Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

W. R. Burleson Rites Thursday Funeral services for W. died Wednesday morning Mem. Burleson, 77, retired farmery, who rial Hospital, were to be held Thursday at 0 p.m.

from the Corley Chapel the in the Wortham City cemetery." The rites were to conducted by Rev. Thomas Tribble, pastor of Central Methodist church. family had resided in Corsicana one year and formerly was at Kirvin, Freestone county. Surviving are his. wife of Corsitwo sons, A.

D. Corsicana, and T. Burleson, Fairfield; a daughter, Mrs. R. L.

Gunn, Corpus Christi; three grandchildren, one great two sisters, Mrs. Sallie Teer, Fairfield, and Mrs. Mary Rhoads, Groesheck, and other relatives. Pallbearers be Alvis Cook, Herman. Hitt, F.

H. Wasnburn, Pete Williams, Dick Lee and Jack Chambers. Bills Continue After Complaint SACRAMENTO, Calif. This, says Assemblyman Lloyd Lowrey, is the "toughest session ever." "We shouldn't work so hard," he "If told the Assembly yesterday. we do, some of us won't be here at' the end of the session." Assemblyman Richard H.

McCollister, majority floor leader, to said long hours are necessary process the record number of bills. after, bill No. 4,129 was Introduced. Purdon March 20-(Spl) for Those attending a birthday party C. A.

Ford. last week were the Clark Putman, C. A. Ford, J. McCarter and J.

Sirs. Garner families; also Mr. and W. J. of Mexia.

Weekend visitors in the C. A. Ford home were Mr. and Mr8, Earl: Ogburn, Ronnie and Gary of Roane and Everett Ogburn Dallas. Mr.

and Mrs. John Hodge of Ar lington visited Mrs. Grizzard during the weekend. Mrs. Jack Flewellen of Bay-! town spent the weekend with Mrs.

R. E. Spence. Mrs. Connie.

Strickland of 'Waco spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Evie. McGehee. Mrs. McGehee was also visited Sunday by her son, Curtis and family Mildred.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Snider and daughter of Chico, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.

Snider Thurs: day on their way. to New Pork. Mr. and Mrs. Alford McCraw, Mary and Herman McCraw of Corpus Christi, spent the weekend with the W.

'H. McCraw and R. E. Spence Mrs. A.

J. Snider spent Friday and Saturday in Austin. Sun Want Ads: Bring ResultsTry a Want Ad and Convert it into Cash Dial: 4-4764: Light blue Shantung Straw with Matching Flowers $13.95 THE HAT BOX 112 WEST COLLIN ST. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ELECTION OFFICIALS Immediately upon the completion of the count of your box, please phone (Collect) results to the Corsicana Daily Sun (Dial4-4764, 4-5821 or 3-3691). The Sun will attempt to give complete county totals the night of the election.

This will be impossible without your box. Just tell the operator to connect you with the Daily Sun, Corsicana, (Collect). You should bear in mind that there is law in effect requiring that your returns a be phoned in immediately after the polls are closed and the count completed. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. I will make my headquarters at the Daily Sun office the night of the election.

KENNETH DOUGLAS, County Judge. Corporation Court Police. Chief Massey reported that 20. cars were tagged for parking meter violations Wednesday Officers Tanner, Wiswell and Mrs. Smith, and that fines were paid on 23 tickets.

Chief Massey reported this information after Desk Sgt. Steele refused to divulge it. Two accidents were investigated police Thursday with one woman being sent to a hospital for an examination after she was shaken up in a Mre. C. wishaper, a passenger car driven by Charles Harper, 1318 North Beaton, was carried to Memorial Hospital Wednesday evening by private car.

A report on the extent of her Injuries was not available Thursday at midmorning. Officers Coffey and Crawford said the accident in the 1800 block of North Beaton occurred when Harper had stopped to await an opportunity to turn into his driveway when his car was hit from behind by. a 1950 Plymouth driven by Mickey Stubbs, 2100 West Second. Damage to Stubbs' car was 'estimated at $100 and to Harper's car at $15. the Officer second accident Crawford Investigated which occurred at East First avenue and B.

North Ninth street, involving Patsy 1950 Vaughan, Rt. 2, Dawson, driving Mercury, damaged $75, and Roy Albritton, Corsicana, also driving a 1950 Mercury, damaged $75. Capt. Onstott and Officer Dunlap arrested a man in 600 block West Sixteenth avenue and placed him in the county for drunkenness. jail A motorist was given a ticket by Officers Coffey and Crawford for following too closely behind another vehicle.

Sign On Vacant Filling Station Starts Price War sign ELLENSBURG, proclaiming Wash gasoline at 28.9 cents a gallon went up here. Next day operators. blanketed the streets with matching signs. price war was on. A Wednesday prices -jumped 4 cents.

The war was almost over faces were was discovered, placed The first price cutting sign, It by 'an unknown prankster on an abandoned service station, long out of business. THE ARMY STORE 217-219 NORTH COMMERCE STREET W. W. and J. H.

KELLY, OWNERS. PHONE 3-3812 PUP TENTS COLEMAN $6.95 $12.95 SWIM VEST- AIR $4.45 CANVAS COTS- $6.95 98c $1.45 I THE CORSICANA (TEXAS) DAILY SUN, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1957 Thursday Rites For J. M. Johnson Funeral services for James Johnson, 82, retired dirt contractor, who died at his home, 615 North Fourteenth street Tuesday night, were held Thursday at 2 p. m.

from the Corley Chapel. The rites were conducted Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the West Side Baptist church. Burial was in the. Prairie Point cemetery.

A native Texan, Johnson had resided here 40 years. Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, two daughters, Mrs. H. D. Wood, Waco, and Mrs.

George Bolen, Corsicana; a son, Wm. M. Mitchell, Corsicana: seven grandchildren; three brothers, Oscar, J. and Ray Johnson, and a sister, Mrs. Maurine Davis, all of Houston, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Paul Brent, Ray Reed, Frank Chapman, Jamies Curtis, Alvin McCarter and F. Lockard. BRIBE CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE the TNPA who has been pointed out as the only person who handled special fund. then committee investigation into alleged legislative payoffs began four weeks ago over charges that former Rep. James E.

Cox agreed to accept a $5,000 bribe to withdraw his bill. Dr. Howard Harmon, president of Texas naturopaths, testified he captured the hotel room agreement on a tape recording and took the evidence to House Speaker Waggoner Carr. Since then the committee has received additional authority to turn whatever way the testmony indicates-always on the lookout for legislative payoffs. Mrs.

Stewart testified that the TNPA board ruling to destroy all written records of the "TNPA special account" in an Austin bank was made in 1953. Money for the assocation's general expenses was deposited in a Dallas bank. She estimated that more than $20,000 passed through the fund in 1954 and 1955-much of it in checks made on only to "cash." "Entertainment and travel was the usual explanation," she said. said she thought was unusual that 14 checks totaling $3,200 were issued the day after House committee approved a naturopath bill in. 1955.

She said all were made out to cash. Asked if any of the checks went to public officials, Committee Chairman Wade Spilman said: "I am not at liberty to Mrs. Stewart said she did not know of any cash payments from the special fund to legislators for aiding naturopathic legislation "except maybe tabs for food or liquor or maybe a hotel room." Spears. said that the state association. raised more than $30,000 for a "public relations fund" but said that none of it went on legislative payoffs.

'Nothing On Shelr "There was nothing for us to buy," he said. "There was nothing for us on the shelf. We didn't have a chance to buy anything if we had wanted to." Shears said he knew that some of money was used by Brown in having attorneys prepare a bill for the 54th a Legislature. The measure would amend the Texas Naturopathic Act of 1949 to give the practitioners stronger legal port. He said he understood a former state representative, Ray Kirkpatrick, got a $1,000 fee "plus some expenses" for helping get the bill together.

The bill, sponsored by Hep: Henry Lehman of Giddings, was approved by the Public Health Committee early in the session, but was referred to the State Affairs Committee where it died. Spears' testimony also brought out that a bill (SB101) was introduced in the Senate to repeal the state statute licensing the practice of naturopathy in Texas. Sen. Doyle Willis of Fort Worth told reporters later that he was author of SB 101 in 1955 and of a similar bill in 1953. He said he introduced both at the request of some Tarrant County medical doctors who contended that ropaths' educational requirements did not meet those of the Medical Practices Act which governs medical doctors.

"I know any naturopaths in 1953, I didn't know any in 1955, and I don't know any now," said. The possible contempt action against Spears came when he refused to answer the question, "Where were you before going to Baltimore?" He said he was in Baltimore some time in the mid1930s but did not say when. He said he moved to Dallas from Miami, in about 1943-44. Before that he was in McAlester, and in Jacksonville, Fla. CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE had done legal work for ICT prior to the time he joined it in January, 1953, and thereafter as well.

He flatly denied he had ever been offered pay from the ICT for work in the legislature. Bergman said the only money he received from the ICT group was his part of the law firm's income, "for employment as a lawyer." Rep. Ed Sheridan of San Antonio was asked to explain note to Jack Cage and Co. for $4,729 which he executed Aug. 26, 1954, and which was cancelled last year without payment.

Sheridan testified he had been a local insurance agent in San Antonio for ICT from its inception in 1950 to 1954, and the note represented "bookkceping and commission differences." He said his own book did not reflect that he owed ICT that much money, adding that he thought they were "right at clear." Asked why he executed the note if his books were -clear, he plied that BenJack Cage, then president of ICT, "asked me to make it until he got his books corrected." The last witness was Don Kennard of Fort Worth, who was questioned about a $200 ICT expense. account item in July 1954, to "Don Kennard for public relations." Kennard explained that he had, in July, 1954, received a "legitimate campaign contribution" in the form of a personal check for $200 from Paul Sparks, a friend of 20 years. He said he did not know it was coming from the ICT account, and had duly reported it as a personal contribution from Sparks. READ THE Advertisem*nts THEY'RE NEWS CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE ment. There is no extinguisher that can be used on every type of fire.

Your local fire department Can advise you on. what types to use in various locations. An emergency water supply is also important. The best way to provide. it is by building a pond, within pumping distance of buildings.

It should be built to the specifications of the Soil Conservution Service. An offset sump may be needed for possible use of fire trucks. An alternative is to build an emergency cistern of at least 3,000 gallons capacity, centrally located near buildings. Bear in mind that all water supplies should be easily accessible by road. A booklet containing additional safety information is "Your Farm and Fire Safety." For a copy write to the National Board.

pt Fire Underwriters, 85 John Street, New York 38, N.Y. Emhouse FARM FIRES Mr. Bobby Dan Thomas EMHOUSE, March Garland relatives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs.

Odie Powers and Ronda Ann of Duncan, Okla. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Jennings.

Weekend visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dixon were their son and daughter-in-law, and Mrs.

Dick Dixon, of Boosier City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Thompson of Dallas visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Sunday.

Miss Lou Ann Collina, student of SMU, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Collins. Visitors in the home of Mrs. J.

W. Hopkins Tuesday were Mrs. James Hopkins and son, Freddy, Mira: Vernon Redmon and children, Mrs. C. Jones, all hachie.

Todd Maggard and sons of Teaguc visited their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Ada Maggard, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. H.

C. Lynch had as their guests Sunday night his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, of Centerville. Miss Betty McCann was a Houston visitor over the weekend.

The young people of the Baptist BTU and their guests enjoyed a "hay ride and wiener roast" Friday night. Cynthia and Bruce Brown of Corsicana spent Saturday night and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown. Sunday with their grandparents, Mrs.

John Russell was honored with a "surprise birthday luncheon" at her home Sunday. Those helping to share occasion- were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell and Ed Collins of Emhouse, Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Brown and children of Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Artis Drain and children of Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Grey and children of Roane, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Russell and song of Corsicana, Mrs. James Ragsdale and sons of San Antonio, Mr. Mrs.

J. D. Russell of Houston, Mrs. LaBess Spruill was hostess for the WSCS which met at the church Monday afternoon. Mrs.

Thad Beard served as program leader. Mrs. Ethelyn Helms and song are on the sick list this week, Several people from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Gene McAdams' father at Dresden Saturday afternoon. Mrs.

Jack Carney of Dallas spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McCrory.

Dresden DRESDEN, March 20 -(Spl)Regular services were held Sunday at Dresden Methodist church. The pastor, Rev. Roy Davis preached at both the morning and evening worship hours. The morning service begins at 9:45, and 5:45 is the time set for the evening service. A Bible study is being conducted each Tuesday at 7 Rev.

Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Call and son, John of Dallas spent last weekend here in their farm home. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy (Ed) hill of Hearne visited Mr. and Mrs. BerryKelton Berryhill and family on Sunday. Recent visitors In the Heath Blake home were, Mrs.

R. K. Blake of Houston, Miss Florence Ruth Blake and George Griffin of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Arnold and Barbara off Fort Mr.

and Mrs. D. Sparkman Worth, and son, William Blake of Coralcana, Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Slater of and Dawson children, Curtis and Margrett and Jerry Eykes of Rileigh, and Mrs. W. A. Haden and Jill of Dresden.

Miss Joy Furra and another spent Tuesday, afternoon of last Mrs. week, Bell Hall And Jessie Lee Young near Silver City. Mrs. Maxeno House and children, Mrs. Vera Shumake rnd Mary of Three Rivers were ent visitors in the Robert home.

Grounds Mr. and Mrs. Elton McClure and Sandy of Blooming ere Don supper guests of Mr. und Mra. evening.

Cunningham last Sunday tor Tatum was a Mart visiMarshall Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morton Hubbard visited in Dresden last of woekend, and Mrs. A.

L. Morton accompanied for them home on Sunday visit. Mrs. Robert Grounds and children and the James Grounds spent Kenneth Sunday with Rev. and Mrs.

family Mr. Bass in Colleyville, field visited and Mra. George StubbleMiss Mre. T. T.

Furra and Joy on Monday. I CARD OF THANKS would like to express and appreciation to all my who thanks BO kind and generous were recent operation and during my hospital. Especially to stay the in doctors the and nurses at Memorial, 80 good, and tc were era, all who- sent flowagain cards, and gifts, And thanks for the prayers wishes. -MRS. J.

N. GOTCHER. good Wm. B. Mayfield, M.

D. Announces removal of his offices to Physicians and Surgeons Clinic 205 South 15th Street Home Phone 4-1316 Office Phone 4-8273 If no answer Phone 4-6354 HALL'S DRUG STORE 12th St. At 6th Ave. "SUCCESSOR TO SKILLERNS" (WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.) All Cosmetics Subject to Tax Federal, State PRICES GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $700 Cream Deodorant Perkins Dorothy $1.00 Woodbury $1.00 HAND LOTION SUAVE 650 Lady Esther 60c 5-DAY FACE POWDER DEODORANT $200 Cleansing Cream Tussy 25 WITCH HAZEL $1.00 SOFSKIN CREAM $1.75 PINCURL $1.00 SEAFORTH PERMANENT $750 LOTION $2.00 MAX FACTOR CREME PUFF75c MAX FACTOR LIPSTICK 450 BARBASAL 400 KOLYNOS Shave Cream 2 For Tooth Paste 2 for 300 DRENE 57c PRELL SHAMPOO 2 for SHAMPOO 2 for 79 Jergens Lotion CHAP-ANS Rhinall Drops 600 400 MURINE VICKS $789 Spray Net Helen Curtis $769 60c MASSENGILL POWDER ALKA SELTZER $1.50 900 BUFFERIN 100'8 $729 DOAN'S PILLS 790 65c IPANA29c IPANA 75c BAYER $1.50 ASPIRIN 100'8 AMPHOJEL $729 $1.25 SQUIBB 70c Mineral Oil Qt. HEPATICA Phillips Magnesia $1.25 CAROID $1.25 BILE SALTS NERVINE $3.00 $1.25 METAMUCIL $239 Absorbine Jr.

$700 Sucaryl Liquid Sweetner $1.00 490 HALEY'S M. 0. VASELINE CREOMULSION Campho Phenique Black Draught SEVEN Mrs. Kessinger Dies Thursday Mra. Mattie Kessinger, 80, widow of the late Charles T.

Kessinger. 604 East Ninth avenue, died Thursday morning at Memorial hospital. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Tuesday noon pending the arrival of relatives. A native of Comanche County, Texas, Mrs. Kessinger had resided in Corsicana 68 years.

Surviving are five Charles T. Kessinger, Long Beach, Eugene A. Kessinger, Brownfield; Stanley Kessinger, Walter Paul Kessinger, and John Kessinger, daughter, Martha Jo Kessinger, Corsicana; seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren; brother, Miles Bragg, and a sigter, Mrs. Maud McKinley, both of Phoenix, Ariz. and other relatives.

Corley will direct. Barry and Mrs. N. Livingston. of BARRY, March' an were Barry visitors Bryand Mrs.

James Ragsdale, Dougle Saturday the Davey of San Antonio, spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. D.

Russell Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hinkle of Fort Worth visited Mr.

and Mrs. Sunday. Raymon Worsham and family Mr. and Mrs. Burk were Dallas Mr.

visitors Monday, Barbara and Mrs. William Poteet, and Randy of San Angelo and Calvin Watson of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. George Watson over the weekend. Wednesday, Orr: of Kerens spent night with Mr.

and Luther and Junior. Mrs. Samuel Luther and sons of Corpus Christi spent the weekend in the home and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richard of Corsicana were Sunday visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Climmer of Kingsville, Willie Richard of Corsicana, Mrs. Carl Newton of Tyler, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Marion Watson over. the weekend. Mrs. Sam Young of State Home is. spending the week with home folks.

Mmes. R. L. Luther, P. W.

Varnell, attended the Training Union Workers meeting at Emhouse Monday night. Mrs. Clarence Travis and Ronnie of San Antonio visited Mr. and. Mrs.

M. S. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haws and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Ray Nicholson, Jimmy and Danny and Miss Josie Haws over the weekend. Mrs. Hodge of Pittsburg, Kansas, visited her father, W. M.

and Mr. Linda and and Mrs. other Leroy Watson tives. P. A.

Reed visited his brother of Corsicana last week. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Russell Sunday were Mr. and Mra. Elmer Russell of Emhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey sell and daughter, Mrs.

Dewey Rus: Guidry and daughter, Jeannine Houston, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Russell and daughter, Mrs.

James Ragsdale and sons, Dougie and Davey of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. Artis Drain of Powell, Mr. ters and of Mrs. Garland Grey and daughRoane, Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Brown of Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Russell and family of Corsicana and Mrs. Ed Collins of Emhouse. Rev. Claude Jacks of Fort Worth panied by his family and. brought the morning and evening services Sunday.

He' was dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. John Braly. Mr. and Mrs.

Dorsey 1 Lee Rutherford of Abllene visited her mother, Mrs. Jewel Scoggins over the weekend. Corbet ter CORBET, March 21-(Spl)-MasDavid Slone of Palestine and Garry Roman of Corsicana visited Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Slone. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bell visited Mr.

and Mrs. Loyd Kent of Kerens Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom, Jr.

and children of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Roman Sunday. Rev.

Gay Weaver is visiting in Midland and Odessa this week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prater are the proud parents of a son born March 16. Mrs. Gay Weaver and Miss Peggie Brown and Dian Prater visited Mr.

and Mrs. R. S. Bell Sunday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Bobbie Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Beeman and daughter Jeannie and Mfr. and Mrs.

Tom Robinson and children of Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Roman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Carol Smeltzer of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. Smeltzer Sunday. Tom Lake has been on the sick list. Mr.

and Mrs. Graham Roman visited Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Slone of Palestine over the weekend. Sun Wan: Ads Bring Results ICT.

Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.