The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

4. 4 1 1 3 3 3 1 Racing Aqueduct Entries cl. man vD. 1. Tie It Up 114 Pretiv Butterfly 114 abell 1m Rod Stacey 114 Irish Miss Flopiock Hitched 14 Sadie's idol 121 Twist Lost Around 114 'a Ollus -Welner entry o- by Choice c1, IYO, Gina I.

'Pennruss 116 Be Fast Directions Full O1 Speed 105 Sis 116 MAx Strawberry Rovt 112 ct, man AYO Swoon 4 1. Loughing Betsy 114 a Lagoon Little True 114 Freedom Now 116. Determined Loy 114 Delta's Nymph Cruise man. 104 mi, a Ploy Every Day 114 Coriolanus Odd L. 104 Indigestion Cloud Break 114 Woter Wheel a Camile Jot Mar Ste.

entry C1, 4YO up, 1, Protstunity 113 Brandy Sell Mode 109 Of Straw 107 Pinta 116 Honey Galore 112 Pia's Princess 116 c1, JYO, 4'A 1. Tutu Swift Sky 112 116 Time 109. Impie Emperor 116 Overdue Magic 116: M. S. Star 116 Biscov's baby 116: Matrim'nial Cos 116 alc.

384 YO, ml. Luck 115 Cut Brumidi Prince Patermiy 107 Onlime A 114 Ride The Curl 106 Duke Of Whitmn 4.500, ct, 4YO 109 up. 1 ml. Red Fog Little Katie Sweet Balcony 111 Native Art keep Up She A Witch 107 ct, 4YO up. ml.

Socred Woodind 116 Lord Luvus Solo Rider 116 Chubasco Robin 104 Great Gran'son 116; Little Mahoney 112 AX 7, 10 tbs cac. Aqueduct Selektions Wednesday Rose 11-Pretty Butterfly, Tie 11 UD. AD 1-Gina Be Fast, Full Of Spred. Sandio 1-Limie True, Laughing Betsy, Delta's Nymph 4-Cloud Break, Scandalous. Water Wheel $-Honey Galore, Princess, Chips Of Straw Twice Prince.

Baby, M.S. Star, Switt Sky Brumidi 8-Native Red ad Luvus. Chubasco, Lovely Best Bet-Native Art Bowie ct, mon 3YO, 41. Derby Rebel 120 Exclusive Hello 170. Reason Why 170 Need To Tell 120 Winning Nashua 170 Valley Boss 120 Solom'nsiste Rommy xx Tous Vas Try All Hands cl, 4 f.

Su Ka Wosue 113 Double Action Miss Poimer Pursue Hoppinss Tea Dancer 113 We Might Win Azucor 119 Miss Mormon Lady 119 Win Snow Tourist Trip 113 Brave Squaw Peerless Pride 113 Chocolate Shake xxx Twiggy T. 103 Tinkling Brook Brewster Belle 113 Time For Advir mon 3YO, 1 1-16 ml. ran Rose First Double 120 King Of Action Astronaut Sundort King Hot Tot Tal 110 Spanish Grandee That's Him 120 Cool Rothcool Count 120 170 Jor Silent Billy Jet Restless Move 113 Side B1 120 Troop C. 120 cL, JYO, t. Kitchen Gossip 114 Nasca Nostrille Chmp 114 Rinevville Mickie Insidious La Forst 114 117 Snowstide c1, 4YO up, 6 1.

Neder boy 115 Strutting Sandal Becky's Birthdy Parish Judge Charge Right 112 Better Than Hot Davids Twist 115 Admiral Corey Parthian King Springs Rood Some 115 a Borbory Coast Kavrong 112 a- Newspaper boy 115 entry ch 4YO VP, Set Telling 114 High Rood Fishing Socks 112 Bold Brick 119. No Loud Mystery Stence 112 112 Better Bee Hip Ha ct, 3YO, 6 1. Grey Corner 111 Icy Line 110 Archie J. 114 Romod Sam 114 Star kadder 114 Lance Commndr Ky. Hermit 112 Big Purchase alc, 3YO, 1 1-16 ml.

Brittiant Ron 115 a- Nepper hom 3 Geten 112 Bart Long Expropriate 120 Reason To See b- Ballel Master 120 Pomme To o-Hyde- The Little Sta. entry b- Kaplowitz-Polmer catry 4.500. cl. 3YO, 1 mi. Grey Ye Ye Almost Heaven 112 Perspicacity 117 Ballytamesdutt Fracture Texas Cowboy David's Lord 117 1-5.

xxx-10 lbs doc. Bowie Selections Wednesday 1-Exclusive Hello, Votley Boss, DISI 2-Double Action, Su Ka Wa Sue, Azucar 3-Rathcool, Spanish Gronder. Joe Billy 4-Insidious. Nashville Chomp, 5-Porthian King. Some Kinda Becky's Birthday, 6-Bold Flashing Socks.

Get 7-Starkadder, Ky. Hermit. Romad Sam. -Ballet Master, Pomme, Expropriate 9-Perspicacity. David Lord, Texos Cowboy Best Bet- Bollet Moster Gulfstream Entries 1s! cl, 4YO up.

11-16ml. Free Issue 116 Goodpus A Your Lordship Roman Betty blessed Dream Unto Henven Quick Reprisal Devil water I Spotty Moon Patrol Coventry 11 Crochito Bunny's Pelle Talk Smart Flushing ct, 4 YO 11-16ml. gia Grey Princess Alice Lading Wish Ground MISI Galir miss Robs 6 Bees Dispute Amber Point Scent O1 Heather Sodoir Lost End Head echiilde Roger's Run Dollinck FluteringFunny ight Embrace Cory dr man 3YO. 1 1-16 ml, Arms 120 Trepicremo mar Lease Metro Star Native Trapper LIt Mite Down Poker 0 Among Capitol Knave ERRR bolo's Daughter Mini Voyope Queen Otbadd Moonrush top Wotch 170 Moti Billy ComeLativ 120 a Swallow Then -Hickory Tree farm Simpson Deon entry 4th- ct, SYO, Sterling Mint Lucky Smart Stole Boy Genius work Upset Ronderoid Wur Pose Pelican Pete Brilliant Mist Casa Saco Nose Shy Wave Apple foster Joker 116 Lady Of Winloc Georgetown Hod 116 Jessen-Fella entry alc, 3YO, 4 1. Stolen Date Handsome Lassi Lady 111 Dolls And Dr mi introspect 116 Devil 119 Fonny Fartie 117 ct, 3YO, 6 1.

Wise Solomon 112 Repayment 116 beating Drum 116 112 Ja King Jr 116 Quill's Boy 116 Young Engle 116 Ruler Conservative Rencoed 114. Of Gambit Willard 1161. SITING Or Spare 116 alc. 4YO 1 Hol To Yale 111 Brass Cannon brincodor Goy Gaucho Vive La France 116 Ages Ago Notive Rings Ribot Princess The Dance Maid Juac Hollow Gun Hill 113 'Ashimoh alc. 4YO 1 Cowabunga 112 wilderness Stay Out Front Fat Giohol Hi rim Adorable 112 Zibo Blue a Summit Jov 117 ent.

1. Hutcheson Stokes) Forego 116 Leo's Pisces 110 Greene 172 Reuprend Rose 110 Chargers Colt 114 Jester 119 ct, 4YO up, 1 1-16ml. (turf) Turn 116 Curvel 116 Lucky Nino Music 112 Sir Omni 112 Panicum Repens 114 King's Captain 116 Cost Shadow 116 Curl Taylor 112 La Cimas Court 112 112 Crimson Sober Shining Sword Sarto Lite 105 Idealic 116 BricK Duke of Winice 116 Spots 112 Dr Browner 107 101 doc. Outstream Port Selections Wednesday 1-Bunny's Relic, Coventry Cost End. Princess Alice, Ground Mist J- -Trooper.

War Arms, Stop Watch 4-Cut Nose, Lady of Winloc. Lucky Smart Introspect, Arty Lady, Album Beating Drum. Ja King Jr. Quill's Boy -Yive La France, Grebe, At The Dance Summit Zibo Blue. Im Adorable -Shecky Greene, Forego, Company Jes King's Captain, Crimson Sober, Cyril Best Bet-Shecky Greene Oaklawn Entries lat min Sauy Jen 117 Hempens Pot Forry Pocket Virtually Single Penny Jo Office Party Random Shoppr 117 Ind 4.000.

ct, 3YO, Pretty Feathers 105 Joyous Judge 115 a Edmundo's Prid 115 Stret Hurry Messenor Buby Jet Princss 110 3r cl. JYO, King 114 Colonel Greek 114 Gold Stat 114 Moe 106 Sum Pose 109 120 All Ron 111 Arkansas Queen 109 cL. JYO In The Nit 115 Home Hunter 115 Hell 'n Stretch 115 110 Tuck 115 Dine Donna 110 Playboy Hsbnd 110 Wooden Morine 110 min Dragon 113 Rorix 118 Ronkeith 113 Siade Kirg Mr Horde Commander Liz 13 Port Of Tulsa 113 7,500. cl, 4YO a Rodur Control 101 Isthmio 114 Price 115 Smarter Now 108 G's Count Free Captain 113 Dork Star King 'Chitord 113 7th- 4.500, alc IYO Hit Again 113 Cedar 123 Syndicate 113 Old Thunder 173 Double PoppyJy 123 Mighty Mockie 123 am ct, 4YO (akin Trocks 113 111 a Sky Village 116 Gray Picosure 114 Cornado Browse Jr 113 Lightning 114 PROCESS ENGINEERS PROJECT ENGINEERS PROJECT MANAGERS MECHANICAL" ENGINEERS INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS Experienced In: REFINING-SNG-NATURAL GAS Also: An engineer experienced in the design and operation of NATURAL GAS EXPANDERS. 1N1 Build a satisfying career with "She of the most respected and largest engineering firms in the U.S.A.

If you have ability and experience, we have immediate and permanent openings with good salaries, complete fringe benefits, and outstanding living conditions in Colorado. 1 CLEVELAND INTERVIEWS Confidential interviews will be held in Cleveland on Saturday, March 10 and Sunday, March 11. Telephone contact will also be open on Friday, March 9. Please contoct Mr. H.

L. Hays on any of these three days between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. for on interview or for any additionat; information. TELEPHONE: 267-1507 unini.

If you are unable to arrange a Cleveland interview, pleuse send your resume to Personnel Manager. 10 191 Engineers ler Industry INCORPORATED 1085 Stearns-Roger, 191 P. 0. BOX 5888 DENVER, COLO. 80217 An Equal Opportunity Emplover onit THE PLAIN DEALER, WEDNESDAY.

MARCH 7. 1973 5-D Racing Form WATERFORD I GULFSTREAM Goopus Betatron 22 10 Plenty Luck 6 Bliss'd Dream Gypsy Den 70 Last Amor End 16. Po'nt 10 Jovial Girl 4 boDs 4 Ores 5 12 Trapper 19 3 On 1 Mini Tropicrema Vovoge Bay B'y 21 4 Butt Loit Fr'nk Apple Spiritus I Easter Illinois Jet a Album 16 5 Sore worming Thumb Up 1 Chic Introspect Lea 1 0 De Naughty Swidish Ruler 17 Kintua Colonel Luca Seal no Dr 'm Three Mart 11 Gay Gaucho 22 Tank 1 10 M'mbo Rn'thm 6 Fr'nce 10 01. Adoms 13. Summit Joy 19 1 Blue 14 Hey Turner Adorable Sum Run 11 Shacky Or'ne 29 9 Cr Ch 10 re 3 For Rev's too nd 10 Rose 3 Able 17 10 Jims Snosis I Entry 7 Pan 'cum Brick Rep'ns 1 Boson 113 d- Spud 116 Levitch Entry c1, 4YO vo bluemedul Price I Right Mr.

Brick Jr. Sim Jr 115 Bobs Chollenge Jolly Topper Jr Five Sharps 110 Flirting Reason S. lbs doc Oaklown Pork Selections Wednesday -Spicy Jo, Fairy Pocket, Virtually 2 Perfect Cross, Transportation Jet, Hur. ty Messenger 3-All Ron, Little Bounce, Eulo Moe In The Nite, Dixie Donna, Hum. burger Pattie King.

Mr. Horde 6-Monty's Pride, Smarter Now, Dart Star King 7-King of Yams. Old Thunder, Red Co dar Sty Village. Gray Pleasure Five Jally Topper, Dim Jr best Bet- -Cornede Santa Anita Entries 1st ct, 4YO vo. Miss 109 Domini's 114 Ortondad 114 Amazing Miroci Zealous Lady 114 Game Policy 114 Silver Empress 114 Totty Cot A GoodGri Meidy 109 100 Too Snoppy Torch Lossle 114 Annkowi 114 Old Mille 114 Kings Ber seem 114 c1, 1 ml.

Bernwood Quest 114 Fleet Duc 114 Lev 114 Bella Mohol 100 The Whip a Erna Isle 107 Hey Joey Muzzy Fancy 112 Jus Boy Cotton Flag 109 Teoticket Hard Hearted 114 I'm Serious Convalescent 110 Lasting Honor 120 entry mans, 1YO. 1 Prince Notna 118 Oriental Ficet 118 Flash 113 Crestwood Park 118 Calgary Kid 116 -Gringo Gulch 113 Sandy Ego 118 Rea's Baby African Gold Bettors Folly 118 Seeds Winds of Across Life 118 Pom's Island kobomChri 113 Shy Policy 110 Darknscory mans, 3YO, 4 6 1. Staunch ond Tidings Tru 115 Celarv Gentano 115 Adobe Dotlar Nevada Lark Arlene's Love 115 Fading Imoge Princess Mary Wrangling Lady Aegean's Girt Roval Milsy Just Lisa 115 Thereso D. Champagne Lrk 119 Manor 115 Sth- hdcp, 4YO vp. miles (turn) Importial 111 Itso Gamelin Cinch 118 Benissimo True Pol 111 b.

Port Vendres 100 Ho Dash 116 Mighty Gun Free Fault '120 Drink To Me 110 Molestic View 114 b- Tequila Lork 114 Cosorove 115 o-Cleavase 115 entry b- entry alc. 3YO, 6 1. Winter Kiss 118 Ruby Saton Flo's Pleasure 114 Sandy Blue Merry Madelein 114 HOppy To Go Kino's Edge 109 Your Friend' Top 118 oic, 4YO up. 1. NO- Lost Ysirdys 109 Square Generotn 118 Sanct: 118 Kin 114 Up Judith 109 Exciting Devore 114 10-C Mary's Moment 114 Wingo Belle 116 Bride entry alc.

4 YO UD. 1 1.16 mi. Follow The Wad 118 Hror 109 Comowcol 114 Sitka 118 Hor bor Point 120 Chain and Mace 116 ct, 4YO VD, 1 mi. Judys 114 Candi's Prince 114 Help 114 Whispering Jack Obligate 114 Fond Regurds 11 Fiddler's Boy Boy 112 a- Chargers Prid 114 0-Jones entry Ibs doc Santa Anita Selections Wednesday Zealous Lady, Game Policy 1132-Lev, Bernwood Quest, Cotton Flag Across. Shy Policy, Calgary Kid 11314-Champagne Lark.

Arlene's Love, JoyTidings Benissimo, Port Vendres 1234-Winter Kiss, Sandy Blue, Button Top Generation, Wingo Belle, Jud4th Harbor Paint, Comoweal, Fortunate Harbor Prince, Whispering Jack, Judys Goiden Jet Best Bet- -Harbor Point Waterford Entries. cI, man Who Dot 120 Steve Bee 120 Romon Rag 115 Jazel Joe 120 Sheik 3 Girl 115 ct, 4YO Dark Taddy 115 Bor 114 Frosty Day 105 Miss Worry B. 115 119-Stor Vest 112 ci, 4YO Suriodero 119 Jonssen 119 Quitaque 114 Zen Cre 114 ct, 4YO Dashing Dorie 109 Lop Eared Lout 117 Bono Red 117 Bully For Frank 117 Baird entry cl, 4YO Clem Jen 115 ranks Owl 114 Illinois Jet 114 Sore Thumb 117 Warming Up 120 a Roder entry ct, 4YO Bundu Miss Horvest 115 Sunny 115 Paddy's Mink 114 Curtubrau 117 cl, 4YO Tunk Tiger 114 Rhy Maker 117 Shrewd Prince 120 Shelonrd 109 Chilly Ray 114 alc. 4 YO Adams 116 Golf Game 118 Charging Indian 118 Jet Putt 121 ct, 4YO Midwestern 116 Torick 121 Strange Deal 115 Von Man 121 cl, 485 Tachus 120 Aiox The Great 117 Mimicry 112 Ricka Don 117 Acky 102 4YO, Plenty Luck 120 Misti Bopper Me Honey Louben Todo vO, 5 GypsY Wichita Ben King 179 Calodorus Jovial Girl Mrs. C.V.

115 UD, I. -Mr Likego 114 Do Tick On 116 Hot John 119 Holipop 114 vo, 5 1. xZoit Me Lighting 112 Cosmic Vee 112 0-Court Jury 114 VD, Rosemarys Orm Burgoyne 113 o- Lina B. 115 Abertovie 12C UD, Melody 112 Jubilant Miss Colonel Luck 114 Noughty 115 VD, Mambo Rhythm 114 Three Mark 12C Polly Grip Moneak UP, 1. Hey Turner Evendore Brosh Ruler 113 Classy Gypsey 11C UD, f.

Royal Deluxe 121 Sum Crofty Charger 121 YO, 4 1. xx Belles Able 113 Queen Of Eagles Snosis Jims Entry Harwood Champ 117 lbs aoc. Aqueduct Results; cl, man 3YO 4 Dunces Flight (Ruone) 8.20 4.80 3.400 Love Wrecker Maliano) 7.20 80 Oft Sorneday 1:30. Baby Time (Buker) 4.80 1:12 3-5. Garruss.

Storm Flog, Skipper Wence The Winds, Riotous, Rugby, Cholino also ran. Tourist 2nd- c1, man 3YO up, Trop (Usserv) 7.40 4.40 2.80 Night Tune (Annonio) 5,40 80 Instant Cosh (MCustoneda) OH 1:57. Time 1:13. Twenty Pov. Lawful, Eulogy, Serenade, Track Wackie, Restless moid ran, (Dally Double 7:9 paid $26.20) Scotch Rumor ct, man 3YO vp, 7 1.

Tropiquillo (RTurcotte) (RWoodhous 6.80 3.40 3.20 Snake In 2:25. The da) 2.20 Off Time 3-5. 0150 Mr. ran. Prozz, Shyrock Rood, Gun Point cl, 4YO up, Gossip Barre (R Turcolte) 40 7.00 $.20 Mistyiano (K Castaneda)' 12.00 7.80 Sense Of Renson (Amy) 4.40 On 2:51.

Time 1:11 3 5. Choice, Lady Westfal also ran. Anymist, Out In The Cold, Ellen's (Exacta 3 4 paid $102.40) Boot (Annonio) 4.00 3 20 2.20 ch, 3YO, 1 ml. Consensus. BOWIE AQUEDUCT 'I'm'ns Isle 13 ye Hilo 12 Treropist Azucor 13 Brave Squaw Peerl'ss Pr'de Side BIt HI TI Rose Double Chimp 11 Nossa 11 Insidious 10 O'rp'ry Nederboy rihion Coos! K'ng ON Sold Brick -I'shing Stark adder 24 Archie J.

1 Grey Corner Reos'n T' 11 Expropriate Neoperhom 6 I'm' sou 11 20 Perspicocily 10 Frocture Tre It Va 13 Twist Around 11 I Morning Glow 1 Sis J0 Reas'n 10 Gina De Fast I D'I'rmin'd Love 19 Little True 9 Freedom Now I Water Wheel 17 Indigestion Cloud Break Profitunity 1S Irish Brandy 1 Made Inter 8'bv 16 M'trim'ni'! Couse Tw'ce A Prince 24 Duke 1 Whitm'n Prince Luck Maco 17 Native Art Great Gr'a's'n Sacred woodl'nd the Mahoney 3 Arctic Chiet Maliano) 140 2.60 Desoto King Macie) 04 3:18. Time 1:40 2-5. Canadian Beau, Voracious also ran, Cl. 6 1. Poker Night (Woodnouse) 6.40 Tiki Decision Tie Minded (Arellano) 1.00 Off Time 1:10 4 Robins Favor, Lamp.

Suit Competition, Miss High Points, Sett Pocitic Young Lady also ran. 14 paid alc. 4YO VP, Vellum (Arellano) 10.80 a Unbeatable Foe 3.20 Instinctively OH 4:12. Time 1:12 2.5. Blue Fences.

Brythonic, Political Poy. off. Pat Intent also ran. a Harbor View Form entry Big the Ken (Maliano) Cl 4TO vo, 4 19.20 Navy No Luck Ahead (Annonia) On Time 1:114 Lightly, Three Onions, Holmes Smarty, Counterblow, Big Puzzle. Irish Ditty oiso ron.

(Exocto Paid $145.00) cl, 4 YO vO, ml. Saualus (Areliano) 10.60 4.00 2.60 Premio il 3.20 2.20 Fun Town (Santiago) 2.40 OH 5:06. Time 1:53 Schnappy, April Fella, Grand Bonanza, Sound Thinking also ron. (Attendance 18.124. Handle Bowie cl, man 1YO, Out On A Limb (York) 10.00 Vittiers Lad (Kurtz) Vimy Run (McCarron) 12.40 041 1:00, Time 1:20.

Ribarno, Night Of Dreams, Meal Ticket Red Sky Tonight, Simply Touch. Ed, Longouillo, Wise Traveler, Stor. dor also ran. C1, 4YO UD, Its A Dream (Minervine) 10.80 4.60 4.00 Williom De Great (McCarron) Triple Pride (Rosado) 011 1:26. Time 1:13 3.5.

Bonev, Your Flip, Untold Story, Quillo Count Porter, Trilioro Court, Squire Haggerty olso ron. (Doily Double 2-3 pald $54.20) min Popertlower Thornton) 29.20 15.20 10.00 Pertect (Riero) 0.20 6.60 Seadritt (Wolsh) 3.00 Off 1:50. Time 1:14. Airline Travel. Until A King, Vertical Streak, Lucky Be Somewhere, Regal Bird.

Macobu. Irish Mist, Wishing Al also ran. Exacta 1-S paid ct, 3YO, 6 1. a With Pluck York) 15.20 6.40 3.60 Billie Gen (Barnes! 10.00 6.60 Light Off 2 25. Holder (Grove) 4.00 Time 1:14.

Ski Girl, No Deal David, Cavan Coup also ran. Kees entry ct, man 1 1. Donny Again (8M Feliciano), 80 5.40 4 20 Monchester Loss (Platts) 6.20 4.00 Aldito's Knight (McCarron) 6.60 2:56. Time 1:27 3.5.1 Bosuns Dancer, Song Of The Lork. Seon's Brother Jim, Comrario, Emmy Dancer, Pull No Punches.

Balla's Alibi, Prudish, Chosen Weapon also ran. (Exocto paid alc. 41 1 Hush Puppie (C Jimenez) 15.00 5.00 3.20 Prez's Son (Cusimano) 2.80 2.40 Corner's Point (Bracciale) 2.80 On 3:24. Time 1:45 Pen And Sword, 1 Hoosier, Grand Mr. Voonie also ran.

cl, 4YO 1 River Idol (Brocciale) 13.60 7.00 4.20 T. Fred (Davidson) 4.40 3.20 Templar (Gomez) 3.20 On 3.55. Time 1:45 1-5. Gunner's Mate, Joy Smore, Dasha Bit. ters.

Dismas, Longwood's Dare, Chrissy C. also ron. (Exocto paid alc. 4 YO VD, Noble Splash 2.80 2.60 2.40 Crooked Answer (Jimenez) 5.60 Brave Papoose (Shuk) 4.20 Off 4 23. Time 1:25 2-5.

vostrive, Euonymus, Lady Galaxy. Brook's Best olso ran. 4,000 cL. 4TO Up 1 1-16 ml. Vavo (Schenck) 18.60 5.60 3.8€ Tanaka (Bracciale) 3.40 Nestle Up (Agnello) 3.20 Off 4.53.

Time 1:49 2-5 Loaded. Sly Scarlet, Rainy Day women also Exocta ror. paid $42.20 Attendance 7.797. Hondle 5914.199 Fair Grounds Results 1st c1, man 384YO, 1 1-16 ml. I John The Hiker (Bacon) 6.30 5.20 5.80 Simple Sidney Toutin) 13.20 10.40 Fern Gully (Wong) 12.80 Oft 1:169.

Time 1:49 Audie's Hope. Chasty, Fashion Pitt, Hi Robol, Vickis Light, Our Blue Helen, Jab My Bubble, Filly Gumbo also ran. Ci, 4 YO, 4 1. Ample Sis (Copling) 16.00 7.00 5.60 Honnah Burgoo Blanc) 8.40 6.8C Ramblin Lit (Catalano) SC 011 Time 1:14 3.5. Royal Lula, Bull Green, Sharp Mildred, Coushatta Street, Dolce Lo Belle, Jet Delivery, Suvoro, Christmos Lite, All Heort also ran, (Daily Double S-11 Poid $174.00) 3rd c1, 4YO up, 40yds.

b- Two ion Banker (Breen 8.00 4.40 2.80 Allens Venture (Borel) 7.00 4.20 No Ability (Meade) 3.20 Off 2:06. Time 1:43. Reds Story. King Jett, b- Double Major, Rocky Top. Humble also ron.

b-Sider Entry 4YO up, Suntare 68.00 18.40 7.40 Valiant Call (Menord) 4.80 2.80 Bold Turk (Tauzin) 3.40 On 2:3312 Time 1:14. Cinder I. Snug Sultan, Gogo Date, Ice' Maker, Cate Con Leche, Dancelette, Duty, Rond Gap giso ran. (Exacta j-1 Paid $169.80) Furyman (Sibille) cl. 384 YO, 4 19.20 7.00 4.4€ Rovolty Rights (Alleman) 4.00 De Line (Menard) On Time 1:13 2-5.

Dream To Order, Banker's Friend Here's Frosty, Isle of Quillo, Pocomania, Bozoor Forever also ran. cl, 4YO Up, 6 1. James Everett (Barrow) 19.60 7.60 Time Power (Menord) 5.40 3.20 Cool Conqueror (Breen) 4 00 OH 3:35. Time 1:12 4-5. Swingapere, Reconnaissance, Mister Tipy Toes, Gyro Gem also ran.

4,400 Cl. 4 YO Up Best Rock (Munster) 1.40 3.80 Kenal (LeBlanc) 11.60 6.00 Loose Jewel (Young) 6.20 Hy 011 3:51. Time Lady 1:07 C. 2-5 Story, Grant, King Snaky Lassie, Londing Man, Rice and also ran. Exocta 1-4 paid $125.20 hep, 4 1.

Mardi Gras Boy (Alleman) 9.80 4.80 3.40 Markadot (Gonzales) 5.20 3.00 Speedy Pro (Sibille) 2.80 Off 4:15. Time 1:13 Papa Stevens, Flaming Folly, Green Whnt They Say, Vain Encanto also ran. 3YO, 4 1. Guaranteed (Nichols) 4.00 2.80 2.60 M. (Munster) 3.20 Bernie G.

(Menard) 3.60 Off Time 1:12. Lee's Hope, Bushel O'Loot, Orphan Lucky November, Zep Flying Joe Boy also ran. cl, 4TO up, Imit Dudes Finale (Menord) 13.80 6.20 4.60 Sir Jester 4.60 3.60 Mechiet (Delahoussave) 4.00 Off 5:0719. Time 1:44 Output, Clink, Admiral's Command, man Pace, Gaelic Streak, Father's Folly, Foster Homestend also ran. (Exacta 4-5 paid $44.80) (Attendance 13.454.

Handle Florida Downs Res: cl, min 3YO 4 1. Izz A Chomp (Milord) 40 3.40 3.00 Swift Nina (SGomez) 3.80 3.00 Rob 3.49 1:10. Time 1:11 Below, Randy Pedro, Roval tore, Echo isie, Miss Quis Chrystal 'Burgoo, Tricky Juunita also ran, Jodi's Doy (J cl, (Mongonello) Vasquell 4YO 4 1.18 Beloved Goer (Pruden) ON Time 1:13 3-5. Chanwila, Bokav, Nahigh, Mystic Joy. Aler, Thomas Henry, Micrcoma also ron.

(Dally Double 1.0 Paid $17 00) (Perlecto 1-3 Paid o. Prince Or ct, Clubs mon (S 4YO. 1, 9.20 4.80 Conestoga Pass Credited (Olcott) 1.46. Off 2:11. Time Miss Rullon Valentine, Woy.

Reason, b- Social Fobric, Retired, Lady Vivian, b- Row To Hoe also ran. -Emtein Ron May Stable Entry. -Lorkin Perfecta Entry, 1-4 pold $14.00) man 31, Glory 7.00 $.40 Rugged Copa Superhick (Rincon) 10.20 18 Off 2:40. Time :34 Food Stomp, Lizabeth Rick Me on, Jockey. And Sassy 01 Measure, Flirt also Absitively, ron, Coll (Pertecta Paid $175.50) Poo And Poo 4YO (Dadswell un, 4 1.

Bankruptcy (Rincon) 12.00 13 Mr. Post (Mahoney) 5.60 013 10. Time 1:13 4 S. Western Prince, Miss Moon Shot, Byn's Quims. Som The Dear, Miss Yomoo, Im Where, Rovin Dove also ron.

10-1 Paid (Trifecta 10:19 Paid $1,303.00) c1, 3YO, Lucky Nikki Mohoney 4.80 3.60 Melancholia Jim (Vedilugo) 4.60 On Sandra's 3:36. Surprise Time (Manganello) Gertrude Jane, Mrs Peach's Pride, a Midas Touch, Fancy One Chance, Rept. titious Miss also ran, Peach- Jacuoke-Boyce Ent. (Perfecto Poid 137.20) 4YO uD, S' I. Me Got Go (Wirin) 4.40 4.20 Poc To Pet (Rincon) Elluran Gomes) 10.20 4:05.

Time 1.06 Victor Al Sea, Col. Frib, Date Tolk, Plus Mark. Tikio Tyler, April Pol. Rich Booire also ran (Perfecta 7.5 paid $35.40) 4YO up Sh Buy Hyingphere Swamp (Peres) (Rincon) Prince Filte (Scott) O11 4:31, Time 1:00 Light The Fuse, Bird. Mr.

O.K., All Bob Bob, Boos Woot also ron, Pertecto $-3 paid 2.400, alc, 3YO, 4 1. Hello Lover 3.40 2.60 Stay Morn For Tea (McDowell) 00 Tilt Nite (Rincon) 4.80 01 4:58. Time 1:13 2 5 Flynesion, What A Sweetie, Condeso De Sostopo, Six Courses, Proud Debbie also ron. (Perfecta 1-5 paid $10.60) ct, YO vD, Queeniand Goucher) 12.20 3.40 Beautiful Lawn (Rincon) 2 2 Sassy Love (J Vasquez! 7.20 Time 1.49, Touch, Blonde Helen, Sodi's Bomb, Waltzing Matilde. Admiral Jinks, Persian Sun olso ran.

(Perfecta 3-2 paid $20.00) (Trilecto paid 1243.00) (Amendance 4.322. Handle $230.214.1 Gulfstream Results ct, JYU, 1 1-16 Kindly Light Russello) 10.20 6.60 4.40 Champose (Battazar) 52.00 25.20 Mrs. Shenker (Loquercio) 7.80 OH Time 1-5. Lively Prince. Contro Mist, Blazing Soy, Isabel's Choice.

Stacey Girl, Chicken Salad, Sylvia's Prince. Royal ThanksglvMack "LATE SCRATCH -Dreyspring c1, 4YO UD, The Bull (St Leon) 21.30 9.30 5.40 Tubalore (Blum) 5.20 3.20 Good Tipper Solomone) Off 1:43. Time 1:10 2-5. Dunlee Doll, Ponderoso Dee. Delight, Roman Darling.

Beaconsen, Oh Dee. Decothagal, Impeachment. Foiled in. Flight also ran. (Daily Double 1-1 Paid $114 20) man 2YO, 34.

Princely Pleosure (Micell) 6.40 5.40 3.80 Honey's Satan (lanrelll) 10.60 5.40 Wink At Me (Imporato) 3.80 Off 2:11. Time :33 3-5. Hondy To have, Win Lad, 1-Our back, Tomboime, Frankie Adams, Court Day. Ohmvlove, Cote Noir, f-Losting Bov, Immoderate, 1-Mcculley also ran. 4,500.

cI. 4YO UD, Steppes 01 Asia (Blum) 10.40 6.00 5.00 Ellies Nashua (JO LeBlanc) 4.40 3.20 Herald Savare (Bruscino) 17.80 Off 2:40. Time 1:09 4-5. Giddiness. Jive, Rutt King Bergeruk.

Honor Mark. Silvermine a- Steppin Careful, Alex Kelly, a- The Duke 11, Party Mate also ran. Denson-Fraser entry (Perfecta pald $47.20) ct, JYO, 1. Dove Creek Lady (Fernicola) 97.40 39.60 16.00 Gansette (Astorga) 10.20 7.00 Wott Cry (AGonzalez) 9.40 Time 1:11. Boion.

Hy's Stream, Mile Charlotte, Hard Pocket, Harbour Lodv, Bright Mag. Ic. Kens Gal Chris, Carolyn Sue, Fond Reword also ran, alc, JYU, 1. Bel Waltz Sheba Si 11.40 6.00 4.20 Si (Rotz) 3 40 2.80 Margaret's Number (Perret) 3.80 044 Time 1:09 2-5. Miss Joanna, Vally Holme.

Desoto Belle, Eleven Pleasures. Irish Donnybrook, Swift Whisper also ran. alc, 3YO, 1 1-16ml. (turt) Buttalo Lark (Blum) 5.20 4.00 Tiny Hamlet (Perret) 26.60 Classic King (Hole) 7.60 Ott 4:02. Time 1:44.

0'Flynn, Down's Viscount, Little John, Volley Demon, Grant Jr. Invasion, Ruling, Borage also ran. (Perfecta 41 paid $210.00) alc. 4YO up 1 mi. (turf) kavollo (Cedeno) 17.00 9.00 6.40 I Fun Poloce (E Fires) 10.00 7.20 Mano Alto (Rotz) 8.20 Off 4:311.

Time 1:39 Recency, Soles Week, Desert Spear, Herald Angel, Most Skirt, Lin-D-Stor, Tellystar, Student Skipper, Matestic Ribo also ron. alc. 4 YO up 1 1-16 ml. Saxony Warrior (Wallis) 5.80 4.20 3.40 Wonder Bowl (Hole) 6.20 4.40 Ghoul (Brumtield) 4.80 Oft 4:591. Time 1:40 1-5 (track record) Townie Tyke.

Glazed Donut, Inside Tackle, Colabash, Exotico, Abdul AZIZ, Amber Prev also ron. cl, 4 YO up, 1 1-16 ml. (turl) Tabby Gray (Brumtield) 4.60 3.40 3.00 Sweet Manhatten (Perret) 11.20 7.40 Super Rocky (Blum) 7.20 Off $:27. Time 1:45 1-S. Rejucilo, Mylizz, Arsac.

Chester Square, a-Impressive Time, a-Old Stone Face. Copper Miner, Asher, Pongo Penn also ran. entry. (Perfecto 7-8 paid (Attendance 13.075. Handle $1,385,323.) Oaklawn Results Ruffled Red (RAJones) 5.20 3.20 mon 2YO, 7.8C Ark's Dancer (Lively) 3.60 3.00 5.60 Mr.

Hilo (Martinez) Off 1:31. Time :47 4-5. Ruby Echo, Silver Fiorin, Oldplace, Mornick Miss. Delicate Air, Ever Right. Go Tim Too aiso ran, JYO, Imit Name Anoiner Lillian's Your Imuge Cheiron Weapon (Engle) ((Howler 18 Off Time 1:4 Scot Pack.

Loss's Cookie, Blue Star, Maior Anne, Ken Ark. Power Jack, Go Roider Miss Jibber ots9 ran, (Dally Double 5 paid 134 401 Don I Fail ct, (Power) 4YO VP, 22 20 11.00 00. 7.40 Their Round Robin (Houghion) 37.20 Hortock) Off 2:30. Time Miss Adjustment, Lonoke County. der, Semira, Next Friend, Rough Away, Michael Patrick, Cherion Lark, Miss Smort Liex also ran.

ct, avO, (Spindler) 4 6 1, 3.60 Sunny Flying Cupid Freedom (Kunitoke) (Gargon) 4.80 18 Off Time Coin Pocket, Solar Owl, Muddier Min now also ran. Late Scratch- -Smoshing cl, JYO, 4 1. Fandangle (Sisum) 22.80 Greek Fortune Harque) 'Koren't Pride Snyder) Out 3:20. Time Flower Lond. Double Jov.

Vegas Hour, Roval Robbery, To Catch A row, Bold Streak, You're Worth, Karen's Martini, Don't Mate Me Mad also ran. Shore Leave mon. (Gargant 384 YO 4 King Boluom 011 Of 3:57. (Ring) Truston Time 1:12 (Arrovo! 2-5 18 Lotton's Prince, Lancers Beauty, Rusty Mahoney, Sam Ballard. End Of The TethSurequick Korokaso, Mr.

Jenks, Dr. Nash, ron. POs Sorciniamente Ent iC Spindler) 22.60 2 5.00 80 out otc. JYO up. Imic Prince Correl (Herrera) out 4 Time 1:43 2-5.

Red Ramoo, Brute Force also ran, alc, 3YO, 6 Porsy's Autumn Viri Olive (Howler) (RAjones) 3.40 Bosuns Strike (Gall) 4.00 O1 4.56. Time Madame Dominar, Brandy Creek, Salon's Fancy also ron. 1 cl, 4YO roves. Pure Gold Chomp (Lively). 10.00 Star Chorley Job Braeburn (Kunitake) (Richard) 1.00 On (unavaliable), Time 1:44.

Sic' Sailor, Navy Admiral, Mama Met. King Flame. Deacon Dawn also ran. Attendance 1,001. Handle $154.470.

Waterford Results 1st Ripdon (Romero) ct, 4YO VP, 1 3.00 Admiral Cross (Masters) Swear In (Coleman) 4.00 Off 2:01. Time 1:15. Bold Beau Brave, Pete Pete, Mirthful Maestro, King Howard. Peppy Peppy Ponder, Boldock also ran. cI, YO He Will Twist (Wontowicz) 14.80 5.60 Patch Rovol 1JJ Thompson) 3.00 Fresh Nasca (Cooper) $.20 01 2:21.

Time 1:08 1.5. Rugged Austin, Taragon, Naughty Dream, Savor, Jr. Derby, Speeding Tick. et also ron. (Daily Double paid 144.401 Golden Sylvia (Solars) 1.40 Off 3:02.

Time Foxy Swiss, Nancy To. Arrow Cop. Flopsy Gal, Rustys Surprise also ran. alc. 3YO, Sh Reese Cup (Applebee) 18.40 14.20 6.60 Oval Duc (Briggs) 4.80 3.00 Jimtown Road (J Thompson) 2.80 Off 3:23.

Time 1:07 45. Suntan Sure, Prince Tim, Ditto's Dolly. Matoo. Mini Joust also ran. ct, 1.

Rico Travelers Qulia joy (Sollars) 4.00 3.60 3.00 2.20 (Coleman) Orphan Dodge (Chorna) 2.60 Oft 3:42. Time 1:08. Cool Mission, Boucle, Saabin 08 also run. Scratched -Jean Clare (Big Perfecta 34 3-7 paid $1,134.201 Kritison Tuller1 6.40 ct. 4YO UD, 6.

No Proof (Sampie) 2.80 Rokigo (Grogan) 4.40 01 4:02. Time 1:13 3-5. Lets Go Bob. Restless Switch, Sue's Cabin, Prince also ran. (Pertecta paid $15.00) Double Scent (Masters) 3.40 Kicking High A 4.80 3.20 2.60 ct, 4YO up, 70yds.

Earthlymon (Preto) 6.40 Off 4:23. Time 1:39 2-5. Menontico Jet, Cosmic Fuel, Mogic Wine, Ben The Bird, Etcetera Etcetera also ron. (Perfecto $-6 paid $50.00) alc, 4 YO UP, 6 f. Liberion Prince (CDIoz) 21.20 6.60 4.00 Perkins King Romero) 3.40 2.20 Mr.

Coby (Pomposelle) 2.80 Oft 4:43. Time 1:14 3.5. Beau Biscovne, Glad Guy, Welcome To Mrs. Vagabond Boy also ran. cl.

4YO up Double In Gold (Grogan) 5.00 3.00 2.80 Flower's Memorial Nakama) 4.20 3.40 3 Strong Off Loughing $:08. Fiome Time 1:50. (Coleman) 3.00 Mojave Desert, Gilded Mango, Amber Dee. Pool Mun, Dizzy's Orphan, Spring Jut also ron. Trifecta 4-7-3 paid $76.20 Attendance 2.834.

Handie 3rd man 3YO, 1. Dodger's Lady (Applebee) 4.60 3.00 Copper Chet (Grogan) 2.80 Pester Me (Simonett!) 2.00 ON 2:01. Time 1:01 1-S. Theory. Lo Flip, Babe's Lib, Soss A Bull, Hickory Girl also ron.

Perfecta -2 poid $20.40) cl, man 4YO, 6 Have's Snodow (Sample) 7.80 4.20 3.60 Redeemed Love (J. Thompson) 3.60 Soccer Film Shown A film of the 1971 European Soccer Cup championship game between Ajax and Pananthaikos will be shown Thursday at 8 p.m. at Cleveland State University's Stillwell Hall. Cage Picks Tonight CLASS AAA At Lincoln West EAST TECH (17-2) vs. St.

lanatius (18-3), 7:30 p.m. At Admiral Kking ADMIRAL KING (17-3) vs. Elyria (17-3), 8 p.m. At Canton Mem. Auditorium CANTON LEHMAN (20-0) VS.

Canton McKinley (15-6), 8 p.m. Copley AKRON CENTRAL- (14-6) vs. Curahoga Falls (11-9), 7:30 p.m. At Struthers BOARDMAN (17-3) vs. Salem (7-13).

p.m. At Mentor EASTLAKE (13-5) vs. Wickliffe (14-5). 7:30 p.m. CLASS AA At Canton Mem.

Fieldhouse MANCHESTER (21-0) vs. Tuslaw (18-2). 7 p.m. AKRON ST. VINCENT (12-8) vs.

Hudson (15-5), 0:30 At Solem POLAND SEMINARY (19-1) vs. Mentor Lake Catholic (5-15), 8 p.m. At ELYRIA CATHOLIC (20-1) vs. Olmsted Falls (14-6), 8 p.m. Stop, Thief! JACQUELINE BISSET plays the woman who helps the thief help himself to her friends' jewelry in "The Thief Who Came to Dinner," which opens on several screens today.

Klien Piano Recital A Shows Mastery 4 f. Ellen Tobin 117 Cut The Line Reason To bPrd 117 Morning Tower 111 Cher Star Miss Turf Bull Fleeting Flossie Ida Ahead 4 1. Honey 105' Pertect Cross 118 Supers EpIC Cresty Pose Cynthia's Price 115 Ready To Win Renor 117 4 1. xa Little Malays Bounce Star 104 To Baldy Becky Goy Loddie Jim's Honor Joanie's Metody 106 6 1. Drath Volley 118: Hamburger Pant Jovous Jester One Eved Wall 115 El Chom*oco 115 Jonesboro 115 Swoonlw 103.

Smart Hock 115 344YO Furlant Sunrise Taw Boom Fella Do Be Smart By The Down 123fut I Can Dance King Har money Monkey Wrench 113 vo 6 Marvelous 113 Osage Blue Charringion Dry 113 Mighty Active 112 Native Commet 116, Prominent Richo Sucha Note Judge 13 UD I Loco Ribot 123 King of Yams Okte Melinda 106 Family Power 118 xAMister Cautin 116 up Ameridge 109 Uncle Zip 113'Ser Signal Midnite Hour 116 b- Niolo Mr. Tattersul 113 a MY Polsy 109. By Wilma Salisbury A distinguished European pianist made an outstanding Cleveland debut last night in Severance Chamber Music Hall. Walter Klien, presented in recital by the Cleveland Chamber Music Society, performed a demanding program consisting of music by Mozart. Brahms, Schumann.

Ravel and Stravinsky. Known throughout the world for his recordings of sonatas by Mozart and Brahms, the gifted Austrian artist did his most idiomatic playing in major works by these two composers. Mozart's Sonata in A minor (K310) received a definitive interpretation, sturdy in outline, yet refined in detail. Subtleties abounded. But no affectations were allowed to intrude upon the music.

Brahms' Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel. a monumental masterpiece, was projected with a strong sense of the composition's inevitability. Capturing the character of each variation, the performer wove the individual parts into a sweeping. magnificent whole. Throughout his repertoire, Klien played deep into the keys, drawing from the inadequately tuned piano a full.

round tone that sounded resonant and beautiful at every dynamic level. In general, each ringing note was clearly fitted into a flowing, vital line and each independent line was viewed as an integral part of a living musical organism. Stunning in its controlled excitement, the pianist's playing sounded completely spontaneous, while reflecting at the same time a penetrating knowledge of each composer's unique musical thought. In Schumann's Sonata in minor, Op. 22, Klien cantured the impteuosity and bravura of the Florestan movements as well as the expires March 30.

mUSIC: poetry and introspection of the Eusebius sections. For Ravel's "Ondine," the player changed gears abruptly and entered the shimmering sound world of French impressionism. Though accurately performed, the brief atmospheric showpiece failed to make its intended effect within the context of the mostly Germanic The evening ended a witty performance of Stravinsky's Circus a musical joke composed for a young which Klien played with an appropriately dry, percussive touch. Altogether, the program was a privilege to hear. The Viennese virtuoso convincingly demonstrated that he has the technique to play freely, the intellect to interpret knowingly and the imagination to comunicate interestingly.

Some in the attentive audience shouted "Bravo!" following each of several pieces. Czechs to Elect PRAGUE (P Election by the federal assembly of a new Czechoslovak prest dent has been set for March 22, the news agency CT6 said. The constitutional term of President Ludvir Svoboda, 77, who replaced Antonin Novotny in 19684 AMUsem*nT AMUsem*nT AMUsem*nT AMUsem*nT Fri. March 9th Sat. March 10th THE REDD FOX SHOW 8:30 P.M.

STARRING REDD FOX With Talya Ferro Harry "Sweets" Eddison A plus Special Guest Star SLAPPY WHITE ALLEN THEATRE E. 14th Euclid Tickets: $7 $6 $5 BOX OFFICE OPEN 12-6 DAILY.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.