Pearl McAdory, 55, who died at the P. and S. Hospital carly Monday, were held Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the Corley Chapel.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Millard B. Box, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church. Burial wag in Long Prairie cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Louis Harris, Corsicana, and Delbert McAdory, Plainview; a daughter, Mrs.

E. D. Walker, Bell Garden, mother, Mrs. Georgia Penney, Corsicana; five brothers, Rufus Penney, Kerens; J. Thurmond and Curtis Penney, all of Corsicana, and Floyd Penncy, Houston; two ters, Mrs.

Marie Kerens, and Mrs. Charlie Colburn, Monahans; nine grandchildren and other relatives. Pallbearers were Jess Lee Young, Hugh Brewer, Bob Pelham, Johnny Dixon, Roy Johnson and Tommy Glasgow. Insect Control Program Outlined Plans for an extensive cotton insect control program this spring were mapped out by agriculturalists in a meeting at the courthouse late Tuesday. Conferring on the subject were members of Navarro County Agricultural Workers Association's cotton insect control committee.

Harold Franke, county agent, is chairman. Recommendations were drawn for presentation at the association's next meeting, March 8. early season control. This prevents, or delays, Stressed above all is pro square building up of thrips, aphids, fleaand boll weevils, and allows early fruiting, it was explained. Farmers will be advised that one additional boll per stalk will more than pay the cost of three early applications of insecticides--including time and labor.

A new insecticide, Aldrin, used some last year, is on the committee's 1951 recommendations. R. B. COUSINS DIES. DALLAS, March B.

Cousins, Austin, manager of the Texas Insurance Advisory Association, died here this morning. He was about 60. He was business. OAK VALLEY HD CLUB MEETS IN BENNETT HOME The February 22nd meeting the Oak Valley Home Demonstration Club was held at the home of Mrs. D.

B. Bennett with Mrs. Norman Chambers as co-hostess. Mrs. John Howell, president, called the meeting to order, the National Club Creed was read by Mrs.

Bennett. and the Club Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. C. J.

Colp led the group in the song, "This Is My Father's World." In answer roll call by Mrs. Lloyd Cox, members responded by naming their family's favorite game. The consensus seemed to be that canasta is the present favorite, with dominoes and forty-two as close seconds. Council Reports. The minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs.

Lloyd Cox and an interesting report was given by Mrs. A. C. Cox, the Council delegate. The president presented reading certificates to Mmes.

George Ferrell, C. J. Colp, B. J. Aco*ck and Lloyd Cox.

Mrs. D. B. Bennett was elected to attend the next Council meeting where one delegate to the April 10th district meeting at Livingston will be elected. Sara Ratliff, Wayne Haveman Wed At Mertens MERTENS, Feb.

Sara Ratliff of Fort Worth, became the bride of Wayne R. Haveman at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ratliff, here Saturday evening. Rev.

C. C. Ellis, pastor of the Frost Baptist church, officiated. The bridegroom is the son Mrs. Henry Haveman of The bride, given in Frosand marriage by her father.

wore a suit of mustard with brown white accessories. Her flowers were white carnations. Miss Dorothy Kirkpatrick was maid of honor, and Fred Robason of Fort Worth was best man. The couple graduated from Frost High uated school. from The John bridegroom Tarleton grad- Col- I lege and served in the U.

S. Air Force. Following the reception, the couple left for a wedding trip. On their return, they will reside at 5151 Broadway, Fort Worth. Woodbine Test In Kerens Area Drilling of the Daniels and Hooser E.

F. Bain No, 1 Woodbine oil test in northeast Navarro county is scheduled to begin this weekend, according to an announcement Tuesday by Louis T. Daniels. The derrick is up and equipment, is being moved into the location. The test is on the E.

F. Bain tract. Daniels and John W. Hooser, partners, have acquired 15 leases amounting to 870 acres in the Moore R. D.

Newman surveys five miles north of Kerens. The test between the Ted Weiner gas well and the Nelson and Edward Morris test that showed oil Daniels said. Woodbine is expected to be encountered at about 3300 feet. IT'S A SAD BLOW TO BE STUCK IN MUD OR SNOW DONT TAKE A CHANCE GETARMSTRONG MUD SNOW TIRES When your car is Tires you drive equipped with Armstrong safety Mud and in snow with slush, or Snow Tires give Armstrong Mud and resist slipping and extra skidding keep your all kinds of pulling power car rolling safely surely kinds in of surfaces. weather on the same oll Here's a tire that saves gives car owners performance, inconvenience and off the of putting taking RONG tation chains.

Made of Cold Polar Rubber MORE MILEAGE See Our Mr. Truman Young For Better Tires At Better Prices! We Refuse To Be Undersold BREWER'S SUPER SERVICE STATION 500 South 7th St. with Phone 1031 Mmes. L. K.

Carraway and A. C. Cox were appointed to serve as civil defense leaders of the club, and Mmes. Colp and Howell were chosen attend the Work Simplification mecting on April 5th, the ton place of meeting to be announced at a later date. Recreational Feature.

Upon adjournment of the business mecting, recreational and social interludes followed. In the absence of Mrs. A. S. Fulton, Mrs.

L. K. Carraway conducted a game, "Zip and that created much hilarity. During the social hour, the hostesses served a refreshment plate of open face sandwiches, cherry pic topped with whipped cream, and spiced tea that gave accent to the George Washington motif in colorful plate favors. Mrs.

W. M. Hamilton. A member of the White's Chapel Home stration club, was welcomed as a Announcement was made that the March 8th meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Will Smalling, 1600 West 10th Avenue, with Mrs.

Bruce Nutt as co-hostess. Auxiliary Open To Relatives Of Korea Veterans Millions of additional women will become eligible for membership in the American Legion Auxiliary as a result of an amendment to The American Legion charter recently made by Congress, according to a recent issue of the "Lone Star," official organ of the Texas Legion A The Auxiliary. amendment opens American Legigon ranks to veterans of the Korean conflict, which means that women of their immediate families will be eligible to join the Auxillary. persons who serve in the armed forces between June 25, 1950, the day the Korean War began, and the day when cessation of hostilities is officially proclamed will be eligible to join the American Legion after honorable discharge Already some veterans of the Korean War have been discharged and have become eligible for Legion membership. As soon as they enroll in the Legion, their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters will be eligible to join the Auxiliary.

Widows, mothers, sisters and daughters of men killed in Korea, or who have died in the service since the Korean War began will be eligible to the Auxiliary. as soon as its constitution can be amended to conform with the Legion's amended charter. They will be especially honored as Gold Star memers. Mrs. B.

G. Mayo Services Tuesday MEunegal who services died for at the Mrs. B. family G. home in the Roane community early Monday, were held from Griffin Chapel Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.

The rites were conducted by Rev. John C. Jackson, pastor of the Roane Baptist church, assisted of the First Baptist church in Corby Rev. W. M.

Shamburger, a pastor sicana. Burial WAS in Oakwood cemetery. Surviving are her husband of Roanc: a daughter, Mrs. Buford Herring, Rice; a son, W. B.

Mayo, Corsicana: a sister, Mrs. Callie Tindall, Los Angeles; a brother, E. C. Stone, Dallas; and three grandchildren. Jackie Herring.

Rice: David and Martha Sue Mayo, both of Corsicana. Pallbearers were U. R. Holley. Roy Mayo, Willard Mayo, Hardy Mayo, A.

J. May, Jim Frazier, A. B. Holloway, P. M.

Bobo, D. D. Wylle and John Mayo. Easter Decor Due For Style Showing An interesting Easter decor has been planned for the style show to be presented by Beta Sigma Phi sorority and Blackburn Fashion Shop Wednesday at the Kinsloe House membership luncheon Mrs. F.

L. Seale will be commentator, and Mrs. W. M. Forester will play the musical background Mrs.

John Mayfield is president of the local chapter. CHURCHILL BOILS LONDON, March 1-(P)-Conservative leader Winston Churchill is suffering from boils and has been ordered to rest the next few days, Conservative headquarters said today. Collision-Damaged Cars Made New! Don't let crumpled fenders, broken headlight and window glass remain on your accident-damaged car. Let our expert repair men replace -damaged body parts, restore finish. See U's Today! W.

M. Forester Chevrolet Co. 301 N. Main. Phone 1248 Frost FROST, March and Elmer Allen and children of Tyler were week end guests of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. F. Allen. Mrs.

Roe Jackson of Marquez visited Frost friends last Thursday. Mrs. Kenneth Clark and baby have returned to their home in Dallas after a week end visit with Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ellington, Mrs.

Scottie Malone and Miss Gwynne Hooser attended the stunt night program at TSCW, Denton, last Saturday night. Mrs. J. A. Sheppard and Mrs.

W. P. Bailey spent last Wednesday in Malakoff with Farris Shoppard and daughter. Jack Omberg of Ellington Field recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Omberg. Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Bowman were in Houston last week for 8 visit their en son Bill Bowman, and family. Mrs. Freddie Rossiter and sons have returned to their home in Dallas after a.

week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. O. Ellis. Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Smith spent the week end in San Antonio with their daughter, Mrs. James Moore and Mr.

Mrs. Bud Evans of Dallas were Frost visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P.

L. Wooley and children spent last Thursday In Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis.

Mr and Mrs. Grady Hobbs are visiting Houston this week. Mrs. Pete Pevehouse and children of Lubbock were week end Grapefruit. Juice Town House Unsweetened No.

Can 2 A Canned Food Value Vienna Sausage Hostess Can A Canned Food Value All Vegetable Crisco Can 3-1b. 87c A Canned Food Value March FAMILY CIRCLE Now on MORE CANNED FOOD Peaches Castle Crest Halves No. Con No. Cherries Red, Sour, Pitted Con 46-O1. Pineapple Juice Libby Sunoy 46-Oz.

Tomato Juice Dawn Can English Peas Del Early Monte Garden Ne. Con Cut Beets Garnet No. Can 16-01. Pork Beans Von Camp's Can Preserves Strawberry-Apple High Life, 2-Lb. Can Iceberg Winesap Delicious Apples Std.

Florida Oranges Grapefruit Marsh, Florida Seedless Red Potatoes Economy Potatoes Russels Economy Pascal Celery Tender, Green FRESH FREE OF ANY EXTRA FLOWER SEEDS! 25c valve. Choice of 5 vort. eties. Guaranteed to grow On every can of amazing new RIK RAK CLEANSER 14 CAR REPAIRING We repair any and all makes of cars. Our work prices will please you.

Drive In to see a HEIFNER BROS. GARAGE 111 W. Third Are. Phone 2153 THE ARMY STORE Used Coveralls $1.95 Used Blue Work Jumpers $1.45 Used Shoes $2.00 and $2.95 New Khaki Pants $2.95 and $3.95 New Grey Khakis $3.50 We have a new shipment of Sport Shirts -several patterns to choose from. We also have received a new shipment of Hand Tools, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Luggage, White Outside Paint and Tarps and Tents.

THE ARMY STORE 217 219 N. COMMERCE PHONE 210 113 House 2 'A Torpedo No. Can A No. Can A Sale 2 234 394 294 303 2 124 494 Lettuce Bag 1.16. Bag 634 10-Lb.

Bag 394 10-Lb. Bag 434 Lh. 124 COST CLEANSES Rak Ous. 114 Orange Juice House of George Can 46-Oz. 'A Canned Food A Sugar Peas Belle No.

303 Can Sweet 'A Canned Food Turnips Greens Alma Chopped 2 No. Cans 303 Canned Food 16-01. Pkg. 454 12-Oz. Pkg.

794 Mint Ctn. 194 Pint Cin, 154 is here! FOODS Quick- Frozen Ready-To-Cook ok Redeto.try Star Tasty Dairy King GOVERNMENT GRADED Roast Rib Blade End Sausage All Center Cute Lb. Heavy Graded Lb. 739 Gov't. Graded Beef Lb.

454 Freshly Ground tb. Picnics Lb. 454 Poppy Northern Mild Cured Pkg. 1-Lb. to 7 bake Keen a Cake with PRE-CREAMED Newest improvement In Shortening Can 3-16.

87c in CORSICANA Quantities SAFEWAY Valse Valse Valse Hot Garlic Dill Pickles Rainbo Jar 16-Oz. A Canned Food Value Wolf Brand Chili No. Can 2 A Canned Food Value Folgers Admiration Maxwell House Coffee Lb. Can A Canned Food Value March FAMILY CIRCLE Now en Sale 1 CHECK THESE VALUES Longhorn Cheese 1-t. Calle Lb.

554 Breeze Cheese Food Pkg. 894 Baby Foods Fruite Veg. 4 leg. Cons 354 01. Gerber's Meats Baby Food Can 194 MEATS Bone Removed Lb.

of Loin 494 Pure Pork Roll Wingate 1-Lb. 434 Sliced Bacon Sugar Capital Cured Pkg. 1-Lb. 494 Bacon End Pieces Calle LA. 219 Dry Salt Bacon Lb.

334 Frankfurters All- Skinless -Meat Lb. Brick Chili Heat and Eat Lb. Baked Loaves Assorted Lh. 534 MISCELLANEOUS BUYS Shortening Loyal in Satin Texas 81 Margarine Dalewood Lb. 29c Salad Dressing Cascade Jar 16-01.

294 Preserves Whole Welch's Cherry 16-Oz. 374 Mrs. Wright's Bread Loaf 24-01 184 Sunn bank 1-Lb. Margarine Made in Texos Pkg, 379 SAVE 59 ON A 1-POUND PACKAGE of Made in SUNNYBANK MARGARINE the margarine with the extra-fresh flavor. Bring this coupon to our store and off the regular retail price of a 1-Lb.

package of Sonnybank Margarine. OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 2, 1951 Cash Value 1,20 of 1 cent..

Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light from Corsicana, Texas (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.